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tan studies = ADS/BS 210 pais Folk culture is made of two words: folk, which means nal pel ople and culture, which means social behaviour. 1s tre folk culture refers to the products and practices of atively 'y nomogenous and isolated small - scale social groups weg in Tu ral locations. Thus folk culture is associated with ee historical continuity, sense of place and belonging. we rea Web 6 Folk) SII = 5, #Folk Livin Lt PRP gobi Liha A yt endie og trte FoF ie Seo ELH ce punhLaLa PEP SF td Facet bord The defining feature of the local culture is that it isa localized form of culture. It is based on long standing regional traditions. we gods More PU Sab Se 2st! Spread of Folk Culture: if obo) Folk culture moves across space by relocation diffusion, as groups move they bring their cultural items and ideas with item. Folk culture is transmitted or diffused in person. Knowledge is transmitted either by speaking to others or through participating in an activity. ALE Qivdut LIMP fh bee d crt WP od Spi for srLurnfithe Sigessretos -etnd Pe abt et TYPES OF FOLK CULTURE iG esbed Some types of folk culture are listed a: _eteytll s under. isi b ab? (ii) Oral | Folklore ditional crafts Gy) Tra remonies \d Dishes (i) Traditional Dance (iii) Pagan Religions (v) Regional dialects (vii) Traditional clothing (vi) Traditional cel (viii) Regional Food Pakistan Studies (ADA, ADS/BS) | (i) Traditional Dance: 7,31, Dale Many minority, traditional and indigenous their own forms of dance that are p y One that comes to mind is ish Dance "{44 rural and remote regions of the republic of Ireland, Tie wadition in North America could be considered culture," BN age : SNe PEGE mmnbwe nag, Soa ee EHF 2,4 * Cultures through fol cultan® dance is popular ) In Austra embrace earthly tone and dot pai lia, the Aboriginals have tradition adition, | Traditi os tic jonal culture vy Pakistan studies (Apa/ADS/B5) a (vil) Traditio Ceremonies: £2 dts . May day is spring Fe ival that has been celebrated ; On May Day celebration in vill i r y Europe. Bes a nv which dance surope is the Maypole dance j around a Gill poll eae A 6 eo May Day pete Argh SpE ei yat Ewe food dishes across the wor ons, despite the influence of centuries it small towns weave ribbons hh,» tid may Day sf Ns ure (viii) Regional Food ‘There are many rexi¢ that had been practiced for gener! globalization. Some examples include, New England clam, chowder, Baltimore crab cakes, € ‘harleston shrimp and grits ASF bs iS rupe dine UP Rh ome ex Key Charleston vs! Crab Cake 6297 't Calm Chowder BSA 5 Us iF -Ui FE Shrimp and grits FOLK LITERATURE Id Folk literature is also called folk-lore or oral tradit te se ‘al traditions The lore (traditional knowledge and beliefs) of culture having no written language is called folk literature. : Ly ptO ISIS iLO Sef 210 st K Birra tol st WY of Ie Oral Tradition; eb,d13 Iti itted t ee Eeaetcs by words of mouth and consists of both tals; ceva aaa poems and songs, myths, dramas, peopled. er s, riddles and the like. Nearly all known ae 3 or in the past, have produced it i MIM LP bret sure ; ep rede ln tit ving stat ¢ oi Lede AER L Sos PLC IU 2 ork ne WE bot Types: (31 ee Types of folk Nterature are listed as under. wt bite Bid le (i) Fables and Folktales (ii) Mythol ogy Pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS/BS, 214 , Gi) Folk songs (iv) Proverbs : (v) Folk Dance (vi) Fairy Tales (vii) Folk Art » (1) Fables and Folktales: ef Susy Fables and folktales are two types of stories. These stories involve a person or an animal learning a vali 4 a uable lesson by obeying or disobeying cultural rules. EE I Fra pisieS edb AwAls tert udu, : Some examples include ae (i) ~The Ant and the spider (ii) The white Elephant (iii) Anansi the spider (2) Mythology: =U Mythology is a term that tefers to a collection of myths, The word myth comes from the Greek, mythos, which means story. Myths are stories relating to religion and culture and come from a tradition of oral story telling. Examples of cultural mythology include. EF ed ye NY EZ set ideysmythut dnl guile me PO LS tb PLE Lie bhi dc ee (i) John Henry: An American tall tale about John Henry, a freed slave and his hammer that beat a mechanical steal driver to give their people land. eet Sof lng UR ib alg WNL ee re SELES he ete BE MLE (ii) Why the Porcupine Has Quills: — It is a Chippewa powerquosi tale that tells how the porcupine came to defend him: mr ICAU L Porcupine $e Wut: iii s Steals the Fire: J! ye eee depicts how the trickster Titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods for human beings. e Midihe LS ust Titan prometheust, Au’ £4 ULe KU = Ulf te : Sbzbfe seod (3) Folk songs: fy from folk line to ies often put their stories from. tone eon “eee, They range from everyday stories of £8 traditional music. 1) Id in a balled form. Examp! ene folk to heroic tales (00 OO kaki oud ed Ged HEY eusthywute Be pectin FE ALF ad pene S Pakistan Studies DA/ADS BS) ballad that tells the sto, 21 ) n Boy". It is Iri Hi TY of | @ Denny goin off to war and returning to a mye id. hanged homelan: is ae ae te UniS Ome 22 LOLACLic ODay ty - ete eg ; Tis of ", It is a traditional Amen. "My country; Tis of Thee". It is a meri. A song about the history and freedom of the county. “be Pett Epemy Country, Tis of Thee -... (ii): (ii) . 5 FMS af (4) Proverbs: Jui 7 Proverbs are one or two - sentence expressions that reinforce the morals of a society. They determine the behaviour of the culture. Some cultures use proverbs as maxims. bin Sat LS 66 Setwide Je etieresZ Fk oof, Examples: ute a The pen is mightier than the sound. It is English proverb about communication. : Bee Sen Lio Stile Poe Fi (ii) _ It takes a whole village to raise a child - It is African : Proverb about community, ‘ ee fe Prt In a battle between Elephants, the ants get squashed. Ih is a Thai proverb that guides about oppression. be be 2 Pre Pip dielil (iii) | (5) Folk Dance: (?j2/y A folk dance is a dance that reflects the life of ® people of a certain country or region, These traditional da" are taught to each new generation in a specific culture. 5 SIP EM ELI S68 SiS fe 5 wi ayer ve i pyc Examples: ute- : Practiced by many pl LS Geil” American Tribes. ADA/ADS/BS oista® Stu 216 Dance: bir Rare A are 5 i) 5 a dance of moderate pace, It jg , S (@) > Tt is a dance of mo ” Pace. It is a couple dance. ch tees) . ~-UihUsie, . Tarantella: Wy ‘ : A ti (i) isa fast couple dance from southern Italy, o we SER ES ice Pinu, 12 65.2 an (6 Fait Tales: of : : ig These are folktales that involve elements of fantas; ii) gories such as magic. Several casily available collections of sf ‘airy tales include stories published by the Brothers Grimm in Germany and Hans Christian Anderson in Denmark. hey are ia narrated to children as early introduction io social rules. a sans Cristian oS s1Brothers Grimm LF 2 F goo RULE Bile : bebe LLU S615 be Fug SEE nederson 'z Examples: vie 7 (The Golden Headed Fish: “Tt is the story of a hero of Middle Eastern story. Hero sh must find a kings remedy from the golden - headed fish <—_EWn Site Bibb eh t le uEii- “ (i) Cinderella: an It is story of a-servant girl who becomes a princess, thanks to a little magic and true love. eee be : wee Denia? ee and tet te HDI Le It (iii) The Little - Mermaid: sd who gave It is a popular Danish story about a mermaid who g ii) Wher fins and ultimately her love, for true love. Solus : Let UE eM eas Stee le Fe ah onpot di i i es ) Folk Art: : sn a traditional Way The Art created by ordinary people in These artists rely wy nia are not professionally trained os itions passed down by folk artists. Ne Lal Me Leg i aly tee d eh ye Tass, ui !) American quilts. (ii) Russian Nesting Dolls Pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS/Bs) 217 FOLK LITERATURE OF PAKISTAN HAIL Pakistani folk literature encompasses the mythology, poetry, song, dance and puppetry from Pakistan ‘is various ethnic groups: : : SIRF INP ch Se IE gid F PEI ities, 7 “ere (1) Balochi Folk Literature: (i) Sasui - Punhaon: Story by Sindhi Sangat | song by Master Ibrahim | Song by Abida Parveen (ii) Hani and Shah Mureed: It is a story by the Daily Times. (2) Punjabi Literature: (i) Sohni-Mahiwal: Story by Sindhi Sangat | "Par chanaade" (song) by Noori and Shilpa Raol portfolio by Anem syed (ii) Heer - Ranjha: Story by Multo | "Heery (song) by Rahat Fatah Ali Khan and Aima Baig. (iii) Sher Dil: Story by Pratibha Nat (iv) Mirza Sahiban: Mirza Jat (film) -1967)| Sahiban (article) by Nirupam a Dutt. (3) Folk Literature from Nort! (i) Adam Khan and Durkhanai: Story by Mumtaz Nasir and Dr. Wilma. (ii) Saif-ul-Maluk and Badi-ul-Jamal: 7 Oral Telling | story in windswept words| "Saif-ul- Maluk" (song) by Arieb Azhar. (iii) Yousuf Khan and Sherbano: Story by Salman Rashid. (4) Sindhi Literature: (i) The Table of Four Dervishes: Story by the Sindhi Adabi Board. Ce ee pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS/gs) iii Moomal and Rano eure 2 dhi- Sangat| Momat ng) by the ‘sketches! Momal Ry . omal Rano" Sd ry | al Rano (Song) by fakir Juman (iii) Sindbad (Lord of the Sindh River); Article by Kalliesze zepanski, (iv) Sorath and Rai Dyach: Story by Sindhi Sangat {v) Ho Jamalo: Story in Dawn] "Luddi HaiJamalo" and Humaira Arshad. (vi) Lal Shahbaz Qalandar: "Lal Meri Pat" (Song) by Abida Parveen| "Darvesh" documentary, (vii) Leela and Chanesar: Story by Sindhi Sangat | song by Sindhi culture Government of Sindhi. 218 "Dastanse- (song) by Ali Sethi FI AOI AR AK Pakistan se ANAS HORT QUESTIONS ‘. Qu. Ans. Q.2 "Ans. State the importance of objectives Resolution, The most memorable and important Occasion in the of the country was the adoption of the obj resolution in early march 1949, The historic resolution was moved in the Constituent the life eCtives _ Assembly by the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liagat Ali khan on March 7, 1949, This resolution was approved on march 12, 1949. Define the first function of Family? The word "family" is derived from a Roman word, “famulus" which means servant or assistant. It is a group of people which provides for the tearing of children and for certain other human needs. The family is a kin based cooperative unit. It is considered the oldest natural community of people and is the board social institution from which other social institutions have developed. LONG QUESTIONS State the salient features of 1973 constitution. ‘Write a note on the Basic democracies system of Ayub Khan. What was the legal frame work order (LFO)? &. a ede Co es ie PSOE OTT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT oF PAKISTAN Pry Economic z : oie ee zordi ata Glance: CS stidsgu. y According to Graham Bannock, “Ei 5 development pertains to the ability of a nme generate higher joni aeRO er - “ee levels of nation income persistently, oe SN Ge EX SIS a #8£ (Graham Bannock) ff en Me ELIF LE LS Se tl hit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Total quantity of goods and services) continues to grow according to the target. the government will be in the position to carry out its development plans. Domestic goods and services are plentiful, inflation remain under control, circulation of money and business activities both increase. This leads to increase in employment opportunities and per capita income. As a result, people enjoy a better living standard. Style and standard of goods produced also change. j we Loh ig dS Z ae eee Wie. ne FOE _ Goods Jers eithynt! Ut bs Sebpe ce ath gbbe eg OH0 wiptuds Saher S(and Services boise A bute nbn Eb er oe : A ht eet erste Ae Bice HSAs be Oh ed sh tal wb 2I-¢ are according t target, ow In the cas governme inflation rises. improv ment 10 employ? There is NO Pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS BS . betterment if per capita income and living stan 221 de dard of the people. Debt and deficit become regular feature . the Economy. It can be poverty and deprivation can eliminated only through a persistent growth in GDp, wut dyettg oi 2 Lusn elf eh Bei SEL tye 33 ROS e Lbs bel HG ie thx Sit Se, SSS CS Le ht Ab diy rhe 26H ole SBE SPM ALG 2 Sihatye : us E 7 ar ; : growth that has taken place since the inception of Pakistan can be divided into the following seven decades: ‘ ne UY Ur Ueto Tir o-dnd Jobe Lor st decade from establishment of Pakistan to 1958 cond Decade: from 1958to 1968 Si Third Decade: from 1968to 1978 Fourth decade: from1978 to 1988 Fitth decade: trom1988to 1998 Sixth decade: — from1998 to 2008 Seventh decade: from 2008to 2018 First Decade: From establishment of Pakistan to 1958: VVVVVVY 1261958 WL EB 7 le > On August 15.° 1947. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (+ 3! 27.) took oath as first governor general of Pakistan. He started working for the construction and development of the country with courage, confidence and commitment, Unluckily. he did not live long to serve the country. He died on September 11, 1948. After Quaid-e- Azam (+ 5127.), Liagat Ali Khan controlled the reins of power in the country. Ligat- Ali Khan also departed oF October 16. 1951. After him, most of the time politica chaos and Economic instability ruled the country: Pig Sie SBE Sagatetish ab arene Al . EA Bac e ivy EES Sy mre eo" | pakisto ——— wall aol “ = 222 Arras soba HP ASIA Cin Fy ie T6r6 FL , ASHE GE Velen $c eye Byes 1000 jt babi Entec 651951 Fak vol dur SE Ie se Fou Since its establishment, Pakistan feta ant pat refugee resettlement, administrative, demarcation Kashmir issue, annexation of states, assets distribution of military assets and other economic issues etc, dt Evie Pe SEN Sb TSY LEBEifoss Sse Som Gs teh dune Shur Se weet hed , Up to June 1953 development schemes were executed in the framework of under a six year plan called “the Colombo Plan”. Main focus of this plan was on infrastructure development to create an industrialization friendly atmosphere in the country. The county shifted to development planning discipline in 1955, to speed up economic growth. $2 EesphheF Ler WALES G2 SAE Pit GF LEE Sie telf (Colombo Plan) ot Ub hie ate trrir Feed Le Eur” KE LAF pd Osh ote E Seat) we tui Iba 2959-Ee Eb yout 955 with a wv j2F,1953Uz > The first five year plan was launched in | ‘ volume of Rs. 10.80 billion. Main targets of the ae were: Lae pbuh BOOP IA nS ABE : 7 At tion of food crops of. we i i ei ial and produc - To ee eovean — annum respective i : spf dient PS stew 59 Ae ag (ii) To increase the national income 2! and per capita income 7% per # ee aa tf yrs es dla 0 PG eer 136 a studies (ADA/ADS/BS) 223 Pat To provide employment to 2 million people, AIFS Gnd Eis Repair of old roads and construction of new Toads a ~ as well enhancement of railway facilities, LSA REBSSY Step Sur, iy A EF Sui (v) _ Increase in health and education facilities. / EAS UI SE yee (vi) To provide irrigation facilities to 1.6 million acres cultivable land. i sdaF et SYS PR SFL TF Puietele Signig | soe ere » Due to instability in the country, the first five year Plan could not complete its term. It came to end with the imposition of martial law in the country in 1958, However, the project was partially successful, as it provided a lot of guidance for future projects. Fa tarssest Sobge ube” Ibe Se pete Edn Mon bensz her san LE enh GFL Ly uate Sided Loy Lav tet > In the first decade, the growth rate of GDP was 3.1 national income 11% ~ per Capita income 3%, Agriculture sector 1.6%, industry 7.7% per annum. In the first decade, most of the focus was on industrial development, while agriculture sector was neglected. a beh hui ue 3.1 Soi CE le SF bre POSS Be LUE ie dr gigied 7 MUS fon SS, UIP? oi Lie” Second Decade: From 1958 to 1968: sfis68< 1958 1 ~ The second five year plan was launched in 1960 10 accelerate €conomic growth. Its period was from 1960 {0 1965. The initial estimate of this project was Rs. 19 ~ billion, which was later increased to Rs. 23 billion. a tan Studies (ADA/ADS/ns) tr tw Ik 224 UO, oe eb, Lani Lise ibdrge 7 74 MID SAS be MD MAF OEE Fo tyes unr j A965 1960 Woo F gerade ort GbP increase 42% Meome 12% increase nat p ase nation saving, by 10% increase in exports 40% and increase in food crops 21% during the plan period. ‘The objectives. were development of introducing, modern method: methods of ayriculture, Important targets of the plan were increase In per capita other industrial sector, to replace traditional Improving the means _ of transportation, generation of employment opportunities, improvement in trensport facilities productivity of large scale industries. ee B12 TSB Ser bar F519 UE SuiPILe and increasing the Barut Might ata § 40 tet Sep ue 0 LU Bi be, VPP Gi L nied 8 5 ae a F MBL SUPE Mise HIOUIL I Fai She tua we b§ Etter igh uP? 87 During the second five year plan, GDP erew at 6% industrial growth 8% exports 7% and agriculture ane 3% per annum ‘This project is cons! idered very aren in the history of economic development : Pakistan. } of the targets of this project were achieve a 7 ue geu/ suede SarwebIE cru bot W7F sean ba 2 Lube Sor ndtv Sev rk 4 5 B25) Pyaar” Ue tee” this decade. Special Jtural development, ides, seeds, pestici asing ncluded import 0 eer weer modern agricultural machinery irrigati rces thr’ nstallati bewells. n of ts on resou! ee stallatio! gal VPS GhiSi Fe FOE 7 (iP Brian othe ws a Fees BUILT is Ue Shi sist jaikae The industrial sector flourished in cul attention was also paid to agri tre, stan and India was gned in 1960, which tem improv ed the water situation, but in the days to cometh were major negative on Pakistani agriculture. 1, there we Bre For agricultural development, agricultural calles Lyallpur (Faisalabad) was upgraded to “L niversty of Agriculture Faisalabad”. The — government "il implemented agricultural reforms for economic growth Several projects were launched to control salinity and water logging. Under these projects, drains were dug and tubewells were installed. : Lek ite oth 22h During this period many development projects wer started, including Mangla and Tarbela dams. These government measures provided employment to thousands of people and improved their economic condition Pets £F ZEjer d Sp teed Sor bind Soy i Following the remarkable success of the second IN¢ year plan, the third five year plan (1965-1970) bar launched; which aimed at developing the industria va agricultural sectors as well as increasing inves™™” opportunities in East Pakistan. This plan 4 reducing _ unemployment, improv ing education and health care facilities (1965) A” Je by ot LSet PFE S 2 SIT v eo Avoid US Shine SoS ér so include resident 226 (ADA/ADS/BS) _' - : —y The oa has proved successful in accelerating y i ivities i hole. GDP mic activities in the country as a wi Scud by 6.8 per annum, industrial growth was 9.9% per annum. The agricultural sector grew at an annual rate of 5.1% Exports grew at 7% per annum. * About 74,000 km of roads were completed. The use of modern technology in the agricultural sector has led to a record increase in the production of important crops, especially wheat. Increased. income of ‘farmers improved their living standards. Fu WE LIE Burl, be BL dt A ee 239.9070" In jel ci b6.8 Aleg BF Pos 6 SeutideetpSoredsi dre wt Si 48s cue SiS EFF Susy GK E wy 14 ew 870702 ML dig Se Lee A ot IL Sel ne STH Ft Side Lote Ly ot det S Us totter J! Thirs decade: From 1968 to 1978: LF1978 — 1968 oY Le In the third decade, the fourth five year plan (1970- 1975) began which was incomplete due to Pak-India war 1971. After the secession of East Pakistan, the country had to face immense internal, external and financial problems. Then government introduced industrial and agricultural reforms. F'n Os \G1975¢41970 2% JL bbs feYeXx HLS SoA Uy Bee oS eu 4 S.1971 Leb Si ine Pe de ude Poe FL A Bae che FF ay fu > Under the Indus water treaty, two major dams (Mangla and Tarbela) were completed, link canals were Constructed, new and old barrages were completed. Thus the irrigation situation improved. The Sovernment’s policy of nationalization of industries had @ negative impact on industrial development. New investment in industry halted and the dishearten Pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS/BS) 2 industrialists began to withdraw their capital Tom SP ue en Fs ty BerweF uy, SUH L dec SHA HEEL Ugitgy Eig ep ah nO ets tur Ui Fume ny be FY Ly Wh nde hem a Libteue gs >» Government devalued Pakistan’s currency to He increas, exports.. GDP grew at 4.8% per annum, Industria growth was 5.5% per annum. Growth in agriculture sector was 2.4% per annum. Investment rate stood at .21.8% per annum. Whereas, Private investment accounted for 4.8 of GDP: bast ig FOSS C5 S ed £ suit ent, Ot ening eb 5.58 UP se oe UF See Gs 2 6 21.8UP SUM wey bn OP Saw b24 42 64.86 shlag SI GSK by FF Fourth Decade: From 1978 to 1988: During the fourth decade, the fifth five year plan (1978- 1983) was launched. The volume of this plan was Rs. 21.2 billion. Despite unfavourable Conditions, the economic growth rate remained at 6% per annum. Industrial production increased by 9% per annum and infarction remained at only 5%. During this plan, special attention was paid to the development of rural areas. The poor and needy people were helped from the Zakat Fund. 21 2 be Wey of (1983) &, (1978) 2” Je bb UE B6O7 5 b7 bo sa L cue hit olay LF Es BS 9 ASS iA sll Slot ve 69 UE slag OY Gs alle Me heh af We 236 4 67 8 UFWe hs wl Ee” ult 5 G Sn BHSS > During the plan, Russia invaded Afghanistan, which started the arrival of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The burden on our economy increased a lot, but Pakistan all pakistan Studies {ADA/ADS/BS) 22% also received ample of aid from outside countries, which provided a temporary support to the country’s economy. During this period, the annual growth rate in various sectors remained as follows: GDP increased at the rate of 7.8% per annum, the rate for agriculture was 10.9% and industry progressed at the rate of 8.1% Exports of the country moved up to 7.9% of GDP More than 12,000 km of paved roads were completed LAPS be poriL ung EF Ser Ug ok dt 6g BY Gan of 1 A$ “ inser lr tre td hike fo tes re Gre CP UGE ae Se ye SE LAS NLM er Rf ce ae bs Ler 310.9 Aw 4728 GIF AE Sy 2 Die 712000 112-4 07 a . > Sixth five year plan was launched during 19 ce f the plan were generation of Main objectives © p aac employment opportunities. ae . ai Boe i logy, allocatin: s ae ‘caucath ee sectors, ensuring th e _educati e - ae of basic needs of the people and setting UP oaket Fund for deserving people Kis sed wy» igasees is f EXE wd ; e inp sweL Lefts pia oie ae gang Lon bese 4 Fuad reat Gee Lt ¢ he c a Je ood political ae by 3 ing thi p affected economic a9 ¢ sector by 5 ton & Sree | onemted to 33% literacy rate in : 4 vies fre yh bee Ca lal ut at Core 5 drataiad te TY OI ME er GAUL & y gu (19837 Bese 4 ee WA AUS) BS) Fifth Decade: From 1988 to 1998: ¢F,1998 — sae id 229 >» The seventh five year plan was launched from fe 1993. The plan prioritized . Self-reliance instead - external borrowing. The eight five a ei ; launched from 1993 to 1998. Year, Plan wax 40F7 bye EU TF ae oe & UiL.1903 ee AVG UF 71998 t.1993_F BETS 65 LuLes uy, ME , » The annual growth rate during this period was as: GDP Growth 1.4%, agriculture 6.4%, industry 4%, investment (Government) 6.1% and investment (Private) 8.8% at per annum. Per capita income moved up to 438 dollars during this period. This was the decade of industrial privatization. Poverty increased during this period because the government stopped subsidizing. Atomic explosions by Pakistan in 1998 ‘severely affected foreign investment in the country. Ai ce 2 61.838 bs UL AOU ae fut 42 B64 (03? UY) OK oly cal 4 4.0 25% val a2 5 64 BUN 438 bet Kb See ste we b0.8 (8 A) EK ebro Subse Bol ak MES UG PAGO Pf abe CLF Lie Hi t998-8 LS a Lb beh eb Sx to mien they ha? Sixth Decade: From 1998 to 2008: <£,2008 <-1998 aes | > During the decade foreign investment rose tore billion dollars, foreign exchange reserves exceeded to ia rate of dollars, The country’s economy grew at an an grew at 6.6%, per capita income almost doubled try grew rate of 6.8% per annum, agriculture and int cee : 4.1% and 8.8% respectively per annum. Pakistan were over 17 billion dollars. ep! ; regia Ly die tM cto share EAE oe Ny Lup 6» 66.6 ae wor FEIN “seca Suny Pt ig SI 0S eo tan Studies (ADA/ADS/BS) 230 ew 88.8 9 4.1 27 o7 OF Sa wl enyj dS We 42 : LF ee Mot ires i : > The highlight of this decade was the ae ‘i | international aid to Pakistan. Many new industries were } set up, mostly related to consumer goods, such as ACs. cars, refrigerators and electrical appliances, etc this widened the gap between the demand: and ‘supply of electricity in the days to come. The country was hit 6 power and gas crisis: : DEO EEG 5 Ls Sit Soh a1 te SeY I wb aS AES SL AP rite ft ts IDS Copy die WG ary E sipey : At iS lp Lut IE GM oh en UF tues Seventh Decade: From 2008 to 2018: 2f,2018 <,2008 17 Us ~ During this period, load shedding of electricity increased. The economic growth rate did not increase as expected. People were helped through the “Benazir Income Support” Program and the “Waseela-e-Haq” programme. Although government was taken several measures for development and protection of women and improve the condition of farmers, but the targets of economic development were not achieved. dae ss LOZ GG7 Ew vil SUE whe SE fv! L ihez OF des a! chez wr fe ef Ga 6 CF bu Le to S It wl BF Urbs fb b= es ban S esp tdseel Louie ae + During this period, the annual growth ae or ralling Domestic - Product (GDP) oUt crude oil prices in the in brought down the prices of times, but i common man. T) process, which reduce declined and trade def a conditions also affecte pakis was al ficit widened. d the agricultural 2PS; including cotton and rice pro ae On decreased. HbasUOPS soo ye (G.0.P) sug Frou y Ge Sou hipe cfu SE ee bin Wings. Lope bitsy: FST a Lull aad, AG Belt baie Ziyey ie SEA ME FE Sid oor uy SF dt sarge Sa ing 5 ys3 FG eee iy After the ; 2013 elections, the PML-N form ‘Ormed government at Centre.’ In the first year of this government, the GDP growth rate was 3.7% in 2013 . that reached 5.35% in 2018. The rate of growth of agriculture increased from 2.68% in 2013 to 3.8% in 2018. The rate of industrial growth increased from 4.5% in 2013 to 5.8% in 2018. During this period, burden of internal and external debt on the country increased significantly. ab uibe (6a Si B a WL of £11 £2013 G4 S3.707 SL bl 6.0.) bush 6.2013 rE 4201307 5 7 Bui F & 40 635.35 e20182 BE OFS" Bn 2 b3.8 , 2018 ot, aw 2.68 F los Fn we 35.8 U4,2018 f ok we das e013 ; Mohan 216 UF Tbr 6 v1 Buse After the 2018 general elections in Pakistan, ae Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government was formed. Pie government has launched many projects to eee in economic situation of Pakistan, develops 0! agriculture and improve living standard of the oa i man. These are Naya Pakistan Housing ee Seka Youth Skills development Programme, Insal amt Card, Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand, Ehsas Prog The and plantation of 10 billion trees in the el the | iations ey government has begun _ negotia i review Independent _ Power Producers (IPP’s) 0 é a hp<— i Studies (ADA/AI pakistan DS/BS) 232 previous pane with focus on rates. Government sources a talking of significant. relief to power consumers in case these negotiations succeed . fe : Zo aoe § OOF cyte / =e Goh § Si ors a Lahice UF eh U",2018 -f <, ~ f Fb Ho IS 0 L ooh dee NEC A SK L 10 oF ory ai eh ash (ihre vel Ut He Fs > To provide affordable electricity to consumers, the government has begun negotiations with Independent Power Producers (IPP’s) to review previous agreements. In case of final agreement, electricity consumers are likely to get significant relief. dt tub S ig FL tL LITE TOS Ae wale BL 2 & (Independent Power Producers-IPP's) oF ig uns cihrg § (Billion Tree 10) S7 Pes Ge LE tow Shane Peeing £ ~~ bib & Gh oF JI AAI beF gu Pakistan Studies (ADA/ADS/Bs) t _ AGRICULTURAL SYSTEW—-2* cA Agriculture plays the role of backbo: of any country Pakistan is basically an a, cultural ¢ Only agricultural sector can Provide the industries wtp fi material Not only that but a larger Portion of foreign es 7 > can be earned with the help agri-sector, 70% of Pak population which lives in Villages depends upon agric ul According to a survey of 1991-92, Total agricultural area was 79.61 million km. Out of this area only 77.43% of land tad water following are the crops of Pakistan. ‘ a eb Str iborte Ui, FALSE ILS ag WF esate She? Sie ES ALL eoK uy 19122 UF Fi geriic gi Ai Lies 26T ro FI Be Sle e879. 816 F ike et 52.50 Production crops: =465 us In Pakistan agricultural crops are cultivated in two different seasons which are as under: abe beturr ie cu | i) Rabi Crops: Uf, In the beginning of winter season and just after the rain season in October-November this crop is cultivated. It is harvested in the beginning of summer season in April-May. In Rabi Crops we include wheat, Gram sugar-cane, barley, tobacco vegetables. 4 5 H Weyer EE Nee Oct alot er Lyi tbl ~uit COI Bie el CU bbe (ii) Kharif Crops: U2 $7 called The crops cultivated from April to June o More Kharif crops. It is harvested in Ceiba eer Gai Important crops in Kharif are Sugar —cane, cotton, rice ny PO Cut bee 23 Hee debettoy vivre ity 7 AUP CIE waned sew fe Ne in the ¢. conom: + my fied Ge eattiud? pakistan Studies (ADA ‘ADS/Bs Kinds of Agricultural frops: 345 5 = A part from Rabi and Kha ete / r ; rif, i crops in Pakistan which are as follow sue £40 kinds of : AD tur ter oi, J 5 oe fore VF iS ned a 5g, Wheat, maize and rice are included 2 EO IF ih ALE Importance of Agriculture in the Economy of Pakistan: Abbi ic~Suth, Pakistan is basically an agricultural country and agriculture plays an important role in the economy of any country. It is not wrong to say that Pakistan’s economy relies very much on agriculture, which is to be developed. To Increase the national income and to create more chances of employment, it is necessary to develop this sector. Besides, It is the responsibility of the government to produce good seeds, Machinery and better fertilizer. It must be provided to the farmers. In addition to that more canals should be dug from the rivers to make sure the availability of water to the ee Following is the importance of agriculture in the economy o Pakistan: ME ce DAS ue SIS E eMite LOOT WE Kir Lode Egerise in ‘ had bab gwL yey XIO78 pe sented FeLi SAS une Zig SY yhHOe © ze sbue M25 IAL nef SS mFur oo , \ ; — Arrangement for agri-education Stopping of land division uF Stoppage of problems of land ownerships IPSS OE Better relations between the owners and fa (Ube ub Ho) mers Controlling population i. ee Pakistan studies (ADA/ADs, BS) 240 I r ae : Provision of interest free loans 7 — Increasing literacy rate, 7 Stopping water logging and salinity FOL IE 7 Working on barren lands, SetgetiA 7 — Improving irrigation system te OSB L FLT > Use of standard seeds and fertilizer SE att 7 Making standard agri-planning 7 — Steps for the growth of plants. 7 — Better system of selling crops Sous 2570.5 ung toSur FONE IS HL IS Finishing economic exploitation of farmers FP IIIS HLS » — Development of means of transportation. CS eae i7 Development: Sebi CWP FL EGS Right after the creation of Pakistan government tried Many times to uplift the agricultural sector Following are the Steps taken for agricultural reforms in those efforts. et PFE Sous SL LU tube hot Soh fa) First Stage: + -u, ae Government of Pakistan took first step fom : Seation of Pakistan to 1958 when on provincial level 7 i "ere implemental. In this respect, some steps were taken "wish the feudal system for the rights of farmers sho Fibs cbt S fee Sutter me Sait buch She re 2F.1958/ ded LLLP LUISE LTS Second stage: +70 1958 t0 lo7y_ Second stage of agricultural reforms eee paid on agri- * Duri: i i cial attention nal as ‘forms, Aner Ayub khan, a land commission wa Made for agri-teforme which submitted its report on FPantstaln stuagles (AVA/AUI/ 02} a 44At 20, 1959. On The recommendations of this system, flowing steps are taken. MSS af Ne Sev E 1912 — AGH gly nb ou bef, i a et eee ' ur Pet foie Loewen fiwLLiLe--S wen Jy Ab oua tings. oSeiy St WIE 99 S04 (i) Finishing Feudal System: 76 6¢wig Lv According to agri-reforms all small and big estate feudal lords were confiscated by the povernment Piso b pice OStubd Suni Ly on (ii) Cancellation of Landholder’s System: AWS dee j To get the farmers free from the atrocitics of landholders this system was cancelled, oS Peep id Suite Livic bel ywyi | Gi) Division of lands among farmers: © Sur iden yat | After the cancellation of landholder’s systern, farmers | were given that land on which they cultivated the cr sof ops. KML SIF I LE EL cub neh Gv) Setting the limits of land: ¢//oeLuSue; #86 R500 BE SF ih RE Hb LS Bien Sees, Set Fo pez tid CoBhanin, wi #1000 US hnsocbe Se ® Confiscation of MMegal estats and land: : SF Sunny sure abi 2 he legal estates and lands. SF be F ute igre ibe Fp f vi) Oth forms ar. AS enrcvuns ey, 1. Payment of Price of estates and lands WJ = ners Government confisc led all 2. Division of that land among the fart vv pakistat 20h protection of land holde 3. 4, Cancellation of Illegal taxes, 5, Steps for production capability, 6, Issuance of law about stoppage of div ision, 7. Easy provision of agricultural goods.ys elbue g. Discouragement of illegal labour in agriculture, BE TS Si 9, Provision of agricultural loans. SUSev 23h 10. Arrangement for selling agri-production SU Les AS ig Si 11, Betterment in the division af water. 5 G4 0 Sb, Comments of experts in agricultural reforn ES ee” & cours Experts were very optimistic about the agri-reforms of Ayub Khan’s government. According to them, these reforms: would bring prosperity. in this sector and a balance would be maintained. Agricultural capital would not be ‘icted to some feudal hands. Due to that farmer would Prosper and ultimately this sector would develop fastly. PHL YE wiper ted Lewengub£ Loh Sobor Merl Fp Gb F zt ob CI OF OH Ut at Sie obi! bet hele en LuiLund cela} orms_ proved Slt “crits and Demerits of Agricultural Reforms: fai The comments of experts about th pret “allure. Land could not be divided among the land holders. An 'mportant aim of these reforms was to get the feudal away "om country’s Politics, was failed. Big feudal lords with the x. of excuses, kept big areas. Anyhow these rel . the financial position of farmers. — irra Ob ek spetie Sieh, IF VSI = Lee rim had nbd weer Pfu mecsibon Je fosne ube SASS IS pec Seb ery Pd AL ACO ON forms uplifted creer

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