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Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is well suited for software
development. It has gained popularity in recent years as a top choice if building a web
application, ML projects, data science projects, and more. The research study focused on the
creation of a different system with the help of “python programming language” in the pycharm
software platform. The research study includes the validation of the “minimum coin change
transaction system”, “Fourier series grapher system”, “discount system” and “library
management system”. The overall task is performed by the researcher with the help of
appropriate library functions in an effective manner.
Deliverable 1:
Task-1 Minimum-coin change for a transaction:
The minimum coin change problem is a classic problem in computer science and algorithm. It
involves finding the minimum number of coins required to make changes to a given amount,
using a given set of coin denominations. The greedy algorithm works by building up a table of
minimum coin counts for each possible amount up to the target amount, starting with the base
case of zero coins need to make change for zero cents. It then iteratively fills in the table by
considering all the possible coin domination for each amount as well as choosing the minimum
number of coins required to make the changes. This algorithm assumes that the coin
denominations are distinct and sorted in ascending order. If the coin denominations are not
distinct or not sorted, the researcher needs to modify the algorithm accordingly.
Technical analysis
Figure 1: Code for “minimum coin change”
(Source: Created in Pycharn)
The code represents the creation of a “minimum coin change transaction system”. In this
implementation, coins are the list of coin denominations as well as the amount is the target
amount for which to make the change. The function returns the maximum number of coins that
are required to make the change for the target amount.
Figure 2: Code for “minimum coin change”
(Source: Created in Pycharn)
The code represents the creation of a “minimum coin change transaction system”. In order to use
this program, simply run it in any python environment such as pycharm that support Tkinter.
This program used a greedy algorithm to calculate the minimum number of coins needed for a
given transaction amount.
Figure 3: Output of “minimum coin change”
(Source: Created in Pycharn)
This is the output screen after executing the implemented code for creating the coin change
transaction system. The program will display a GUI with an input field for the transaction
amount, checkboxes for excluding coins, a button to calculate the minimum coin change, and a
text box to display the outcomes. Simply, enter the transaction amount and select which coin to
exclude. Here, the click button is used to see the minimum coin change.
The overall code is shown below:

import tkinter as tk
# Define the available coins
coins = [ 50, 10, 5, 2, 1]
# Define the GUI
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Minimum Coin Change Program")
# Define the GUI elements
transaction_label = tk.Label(root, text="Transaction amount:")
transaction_entry = tk.Entry(root)
exclude_label = tk.Label(root, text="Exclude coins:")
exclude_checkboxes = [tk.Checkbutton(root, text=str(coin) + "p", variable=tk.BooleanVar())
for coin in coins[:-1]]
result_label = tk.Label(root, text="Result:")
result_text = tk.Text(root, height=10, width=30)
calculate_button = tk.Button(root, text="Calculate")
# Define the GUI layout
transaction_label.grid(row=0, column=0)
transaction_entry.grid(row=0, column=1)
exclude_label.grid(row=1, column=0)
for i, checkbox in enumerate(exclude_checkboxes):
checkbox.grid(row=1, column=i+1)
result_label.grid(row=2, column=0)
result_text.grid(row=2, column=1)
calculate_button.grid(row=3, column=1)
# Define the calculate function
def calculate():
# Get the transaction amount and excluded coins
transaction_amount = int(transaction_entry.get())
excluded_coins = [coin for coin, checkbox in zip(coins[:-1], exclude_checkboxes) if
# Calculate the minimum coin change
remaining_amount = transaction_amount
coins_used = {}
for coin in coins:
if coin in excluded_coins:
num_coins = remaining_amount // coin
if num_coins > 0:
coins_used[coin] = num_coins
remaining_amount -= coin * num_coins
if remaining_amount == 0:
# Display the minimum coin change
result_text.delete("1.0", tk.END)
result_text.insert("1.0", "\n".join([f"{coin}p: {coins_used[coin]}" for coin in coins_used]))
# Bind the calculate function to the calculate button
# Run the GUI

The research creates the GUI interface after executing the implemented code for making the
change of coins based on a targeted amount. An input field for the transaction amount,
checkboxes for excluding coins, a button to determine the minimum coin change, and a text box
to display the results will all be displayed on the GUI that the software will display. Simply input
the transaction amount and choose the coin you want to ignore. The click button is utilized here
to display the smallest coin change.
Task-2 Fourier Series grapher
Technical Analysis

Figure 4: Code for “Fourier Series Grapher”

(Source: Created in Jupyter)
The code represents the creation of the “Fourier system’ in the jupyter notebook platform in
“python programming language” without the use of matpltlib function.
Figure 5: Code for “Fourier Series Grapher”
(Source: Created in Jupyter)
The code represents the creation of the “Fourier system’ in the jupyter notebook platform in
“python programming language” without the use of the matpltlib function.

Figure 6: Output of “Fourier Series Grapher”

(Source: Created in Jupyter)
This is the outcome after the creation of the “Fourier system’ by implementing the executing
code in the jupyter notebook platform in “python programming language” without the use of the
matpltlib function.
import numpy as np
# Define the function to approximate with the Fourier Series
def f(x):
return np.abs(x)
# Define the number of terms to include in the Fourier Series
num_terms = 10
# Define the x values to plot
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000)
# Calculate the Fourier Series coefficients
a0 = np.mean(f(x))
an = np.zeros(num_terms)
bn = np.zeros(num_terms)
for n in range(1, num_terms+1):
an[n-1] = (2/np.pi) * np.trapz(f(x) * np.cos(n*x), x)
bn[n-1] = (2/np.pi) * np.trapz(f(x) * np.sin(n*x), x)
# Calculate the Fourier Series approximation
f_approx = a0/2
for n in range(1, num_terms+1):
f_approx += an[n-1] * np.cos(n*x) + bn[n-1] * np.sin(n*x)
# Create a text file to save the plot data
with open("fourier_data.txt", "w") as file:
for i in range(len(x)):
# Alternatively, you could directly plot the data using the following code:
# for i in range(len(x)):
# plt.plot(x[i], f(x[i]), "bo")
# plt.plot(x[i], f_approx[i], "r-")
# Define the function to approximate with the Fourier Series
def f(x):
return np.abs(x)
# Define the number of terms to include in the Fourier Series
num_terms = 10
# Define the x values to plot
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000)
# Calculate the Fourier Series coefficients
a0 = np.mean(f(x))
an = np.zeros(num_terms)
bn = np.zeros(num_terms)
for n in range(1, num_terms+1):
an[n-1] = (2/np.pi) * np.trapz(f(x) * np.cos(n*x), x)
bn[n-1] = (2/np.pi) * np.trapz(f(x) * np.sin(n*x), x)
# Calculate the Fourier Series approximation
f_approx = a0/2
for n in range(1, num_terms+1):
f_approx += an[n-1] * np.cos(n*x) + bn[n-1] * np.sin(n*x)
# Plot the results
plt.plot(x, f(x), label="f(x)")
plt.plot(x, f_approx, label=f"Fourier Series ({num_terms} terms)")


Task 3: The Discount System

Conditional statements can be used to build a discount system in Python that calculates the
discount rate based on variables like the total cost of the purchase, the number of products
purchased, or any other criterion the researcher want. The Customer class accepts a name and a
member-type property, which is optional and defaults to None for non-member customers.
Technical Analysis

Figure 7: Code for “Discount system”

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The code represents the creation of the “discount system’ in the pycharm platform in “python
programming language”. Based on the customer's membership category, the DiscountRate class
contains methods to calculate the discount rates for services and goods. The Visit class computes
the total cost after applying the necessary discounts after receiving a Customer object, the cost of
services, and the cost of goods as arguments. This program defines the function calculate
discount, which receives the total cost of the order and the number of products and returns the
discount percentage in accordance with the parameters. The function then determines the
discounted total amount using this discount rate.
Figure 8: Code for “Discount system”
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
This image also shows the code of the creation of the “discount system’ in the pycharm platform
in “python programming language”. The calculate_total_amount function takes in a list of prices,
calculates the total amount, calls calculate_discount to determine the discount rate, and subtracts
the discounted amount from the total amount to get the final total amount.

Figure 9: Output of “Discount system”

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
This is the output after running the implemented code for the design of the discount system.
Based on the researcher’s unique needs, can modify this code to include extra restrictions or
adjust the discount percentages. The researcher can change the code to calculate the discount
based on additional criteria like customer information or product categories.
The code is displayed below:
class Customer:
def __init__(self, name, member_type=None): = name
self.member_type = member_type

def __str__(self):
return f"{} ({self.member_type})"
class DiscountRate:
def __init__(self):
self.service_discounts = {
"Premium": 0.2,
"Gold": 0.15,
"Silver": 0.1,
self.product_discount = 0.1

def getServiceDiscountRate(self, customer):

if customer.member_type in self.service_discounts:
return self.service_discounts[customer.member_type]
return 0

def getProductDiscountRate(self, customer):

return self.product_discount

class Visit:
def __init__(self, customer, service_cost, product_cost):
self.customer = customer
self.service_cost = service_cost
self.product_cost = product_cost

def getTotalCost(self):
discount_rate = DiscountRate()
service_discount = self.service_cost * discount_rate.getServiceDiscountRate(self.customer)
product_discount = self.product_cost *
total_cost = self.service_cost - service_discount + self.product_cost - product_discount
return total_cost
# Testing the classes
customer1 = Customer("User1", "Premium")
visit1 = Visit(customer1, 100, 50)
print(f"Total cost for {customer1}: £{visit1.getTotalCost():.2f}")

customer2 = Customer("User1", "Gold")

visit2 = Visit(customer2, 80, 20)
print(f"Total cost for {customer2}: £{visit2.getTotalCost():.2f}")

customer3 = Customer("User2")
visit3 = Visit(customer3, 120, 60)
print(f"Total cost for {customer3}: £{visit3.getTotalCost():.2f}")

Deliverable 2: Library Management System
Software created to handle a library's many operations is known as a library management system
in Python. It typically has a number of features that enable the librarian to create, edit, and
examine the book's details, monitor book issues and returns, and control library users' accounts.
The researcher creates different types of pages that are needed to manage the library system.
Technical analysis
Part 1

Figure 10: Required library

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The above image is shown the entire library which is required to use in this task for get the exact
outcomes. The “Tkinter” library is used to build the graphical interfaces. On the other hand, the
“os” library is used to classify the exact directory.
Figure 11: Function call for “add_session”
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Here are display the approaches of calling the function using the “def” command. In this section,
the researcher creates the “add_session” class which is included various options such as a book
list. The researcher within the code uses one text file that helps to add all the book lists within
one specific location.
Figure 12: Call the function
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The researcher in this part calls the various function using the “def” command such as “Issue
Books”, “Delete Books” etc.
Figure 13: Using deletion method
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Delete session helps to delete any book from the book list. Also, the researcher uses the “if-else”
condition for detecting the path in a specific way.
Figure 14: set the format
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
In this part connect the front with the backend. As well the use of the “Backend” command
successfully stores every login data in the user in a specific location. The researcher uses some
special commands to set the style such as “label”, “button” etc. Also, this image is shown the
procedure of how the “self” command helps to perform the instance of any class.
Figure 15: Call Registration session
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The researcher in the code using the “class” command create the registers function which is store
the entire details of the register id.

Figure 16: Function call for Student

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The above image displays the procedure of calling the function using the “self” command. Also
in this part, the researcher Set the title of the home page as “Library Management System”. From
another point of view, also the researcher in this party set the background image and the
background color using the “fg” and “bg” commands.

Figure 16: Function call for staff

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The responsibility of the staff function is to store the entire details of the staff in a specific
Figure 17: Create a class for Librarian
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
It is the librarian function call process with the help of some of the commands. Also, this image
helps to acknowledge the approaches of setting the password, button creation, etc.

Figure 18: Add all classes

(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The above image is performed for including all functions in one location. Also in this part set the
total four buttons such as “Register”, “student”, “staff”, and “librarian.
Figure 19: Formatting the library session
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Figure 20: Create add book option
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Figure 21: Viewbooks
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Figure 22: Delete Books
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Figure 23: Overdue Notification
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
Figure 24: Main Page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The main page of the “library management system” is displayed in the above picture. The home
page has “Register”, “student login”, “staff login”, and “Librarian” options.
Figure 25: Register Page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “Registration page” of the library system that holds the option “First
Name”, “last name”, “UserName”, “Age”, “Email”, “Password” and “Confirm password”
Figure 26: Login Page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “login page” of the library system that holds the option “User Name” and
“Password” options. As the user can generate the appropriate username and password, then the
user can successfully login into this management system.
Figure 27: Library Dashboard
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The dashboard of the library system is represented here that includes various chatboxes such as
“view Book”, “Issued Book”, “Add Book”, “Delete Book” and “Overview Notification”.
Figure 28: Book List
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “book List” page of the library system that displayed the name of the book
that are present in the library system.
Figure 29: Issued book page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “issued book page” of the library system that holds the option “Book
Name” and “return date” options.
Figure 30: Add Book Page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “add book page” of the library system that holds the option “Book Name”,
“Writer” and “Year” options.
Figure 31: Delete Book Page
(Source: Created in Pycharm)
The image shows the “delete page” of the library system that holds the option “Book Name”
Part 2
Here is the 10 pytest cases for the program written in part 1 of the assignment:
import pytest
from library_system import Book, Member, Librarian, Library

# Test book creation

@pytest.mark.parametrize("title, author, category, publication_year, expected_output", [
("The Alchemist", "Paulo Coelho", "Fiction", 1988, "Book created successfully"),
("", "Paulo Coelho", "Fiction", 1988, "Title cannot be empty"),
def test_create_book(title, author, category, publication_year, expected_output):
book = Book(title, author, category, publication_year)
assert book.create_book() == expected_output

# Test member registration

@pytest.mark.parametrize("name, email, phone_number, expected_output", [
("John Doe", "", "1234567890", "Member registered successfully"),
("", "", "1234567890", "Name cannot be empty"),
def test_register_member(name, email, phone_number, expected_output):
member = Member(name, email, phone_number)
assert member.register_member() == expected_output

# Test book loaning

@pytest.mark.parametrize("book_title, member_name, expected_output", [
("The Alchemist", "John Doe", "Book loaned successfully"),
("", "John Doe", "Book title cannot be empty"),
def test_loan_book(book_title, member_name, expected_output):
library = Library()
library.add_book(Book("The Alchemist", "Paulo Coelho", "Fiction", 1988))
library.add_member(Member("John Doe", "", "1234567890"))
assert library.loan_book(book_title, member_name) == expected_output
Python may be used to construct front-end applications by utilizing frameworks like PyQt, Kivy,
and PyGTK. These frameworks enable programmers to create GUI-based desktop and mobile
apps. Python is a popular choice for creating machine-learning systems due to its adaptability. A
variety of libraries, including Pandas, TensorFlow, SciPy, and NumPy, offer strong tools for
working with data and developing machine-learning models. Four distinct tasks, including the
development of several management systems, are included in the research study. Using the help
of "python programming language" and "pycharm software platform", the researcher fulfills all
the requirements of this whole project.

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