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Statement of Purpose

After spending almost ten years teaching mathematics to middle and high school

students using various curriculums and teaching approaches, I realized that most students still

have difficulty mastering math concepts, and some still consider mathematics the most

challenging subject at school.

Prior to embarking on my master’s program, I conducted a comprehensive survey

involving 150 elementary and middle school students in Indonesia to elucidate the factors

contributing to low academic performance and disinterest in mathematics. The results were that

83.7% chose an answer that the teacher did not explain the concept well, 12.6% picked an

answer that mathematics is a boring subject, and the rest answered that they were not talented

enough to master mathematics. This condition fueled me to learn more about mathematics

education so that I could contribute more to help students understand mathematics better.

My aspiration to pursue a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education stems from a fervent ambition

to effect transformative change at the undergraduate level, nurturing a cadre of adept educators

equipped to inspire mathematical proficiency. My envisioned role as a professor entails guiding

prospective mathematics teachers, furnishing them with the requisite pedagogical acumen to

engender enthusiasm and comprehension among their students.

Throughout my doctoral tenure, I am committed to refining my expertise in diverse

teaching methodologies and conducting empirical research to enhance students' mathematical

comprehension. Additionally, I wish to conduct research on the best strategy to integrate

technology as part of STEM education in mathematics classrooms that can help students

improve their mathematical skills.

In preparing myself for the Ph.D. program, while working on my master’s degree

program majoring in Master of Arts in Education, Mathematics Education, at the University of

Florida, I had the opportunity to participate in the research project conducted by Dr. Hyunyi Jung

and her team as the research assistant. The Research Project was fully funded by National

Science Foundation (NSF) focusing on Mathematics Modeling Titled “Equitable and Interactive

Mathematical Modeling (EIM2). In this research project team, Dr. Jung, as the Principal

Investigator, assigned me to participate in some parts of the project, such as Website

development, Coding and Transcribing Documents, interviewing students and teachers, and

helping the team work on some articles.

I am keen to further enrich my scholarly journey at Purdue University, under the

mentorship of esteemed faculty members whose multifaceted research interests closely align

with my own such as STEM education, mathematics education, science education, teacher

education, educational technology, international education, research methodology, and

curriculum development that entirely fits with my interest and future career as an educator.

Upon completion of my doctoral studies, I am resolute in my intention to return to

Indonesia and teach the teacher candidates about the best strategy to teach mathematics to

students, especially integrating technology into the teaching and learning activities. Moreover, I

plan to collaborate with the Indonesian Ministry of Education in designing adaptable

mathematics curricula and teaching strategies for all school-level and undergraduate levels.

In conclusion, gaining a doctoral degree from Purdue University, represents the

apotheosis of my educational aspirations, imbuing me with the knowledge, skills, and

confidence requisite to effect transformative change in mathematics education on a global scale.

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