國7 英檢 B3U4 0609th-題目卷

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國 7 英檢 B3U4 0609th

一、字彙選擇 (每題 2.5 分,共 17.5 分)

1. ( ) My uncle is a ; he always hopes for a big catch. (A) fisherman (B) mail carrier (C) police officer (D) factory worker

2. ( ) The gloves(手套)can your hands warm. Why don’t you put them on? (A) let (B) keep (C) try (D) catch

3. ( ) The salesman is good at selling cars. He can sell four or five cars in a month. (A) successful (B) future (C) comfortable
(D) difficult

4. ( ) Roy: What do you want to be in the ? How about being a singer? Liz: I like to, but I can’t. I can’t sing in front of too many people,
you know. (A) country (B) future (C) interview (D) idea

5. ( ) Mr. Lin is a . He carries(攜帶)letters(信件)to people five days a week. (A) police officer (B) reporter (C) mail carrier
(D) truck driver

6. ( ) Jay: Let’s not take a taxi(計程車)to the zoo. How about going by metro(捷運)? Ben: Good . Taking the metro isn’t that much
money. (A) idea (B) future (C) rights (D) looks

7. ( ) After many years of practice, she a great singer. (A) caught (B) became (C) worried (D) believed

二、文法選擇 (每題 2.5 分,共 7.5 分)

8. ( ) It is important for us enough sleep every day. (A) getting (B) to get (C) get (D) got

9. ( ) a new restaurant near our place. Isn’t a good idea to give it a try tonight? (A) It’s; it (B) It’s; there (C) There’s; it
(D) There’s; there

10. ( ) My mom likes the house clean, so she doesn’t like us anything(任何事物)in our bedrooms. (A) to keep; eating (B)
keeping; eating (C) keep; eat (D) to keep; to eat

三、對話與完成句子 (每題 2.5 分,共 15 分)

11. ( ) No record company wanted Stefani, but . (A) she gave up getting her success (B) she kept performing and writing songs before
her first record came out (C) many friends of hers made fun of her looks (D) even her family wanted her to give up her dream

12. ( ) Greg: What do you want to be in the future? Grace: (A) You can also be a great farmer. (B) I plan to interview the popular
writer later. (C) A good doctor like my father. (D) What about you? Do you want to be a basketball player?

13. ( ) Zoey: Don’t you remember ? When do you plan to give it back to me? Pete: What?! You lent so much money to me? How could it
be? (A) to borrow my money (B) to lend me some money (C) borrowing some money from me (D) lending so much money to

14. ( ) I don’t like to see people when I sing for them. Maybe . (A) it’s my dream job to be a singer (B) I can put on a big wig, and then
I can’t see them at all (C) I can make fun of their looks (D) I’m really good at singing

15. ( ) Ann’s friends kept calling her, so . (A) it was fun for her to interview them (B) she did not finish reading the book (C) she
was sorry for talking about them (D) she thanked them for getting some exercise

16. ( ) After many years of hard work, . (A) he became a famous singer (B) he did not like his future job (C) he loved keeping his
house clean (D) he could keep working for 365 days at a time

四、克漏字測驗 (每格 2.5 分,共 20 分)


My sister, Kelly, is very shy. She doesn’t like sports, but she enjoys (1) in her free time. She is very good at (2) pictures. The
people in her paintings are beautiful and special. I love her paintings very much because they are interesting. She started to join different contests
at the age of 10. Sometimes she doesn’t win any prize, but she never minds. She just keeps (3) it. She wants (4) a painter in the future.

( )(1)(A) paints (B) to paint (C) paint (D) painting

( )(2)(A) paint (B) painted (C) painting (D) to paint

( )(3)(A) to practice (B) practicing (C) practiced (D) practice

( )(4)(A) is (B) was (C) being (D) to be


Alex is a junior high school student. He is good at (1) pictures, but he hates to study. In his free time, he tries to come up with some
great stories. He wants (2) a hero of the comic book world like Stan Lee. His parents don’t like him (3) at a comic book company.
They want their only son (4) a doctor one day.

( )(1)(A) drawing (B) draw (C) to draw (D) drew

( )(2)(A) became (B) to become (C) becoming (D) become

( )(3)(A) worked (B) work (C) works (D) to work

( )(4)(A) to be (B) be (C) being (D) to being

五、閱讀測驗 (每格 2.5 分,共 22.5 分)


The Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival is a winter festival in South Korea. It first started in 2007, and it usually lasts for a month. Each
January, people go to Hwacheon to enjoy all the fun activities. One of them is to catch Sancheoneo. It only lives in cold and clean water in the
mountains. Try to catch one, and you can bring it home.

Almost all the activities are free, so what are you waiting for? Plan a trip there and have lots of fun.

( )(1) What does the word them mean? (A) The winter months. (B) The fun activities. (C) The wonderful(美好的)trips. (D)
The winter festivals.

( )(2) Which is NOT right about Sancheoneo? (A) It’s a kind(種類)of fish. (B) It lives in cold and clean water. (C) It is
protected(受到保護的), so nobody(沒有人)can take it home. (D) It can only be found(被發現)in the mountains.

( )(3) Which is said(被提及)about the Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival? (A) It usually lasts for thirty days. (B) It first started in
2009. (C) Hwacheon is a place in North Korea(北韓). (D) It is a festival all year round(一年到頭).


Hi Steven,

How are you? It was nice and sunny today in Australia. It was our first day here. We visited the Wildland this morning. There were many
special and beautiful animals there. It was also my first time to see the sloth. Did you see it before? Sloths are animals, and they always live in
trees. They eat, sleep, and even have babies on the branches. Sloths only leave their branches for two reasons: to go swimming or to go to the
bathroom. They look very cute and lazy. I like them very much. After lunch, my family and I visited a big fruit farm. We picked many apples
and joined the apple pie contest. I really enjoyed the trip. We are going back to Taipei on Saturday. See you then!


( )(1) Which may the Wildland be? (A) A zoo. (B) A school. (C) A library. (D) A museum.

( )(2) According to(根據) the reading, a sloth might leave its tree branches to . (A) eat (B) sleep (C) have babies (D)
go swimming

( )(3) Which is right? (A) Stella lives in Australia. (B) Stella doesn’t like the sloth. (C) Stella played at the beach in the afternoon.
(D) Sloths always live in trees.


Mr. Brown asked some students a question in class and here are their answers.

Betty: I never think about it. Being a YouTuber is not an easy thing. They have to make videos and answer the questions from their fans. It
needs lots of time to do these things.

Lisa: I love to share my favorites and anything about dancing with everyone on the Internet. It must be fun if I have a channel to show my fans
about that. Also, I can make lots of friends on the Internet.

Carol: It’s not easy to be a YouTuber. You need to have much time making videos and you don’t know whether your fans like them or not.
Some people on the Internet may say something bad to make you feel sad.

Emma: There are two sides to every door. By being a Youtuber, you may be popular and famous, but at the same time, you may not have time to
be with your family or friends in the real world. You have to think about that.

( )(1)Which may be the question in Mr. Brown’s class? (A) How do you become a successful Youtuber? (B) What do you think of
being a YouTuber? (C) What do you want to be in the future? (D) Why do you want to be a YouTuber?

( )(2)Which is right? (A) Carol likes to make friends on the Internet. (B) Betty wants to be a YouTuber in the future. (C) Emma
likes to be YouTuber because she has a lot of time. (D) Lisa enjoys dancing very much.

( )(3)What does Emma mean by saying “There are two sides to every door.”? (A) A YouTuber does two things: one is making videos; the
other is writing about their feelings. (B) YouTubers must look on the happy side when they have a problem. (C) There are good
things and bad things about being a YouTuber. (D) YouTubers may have a lot of time with their friends and families.

六、文意字彙 (每題 2.5 分,共 10 分)

22. The d t is busy looking at my son’s teeth. Two of them hurt a lot.

23. Who is the r r on TV? She’s interviewing Jay Chou and doing a good job.

24. She wants her only son to be a doctor when he g ws up.

25. The job of a l r is to speak for people and fight for their rights.

七、看圖回答問題 (每題 2.5 分,共 2.5 分)

26. What is good for our health?(... health.)
八、翻譯 (每題 2.5 分,共 5 分)
27. 兩年前我家狗子開始學法文 (French)。

28. 這大叔想要找一個可愛女祕書 (secretary) 一起工作,但是要找個不錯的是不容易的。(The..., but it...)

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