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Candidate’s number ________________


TIME: 3:00 Hrs MARCH 2024

1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two questions from section C.

3. All answer should be written in the answer sheet(s) provided.

4. Section A carries 16 marks, section B carries 54 marks, and section C carries 30 Marks

5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

6. All drawings should be in a pencil

7. Write your name on every page of your answer sheet


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Candidate’s number ________________
SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in this question
1. For each of the item (i-x) choose the most correct answer and write the letter of the correct responses in the
answer sheet provided
i. As a historian, identify incorrect statement among of the given alternatives on the transportation of slaves
from Africa to America during Triangular trade
A. The trade increased the production in the Western part of Africa
B. There was the existence of humanization to the slaves who were shipped to America
C. The trade created the emergence of Africans Diaspora to America
D. The trade contributed to the decline of families along the west part of Africa
E. The trade increased the development of technology among the Africans.

ii. What was the achievement attained by man after the discovering of fire during the middle stone age?
A. Reducing flakes that offered useful cutting
B. Chasing away the dangerous wild animals
C. Increasing of crude tools compared to Paleolithic revolution.
D. It helped man to collects fruits easily
E. It enabled man to live in permanent life.

iii. Give one reason among the following, why the Berlin conference of 1884-1885 was called to divide the
African continent among the imperialist powers
A. Ambition of Bismarck to acquire colonies in Africa
B. Rise of Industrialization in Europe
C. Increase of Intensive scramble among European powers
D. Easy availability of raw materials
E. Development of war weapons.

iv. Congo basin and Niger River were the examples of the areas which experienced more intensive scramble
among the European imperialist nations. This was because
A. These areas had no active African resistance against colonialism
B. These areas were still for behind in development
C. These areas were good for hunting and gathering
D. These areas had Mediterranean climatic favorable for Europeans
E. These areas were economically strategic

v. Why Vasco da Gama sailed directly from Portugal to India through rounding the African continent during
15th century?
A. Blocked of the route in Ottoman Empire to Middle East.
B. Easy accessibility to sail directly from Portugal to India.
C. Portuguese were very interested to round the African continent.
D. The navigation supported the journey from Europe to India by ship.
E. The Portuguese sailors were too courage to reach various parts of the world.

vi. The British was first nation in Europe to make the commercial revolution in 1750s. This period was called
A. Commercial capitalism B. Mercantile capitalism C. Competitive Industrial capitalism
D. Monopoly capitalism E. Merging of industries among European powers.
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Candidate’s number ________________
vii. Which of the following limits the activities of Archaeologists in Tanzania?
A. Time factor is very relative
B. Humid climate causes decay of artifacts
C. It is more employed in Engaruka valley than Egypt
D. Difficult to know the culture, language and beliefs of the artifacts
E. It takes time and it is very expensive.

viii. The death of Ngoni leader Zwangendaba when they reached Ufipa in 1845 brought the disputes over the
succession of leadership among the Ngoni speaking people. This event led to the following effect to the
Ngoni speaker.
A. Increase of remorse among the Ngoni people
B. Disintegration and split of Ngoni movement.
C. It led to the continuation of Ngoni movement
D. Appointing another person to led the group.
E. Forming the new Ngoni Empire along the central of Africa.

ix. During pre – colonial Africa, the name given to the mode of production which was largely based on the
land ownership and cattle ownership as the major means of production was
A. Second – exploitative mode of production
B. First exploitative mode of production
C. Communal mode of production
D. Slave mode of production
E. Primitive communalism

x. One of the problem in which people of South Africa faced was the existence and practices of apartheid
policy. This policy meant?
A. Color bar between whites and the blacks
B. Separate development among South African Soldier
C. No voting right for the Africans
D. The best laud to be reserved for whites
E. Creation of settlements for the Africans

2. Match the items in list A with the correct response in list B by writing the letter of the response beside the item
i. We visit those places in order to see human remain past A. Oral tradition
ii. It involves scientific study of material remains of man’s past through B. Archives
scientific methods C. Anthropology
iii. It cannot be accessed by those who are deaf
D. Museums
iv. There is collection of public and private documents and records are
preserved E. Linguistics
v. We find historical objects which can be natural or manmade to present F. Historical sites
reality eg. Coins and clothes, religious and ceremonial symbols G. Archaeology
vi. It includes study sound, structure, information and relationship between H. Carbon 14
various language groups

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Candidate’s number ________________
SECTION B (54 Marks)
Answer all questions from this section
3. i. What were the three system of feudal rents?
ii. Why did age-set organization was popular among the pastoralist? (Three points)
iii. Explain how people became slaves? (Three points)
iv. What were the factors enabled the Ngoni to succeed against other communities during the invasion.
(Three points)
v. What were the three social-political organizations before the coming of Europeans?
vi. How did colonial social services assist in the exploitation of Africa? (Three points)

4. Arrange the following statements in a chronological order.

i. There the Boers established the Republic of South Africa and Orange Free State.
ii. Boers developed anti-British sentiments
iii. South Africa was firstly inhabited by Boers in 1652 under Jan Van Riebeck.
iv. The Boers came into clash with the British government in 1795.
v. The Boers moved northwards.

5. (a) Using the specific examples explain how the expansion of Ngoni people during the 19th discuss how
affected the people of East Africa and Central Africa. (Three points)
(b) Why Portuguese find a sea route to India?

6. The era of Mfecane had a far-reaching crash on the history of South Africa; many of its upshots were both
unenthusiastic and optimistic. (Discuss with not less than six points).

7. (a) Why was the settler economy success in Kenya but failure in Uganda (3 points)
(b) How did colonial economy differ from pre- colonial economy (3 points?)

8. Draw a sketch map of East Africa showing the societies practiced feudalism. Show at least five societies
practiced feudalism.


Answer two questions from this section
9. The outbreak of the Second World War in 1939-1945 brought some outcomes on Africa. Show the truth of
this statement by providing six (6) points.

10. Examine six contributions of welfare associations to the rise of nationalism in Africa.

11. Before colonialism there were some communities that were involved in agriculture among of those
communities are Sukuma, Hehe, Nyamwezi and etc. Elucidate how those communities changed their lives
through agriculture. (Give six points)

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i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

(10 Marks @ 1 Mark)


i ii iii iv v vii
(6 Marks @ 1 mark)

SECTION B (54 Marks)

3. (i) Three emerged system of feudal rents are;

(a) Labour rent (1.5


Labour rent was also termed as land rent, and had two dimensions, firstly t he peasant worked on his pot
to get necessary products for his livelihood.

(b) Rent in kind

This kind of rent required the peasant to work on his pot only, producing a substantial part of product to
the landlord for the use of land.

(c) Monet rent

This was the last form of feudal rent that grew in popularity after money became a major medium of

(ii) The following are the some reasons why age-set organization was popular among the pastoralist:
(a) The pastoral way of life required alertness at all times because the livestock could be attacked by
wild animals or raided by enemy communities.
(b) Their pastoralist lifestyle also required continuous search for pasture and water for the livestock.
(c) Young men were required to raids and acquire more livestock from neighboring communities in
order to boost the wealth of the community


(a) Some people were born into bondage by virtue of their parents having been slaves.

(b) Other were kidnapped during intercommunity warfare and enslaved or sold into slavery

(c) In some societies, individuals who were disadvantaged, for example the landless, opted to became


(a) Most of the African communities in southern and eastern Africa were caught unawares by the
Ngoni invaders.
(b) The Ngoni were ruthless and their attacks left devastating effects on their victims.
(c) The Ngoni incorporated captives into their army

(v) Before the coming of European, social-political organization included;

(a) Age-set organization

(b) State organization

(c) Clan organization (kinship)

(vi) Colonial social services assist exploitation of Africa through the following ways;

- By providing water and housing services

- By constructions of railways and roads

i Ii Iii iv v
5 3 1 2 4

5. (a) – Led to the loss of many lives

- Led to destruction of properties (4 MARK )

Ngoni migration led to destroy the political, social and economic organization of the societies.

(b) Due to the following reason (4 MARK )

Because Turks had occupied a large part of the middle east, blocking the overall trade route between India
and Europe

High taxes needed by the Turks


i) Political transformation
ii) There was development of strong leadership resulted into the appearance of large,
stronger and better organized states.
iii) Military advancement and military
iv) Depopulation of many communities and societie
v) Economic and social disruption
vi) Weakening of African resistance against European

7. (a)

Natural factors

Availability of land (9 MARKS )

Good infrastructure

Political strength


-Colonial economy there is exploitation while in pre-colonial economy no exploitation

-excessive use of coercion in colonial economy while in pre-colonial not
-Import-export oriented in colonial economy while production for consumption in pre-colonial
-monoculture oriented in colonial economy while production of food crops
-colonial economy under whites control while pre-colonial economy Africans themselves
-colonial economy there were advanced in technology while pre-colonial poor technology
-colonial economy bases on production of cash crops while pre colonial economy was based on

8. Map showing areas where feudalism practiced in east Africa.9 Marks good drawing and locating at
least five historical sites.


SECTION C (30 Marks)

9. Definition (02 marks)

Main body (12 marks)

i) Death among African soldiers and civilians.
ii) Rise of communicable disease eg. Influenza , malnutrition
iii) Insecurity among African societies
iv) Intensive exploitations.
v) Decline of external trade between Europe and Africa.
vi) Destructions of physical infrastructures. Eg railways, roads,harbours, ports etc.

Conclusion (01 mark)

10 Definition (02 marks)

Main body (12 marks)

i) They exposed African political feelings to the colonialists.

ii) Social welfare infrastructures such as offices came to be used by nationalistic leaders.
iii) Some welfare associations in Africa published journals which acted as communication channel
for reaching out their supporters.
iv) Some social welfare associations organized protests and demonstrations against colonial
v) Some social welfare associations provided political education in form of political meetings
(rallies) by educating them on the evils of colonialism
vi) Some social welfare associations awakened their members on the injustice of colonialism.

Conclusion (01 mark)

11. Definition (02 marks)

Main body (12 marks)

- Agriculture led to the production of more regular food for the society.
- Agriculture forced people to settle down in one place
- After settling to farm, humans had to establish rules and regulations to govern social life I n the
- Agriculture led to production of more than enough food for community
- Some people acquired more land and animals than others
- The agriculturalist were forced to come up with new religious that could serve their needs.

Conclusion (01 mark)

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