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國 8 英語 課前卷 B4U5 0603rd

一、字彙選擇 (每題 2.5 分,共 27.5 分)

1. ( ) Eddie often makes trouble. He’s a big to his parents. (A) example (B) recipe (C) headache (D) garlic

2. ( ) Mandy helps her parents at the juice at the night market after school every day. What a sweet daughter! (A) stand (B) nail
(C) throat (D) knee

3. ( ) Lydia: You didn’t go to Nanny’s party last night. Did you to her? Hank: No. She didn’t want to listen to me. (A) cough (B)
treat (C) explain (D) shine

4. ( ) , Alan doesn’t like guavas, but he doesn’t know how to say no to you. (A) Probably (B) Actually (C) Loudly (D) Slowly

5. ( ) Peggy loves animals. She spends lots of time and money stray(流浪的)dogs or cats every week. (A) getting around (B)
feeling like (C) staying away from (D) taking care of

6. ( ) This is the biggest night market in Kaohsiung. There are more than one hundred here. (A) roots (B) stands (C) lemons
(D) matters

7. ( ) My mom uses a lot of in the dish. (A) pound (B) space (C) nail (D) ginger

8. ( ) Are Jay and Tim really brothers? In fact, they don’t look like each other, and they have nothing in . (A) cold (B) cheese (C)
common (D) culture

9. ( ) When I stay up for tests(考試), hot coffee is a . (A) neck (B) lemon (C) cold (D) must

10. ( ) Mommy, I don’t staying home. Can I go biking for one hour? (A) feel like (B) go out (C) take care of (D) hold on

11. ( ) Samuel: Can you explain “Two are better than one” to me? Molly: It means two or more people will do better than one person by
himself or herself. (A) knees (B) radios (C) heads (D) goats

二、文法選擇 (每題 2.5 分,共 22.5 分)

12. ( ) Some of the players my classmates. (A) is (B) are (C) does (D) do

13. ( ) he is eighty years old, he’s well and seldom sick. (A) Although (B) If (C) When (D) Because

14. ( ) of his parents are doctors, and of his sisters are doctors, too. His youngest sister is a famous writer here in Taiwan. (A) All;
both (B) Two; all (C) Both; two (D) Each; three

15. ( ) There are many tall boys in the class, and my son is of them. (A) each (B) one (C) every one (D) all

16. ( ) These ten players are top players; of them are good at throwing a ball. (A) all (B) both (C) much (D) few

17. ( ) Some of the oranges at that supermarket fresh. (A) are (B) is (C) have (D) has

18. ( ) of the students don’t have the experience of going camping. Only a few do. (A) Many (B) Any (C) All (D) One

19. ( ) of his parents are happy for him. (A) Some (B) One (C) All (D) Both

20. ( ) Most of the girls’ hair long. (A) become (B) look (C) are (D) is

三、克漏字測驗 (每格 2.5 分,共 17.5 分)


Sean: Look! There are lots of people in front of the stand. Let’s take a look.

Ruth: I know the stand. It’s famous for its fries.

Sean: So many people line up for the food. Do you want some?

Ruth: No.

Sean: Why not? Aren’t fries your favorite food?

Ruth: Yes, they are, but . I don’t want anything.

Sean: Did you got to the doctor or take any medicine?

Ruth: Of course, and I feel a little better. If you want the fries, you can order them with honey sauce.

Sean: OK. I’ll try them.

( )(1)(A) The lemons are so big. (B) It’s like an earthquake. (C) I’m not sick. (D) It must be delicious.

( )(2)(A) I don’t feel like any food at all. (B) Her nails are too long. (C) I need some useful books. (D) Don’t cough at me.

( )(3)(A) I have a stomachache today (B) just try your best to treat them (C) the ginger looks dirty (D) her knees hurt a lot

( )(4)(A) You should probably take care of your neck. (B) The rainbow is pretty. (C) That tastes great. (D) Let’s find the roots of
the tree.


: What are you drinking, Angel?

: Honey with lemons.

: No. I don’t. Why did you say so?

: I always drink it for a cough.

: Really? It’s helpful for a cough.

: Do you often drink honey with lemons?

: Yes. It’s my habit. I drink a glass in the morning every day. Sometimes I may also drink some before I go to bed.

: I will tell my grandma about that. She often can’t sleep well. She should try honey with lemons for her sleep problem.

( )(1)(A) Do you buy lots of lemons? (B) Where do you buy it? (C) Do you have a cough? (D) Can you make honey cake?

( )(2)(A) Take care of yourself. (B) It’s hard to explain. (C) That’s cool. (D) Have a nice meal.

( )(3)(A) You can’t hurt me. (B) It can help me sleep well. (C) Honey is less and less. (D) It helps treat the runny nose.

四、閱讀測驗 (每格 2.5 分,共 22.5 分)

( )(1) How many tablets does Angelina have to take a day? (A) Two. (B) Four. (C) Five. (D) Six.

( )(2) What can Angelina do during the sick days? (A) Take the bus to work. (B) Have grapefruit with the medicine. (C) Go to bed
late at night. (D) Ride after taking the medicine.

( )(3) Which is NOT true? (A) Angelina must take the cough syrup four times a day. (B) Before taking the tablets, Angelina should eat
something. (C) If Angelina feels well, she can stop taking the medicine. (D) Angelina has to take two kinds of medicine after
three meals and one kind of medicine before bed.


Do you like wearing a mask? Did you often wear a mask before 2020? After the Chinese New Year in 2020, it becomes a must to wear a
mask in some places because of COVID-19.

What is COVID-19?

It’s a disease. People first found it in China in December of 2019. It can be spread from people to people, through the air, or by touching the
nose, mouth, or eyes after touching dirty things.

How will we be if we have COVID-19?

1. Cough.

2. Have a fever.

3. Feel weak.

4. Have breathing problems.

What should we do?

1. We need to cover our nose and mouth when wearing a mask.

2. We have to wear a mask in banks, post offices, hospitals, department stores, or on trains.

3. We can’t wear the same mask for more than eight hours.

4. We should wash our hands often and for at least 20 seconds.

( )(1) Which one may spread COVID-19? (A) James touched some dirty dogs and then had some cookies without washing hands. (B)
Both Amy and Dan wore a mask when they talked to each other. (C) Wisly covered his mouth when he coughed. (D) Lina put on
her mask before she went into the bank.

( )(2) Which is right? (A) Mr. Chang wears the same mask for ten hours a day, three days a week. (B) At the end of 2019, people first
found COVID-19 in Taiwan. (C) People don’t need to wear a mask if they see a doctor in a hospital. (D) Little Betty washes her
hand for thirty second.


What do you do if you see a bear in the forest? Some might answer, “Play dead.” The question is, “Does it work?”

If you see a bear, don’t be scared. Just leave, but don’t turn your back on the bear. Slowly back away from it. However, it’s another story if
the bear attacks you. Brown bears seldom attack a person; most of the attacks happen because they want to protect their food, babies, or home.
So, playing dead could be helpful.

However, playing dead probably won’t work with predatory bears. Although brown bears don’t usually want to hurt people, black bears may
see people as food. They kill and eat animals, so playing dead in front of them could make you the meat on their plate. Also, don’t try to run from
them or climb a tree. They can do both much faster than you. You have to fight back.

( )(1) Which may be the title(標題)of this reading? (A) What Do Bears Eat? (B) Brown Bears and Black Bears (C) Should I play
Dead If I See a Bear? (D) Bears, the Most Dangerous Animals

( )(2) What do we know from the reading? (A) Black bears are predatory bears. (B) Playing dead won’t work with brown bears. (C)
Bears need people to help them hunt for food. (D) Black bears are poor at running and climbing trees.

( )(1) What’s the best topic of the reading? (A) Parents Worries (B) Common Food (C) Cold Treatments (D) Sick Child in Bed

( )(2) Where do you see this picture?

(A) In Harry’s house, Hungary. (B) In Yuki’s house, Japan. (C) In Lisa’s house, Korea. (D) In Alex’s house, Russia.

五、翻譯 (每題 2.5 分,共 10 分)

27. 辦公室裡大部分的男人都戴眼鏡。

28. 桌上全部的刀子都是乾淨的。

29. 也許這食譜對你的咳嗽有用。

30. 在中國文化中,人們把薑當作藥來用。

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