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shape the world, pioneer the future

Working with Generative AI

Jaehyuk Park
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Chapter. 0

First, We Need To Calm Down

ChatGPT, ChatGPT, and ChatGPT, Everywhere

Let’s calm down a little bit…

Chapter. 01

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

● Natural Language Processing (NLP): A field of AI that

enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate
human language using algorithms.

● Analyzing 30 years of newspaper data (1993-2023):

○ Identifying key trends in word usage.

○ Categorizing articles into themes.

○ Exploring changes in the use and sentiment of specific


● Advancement with Deep Learning: Deep Learning

enhances NLP by enabling the analysis and generation of
complex, context-rich language, providing deeper insights
into linguistic patterns.

- Picture from

2. Deep-learning-based NLP Algorithms

- Picture from “초거대 인공지능 언어모델 동향 분석”, KOSTAT 통계플러스 , 통계개발원 , 2021

3. Competition Between Big-tech Companies

- (Left): “초거대 인공지능 언어모델 동향 분석”, KOSTAT 통계플러스 , 통계개발원 , 2021

- (Right): Zhao, Wayne Xin, et al. "A survey of large language models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.18223 (2023).

4. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)

RLHF aims to create safer, more user-friendly AI that gives responses closely aligned
with the questioner's intent. This involves incorporating human-written explanations
and preferences into the AI model. The process is as follows:

1. Fine-Tuning with Human Direction: Human evaluators, hired to guide the AI

towards intended behaviors, use a small, selected sample dataset to fine-tune an
already trained language model.

2. Human Ranking and Scoring: These evaluators then rank and score multiple
response candidates generated by the model, based on their quality. This
ranking data is used to train a new reward model.

3. Reinforcement Learning with User Interaction: The fine-tuned model from

step 1 interacts with various user inputs, while being further trained through
reinforcement learning in conjunction with the reward model from step 2.

In essence, a significant amount of human labor and judgment is involved in achieving

the quality of such a model.

- “Illustrating Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)”, HuggingFace, 2022

5. ChatGPT (GPT 3.5)

6. How Much Do We Know About Large Language Models (LLMs)?

● We understand the architecture and training processes of

massive language models like ChatGPT, but their exact
capabilities and the extent of their knowledge are not fully

● Scientists are continuously testing these models to uncover their

emergent abilities:

○ What is the 83rd number in the Fibonacci sequence?

○ What happens in the board game Othello if you change

black markers to white?

○ If red is actually green, then what color is pink?

● “Every time we test for a new ability that we can quantify, we find
it,” - Blaise Agüera, a vice president at Google Research

- 기사출처: Musser, George. “How AI Knows Things No One Told It.” Scientific American (2023)

Chapter. 02

How can we work with ChatGPT?

1. Knowledgeable and smart, but…

● ChatGPT as a Smart Intern:

○ Versatile Document Handling: Capable of various

writing tasks.

○ Multilingual: Fluent in multiple languages.

○ Style Adaptation: Can rewrite texts in different styles

(e.g., lawyer-like).

● Key Limitations:

○ Lacks Context: Needs detailed instructions and


○ Plausibility over Accuracy: Focuses on sounding

plausible rather than being factually accurate.

○ Learning Curve: Strengths and limitations not fully

known; requires trial and error to understand capabilities.

2. What kind of tasks is it good at?

● Document Summarization

○ ChatGPT can effectively summarize documents, providing both general

overviews and specific topic-focused summaries upon request.

● Drafting Proposals

○ Ideal for when starting from scratch is daunting. While ChatGPT can
generate content based on existing documents, it often yields
conventional ideas rather than groundbreaking ones due to its reliance
on probability.

● Language and Format Conversion

○ Useful for transforming ideas in your head or already documented,

while keeping the content intact but changing the language or format.
ChatGPT is proficient in converting to well-known formats, such as
legal advisories or diplomatic documents.

3. How can we ask it to do what we want?

● "In ten years, half of the world's jobs will be in prompt engineering." -
Robin Li, co-founder and CEO of Baidu

● Prompt Engineering: The process of finding answers to the question,

"How should we ask in order to obtain the desired results through giant
language models?"

● As we increasingly understand the capabilities and possibilities of

generative AI, learning how to communicate with this model to maximize
its potential.

● If the adoption of generative AI takes place in various fields, professions,

and job levels, it can also be considered as a skill in the field of

- Craig S. Smith, “Mom, Dad, I Want To Be A Prompt Engineer”, Forbes (2023)

4. Tips for using LLMs

● Set Clear Goals: Clearly define what you aim to achieve with ChatGPT's assistance. This
helps in getting more relevant and focused responses.

● Provide Detailed Context: When asking for assistance, provide as much relevant
information as possible. This helps in generating more accurate and useful responses.

● Review and Edit Outputs: Always review and possibly edit the outputs from ChatGPT
before using them, ensuring they align with your organization's tone and requirements.

● Stay Informed about Limitations: Understand the limitations of ChatGPT, such as its
knowledge cut-off in April 2023, and its inability to browse the internet or access external

4. Tips for using LLMs

● Utilize for Drafting and Ideation: ChatGPT can be particularly useful for drafting emails,
reports, or for brainstorming ideas.

● Maintain Confidentiality: Be cautious about sharing sensitive or confidential information, as

ChatGPT does not have the capability to store personal data but it's important to adhere to
privacy guidelines.

● Regularly Update Skills and Knowledge: As ChatGPT evolves, regularly update your
knowledge about its capabilities to maximize its potential in your workflow.

● Explore Diverse Applications: Don’t hesitate to explore various applications of ChatGPT,

such as language translation, code debugging, educational content creation, and more.

Chapter. 04

Future Direction
1. Multi-modal models

Text to Image Text to Sound

2. Ecology of applications

Web Searching Working on Numbers and Documents

3. LLMs As A Platform Or An Agent

Chapter. 05

Impact on Our Society

1. Fake news get more sophisticated;;

2. Impact on the labor market

● Generative AI-based language models like ChatGPT exhibit

the characteristics of General-Purpose Technology (GPT).
● Consequently, it is expected that they will replace or enhance
human labor across various industries, leading to increased
productivity through collaboration with humans.
● According to recent research involving the OpenAI team:
○ Approximately 80% of American workers will see at least 10% of
their tasks influenced by the adoption of large language models.

○ Around 19% of workers will experience the impact of large

language models on over 50% of their job responsibilities, with
high-wage occupations being particularly exposed.

○ Through the use of large language models and their application

software, it is possible to achieve significantly faster and more
efficient execution of 47-56% of all job tasks.

- Eloundou, Tyna, et al. "Gpts are gpts: An early look at the labor market impact potential of large language models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10130 (2023).

3. Human labor filtering toxic contents

● Large language models are trained on billions of words collected

from the internet, which introduces the possibility of generating
violent, discriminatory, and racist speech.
● OpenAI has implemented a process called Reinforcement
Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to detect and remove
offensive language and similar content from its platform.
● In this process, tens of thousands of documents containing
offensive expressions extracted from the internet are manually
reviewed by humans to inform and improve the model's

● Recent research led by Meta AI has shown promising results in

using well-designed prompts by humans to potentially replace
this RLHF process.

- Perrigo, Billy. “Exclusive: OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic.” Time Magazine (2023).
- Zhou, Chunting et al. “LIMA: Less Is More for Alignment.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.11206 (2023).

4. Actually increasing labor productivity?

-(Right) Jia, N., Luo, X., Fang, Z., & Liao, C. When and how artificial intelligence augments employee creativity. Academy of Management Journal (2023).

Chapter. 06

Outro -
Focusing not just on ChatGPT, but on Generative AI
shape the world, pioneer the future

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