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Part A:

How do different concentrations of a disinfectant affect bacteria growth?

Aim: To determine the effect of different concentrations of disinfectant on the growth of

bacteria in agar.

Hypothesis: Greater concentrations of disinfectants being applied to bacteria on an agar

plate will result in less bacterial growth.

Risk Assessment:

Risk Hazard Prevention

Bacteria are ingested Bacteria Be wary around agar plates

directly or through with bacteria, wear gloves,
contamination, causing wash hands after coming
sickness into contact

Cuts caused by broken Broken Glass Keep glass away from

glass from Petri dishes edges, alert teacher if
broken glass is present,
sweep up broken glass


Independent Dependent Controlled

- Concentration of - Percentage surface - Incubation

disinfectant area of agar covered temperature
by bacteria - Air humidity
- Petri dish size
- Amount of
disinfectant mixture
Experiment Timeline:

- Lesson 1: Prepare the experiment (bring materials in)

- Lesson 2: Begin the experiment
- Lesson 3: Observe the experiment and prepare to record
- Lesson 4: Observe the experiment and prepare to record
- Lesson 5: Record the results
- Lesson 6: Analysis


- Petri Dish with Agar (x10)

- Paper
- Scissors
- Disinfectant (Clinell Disinfectant Spray)
- Bacteria


1. Lay out each Petri dish, 3 for each concentration of disinfectant (3 different
concentrations total) and 1 control, which will not contain disinfectant. Label each
dish accordingly.
2. Using a measuring cylinder, measure the correct amounts of disinfectant and water
for each concentration. (1:0, 1:1, 1:3)
3. Collect bacteria from benchtops and swab it over the agar in each petri dish, using a
cotton swab, evenly for each.
4. Cut up 9 squares of paper towel and soak 3 in each disinfectant concentration,
placing one square in each of their respective Petri dishes.
5. Place all Petri dishes in a location that is consistently at room temperature, and will
not have any variation between Petri dishes. Leave for ( X amount of time).
6. Record % of agar surface area that contains bacteria aseptically.

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