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What is the Common European Framework of Reference?

The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting
language teaching and learning within Europe.
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development
of language skills and inter-cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong
learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as
teachers, testers and teacher trainers.
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an
emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework
which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial
What are the aims of the CEFR?
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference
points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One
level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a
number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at
different speeds.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that
there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has
a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather
than acquire knowledge.
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages
autonomy in students and focuses on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still
need to learn.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’ objectives. Teachers need to
understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives.
The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with a starter level of English)
to C2 (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an
overview of these levels.

Proficient C2 Mastery Students can use the language

precisely and fluently with near native
C1 Effective Students are proficient in the
Operational language and have a wide range of
Proficiency vocabulary.
Independent B2 Vantage Students are able to express
themselves in increasingly abstract
B1 Threshold Students at this level can maintain
Basic A2 Waystage Students are able to get by in an
increasing range of social situations.
A1 Breakthrough Students can express themselves in
simple, basic language.

1 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above –
A2+, B2+, etc.
Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors – ‘can do tick
points’ – which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of
the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading Conversation at A1
level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the
same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
How does the CEFR correspond to Impact?
The Impact series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning
language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking
and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of
the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of
realistic situations.
Impact Foundation covers the majority of competences for A1+. In this booklet, each
exercise of the Impact series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global
level. So, Impact Foundation is mapped against descriptors at the A1+ threshold.
How does Impact match the aims of the CEFR?
Impact’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences
needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. The emphasis on the four
skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Impact reflects the same emphasis
in the CEFR.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra practice and learning
resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy.
Can I learn more about this?
You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site.

2 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Impact Foundation CEF Overview
Framework level: A1+
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)
Overall listening comprehension: U0 (page 8) ex1; U0 (pages 10–11) ex1, 2, 4, 6; U0
(pages 12–13) ex1, 2; U0 (page 14 Months of the Year
Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully
and Days of the Week) ex1, ex 2; U0 (page 14
articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
Seasons) ex1; U0 (page 15 Numbers) ex1; U0 (page 15
assimilate meaning.
Colours) ex1; U0 (Telling the Time) ex1; U0 (page 18)
ex1, 2; U0 (page 19) ex1; U0 (page 20) ex1, 2; U0
(page 21 Plurals) ex1; U0 (page 22) ex1; U0 (page 23)
ex1; U0 (page 24) ex1; U0 (page 25) ex1; U1
Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 1, 2, 5; U1 Speaking (page
31) ex 1; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 1, 3; ; U1
Grammar (page 38) ex 1; U2 Vocabulary (page 44-46)
ex 1, 2; U2 Speaking (page 47) ex 1; U2 Grammar
(page 48-49) ex 1, 3; U3 Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 1,
5; U3 Speaking (page 65) ex 1; U3 Grammar (page 66-
67) ex 1; U4 Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 1; U4
Speaking (page 78-80) ex 1; U4 Grammar (page 82-83)
ex 3; U5 Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex 1; U5 Speaking
(page 99) ex 1; U5 Reading (page 100-101) ex 1; U5
Grammar (page 100-101) ex 1; U6 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex 1; U6 Speaking (page 115) ex 1; U6
Grammar (page 116-117) ex 1, 3, 4; U7 Vocabulary
(page 130-132) ex 1; U7 Speaking (page 133) ex 1; U7
Speaking (page 133) ex 3; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-
148) ex1; U8 Speaking (page 149) ex1; U8 Grammar
(page 150-151) ex1, 4

Listening to announcements and instructions U0 Classroom Language (page 12-13) ex1

Reception (audio/visual)
Watching TV and film (A2): U1 Video (page 36-37) ex 3; U1 Mission (page 40-41)
page 40; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex 3; U2 Mission
Can identify the main point of TV news items
(page 56-57) page 56; U3 Video (page 70-71) ex 3; U3
reporting events, accidents etc. where the visual
Mission (page 74-75) page 74; U4 Video (page 86-87)
supports the commentary.
ex 3; U4 Mission (page 90-91) page 90; U5 Video
Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news (page 104-105) ex 3; U5 Mission (page 108-109) page
items, and form an idea of the main content. 108; U6 Video (page 120-121) ex 3; U6 Mission (page
124-125) page 124; U7 Video (page 138-139) ex 3; U7
Mission (page 142-143) page 142; U8 Video (page
154-155) ex3; U8 Mission (page 158-159) page 158

3 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Reception (written)
Overall reading comprehension: U0 (pages 10–11) ex2; U0 (pages 12–13) ex2; U0
(page 18) ex2; U0 (page 20) ex2; U1 Vocabulary (page
Can understand very short, simple texts a single
28–30) ex 1, 4; U1 Speaking (page 31) ex 2; U1
phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
Grammar (page 32-33) ex 2, 5; U1 Reading (page 34-
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
35) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U1 Grammar (page 38) ex 2; U2
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 1, 4; U2 Speaking (page
47) ex 2; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 2; U2 Reading
(page 50-51) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex
1; U3 Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 1, 4; U3 Speaking
(page 65) ex 2, 3; U3 Reading (page 68-69) ex 1, 2, 3,
4, 5; U3 Grammar (page 72) ex 1, 2; U3 Writing (page
73) ex 1, 2; U4 Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 1, 4; U4
Speaking (page 81) ex 2; U4 Grammar (page 82-83) ex
1; U4 Reading (page 84-85) ex 1, 3, 4, 5; U4 Video
(page 86-87) ex 2; U4 Grammar (page 88) ex 1; U4
Writing (page 89) ex 1; U5 Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex
1, 4; U5 Speaking (page 99) ex 2; U5 Grammar (page
100-101) ex 2; U5 Reading (page 102-103) ex 1, 3, 4,
5; U5 Grammar (page 106) ex 1; U5 Writing (page
107) ex 1; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex 1, 4; U6
Speaking (page 115) ex 2, 3; U6 Grammar (page 116-
117) ex 2; U6 Reading (page 118-119) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
U6 Grammar (page 122) ex 1; U6 Writing (page 123)
ex 1, 2; U7 Vocabulary (page 130-132) ex 1, 4; U7
Speaking (page 133) ex 2, 3; U7 Speaking (page 133)
ex 1; U7 Reading (page 136-137) ex 3, 4, 5; U7 Video
(page 138-139) ex 1; U7 Grammar (page 140) ex 1; U7
Writing (page 141) ex 1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-
148) ex1, 4; U8 Speaking (page 149) ex2; U8 Grammar
(page 150-151) ex2, 4; U8 Reading (page 152-153)
ex1, 3, 4; U8 Grammar (page 156) ex1; U8 Writing
(page 157) ex1

Reading for orientation: U1 Reading (page 34-35) ex 1, 2, 3, 5; U2 Reading

(page 50-51) ex 1, 2, 3, 5; U3 Reading (page 68-69) ex
Can recognise familiar names, words and very
1, 2, 3, 5; U4 Reading (page 84-85) ex 3, 4, 5; U5
basic phrases on simple notices in the most
Reading (page 102-103) ex 3, 5; U6 Reading (page
common everyday situations.
118-119) ex 2; U6 Writing (page 123) ex 2; U7 Reading
(page 136-137) ex 3, 4, 5; U7 Writing (page 141) ex 1,
2; U8 Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 3, 4; U8 Writing
(page 157) ex1

4 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Reading for information and argument U1 Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 1, 4; U1 Reading (page
34-35) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U2 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex
Can get an idea of the content of simpler
1, 4; U2 Reading (page 50-51) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U3
informational material and short simple
Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 1; U3 Reading (page 68-
descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
69) ex 3, 4, 5; U3 Writing (page 73) ex 2; U4
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 1; U4 Reading (page 84-
85) ex 3, 4, 5; U4 Writing (page 89) ex 2; U5
Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex 1; U5 Reading (page 102-
103) ex 3, 4, 5; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex 1; U6
Reading (page 118-119) ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; U6 Writing
(page 123) ex 1, 2; U7 Vocabulary (page 130-132) ex
1; U7 Reading (page 136-137) ex 3, 4; U7 Writing
(page 141) ex 1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-148) ex1;
U8 Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 3, 4; U8 Writing (page
157) ex1

Interaction (spoken)
Overall spoken interaction: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7; U0 (pages 12–13) ex4; U0
(page 14 Months of the Year and Days of the Week)
Can interact in a simple way, but communication is
ex3; U0 (page 14 Seasons) ex2; U0 (page 15 Numbers)
totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
ex2; U0 (Telling the Time) ex3; U0 (page 23) ex3; U0
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
(page 24) ex2, 3; U0 (page 25) ex3; U1 To start; U1
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 3, 6; U1 Speaking (page
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
31) ex 3; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 4, 5; U1
familiar topics.
Reading (page 34-35) ex 1, 6; U1 Video (page 36-37)
ex 1, 2, 5, 7; U1 Grammar (page 38) ex 3; U1 Mission
(page 40-41) page 40, page 41; U2 To start; U2
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 3; U2 Speaking (page 47)
ex 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 4, 5; U2 Reading
(page 50-51) ex 1, 6; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex 1, 5, 6,
7; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 3; U2 Mission (page 56-
57) page 56, page 57; U3 To start; U3 Vocabulary
(page 62-64) ex 3; U3 Grammar (page 66-67) ex 2; U3
Reading (page 68-69) ex 1, 6; U3 Video (page 70-71)
ex 1; U3 Grammar (page 72) ex 2; U3 Mission (page
74-75) page 74, page 75; U4 To start; U4 Vocabulary
(page 78-80) ex 3; U4 Speaking (page 81) ex 3; U4
Grammar (page 82-83) ex 4, 5; U4 Reading (page 84-
85) ex 6; U4 Video (page 86-87) ex 1, 7; U4 Mission
(page 90-91) page 90; U5 To start; U5 Vocabulary
(page 96-98) ex 1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page 99) ex 3;
U5 Reading (page 102-103) ex 1, 6; U5 Video (page
104-105) ex 1, 5, 6; U5 Mission (page 108-109) page
108, page 109; U6 To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-
114) ex 1, 3; U6 Speaking (page 115) ex 3; U6 Reading
(page 118-119) ex 1, 6; U6 Video (page 120-121) ex 6;
U6 Grammar (page 122) ex 2; U6 Mission (page 124-
125) page 124, page 125; U7 To start; U7 Vocabulary

5 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

(page 130-132) ex 1, 3, 6; U7 Reading (page 136-137)
ex 1, 6; U7 Video (page 138-139) ex 1, 7, 8; U7
Mission (page 142-143) page 142, page 143; U8 To
start; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-148) ex1, 3, 6; U8
Speaking (page 149) ex3; U8 Grammar (page 150-151)
ex3, 5; U8 Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 6; U8 Video
(page 154-155) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Grammar (page 156) ex2;
U8 Mission (page 158-159) page 158, page 159

Conversation: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7; U0 (pages 12–13) ex4; U3

Speaking (page 65) ex 3; U4 Speaking (page 81) ex 3;
Can make an introduction and use basic greeting
and leave-taking expressions.
Can understand everyday expressions aimed at the
satisfaction of simple needs of a concrete type,
delivered directly to him/her in clear, slow and
repeated speech by a sympathetic speaker.
Can ask how people are and react to news.
Conversation (A2): U4 Video (page 86-87) ex 7; U5 Speaking (page 99) ex
3; U6 Speaking (page 115) ex 3; U7 Speaking (page
Can participate in short conversations in routine
133) ex 3;
contexts on topics of interest.
Can discuss everyday practical issues in a simple
way when addressed clearly, slowly and directly.

Goal-oriented co-operation: U7 Speaking (page 133) ex 3; U8 Speaking (page 149)

Can understand questions and instructions
addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Information exchange: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7; U0 (pages 12–13) ex4; U0
(page 14 Months of the Year and Days of the Week)
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
ex3; U0 (page 14 Seasons) ex2; U0 (page 15 Numbers)
respond to simple statements in areas of
ex2; U0 (Telling the Time) ex3; U0 (page 23) ex3; U0
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
(page 24) ex2, 3; U0 (page 25) ex3; U1 To start; U1
Can ask and answer questions about themselves Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 3, 6; U1 Speaking (page
and other people, where they live, people they 31) ex 3; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 4, 5; U1
know, things they have. Reading (page 34-35) ex 1, 6; U1 Video (page 36-37)
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week, ex 1, 2, 5, 7; U1 Grammar (page 38) ex 3; U1 Mission
last Friday, in November, three o'clock. (page 40-41) page 40, page 41; U2 To start; U2
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 3; U2 Speaking (page 47)
ex 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 4, 5; U2 Reading
(page 50-51) ex 1, 6; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex 1, 5, 6,
7; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 3; U2 Mission (page 56-
57) page 56, page 57; U3 To start; U3 Vocabulary
(page 62-64) ex 3; U3 Grammar (page 66-67) ex 2; U3
Reading (page 68-69) ex 1, 6; U3 Video (page 70-71)
ex 1; U3 Grammar (page 72) ex 2; U3 Mission (page
74-75) page 74, page 75; U4 To start; U4 Vocabulary
(page 78-80) ex 3; U4 Speaking (page 81) ex 3; U4
Grammar (page 82-83) ex 4, 5; U4 Reading (page 84-

6 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

85) ex 6; U4 Video (page 86-87) ex 1, 7; U4 Mission
(page 90-91) page 90; U5 To start; U5 Vocabulary
(page 96-98) ex 1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page 99) ex 3;
U5 Reading (page 102-103) ex 1, 6; U5 Video (page
104-105) ex 1, 5, 6; U5 Mission (page 108-109) page
108, page 109; U6 To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-
114) ex 1, 3; U6 Speaking (page 115) ex 3; U6 Reading
(page 118-119) ex 1, 6; U6 Video (page 120-121) ex 6;
U6 Grammar (page 122) ex 2; U6 Mission (page 124-
125) page 124, page 125; U7 To start; U7 Vocabulary
(page 130-132) ex 1, 3, 6; U7 Reading (page 136-137)
ex 1, 6; U7 Video (page 138-139) ex 1, 7, 8; U7
Mission (page 142-143) page 142, page 143; U8 To
start; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-148) ex1, 3, 6; U8
Speaking (page 149) ex3; U8 Grammar (page 150-151)
ex3, 5; U8 Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 6; U8 Video
(page 154-155) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Grammar (page 156) ex2;
U8 Mission (page 158-159) page 158, page 159

Interaction (written)
Overall written interaction: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7; U1 Mission (page 40-41) page
41; U3 Mission (page 74-75) page 75; U4 Mission
Can ask for or pass on personal details in written
(page 90-91) page 91

Overall written interaction: U7 Video (page 138-139) ex 8

Can write personal letters and notes asking for or
conveying simple information of immediate
relevance, getting across the point he/she feels to
be important (B1).
Correspondence: U6 Grammar (page 116-117) ex 5; U8 Video (page
154-155) ex7
Can write a short simple postcard.

Notes, messages and forms: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7

Can write numbers and dates, own name,
nationality, address, age, date of birth or arrival in
the country etc. such as on a hotel registration

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: U0 (pages 10–11) ex7; U0 (page 23) ex3; U0 (page 24)
ex2, 3; U0 (page 25) ex3; U1 To start; U1 Vocabulary
Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about
(page 28–30) ex 1, 6; U1 Speaking (page 31) ex 3; U1
people and places.
Grammar (page 32-33) ex 4; U1 Reading (page 34-35)
ex 1, 6; U1 Video (page 36-37) ex 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; U1
Mission (page 40-41) page 40, page 41; U2 To start;
U2 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 1, 3, 6; U2 Speaking
(page 47) ex 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 4, 5; U2

7 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Reading (page 50-51) ex 1, 6; U2 Video (page 52-53)
ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U2 Mission (page 56-57) page 56, page
57; U3 To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 1, 5;
U3 Speaking (page 65) ex 3; U3 Grammar (page 66-
67) ex 2, 4; U3 Reading (page 68-69) ex 1, 6; U3 Video
(page 70-71) ex 1; U3 Mission (page 74-75) page 74,
page 75; U4 To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex
1, 3, 6; U4 Speaking (page 78-80) ex 3; U4 Grammar
(page 82-83) ex 4, 5; U4 Reading (page 84-85) ex 1, 6;
U4 Video (page 86-87) ex 1, 7; U5 To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex 1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page
99) ex 3; U5 Reading (page 102-103) ex 1, 6; U5 Video
(page 104-105) ex 1, 6; U5 Grammar (page 106) ex 2;
U6 To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex 1, 3; U6
Speaking (page 115) ex 4; U6 Reading (page 118-119)
ex 1, 6; U6 Video (page 120-121) ex 1, 7, 8; U6
Grammar (page 122) ex 2; U7 To start; U7 Vocabulary
(page 130-132) ex 1, 3, 6; U7 Speaking (page 133) ex
3; U7 Reading (page 136-137) ex 1, 6; U7 Video (page
138-139) ex 1, 7, 8; U8 To start; U8 Vocabulary (page
146-148) ex1, 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 149) ex3; U8
Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 6; U8 Video (page 154-
155) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Writing (page 157) ex2
Sustained monologue (describing experience): U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 4, 5; U2 Grammar (page
54) ex 2, 3;
Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and
where he/she lives.
Addressing audiences (A2): U1 Video (page 36-37) ex 7; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex
7; U2 Mission (page 56-57) page 57; U3 Video (page
Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
70-71) ex 7; U3 Mission (page 74-75) page 75; U4
a familiar subject.
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 6; U4 Video (page 86-87)
ex 7; U4 Mission (page 90-91) page 91; U5 Vocabulary
(page 96-98) ex 6; U5 Mission (page 108-109) page
109; U6 Video (page 120-121) ex 6; U6 Mission (page
124-125) page 125; U7 Mission (page 142-143) page
143; U8 Video (page 154-155) ex7; U8 Mission (page
158-159) page 159

Interviewing and being interviewed: U7 Mission (page 142-143) page 143

Can reply in an interview to simple direct
questions spoken very slowly and clearly in direct
non-idiomatic speech about personal details
Transactions to obtain goods and services: U0 (page 15) ex1, 2; U0 (page 17 Telling the Time) ex2
Can handle numbers, quantities, cost and time

Production (written)

8 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall written production: U0 (pages 10–11) ex6; U0 (page 17 Telling the Time)
Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences.
U1 Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 3; U1 Speaking (page
31) ex 1, 2; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 5; ; U1 Video
(page 36-37) ex 6, 7; U1 Writing (page 39) ex 3; U2
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 6; U2 Speaking (page 47)
ex 1, 2; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex 6, 7; U2 Grammar
(page 54) ex 3; U2 Mission (page 56-57) page 57; U3
Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 6; U3 Grammar (page 66-
67) ex 5; U3 Video (page 70-71) ex 7; U3 Writing
(page 73) ex 3; U3 Mission (page 74-75) page 75; U4
Grammar (page 82-83) ex 2, 4; U4 Writing (page 89)
ex 3; U4 Mission (page 90-91) page 91; U5 Grammar
(page 100-101) ex 1, 4; U5 Video (page 104-105) ex 3;
U5 Mission (page 108-109) page 109; U6 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex 5; U6 Writing (page 123) ex 3; U6
Mission (page 124-125) page 125; U7 Video (page
138-139) ex 8; U8 Video (page 154-155) ex7

Overall written production: U5 Writing (page 107) ex 1; U7 Writing (page 141) ex

3; U7 Mission (page 142-143) page 143; U8 Writing
Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences
(page 157) ex3; U8 Mission (page 158-159) page 159
linked with simple connectors like “and", “but”
and “because”(A2)

Creative writing: U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 3;

Can write simple phrases and sentences about
themselves and imaginary people, where they live
and what they do.
Creative writing: U1 Video (page 36-37) ex 7; U2 Video (page 52-53) ex
7; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 3; U3 Video (page 70-71)
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
ex 7; U3 Writing (page 73) ex 3; U4 Video (page 86-
past activities and personal experiences (A2).
87) ex 7; U4 Mission (page 90-91) page 91; U6 Writing
Can write about everyday aspects of his (page 123) ex 3;
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Reports and essays: U7 Video (page 138-139) ex 8
Can write very brief reports to a standard
conventionalised format, which pass on routine
factual information and state reasons for actions

9 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Communicative language competence
Linguistic – range
Vocabulary range: U0 (pages 10–11) ex3, 6, 4; U0 (page 14 Months of
the Year and Days of the Week) ex1, ex 3; U0 (page 14
Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
Seasons) ex2; U0 (page 15 Numbers) ex2; U0 (page 15
and phrases related to particular concrete
Colours) ex2; U1 Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 4, 5; U1
Reading (page 34-35) ex 2; U2 Vocabulary (page 44-
46) ex 4, 5; U2 Reading (page 50-51) ex 2; U3
Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 2, 4, 5; U3 Grammar (page
66-67) ex 3, 4; U3 Reading (page 68-69) ex 2; U4
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 2, 4, 5; U4 Grammar (page
82-83) ex 3, 4; U4 Reading (page 84-85) ex 2; U4
Grammar (page 88) ex 1, 2, 3; U5 Vocabulary (page
96-98) ex 2, 4, 5; U5 Grammar (page 100-101) ex 3, 4;
U5 Reading (page 102-103) ex 2; U6 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex 2, 4, 5; U6 Grammar (page 116-117) ex 3;
U6 Reading (page 118-119) ex 2; U7 Vocabulary (page
130-132) ex 2, 4, 5; U7 Speaking (page 133) ex 3, 4;
U7 Reading (page 136-137) ex 2; U8 Vocabulary (page
146-148) ex2, 4, 5; U8 Reading (page 152-153) ex1, 2

General linguistic range: U1 Speaking (page 31) ex 2, 3; U1 Grammar (page 32-

33) ex 4; U1 Grammar (page 38) ex 3; U2 Speaking
Has a very basic range of simple expressions about
(page 47) ex 2, 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 4, 5;
personal details and needs of a concrete type.
U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 2, 3; U3 Speaking (page 65)
ex 2, 3; U3 Grammar (page 66-67) ex 2, 4, 5; U3
Grammar (page 72) ex 1; U4 Speaking (page 81) ex 2,
3; U4 Grammar (page 88) ex 2, 3; U5 Speaking (page
99) ex 2, 3; U6 Speaking (page 115) ex 2; U7 Speaking
(page 133) ex 2; U8 Speaking (page 149) ex2

Grammatical accuracy: U0 (page 18) ex2, 3; U0 (page 19) ex2, 3; U0 (page 20)
ex2, 3, 4; U0 (page 22) ex2; U0 (page 23) ex2, 3; U0
Shows only limited control of a few simple
(page 25) ex2; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 1, 2; U1
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
Grammar (page 38) ex 1, 2; U1 Writing (page 39) ex 1,
learnt repertoire.
2, 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 1, 2; U2 Grammar
(page 54) ex 1; U2 Writing (page 55) ex 1, 2, 3; U3
Grammar (page 66-67) ex 1, 2; U3 Grammar (page 72)
ex 1; U4 Grammar (page 82-83) ex 1, 2; U4 Grammar
(page 88) ex 1; U5 Reading (page 100-101) ex 1, 2; U5
Grammar (page 100-101) ex 1, 2; U5 Grammar (page
106) ex 1; U6 Grammar (page 116-117) ex 1, 2, 4; U6
Grammar (page 122) ex 1, 2; U7 Speaking (page 133)
ex 1, 3, 4; U7 Grammar (page 140) ex 1, 2; U8
Grammar (page 150-151) ex1, 2; U8 Grammar (page
156) ex1, 3

10 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Phonological control: U0 (page 8) ex1; U0 (pages 10–11) ex1, 4; U0 (pages
12–13) ex1; U0 (page 14 Months of the Year and Days
Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt
of the Week) ex1, 2; U0 (page 14 Seasons) ex1, 2; U0
words and phrases can be understood with some
(page 15 Numbers) ex1; U0 (page 15 Colours) ex1; U0
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
(Telling the Time) ex1; U0 (page 18) ex1, 2; U0 (page
speakers of his/her language group.
19) ex1; U0 (page 20) ex1, 2; U0 (page 21 Plurals) ex1;
U0 (page 22) ex1; U0 (page 23) ex1; U0 (page 24) ex1;
U0 (page 25) ex1; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex 3; U2
Reading (page 50-51) ex 2; U1 Vocabulary (page 28–
30) ex 2, 5; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex 3; U1
Reading (page 34-35) ex 2; U2 Vocabulary (page 44-
46) ex 2, 5; U3 Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 2, 5; U3
Grammar (page 66-67) ex 3; U3 Reading (page 68-69)
ex 2; U4 Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 2, 5; U4
Grammar (page 82-83) ex 3; U4 Reading (page 84-85)
ex 2; U5 Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex 2, 5; U5
Grammar (page 100-101) ex 3; U5 Reading (page 102-
103) ex 2; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex 2, 5; U6
Grammar (page 116-117) ex 3; U6 Reading (page 118-
119) ex 2; U7 Vocabulary (page 130-132) ex 2, 5; U7
Speaking (page 133) ex 3; U7 Reading (page 136-137)
ex 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 146-148) ex2, 5; U8
Grammar (page 150-151) ex4; U8 Reading (page 152-
153) ex2

Sociolinguistic appropriateness: U0 (page 10–11) ex7
Can establish basic social contact by using the
simplest everyday polite forms of: greetings and
farewells; introductions; saying please, thank you,
sorry etc.

Coherence: U1 Writing (page 39) ex 3; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex
3; U3 Writing (page 73) ex 3;
Can link words or groups of words with very basic
linear connectors like 'and' or 'then'.
Coherence: U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 3; U3 Writing (page 73) ex
3; U4 Writing (page 89) ex 3; U4 Mission (page 90-91)
Can use the most frequently occurring connectors
page 91
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points (A2).
Spoken fluency: U1 To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 28–30) ex 1, 6; U1
Speaking (page 31) ex 3; U1 Grammar (page 32-33) ex
Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-
4; U1 Reading (page 34-35) ex 1, 6; U1 Video (page
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search

11 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

for expressions, to articulate less familiar words, 36-37) ex 1, 2, 5, 7; U1 Grammar (page 38) ex 3; U2 To
and to repair communication. start; U2 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex 1, 3, 6; U2
Speaking (page 47) ex 3; U2 Grammar (page 48-49) ex
4, 5; U2 Reading (page 50-51) ex 1, 6; U2 Video (page
52-53) ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U2 Grammar (page 54) ex 2, 3; U3
To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 62-64) ex 1, 5; U3
Reading (page 68-69) ex 1, 6; U3 Video (page 70-71)
ex 1; U3 Grammar (page 72) ex 2; U4 To start; U4
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex 1, 3, 6; U4 Reading (page
84-85) ex 1, 6; U4 Video (page 86-87) ex 1, 7; U5 To
start; U5 Vocabulary (page 96-98) ex 1, 3, 6; U5
Reading (page 102-103) ex 1, 6; U5 Video (page 104-
105) ex 1, 5, 6; U6 To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 112-
114) ex 1; U6 Reading (page 118-119) ex 1, 6; U6
Video (page 120-121) ex 6; U6 Grammar (page 122)
ex 2; U7 To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 130-132) ex 1,
3, 6; U7 Reading (page 136-137) ex 1, 6; U8 To start;
U8 Vocabulary (page 146-148) ex1; U8 Grammar
(page 150-151) ex3, 5; U8 Reading (page 152-153)
ex1, 6; U8 Video (page 154-155) ex1, 5, 6; U8
Grammar (page 156) ex2
Thematic development: U4 Writing (page 89) ex 3;
Can tell a story or describe something in a simple
list of points (A2).

12 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Impact Foundation CEF mapping
Framework level: A1+
Unit 0 Welcome!
Unit 0 (page 8–9)
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.

Unit 0 (page 10–11)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 1, 2, 3
and phrases related to particular concrete
Has a very basic range of simple expressions about
personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 6, 7
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall written Can copy familiar words and short phrases e.g. 6
production simple signs or instructions, names of everyday
objects, names of shops and set phrases used

Overall spoken Can ask and answer questions about themselves 7

interaction and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.

Sociolinguistic Can copy familiar words and short phrases e.g. 7

appropriateness simple signs or instructions, names of everyday
objects, names of shops and set phrases used

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 7
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can ask and answer questions about themselves

13 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
Notes, messages and Can write numbers and dates, own name, 7
forms nationality, address, age, date of birth or arrival in
the country etc. such as on a hotel registration

Unit 0 Classroom Language (page 12–13)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Listening to Can understand instructions addressed 1
announcements and carefully and slowly to him/her and follow
instructions short, simple directions.
Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-
Spoken fluency 4
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words, and
to repair communication.
Overall spoken Can ask and answer questions about themselves 4
interaction and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.

Unit 0 Months of the Year and Days of the Week (page 14)
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1, 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3
and phrases related to particular concrete
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 3
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can understand questions and instructions
addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,
last Friday, in November, three o'clock.

14 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics

Unit 0 Seasons (page 14)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 2
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,
last Friday, in November, three o'clock.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics

Unit 0 Numbers (page 15)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 2
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can ask and answer questions about themselves
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,

15 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

last Friday, in November, three o'clock.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Transactions to obtain Can handle numbers, quantities, cost and time. 2
goods and services
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics

Unit 0 Colours (page 16)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1, 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.

Unit 0 Telling the Time (page 17)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Notes, messages and Can write numbers and dates, own name, 2
forms nationality, address, age, date of birth or arrival in
the country etc. such as on a hotel registration
Overall written Can write numbers and dates, own name, 2
production nationality, address, age, date of birth or arrival in
the country etc. such as on a hotel registration
Information exchange Can understand questions and instructions 3
addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,
last Friday, in November, three o'clock.

16 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics
Transactions to obtain Can handle numbers, quantities, cost and time. 2
goods and services

Unit 0 (page 18)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

Unit 0 (page 19)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

Unit 0 (page 20)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3, 4
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

17 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 0 Plurals (page 21)
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1, 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

Unit 0 (page 22)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

Unit 0 (page 23)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

Unit 0 (page 24)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1

18 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2, 3
production people and places.

Unit 0 (page 25)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 1
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

19 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Family matters
Unit 1 (page 27)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 1 Vocabulary (page 28–30)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2, 5
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 4
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 3
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3, 6
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words

20 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Speaking (page 31)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 1, 2
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 3
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Grammar (page 32–33)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 3
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words

21 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and basic phrases and rereading as required.

Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3

words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 4
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 4
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 4, 5
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 4
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 5
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 4, 5
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Reading (page 34–35)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1, 2, 3, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6

22 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Video (page 36–37)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
(A2) items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 6, 7
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 7
past activities and personal experiences. (A1+/A2)
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Grammar (page 38)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

23 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 3
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 1 Writing (page 39)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 3
Coherence Can link words or groups of words with very basic 3
linear connectors like 'and' or 'then'.

Unit 1 Mission (page 40–41)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about page 40, page 41
production people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 40, page 41
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 41
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 40
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 40, page 41
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

24 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 A Different Education
Unit 2 (page 42)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 2 Vocabulary (page 44–46)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 2
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3, 6
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 4
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 6
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words

25 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Speaking (page 47)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 1, 2
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 3

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Grammar (page 48–49)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 3
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

26 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 4, 5
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 4, 5

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 4, 5
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 4, 5
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Sustained monologue Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and 4, 5
where he/she lives.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 4, 5
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Reading (page 50–51)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1, 2, 3, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some

27 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Video (page 52–53)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 5, 6, 7
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 5, 6, 7

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 1, 5, 6, 7
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 6, 7
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 7 (A2
past activities and personal experiences. (A1+/A2)
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Grammar (page 54)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1

28 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 2, 3
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 3
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Sustained monologue Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and 2, 3
where he/she lives.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 2 Writing (page 55)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 3
Coherence Can link words or groups of words with very basic 3
linear connectors like 'and' or 'then'.
Coherence Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 3
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points. (A2)
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences. (A2)
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences

Unit 2 Mission (page 56–57)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about page 56, page 57
production people and places.

29 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 56, page 57
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 57
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 56
items, and form an idea of the main content.
page 57
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 56, page 57
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

30 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Robots and Us
Unit 3 (page 61)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 3 Vocabulary (page 62–64)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 5
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 6
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 3
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

31 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 3 Speaking (page 65)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2, 3
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Conversation Can ask how people are and react to news. 3

Unit 3 Grammar (page 66–67)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2, 4
production people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 2
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 4, 5
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3, 4
and phrases related to particular concrete

32 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 5
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 3 Reading (page 68–69)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1, 2, 3, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 3 Video (page 70–71)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1
production people and places.

33 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 7
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 7
past activities and personal experiences. (A1+/A2)
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 72)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 2
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer questions about themselves 2
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 1
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 3 Writing (page 73)

34 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 2
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 2
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 3
Coherence Can link words or groups of words with very basic 3
linear connectors like 'and' or 'then'.
Coherence Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 3
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points. (A2)
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences. (A2)

Unit 3 Mission (page 74–75)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about page 74, page 75
production people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 74, page 75
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 75
Overall written Can ask for or pass on personal details in written page 75
interaction form.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 74
items, and form an idea of the main content.
page 75
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 74, page 75
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

35 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Part of Nature
Unit 4 (page 77)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
production respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 4 Vocabulary (page 78–80)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3, 6
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 3
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words

36 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and phrases related to particular concrete
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 4 Speaking (page 81)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

Information exchange Can understand questions and instructions 3

addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Conversation Can ask how people are and react to news. 3
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 82–83)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.

37 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 3
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 4, 5
production people and places.

Information exchange Can understand questions and instructions 4, 5

addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3, 4
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 2, 4
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 4, 5
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 4 Reading (page 84–85)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 3, 4, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some

38 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 4 Video (page 86–87)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 7
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 7

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 7
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Conversation Can participate in short conversations in routine 7
contexts on topics of interest. (A2)
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 7
past activities and personal experiences. (A2)
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 7
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

39 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Grammar (page 88)
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 1, 2, 3
and phrases related to particular concrete

Unit 4 Writing (page 89)

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 2
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 3
Coherence Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 3
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points. (A2)
Thematic Can tell a story or describe something in a simple 3
development list of points. (A2)

Unit 4 Mission (page 90–91)

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 90
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 91
Overall written Can ask for or pass on personal details in written page 91
interaction form.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 90
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Coherence Can use the most frequently occurring connectors page 91
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points. (A2)
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, page 91
past activities and personal experiences. (A2)

40 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

page 91
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is Page 90
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

41 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Water
Unit 5 (page 95)
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
interaction people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
production respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 5 Vocabulary (page 96–98)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3, 6
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 3, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
and phrases related to particular concrete
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)

42 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 3, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 5 Speaking (page 99)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

Information exchange Can understand questions and instructions

addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and 3
follow short, simple directions.
Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2, 3
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Conversation Can discuss everyday practical issues in a simple 3
way when addressed clearly, slowly and directly.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 100–101)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to

43 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

assimilate meaning.

Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3

words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3, 4
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 1, 4

Unit 5 Reading (page 102–103)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 3, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

44 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Video (page 104–105)
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 5, 6
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 5, 6

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 5, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 5, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 106)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2
production people and places.

Unit 5 Writing (page 107)

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2
interaction people and places.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
“because” (A2)

Unit 5 Mission (page 108–109)


45 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 108, page 109
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 109
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 108
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
page 109
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 108, page 109
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

46 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 The City
Unit 6 (page 110)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 6 Vocabulary (page 112–114)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 3
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

47 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
and phrases related to particular concrete

Unit 6 Speaking (page 115)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and
respond to simple statements in areas of 3
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can ask and answer questions about themselves
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2
range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2, 3
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Conversation Can discuss everyday practical issues in a simple 3
way when addressed clearly, slowly and directly.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 6 Grammar (page 116–117)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2, 4
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 3, 4
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3
words and phrases can be understood with some

48 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 1, 4
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences
Correspondence Can write a short simple postcard.

Unit 6 Reading (page 118–119)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 2
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 6 Video (page 120–121)

49 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 7, 8
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 6 Grammar (page 122)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2
production people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 2
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 2
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 6 Writing (page 123)


50 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 2
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 2
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 2
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
“because”. (A2)
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.

Unit 6 Mission (page 124–125)

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 124, page 125
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 125
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 124
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Page 125
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 124, page 125
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

51 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Amazing Space
Unit 7 (page 129)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 7 Vocabulary (page 130–132)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3, 6
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3, 6

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 3, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

52 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 3, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 7 Speaking (page 133)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2

range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2, 3
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Conversation Can discuss everyday practical issues in a simple 3
way when addressed clearly, slowly and directly.
Goal-oriented co- Can discuss what to do next, making and 3
operation responding to suggestions, asking for and giving
directions. (A2)

Unit 7 Grammar (page 134–135)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 3, 4
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 3
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 3
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 3, 4

53 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

and phrases related to particular concrete

Unit 7 Reading (page 136–137)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 3, 4, 5

comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 3, 4, 5
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 3, 4
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 7 Video (page 138–139)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 1, 7, 8
production and phrases related to particular concrete
situations. Can ask and answer simple questions,
initiate and respond to simple statements in areas

54 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

of immediate need or on very familiar topics.

Spoken fluency Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 7, 8

people and places.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 7, 8
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. 8
Reports and essays Can write very brief reports to a standard 8
conventionalised format, which pass on routine
factual information and state reasons for actions.
Overall written Can write personal letters and notes asking for or 8
interaction conveying simple information of immediate
relevance, getting across the point he/she feels to
be important. (B1)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 7, 8
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 140)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.

Unit 7 Writing (page 141)

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 2
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 2
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1, 2
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3

55 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
“because”. (A2)

Unit 7 Mission (page 142–143)

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 142, page 143
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall written Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. page 143
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 142
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
page 143
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
page 143
Interviewing and Can reply in an interview to simple direct questions
being interviewed spoken very slowly and clearly in direct non-
idiomatic speech about personal details
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 142, page 143
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

56 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 See the World
Unit 8 (page 145)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is To start
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and To start
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about To start
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- To start
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 8 Vocabulary (page 146–148)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 3, 6
production people and places.

Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 3, 6

packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2, 5
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 3, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.

57 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

2, 4, 5
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words
and phrases related to particular concrete
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 3, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 8 Speaking (page 149)

Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 3
production people and places.

General linguistic Has a very basic range of simple expressions about 2

range personal details and needs of a concrete type.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Goal-oriented co- Can understand questions and instructions 3
operation addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and
follow short, simple directions.
Information exchange Can give and follow simple directions and 3
instructions e.g. explain how to get somewhere.

Unit 8 Grammar (page 150–151)

Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 2, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 2
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall listening Can follow speech that is very slow and carefully 1, 4
comprehension articulated, with long pauses for him/her to
assimilate meaning.

58 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 3, 5
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 3, 5
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can ask and answer questions about themselves
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,
last Friday, in November, three o'clock.
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 4
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 3, 5
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 8 Reading (page 152–153)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 6
production people and places.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1, 3, 4
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1, 3, 4
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1, 3, 4
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support.
Vocabulary range Has a basic vocabulary repertoire of isolated words 2
and phrases related to particular concrete
Phonological control Pronunciation of a very limited repertoire of learnt 2
words and phrases can be understood with some
effort by native speakers used to dealing with
speakers of his/her language group.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

59 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 8 Video (page 154–155)

Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 1, 5, 6
production people and places.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 1, 5, 6
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1, 5, 6
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
Correspondence Can write a short simple postcard. 7
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 7
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 1, 5, 6
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

Unit 8 Grammar (page 156)

Grammatical accuracy Shows only limited control of a few simple 1, 3
grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a
learnt repertoire.
Overall reading Can understand very short, simple texts a single 1
comprehension phrase at a time, picking up familiar names, words
and basic phrases and rereading as required.
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is 2
interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of

60 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.
Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 2
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Can ask and answer questions about themselves
and other people, where they live, people they
know, things they have.
Can indicate time by such phrases as next week,
last Friday, in November, three o'clock.
Spoken fluency Can manage very short, isolated, mainly pre- 2
packaged utterances, with much pausing to search
for expressions, to articulate less familiar words,
and to repair communication.

Unit 8 Writing (page 157)

Overall reading Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and 1
comprehension respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Reading for Can get an idea of the content of simpler 1
information and informational material and short simple
argument descriptions, especially if there is visual support
Reading for Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic 1
orientation phrases on simple notices in the most common
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can produce simple mainly isolated phrases about 2
production people and places.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
“because”. (A2)

Unit 8 Mission (page 158–159)

Information exchange Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and page 158, page 159
respond to simple statements in areas of
immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 158
items, and form an idea of the main content. (A2)
page 159
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
a familiar subject. (A2)
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 159
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
“because”. (A2)
Overall spoken Can interact in a simple way but communication is page 158, page 159

61 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

interaction totally dependent on repetition at a slower rate of
speech, rephrasing and repair. Can ask and answer
simple questions, initiate and respond to simple
statements in areas of immediate need or on very
familiar topics.

62 Impact Foundation © National Geographic Learning

What is the Common European Framework of Reference?
The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting
language teaching and learning within Europe.
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development
of language skills and inter-cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong
learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as
teachers, testers and teacher trainers.
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an
emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework
which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial
What are the aims of the CEFR?
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference
points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One
level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a
number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at
different speeds.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that
there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has
a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather
than acquire knowledge.
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages
autonomy in students and focuses on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still
need to learn.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’ objectives. Teachers need to
understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives.
The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with a starter level of English)
to C2 (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an
overview of these levels.

Proficient C2 Mastery Students can use the language

precisely and fluently with near native
C1 Effective Students are proficient in the
Operational language and have a wide range of
Proficiency vocabulary.
Independent B2 Vantage Students are able to express
themselves in increasingly abstract
B1 Threshold Students at this level can maintain
Basic A2 Waystage Students are able to get by in an
increasing range of social situations.
A1 Breakthrough Students can express themselves in
simple, basic language.

1 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above –
A2+, B2+, etc.
Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors – ‘can do tick
points’ – which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of
the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading Conversation at A1
level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the
same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
How does the CEFR correspond to Impact?
The Impact series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning
language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking
and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of
the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of
realistic situations.
Impact 1 covers the majority of competences for A2. In this booklet, each exercise of
the Impact series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So,
Impact 1 is mapped against descriptors at the A2 threshold.
How does Impact match the aims of the CEFR?
Impact’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences
needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. The emphasis on the four
skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Impact reflects the same emphasis
in the CEFR.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra practice and learning
resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy.
Can I learn more about this?
You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site.

2 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Impact Foundation CEF Overview
Framework level: A2
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)
Overall listening comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Speaking (page
13) ex1, 3, 4; U1 Grammar (page 14) ex1; U1
Can understand enough to be able to meet needs
Grammar (page 20) ex2; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28)
of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
ex1; U2 Listening (page 29) ex1; U2 Grammar (page
slowly articulated.
30) ex1, 3, 4; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3
Can understand phrases and expressions related Speaking (page 47) ex1; U3 Grammar (page 48) ex1,
to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic 4; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1; U4 Speaking (page
personal and family information, shopping, local 63) ex1; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex1, 4; U5
geography, employment) provided speech is Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1; U5 Speaking (page 81)
clearly and slowly articulated. ex1; U5 Grammar (page 82) ex3, 4; U6 Vocabulary
(page 94-96) ex1; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex1; U6
Grammar (page 98) ex1, 4; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-
114) ex1; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex1; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex1, 4; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-129)
ex1; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex1; U8 Grammar (page
132-133) ex1, 4

Reception (audio/visual)
Watching TV and film: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex3; U1 Mission, page 22; U2
Video (page 34-35) ex3; U2 Mission, page 38; U3
Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news
Video (page 52-53) ex3; U3 Video, page 56; U4 Video
items, and form an idea of the main content.
(page 68-69) ex3; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 Video
(page 86-87) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90; U6 Video
(page 102-103) ex3; U6 Mission, page 106; U7 Video
(page 120-121) ex3; U7 Mission, page 124; U8 Video
(page 136-137) ex3; U8 Mission, page 140

Reception (written)
Overall reading comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1, 4; U1 Speaking
(page 13) ex2; U1 Grammar (page 14) ex4; U1
Can understand short, simple texts on familiar
Reading (page 16-17) ex1, 3, 4; U1 Writing (page 21)
matters of a concrete type which consist of high
ex1; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 4; U2 Listening
frequency everyday or job-related language.
(page 29) ex2; U2 Grammar (page 30) ex2, 3; U2
Can understand short, simple texts containing the Reading (page 32-33) ex1, 3, 4; U2 Grammar (page
highest frequency vocabulary, including a 36) ex1; U2 Writing (page 37) ex1; U3 Vocabulary
proportion of shared international vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 4; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex2; U3
items. Grammar (page 50-51) ex2, 4; U3 Grammar (page 54)
ex1; U3 Writing (page 55) ex1; U4 Vocabulary (page
60-62) ex1, 4; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex2; U4 Reading
(page 66-67) ex1, 3; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex1; U4
Writing (page 71) ex1; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-80)
ex1, 4; U5 Speaking (page 81) ex2; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex1, 3, 4; U5 Grammar (page 88) ex1; U5

3 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Writing (page 89) ex1; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96)
ex1; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex2; U6 Reading (page
100-101) ex3; U6 Writing (page 105) ex1; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 4; U7 Speaking (page
115) ex2; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex2; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex2, 3, 5; U7 Writing (page
123) ex1; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-129) ex1, 4; U8
Speaking (page 131) ex2; U8 Reading (page 134-135)
ex2, 3, 5; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex1; U8 Writing
(page 139) ex1, 2
Reading for information and argument U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Grammar (page
14) ex5; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex3; U2 Vocabulary
Can identify specific information in simpler
(page 26-28) ex1; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex3; U3
written material he/she encounters such as
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-
letters, brochures and short newspaper articles
51) ex2, 4; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1; U4
describing events.
Reading (page 66-67) ex3, 5; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-
80) ex1; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex3; U6 Vocabulary
(page 94-95) ex1; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex3; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1; U7 Reading (page
118-119) ex2, 3, 5; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-129) ex1;
U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex3, 5

Interaction (spoken)
Overall spoken interaction: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex3,
6; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U1 Grammar (page
Can interact with reasonable ease in structured
14) ex6; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page
situations and short conversations, provided the
18-19) ex6, 7; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex3, 6; U2 (page 25) To start;
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
U2 Listening (page 29) ex3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30)
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
ex5; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video (page 34-
and information on familiar topics in predictable
35) ex1, 2, 6, 7; U2 Writing (page 37) ex2; U2 Mission,
everyday situations.
page 38, page 39; U3 (page 42) To start; U3
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex6; U3 Speaking (page 47)
ex3, 4; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 7; U3 Video
(page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Grammar (page 54) ex2, 3;
U3 Video, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To start; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex3; U4 Speaking (page 63)
ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading
(page 66-67) ex1, 6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 6, 7;
U4 Grammar (page 70) ex2; U4 Mission page 72, page
73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-80)
ex3; U5 Speaking (page 81) ex3; U5 Grammar (page
82) ex5; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page
86-87) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U5 Mission, page 90, page 91; U6
(page 93) To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex3, 6;
U6 Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4; U6 Grammar (page 98)
ex3, 6; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex1, 6; U6 Video
(page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6; U6 Writing (page 105) ex2;
U6 Mission, page 106, page 107; U7 (page 110) To
start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7
Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7 Grammar (page 116-
117) ex3, 5, 6; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex1, 6; U7

4 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7 Grammar (page
122) ex2; U7 Mission, page 124, page 125; U8 (page
127) To start; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex3, 4; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex3, 6; U8 Reading (page
134-135) ex1, 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex1, 5, 6;
U8 Mission, page 140, page 141
Conversation: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex3; U1 Speaking (page
13) ex3, 4; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex3, 6; U2
Can say what he/she likes and dislikes.
Listening (page 29) ex3, 4; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-
46) ex3; U5 Speaking (page 81) ex3; U6 Vocabulary
(page 94-96) ex6; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex3; U8 Speaking (page 131)
ex3, 4

Goal-oriented co-operation: U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3

Can understand enough to manage simple, routine
tasks without undue effort, asking very simply for
repetition when he/she does not understand.

Information exchange: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Grammar (page 14) ex6; U1

Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex6,
Can understand enough to manage simple, routine
7; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 Vocabulary (page
exchanges without undue effort.
26-28) ex3, 6; U2 (page 25) To start; U2 Grammar
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding (page 30) ex5; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video
out and passing on straightforward factual (page 34-35) ex1, 2, 6, 7; U2 Writing (page 37) ex2; U2
information. Mission, page 38, page 39; U3 (page 42) To start; U3
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks Grammar (page 48) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page 50-51)
requiring a simple and direct exchange of ex1, 7; U3 Video, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To
information. start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex3, 6; U4 Speaking
(page 63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 6; U4
Can exchange limited information on familiar and Reading (page 66-67) ex1, 6; U4 Video (page 68-69)
routine operational matters. ex1, 6, 7; U4 Mission page 72, page 73; U4 Mission
page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex3, 6; U5 Grammar (page
82) ex5; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page
86-87) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U6 (page 93) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-95) ex3, 6; U6 Grammar (page
98) ex3, 6; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex1, 6; U6
Video (page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6; U6 Grammar (page
104) ex2; U6 Writing (page 105) ex2; U6 Mission,
page 106, page 107; U7 (page 110) To start; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex3, 5, 6; U7 Reading (page 118-119)
ex1, 6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7
Grammar (page 122) ex2; U7 Mission, page 124, page
125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-
129) ex6; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex3, 6; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex1, 6; U8 Video (page 136-
137) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141

5 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Interaction (written)
Correspondence (B1): U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69)
Can write personal letters describing experiences,
feelings and events in some detail.

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex3,
6; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U1 Grammar (page
Can give a simple description or presentation of
14) ex6; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page
people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
18-19) ex6, 7; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex3; U1 Mission,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex3, 6; U2 Listening (page
29) ex3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30) ex5; U2 Reading
(page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex1, 2, 6, 7;
U2 Mission, page 38, page 39; U3 (page 42) To start;
U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U3 Grammar (page 48)
ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 7; U3 Video
(page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Video, page 56, page 57; U4
(page 59) To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex3, 6;
U4 Speaking (page 63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-
65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video
(page 68-69) ex1, 6, 7; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex2; U4
Mission page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex3; U5 Speaking (page 81)
ex3; U5 Grammar (page 82) ex5; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U5
Grammar (page 88) ex2; U5 Mission, page 90, page
90; U6 (page 93) To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96)
ex3, 6; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4; U6 Grammar
(page 98) ex3, 6; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex1, 6;
U6 Video (page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6; U6 Grammar (page
104) ex2; U6 Writing (page 105) ex2; U6 Mission,
page 106, 107; U7 (page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary
(page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3,
4; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex3, 5, 6; U7 Reading
(page 118-119) ex1, 6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1,
5, 6, 7; U7 Grammar (page 122) ex3; U7 Mission, page
124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Speaking
(page 131) ex3, 4; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex3, 6;
U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex1, 6; U8 Video (page
136-137) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141
Addressing audiences: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-
19) ex7; U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Video (page 34-35)
Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on
ex7; U2 Mission, page 39; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46)
a familiar subject.
ex6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6; U3 Video, page 57;
U4 Video (page 68-69) ex7; U4 Mission, page 73; U5
Video (page 86-87) ex7; U5 Mission, page 91; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-95) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-
103) ex7; U6 Mission, page 107; U7 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex7; U7
Mission, page 125; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-129)

6 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

ex6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex6; U8 Mission, page
Interviewing and being interviewed: U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Grammar (page 30) ex5; U2
Grammar (page 36) ex2; U2 Mission, page 39; U3
Can answer simple questions and respond to
Video (page 52-53) ex6; U4 Mission page 73; U6
simple statements in an interview.
Vocabulary (page 94-95) ex6

Production (written)
Overall written production: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex7; U1 Writing (page 21) ex3;
U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex5, 7;
Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences
U2 Writing (page 37) ex3; U2 Mission, page 39; U3
linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but”
Grammar (page 48) ex5; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6;
and “because”.
U3 Writing (page 55) ex3; U3 Video, page 57; U4
Grammar (page 64-65) ex2, 5; U4 Video (page 68-69)
ex7; U4 Writing (page 71) ex2; U5 Vocabulary (page
78-80) ex6; U5 Writing (page 89) ex3; U6 Video (page
102-103) ex1, 7; U6 Writing (page 105) ex3; U6
Mission, page 107; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
ex6; U7 Writing (page 123) ex3; U7 Mission, page 125;
U8 Vocabulary (page 128-129) ex6; U8 Writing (page
139) ex3; U8 Mission, page 141
Creative writing: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex7; U1 Writing (page 21) ex3;
U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Writing (page 37) ex3; U2
Can write about everyday aspects of his
Mission, page 39; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6; U3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
Writing (page 55) ex3; U3 Video, page 57; U4 Video
experience in linked sentences.
(page 68-69) ex7; U4 Writing (page 71) ex2; U5
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex6; U5 Writing (page 89)
past activities and personal experiences. ex3; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex7; U6 Writing (page
105) ex3; U6 Mission, page 107; U7 Writing (page
123) ex3; U7 Mission, page 125; U8 Vocabulary (page
128-129) ex6; U8 Writing (page 139) ex3; U8 Mission,
page 141

Working with text

Processing text: U1 Speaking (page 13) ex1, 2; U1 Grammar (page 20)

ex1, 2; U2 Listening (page 29) ex1, 2; U2 Grammar
Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases
(page 36) ex1; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex1, 2; U3
or short sentences from a short text within the
Grammar (page 54) ex1, 2; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex1,
learner’s limited competence and experience.
2; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex1; U5 Speaking (page 81)
ex1, 2; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex1, 2; U7 Speaking
(page 115) ex1, 2; U7 Grammar (page 122) ex1; U8
Speaking (page 131) ex1, 2

Communicative language competence

Linguistic – range
Vocabulary range: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 4, 5; U1 Reading
(page 16-17) ex2; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 4,

7 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

5; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3 Vocabulary (page
Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine,
44-46) ex2, 4, 5; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex3; U4
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 4, 5; U4 Grammar (page
and topics.
64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex2, 5; U5 Reading (page 84-
basic communicative needs. 85) ex2; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-95) ex2, 4, 5; U6
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple Grammar (page 98) ex4, 5; U6 Reading (page 100-
survival needs. 101) ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8 Vocabulary (page
128-129) ex2, 4, 5; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex2

General linguistic range: U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U2 Listening (page 29)
ex3, 4; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3; U5 Speaking (page
Has a limited repertoire of short memorised
81) ex3; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4; U7 Speaking
phrases covering predictable survival situations;
(page 115) ex3, 4; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex3, 4
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Grammatical accuracy: U1 Grammar (page 14) ex1, 2, 3, 6; U1 Grammar
(page 20) ex1, 2, 3; U2 Grammar (page 30) ex1, 2, 4,
Uses some simple structures correctly, but still
5; U2 Grammar (page 36) ex1, 2; U3 Grammar (page
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
48) ex1, 2, 5, 6; U3 Grammar (page 54) ex1, 2, 3; U4
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
Grammar (page 64-65) ex1, 2, 3, 5, 6; U4 Grammar
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
(page 70) ex1, 2; U5 Grammar (page 82) ex1, 2, 5; U5
he/she is trying to say.
Grammar (page 88) ex1, 2; U6 Grammar (page 98)
ex1, 2, 5; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex1, 2, 3, 6; U7 Video (page
120-121) ex1, 2, 3; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex1,
2, 6; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex1, 2, 3

Phonological control: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar

(page 14) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U2
Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar (page
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
30) ex3; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3 Vocabulary
but conversational partners will need to ask for
(page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar (page 48) ex4; U3
repetition from time to time.
Reading (page 50-51) ex3; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-
62) ex2, 5; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar (page
82) ex3; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex2; U6 Vocabulary
(page 94-95) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page 98) ex4; U6
Reading (page 100-101) ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex2, 5; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex4; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8 Vocabulary (page
128-129) ex2, 5; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex4; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex2


8 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Sociolinguistic awareness: U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4
Can perform and respond to basic language
functions, such as information exchange and
requests and express opinions and attitudes in a
simple way.

Coherence: U6 Writing (page 105) ex1, 3
Can use the most frequently occurring connectors
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points.
Spoken fluency: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex3,
6; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U1 Grammar (page
Can make him/herself understood in short
14) ex6; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
18-19) ex6, 7; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 (page
reformulation are very evident.
25) To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex3, 6; U2
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with Listening (page 29) ex3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30) ex5;
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35)
very noticeable hesitation and false starts. ex1, 2, 6, 7; U3 (page 42) To start; U3 Vocabulary
(page 44-46) ex6; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U3
Grammar (page 48) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page 50-51)
ex1, 7; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Video,
page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To start; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-
67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 6, 7; U4 Mission
page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex3; U5 Speaking (page 81)
ex3; U5 Grammar (page 82) ex5; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U5
Mission, page 90, page 91; U6 (page 93) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex3, 6; U6 Speaking (page
97) ex3, 4; U6 Grammar (page 98) ex3, 6; U6 Reading
(page 100-101) ex1, 6; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex1,
5, 6; U6 Mission, page 106, page 107; U7 (page 110)
To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex3, 6; U7
Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7 Grammar (page 116-
117) ex3, 5, 6; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex1, 6; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7 Mission, page
124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Grammar
(page 132-133) ex3, 6; U8 Reading (page 134-135)
ex1, 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex1, 5, 6; U8 Mission,
page 140, page 141
Propositional precision: U6 Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4
Can communicate what he/she wants to say in a
simple and direct exchange of limited information
on familiar and routine matters, but in other
situations he/she generally has to compromise the

9 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Impact 1 CEF mapping
Framework level: A2
Unit 1 Life in the City
Unit 1 To Start (page 9)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

10 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Vocabulary (page 10–12)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

11 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 3

Unit 1 Speaking (page 13)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 3, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high

12 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can participate in short conversations in routine 3, 4
contexts on topics of interest.

General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3, 4

range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Unit 1 Grammar (page 14)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3, 6
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 4
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high

13 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 4
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 5
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 1 Reading (page 16–17)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 3, 4
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.

14 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

15 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Video (page 18–19)
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 7
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 7
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

16 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Grammar (page 20)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 2
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Unit 1 Writing (page 21)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 1 Mission (page 22–23)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 22
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 22, page 23
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage

17 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 22, page 23
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 22, page 23
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 22, page 23
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 23
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 23
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 23
a familiar subject.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to page 23
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.

18 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Amazing Jobs
Unit 2 To Start (page 25)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

19 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Vocabulary (page 26–28)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

20 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 3, 6

Unit 2 Speaking (page 29)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the

21 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can participate in short conversations in routine 3, 4
contexts on topics of interest.
Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely
able to understand enough to keep conversation
going of his/her own accord, though he/she can be
made to understand if the speaker will take the
General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3, 4
range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Unit 2 Grammar (page 30)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 3, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 4, 5
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.

22 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2, 3
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 3
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 5
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 5
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 5

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 5
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to 5
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.

Unit 2 Reading (page 32–33)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 3, 4
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.

23 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

24 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Video (page 34–35)
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 2, 6, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 2, 6, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 2, 6, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 2, 6, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 5, 7
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and

25 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Grammar (page 36)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to 2
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary

Unit 2 Writing (page 37)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 2
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding 2
out and passing on straightforward factual

26 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Mission (page 38–39)
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 38
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 38, page 39
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 38, page 39
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 38, page 39
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 38, page 39
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 39
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 39
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 39
a familiar subject.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to page 39
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.

27 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Secrets of the Dark
Unit 3 To Start (page 42)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

28 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Vocabulary (page 44–46)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

29 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 3

Unit 3 Speaking (page 47)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high

30 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Goal-oriented co- Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3
operation tasks without undue effort, asking very simply for
repetition when he/she does not understand.

General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3

range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 48-49)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 5, 6
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 4

31 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 5
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and

Unit 3 Reading (page 50–51)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2, 4
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 2, 4
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing

32 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine,
everyday transactions involving familiar situations 3
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 3
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 3 Video (page 52–53)


33 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 5, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 5, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 5, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 5, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 6
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to 6
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.
Correspondence (B1) Can write personal letters describing experiences, 6
feelings and events in some detail.

34 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Grammar (page 54)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2, 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary

Unit 3 Writing (page 55)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 3 Mission (page 56–57)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 56
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 56, page 57
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;

35 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 56, page 57
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 56, page 57
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 56, page 57
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 57
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 57
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 57
a familiar subject.

36 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Living Together
Unit 4 To Start (page 59)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

37 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Vocabulary (page 60–62)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

38 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 4 Speaking (page 63)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a

39 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 4
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 64–65)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 2, 5
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas

40 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of 4
basic communicative needs.

Unit 4 Reading (page 66–67)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 3
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3, 5
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

41 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

42 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Video (page 68–69)
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 6, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 6, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 6, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 6, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 7
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 7
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Correspondence (B1) Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of 7
basic communicative needs.

43 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Grammar (page 70)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 2
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.

Unit 4 Writing (page 71)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 2
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 2
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 4 Mission (page 72–73)

44 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 72
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 72, page 73
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 72, page 73
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 72, page 73
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 72, page 73
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 73
a familiar subject.
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to page 73
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.

45 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 What We Wear
Unit 5 To Start (page 76)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

46 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Vocabulary (page 78–80)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

47 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 6
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 5 Speaking (page 81)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.

48 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can participate in short conversations in routine 3
contexts on topics of interest.

General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3

range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 82)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 3, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 5
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.

49 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 3
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 5
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 5
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 5

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 5
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 5 Reading (page 84–85)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 3, 4
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2

50 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 5 Video (page 86–87)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.

51 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 5, 6, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 5, 6, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 5, 6, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.

52 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Grammar (page 88)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary

Unit 5 Writing (page 89)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 5 Mission (page 90–91)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 90
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 90, page 91
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.

53 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 90, page 91
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 90, page 91
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 90, page 91
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 91
a familiar subject.

54 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Mix and Mash
Unit 6 To Start (page 93)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

55 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Vocabulary (page 94–96)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

56 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 6
Interviewing and Can answer simple questions and respond to 6
being interviewed simple statements in an interview.

Unit 6 Speaking (page 97)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.

57 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can participate in short conversations in routine 3, 4
contexts on topics of interest.

General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3, 4

range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.
Propositional Can communicate what he/she wants to say in a 3, 4
precision simple and direct exchange of limited information
on familiar and routine matters, but in other
situations he/she generally has to compromise the

Unit 6 Grammar (page 98)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

58 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 5
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 4
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.

Unit 6 Reading (page 100–101)


59 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 3
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

60 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 6 Video (page 102–103)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.

61 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 5, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 5, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 5, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 5, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 1, 7
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 7
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

62 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Grammar (page 104)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 2
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Unit 6 Writing (page 105)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 2
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 2

63 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Coherence Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 1, 3
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points

Unit 6 Mission (page 106–107)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 106
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 106, page 107
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 106, page 107
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 106, page 107
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 106, page 107
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with

64 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 107
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 107
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 107
a familiar subject.

65 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Cool Apps and Gadgets
Unit 7 To Start (page 110)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

66 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Vocabulary (page 112–114)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

67 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 3, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and

Unit 7 Speaking (page 115)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.

68 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3, 4
range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.
Sociolinguistic Can perform and respond to basic language 3, 4
appropriateness functions, such as information exchange and
requests and express opinions and attitudes in a
simple way.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 116-117)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3, 6
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what

69 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

he/she is trying to say.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 4
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 5, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 5, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 5, 6

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 5, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 3

Unit 7 Reading (page 118–119)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2, 3, 5
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.

70 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 2, 3, 5
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

71 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Video (page 120–121)
Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 5, 6, 7
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 5, 6, 7
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 5, 6, 7
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 7
a familiar subject.

72 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Grammar (page 122)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 2
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 2
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Unit 7 Writing (page 123)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.

73 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 7 Mission (page 124–125)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 124
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 124, page 125
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 124, page 125
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 124, page 125
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 124, page 125
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 125
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 125
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 125
a familiar subject.

74 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Into the Past
Unit 8 To Start (page 127)
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured To start
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine To start
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of To start

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines,
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short To start
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

75 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Vocabulary (page 128–129)
Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 4

comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 1
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2, 4, 5
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2, 5
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

76 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production linked with simple connectors like “and”, “but” and
Creative writing Can write very short, basic descriptions of events, 6
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 8 Speaking (page 131)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Processing text Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 4
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.

77 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 4
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Conversation Can say what he/she likes and dislikes. 3, 4

General linguistic Has a limited repertoire of short memorised 3, 4

range phrases covering predictable survival situations;
frequent breakdowns and misunderstandings
occur in non-routine situations.

Unit 8 Grammar (page 132-133)

Overall listening Can understand enough to be able to meet needs 1, 4
comprehension of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and
slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to
areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic
personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is
clearly and slowly articulated.
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 6
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 4
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 3, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 3, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding

78 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3, 6

production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 3, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 8 Reading (page 134–135)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 2, 3, 5
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Reading for Can identify specific information in simpler written 3, 5
information & material he/she encounters such as letters,
argument brochures and short newspaper articles describing
Vocabulary range Has sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, 2
everyday transactions involving familiar situations
and topics.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for the expression of
basic communicative needs.
Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with simple
survival needs.
Phonological control Pronunciation is generally clear enough to be 2
understood despite a noticeable foreign accent,
but conversational partners will need to ask for
repetition from time to time.

79 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.

Unit 8 Video (page 136–137)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news 3
items, and form an idea of the main content.

80 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured 1, 5, 6
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine 1, 5, 6
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 5, 6
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short 1, 5, 6
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on 6
a familiar subject.

81 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Grammar (page 138)
Grammatical accuracy Uses some simple structures correctly, but still 1, 2, 3
systematically makes basic mistakes - for example
tends to mix up tenses and forget to mark
agreement; nevertheless, it is usually clear what
he/she is trying to say.
Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary

Unit 8 Writing (page 139)

Overall reading Can understand short, simple texts on familiar 1, 2
comprehension matters of a concrete type which consist of high
frequency everyday or job-related language.
Can understand short, simple texts containing the
highest frequency vocabulary, including a
proportion of shared international vocabulary
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 3
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his 3
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.

Unit 8 Mission (page 140–141)

Watching TV and film Can follow changes of topic of factual TV news page 140
items, and form an idea of the main content.
Overall spoken Can interact with reasonable ease in structured page 140, page 141
interaction situations and short conversations, provided the
other person helps if necessary. Can manage
simple, routine exchanges without undue effort;
can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas
and information on familiar topics in predictable
everyday situations.
Information exchange Can understand enough to manage simple, routine page 140, page 141
exchanges without undue effort.
Can deal with practical everyday demands: finding
out and passing on straightforward factual

82 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

Can communicate in simple and routine tasks
requiring a simple and direct exchange of
Can exchange limited information on familiar and
routine operational matters.

Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of page 140, page 141
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Spoken fluency Can make him/herself understood in short page 140, page 141
contributions, even though pauses, false starts and
reformulation are very evident.
Can construct phrases on familiar topics with
sufficient ease to handle short exchanges, despite
very noticeable hesitation and false starts.
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences page 141
production linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Creative writing Can write about everyday aspects of his page 141
environment e.g. people, places, a job or study
experience in linked sentences.
Can write very short, basic descriptions of events,
past activities and personal experiences.
Addressing audiences Can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on page 141
a familiar subject.

83 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning

84 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning
85 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning
86 Impact 1 © National Geographic Learning
What is the Common European Framework of Reference?
The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting
language teaching and learning within Europe.
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development
of language skills and inter-cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong
learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as
teachers, testers and teacher trainers.
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an
emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework
which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial
What are the aims of the CEFR?
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference
points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One
level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a
number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at
different speeds.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that
there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has
a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather
than acquire knowledge.
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages
autonomy in students and focuses on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still
need to learn.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’ objectives. Teachers need to
understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives.
The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with a starter level of English)
to C2 (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an
overview of these levels.

Proficient C2 Mastery Students can use the language

precisely and fluently with near native
C1 Effective Students are proficient in the
Operational language and have a wide range of
Proficiency vocabulary.
Independent B2 Vantage Students are able to express
themselves in increasingly abstract
B1 Threshold Students at this level can maintain
Basic A2 Waystage Students are able to get by in an
increasing range of social situations.
A1 Breakthrough Students can express themselves in
simple, basic language.

1 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above –
A2+, B2+, etc.
Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors – ‘can do tick
points’ – which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of
the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading Conversation at A1
level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the
same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
How does the CEFR correspond to Impact?
The Impact series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning
language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking
and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of
the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of
realistic situations.
Impact 2 covers the majority of competences for B1. In this booklet, each exercise of
the Impact series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So,
Impact 2 is mapped against descriptors at the B1 threshold.
How does Impact match the aims of the CEFR?
Impact’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences
needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. The emphasis on the four
skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Impact reflects the same emphasis
in the CEFR.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra practice and learning
resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy.
Can I learn more about this?
You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site.

2 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Impact Foundation CEF Overview
Framework level: B1
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)

Descriptor Student’s Book activities

Overall listening comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Speaking
Can understand straightforward factual (page 13) ex1; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex1; U2
information about common everyday or job Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1; U2 Speaking (page
related topics, identifying both general 29) ex1; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3
messages and specific details, provided speech Speaking (page 47) ex1; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-
is clearly articulated in a generally familiar 62) ex1; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex1; U5
accent. Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1; U5 Speaking (page
81) ex1; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex1, 3; U6
Can understand the main points of clear Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1; U6 Speaking (page
standard speech on familiar matters regularly 97) ex1; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1; U7
encountered in work, school, leisure etc., Speaking (page 115) ex1; U8 Vocabulary (page
including short narratives. 128-130) ex 1; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 1

Reception (audio/visual)
Descriptor Student’s Book activities
Watching TV and film: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex3; U1 Mission, page 22;
Can understand a large part of many TV U2 Video (page 34-35) ex3; U2 Mission, page 38;
programmes on topics of personal interest U3 Video (page 52-53) ex3; U3 Mission, page 56;
such as interviews, short lectures, and news U4 Video (page 68-69) ex3; U4 Mission, page 72;
reports when the delivery is relatively slow U5 Video (page 86-87) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90;
and clear. U6 Video (page 102-103) ex3; U6 Mission, page
Can follow many films in which visuals and 106; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex3; U7 Mission,
action carry much of the storyline, and which page 124; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 3; U8
are delivered clearly in straightforward Mission, page 140
Can catch the main points in TV programmes
on familiar topics when the delivery is
relatively slow and clear.

Reception (written)
Overall reading comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1, 4; U1 Speaking
Can read straightforward factual texts on (page 13) ex2; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex1; U1
subjects related to his/her field and interest Reading (page 16-17) ex3, 5; U1 Writing (page
with a satisfactory level of comprehension. 21) ex1; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 4; U2
Speaking (page 29) ex2; U2 Grammar (page 30-
31) ex1; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex3, 5; U2
Writing (page 37) ex1, 2; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-
46) ex1, 4; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex2; U3
Grammar (page 48-49) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-

3 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

51) ex3; U3 Writing (page 55) ex1; U4 Vocabulary
(page 60-62) ex1, 4; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex2;
U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex 1, 5; U4 Reading
(page 66-67) ex3, 5; U4 Writing (page 71) ex1; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 4; U5 Speaking
(page 81) ex2; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex1; U5
Reading (page 84-85) ex3, 5; U5 Reading (page
89) ex1; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 4; U6
Speaking (page 97) ex2; U6 Reading (page 100-
101) ex3; U6 Writing (page 105) ex1, 2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 4; U7 Speaking
(page 115) ex2; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex1;
U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex3, 5; U7 Writing
(page 123) ex1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130)
ex 1, 4; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 2; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex 1; U8 Reading (page
134-135) ex 3; U8 Writing (page 139) ex 1

Reading for orientation: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2, 5; U1 Writing (page

Can scan longer texts in order to locate 21) ex1, 2; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2, 5; U2
desired information, and gather information Writing (page 37) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-51)
from different parts of a text, or from different ex2; U3 Writing (page 55) ex1; U4 Reading (page
texts in order to fulfil a specific task. 66-67) ex2, 5; U4 Writing (page 71) ex1; U5
Reading (page 84-85) ex2, 5; U5 Reading (page
89) ex1; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex1, 2; U6
Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2; U7 Reading (page
118-119) ex2, 5; U7 Writing (page 123) ex1; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

Reading for information and argument: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Reading
Can recognise significant points in (page 16-17) ex3, 5; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28)
straightforward newspaper articles on familiar ex1; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex3, 5; U2 Writing
subjects. (page 37) ex2; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1;
U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex3; U3 Writing (page
55) ex1; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1; U4
Reading (page 66-67) ex3, 5; U4 Writing (page
70) ex1; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1; U5
Reading (page 84-85) ex3, 5; U5 Writing (page
89) ex1; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1; U6
Reading (page 100-101) ex3; U6 Writing (page
105) ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex3, 5; U7 Writing (page
123) ex2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 1; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex 3; U8 Writing (page
139) ex 1

Interaction (spoken)
Overall spoken interaction: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12)

4 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Can communicate with some confidence on ex3, 6; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex5, 6; U1
familiar routine and non-routine matters Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19)
related to his/her interests and professional ex1, 5; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 (page
field. Can exchange, check and confirm 25) To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3,
information, deal with less routine situations 6; U2 Speaking (page 29) ex4; U2 Grammar (page
and explain why something is a problem. Can 30-31) ex2, 4, 5; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2
express thoughts on more abstract, cultural Video (page 34-35) ex1, 5; U2 Mission, page 38;
topics such as films, books, music etc. U3 (page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-
Can enter unprepared into conversation of 46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U3
familiar topics, express personal opinions and Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page
exchange information on topics that are 50-51) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6;
familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To
everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4
and current events). Speaking (page 63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-
65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4
Video (page 68-69) ex1, 5, 6; U4 Mission, page
72; U5 (page 76) To start; U5 Vocabulary (page
78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex3,
6; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page
86-87) ex1, 7; U5 Mission, page 90; U6 (page 93)
To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex3; U6
Speaking (page 97) ex3, 4; U6 Grammar (page 98-
99) ex2, 3, 5; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex6; U6
Video (page 102-103) ex 1, 5, 6; U6 Mission, page
106; U7 (page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3,
4; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex5; U7 Reading
(page 118-119) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121)
ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7 Mission, page 124; U8 (page 127)
To start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 3; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex 3, 6; U8 Reading
(page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex
1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex 3; U8
Mission, page 140, 141

Informal discussion (with friends): U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12)

Can express his/her thoughts about abstract ex1, 3, 6; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex5, 6; U1
or cultural topics such as music, films. Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19)
Can give or seek personal views and opinions ex1; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex2; U1 Mission,
in discussing topics of interest. page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Speaking
(page 29) ex4; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex2, 4
5; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video (page
34-35) ex1, 5; U2 Grammar (page 36) ex3; U2
Mission, page 38; U3 (page 43) To start; U3
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Speaking
(page 47) ex3, 4; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex3,
6; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Video
(page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Mission, page 56, page

5 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

57; U4 (page 59) To start; U4 Vocabulary (page
60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex3, 4; U4
Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page
66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 5, 6; U4
Mission, page 72; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking
(page 81) ex4; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex3, 6;
U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-
87) ex1, 7; U5 Mission, page 90; U6 (page 93) To
start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex 3; U6
Grammar (page 98-99) ex2, 3, 5; U6 Reading
(page 100-101) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-103)
ex1, 5, 6; U6 Mission, page 106; U7 (page 110) To
start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex5; U7 Reading (page
118-119) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6,
7; U7 Grammar (page 122) ex1; U7 Mission, page
124; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary (page
128-130) ex3; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 6;
U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Writing
(page 139) ex 2; U8 Mission, page 140

Goal-oriented co-operation: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex6; U2 Vocabulary

Can explain why something is a problem, (26-28) ex6; U3 Vocabulary (44-46) ex6; U3
discuss what to do next, compare and contrast Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; Unit 4 Speaking
alternatives. (page 63) ex3, 4
Information exchange: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex1; U1 Video (page 18-
Can find out and pass on straightforward 19) ex2, 6; Unit 1 Grammar (page 20) ex2; U2
factual information. Speaking (page 29) ex4; U2 Video (page 34-35)
ex2, 5; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex2; U5 Reading
(page 84-85) ex1; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 5;
U5 Writing (page 89) ex2; U6 Video (page 102-
103) ex1, 7; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex2, 5; U8 Vocabulary
(page 128-130) ex1, 6; U8 Reading (page 134-
135) ex1; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex1, 2

Interaction (written)
Correspondence: U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex6
Can write personal letters giving news and
expressing thoughts about abstract or cultural
topics such as music, films.

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12)
Can reasonably fluently sustain a ex3, 6; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex5, 6; U1
straightforward description of one of a variety Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19)
of subjects within his/her field of interest, ex6; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex3; U1 Mission,

6 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

presenting it as a linear sequence of points. page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Grammar
(page 30-31) ex2, 4, 5; U2 Reading (page 32-33)
ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex1, 5; U2 Grammar
(page 36) ex3; U2 Mission, page 38, page 39; U3
(page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46)
ex1, 3, 6; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3
Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Video (page
52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57;
U4 (page 59) To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-
62) ex1, 3, 6; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 6;
U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-
69) ex1, 5, 6; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex2; U4
Mission, page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start;
U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5
Grammar (page 82-83) ex3, 6; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 7; U5
Grammar (page 88) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90,
page 91; U6 (page 93) To start; U6 Vocabulary
(page 94-96) ex3; U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex2,
3, 5; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex6; U6 Video
(page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U6 Mission, page
106; U7 (page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page
112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Grammar (page 116-117)
ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6; U7 Video
(page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7 Grammar (page
122) ex1, 3; U7 Mission, page 124, page 125; U8
(page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-
130) ex 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 3, 4; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex 3, 6; U8 Reading
(page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex
1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141

Sustained monologue (describing experience): U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex6; U4 Grammar

Can narrate a story. (page 70) ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
ex6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex3, 4; U8 Grammar
(page 132-133) ex6
Addressing audiences: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex6; U1 Mission, page 23;
Can give a prepared straightforward U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex5; U2 Mission, page
presentation on a familiar topic within his/her 39; U3 Mission, page 57; U4 Video (page 68-69)
field which is clear enough to be followed ex7; U4 Mission, page 73; U5 Mission, page 91;
without difficulty most of the time, and in U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex6; U6 Video (page
which the main points are explained with 102-103) ex7; U7 Mission, page 125; U8
reasonable precision. Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 6; U8 Mission,
page 141

Interviewing and being interviewed: U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex6; U8 Video (page
Can carry out a prepared interview, checking 136-137) ex7
and confirming information, though he/she

7 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

may occasionally have to ask for repetition if
the other person's response is rapid or
Public announcements: U2 Video (page 34–35) ex6
Can deliver short, rehearsed announcements
on a topic pertinent to everyday occurrences
in his/her field which, despite possibly very
foreign stress and intonation, are nevertheless
clearly intelligible

Production (written)
Overall written production: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U1 Mission, page 23;
Can write straightforward connected texts on U2 Writing (page 37) ex3; U3 Video (page 52-53)
a range of familiar subjects within his field of ex6; U3 Writing (page 55) ex3; U3 Mission, page
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete 57; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex6; U4
elements into a linear sequence. Grammar (page 70) ex3; U4 Writing (page 71)
ex3; U4 Mission, page 73; U5 Vocabulary (page
78-79) ex6; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex5; U5
Video (page 86-87) ex7; U5 Mission, page 91; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex6; U6 Video (page
102-103) ex7; U6 Writing (page 105) ex3; U6
Mission, page 107; U7 Grammar (page 116-117)
ex2, 4; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex7; U7 Mission,
page 125; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 7; U8
Writing (page 139) ex 3; U8 Mission, page 141

Overall written production (A2): U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex6; U3 Vocabulary

Can write a series of simple phrases and (page 44-46) ex 6; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex2,
sentences linked with simple connectors like 5; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex6
“and", “but” and “because”.

Creative writing: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U1 Mission, page 23;

Can write straightforward, detailed U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6; U3 Mission, page 57;
descriptions on a range of familiar subjects U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex6; U4 Video (page
within his field of interest. 68-69) ex7; U4 Writing (page 71) ex3; U5 Video
Can write accounts of experiences, describing (page 86-87) ex7; U5 Mission, page 91; U6
feelings and reactions in simple connected Mission, page 107; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex7;
text. U7 Mission, page 125; U8 Video (page 136-137)
ex 7; Unit 8 Writing (page 139) ex3; Unit 8
Mission, page 141
Reports and essays: U2 Writing (page 37) ex3; U3 Writing (page 55)
Can summarise, report and give his/her ex3; U5 Writing (page 89) ex3
opinion about accumulated factual
information on familiar routine and non-
routine matters within his field with some

8 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Communication strategies

Asking for clarification: U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3; U6 Speaking (page

Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what 97) ex3, 4
he or she has just said.
Processing text: U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex3; U5 Reading (page
Can collate short pieces of information from 84-85)
several sources and summarise them for
somebody else.
Processing text (A2): U1 Speaking (page 13) ex1, 2; U2 Speaking (page
Can pick out and reproduce key words and 29) ex1, 2; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex1, 2; U4
phrases or short sentences from a short text Speaking (page 63) ex1, 2; U5 Speaking (page 81)
within the learner’s limited competence and ex1, 2; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex1, 2; U2 Speaking
experience. (page 29) ex1, 2; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex1, 2;
U8 Speaking (page 131) ex1, 2

Communicative language competence

Linguistic – range
Vocabulary range: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 4, 5; U1
Has a sufficient vocabulary to express Grammar (page 14-15) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-
him/herself with some circumlocutions on 17) ex2; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2
most topics pertinent to his everyday life such Grammar (page 30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-
as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, 33) ex2; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3
and current events Grammar (page 48-49) ex4, 5; U3 Reading (page
50-51) ex2; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5;
U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page
66-67) ex2; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex2, 5;
U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex2; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5;
U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex4; U6 Reading (page
100-101) ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2,
5; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex4; U7 Reading
(page 118-119) ex2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-
130) ex 2, 5; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex 4;
U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

Grammatical accuracy: U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex1, 2; U1 Grammar
Communicates with reasonable accuracy in (page 20) ex1, 3; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex1,
familiar contexts; generally good control 2, 5; U2 Grammar (page 36) ex1, 2, 3; U3
though with noticeable mother tongue Grammar (page 48-49) ex1, 2, 3, 5; U3 Grammar
influence. Errors occur, but it is clear what (page 54) ex1, 2; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex1,
he/she is trying to express. 2, 3, 5, 6; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex1, 2; U5
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of Grammar (page 82-83) ex1, 2; U5 Grammar (page
frequently used "routines" and patterns 88) ex1, 2; U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex1, 2, 3;
associated with more predictable situations. U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2, 3; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex1; U7 Grammar (page 122) ex1,

9 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

2, 3; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex 1, 2, 3, 5; U8
Grammar (page 138) ex 1, 2, 3

Phonological control: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar

Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a (page 14-15) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2;
foreign accent is sometimes evident and U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar
occasional mispronunciations occur. (page 30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2;
U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar
(page 48-49) ex4; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2;
U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5; U4 Grammar
(page 64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2;
U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar
(page 82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6;
U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar
(page 98-99) ex4; U6 Reading (page 100-101)
ex2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex4; U7 Reading (page
118-119) ex2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex
2, 5; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex 4; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

Coherence: U7 Writing (page 123) ex3
Can link a series of shorter, discrete simple
elements into a connected, linear sequence of
Coherence (A2): U6 Writing (page 105) ex3
Can use the most frequently occurring
connectors to link simple sentences in order to
tell a story or describe something as a simple
list of points.
Spoken fluency: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12)
Can express him/herself with relative ease. ex3, 6; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex5, 6; U1
Despite some problems with formulation Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19)
resulting in pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is ex 6; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25)
able to keep going effectively without help. To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3; U2
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though Grammar (page 30-31) ex2, 4, 5; U2 Reading
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex1, 5;
and repair is very evident, especially in longer U2 Mission, page 38, page 39; U3 (page 43) To
stretches of free production start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3
Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page
50-51) ex5, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 5, 6; U3
Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To start;
U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3; U4 Grammar
(page 64-65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-67)
ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 5, 6; U4 Mission,
page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5

10 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Grammar
(page 82-83) ex3, 6; U5 Reading (page 84-85)
ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 7; U5 Mission,
page 90, page 91; U6 (page 93) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex 3; U6 Grammar (page
98-99) ex5, 6; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex6; U6
Video (page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U6 Mission,
page 106; U7 (page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary
(page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Grammar (page 116-
117) ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U7 Mission,
page 124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 3, 6; U8 Speaking
(page 131) ex 3, 4; U8 Grammar (page 132-133)
ex3, 6; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video
(page 136-137) ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Mission, page
140, page 141

Propositional precision: U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U3 Speaking (page

Can explain the main points in an idea or 47) ex3;
problem with reasonable precision.

11 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Impact 2 CEF mapping
Framework level: B1
Unit 1 Colour Matters
Unit 1 To Start (page 9)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

12 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Vocabulary (page 10–12)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 4, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

13 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Sustained monologue: Can reasonably fluently relate a straightforward 6
Describing Experience narrative or description as a linear sequence of
points. Can give detailed accounts of experiences,
describing feelings and reactions.

Goal-oriented co- Can make his/her opinions and reactions 6

operation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.

Unit 1 Speaking (page 13)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Propositional Can explain the main points in an idea or problem 3, 4
precision with reasonable precision.

Unit 1 Grammar (page 14-15)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with

14 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 1 Reading (page 16–17)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to

15 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

fulfil a specific task.

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches

16 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

of free production

17 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Video (page 18–19)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2, 6
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 6
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6

production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and

18 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 1 Grammar (page 20)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 2

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

Unit 1 Writing (page 21)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Can write accounts of experiences, describing
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.

Unit 1 Mission (page 22–23)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 22

19 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 22, page 23
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 22, page 23
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 22, page 23
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 22, page 23
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 23
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 23
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Can write accounts of experiences, describing
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 23

20 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

21 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Feeling Good?
Unit 2 To Start (page 25)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

22 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Vocabulary (page 26–28)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2,5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

23 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production (A2) linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Goal-oriented co- Can make his/her opinions and reactions 6
operation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.

Unit 2 Speaking (page 29)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).

24 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 4
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 4

Unit 2 Grammar (page 30-31)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 5
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 2, 4, 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 2, 4, 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 2, 4, 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear

25 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

sequence of points.

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 2, 4, 5

some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 5
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 2 Reading (page 32–33)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Processing text Can collate short pieces of information from 3
several sources and summarise them for
somebody else.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.

26 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

27 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Video (page 34–35)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2, 5
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Public Can deliver short, rehearsed announcements on a 6
announcements topic pertinent to everyday occurrences in his/her
field which, despite possibly very foreign stress and
intonation, are nevertheless clearly intelligible.

28 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Grammar (page 36)
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

Unit 2 Writing (page 37)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports & essays Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. 3

Unit 2 Mission (page 38–39)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 38
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

29 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 38
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 38
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 38, page 39
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 38, page 39
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 39
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

30 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Your Virtual Self
Unit 3 To Start (page 43)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

31 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Vocabulary (page 44–46)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

32 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production (A2) linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Goal-oriented co- Can make his/her opinions and reactions 6
operation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.

Unit 3 Speaking (page 47)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).

33 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 4
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Propositional Can explain the main points in an idea or problem 3
precision with reasonable precision.
Asking for clarification Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or 3
she has just said.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 48-49)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 5
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6

34 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 2, 5
production (A2) linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Goal-oriented Can make his/her opinions and reactions 3, 6
cooperation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.

Unit 3 Reading (page 50–51)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,

35 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

36 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Video (page 52–53)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 6
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

37 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning


Unit 3 Grammar (page 54)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 3 Writing (page 55)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports & essays Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. 3

Unit 3 Mission (page 56–57)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 56
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 56, page 57

38 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 56, page 57
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 56, page 57
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 56, page 57
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 57
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 57

production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 57
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

39 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Underwater Mysteries
Unit 4 To Start (page 59)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

40 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Vocabulary (page 60–62)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

41 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write accounts of experiences, describing 6
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.

Unit 4 Speaking (page 63)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 4

42 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Goal-oriented Can make his/her opinions and reactions 3, 4
cooperation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 64-65)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6

43 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 4 Reading (page 66–67)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6

44 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

45 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Video (page 68–69)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

46 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Creative writing Can write accounts of experiences, describing 7
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.
Can write a description of an event, a recent trip -
real or imagined.

Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7

on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 70)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 2
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 1
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Sustained monologue Can narrate a story. 2

Unit 4 Writing (page 71)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.

47 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Cohesion (A2) Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 3

to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points.

Unit 4 Mission (page 72–73)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 72
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 72
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 72
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 72, page 73
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 72, page 73
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep

48 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 73
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Can take follow up questions, but may have to ask
for repetition if the speech was rapid.

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 73

production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

49 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Life in the Extreme
Unit 5 To Start (page 76)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

50 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Vocabulary (page 78–79)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

51 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 5 Speaking (page 81)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 4
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in

52 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

discussing topics of interest.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 82-83)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.

53 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Interviewing and Can use a prepared questionnaire to carry out a 6
being interviewed structured interview, with some spontaneous
follow up questions.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 5
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 5 Reading (page 84–85)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Processing text Can collate short pieces of information from 5
several sources and summarise them for
somebody else.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal

54 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

55 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Video (page 86–87)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 5
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

56 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 7
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Unit 5 Grammar (page 88)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.

Unit 5 Writing (page 89)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports & essays Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. 3
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2

Unit 5 Mission (page 90–91)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 90
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

57 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 90
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 90
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 90, page 91
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 90, page 91
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 91
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 91
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 91
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

58 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Are you going to eat that?
Unit 6 To Start (page 93)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

59 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Vocabulary (page 94–96)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2,5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

60 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production (A2) linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and
Correspondence Can write personal letters giving news and 6
expressing thoughts about abstract or cultural
topics such as music, films.

Unit 6 Speaking (page 97)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Clarification Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or 3, 4
she has just said.

61 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Grammar (page 98-99)
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 2, 3, 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 2, 3, 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 2, 3, 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 6

62 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 6 Reading (page 100–101)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

63 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

64 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Video (page 102–103)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 7
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are

65 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

explained with reasonable precision.

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7

production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 6 Grammar (page 104)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 6 Writing (page 105)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Coherence (A2) Can use the most frequently occurring connectors 3
to link simple sentences in order to tell a story or
describe something as a simple list of points.

Unit 6 Mission (page 106–107)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 106
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are

66 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 106
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 106
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 106
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 106,
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 107
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 107
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

67 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Art in the Open
Unit 7 To Start (page 110)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

68 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Vocabulary (page 112–114)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

69 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Sustained monologue Can give straightforward descriptions on a variety 6
of familiar subjects within his field of interest.

Unit 7 Speaking (page 115)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 3, 4

Unit 7 Grammar (page 116-117)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1

70 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 2, 4
production range of familiar subjects within his field of

71 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 7 Reading (page 118–119)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in

72 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 7 Video (page 120–121)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 2, 5
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and

73 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can narrate a story. 7

Unit 7 Grammar (page 122)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 1, 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

Unit 7 Writing (page 123)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Coherence Can link a series of shorter, discrete simple 3
elements into a connected, linear sequence of

74 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning


Unit 7 Mission (page 124–125)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 124
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 124
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 124
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 124, page 125
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 124, page 125
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 125
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

75 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 125
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 125
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

76 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Don’t Panic!
Unit 8 To Start (page 127)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

77 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Vocabulary (page 128–130)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

78 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 6
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 6

Unit 8 Speaking (page 131)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Processing text (A2) Can pick out and reproduce key words and phrases 1, 2
or short sentences from a short text within the
learner’s limited competence and experience.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 4
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 4
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Sustained monologue Can narrate a story 3, 4

79 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Grammar (page 132-133)
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 5
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Sustained monologue Can narrate a story. 6

Unit 8 Reading (page 134–135)

80 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and

81 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1

Unit 8 Video (page 136–137)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 2
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

82 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write a description of an event, a recent trip - 7
real or imagined.
Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and 7
being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Unit 8 Grammar (page 138)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).

Unit 8 Writing (page 139)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete

83 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

elements into a linear sequence.

Creative writing Can narrate a story. 3

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 2
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

Unit 8 Mission (page 140–141)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 140
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 140, page 141
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 140
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 140, page 141
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 140, page 141
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches

84 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

of free production

Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 141

on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 141
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on page 141
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

85 Impact 2 © National Geographic Learning

What is the Common European Framework of Reference?
The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting
language teaching and learning within Europe.
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development
of language skills and inter-cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong
learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as
teachers, testers and teacher trainers.
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an
emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework
which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial
What are the aims of the CEFR?
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference
points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One
level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a
number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at
different speeds.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that
there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has
a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather
than acquire knowledge.
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages
autonomy in students and focuses on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still
need to learn.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’ objectives. Teachers need to
understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives.
The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with a starter level of English)
to C2 (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an
overview of these levels.

Proficient C2 Mastery Students can use the language

precisely and fluently with near native
C1 Effective Students are proficient in the
Operational language and have a wide range of
Proficiency vocabulary.
Independent B2 Vantage Students are able to express
themselves in increasingly abstract
B1 Threshold Students at this level can maintain
Basic A2 Waystage Students are able to get by in an
increasing range of social situations.
A1 Breakthrough Students can express themselves in
simple, basic language.

1 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above –
A2+, B2+, etc.
Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors – ‘can do tick
points’ – which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of
the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading Conversation at A1
level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the
same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
How does the CEFR correspond to Impact?
The Impact series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning
language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking
and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of
the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of
realistic situations.
Impact 3 covers the majority of competences for B1+. In this booklet, each exercise
of the Impact series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level.
So, Impact 3 is mapped against descriptors at the B1+ threshold.
How does Impact match the aims of the CEFR?
Impact’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences
needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. The emphasis on the four
skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Impact reflects the same emphasis
in the CEFR.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra practice and learning
resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy.
Can I learn more about this?
You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site.

2 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Impact Foundation CEF Overview
Framework level: B1+
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)
Overall listening comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Speaking (page
13) ex1; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex1; U2 Vocabulary
Can understand straightforward factual
(page 26-28) ex1; U2 Speaking (page 29) ex1; U3
information about common everyday or job
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3 Speaking (page 47)
related topics, identifying both general messages
ex1; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1; U4 Speaking
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
(page 63) ex1; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex1, 4; U5
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1; U5 Speaking (page 81)
Can understand the main points of clear standard ex1; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex1, 3; U6 Vocabulary
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered (page 94-96) ex1; U6 Speaking (page 97) ex1; U6
in work, school, leisure etc., including short Grammar (page 98-99) ex1; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-
narratives. 114) ex1; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex1; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex1; U7 Grammar (page 122) ex1; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 1; U8 Speaking (page
131) ex 1

Reception (audio/visual)
Watching TV and film: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex3; U1 Mission, page 22; U2
Video (page 34-35) ex3; U2 Mission, page 38; U3
Can understand a large part of many TV
Video (page 52-53) ex3; U3 Mission, page 56; U4
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
Video (page 68-69) ex3; U4 Mission, page 72; U5
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
Video (page 86-87) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90; U6
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Video (page 102-103) ex3; U6 Mission, page 106; U7
Can follow many films in which visuals and action Video (page 120-121) ex3; U7 Mission, page 124; U8
carry much of the storyline, and which are Video (page 136-137) ex 3; U8 Mission, page 140
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.

Reception (written)
Overall reading comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1, 4; U1 Speaking
(page 13) ex2; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex4; U1
Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects
Reading (page 16-17) ex3, 5; U1 Writing (page 21)
related to his/her field and interest with a
ex1; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 4; U2 Speaking
satisfactory level of comprehension.
(page 29) ex2; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex1, 4; U2
Reading (page 32-33) ex2, 5; U2 Writing (page 37)
ex1; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 4; U3 Speaking
(page 47) ex2; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex1; U3
Reading (page 50-51) ex3; U3 Writing (page 55) ex1;
U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 4; U4 Speaking (page

3 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

63) ex2; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex3, 5; U4 Writing
(page 70) ex1; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 4; U5
Speaking (page 81) ex2; U5 Grammar (page 82-83)
ex2, 5; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex3, 5; U5 Reading
(page 89) ex1, 2; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 4;
U6 Speaking (page 97) ex2; U6 Reading (page 100-
101) ex3, 5; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 4; U7 Speaking (page
115) ex2; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex3, 5; U7
Writing (page 123) ex1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-
130) ex 1, 4; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 2; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex 1; U8 Reading (page 134-
135) ex 3; U8 Writing (page 139) ex 1

Reading for orientation: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2, 5; U1 Writing (page 21)
ex1, 2; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2, 5; U2 Writing
Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired
(page 37) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U3
information, and gather information from
Writing (page 55) ex1; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2,
different parts of a text, or from different texts in
5; U4 Writing (page 70) ex1; U5 Reading (page 84-85)
order to fulfil a specific task.
ex2, 5; U5 Reading (page 89) ex1, 2; U6 Reading (page
100-101) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex2, 5; U7 Writing (page 123)
ex1; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

Reading for information and argument U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Reading (page
16-17) ex3, 5; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1; U2
Can recognise significant points in straightforward
Reading (page 32-33) ex3, 5; U2 Writing (page 37)
newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
ex1; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3 Reading
(page 50-51) ex3; U3 Writing (page 55) ex1, 2; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1; U4 Reading (page 66-
67) ex3, 5; U4 Writing (page 70) ex1; U5 Vocabulary
(page 78-79) ex1; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex3, 5; U5
Reading (page 89) ex1, 2; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96)
ex1; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex3, 5; U6 Grammar
(page 104) ex1, 2; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1;
U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex3, 5; U7 Writing (page
123) ex1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 1; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex 3; U8 Writing (page 139)
ex 1

Interaction (spoken)
Overall spoken interaction: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex4; U1 Grammar (page 14-
Can communicate with some confidence on
15) ex3; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page
familiar routine and non-routine matters related
18-19) ex5, 6, 7; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2
to his/her interests and professional field. Can
(page 25) To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3,
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
6; U2 Speaking (page 29) ex4; U2 Grammar (page 30-
with less routine situations and explain why
31) ex3, 5, 6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2 Video
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
(page 34-35) ex1, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38; U3 (page
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,

4 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

music etc. 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3
Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page 50-
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
51) ex1, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 6, 7; U3
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To start; U4
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4 Speaking (page
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex5, 6; U4
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1,
6, 7; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page
81) ex3, 4; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1; U5 Mission,
page 90, page 91; U6 (page 93) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6 Speaking (page
97) ex3, 4; U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex5; U6 Reading
(page 100-101) ex6; U6 Mission, page 106; U7 (page
110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6;
U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7 Grammar (page
116-117) ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex5, 6, 7; U7 Mission, page 124;
U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130)
ex 1, 3, 6; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex 3, 6; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page 136-
137) ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex 3; U8
Mission, page 140, 141

Informal discussion (with friends): U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3, 5; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex3; U1 Reading (page
Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or
16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex5, 6, 7; U1
cultural topics such as music, films.
Mission, page 22; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Grammar (page
discussing topics of interest. 30-31) ex3, 5, 6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2
Video (page 34-35) ex1, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38; U3
(page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3,
6; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3 Reading (page
50-51) ex1, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 6; U3
Mission, page 56; U4 (page 59) To start; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4 Speaking (page
63) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page
68-69) ex1, 6, 7; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 (page 76) To
start; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5
Speaking (page 81) ex3, 4; U5 Reading (page 84-85)
ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 5; U5 Mission, page
90; U6 (page 93) To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96)
ex1, 3, 6; U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex5; U6 Reading
(page 100-101) ex6; U6 Mission, page 106; U7 (page
110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6;
U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex5; U7 Reading (page
118-119) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex5, 6; U7
Mission, page 124; U8 (page 127) To start; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 1, 3, 6; U8 Reading
(page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 1, 5,
6, 7; U8 Writing (page 139) ex 2; U8 Mission, page 140

5 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Conversation: U2 Speaking (page 29) ex3, 4; U8 Speaking (page 131)
ex 3, 4
Can express and respond to feelings such as
surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and

Goal-oriented co-operation: U2 Writing (page 37) ex2; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6,
Can explain why something is a problem, discuss
what to do next, compare and contrast
Information exchange: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex1; U1 Video (page 18-19)
ex1; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex1; U2 Video (page 34-
Can find out and pass on straightforward factual
35) ex7; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex1; U5 Video (page
86-87) ex1, 5; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex1, 5, 6; U7
Reading (page 118-119) ex1; U7 Video (page 120-121)
ex1; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 1; U8 Video (page
136-137) ex 1

Formal discussion: U3 Video (page 52-53) ex7

Can take part in routine formal discussion of
familiar subjects which is conducted in clearly
articulated speech in the standard dialect and
which involves the exchange of factual
information, receiving instructions or the
discussion of solutions to practical problems.

Interaction (written)
Overall written interaction: U2 Mission, page 39; U4 Writing (page 70) ex3; U6
Grammar (page 104) ex3
Can convey information and ideas on abstract as
well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable
Correspondence: U1 Mission, page 23; U6 Mission, page 107
Can write personal letters describing experiences,
feelings and events in some detail.
Can write personal letters giving news and
expressing thoughts about abstract or cultural
topics such as music, films.

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3, 5; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-
Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward
19) ex5, 6, 7; U1 Grammar (page 20) ex4; U1 Mission,
description of one of a variety of subjects within
page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Grammar (page
sequence of points.
30-31) ex3, 5, 6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2

6 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Video (page 34-35) ex1, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38,
page 39; U3 (page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page
44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3
Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53)
ex1, 6, 7; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59)
To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4
Grammar (page 64-65) ex5, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-
67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 6, 7; U4 Mission,
page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1; U5 Grammar
(page 88) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90, page 91; U6 (page
93) To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6
Grammar (page 98-99) ex5; U6 Reading (page 100-
101) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex7; U6 Mission,
page 106, page 107; U7 (page 110) To start; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6;
U7 Video (page 120-121) ex5, 6, 7; U7 Mission, page
124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary
(page 128-130) ex 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 3,
4; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex 3, 6; U8 Reading
(page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 1, 5,
6, 7; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141

Sustained monologue (describing experience): U2 Speaking (page 29) ex4; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-
114) ex6
Can narrate a story.
Addressing audiences: U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex5;
U2 Video (page 34-35) ex6; U3 Mission, page 57; U4
Can give a prepared straightforward presentation
Video (page 68-69) ex7; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex7;
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
U5 Mission, page 91; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex7;
clear enough to be followed without difficulty
U1 Mission, page 23; U6 Mission, page 107; U7 Video
most of the time, and in which the main points are
(page 120-121) ex7; U7 Mission, page 125; U8
explained with reasonable precision.
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 6; U8 Mission, page 141

Interviewing and being interviewed: U1 Mission, page 23; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex6;
U4 Video (page 68-69) ex7; U8 Mission, page 141
Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and
confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Production (written)

7 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall written production: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex7;
U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Writing (page 37) ex3; U3
Can write straightforward connected texts on a
Writing (page 55) ex3; U3 Mission, page 57; U4
range of familiar subjects within his field of
Mission, page 73; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex5; U5
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
Video (page 86-87) ex7; U5 Reading (page 89) ex3; U6
elements into a linear sequence.
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-
103) ex7; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex3; U6 Mission,
page 107; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex6; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-
121) ex7; U7 Writing (page 123) ex3; U8 Video (page
136-137) ex 7; U8 Writing (page 139) ex 3; U8
Mission, page 141

Overall written production (A2): U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex6; U5 Mission, page 91;
U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 6
Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences
linked with simple connectors like “and", “but”
and “because”.

Creative writing: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U2 Writing (page 37) ex3;
U3 Writing (page 55) ex3; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex7;
Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on
U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
103) ex7; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex7; U7 Writing
(page 123) ex3; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 6;
Can write accounts of experiences, describing U8 Video (page 136-137) ex 7
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.
Reports and essays: U1 Mission, page 23; U3 Mission, page 57; U4
Mission, page 73; U5 Reading (page 89) ex3; U8
Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion
Writing (page 139) ex 3
about accumulated factual information on familiar
routine and non-routine matters within his field
with some confidence.

Communication strategies

Planning: U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Mission, page 39; U3

Mission, page 57; U4 Mission, page 73; U5 Mission,
Can work out how to communicate the main
page 91; U1 Mission, page 23; U6 Mission, page 107
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

Asking for clarification: U4 Speaking (page 63) ex3

Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or
she has just said.

Communicative language competence

8 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Linguistic – range
Vocabulary range: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar
(page 14-15) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U2
Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar (page
with some circumlocutions on most topics
30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar (page
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
48-49) ex4, 5; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5; U4 Grammar (page
64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar (page
82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex2; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page
98-99) ex4; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7 Grammar (page
116-117) ex4; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 2, 5; U8 Grammar
(page 132-133) ex 4; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

Grammatical accuracy: U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex1, 2, 5; U1 Grammar
(page 20) ex1, 2, 3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex1,
Communicates with reasonable accuracy in
2, 3, 6; U2 Grammar (page 36) ex1, 2; U3 Grammar
familiar contexts; generally good control though
(page 48-49) ex1; U3 Grammar (page 54) ex1, 2, 3; U4
with noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors
Grammar (page 64-65) ex1, 2, 3, 5, 6; U4 Grammar
occur, but it is clear what he/she is trying to
(page 70) ex1, 2; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex1, 2, 5;
U5 Grammar (page 88) ex1, 2; U6 Grammar (page 98-
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of 99) ex1, 2, 3; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2; U7
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated Grammar (page 116-117) ex1, 2, 3; U7 Grammar
with more predictable situations. (page 122) ex1, 2, 3; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex
1, 2, 3, 6; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex 1, 2

Phonological control: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar

(page 14-15) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U2
Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar (page
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar (page
48-49) ex4; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5; U4 Grammar (page
64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar (page
82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page
98-99) ex4; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7 Grammar (page
116-117) ex4; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex 2, 5; U8 Grammar
(page 132-133) ex 4; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 2

9 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Coherence: U2 Writing (page 37) ex3
Can link a series of shorter, discrete simple
elements into a connected, linear sequence of
Spoken fluency: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex4; U1 Reading (page 16-
Can express him/herself with relative ease.
17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex5, 6, 7; U1 Mission,
Despite some problems with formulation resulting
page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
in pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Grammar (page
going effectively without help.
30-31) ex3, 5, 6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex6; U2
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though Video (page 34-35) ex1, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38,
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and page 39; U3 (page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 6; U3
of free production Reading (page 50-51) ex1, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53)
ex1, 6, 7; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59)
To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4
Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-
67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1, 6, 7; U4 Mission,
page 72, page 73; U5 (page 76) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-79) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Mission, page 90, page 91; U6 (page
93) To start; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6
Grammar (page 98-99) ex5; U6 Reading (page 100-
101) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex7; U6 Mission,
page 107; U7 (page 110) To start; U7 Grammar (page
116-117) ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex5, 6, 7; U7 Mission, page 124,
page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary
(page 128-130) ex 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex 3,
4; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex 6; U8 Video (page
136-137) ex 1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141

Propositional precision: U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U7 Speaking (page 115)

ex3, 4
Can explain the main points in an idea or problem
with reasonable precision.

10 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Impact 3 CEF mapping
Framework level: B1+
Unit 1 Colour Matters
Unit 1 To Start (page 9)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

11 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Vocabulary (page 10–12)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

12 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 1 Speaking (page 13)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 4
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 1 Grammar (page 14-15)


13 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 5
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

Unit 1 Reading (page 16–17)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.

14 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

15 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Video (page 18–19)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

16 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Grammar (page 20)
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 4
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 4
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Unit 1 Writing (page 21)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Can write accounts of experiences, describing
feelings and reactions in simple connected text.

Unit 1 Mission (page 22–23)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 22
programmes on topics of personal interest such as

17 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 22, page 23
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 22
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 22, page 23
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 22, page 23
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 23
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 23
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Correspondence Can write personal letters describing experiences, page 23

18 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

feelings and events in some detail.

Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and page 23
being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 23
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to
Reports and essays Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion page 23
about accumulated factual information on familiar
routine and non-routine matters within his field
with some confidence.

19 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Misunderstood Animals
Unit 2 To Start (page 25)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

20 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Vocabulary (page 26–28)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

21 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write a series of simple phrases and sentences 6
production (A2) linked with simple connectors like “and", “but” and

Unit 2 Speaking (page 29)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Conversation Can express and respond to feelings such as 3, 4
surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and
Sustained monologue Can narrate a story. 4

Unit 2 Grammar (page 30-31)

22 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 6
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 5, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

23 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 5
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 2 Reading (page 32–33)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

24 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

25 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Video (page 34–35)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 7
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 6
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are

26 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 2 Grammar (page 36)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 2 Writing (page 37)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Goal-oriented Can explain why something is a problem, discuss 2
cooperation what to do next, compare and contrast
Coherence Can link a series of shorter, discrete simple 3
elements into a connected, linear sequence of

Unit 2 Mission (page 38–39)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 38
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

27 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 38
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 38
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 38, page 39
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 38, page 39
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as page 39
interaction well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 39
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

28 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Everybody’s Doing It!
Unit 3 To Start (page 43)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

29 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Vocabulary (page 44–46)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

30 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 3 Speaking (page 47)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Propositional Can explain the main points in an idea or problem 3, 4
precision with reasonable precision.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 48-49)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 5, 6
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6

31 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 3 Reading (page 50–51)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current

32 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

33 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Video (page 52–53)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Goal-oriented Can make his/her opinions and reactions 6, 7
cooperation understood as regards possible solutions or the
question of what to do next, giving brief reasons
and explanations.
Formal discussion Can take part in routine formal discussion of 7
familiar subjects which is conducted in clearly

34 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

articulated speech in the standard dialect and
which involves the exchange of factual
information, receiving instructions or the
discussion of solutions to practical problems.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 54)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 3 Writing (page 55)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1, 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Unit 3 Mission (page 56–57)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 56
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on

35 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 56, page 57
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 56
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 56, page 57
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 56, page 57
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 57
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 57

production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports and essays Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion page 57
about accumulated factual information on familiar
routine and non-routine matters within his field
with some confidence.
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 57
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to

36 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

what he/she can recall or find the means to

37 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Fashion Footprints
Unit 4 To Start (page 59)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

38 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Vocabulary (page 60–62)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

39 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and 6
being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Unit 4 Speaking (page 63)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Asking for clarification Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or 3
she has just said.
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 4
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

40 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Grammar (page 64-65)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1, 4
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.

41 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 4 Reading (page 66–67)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

42 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

43 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Video (page 68–69)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

44 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and 7
being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 70)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 4 Writing (page 71)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as 3
interaction well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable
Can write personal letters and notes asking for or
conveying simple information of immediate
relevance, getting across the point he/she feels to
be important.

Unit 4 Mission (page 72–73)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 72
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.

45 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 72
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 72
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 72, page 73
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 72, page 73
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 73
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports and essays Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion page 73
about accumulated factual information on familiar
routine and non-routine matters within his field
with some confidence.
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 73
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

46 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Flying High
Unit 5 To Start (page 76)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

47 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Vocabulary (page 78–79)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

48 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 5 Speaking (page 81)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express belief, opinion, agreement and 3, 4
(with friends) disagreement politely.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 82-83)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1, 3
comprehension information about common everyday or job

49 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 5
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 5
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 5 Reading (page 84–85)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Information exchange Can exchange, check and confirm accumulated 1
factual information on familiar routine and non-
routine matters within his field with some
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,

50 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

51 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Video (page 86–87)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

52 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 7
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 88)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can give a simple description or presentation of 3
production people, living or working conditions, daily routines.
likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
phrases and sentences linked into a list.

Unit 5 Writing (page 89)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1, 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports & essays Can write short, simple essays on topics of interest. 3

Unit 5 Mission (page 90–91)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 90
programmes on topics of personal interest such as

53 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 90, page 91
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 90
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 90, page 91
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 90, page 91
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 91
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 91
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 91
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any

54 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

Unit 6 New Frontiers

Unit 6 To Start (page 93)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

55 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Vocabulary (page 94–96)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

56 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 6
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Unit 6 Speaking (page 97)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).

Unit 6 Grammar (page 98-99)


57 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep

58 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 6 Reading (page 100–101)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information and signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear

59 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

sequence of points.

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6

some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

60 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Video (page 102–103)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 5, 6
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7

production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 7
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Unit 6 Grammar (page 104)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.

61 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.

Unit 6 Writing (page 105)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1, 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1, 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as 3
interaction well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable

Unit 6 Mission (page 106–107)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 106
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 106
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar

62 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 106
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 106, page 107
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 106, page 107
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 107
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Correspondence Can write personal letters giving news and page 107
expressing thoughts about abstract or cultural
topics such as music, films.
Planning Can work out how to communicate the main page 107
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 107
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

63 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Visual Stories
Unit 7 To Start (page 110)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

64 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Vocabulary (page 112–114)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

65 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Sustained monologue Can give straightforward descriptions on a variety 6
of familiar subjects within his field of interest.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 7 Speaking (page 115)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 4
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Propositional Can explain the main points in an idea or problem 3, 4
precision with reasonable precision.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 116-117)


66 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep

67 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.

Unit 7 Reading (page 118–119)

Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2, 5

orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3, 5
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3, 5
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6

68 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

Unit 7 Video (page 120–121)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 5, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 5, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1

69 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 7
a range of familiar subjects within his field of
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 7
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 122)

Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short

Unit 7 Writing (page 123)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 2

70 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1, 2
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 1
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on 3
a range of familiar subjects within his field of

Unit 7 Mission (page 124–125)

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 124
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 124
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 124
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

71 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 124, page 125
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 124, page 125
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 125
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.

72 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Perform and Create
Unit 8 To Start (page 127)
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on To start
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or To start
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward To start
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite To start
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production

73 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Vocabulary (page 128–130)
Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1, 4
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can recognise significant points in straightforward 1
information & newspaper articles on familiar subjects.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2, 5
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2, 5
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 3, 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

74 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation 6
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 6
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write a description of an event, a recent trip - 6
real or imagined.

Unit 8 Speaking (page 131)

Overall listening Can understand straightforward factual 1
comprehension information about common everyday or job
related topics, identifying both general messages
and specific details, provided speech is clearly
articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Can understand the main points of clear standard
speech on familiar matters regularly encountered
in work, school, leisure etc., including short
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 2
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 4
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 3, 4
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Conversation Can express and respond to feelings such as 3, 4

75 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and

Unit 8 Grammar (page 132-133)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2, 3, 6
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 4
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 4
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3, 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 3, 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.

Unit 8 Reading (page 134–135)

Reading for Can scan longer texts in order to locate desired 2
orientation information, and gather information from different
parts of a text, or from different texts in order to
fulfil a specific task.
Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 3
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a

76 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

satisfactory level of comprehension.

Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 3

information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Vocabulary range Has a sufficient vocabulary to express him/herself 2
with some circumlocutions on most topics
pertinent to his everyday life such as family,
hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current
Phonological control Pronunciation is clearly intelligible even if a foreign 2
accent is sometimes evident and occasional
mispronunciations occur.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 6
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 6
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 6
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 6
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1

Unit 8 Video (page 136–137)

77 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV 3
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward 1, 5, 6, 7
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite 1, 5, 6, 7
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 7
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Creative writing Can write a description of an event, a recent trip - 7
real or imagined.

78 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Grammar (page 138)
Grammatical accuracy Communicates with reasonable accuracy in familiar 1, 2
contexts; generally good control though with
noticeable mother tongue influence. Errors occur,
but it is clear what he/she is trying to express.
Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of
frequently used "routines" and patterns associated
with more predictable situations.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on 3
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).

Unit 8 Writing (page 139)

Overall reading Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects 1
comprehension related to his/her field and interest with a
satisfactory level of comprehension.
Reading for Can identify the main conclusions in clearly 1
information & signalled argumentative texts.
Can recognise the line of argument in the
treatment of the issue presented, though not
necessarily in detail.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a 3
production range of familiar subjects within his field of
interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Reports and essays Can summarise, report and give his/her opinion 3
about accumulated factual information on familiar
routine and non-routine matters within his field
with some confidence.
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 2
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.

79 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Mission (page 140–141)
Watching TV and film Can understand a large part of many TV page 140
programmes on topics of personal interest such as
interviews, short lectures, and news reports when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Can follow many films in which visuals and action
carry much of the storyline, and which are
delivered clearly in straightforward language.
Can catch the main points in TV programmes on
familiar topics when the delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
Overall spoken Can communicate with some confidence on page 140, page 141
interaction familiar routine and non-routine matters related to
his/her interests and professional field. Can
exchange, check and confirm information, deal
with less routine situations and explain why
something is a problem. Can express thoughts on
more abstract, cultural topics such as films, books,
music etc.
Can enter unprepared into conversation of familiar
topics, express personal opinions and exchange
information on topics that are familiar, of personal
interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family,
hobbies, work, travel and current events).
Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or page 140
(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward page 140, page 141
production description of one of a variety of subjects within
his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear
sequence of points.
Spoken fluency Can express him/herself with relative ease. Despite page 140, page 141
some problems with formulation resulting in
pauses and "cul-de-sacs", he/she is able to keep
going effectively without help.
Can keep going comprehensibly, even though
pausing for grammatical and lexical planning and
repair is very evident, especially in longer stretches
of free production
Addressing audiences Can give a prepared straightforward presentation page 141
on a familiar topic within his/her field which is
clear enough to be followed without difficulty most
of the time, and in which the main points are
explained with reasonable precision.
Overall written Can write straightforward connected texts on a page 141
production range of familiar subjects within his field of

80 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete
elements into a linear sequence.
Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and page 141
being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

81 Impact 3 © National Geographic Learning

What is the Common European Framework of Reference?
The Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of Reference:
Learning, Teaching, Assessment (or CEFR for short) with a view to promoting
language teaching and learning within Europe.
The CEFR aims to provide a descriptive framework which encourages the development
of language skills and inter-cultural awareness, learner autonomy and lifelong
learning. It is of interest to course designers and coursebook writers as well as
teachers, testers and teacher trainers.
The CEFR aims to promote a coherent approach to language learning with an
emphasis on examining what we can do with a language. It also provides a framework
which permits the comparison of the language levels of individuals in an impartial
What are the aims of the CEFR?
It is important to be aware that the CEFR is designed as a set of common reference
points and not as a set of points that should be covered systematically in study. One
level or one set of reference points is not intended to refer to a year of study or a
number of hours of study. It recognises that students have different aims and learn at
different speeds.
The CEFR does not intend to prescribe a method of teaching, and recognises that
there are a variety of methods relevant to different teaching contexts. However, it has
a clear focus on the four skills and on developing an ability to communicate rather
than acquire knowledge.
The CEFR also emphasises acquiring the skills to learn independently. It encourages
autonomy in students and focuses on what they ‘can do’ and not on what they still
need to learn.
The CEFR intends to help define teachers’ and learners’ objectives. Teachers need to
understand what they want to achieve on a course and students need clear objectives.
The CEFR provides a set of descriptors and levels of competence that help focus such
How are the levels of the CEFR organised?
The CEFR has six levels which range from A1 (students with a starter level of English)
to C2 (students who can use the language fluently and with precision). Below is an
overview of these levels.

Proficient C2 Mastery Students can use the language

precisely and fluently with near native
C1 Effective Students are proficient in the
Operational language and have a wide range of
Proficiency vocabulary.
Independent B2 Vantage Students are able to express
themselves in increasingly abstract
B1 Threshold Students at this level can maintain
Basic A2 Waystage Students are able to get by in an
increasing range of social situations.
A1 Breakthrough Students can express themselves in
simple, basic language.

1 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Note that the CEFR recognises intermediate levels between the global levels above –
A2+, B2+, etc.
Each of the six levels of the CEFR is defined by a large set of descriptors – ‘can do tick
points’ – which aim to define the expected language ability of an individual at each of
the levels. For example, one of the descriptors under the heading Conversation at A1
level is: can ask how people are and react to news. At C2 level, a descriptor under the
same heading is: can use language flexibly and effectively for social purposes.
How does the CEFR correspond to Impact?
The Impact series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning
language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking
and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of
the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of
realistic situations.
Impact 4 covers the majority of competences for B2. In this booklet, each exercise of
the Impact series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So,
Impact 4 is mapped against descriptors at the B2 threshold.
How does Impact match the aims of the CEFR?
Impact’s grammar and vocabulary syllabus encourages the linguistic competences
needed for students to be able to communicate successfully. The emphasis on the four
skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in Impact reflects the same emphasis
in the CEFR.
The Workbook and teacher’s resources give students extra practice and learning
resources. The Workbook aims to develop learner autonomy.
Can I learn more about this?
You can find more information about the Council of Europe at
Hyperlinked pdfs of the CEFR are also available at this site.

2 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Impact Level 4 CEF Overview
Framework level: B2
Communicative activities:
Reception (spoken)
Overall listening comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Speaking (page
13) ex1; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1; U2 Speaking
Can understand the main ideas of propositionally
(page 29) ex1; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex1, 5; U3
and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1; U3 Speaking (page 47)
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
ex1; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex2, 4; U4 Vocabulary
including technical discussions in his/her field of
(page 60-62) ex1; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex1; U4
Grammar (page 64-65), ex2, 4; U5 Vocabulary (page
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 78-80) ex1; U5 Speaking (page 81) ex1; U5 Grammar
argument provided the topic is reasonably (page 82-83) ex2, 4; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1;
familiar, and the direction of the talk is sign-posted U6 Speaking (page 97) ex1; U6 Grammar (page 98-99)
by explicit markers. ex3; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1; U7 Speaking
(page 115) ex1; U7 Grammar (page 116-117) ex1, 4;
U7 Grammar (page 122) ex1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page
128-130) ex1; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex1; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex2

Reception (audio/visual)
Watching TV and film: U1 Video (page 18-19) ex3; U1 Mission, page 22; U2
Video (page 34-35) ex3; U2 Mission, page 38; U3
Can understand documentaries, live interviews,
Video (page 52-53) ex3; U3 Mission, page 56; U4
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
Video (page 68-69) ex3; U4 Mission, page 72; U5
standard dialect.
Video (page 86-87) ex3; U5 Mission, page 90; U6
Video (page 102-103) ex3; U6 Mission, page 106; U7
Video (page 120-121) ex3; U7 Mission, page 124; U8
Video (page 136-137) ex3; U8 Mission, page 140

Reception (written)
Overall reading comprehension: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1, 4; U1 Speaking (page
13) ex2; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex3; U1 Reading
Can read with a large degree of independence,
(page 16-17) ex3; U1 Writing (page 21) ex1; U2
adapting style and speed of reading to different
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 4; U2 Speaking (page
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
29) ex2; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex3; U2 Writing
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
(page 37) ex1; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 4; U3
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
Speaking (page 47) ex2; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex3;
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
U3 Writing (page 55) ex1; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62)
ex1, 4; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex2; U4 Reading (page
66-67) ex3, 5; U4 Writing (page 71) ex1, 2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1, 4; U5 Speaking (page
81) ex2; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex3; U5 Writing
(page 89) ex1; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 4; U6
Speaking (page 97) ex2; U6 Reading (page 100-101)
ex3; U6 Writing (page 105) ex1, 2; U7 Vocabulary
(page 112-114) ex 1, 4; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex2;

3 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex3; U7 Writing (page
123) ex1, 2; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex1, 4; U8
Speaking (page 131) ex2; U8 Reading (page 134-135)
ex3; U8 Writing (page 139) ex1, 2
Reading for orientation: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U1 Writing (page 21)
ex1, 2; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U2 Writing (page
Can scan quickly through long and complex texts,
37) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U3 Writing
locating relevant details.
(page 55) ex1; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2, 5; U4
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of Writing (page 71) ex1, 2; U5 Reading (page 84-85)
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of ex2; U5 Writing (page 89) ex1; U6 Reading (page 100-
professional topics, deciding whether closer study 101) ex2; U6 Writing (page 105) ex1, 2; U7 Reading
is worthwhile. (page 118-119) ex2; U7 Writing (page 123) ex1, 2; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex2; U8 Writing (page 139)
ex1, 2
Reading for information and argument U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1; U1 Reading (page
16-17) ex3; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1; U2
Can understand articles and reports concerned
Reading (page 32-33) ex3; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-
with contemporary problems in which the writers
46) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex3; U4 Vocabulary
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
(page 60-62) ex1; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex3, 5; U5
Can understand specialised articles outside his/her Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1; U5 Reading (page 84-
field, provided he/she can use a dictionary 85) ex3; U6 Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1; U6 Reading
occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of (page 100-101) ex3; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
terminology. ex1; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex3; U8 Vocabulary
(page 128-130) ex1; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex3

Interaction (spoken)
Overall spoken interaction: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3, 6; U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4; U1 Reading (page
Can use the language fluently, accurately and
16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U1
effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Speaking (page
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
29) ex3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex7; U2 Reading
spontaneously with good grammatical control
(page 32-33) ex5, 6; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex1, 5, 6,
without much sign of having to restrict what
7; U2 Grammar (page 36) ex2; U2 Mission, page 38,
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
page 39; U3 (page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page
appropriate to the circumstances.
44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U3
Can interact with a degree of fluency and Grammar (page 48-49) ex3, 5; U3 Reading (page 50-
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and 51) ex5, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 5; U3 Grammar
sustained relationships with native speakers quite (page 54) ex2, 3; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4
possible without imposing strain on either party. (page 59) To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3,
Can highlight the personal significance of events 6; U4 Speaking (page 63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page
and experiences, account for and sustain views 64-65) ex3, 5, 6; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4
clearly by providing relevant explanations and Video (page 68-69) ex1, 6; U4 Grammar (page 70)
arguments. ex3; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 (page 77) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page
81) ex3, 4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video
(page 86-87) ex1, 6; U5 Grammar (page 88) ex2; U5
Mission, page 90; U6 (page 92) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6 Speaking (page
97) ex3, 4; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex6; U6 Video

4 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

(page 102-103) ex1, 6, 7; U6 Mission, page 106; U7
(page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
ex1, 3, 6; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex6; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6;
U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 7; U7 Mission, page
124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary
(page 128-130) ex1, 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex3,
4; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex5, 6; U8 Video (page
136-137) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141
Conversation (B1): U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4
Can express and respond to feelings such as
surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and

Informal discussion (with friends): U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,
3, 6; U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex5; U1 Reading (page
Can take an active part in informal discussion in
16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-19) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U1
familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
Mission, page 22; U2 (page 25) To start; U2
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2 Grammar (page
making and responding to hypotheses.
30-31) ex3, 6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex5, 6; U2
Can with some effort catch much of what is said Video (page 34-35) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U2 Grammar (page
around him/her in discussion, but may find it 36) ex2; U2 Mission, page 38; U3 (page 43) To start;
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3 Grammar
several native speakers who do not modify their (page 48-49) ex3, 5; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex5, 6;
language in any way. U3 Video (page 52-53) ex1, 5; U3 Grammar (page 54)
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in ex2, 3; U3 Mission, page 56; U4 (page 59) To start; U4
discussion by providing relevant explanations, Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4 Speaking (page
arguments and comments. 63) ex3, 4; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex3, 5, 6; U4
Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1,
6; U4 Grammar (page 70) ex3; U4 Mission, page 72;
U5 (page 77) To start; U5 Vocabulary (page 78-80)
ex1, 3, 6; U5 Speaking (page 81) ex3, 4; U5 Reading
(page 84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 4; U5
Mission, page 90; U6 (page 92) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6 Speaking (page
97) ex3, 4; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex6; U6 Video
(page 102-103) ex1, 6, 7; U6 Mission, page 106; U7
(page 110) To start; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
ex1, 3, 6; U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4; U7 Grammar
(page 116-117) ex6; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex6;
U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5, 7; U7 Mission, page
124; U8 (page 127) To start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-
130) ex1, 3, 6; U8 Speaking (page 131) ex3, 4; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex5, 6; U8 Video (page 136-
137) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U8 Mission, page 140, page 141
Goal-oriented co-operation (B1): U2 Speaking (page 29) ex3, 4; U2 Grammar (page 30-
31) ex7; U3 Speaking (page 47) ex3, 4; U6 Speaking
Can explain why something is a problem, discuss
(page 97) ex3, 4
what to do next, compare and contrast
Information exchange (B1): U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex1; U2 Reading (page 32-

5 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

33) ex1; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex1; U4 Reading
Can find out and pass on straightforward factual
(page 66-67) ex1; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex1, 5; U6
Reading (page 100-101) ex1; U7 Reading (page 118-
119) ex1; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex1

Interaction (written)
Overall written interaction: U2 Writing (page 37) ex3;
Can express news and views effectively in writing,
and relate to those of others.
Overall written interaction (B1): U3 Mission, page 57; U4 Mission, page 72; U5
Mission, page 91
Can convey information and ideas on abstract as
well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable
Correspondence: U4 Video (page 68-69) ex7
Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion
and highlighting the personal significance of
events and experiences and commenting on the
correspondent's news and views

Production (spoken)
Overall spoken production: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6;
U1 Video (page 18-19) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U1 Grammar (page
Can give clear, detailed descriptions and
20) ex2; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2 (page 25)
presentations on a wide range of subjects related
To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3, 6; U2
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
Reading (page 32-33) ex5, 6; U2 Video (page 34-35)
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
ex1, 5, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38, page 39; U3 (page
relevant examples.
43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3, 6; U3
Reading (page 50-51) ex5, 6; U3 Video (page 52-53)
ex1, 5; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59) To
start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4
Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1,
6; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 (page 77) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 4, 6; U5
Mission, page 90; U6 (page 92) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6 Reading (page
100-101) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex1, 6, 7; U6
Mission, page 106; U7 (page 110) To start; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Reading
(page 118-119) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5,
7; U7 Mission, page 124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To
start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex1, 3, 6; U8
Grammar (page 132-133) ex4; U8 Reading (page 134-
135) ex6; U8 Video (page 136-137) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U8
Mission, page 140, page 141

6 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Addressing audiences: U1 Mission, page 23; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex7; U2
Mission, page 39; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex6; U3
Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving
Grammar (page 48-49) ex6; U3 Video (page 52-53)
reasons in support of or against a particular point
ex6; U3 Mission, page 57; U4 Grammar (page 64-65)
of view and giving the advantages and
ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex7; U4 Mission, page 73;
disadvantages of various options.
U5 Video (page 86-87) ex6; U5 Mission, page 91; U6
Mission, page 107; U7 Vocabulary (page 112-114)
ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex6; U7 Mission, page
125; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex6; U8 Video
(page 136-137) ex7; U8 Mission, page 141

Interviewing and being interviewed: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex6; U1 Mission, page
23; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex6
Can carry out an effective, fluent interview,
departing spontaneously from prepared questions,
following up and probing interesting replies.

Interviewing and being interviewed (B1): U5 Video (page 86-87) ex6

Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and
confirming information, though he/she may
occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Production (written)
Overall written production: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U1 Mission, page 23; U2
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35)
Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of
ex7; U3 Grammar (page 48-49) ex6; U3 Video (page
subjects related to his field of interest,
52-53) ex6; U3 Writing (page 55) ex3; U3 Mission,
synthesising and evaluating information and
page 57; U4 Grammar (page 64-65) ex5; U4 Video
arguments from a number of sources.
(page 68-69) ex7; U4 Writing (page 71) ex3; U5
Grammar (page 82-83) ex3, 5; U5 Writing (page 89)
ex3; U6 Grammar (page 98-99) ex4, 5; U6 Reading
(page 100-101) ex5; U6 Writing (page 105) ex3; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex2, 3, 5; U7 Writing (page
123) ex3; U8 Writing (page 139) ex3

Creative writing: U1 Writing (page 21) ex3; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28)

ex6; U2 Video (page 34-35) ex7; U2 Writing (page 37)
Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety
ex3; U3 Video (page 52-53) ex6; U3 Writing (page 55)
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
ex3; U3 Mission, page 57; U4 Mission, page 73; U5
Mission, page 91; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex5; U6
Writing (page 105) ex3; U6 Mission, page 107; U7
Mission, page 125; U8 Writing (page 139) ex3
Creative writing (B1): U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex5
Can narrate a story.
Reports and essays: U4 Video (page 68-69) ex7; U4 Writing (page 71) ex3;

7 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

U5 Writing (page 89) ex3; U7 Writing (page 123) ex3
Can synthesise information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Communication strategies

Cooperating (B1): U1 Speaking (page 13) ex3, 4

Can exploit a basic repertoire of language and
strategies to help keep a conversation or
discussion going.
Taking the floor (turntaking): U5 Speaking (page 81) ex3, 4
Can use stock phrases (e.g. "That's a difficult
question to answer") to gain time and keep the
turn whilst formulating what to say.
Planning (B1): U5 Mission, page 91; U6 Mission, page 107
Can work out how to communicate the main
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to
Asking for clarification (B1): U7 Speaking (page 115) ex3, 4
Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or
she has just said.

Working with text

Processing text: U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex5; U7 Reading (page 118-
119) ex5
Can summarise extracts from news items,
interviews or documentaries containing opinions,
argument and discussion.

Communicative language competence

Linguistic – range
Vocabulary range: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar
(page 14-15) ex3; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U2
Has a good range of vocabulary for matters
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar (page
connected to his field and most general topics?
30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar (page
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
48-49) ex4; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5; U4 Grammar (page
64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar (page
82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex2; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page
98-99) ex3; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7 Grammar (page

8 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

116-117) ex4; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex2, 5; U8 Grammar (page
132-133) ex2; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex2

Grammatical accuracy: U1 Grammar (page 14-15) ex1, 2, 4, 5; U1 Grammar
(page 20) ex1, 2; U2 Grammar (page 30-31) ex1, 3, 7;
Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical
U2 Grammar (page 36) ex1, 2; U3 Grammar (page 48-
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
49) ex1, 3, 5; U3 Grammar (page 54) ex1, 2, 3; U4
Grammar (page 64-65) ex1, 2, 3, 5, 6; U4 Grammar
(page 70) ex1, 2; U5 Grammar (page 82-83) ex1, 2, 3,
5; U5 Grammar (page 88) ex1; U6 Grammar (page 98-
99) ex1, 2, 4, 5; U6 Grammar (page 104) ex1, 2, 3; U7
Grammar (page 116-117) ex1, 2, 3, 5, 6; U7 Grammar
(page 122) ex1, 2, 3; U8 Grammar (page 132-133) ex1,
3; U8 Grammar (page 138) ex1, 2

Phonological control: U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex2, 5; U1 Grammar

(page 14-15) ex3; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex2; U2
Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation.
Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex2, 5; U2 Grammar (page
30-31) ex4; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex2; U3
Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex2, 5; U3 Grammar (page
48-49) ex4; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex2; U4
Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex2, 5; U4 Grammar (page
64-65) ex4; U4 Reading (page 66-67) ex2; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex2, 5; U5 Grammar (page
82-83) ex4; U5 Reading (page 84-85) ex2; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex2, 5; U6 Grammar (page
98-99) ex3; U6 Reading (page 100-101) ex2; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex2, 5; U7 Grammar (page
116-117) ex4; U7 Reading (page 118-119) ex2; U8
Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex2, 5; U8 Grammar (page
132-133) ex2; U8 Reading (page 134-135) ex2


Spoken fluency: U1 (page 9) To start; U1 Vocabulary (page 10-12) ex1,

3, 6; U1 Reading (page 16-17) ex6; U1 Video (page 18-
Can produce stretches of language with a fairly
19) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U1 Mission, page 22, page 23; U2
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
(page 25) To start; U2 Vocabulary (page 26-28) ex1, 3,
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
6; U2 Reading (page 32-33) ex5, 6; U2 Video (page 34-
there are few noticeably long pauses.
35) ex1, 5, 6, 7; U2 Mission, page 38, page 39; U3
Can interact with a degree of fluency and (page 43) To start; U3 Vocabulary (page 44-46) ex1, 3,
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with 6; U3 Reading (page 50-51) ex5, 6; U3 Video (page 52-

9 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

native speakers quite possible without imposing 53) ex1, 5; U3 Mission, page 56, page 57; U4 (page 59)
strain on either party. To start; U4 Vocabulary (page 60-62) ex1, 3, 6; U4
Reading (page 66-67) ex6; U4 Video (page 68-69) ex1,
6; U4 Mission, page 72; U5 (page 77) To start; U5
Vocabulary (page 78-80) ex1, 3, 6; U5 Reading (page
84-85) ex6; U5 Video (page 86-87) ex1, 4, 6; U5
Mission, page 90; U6 (page 92) To start; U6
Vocabulary (page 94-96) ex1, 3, 6; U6 Reading (page
100-101) ex6; U6 Video (page 102-103) ex1, 6, 7; U6
Mission, page 106; U7 (page 110) To start; U7
Vocabulary (page 112-114) ex1, 3, 6; U7 Reading
(page 118-119) ex6; U7 Video (page 120-121) ex1, 5,
7; U7 Mission, page 124, page 125; U8 (page 127) To
start; U8 Vocabulary (page 128-130) ex1, 3, 6; U8
Reading (page 134-135) ex6; U8 Mission, page 140,
page 141

10 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Impact 4 CEF mapping
Framework level: B2
Unit 1 Pushing the Limits
Unit 1 To Start (page 9)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

11 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Vocabulary (page 10–12)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

12 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Interviewing and Can carry out an effective, fluent interview, 6
being interviewed departing spontaneously from prepared questions,
following up and probing interesting replies.

13 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Speaking (page 13)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2

comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Conversation (B1) Can express and respond to feelings such as 3, 4
surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and
Cooperating (B1) Can exploit a basic repertoire of language and 3, 4
strategies to help keep a conversation or
discussion going.

Unit 1 Grammar (page 14-15)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 4, 5

14 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 3
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 3

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3

comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 5
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

Unit 1 Reading (page 16–17)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.

15 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

16 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Processing text Can summarise extracts from news items, 5
interviews or documentaries containing opinions,
argument and discussion.

17 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Video (page 18–19)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 5, 6, 7
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 5, 6, 7
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

18 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 1 Grammar (page 20)
Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 2
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.

Unit 1 Writing (page 21)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 3
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Unit 1 Mission (page 22–23)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 22
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 22, page 23
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.

19 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 22
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 22, page 23
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 22, page 23
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 23
production of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 23

reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Interviewing and Can carry out an effective, fluent interview, page 23
being interviewed departing spontaneously from prepared questions,
following up and probing interesting replies.

20 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 It Takes a Village
Unit 2 To Start (page 25)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

21 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Vocabulary (page 26–28)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

22 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Interviewing and Can carry out an effective, fluent interview, 6
being interviewed departing spontaneously from prepared questions,
following up and probing interesting replies.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 6
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 6
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

23 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Speaking (page 29)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2

comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Goal-oriented Can explain why something is a problem, discuss 3, 4
cooperation (B1) what to do next, compare and contrast

Unit 2 Grammar (page 30-31)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 3, 7
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 1, 5

24 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 4
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 4

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 6

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Goal-oriented Can explain why something is a problem, discuss 7
cooperation (B1) what to do next, compare and contrast

Unit 2 Reading (page 32–33)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3

25 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 5, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 5, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 5, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 5, 6

26 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

27 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 2 Video (page 34–35)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 5, 6, 7
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 5, 6, 7
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 7
reasons in support of or against a particular point of

28 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

view and giving the advantages and disadvantages
of various options.

Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 7

of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 7
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Unit 2 Grammar (page 36)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 2
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 2
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

Unit 2 Writing (page 37)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different

29 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can express news and views effectively in writing, 3
interaction and relate to those of others.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 3
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Unit 2 Mission (page 38–39)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 38
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 38, page 39
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 38
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

30 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 38, page 39
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 38, page 39
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 39
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

31 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Food Matters
Unit 3 To Start (page 43)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

32 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Vocabulary (page 44–46)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

33 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

34 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Speaking (page 47)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2

comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Goal-oriented Can explain why something is a problem, discuss 3, 4
cooperation (B1) what to do next, compare and contrast

Unit 3 Grammar (page 48-49)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 3, 5
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 2, 4

35 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 4
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 4

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 5

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 5
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 6
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Unit 3 Reading (page 50–51)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different

36 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 5, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 5, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 5, 6

37 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 5, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

38 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 3 Video (page 52–53)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 5
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 5
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 5
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 5
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point of

39 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

view and giving the advantages and disadvantages
of various options.

Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 6

of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 6
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Unit 3 Grammar (page 54)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 2, 3
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 2, 3
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

Unit 3 Writing (page 55)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different

40 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 3
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Unit 3 Mission (page 56–57)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 56
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 56, page 57
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 56
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,

41 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

arguments and comments.

Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 56, page 57
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 56, page 57
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 57
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 57
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of page 57
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as page 57
interaction (B1) well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable

42 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 The Footprint of Fun
Unit 4 To Start (page 59)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

43 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Vocabulary (page 60–62)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

44 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

45 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Speaking (page 63)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

46 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Grammar (page 64-65)
Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 2, 4
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 4
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 4

Informal discussion Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or 3, 5, 6

(with friends) cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 5, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 5
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Unit 4 Reading (page 66–67)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2, 5

47 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3, 5
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3, 5
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it

48 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

49 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Video (page 68–69)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 7
reasons in support of or against a particular point of

50 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

view and giving the advantages and disadvantages
of various options.

Correspondence Can write letters conveying degrees of emotion 7

and highlighting the personal significance of events
and experiences and commenting on the
correspondent's news and views.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 7
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Reports and essays Can synthesise information and arguments from a 7
number of sources.

Unit 4 Grammar (page 70)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

51 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 4 Writing (page 71)
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Reports and essays Can synthesise information and arguments from a 3
number of sources.

Unit 4 Mission (page 72–73)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 72
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 72
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 72
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with

52 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 72
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 72
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 73
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 73
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as page 73
interaction (B1) well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable

53 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Why We Explore
Unit 5 To Start (page 77)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

54 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Vocabulary (page 78–80)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

55 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

56 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Speaking (page 81)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

57 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Taking the floor Can use stock phrases (e.g. "That's a difficult 3, 4
(turntaking) question to answer") to gain time and keep the
turn whilst formulating what to say.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 82-83)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3, 5
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 2, 4
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 4
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 4

Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3, 5

production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing (B1) Can narrate a story. 5

Unit 5 Reading (page 84–85)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1, 5

58 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

(B1) information.

Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2

connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

59 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 5 Video (page 86–87)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 4, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 4, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point of

60 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

view and giving the advantages and disadvantages
of various options.

Interviewing and Can carry out a prepared interview, checking and 6

being interviewed confirming information, though he/she may
(B1) occasionally have to ask for repetition if the other
person's response is rapid or extended.

Unit 5 Grammar (page 88)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 2
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

Unit 5 Writing (page 89)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

61 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Reports and essays Can synthesise information and arguments from a 3
number of sources.

Unit 5 Mission (page 90–91)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 90
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 90
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 90
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 90
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 90
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

62 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 91
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 91
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Overall written Can convey information and ideas on abstract as page 91
interaction (B1) well as concrete topics, check information and ask
about or explain problems with reasonable
Planning (B1) Can work out how to communicate the main page 91
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

63 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Giants
Unit 6 To Start (page 92)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

64 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Vocabulary (page 94–96)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

65 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

66 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Speaking (page 97)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

67 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Goal-oriented Can outline an issue or a problem clearly, 3, 4
cooperation speculating about causes or consequences, and
weighing advantages and disadvantages of
different approaches.

Unit 6 Grammar (page 98-99)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 4, 5
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 3
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 3
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 3

Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 4, 5

production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.

Unit 6 Reading (page 100–101)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1

68 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

(B1) information.

Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2

connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

69 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 5
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 5
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

70 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Video (page 102–103)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 6, 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 6, 7
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 6, 7
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 6, 7
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

71 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6 Grammar (page 104)
Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to

Unit 6 Writing (page 105)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 3
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Unit 6 Mission (page 106–107)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 106
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 106
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 106

72 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 106
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 106
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 107
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 107
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.
Planning (B1) Can work out how to communicate the main page 107
point(s) he/she wants to get across, exploiting any
resources available and limiting the message to
what he/she can recall or find the means to

73 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Giants
Unit 7 To Start (page 111)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

74 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Vocabulary (page 112–114)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

75 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

76 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Speaking (page 115)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

77 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Asking for clarification Can ask someone to clarify or elaborate what he or 3, 4
(B1) she has just said.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 116-117)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 1, 4
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 4
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 4

Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 2, 3, 5

production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views

78 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

clearly by providing relevant explanations and

Unit 7 Reading (page 118–119)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Processing text Can summarise extracts from news items, 5
interviews or documentaries containing opinions,
argument and discussion.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events

79 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

80 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 7 Video (page 120–121)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 5, 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 5, 7
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 5, 7
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 5, 7
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences an give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point

81 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

Unit 7 Grammar (page 122)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2, 3
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 1, 2
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.

Unit 7 Writing (page 123)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Reports and essays Can write an essay or report which develops an 3
argument, giving reasons in support of or against a
particular point of view and explaining the
advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Unit 7 Mission (page 124–125)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 124
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 124, page 125
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality

82 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 124
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 124, page 125
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 124, page 125
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 125
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety page 125
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

83 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Art Connections
Unit 8 To Start (page 127)
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and To start
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in To start
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and To start
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly To start
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

84 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Vocabulary (page 128–130)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 4
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand articles and reports concerned 1
information & with contemporary problems in which the writers
argument adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2, 5
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2, 5
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 3, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and

85 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 3, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 3, 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 3, 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 6
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

86 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Speaking (page 131)
Overall listening Can understand the main ideas of propositionally 1
comprehension and linguistically complex speech on both concrete
and abstract topics delivered in a standard dialect,
including technical discussions in his/her field of
Can follow extended speech and complex lines of
argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 3, 4
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 3, 4
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.

87 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Grammar (page 132-133)
Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 3
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to
Overall listening Can follow extended speech and complex lines of 2
comprehension argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar,
and the direction of the talk is sign-posted by
explicit markers.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?
Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2

Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 4

production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.

Unit 8 Reading (page 134–135)

Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 3
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can understand specialised articles outside his/her 3
information & field, provided he/she can use a dictionary
argument occasionally to confirm his/her interpretation of
Can understand articles and reports concerned
with contemporary problems in which the writers
adopt particular stances or viewpoints.
Information exchange Can find out and pass on straightforward factual 1
(B1) information.
Vocabulary range Has a good range of vocabulary for matters 2
connected to his field and most general topics?

88 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Can vary formulation to avoid frequent repetition,
but lexical gaps can still cause hesitation and
Phonological control Has a clear, natural, pronunciation and intonation. 2
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 5, 6
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 5, 6
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 6
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 6
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.

89 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

Unit 8 Video (page 136–137)
Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, 3
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and 1, 5, 6, 7
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events
and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in 1, 5, 6, 7
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and 1, 5, 6, 7
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly 1, 5, 6, 7
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences an give a clear, prepared presentation, giving 7
reasons in support of or against a particular point

90 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

Unit 8 Grammar (page 138)

Grammatical accuracy Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical 1, 2
control. Does not make mistakes which lead to

Unit 8 Writing (page 139)

Overall reading Can read with a large degree of independence, 1, 2
comprehension adapting style and speed of reading to different
texts and purposes, and using appropriate
reference sources selectively. Has a broad active
reading vocabulary, but may experience some
difficulty with low frequency idioms.
Reading for Can scan quickly through long and complex texts, 1, 2
orientation locating relevant details.
Can quickly identify the content and relevance of
news items, articles and reports on a wide range of
professional topics, deciding whether closer study
is worthwhile.
Overall written Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of 3
production subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising
and evaluating information and arguments from a
number of sources.
Creative writing Can write clear, detailed descriptions on a variety 3
of subjects related to his/her field of interest.

Unit 8 Mission (page 140–141)

Watching TV and film Can understand documentaries, live interviews, page 140
talk shows, plays and the majority of films in
standard dialect.
Overall spoken Can use the language fluently, accurately and page 140, page 141
interaction effectively on a wide range of general, academic,
vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the
relationships between ideas. Can communicate
spontaneously with good grammatical control
without much sign of having to restrict what
he/she wants to say, adopting a level of formality
appropriate to the circumstances.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction, and
sustained relationships with native speakers quite
possible without imposing strain on either party.
Can highlight the personal significance of events

91 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

and experiences, account for and sustain views
clearly by providing relevant explanations and
Informal discussion Can take an active part in informal discussion in page 140, page 141
(with friends) familiar contexts, commenting, putting point of
view clearly, evaluating alternative proposals and
making and responding to hypotheses.
Can with some effort catch much of what is said
around him/her in discussion, but may find it
difficult to participate effectively in discussion with
several native speakers who do not modify their
language in any way.
Can account for and sustain his/her opinions in
discussion by providing relevant explanations,
arguments and comments.
Overall spoken Can give clear, detailed descriptions and page 140, page 141
production presentations on a wide range of subjects related
to his/her field of interest, expanding and
supporting ideas with subsidiary points and
relevant examples.
Spoken fluency Can produce stretches of language with a fairly page 140, page 141
even tempo; although he/she can be hesitant as
he/she searches for patterns and expressions,
there are few noticeably long pauses.
Can interact with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that makes regular interaction with
native speakers quite possible without imposing
strain on either party.
Addressing audiences Can give a clear, prepared presentation, giving page 141
reasons in support of or against a particular point
of view and giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

92 Impact 4 © National Geographic Learning

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