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Devising Log Section 3 Analysis and Evaluation

• Section 3 – Analysis and Evaluation

Assessment objective: Analysis and Evaluation of your own work

Students are expected to analyse and evaluate the ways in which they individually
contributed to the devising process as a whole and to the final devised piece, exploring
their strengths and the learning opportunities taken from the experience.

Students should analyse and evaluate:

• How far you developed your theatrical skills (Analysis: How did your skills improve
during the process?) What were you weak at but successful at in the performance?

• The benefits you brought to the group and the way in which you positively shaped
the outcome (Analysis and evaluation here.)

• The overall impact you had as an individual. (An evaluation of their ‘contribution’ to
Improvements for the future.
Setting out your Coursework Document
Word Document – in Daisy Jones. Candidate Number:1234 Centre Number:51414
Assignments Section 3: Analysis and Evaluation
• Name
• Candidate number
• Centre number
• Section title: Section 3:
Analysis and Evalution
• Wordcount at the bottom of
the document
Word count: 800
Personal Success 1 –Performing your Character
Structure Moment 1 – Personal Acting Success One of my most successful scenes was the very
first scene where I played Eric laughing at the
• State the moment and what was successful victims he killed during the school shooting. In
• Link to dramatic aim or characterisation or stimulus this moment my dramatic aim was to establish
• Give acting skills practical examples of the success the sadistic characteristic of this mentally
• Evaluative statement unstable teenager and my audience intention
was to shock them by my lack of guilt but
immense joy. I felt I created this well when I:
laughed exaggeratedly with a loud volume, fast
speed, medium pitch, sinister tone and eyes
panning across the audience enjoying the
disturbance. I looked at the other characters
with my chin lowered, eyes glaring slightly
squinting and wide smile. I gestured pointing at
them with my left arm fully extended and one
Success References of my arms was against my stomach
as I struggled to contain my laughter. I was
Application of skills
proud of this scene as I was successfully able to
maintain this menacingly unnerving character
A particular emotion/mood/atmosphere which I had struggled to do convincingly during
Developing skills/character through rehearsal early rehearsals.
Meeting dramatic aims or audience intention
Personal Success 2 –Performing your Character
Structure Moment 2 – Personal Acting Success Another moment I felt was highly successful in
contributing my acting skills to my final piece was my
monologue where I played Eric expressing his anger
• State the moment and what was successful toward the educational system letting him down. I felt
• Link to dramatic aim or characterisation or stimulus I characterized this successfully when I said, 'it's society's
• Give acting skills practical examples of the success way of turning us all into robots and factory workers', I
used a loud volume, angry tone and medium pitch. For
• Evaluative statement my body language and gestures, I stood up straight with
my legs slightly apart, shoulders tensed with a straight,
confident posture. My arms were bent and in front of me
with my fingers apart and tensed communicating my rage
successfully. My space and levels were back straight
giving me a high level and with arms in front of me center
stage. My facial expressions were eyes wide open, brows
furrowed, and forehead tensed communicating my
irritation. I felt this allowed me to successfully create a
truthful characterization of Eric's anger which
significantly developed through my rehearsal process of
continuous performance to my peers and input of
Success References feedback. I successfully showed the audience how livid I
Characterisation was at the educational system which directly linked to our
Application of skills research when we found Eric's journal which detailed the
A particular emotion/mood/atmosphere hateful comments he made about education– which we
put directly into our piece.
Developing skills/character through rehearsal
Meeting dramatic aims or audience intention
Group Success –Performing your Character
Structure Moment – where were you successful as a A final scene that I believe was successful in applying my
acting skills was during the interview scene where I
played the character of a survivor -Eric's classmate -
talking about how Eric behaved when he was alive. I
• State the moment and what was successful wanted to show how much I hated Eric and how I
• Link to dramatic aim or style or technique believed that the bullying he encountered when he was
alive was well deserved. I achieved my dramatic aim
• Give acting skills practical examples of the success effectively as I showed an angry, burdened survivor. It was
• Evaluative statement necessary that my acting skills contrasted to those I
deployed in the role of Eric – if my multirole was to be
successful and clear for the audience. I communicated
this effectively When I said 'he was so weird and deserved
what he got' with a slow pace, medium pitch, quiet
volume and disgusted tone. For my body language I was
sitting on a chair with my back slouched, head up and
shoulders tensed. For my gestures my hands were
clasped, fingers tense and pressed together
communicating my rage. For my facial expression: eyes
were squinted, brows furrowed, and forehead
Success References tensed. By doing this a tense, uneasy atmosphere was
Technique built as I could see the audience respond in shock toward
Application of skills my bitter tone.
A particular emotion/mood/atmosphere
Developing skills/character through rehearsal
Meeting dramatic aims or audience intention
Overall, I believe I was highly successful in
developing my theatrical skills through the rehearsal
process to perform a convincing character to benefit
• Overall success of your performance my group’s performance. We successfully
• Overall success of the group meeting dramatic aims accomplished our aims in this piece of educating the
and intentions audience and showing the mental journey of a
school shooter and those impacted. We were
• Any feedback? successful in performing in the genre of
• Improvements for the future of your individual acting documentary theatre as our whole piece was
skills informed by Eric's journal ensuring our piece was
truthful. After performing the audience expressed
how 'real' our piece was and how 'shocked by the
truth' they were - confirming our success and
achievement of our group dramatic aims and
audience intentions. Moving forward, I feel we could
have developed the innovation of our piece by
researching further into docudrama performance
Success References techniques to improve the range of techniques we
applied to our structure. I need to also further
Characterisation develop my multirolling skills to ensure my skills are
Application of skills applied to differentiate clearly between all the
A particular emotion/mood/atmosphere characters I play physically and vocally as I felt this
Developing skills/character through rehearsal was a weakness in my final performance.
Meeting dramatic aims or audience intention

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