Lesson 10 Manual Modelling of The Facial Skull's Bones Work With The Central Palatine Suture

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine

work with the central palatine suture

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Natural Harmonization of Face Proportions


Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's

bones: work with the central palatine suture
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We will always begin work with maxilla with relaxation of the central palatine suture, since it is in this area that the greatest focus of tension
is located, pulling our face inwards and downwards.

Cranial osteopathic self-correction can help with many problems from migraines and sinusitis to vision and neurology.
These techniques remove blocks from the central palatine suture, which means that they allow the bones to move and “breathe”, which
greatly affects aesthetics — improves tissue nutrition, removes lymph from the nose and eyes, relaxes the brow area, helps to
fix asymmetry, raises the cheekbone, the nose.
They also correct the position of the ethmoid bone, which is located under the projection of the nose in the depths of the skull, and greatly
affects the aesthetics of the eyes and nose, the interbrow area.

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

While working with the central palantine suture, we work with our premaxilla and maxilla, that helps to move our facial structure forwards
and upwards:

Execution technique

Let's talk about the visualization first 👇

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

You can do as I show in the video — pass the suture with squeezing movements (like very small massaging circle movements), standing in
one point for 3 breathing cycles. But also please mentioned the important warning about the line where you should stop, in the scheme
below this page 👇

In the position sitting down, resting your elbows on your knees or on a table, place the thumb of one hand behind your front teeth on the
central suture and stand at this point for 3 respiratory cycles. While inhale, we press the suture very slightly, pushing the bones apart.
While exhale we keeping pressing by the thumb — so the suture is unlocked, and your maxilla moves forward and upward.

Then we move to the next point further along the central palantine suture, doing 3 breathing cycles (inhale-exhale) on every point.
I perform this technique in such position so that you could see what I'm doing. But as I said before, I recommend you to perform this
technique sitting down with your elbows resting on your knees or with your elbows on a table.
So the muscles of the back of your head will be relaxed.

This pose will also help you feel the pressure you need as the weight of your head "falls" on your thumb (with your elbow resting on your
knees). This will be the required pressure force.

Feel as if you are plunging your thumb into the palate like in plasticine.
It's better if you will do that with your closed eyes to feel the movements.

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

And again the line of the direction you should move along (follow the red arrow):

❗️If you have wide face, big cheeks, lateral strain or a very narrow face, never go further
the line between your 3d teeth so that you could shape the right arch. In your case it's
better even to press 3 points. This will help to move your maxilla forward and upward.

In any cases never go further the line between 4th teeth!

Another way it can lead to the opposite effect for the maxilla.
So in any case try first 3 points not further the line between your 3d teeth and only
with the time look if it's good for you to go deeper.
Our goal is to move your maxilla till its ideal position, so please - it's better to press
more close points, not going too deep. It will help you to get better results.

The points for the pressure on the palate look like this:

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

In reality the lines look like this:

* Very important note!

Performing the first two basic techniques from the course, NEVER cross the line
marked by orange in the picture below! 👇 Another way it can lead to the opposite
effect, not harmonizing the proportions of the face due to the special structure of the
cranial bones. Please strictly adhere to this rule so that the bone structure of your face
moves in the direction of its ideal.

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

How to identify this line?

It is at the level of the edge of the sixth teeth. You can feel this line with your fingers
and never go beyond it (except the technique for raising cheekbones as there is quite
another biomechics of movements):

🧚‍♀️ Tip: After performing this technique you can visualize that your maxillae moves
forward and up, and take ideal spatial place in your skull structure, absolutely
symmetrical to each other (as we know, these are two paired bones). It's additional,
but still can help more to get more nice result:

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

🌺 After performing this technique, especially for the first time, you can feel a tickling,
bursting pleasant sensation going up in the depths of the bridge of the nose to the
Crista Galli point in the middle of the forehead:

Take your time, feel these sensations, imagine how your bones "breathe". Enjoy these
sensations. For the first time after performing this technique, I even recommend lying
down with your eyes closed and directing your attention to your sensations in your
face. Try to treat yourself and the bones of your face with care and love.

* I recommend that you move on to learning the techniques in the lesson 11 only after
you have really deeply and truly felt the movement and "breathing" of your bones in
this technique. I recommend that you rest one day before moving on to the program.
Give yourself time to become deeply aware of your feelings.

** And one more thing 🧚‍♀️

You can stay on one of the mentioned points on your central palantine suture longer if
you feel that. You can do more breathing cycles on one point.
If you are not sure - just follow the standard instructions. But with the time you will feel
what your facial structure wants, and you will follow your own sensations there. 
It's important feeling for all the following interoral face
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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture
It s important feeling for all the following interoral face
pulling techniques, and I wish to achieve such depths in your own sensitivity. Do
everything with the closed eyes, listen to yourself .


Perform this technique at least 2 times per day.

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Valerie A (/pl/107193091) •

Wed 19 Aug 2020 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=76846691#answer76846691) •

Answer created Wed 19 Aug 2020

Am I pressing too hard if my thumb hurts?

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Lilia (/pl/104444494)
Valerie, this may be the first time. Each of us has a different thumb strength. But our experience shows that after a while even girls with
very weak fingers get used to it. Just loosen up a little pressure for the first period of time if you feel discomfort there!
Wed 19 Aug 13:18  1 • Like • Subscribe

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Nicole (/pl/132980042) •
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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

Tue 11 May 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=104197283#answer104197283) •

Answer created Wed 13 Jan 2021

This is where I will spend the next couple weeks 11, 12, 13, 16 to expand my palate.
When I do this I feel that my palate is becoming more pliable!

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Jade (/pl/162268695) 
How is your palate expansion going?
Tue 11 May 02:27  1 • Like • Subscribe

Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Hi, Jade) did not quite understand the question) my palate?) I work the same way as you - for the result💪🤗
Tue 11 May 08:35 Like • Subscribe

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D C (/pl/149471497) •

Sat 09 Oct 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=123663142#answer123663142) •

Answer created Mon 29 Mar 2021


I have a few questions:

My palate:
-my highest point aligns with the 4th teeth from center. Marked with a BLUE X in the illustrations.
-there's a ridge that forms in the center of my palate (like in the illustration I attached). It starts from the 5th teeth towards the back and continues on
sloping downward before curving upward at the soft palate. Illustration 2 is a sideways view.

I was wondering, where is the proper place to put/press my thumb when doing the exercises? Is it in the highest part of my palate (marked with a
BLUE X) or near the farthest part of my palate (marked with a GREEN O)?

Is the ridge part normal or should I be working my bones and palette for it to eventually rise upward and become smoother? My palette is currently
narrow (measures 28 cm. in width)

Thank you very much in advance!


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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
just keep practicing! Every day the progress will be more noticeable. Pay attention to how you sleep. Try not to sleep with your face in
the pillow to avoid crushing him. Find a comfortable orthopedic pillow👌
Sat 09 Oct 11:10 Like • Subscribe

Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
just keep practicing! Every day the progress will be more noticeable. Pay attention to how you sleep. Try not to sleep with your face in
the pillow to avoid crushing him. Find a comfortable orthopedic pillow👌
Sat 09 Oct 11:10 Like • Subscribe

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Holly (/pl/158119460) •

Sun 04 Apr 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=125027368#answer125027368)


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Leah (/pl/162497514) •

Fri 23 Apr 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=129581548#answer129581548) •

Answer created Fri 23 Apr 2021

I can really feel the forehead and nose exercises. It feels so refreshing!

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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Leah, it's great!)
Fri 23 Apr 11:04  1 • Like • Subscribe

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May (/pl/172317523) • 

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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

Sun 06 Jun 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=139200516#answer139200516) •

Answer created Sat 05 Jun 2021

I REALLY like this massage along the palatine suture. It feels really very good to press with my thumb when I get to the end. There is a sweet spot
more or less under my nose that almost feels euphoric to put upward pressure on. Is this the point where we would gently push up for 2 mins, twice
a day? It feels nice. I hope this is right. thanks

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Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
May, we are very glad that your sensations are pleasant) only, please, do not go behind the transverse seam when machining. we will
not affect the soft palate)
Sun 06 June 08:19  1 • Like • Subscribe

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Phoebe V (/pl/153845883) •

Sun 17 Oct 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=139594330#answer139594330) •

Answer created Mon 07 Jun 2021

Hello. I'm struggling to understand what to do on this page. Do I follow both videos? I'm not sure if the one pressing on the nose is meant for us to
follow along. I'm also not sure how we press with the thumb inside the mouth.

Best wishes

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Anu (/pl/179023784) 
Ahh ok so the first video is not an exercise to perform ?
Sun 17 Oct 13:04 Like • Subscribe

Lilia (/pl/104444494)
No, Anu :)
Sun 17 Oct 15:02  1 • Like • Subscribe

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Bryan ortiz (/pl/152808000) •

Wed 16 Jun 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=141325731#answer141325731) •

Answer created Wed 16 Jun 2021

Hello, a question is the relaxation of the palate asked every time I do an exercise, for example I relax the palate and then expand it, then I relax the
palate again and lift cheekbones? or just relax the palate and once and expand and lift cheekbones

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Bryan ortiz (/pl/152808000) 
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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture
Bryan ortiz (/pl/152808000) 
and for how long should I relax the palate?
Wed 16 June 08:30  2 • Like • Subscribe

Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
1-2 minutes)
Wed 16 June 12:28  1 • Like • Subscribe

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AHMET FURKAN (/pl/188905100) •

Tue 07 Sep 2021 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=155242639#answer155242639) •

Answer created Fri 27 Aug 2021

hi I have a few questions

1-Are the movements in the first video an exercise?
2-Is this how I should start loosening the palatine suture? (I'm talking about the text in the ss)


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Yosef (/pl/133147697) 
Hi Svetlana, i have a doubt abtvthe line in the maxilla that we shouldn't across. Is this line in the end of hard palate when we touch with
the thumb. I mean when we go with thumb through the palate to the throat until we found the end of bone when a soft pat that linked
with her (hard palate). Cz after my 6th teeth i still have a hard palate space. I hope you understand what i mean
Mon 06 Sep 18:35  1 • Like • Subscribe

Svetlana (/pl/135097979)
Yosef, hi! Sure, I understand u) the hard palate ends in the region of 6-7 teeth, you can feel the transition to the soft palate with your
tongue - focus on it) the main thing is not to affect the soft palate🤗
Tue 07 Sep 09:12  1 • Like • Subscribe

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Mark Teves (/pl/189002810) •

Mon 11 Apr 15:53 (https://mewingworld.getcourse.ru/teach/control/lesson/view/id/161632473?showAnswer=159920098#answer159920098)
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8/13/22, 11:34 AM Lesson 10: Manual modelling of the facial skull's bones: work with the central palatine suture

• Answer created Thu 16 Sep 2021

Hey, the first video does not seem to play? Been letting it load for a long time. Still nothing

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Joy (/pl/242975177) 
Hi, I have TMJ problems, so it's possible but after a few days, it got better. Thanks for your reply. :)
Mon 11 Apr 13:00  1 • Like • Subscribe

Lilia (/pl/104444494)
You are welcome, Joy! ☀️
Mon 11 Apr 15:53 Like • Subscribe

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