Velasquez - M613 - COE0061 - Activity 3

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The CPD Law of 2016 or the “ Republic Act No.

10912: Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) Act of 2016” This legislation mandates and strengthens CPD programs
across all regulated professions, aiming to enhance the competence, skills, knowledge, and
ethical standards of professionals. This program accommodates numerous professions, such as
certified public accountants, teachers, architects, nurses, dentists, real estate brokers, and
engineers in various fields like mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, electronics, and
CPD is vital for professionals in the Philippines, as they are a mandatory requirement for
the renewal of their Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) licenses. They are required to
have the appropriate amount of CPD for their professions every 3 years for the renewal of their
license.For my future license as an Electrical Engineer, I would need 120 credits to renew my
license. It is also a viable incentive to continue developing one's education, since I do plan to
study a second degree or a masters in the future. It helps that by doing so could also assist me in
earning credits for my Electrical Engineering license.
There are six methods of earning credits for the CPD law; Formal Learning, Non Formal
Learning, Informal Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Online Learning Activities, and
Professional Work experience.
● Formal Learning: These are official programs that contain a set of curriculums,
at the end they would give out your diploma or certificates. A masters degree
would provide the full credits unit upon completion of the degree.
● Non Formal Learning: These are programs that tend to be outside of education
institutions. This could be a workshop or a seminar. A workshop typically would
provide 10 credits per module
● Informal Learning: The publication of journal and research studies would give a
set unit of credits that depends on the page. An editor can also be given credits.
● Self Directed Learning: This can overlap with informal learning but emphasizes
the individual's role in choosing and pursuing learning opportunities.
● Online Learning Activities: Using the Internet to pursue a development in your
career. To earn certificates online from available free or paid courses.
● Professional Work Experience: This can be anything that has been learned from
the workplace or done for the workplace such as in service training.

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