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Human Behavior Reviewer

. One which consists of several parts that interacts with each other to produce some results, serve some
functions or meet some objectives.
A. Justice B. System
C. Feedback D. Environment
2. The stage of the criminal justice process which involves the convicted person’s serving the sentence
A. Sentencing B. Corrections
C. Adjudication D. charging
3. The recital of the rights of a suspect during custodial investigation.
A. Bill of Rights B. Miranda Warning
C. Code of Ethics D. Policeman’s Code
4. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles, bones and motor organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic B. Mesomorphic
C. Endomorphic D. Ectomorphic
5. The author of “ Origin of Species” and “ The Descent of Man”.
A. Lombroso B. Darwin
C. Beccaria D. Garofalo
6. The mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong.
A. Discernment B. Morality
C. Ethics D. Imbecility
7. It has the power to define and punish crimes.
A. Church B. State
C. Judiciary D. Police
8. According to psychoanalysis, this refers to the conscience of man.
A. Ego B. Id
C. super ego D. spirit
9. A type of crime in which the end result is destructive.
A. acquisitive crime B. extinctive crime
C. seasonal crime D. static crime
10. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a community.
A. Criminal epidemiology B. Criminal demography
C. Criminal psychology D. Criminal determinism
11. The taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the commission of
an offense.
A. Search B. Seizure
C. Detention D. Arrest
12. A valid warrant less arrest.
A. citizen’s arrest B. void arrest
C. illegal arrest D. juridical arrest
13. Founding father of psychoanalytic theory (psychodynamic)- a method for treating mental
illness and also a theory which explains human behavior.
a. Sigmund Freud c. Josef Breur
b. Francis Galton d. Charles Darwin
14. To explain human behavior, social learning theorists place great emphasis on cognitive
variables. Social learning reflects the theory’s strong assumption that we learn primarily by
observing and listening to people around us-
a. the social environment
b. the stimulus that elicit response
c. the mental state and brain-mediation processes.
d. the reinforcements for behavior
15. Noel who likes to engage in sexual intercourse with his pet dog, exhibits:
a. Homosexuality c. Necrophilia
b. Bestiality d. Incest

1. The following are behavioral forms that arises out of conflict, EXCEPT:
A. Approach-avoidance C. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-approach D. Avoidance-avoidance

2. A ____________ period during the peak of an anger reaction.

A. “cooling off” C. winding up

B. completion D. “cleaning up”

3. It is a behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form adjustment and attempt to
experience them again in memory.

A. Phobia C. Anger
B. Frustration D. Regression

4. A person who behaves abnormally, with unclear perception of reality, and might not even
aware that he is suffering from this particular disorder, is referred to as.

A. Psychotic B. Neurotic C. Sociopathic D. Schizophrenic

5. In a hostage situation, non-verbal communication which indicated openness and willingness

to listen can be shown by ___________.

A. Calmly repeating words of comfort or assurance

B. By not attempting to trick or lie
C. Keeping arms open and with other gesture that indicates that you are willing to negotiate
D. Posture of a folded arms in a dominant position
6. Defense mechanisms are used to shield one’s self from:

A. Anger C. Fear
B. Pleasure D. Pain

7. Human behavior is man’s response to the interpretation of the __________ from within the
person or from his environment.

A. Stimulus C. Action
B. Perception D. Inclination

8. Ian, a funeral parlor attendant takes pleasure in imagining having sexual relations with newly
dead young female bodies who were victims of suicides or vehicular accidents. What sexual
deviant act did Ian commit?
A. Necrophilia B. Incest C. Rape D. None
9. Which of the following items does not belong to the group?

A. Prostitution C. Assassination
B. Sabotage D. Bombing

10. It is characterized by infantile level of response, lack of conscience, deficient feeling of

affection to others and aggression to environment and other people.
A. Schizoprenic personality C. Compulsive neurosis
B. Psychopathic personality D. Neurotic personality

11. The _________ theory of criminality attributes delinquent and criminal behavior to a
conscience that is either to overbearing that it arouses feeling of guilt or so weak that it cannot
control the individual’s impulse and the need for immediate gratification.

A. Biological C. Psychological
B. Psychoanalytic D. Classical
12. Social learning theorists view violence as something learned through behavior modeling.
The following are the sources of behavior models, except:

A. Family member C. Mass media

B. Political leaders D. Environmental experience

13. Which of the following is NOT a common tactics in terrorism?

A. Robbery C. Bombing
B. Hijacking D. Kidnapping

14. This personality system controls the gateway to action.

A. Alter ego C. ID
B. Ego D. Superego
15. What is a process of interpreting our own behavior in ways to make it more acceptable to
the self usually with the use of good reasons or alibis to substitute for real cause?
A. Projection C. Sublimation
B. Rationalization D. Compensation
1. The following are behavioral forms that arises out of conflict, EXCEPT:
A. Approach-avoidance C. Approach-Approach
B. Avoidance-approach D. Avoidance-avoidance

2. A ____________ period during the peak of an anger reaction.

A. “cooling off” C. winding up

B. completion D. “cleaning up”

3. It is a behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form adjustment and attempt to
experience them again in memory.

A. Phobia C. Anger
B. Frustration D. Regression

4. A person who behaves abnormally, with unclear perception of reality, and might not even
aware that he is suffering from this particular disorder, is referred to as.
A. Psychotic B. Neurotic C. Sociopathic D. Schizophrenic

5. In a hostage situation, non-verbal communication which indicated openness and willingness

to listen can be shown by ___________.

A. Calmly repeating words of comfort or assurance

B. By not attempting to trick or lie
C. Keeping arms open and with other gesture that indicates that you are willing to negotiate
D. Posture of a folded arms in a dominant position

6. Defense mechanisms are used to shield one’s self from:

A. Anger C. Fear
B. Pleasure D. Pain

7. Human behavior is man’s response to the interpretation of the __________ from within the
person or from his environment.

A. Stimulus C. Action
B. Perception D. Inclination

8. Ian, a funeral parlor attendant takes pleasure in imagining having sexual relations with newly
dead young female bodies who were victims of suicides or vehicular accidents. What sexual
deviant act did Ian commit?
A. Necrophilia B. Incest C. Rape D. None
9. Which of the following items does not belong to the group?

A. Prostitution C. Assassination
B. Sabotage D. Bombing
10. It is characterized by infantile level of response, lack of conscience, deficient feeling of
affection to others and aggression to environment and other people.
A. Schizoprenic personality C. Compulsive neurosis
B. Psychopathic personality D. Neurotic personality

11. The _________ theory of criminality attributes delinquent and criminal behavior to a
conscience that is either to overbearing that it arouses feeling of guilt or so weak that it cannot
control the individual’s impulse and the need for immediate gratification.

A. Biological C. Psychological
B. Psychoanalytic D. Classical

12. Social learning theorists view violence as something learned through behavior modeling.
The following are the sources of behavior models, except:

A. Family member C. Mass media

B. Political leaders D. Environmental experience

13. Which of the following is NOT a common tactics in terrorism?

A. Robbery C. Bombing
B. Hijacking D. Kidnapping
14. This personality system controls the gateway to action.
A. Alter ego C. ID
B. Ego D. Superego
15. What is a process of interpreting our own behavior in ways to make it more acceptable to
the self usually with the use of good reasons or alibis to substitute for real cause?
A. Projection C. Sublimation
B. Rationalization D. Compensation

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