Imp DBMS Questions

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UNIT - 1

Q1. - What is DBMS Explain its Advantage and Disadvantage.

Q2. - Advantages of a DBMS over file processing system.
Q3. - What is Abstraction in DBMS.
Q4. - What is data Independence Physical and Logical.
Q5. - What is Components of DBMS.
Q6. - What is Three views of Data (External View, Conceptual
View, Internal View).
Q7. - What is Three level architecture of DBMS.
Q8. - What is Client Server Architecture 1 Tier, 2 Tier, 3 Tier with
Diagram .
Q9. - Define Different types of Database Languages .
Q10. - What is Difference Between DBMS and File System.

UNIT - 2

Q1. - Define data model in DBMS.

Q2. - What is Network Model Explain With Advantage and
Q3. - What is Hierarchical Model Explain With Advantage and
Q4. - What is ER Model Explain With Advantage and
Q5. - What is Entity and Entity Set Explain With Example.
Q6. - What is Relationship and Degree of Relationship With
Q7. - What is Attribute and Define all Types of Attribute With

Q8. - What is key and Define All Types of keys With Example.
Q9. - What is participation Constraint Explain With Example.
Q10. - What is mapping constarints / cardinality Explain with
Q11. - What Is ER Diagram also Eplain Advantage And
Q12. - What is ER Diagram Notations.
Q13. - Draw an ER Diagram For a Library management System.
Q14. - What Generalization Explain With Example.
Q15. - What is Specialization Explain With Example.

UNIT - 3

Q1. - Define Relational Data Model Advantage and

Disadvantages .
Q2. - What is Codd’s 12 Rule Explain.
Q3. - What is Definition of Relations.
Q4. - What is Schema and Sub Schema.
Q5. - What is Tupple Uniqeness .
Q6. - What is Integrity Constraints.
Q7. - What is Domain Constraints.
Q8. - What is Entity Constraints.
Q9. - What is Referential Constraints.
Q10. - What is Key Constraints.
Q11. - What is Relational Algebra .
Q12. - What is Union intersection difference and Cartesian
Q13. - What is Projection, Selection rows, Division, rename
and join.
Q14. - Define Steps of Converting ER Model to Relational Model.

UNIT - 4

Q1. - What is Normalization and Purpose of Normalization .

Q2. - What is Data redundancy and updating anomalies.
Q3. - What is Functional Dependencies and Decomposition.
Q4. -Process of Normalization using 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.
Q5. - What is multivalued dependencies.
Q6. - What is BCNF Explain.
Q7. - What is Forth Normal Form, Fifth Normal Form,

UNIT - 5

Q1. - Write Data definition language With Example .

Q2. - Write Data Retrieval language With Example .
Q3. - Write Data Manipulation language With Example .
Q4. - What is SQL.
Q5. - What is Object naming conventions.
Q6. - What is Object naming guidelines.
Q7. - Data types is SQL.
Q8. - Creating , Inserting,Updating and deleting tables and using
Q9. - Explain DESCRIBE Command With Example.
Q10. - Explain SELECT Command With Example.
Q11. - Explain WHERE CLAUSE Command With Example.
Q12. - Explain DISTINCT CLAUSE Command With Example.
Q13. - Explain ORDER BY,HAVING Command With Example.
Q14. - Explain LOGICAL OPERATIONS Command With Example.
Q15. - How many SQL OPERATORS Explain.
Q16. - Explain ALL join Operation With Example.

Q17. - What is Aggregate functions .

Q18. - Explain String functions With Example.
Q19. - Explain date time functions With Example.
Q20. - What is Null values and Explain it’s Functions.

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