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Development of Eco-Efficiency Indicators for Passenger Transport Modes

Considering Travel Scenes and Situations
Yuki MASUDA1*, Hirokazu KATO1, Naoki SHIBAHARA1, and Kei ITO1

Nagoya University, C1-2(651) Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
* E-mail:

This study aims at constructing a methodology for evaluating transport modes in terms of CO 2 emission and
performance (e.g., speed, comfort, safety). The proposed indicator is “eco-efficiency”—the ratio of performance life-cycle
CO2 emission. The various performance factors of modes of transport are measured and integrated into a unit of travel speed.
Four public transport modes (i.e., railway, subway, light rail transit (LRT), and bus rapid transit (BRT)) and 16 types of
private vehicles are analyzed in selected transport scenes and traffic situations. The results indicate that life-cycle CO2
emission from passenger cars is greater than that from public transport. However, the eco-efficiency of passenger cars
exceeds that of public transport taking into account amenities and occupancy in lower volume traffic and leisurely use.

Keywords: eco-efficiency, transportation density, traffic situation, low carbon transport

1. Introduction 2.2 Setting transport scenarios and traffic situations

Creating a low carbon traffic system within cities is an In this study, the purpose, trip length, and number of
important issue in Japan. In passenger transport, transport persons were set as transport scenarios, and the speed of
modes in which passengers travel together are usually traveling of vehicles, the number of public transport
considered to be low carbon.[1] On the other hand, with the vehicles operated and the rate of congestion, and the
arrival of hybrid cars and electric cars, etc., and with the difference in distance traveled for each transport mode were
increase in fuel cost of gasoline cars, the CO2 emission set as traffic situations, and the effect of their differences on
factors of passenger cars are also decreasing. Under these the performance of the transport mode or the change in CO2
circumstances, there is a possibility that depending on the emissions was estimated.
conditions such as number of passengers, traffic congestion, The vehicle traveling speed, the number of public
situation of use or public transport, etc., the passenger car transport vehicles, and the rate of congestion, which
could be a lower carbon means of transport than public express the traffic situations were calculated using the
transport in which people travel together. method of Ito et al.[2]
On the other hand, performance such as being able to
quickly and safely arrive at the destination and being able 2.3 Passenger transport modes evaluated
to travel in comfort are also required of transport modes, so Passenger cars were classified into 16 types that were
it is difficult to pursue “low carbon only.” Also, a transport a combination of vehicle size (minivan, compact car,
mode with high CO2 emissions per person can be medium-sized car, and full-sized car), and power category
considered to be an excellent transport mode if it is possible (gasoline vehicle (GV), hybrid vehicle (HV), plug-in hybrid
to provide many merits during transport. It is necessary to vehicle (PHV), and electric vehicle (EV)). Public transport
have a method that is capable of evaluating both the was considered to be rail (above ground railway, subway),
performance of a transport mode and its CO2 emissions. and light rail transit (LRT), and bus rapid transit (BRT)
In this study, a comparative evaluation of various which are expected to be the next generation of public
transport modes was investigated, using eco-efficiency, transport.
which is the ratio of performance value and lifecycle CO2.
In this case, the evaluation was made for each travel 2.4 Estimation of lifecycle CO2/passenger-km
situations with various transport situations. 2.4.1 Life-cycle CO2 of passenger cars
The life-cycle CO2 was used as the evaluation index
2. Definition of Eco-efficiency and Method of Estimation for environmental load in the denominator of the eco-
2.1 Definition of the index efficiency. The CO2 emissions of passenger cars were
Eco-efficiency in this study is defined as shown in estimated for each life stage such as vehicle and material
Eq.(1). The lifecycle CO2 per person in the denominator is manufacture, operation, maintenance, and disposal, using
calculated taking into consideration the number of vehicles the method of Ito et al.[3] The CO2 emissions of GV and HV
for each transport mode, the degree of congestion, and the during operation was corrected by determining the average
difference in distance traveled for each transport mode. The traveling speed using the method of Yamamoto et al.[4]
performance of each transport mode in the numerator is from a relationship between transport density and traveling
obtained by analyzing the constituent factors such as speed speed, and correcting the CO2 emissions in accordance with
and punctuality, and assigning a weighting to each. the average traveling speed using the method of Kudoh et
al.[5] The CO2 emissions of PHV were calculated using the
Performance of each transport mode (1) traveling/electrical traveling percentage (utility factor) of
Eco - efficiency =
Life cycle CO 2 per person HV taking the weighted average of the emissions from
vehicles of the same weight category.
2.4.2 Life cycle CO2 of public transport Table 1: Setting of performance items
The life cycle CO2 of public transport was estimated as Major item Basic Associated Safety Cost
performance performance
the sum of the CO2 emitted in the three life stages of
Rate of
infrastructure construction, vehicle manufacture, and Speed Responsiveness occurrence
vehicle operation. The CO2 emissions during operation of accidents
Performance cost
were calculated by multiplying the number of vehicles item Possibility of Rate of
Punctuality seating occurrence
operating set as a traffic situation by the unit CO2 emission. of crimes
Space Access Privacy
2.5 Performance evaluation of transport modes
2.5.1 Setting performance items Table 2: Setting of transport scenarios
Based on the latent factors for selection of transport Within cities Between regions
mode used in the studies by Morikawa et al.[6] and Muto et Commuting to work
al.,[7] the factors that constitute performance were classified, One person Commuting to work
Traveling to hospital
and of these factors 10 items that were envisaged to have a More than Shopping
Tourism, leisure
high importance as a result of a preliminary questionnaire one person Tourism, leisure
survey were selected as the performance items for the
transport modes (Table 1). Standards were then set for each
scenario in Table 2. Distance traveled within a city was
performance item and questions for use in a questionnaire
assumed to be 10 [km]. Distance traveled within regions
were created using the method of Aizaki et al.[8]
was assumed to be 50 [km]. In each region the transport
density was set to 44,000 [persons/day] and 30,000
2.5.2 Integration of performance items
[persons/day] based on actual data. Also, the number of
The performance items were integrated in order to
persons traveling for each transport scenario was set to four
evaluate the performance of transport modes. First, for each
persons for tourism and leisure, and one person for each of
public transport mode and for passenger car, i) a weighting
the other scenarios.
was applied to the evaluation of each performance item for
each transport scenario, and ii) a standard was set for each
3.2 Estimation of lifecycle CO2 for each transport mode
performance item for each transport mode for each traffic
Fig.1 shows the results of estimation of lifecycle
situation. The performance value was calculated by
CO2/passenger-km for each case. The transport mode with
multiplying the standard and the weighting for each
the smallest life-cycle CO2 is LRT in the case of transport
performance item (Eq.(2)).
of one person within a city, and railway in the case of

Performance value = [i]  [ii] (2) transport of one person between regions. Also, for transport
[i] : Weighting of performance item in transport scenario within a city, the percentage of seating capacity occupied is
[ii]: Standard of performance item of transport mode high in the case of public transport, and for passenger car
If the weighting among performance items in the the traveling speed is low, so the difference between the
performance value can be determined, the units of each life-cycle CO2 for public transport and passenger car is
item can also be converted. Travel speed [km/h] is a even greater.
representative performance value for transport modes, and It was found that for transport of four persons, small
it is considered to visualize easily, so in this study travel sized next-generation passenger cars and minivans were
speed is used as the dimension of the performance value. lower carbon for transport within a city compared with
For passenger cars, the performance value was subway and railway, and for transport within regions
calculated for medium-sized cars which are the most medium-sized and small sized next-generation passenger
common type of next-generation passenger car, and the cars were lower carbon compared with railway. This was
comparison of the four vehicle size types was assumed to because the lifecycle CO2 allocated per one person in a
be proportional to the car rental price for each size. Also, it passenger car was reduced by passengers traveling together.
was assumed that the performance was not affected by Also for transport between regions the transport density is
differences in power category. low therefore the percentage occupancy of seats on
[i] The weightings for the performance items in the railways is low, therefore the lifecycle CO2 per person
transport scenarios were evaluated using conjoint analysis increases. From the above it can be seen that for transport
which is capable of weighting multiple items. of four persons within a city or between regions, medium-
[ii] The standards for the performance items for the sized or small sized next-generation passenger cars are
transport modes were set based on data such as parameter lower carbon than rail.
tables, operation timetables, etc. The traveling speed of
passenger cars and the space per person in public transport 3.3 Performance evaluation of each transport mode
were varied in accordance with the transport density. 3.3.1 Commuting
The performance values derived using Eq.(2) are Fig.2 shows the performance values other than the
relative values, so for the transport mode for which the transport speed for each transport mode.
lowest performance value was calculated, this value was set For commuting, it can be seen that the performance
to the traveling speed determined from the traffic situation, values for punctuality and responsiveness are large for both
and the comparison with other modes was performed. transport within a city and transport between regions. This
indicates that for commuting, unlike other transport
3. Case Study scenarios, priority is given to no delay, and being able to
3.1 Usage scenario and traffic situations set depart at the time to suit one's own convenience. Also,
The transport modes were evaluated for each transport compared with commuting within a city the space per

2 [g-CO2/]
500 150 500 120 120
Maintenance, disposal
450 100 Running 450

Lifecycle CO2 [g-CO2/]

[g-CO /passenger-km]

100 100
400 50 Vehicle manufacture 400

Lifecycle CO2 [g-CO2/]]

Infrastructure construction
0 350
80 80
300 300















250 250 60 60

200 200
Lifecycle COCO

150 150 40 40
Lifecycle 2

100 100
20 20
50 50 Large Midium Compact Microvan
0 0 0 0




























Large Midium Compact Microvan Large Midium Compact Large Midium Compact Microvan Large Midium Compact

(1)Transport of one person (2)Transport of one (3)Transport of four persons (4)Transport of four
within a city person between regions within a city persons between regions
Maintenance, disposal Running Vehicle manufacture Infrastructure construction
Fig.1: CO2 emissions in each transport scenario

50 120 240
+2.3km/h +106.46km/h
40 90 180

Performance value[km/h]
Performance value[km/h]

Performance value[km/h]

30 -51.02km/h
-14.4km/h -4.5km/h 60 120
-49.73km/h 60 -45.62km/h-28.99km/h
10 -22.5km/h -43.49km/h
0 0 0
-10 Railway LRT BRT Passenger Railway Passenger car Railway LRT BRT Passenger
-30 -60
car car
-60 -120
-40 -90 -180

-50 -120 -240

1) Commuting within a city 2) Commuting between regions 3) Tourism and leisure within a city
300 60 60
200 +62.52km/h
240 +2.35km/h
Performance value[km/h]

Performance value[km/h]

Performance value[km/h]

40 40
150 180
120 -27.49km/h -16.04km/h
100 -28.66km/h 20 -30.45km/h -23.63km/h 20
60 -37.82km/h
50 0 0 0
-60 Railway Passenger car Railway LRT BRT Passenger Railway LRT BRT Passenger
0 -20 car -20 car
Railway LRT BRT Passenger car
-50 -40 -40
-100 -300 -60 -60
4) Tourism and leisure between regions 5) Shopping within a city 6) Traveling to a hospital within a city
Delay Space Responsiveness Possibility of seating Access Accident rate Crime rate Privacy Cost
Fig.2: Results of performance evaluation of transport modes in each transport scenario

person, the privacy, and the cost are large for commuting performance value per unit cost is large, the same as for
between regions. The reason for this is considered to be commuting between regions. Money is spent after traveling,
because in actual public transport within a city, during the so it is considered that the awareness of minimizing cost
commuting time periods the space per person is small, and when traveling is comparatively emphasized.
privacy is low, therefore these factors tend to be ignored.
Also, the reason why the importance of cost is large is 3.3.4 Traveling to a hospital
considered to be because for commuting between regions For traveling to a hospital, it can be seen that the
virtually every day, the cost is large compared with the performance value of time responsiveness is large compared
other transport scenarios. with the other transport scenarios. It is considered that
emphasis is placed on being able to immediately board a
3.3.2 Tourism and leisure vehicle because one's bodily condition is not good.
For tourism and leisure, the importance of space and
privacy is large for both transport within a city and 3.4 Evaluation of eco-efficiency for each transport mode
transport between regions. For tourism and leisure 3.4.1 Commuting
comfortable transport is more important than time, so the Fig.3 shows the relationship between the performance
performance value of passenger cars with large space and values of the transport modes and the life-cycle CO2 for
privacy is evaluated highly. Conversely, for public transport each transport scenario.
with excellent punctuality but small space, the performance For both transport within cities and between regions,
value is low. public transport is superior to the passenger car in both life-
cycle CO2 and performance value, and the eco-efficiency of
3.3.3 Shopping public transport is about five times or more than that of the
For shopping within a city, it can be seen that the passenger car.
2 1 1/2 1/5 1/2 1/3 1/5 1/10 5 3 2
80 40 240

Performance value [km/h]

Performance value [km/h]

Performance value [km/h]

70 35 210 Large HV
30 Railway Large HV PHV
60 LargeHV PHV 180
Subway Medium EV HV GV
50 Medium EV PHV 1/10 25 Medium EV HV GV 1/20 150
LRT Railway GV Compact HV
40 CompactHV 20 Compact HV 120 1
Micro HV Micro HV
30 Micro HV 15 90
20 10 60 LRT Railway 1/2
10 5 30 Subway
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 30 60 90 120
Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km] Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km] Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km]

1) Commuting within a city 2) Commuting between regions 3) Tourism and leisure within a city
5 3 2 1 1/2 1/3 1/5 1 1/2 1/3
200 80 80
Large HV 1/6
Performance value [km/h]

Performance value [km/h]


Performance value [km/h]

PHV 70 70
160 Medium EV HV GV 60 Large HV
60 PHV Large HV
140 Railway GV
Compact HV Medium EV
50 1/10 50 Medium EV HV
Micro HV
100 1 40 LRTSubway GV
Railway Compact HV
Compact HV Micro HV
80 Subway
30 Micro HV 30 LRT
60 BRT 1/20
Railway 1/2 20 20
40 BRT
20 10 10
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km] Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km] Life-cycle CO2 [g-CO2/passenger-km]

4) Tourism and leisure between regions 5) Shopping within a city 6) One person traveling to hospital within a city
Fig.3: Eco-efficiency of transport modes in each transport scenario

3.4.2 Tourism and leisure items relating to comfort, such as space per person and
For tourism and leisure, the eco-efficiency of the privacy, etc., the passenger car is superior.
passenger car is 2-8 times that of public transport. This is 3) Even transport modes with a large life-cycle CO2 can
because transport of four persons was assumed, therefore have a high eco-efficiency if the performance value in
the life-cycle CO2 per person for the passenger car was a transport scenario is high, and can have an eco-
similar to that for public transport, and for tourism and efficiency that is similar to that of transport modes
leisure the emphasis is placed on comfort. Therefore, the with small life-cycle CO2.
eco-efficiency of the passenger car was higher than the low
carbon transport modes such as LRT and BRT. 5. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
3.4.3 Shopping, traveling to a hospital Number 23710055.
For shopping, it was found that the eco-efficiency of
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Planning, 2009, Vol.42, CD-ROM(6)
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