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Personal Narrative Incomplete Below Grade Level Standards Approaching Grade Level Meets Grade Level Standards

Writing 0% 35% Standards 100%

FOCUS Minimal or no evidence Topic is unclear and/or too Topic is clear and narrow with Sharp and controlled
of a topic. broad. sufficient awareness of task. awareness of task. Topic is
clear and thesis is strong.

CONTENT Minimal response that Limited content with Sufficiently developed narrative Strong development of
does not meet the inadequate detail or with detail. Contains plot line with narrative plot with details and
standards of the explanation. May contain elements of a story. description.
assignment. unrelated information.
Lesson learned is apparent. Lesson learned is clear and

ORGANIZATION Response is disorganized Inconsistent arrangement of Functional arrangement of Sophisticated arrangement of

and/or fragmented. ideas. Plot is difficult to follow. content with logical order and content with smooth
Some ideas may be out of transitions. transitions.

USE OF LANGUAGE Minimal demonstration Limited control of grammar, Sufficient control of grammar, Sophisticated control of
of control of grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanics usage, spelling, and mechanics. grammar, usage, spelling, and
usage, spelling, and with distracting errors. mechanics.
mechanics. Few errors are evident and do not
Errors may inhibit voice and distract or inhibit voice and tone. Errors, if any, do not distract
tone. or inhibit the voice and tone
of the work.

RESPONSE (MLA) MLA format is not MLA format has been MLA format is demonstrated but MLA format is properly
evident. attempted but may contain may contain one minor error that demonstrated with no errors.
distracting and obvious errors. does not distract.

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