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Worksheet- Class- XII
The Last Lesson
- Alphonse Daudet
1. Mention two reasons why Franz was afraid of going to school.

2. What tempted Franz to stay away from school?

3. What was Franz’s realisation after getting to know the order from Berlin?

4. How different was the scene in the classroom on the day of the last lesson?

5. What was unusual about M. Hamel’s attire on the day of last lesson?

6. Who occupied the back benches during M Hamel’s last lesson? Why?

7. Why was a crowd in front of the bulletin-board of the Town Hall?

8. ‘What a thunderclap these words were to me!” What were those words and what was the
effect on Franz?

9. “We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with”, said M. Hamel. Comment.

10. How did M. Hamel praise the French Language?

11. “……..when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if
they had the key to their prison.” Elaborate.

12. What words did M Hamel write on the blackboard before dismissing the last class?
What did they mean?

13. What made M Hamel emotional towards the end of his last lesson?

14. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” Explain.

15. What do you understand by the term ‘Linguistic Chauvinism’ and how is it reflected in
the story?

16. Bring out the message of the story, ‘The Last Lesson’.

17. After attending the last lesson, Franz wrote a page of his diary at night. Imagine yourself
as Franz and pen down your thoughts in 120-150 words.


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