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Published: November, 2014

Ubuntu Installation &

Configuration -
ClasssEdge version 2.5
This Guide is a reference document for Tata ClassEdge Technical Delivery team,
to help in installing, configuration and trouble-shooting ClassEdge™ version 2.5
(Revision 5) onwards.

CLASSEDGE™ Confidential and restricted.

© 2014 Tata ClassEdge. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1. Installation & Configuration of Ubuntu Operating System ................................................................................... 2
1.1 Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Configuration of Ubuntu Operating System ................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Server Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Teacher & Classroom terminals Configuration ............................................................................................. 5
2. Tata ClassEdge SCHOOL SERVER: INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION ................................................................... 9
2.1 Tata ClassEdge School Server Installation ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 New Installation........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 School Server Re-Installation ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 SCHOOL SERVER: CONFIGURATION PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 School Server Configuration....................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Create Teacher Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.3 Adding Edge & Classroom Terminal licenses .............................................................................................. 21
2.3 Shut-Down ClassEdge server ...................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 School Server Backup................................................................................................................................. 24
3. CLASSEDGE CLIENT: INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION .................................................................................... 25
3.1 Client Installation....................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Client Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 26
4. TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Troubleshooting Installation & Configuration problems ............................................................................. 28
4.2 Troubleshooting ClassEdge™ by Edge Coordinator ..................................................................................... 30
Annexure I: ClassEdge Installation log ....................................................................................................................... 31
Annexure II: Reference Guide: EDGE Coordination .................................................................................................... 33
Annexure III: Forms ................................................................................................................................................... 37

Document History
Author &
Version Purpose Changes Reviewed & Date
Draft version for ClassEdge setup guide Arijit De, 2nd N.A. Sunil Shetty, Sachin
version 2.0 August, ‘12 Torne – 26/11/14

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This document contains information, text, graphics and trademarks that are proprietary and confidential ("Confidential
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1. Installation & Configuration of Ubuntu Operating System
1.1 Install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
a) Ubuntu Installation media – Ubuntu 12.04 LTS CD ROM
b) Recommended: Internet connectivity while setup for the OS to download latest drivers


c) 30 - 45 minutes for setting up and configuration

 In order to install Ubuntu, you will need to set your computer to boot from
 When you reboot your computer, press the BIOS setup key to enter your
BIOS menu. In the Boot section, select your CD/DVD drive as the primary
boot device.

Step 01: Set your

computer to boot
from the CD/DVD

Click the Install Ubuntu button to begin the installation.

Step 02: Start with

the Installation

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Recommended: You will need around 5 GB of free space on your computer
to install Ubuntu. Internet connectivity while installation is recommended
for all updated drivers.

If you replace your existing operating system with Ubuntu, you will lose all of your
files and programs. Make sure that you have everything backed up that you want to

Step 03: Choose your

installation type
Choose the keyboard layout.

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Set the correct time zone – New Delhi or Chennai or Mumbai or Kolkata. If you are
connected to the internet, this should happen automatically.

Step 04: Select your

user options.

Enter the name of the School, your computer’s name, and a username and password
that you will use to log in. You will need the password when making administrative
changes to the computer as well.

Your Name: School’s name

Your computer’s name:
Pick a username:
Choose a password:

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Step 05: Wait for the
installation to

1.2 Configuration of Ubuntu Operating System

1.2.1 Server Configuration

Set the root password by entering the following command on the Terminal.
$ Sudo password
Enter new UNIX password: {empty for the first time}
Retype new UNIX password:

1.2.2 Teacher & Classroom terminals Configuration

Set the root password by entering the following command on the Terminal.
$ Sudo password
Enter new UNIX password: {empty for the first time}
Retype new UNIX password:

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For setting the Teacher & the Classroom terminals, it necessary to create a Standard user on the system to
restrict the system privileges.

Click on the System Settings.

Navigate to
user setting

Step 01: Navigate to

User Accounts
settings Click on User Accounts.

Step 02: Add a Under User Accounts dialog box; Unlock and then add a user.
Standard User

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On clicking the + icon, the OS will Authenticate with the Administrator password.

Create a new account by selecting the Account Type as Standard, Enter the Full name
& Username.

Step 03: Create a

New Account

Set the password for the Teacher account as:

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Enable Automatic
Step 04: Set the Login by setting it
preference ON / OFF

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The following sections outline the steps of installation and configuration of ClassEdge™ school server.

2.1 Tata ClassEdge School Server Installation

2.1.1 New Installation

d) ClassEdge™ Installation media – Portable HDD with Ubuntu Tata ClassEdge Express Installer
e) Internet connectivity while running the Server Setup
f) School License key
g) School Server software requirements
 64 bit Ubuntu operating systems: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
 Hard disk specifications: 500 GB available space
 Minimum 250 GB of free space on drive where ClassEdge is to be installed.
 Minimum Server RAM: 4 GB
 Software pre-requisites: None


 90 - 120 minutes for setting up ClassEdge™
 30 - 40 minutes post system restart

Once 64 bit Ubuntu Operating System with all relevant OS service patches installed
on the school server, insert the ClassEdge™ installation media.
Step 01: Prepare for
the installation
Before proceeding with the installation ensure that the server is logged-in with
Administrative privileges.
Step 02: Ensure the The School Server setup requires Internet Connectivity and school license key to
Server is connected validate the Server setup.
over Internet
Open the Terminal and initiate the following command:
Navigate the folder & Initiate the installation using the Terminal:

32 bit:
cd /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/Tata\ ClassEdge\ -\ Server\ Express\ Setup/
Step 03: Start the
installation sudo sh Tata_ClassEdge_Server_i386.bin

64 bit:
cd /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/Tata\ ClassEdge\ -\ Server\ Express\ Setup/
sudo sh Tata_ClassEdge_Server_i386.bin

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ATTENTION: Internet Connectivity is required for performing this step
! and moving ahead with the installation.

On initialization, the setup prompts the administrator to locate the valid School
license key.

Click Open to
locate the School
license key from
Step 04: Locate the the file system
School License key

On locating the license key, the setup validates and proceeds with the rest of the
installation. (Step 05 onwards)

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In case the setup doesn’t finds the license key to be valid, the administrator will be
prompted a message and the steps is detailed out in Step 04a.
Incase the School license key selected is not a valid license key; the setup prompting
the administrator to select a valid school license key (lic file) to proceed.

Step 04a: Invalid

School License key

In case, the setup prompts this message despite selecting a valid license key; then
kindly request the TIS delivery manager to regenerate and subsequently try the new
license key.
Select the drive where ClassEdge needs to be installed and click Install.

Ideally, ClassEdge should not be installed on the drive where operating system is

Step 05: Select the

installation drive

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As a recommendation, install the product in user/home.
On successful installation of ClassEdge, click Done button to proceed.

Step 06: Finish with

the installation

On the installation completes, desktop will have 3 shortcuts and that includes
shortcut to start the server, stop the server & launch the application.

Step 08: Start

ClassEdge server

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2.1.2 School Server Re-Installation
Re-installation of School server will be only possible in the following circumstances:
a. ClassEdge School server is to be shifted from one computer to another computer/server.
b. In case, the ClassEdge school server crashed and the administrator has the backup of all ClassEdge™ data
files. In case, the administrator doesn’t have the backup files, then the install procedure will be a fresh
installation and only the user’s login information can be recovered.

a) ClassEdge™ Installation media – Portable HDD with Ubuntu Tata ClassEdge Express Installer
b) Internet connectivity while running the Server Setup
c) School License key
d) School Server software requirements
 64 bit Ubuntu operating systems: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
 Hard disk specifications: 500 GB available space
 Minimum 250 GB of free space on drive where ClassEdge is to be installed.
 Minimum Server RAM: 4 GB
 Software pre-requisites: None
e) Restored Data files


 Time taken to import the content will depend on the amount of content. But ideally it will take un-
attended time of 16 to 24 hours. (This time can be split in multiple days and importing will start from
the file it last left on.)

Once 64 bit Ubuntu Operating System is installed on the school server,
Step 01: Prepare the Server
insert the ClassEdge installation media.
Step 02: Installation of Follow the installation steps as described in section 2.1.1
Step 03: Configure School Follow the configuration steps described in section 2.2.1
Once the Server installation & configuration are completed, the
Administrators needs to confirm if some of the users are able to login.
Once confirmed, transfer the recovered ClassEdge content data files into
the newly installed ClassEdge server. From the restored location, transfer
Step 04: Restore Data files
the only the files (.zip files) within each of the folders - asset, dcp, tp, ucp,
tool, img, cal, ctp, cchp, casset, cgame, cquest, game & gametmpl and
placing them on to the following location on the server hard-disk.
The re-installation process can be terms complete when the administrator
Step 05: Check for completion
is not able to locate any zip files within the import folder.

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a) Internet connection on School Server
b) School License key
c) School logo (appropriately cropped to size of the logo. MS Paint can be used to crop the school logo. It’s not
need to resize the logo as the ClassEdge application shall resize and position the logo based application’s


 Basic configuration will take approximately 40-45 minutes
 Followed by User creation

2.2.1 School Server Configuration

After completing the installation on the school server; ClassEdge server will start
automatically as described in the installation procedure. During the first start-up, it is
advisable to wait for 15 minutes before starting the configuration steps.

To activate a school, perform the following steps:

I. Launch ClassEdge Client Application or a browser (preferably Firefox) and enter the
URL http://localhost:8080
II. On the Login
page enter the
Step 01: Username:
Activating siteadmin
School via Password :
School License siteadmin

III. Click on

IV. Subsequently
rollover Site
and Click on
Import License.

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V. Importing School
License key

Click on Browse… and locate the school license key. (Use the
same license key that was used during the installation phase)
Once selected and click on Import License.

ATTENTION: For School license activation

requires Internet connectivity.
VI. Activating School After successful importing the license key, the application will
acknowledge and will request the Administrator to Activate the
school. To activate the school click on Activate School.

During the process of activation, the system checks/downloads

some initial configuration parameters from the central server.
Considering this the synchronization process takes approximately
5 minutes. To check the completion of these activities, click on

ATTENTION: Synchronization process requires

Internet connectivity. Ensure that all the 5
tasks are completed before proceeding to the
next step. In case of any failure, navigate to
Site Administrator > Manage School. Rollover
the School Name and click on Start Sync to re-
initiate the process.

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Once this activity completes, the Refresh button changes its state
to Done. This mark the completion of the Activation process of
the school. Click on Done to proceed to the next stage of
Updating School Settings and User Creation.

I. Record the On clicking the Done button, the application redirects to a page
School where School/s are listed.
User name.

Alternatively, the school list can be viewed by rolling over Site

Administration and click on Manage Schools.

On rolling over the school name, click on the View link and
navigate to bottom of the form to locate School Administrator

Step 02:
School Settings

On this form, note the User Name of the School Administrator

login for the school instance.
II. Login as a Logout and login as a school administrator based on the above
School recorded user name and enter the default password - classedge
III. Navigate to Click on Administration link.
School Setting

From the Dashboard page on the Administration page, click on

School Settings.

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OR rollover Site Administration and click Manage Schools.

The page refreshes with the list the school/s. Roll over the school
and click on School settings.

IV. School Settings: School settings are categories into 5 sections:

School Grade a) School Grade Mapping: Mapping ClassEdge grades to School
Mapping grades/standard and following are the settings to be
Adding School specific grades or standards and

mapping them to ClassEdge grades. To add new

class click on Add New Class.

Assign the number of Division per grade. To change


the number of divisions, click on the division and

select from the drop-drown.

Sequence or order the school grade/standard in the


sequential order. Click on the Order number and

assign a new order. Ensure that the
sequence/order doesn’t clash.

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Click on the numbers to re-order
the school class sequence.

Save the update School Setting by clicking the Save or Save &
Continue button.
V. School Settings: b) School Subject Mapping: the school administrator can assign
School Subject subjects to a class where ClassEdge is not providing content.
Mapping On doing this, School Teacher can add Lessons, add Resources
to subjects where ClassEdge is not providing content.
To add a subject, start typing the subject title against the class
and the subject desired will appear as a hint. Click on the
subject to assign that subject to the class.
In case, the desired subject doesn’t appears, contact Tata
ClassEdge Delivery Administrator to have the subject added

Save the update School Setting by clicking the Save or Save &
Continue button.
VI. School Settings: c) Miscellaneous Settings; the school administrator can import
Miscellaneous the school logo so that the school logo appears on the
Settings ClassEdge application.
Click on Browse… button to locate the school logo. To import and
apply the logo click on Import School logo.

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Click Done to conclude the school settings activity.

2.2.2 Create Teacher Accounts

Login with the School administrator credential/login.

Click on Administration link.

Step 01: Navigate to

Create User form
Subsequently rollover Site Administration and Click on Manage Users.

On selecting the Manage Users link, the Administrator can view all the Active & Inactive
Step 02: Create User users. The Administrator has the ability to create user by:
Accounts a) Click on Create User button, to bring up the User creation form. User created
with Principal role will have the ability to generate record for the entire

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Carefully choose the
roles of the user created.
The roles would be -
Principal or a Teacher.

b) Alternatively, multiple users can be imported by clicking the Import Users

button. The popup will present the administrator the ability download an
Excel sheet template that allows importing multiple users in the system.

User list generate from ClassEdge version 1.x can be imported by converting
system generated userlist.csv and saving it as userlist.xls. This saved as excel
sheet can be imported into the system by selecting the file and clicking on
Upload Users.

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2.2.3 Adding Edge & Classroom Terminal licenses
ATTENTION: Adding Edge & Classroom terminal licenses is a mandatory process. In case, these
licenses/configuration are not added on the School server none of the Teacher & Classroom
terminals can view the Tata ClassEdge content/login page.

a) Tata ClassEdge 2 revision 2 or above installed on the School server

Login with the School administrator credential/login.

Click on Administration link.

On the dashboard screen view the School terminals section to view the number of
Classroom and Edge room terminal licenses provided and used by the school.

Step 01: Navigate to


Step 02: Add IP a) Click on the number of terminals or School Settings to proceed.
address of the Edge b) Navigate to Terminals Setting tab.
room & Class room

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c) On this screen; select the Terminal Type either as a Server, Edge or Class and
enter the IP address of each of the terminal in the Terminal Key.
Enter the location that would help the Technical team to locate the system.
d) Save the setting by clicking the Save button.

Step 03: Restart the Restart the ClassEdge Server for the above changes to take effort.
ClassEdge server

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2.3 Shut-Down ClassEdge server
Following are the steps to shut-down ClassEdge server:
1. On the desktop, the administrator would find a shortcut – “Shutdown
ClassEdge server”.

Steps: Procedure to
Shut-down ClassEdge

2. Double-click to shut-down ClassEdge server

3. Shut-down process would take 10 mins.

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2.4 School Server Backup

This section provides the detail of the elements that can be restored, the data folder that should be regularly back-
up so that data can be retrieved & restored in case of any eventuality whereby School Server has to be re-configured
on a different physical systems.

For the case where the school is backed-up regularly following are the data the will be restored are:
 User list
 Content – Lessons, Assets, Games, Whiteboard Gallery assets
 New Resources, Lessons, Games added by the Teachers
 Presentation Created

The Data that will not be restored is:

 Users added Notes within Lessons and Topics

a) External Backup storage device with capacity of 200GB

Location of Data folder for backup

Data folder to be
backup periodically {installed path}\CLASSEDGE-ProgramFiles\data\ce-repo\backup

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This section outlines the installation and configuration procedure for installation & configuration of ClassEdge client
in the Edge room and Class room terminals.

3.1 Client Installation

a) ClassEdge™ Installation media – External HDD
b) School server IP address
c) School Server software requirements
 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating systems
 Minimum System RAM: 2 GB
 Software pre-requisites: None


 10 minutes for installing ClassEdge™ client

Step 01: Prepare for the Once a 64 bit Operating system is installed on the school server, insert the
installation ClassEdge installation media in the DVD drive and login as an Administrator to
(Administrator login) start with the installation.
Run the Setup program by running the following commands on the Terminal:

32 bit:
cd /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/
sudo sh Tata_ClassEdge_Client_i386.bin
Step 02: Start with the
64 bit:

cd /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/
sudo sh Tata_ClassEdge_Client_amd64.bin

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3.2 Client Configuration
1. It’s important to select the Mode: Edge room & Class room during the Client Configuration
as incorrect mode will affect the usage report for the users.

a) School server IP address or Host name


 5 minutes per client system (Class Room & Edge Room)

I. Login to the system using the administrative credentials
II. On login, Lauch the client using ClassEdge client shortcut on the desktop.

III. The application will prompt ClassEdge setting window and the administrator have
to enter the following details:

Step 01: Perform

Client settings

ClassEdge server path: http://{school server ip address}:8080

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Edge Room mode In this version of ClassEdge, the application doesn’t
switch on/off feature based on the mode.
In this version of the ClassEdge, both the modes will
show all the features avalible. Unlike, the earlier
version where based on the mode some of the
Class Room mode features were enabled or disabled.

The mode selection is important in this version for the

point of generating report where usage can be record
and shown based on Edge room & Class room usage.

IV. On entering the required values, click on the Save ClassEdge Settings button to
lauch the ClassEdge application on client system.
V. The ClassEdge client has an option whereby the School Name will not
remembered by the client, and the Teacher has to enter the school name
everytime the Teacher tried to login.
This option is particularly helpful in a school where there are multiple
curriculums/boards and the classrooms/edge rooms are share between these

VI. The Administrator has the option to reset the School name incase there are any
change in the school name or settings.

VII. Based on the Selected Mode, when the ClassEdge client is launched the selected
mode is shown on the bottom left hand corner of the screen for time span of 3
minutes and will disappear subsequently. This done to facilate the user to check
& confirm the launch mode is correctly selected.

In case, the administrator wants to change any client setting; ClassEdge Settings window can launched when
Ctrl + E will pressed in combination.

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4.1 Troubleshooting Installation & Configuration problems
Sr. Common Questions Probable Solutions

Installation & Configuration related queries

1. While activating a school, the Possible cause:
platform gives an activation a. Check Internet connected. Confirm the internet connectivity that by
failure status. browsing to a website.
b. Invalid license key, content TATA ClassEdge helpline.

ClassEdge Client related queries

2. ClassEdge client was successful The possible cause could be:
installed. On entering the a. Ensure that ClassEdge client in installed with Administrative
server path/URL and the mode, permission.
nothing appears on screen. b. Client system is not on network
 Check the connection by ping the server
 Enter the URL in a browser and check if the login page
c. In case the login page appears in the browser then,
3. ClassEdge client logo is missing Reinstall ClassEdge client on that specific system with administrative
from desktop credentials and reconfigure the client.
4. How to check the client Launch ClassEdge client and when the client is loading press the key
configuration setting? combination Ctrl + E.
How to Change the Mode in
the ClassEdge client
5. School Server has 2 license key In such a scenario, where Teachers who are common across both the
imported and the school has 2 curriculum/board have the same Teacher login created in both the
or more curriculums/boards curriculum/board.
and also have some Incase, the Class room/Edge room are common then enable the setting -
teacher/Edge room/Class ‘Do not save School name and abbreviation’. On enabling the setting the
rooms in common Teacher need to enter the School name while login.

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User related queries
6. Teachers raise issues that they ClassEdge application support play back of all ClassEdge assets.
have added new resource like
Microsoft Office document
All External Resource added by Teacher will not by default support a
(.doc, .xls, .docx), file. These file
playback within ClassEdge application. Except for file formats: FLV, F4V,
doesn’t open within ClassEdge
JPG, BMP, PNG. Rest of the file types will require the default application
to be launched.

To add troubleshooting tips & practices; kindly write your suggestions to

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4.2 Troubleshooting ClassEdge™ by Edge Coordinator
The flowchart helps the Edge coordinate to troubleshoot some basic issue when the platform is not working.

Troubleshooting: CLASSEDGE Terminal not

connected/displaying CLASSEDGE product

Is the product
working on other

If none of the Terminals are able to

connect then check the following:

Check the following: Check the following:

Check the CLASSEDGE terminal network cable 1. Check if the CLASSEDGE server is switched ON.
connected to the computer and the network port. Switch the server ON in case it’s OFF. In case, you
are not sure then restart the School server.

2. Check if the Network switch is getting POWER

If the terminal is connected to the network port (have a physical look at the network switch, If the
correctly, then check if the Terminal is able to connect lights are not blinking, it means the Switch is
the central server by running the PingServer.bat. power OFF). Check the power supply incase the
network switch is turned off.

In case, the CLASSEDGE server and the Network switch

Request Time out are powered and the Terminal not showing the
In case, a Request message appearing CLASSEDGE content; then RESTART the CLASSEDGE
timed out message server.

If nothing works, Log a call at the TATA

Interactive Systems Central Helpdesk

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Annexure I: ClassEdge Installation log
ATTENTION: It’s mandatory to fill the installation log document with every installation. In addition, it advisable to
provide a copy to the Edge coordination and courier a copy to TATA ClassEdge, Mumbai office.

Date: ______________
General Information
School Name

School Address

Purpose of School visit Fresh Installation / Re-installation

Deployed On
Deployed By

Deployment Start time

Deployment End time

Installation Reviewed by

CLASSEGE Installation Information

Number of User account
Number of terminals
configured to Class Edge
with projector
Number of terminals
configured to Class Edge
without projector

School Server Installation Details

Hardware specification

Operating System
Free Hard disc
Hard Disc space

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Number of Partition on School server
Partition 01 GB | Partition 02 GB

II. ClassEdge portal installed in Drive with disc space of GB.

Was ClassEdge application installed earlier

Yes, ClassEdge version ____ No

IV. School Server IP address and/or Host name

School Server IP address
School Server Host name

V. ClassEdge School Administrator details

School Administrator Username
School Administrator Password

VI. Are the School setting updated? Is the School logo set?
Yes No
VII. Teacher login created
Yes No
VIII. Are all the installable file of ClassEdge deleted?
Yes No
IX. Is a copy of ClassEdge client shared on the School server for any fresh client installation?
Yes No

We agree that the installation has been done based on above installation guidelines and checklist. Also, the school
administrator has been given a basic understanding of the system that includes basic Troubleshooting, Teacher
creation and shared Edge coordinator’s guide.

(Installed By (Installed Review By (School Administrator

Name: ) Name: ) Name: )

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Annexure II: Reference Guide: EDGE Coordination

Credentials for School Computer User name:

Server Computer Password :

Credentials for School Computer User name:

Edge room & Class room
Computer Password :

ClassEdge School School Administrator User name:

Administrator credentials School Administrator Password :

Location of ClassEdge
client on server

Location of

Manage Teacher’s login

Login with the School administrator credential/login.

Click on Administration link.

Step 01: login & Navigate

Subsequently rollover Site Administration and Click on Manage Users.

On selecting the Manage Users link, the Administrator can view all the Active & Inactive
users. The Administrator has the ability to create user by:
Step 02: Create User
a) Click on Create User button, to bring up the User creation form. User created
with Principal role will have the ability to generate record for the entire

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b) Alternatively, multiple users can be imported by clicking the Import Users
button. The popup will present the administrator the ability download an
Excel sheet template that allows importing multiple users in the system.

User list generate from ClassEdge version 1.x can be imported by converting
system generated userlist.csv and saving it as userlist.xls. This saved as excel
sheet can be imported into the system by selecting the file and clicking on
Upload Users.

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Reset Teacher’s password
Login with the School administrator credential/login.

Click on Administration link.

Step 01: Login &

Subsequently rollover Site Administration and Click on Manage Users.

Step 02: Reset Password

Hold the mouse over the User Name whose password needs to be reset. A menu will
appear with an option of Reset Password. Click on the option to reset the user’s
password to the default password – classedge.

Shut-Down ClassEdge Server

Following are the steps to shut-down ClassEdge server:
1. On the desktop, the administrator would find a shortcut – “Shutdown
ClassEdge server”.
2. Double-click to shut-down ClassEdge server
3. Shut-down process would take 10 mins.
Steps: Procedure to Shut-
down ClassEdge server

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ClassEdge Client: Steps to Configure
I. Login to the system using the administrative credentials
II. On login, Lauch the client using ClassEdge client shortcut on the desktop.

III. The application will prompt ClassEdge setting window and the administrator have
to enter the following details:

ClassEdge server path: http://{school server ip address}:8080

Step 01: Perform

Client settings

Edge Room mode In this version of ClassEdge, the application doesn’t
switch on/off feature based on the mode.
In this version of the ClassEdge, both the modes will
show all the features avalible. Unlike, the earlier
version where based on the mode some of the
Class Room mode features were enabled or disabled.

The mode selection is important in this version for the

point of generating report where usage can be record
and shown based on Edge room & Class room usage.
IV. On entering the required values, click on the Save ClassEdge Settings button to
lauch the ClassEdge application on client system.
V. The ClassEdge client has an option whereby the School Name will not be save,
and the user has to enter the school name everytime the user login’s the system.

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This option is particularly helpful in a school where there are 2 Curriculums and
the classrooms/edge rooms are share between these curriculam.

VI. The Administrator has the option to reset the School name incase there are any
change in the school name or settings.

VII. Based on the Selected Mode, when the ClassEdge client is launched the selected
mode is shown on the bottom left hand corner of the screen for time span of 3
minutes and will disappear subsequently. This done to facilate the user to check
& confirm the launch mode is correctly selected.

In case, the administrator wants to change any client setting; ClassEdge Settings window can launched when
Ctrl + E will pressed in combination.

Annexure III: Forms

ATTENTION: multiple users can be imported by clicking the Import Users button. The popup will present the
administrator the ability download an Excel sheet template that allows importing multiple users in the system.

The user list generated from

ClassEdge version 1.x can also be
import by converting .csv format to
.xls format.

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Teacher’s login created for Class Edge Product

Instructions: School Name:

1. Kindly leave the last column blank. This column will be
populated by ClassEdge team.

Teacher’s First Teacher’s Last Assign User IDs (this field

Role Email address
Name Name will be filled by ClassEdge team)













For all the users created the default password is classedge

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