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PT1-Practice Questions&Answers

Objective Questions
1. Which one of the following is an application of AI?
a. Remote controlled Drone b. Self-Driving Car c. Self-Service Kiosk d. Self-Watering Plant System
2. This language is easy to learn and is one of the most popular languages for AI today:
a. C++ b. Python c. Ruby d. Java
3. This field is enabling computers to identify and process images as humans do:
a. Face Recognition b. Model-view-controller c. Computer Vision d. Eye-in-Hand System
4. What does NLP stand for in AI?
a. Neutral Learning Projection b. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
c. Natural Language Processing d. Neural Logic Presentation
5. Which of the following is not a domain of artificial intelligence?
a. Data Management System b. Computer Vision
c. Natural Language Processing d. Data Science
6. Identify the features/type of data and the domain of AI used in them:

(a) (b)
NLP- Speech Computer Vision-Image/video
7. Separate the following areas based on the kinds of domains widely used in them:
a. Crop productivity b. Traffic regulation c. Maps and navigation
d. Text editors and autocorrect e. Identifying and predicting disease
8. A broad term that covers all aspects of a problem
a)SDG 2) Topic 3)Theme
9. _________ helps us to summarise all the key points into one single Template so that in future,
whenever there is a need to look back at the basis of the problem, we can take a look at this and
understand the key elements of it.
Problem Statement Template
10. Ram is doing problem scoping. He is not familiar with the term used for the people who face the
problem and would be benefitted from the solution. Who are they ?
a) customers b) shareholders c) owners d) stakeholders
11.The nature of the problem determined in which of the following block of 4Ws?
a) who b) where c) what d) why
12. Mr. Ashok Bhatt is developing an assistance bot for his office. He need to complete following task through
this bot-Bot should provide link between spoken languages and analyse it. Identify the AI domain.
a. Data Management System b. Computer Vision
c. Natural Language Processing d. Data Science

Subjective Questions

13. List down any two applications in your smartphone that widely make use of computer vision?
Facelock, Face filters
14. Differentiate between the three domains of AI with respect to the types of data they use.
Data Science:-Applications with Data Science domain make use of the alpha numeric data.
Computer vision :Computer vision is a technology that is used for making machines see and perceive
the human world Human beings do. This requires images for visual data.
Natural Language Processing:The third domain of a is natural language processing either written
oral. It works on enabling the computers to understand naturally written or spoken languages, like
English or Hindi. This will make computers capable of natural communication.
15. What are the various stages of Al Project Cycle?

16. Why do we need an AI Project Cycle?

The AI Project Cycle provides us with an appropriate framework which can lead us towards
the goal. This concept provides an organized plan for breaking down the task of program
development into manageable modules. This ensures modularity and efficiency.
17. Why is there a need to use a Problem Statement Template during problem scoping?
The Problem Statement Template helps us to summarise all the key points into one single Template so that
in future, whenever there is a need to look back at the basis of the problem, we can take a look at the
Problem Statement Template and understand the key elements of it.
18. What is Problem Scoping? .What are the steps of Problem Scoping? .

Problem Scoping is to find any solutions to a problem and to find out the root causes of the
problem, hence to understand how the goals of the problem should be framed.

19.Read the contexts below and identify stakeholders.

a) The cotton industry in India consists of 6 million local farmers. Cotton crops frequently get infected with
the Pink Bollworm. Small farmers find it very difficult to get rid of these insects. They do not have advanced
tools and techniques to protect their plants from Pink Bollworm.
Ans: Cotton farmers
b) People living in a remote area of the hilly Jalliah forest in India, fall sick, and they do not have transport
to take them to a proper medical facility for treatment. This leads to poor medical care as well as a rise in
mortality rates.
Ans: People living in a remote area of the hilly Jalliah forest
20.After the pandemic, it’s been essential for everyone to wear a mask. However, many people not wearing masks
when in public places. Which domain of AI can be used to build a system to detect people not wearing masks?
Computer vision - images for visual data.
21.Differentiate between
a)data acquisition and data exploration
Data acquisition- Collect accurate and reliable data to work with. Acquire data from various sources, such as
online platforms or friends, depending on your project requirements.
Data Exploration- Arrange /organise the collected data uniformly. Explore the data to understand its
characteristics, patterns, and potential insights.
b)Evaluation and deployment
Evaluation-Test the reliability of results generated by the project. For that we measures like accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score.
Deployment: Test model to ensure that it performs well on in real-life scenarios to solve the original problem.
22 Explain using an example how three AI domains are inter-related to each other.
AI empowers self-driving cars It mainly involves Computer Vision: This area focuses on enabling the car to
interpret and understand visual data from cameras. It is crucial for tasks like recognizing pedestrians, vehicles,
traffic signs, and road conditions.
Data Science: Autonomous vehicles generate massive amounts of data. Efficient storage solutions and data
management systems are required to handle this volume. Real-time data processing is crucial for making
immediate decisions too.
Natural Language Processing; NLP enables the vehicle to understand and execute verbal instructions from
passengers.Also for understanding traffic signs and signals need NLP techniques.
23. Explain the 4Ws problem canvas in problem scoping.
4Ws of Problem Scoping:

Who: Categorize stakeholders who are directly or indirectly

affected by the problem.

What: Understand the nature of the problem and gather evidence

to prove its existence.

Where: Determine the context/ situation or location where the

problem arises.

Why: Explain why the given problem is worth solving.

24. Pick the odd one out and justify your answer:
a. Snap Chat Filter b. Face Lock in Phone c. Chatbot d. Image search Option
chatbots uses the domain NLP, all other options are Computer Vision.
25Consider the following scenario and using 4 W canvas , design problem statement.

a) As the exams are near you observe all your friends as well as you are tired and sleepy. The school counsellor
says this is due to inadequate sleep and outdoor activity.
b) There is a long waiting line for the parking area in a mall near your house. People often park their cars on the
roads rather than wait for their turn.
c) Obesity is a global epidemic, preventable, and a disease of clinical and public health significance. It has
emerged as a major risk factor for the development of disability, several other noncommunicable diseases, and
premature death. This review summarized epidemiological studies related to the obesity prevalence and
identified its potential risk factors among the Arab population in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
(Reference:©2017 Saudi Journal of Obesity | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow )
Student oriented Answers: Use 4 Ws canvas(table format- 1 mark,1/2 mark each for Who What ,Where and Why)
Problem statement -1 mark

Part II. Python Programming

1. The operator for assigning a value to a variable.

A) = B) > C) D) < =
2. The symbol used to mark comments.
A) & B) # C)( ) D) { }
3. Identify the correct variable in Python.
A) print B)& in C) num D) input
4. The ** operator is used to find the ____________.
A) Exponent /power B) Remainder C)Product D) Percentage
5. Python is a case sensitive language.
A) False B) Can be c) True D) Not always
6. a=5
print(b% a)
will give the output- A) 5 B) 2 c) 7 D) False
7. In a program, print is used as a variable name and it gives an error during run time.
Identify the reason for error .
A) Spelling error B) keyword c) special symbols D) space
II. Answer The following.
8. Anu created a program using Python for calculating the cube of a number:
print(“cube =”,cb)
a) complete the program by filling the gap in second line.
b) Predict the output .
9. Write a program to print your details.

10. Write a program to calculate area and perimeter of a rectangle.

11. Write a program to input price and discount percentage and display discounted amount

12. Write a program to input 2 subject marks and calculate average.

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