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Placement: SecondYear
Time Allotted: - 60 Hrs
Practical:-240 hrs


This course enable the students to recognize and appreciate the causes, symptoms and process of abnormal human behaviour. It also introduces
the student to the present day treatment modalities in the light of psychological, social and cultural factors affecting human behaviour.This
course helps the student to learn principles of mental health and psychiatric nursing and to develop beginning skills in the management of the
mentally ill in hospital and community.


At the end of course, the student will:

1. Identify and describe the philosophy and principles of mental health nursing.

2.Describe the historical development of mental health and psychiatric nursing.

3. Classify mental disorders.

4. Develop skill in history taking and performing mental status examination.

5.Describe etiological factors, psycho-pathology, clinical features, diagnostic criterial and treatment methods used for mental disorders.
6.Manage the patients with various mental disorders.
7.Communicate therapeutically with patients and their families.
8.Identify role of nurse in preventive psychiatry.
9.Identify the legal aspects in practice of mental health and psychiatric nursing.

I Introduction 5 * History of psychiatry  Assignments
and historical * Historical development of mental health
development nursing * Chalkboard  Unit tests,
* Philosophy, principles of mental health
and psychiatric nursing * Transparency  Essay type
* Concept of normal and abnormal
behavior. * Power Point  Short
* Role and qualities of mental health and Answers
psychiatric nursing * Charts
* Mental health team and functions of  Objectives
team members
 Type
* Legal aspects in psychiatry and mental
health services.
III Classification 5 * Terminologies used in psychiatry * Chalkboard  Assignments
and * Classification of mental disorders
assessment of * Etiological factors and psychopathology * Transparency  Unit tests,
mental of mental disorders
disorders * History taking and assessment methods for * Power Point  Essay type
mental disorders.
* Charts  Short

 Objectives

 Type
III Therapeutic 4 * Communication process * Chalkboard  Assignments
communication * Interview skills, therapeutic
communication techniques. * Transparency  Unit tests,
* Nurse patient Relationship, therapeutic
impasse and it’s management process * Power Point  Essay type
recording. * Charts
 Short

 Objectives

 Type

IV Management 20 * Etiological factors, psychopathology, * Chalkboard  Assignments

of mental types, clinical features, diagnostic
disorders. criteria,treatment and nursing management * Transparency  Unit tests,
of patient with following disorders:
* Neurotic Disorders: Anxiety Neurosis, * Power Point  Essay type
Depressive Neurosis, Obsessive compulsive
Neurosis, phobic Neurosis and  Short
Hypochnodriacal Neurosis, Stress related and * Charts Answers
somatoform disorders.
* Psychotic Disorders: Schizophrenic form,  Objectives
affective and organic psychosis.
* Organic Brain syndromes  Type
* Psychosomatic disorders
* Personality disorders
Disorders of childhood and adolescence.

Management * Substance use and misuse. * Chalkboard  Assignments

V 3 * Dependence, intoxication and withdrawal
of patients with
substance use * Classification of psychoactive substances * Transparency  Unit tests,
disorders * Etiological and contributory factors
* Psychopathology * Power Point  Essay type
* Clinical features
 Short
* Diagnostic criteria * Charts Answers
* Treatment and nursing management of
patient with substance use disorders.  Objectives
* Preventive and rehabilitative aspects in
substance abuse.  Type

VI Management 2 * Classification of mental sub- normality * Chalkboard  Assignments

of mental sub- * Etiological factors, psychopathology,
normality psychometric assessment, diagnostic criteria * Transparency  Unit tests,
and management of sub- normality.
* Power Point  Essay type

 Short
* Charts Answers

 Objectives

 Type

VII Psychiatric 4 * Types of emergencies, psychopathology, * Chalkboard  Assignments

Emergencies clinical features, assessment and diagnosis,
treatment and nursing management of patient * Transparency  Unit tests,
with psychiatric emergencies.
* Crisis intervention therapy. * Power Point  Essay type

 Short
* Charts Answers

 Objectives

 Type

VIII Therapeutic 12 Principles, indication, contraindications and role * Chalkboard  Assignments

Modalities of nurse in various treatment methods:
* Therapeutic community and Milieu therapy * Transparency  Unit tests,
* Occupational therapy
* Psychotherapy * Power Point  Essay type
* Behaviour therapy
* Group therapy * Charts  Short
* Family therapy Answers
* Pharmacotherapy
 Objectives
* Electro convulsive therapy
* Other miscellaneous therapies.  Type

IX Preventive 5 * Model of prevention * Chalkboard  Assignments

Psychiatry * Role of nurse in preventive psychiatry
* Psychiatric social work * Transparency  Unit tests,
* Community mental health nursing
Community mental health agencies * Power Point  Essay type
* National mental health programs
 Short
* Charts Answers

 Objectives

 Type

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