MA1002 - MCQ Module 2

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Manipal University Jaipur

B.Tech. First Year-2023

Module 2
Numerical Methods II: Numerical differentiation (order one and two), Numerical Integration
(Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rule), Solution of algebraic and transcendental
equations (Bisection method, Regula Falsi Method, Newton Raphson Method).


1. The Newton Raphson method is also called as ____________

a) Tangent method
b) Secant method
c) Chord method
d) Diameter method. Answer=a
2. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:
a) The value of f’(x) must be decreased
b) The value of f’’(x) must be decreased
c) The value of f’(x) must be increased
d) The value of f’’(x) must be increased. Answer=c
3. The points where the Newton Raphson method fails are called?
a) floating
b) continuous
c) non-stationary
d) stationary. Answer=d
4. The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed
value ?
a) False position
b) Gauss Seidel method
c) Newton-Raphson method
d) All of above Answer=c
5. The algorithm provided to find the roots of the function using Bisection Method
is given by ____________
a) Mean Value theorems
b) Bolzano’s theorem
c) Bisection theorem
d) Secant theorem. Answer=b
6. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?
a) Cubic
b) Quadratic
c) Linear
d) Quaternary. Answer=c

7. Which order of polynomials can best be integrated using Trapezoidal rule?

a) 3rd Order
b) 4th Order
c) 2nd Order
d) 1st Order. Answer=d

8. Trapezoidal rule gives exact value of the integral when the integrand is a
a) quadratic function
b) linear function
c) Cubic function
d) Polynomial of any degree. Answer=b

9. What is the Order of convergence of Regula-Falsi Method?

a) 2.312
b) 2.231
c) 1.618
d) 1.321 Answer=c

10. Which of the following is correct ?

(a) Newton-Raphson method has quadratic convergence.

(b) The method of Regula-falsi converges faster than the secant method.
(c) Both A and B
(d) Neither A nor B Answer=a
11. Which of the following is correct ?
(a) The Bisection method has a linear convergence.
(b) The iteration method is a self-correction method.
(c) The equation x 3 − 2x − 5 = 0 has two positive roots.
(d) Both B and C Answer=a
12. At which point the iterations in the Newton Raphson method are stopped?
a) When the consecutive iterative values of x are not equal
b) When the consecutive iterative values of x differ by 2 decimal places
c) When the consecutive iterative values of x differ by 3 decimal places
d) When the consecutive iterative values of x are equal Answer=d
13. Which method of solving algebraic equations is preferred when the interval in
which root lies is known?
(a) Newton Raphson method
(b) Regula Falsi method
(c) Bisection method
(d) None of these Answer=b
f(x )
14. The formula xi+1=xi-f′ (xi ) is called

(a) Newton Raphson method

(b) Regula Falsi method
(c) Bisection method
(d) None of these Answer=a
15. Number of real roots of the equation x2n-1=0
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) N
(d) 2n Answer=a
16. The Regula Falsi method is based on the condition.
(a) f(x1).f(x0)0
(b) f(x1).f(x0)0
(c) f(x1).f(x0)0
(d) none of these Answer=b
17. Which of the following is also known as method of false position ?
(a) Bisection method
(b) Newton-Raphson method
(c) Ragula-falsi method
(d) None of these Answer=c
18. Which of the following is not used for numerical integration?
(a) Trapezoidal Rule
(b) Simpson’s one-third rule
(c) Simpson’s three-eight rule.
(d) Newton Raphson method Answer=d
19. Trapezoidal rule is obtained from Newton-Cotes Quadrature formula by putting
‘n’ equal to
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4 Answer=a
20. Simpson’s one-third rule is obtained from Newton-Cotes Quadrature formula
by putting ‘n’ equal to
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4 Answer=b
21. The equation e -sinx+1=0 is
(a) Algebraic
(b) Cubic
(c) Quadratic
(d) Transcendental Answer=d
22. Newton iterative formula for finding pth root of a natural number N is
(p−1)xn p +N
(a) xn+1= pxn p−1
(p−1)xn +N
(b) xn+1=
(p−1)xn p +N
(c) xn+1=
(d) none of these Answer=a
d2 y
23. The central finite difference approximation for dx2 at x = x0 is
(a) [y(x0-h)-2y(x0)+y(x0+h)]/h2
(b) [y(x0-h)+2y(x0)+y(x0+h)]/h2
(c) [y(x0-h)-y(x0)+y(x0+h)]/h2
(d) [y(x0-h)+y(x0)+y(x0+h)]/h2 Answer=a
24. Trapezoidal rule gives an exact value of the integral when an integrand is a
(a) Linear function
(b) Quadratic function
(c) Cubic function
(d) Polynomial of any degree Answer=a
25. Taking x0=0, x1=1 (initial guesses) the value of x after first step for the equation
x= e-x using Regula-falsi method?
(a) 0.613
(b) 1.456
(c) 0.143
(d) 0.965 Answer=a
x +nh h
26. ∫x 0 f(x)dx = [(y0 + yn ) + 2(y1 + y2 + ⋯ + yn−1 )] is known as
0 2
(a) Trapezoidal rule
(b) Simpson’s one-third rule
(c) Simpson’s three-eight rule.
(d) Newton Raphson method Answer=a
x +nh h
27. ∫x 0 f(x)dx = [(y0 + yn ) + 4(y1 + y3 + ⋯ + yn−1 ) + 2(y2 + y4 + ⋯ + yn−2 )] is
0 3
known as
(a) Trapezoidal rule
(b) Simpson’s one-third rule
(c) Simpson’s three-eight rule
(d) Newton Raphson method Answer=b
x +nh 3h
28. ∫x 0 f(x)dx = 8
[(y0 + yn ) + 3(y1 + y3 + y4 + y5 + ⋯ + yn−1 ) + 2(y3 + y6 + ⋯ +

yn−3 )] is known as
(a) Trapezoidal rule
(b) Simpson’s one-third rule
(c) Simpson’s three-eight rule
(d) Newton Raphson method Answer=c
29. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then __________
a) f(x)=0
b) f’(x)=c
c) f’’(x)=0
d) f’(x)=0 Answer=d
30. Newton-Raphson method converges if
f′ (x)f′′ (x)
(a) | [f(x)]2
f (x)f′′ (x)

(b) | [f′ (x)]2
f (x)f′′ (x)

(c) | [f′′ (x)]2
(d) None of these Answer=b

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