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Example for Either & Neither:

a. Chelsea doesn’t like to sleep, and Erik doesn’t either.

b. Chelsea doesn’t lie to sleep, neither does Erik.

“Because of” formula : . . . because of + noun (phrase) / pronoun / verb-ing

Untuk memperjelas, mari kita lihat contoh kalimat dengan kata because of dibawah ini:

Because of + noun phrase

We were bored because of the speech. – Kami merasa bosan karena pidatonya.

John was worried because of the rain. – John merasa khawatir karena hujan.

“Because” formula : because + Subject + Verb / clause + main clause | main clause + because +
clause / subject + verb

We were bored because the speech is too long. – Kami merasa bosan karena pidatonya terlalu

I'm not happy because the film is not so good. – Saya tidak merasa senang karena film ini tidak
terlalu bagus.

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