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1st Paragraph The bigger picture and base of the course in real world.

Importance in The world.

2nd Paragraph, First few lines about facts and figures regarding that program. Then
Previous studies, and talk about previous university try to show the better side.

3rd Paragraph, Work experience (If not then internship) and its relation to applying
program subject and skill linkage between your experience and degree. Try to link
applied program with your career goals.

4th Paragraph is deep talk about Global goals(Economy or International issues) and
how your present knowledge (work experience and recent degree) with applied
program can help you achieve solution (be part of bigger picture solution) for
some specific bigger/global issue.

5th Link Previous degree program’s subjects or projects to applied degree program
like pre requisites.

6th Mention very straight answer to the questions why this program and why this

7th Show your future plans after graduating from that program. It will be better to
explain a step by step situation rather than jumping into final stage directly.

8th Tell how you are as a person, your soft skills, extracurricular activities, any
extra course and their effect on you and your professional life.

9th Paragraph end greet and regards.

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