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The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating Course LI Flowers and More! 6a hhitp:!/ Welcome to Course Ii and Enjoy all that Course Il has to thanks for making Wilton your offer. | wish you many happy hours decorating resource. of decorating and celebrating es you become the accomplished decorator There is always something you want to be. 7 new to discover in cake decorating. Course II builds on the skills you f learned in Course | and challenges 3 your abilities with new and exciting 7 techniques. Your skills will soar to néw heights as you create Vincent Naccarato 4 spectacular cakes and beautiful President food ideas. The fun continues as 3 your family and friends sample your creations and celebrate your success. . Contents Decorating ToOIS......+.e+ses eee, Preparing the Bag . Te ‘Three Essentials of Decorating .....6 ‘Tho Flower Nail, fcolons a holditin place hove the icing and fold in rst Eocene meee leas z one side then the other and 1etwo pats ofthe coupler are | Hold points A and 8 iogether 7s pee See Te eee bocatr nd unis wel || ESE te Combler foe eee fis INSIDE THE BAG then you | pickup with your ight. Wap putt the decorating tip of your | € around to meet noins A anc Ghoice over the portion of the |B in back A'S poins align to Couper Grat wicks out ot Wel pat pane Thiernes erm the bac. When you screw the ring | cone;the point should be sharp. om youve locked the decorating tp onte the couplet anc bag. The coupler, | Prepare your parchment bag. ‘Afier you have taped the bag, tunserew the coupler. Insart the coupler base, nariow end first, and push as far down into the bbagas possible. Holdina the ti Vo the bag wh both Fads | acevo herd oon WeREaecaneaenaie | Woe ye cue we Ea the Ucercre tall a Moyer ac racine Tacs he pada) down Wl] Roy hese ie neo ecataan alent. the decorating tip on the triple andweton tera Iorking the decorating tip In 4 pice ESE RUE | Featherweight & Disposable SOA estar These bags can be used with or without a couplet. To use the Disposable Bag without a couple, cut aff tha paintad end of the tp (Featherweight Bag is ready to use}. Simply drop the decorating tip you want into the bag with the narrow end down. Feetherweight Bags ‘A new Featherweight bag have to be trimmed with scissors to accommodate coupler base. Fist, twist ting off the coupler base. Drop the coupler bese, natrow end) firs, into the bag and push as far down as you can. With a pen or pen, mark he spot on the outside where the bottom thread is outlined against the bag material. Push the coupler back up into the bag, and cut actoss where you hhave maale the mark Push the coupler base back ‘down through the bag ‘opening. One thread should be showing, Using the Coupler Zz wll Are id ub LOA? the Choose the decorating dp you want to use and slip onto the coupler base, Now twist the coupler ring over the tip, locking it in place. Changing, decorating tips i easy: Twist off the ring, replace with new tio, then screw the ring back on Disposable Plastic Bags Unscrew couples ting. Push the coupler base into the bag as far ddoven as possible, With scissor, trim bag about 1/4" below where threading begins, closest to narrow end. Position decorating tip over coupler base and bag. Screw ting in place to secure. To change decorating tips, unscrew ring, teplace decorsting tip end scewen ring. Filling the Bag The most Important thing to remember it don't overfill, or Icing may squeeze out the wrong enc, The right amount of icing to start with s about Vecup. Fold down the top to form a generous cu andoidthe bag Deneath the cuff. Use your spatula 0 fil the bag with approximately three table- spoons oF icing ata time. ae js To remove icing from the spatula, hold the bag on the outside between the thumb and fingers. Then pull the spatula out of the bag, using the bag and your fingers to squeeze the icing off Closing the Bag Unfold the cuff and twist the bag closed, forcing the icing down into the bag. You can make sure you've released any air trapped in the bag by squeezing some of the ‘cing Out Of tip into the bowl. This i called*burping" the bag, Decorating Bags at a glance... Parchment (© Use with or without coupler © Sinall emounts of icing (© Cut in half forsmalier beg © Greate free (@ Two sizes—12 and 15 in Featherweight (© Use with or without coupler ‘@ Dishwasher safe © Durable 1@ Available in many sizes €@ Flexible/soft to the touch Disposable © Use with or without coupler @ Fconomical @ Grease free © Tiensparent 3 Essentials of Decora Every decoration you meke is the result of three things working together: 1. king consistency 21 Correct bag pesition and 3, Pressure control Understand these three essentials and you'll get perfect decorating results! 1. Icing 2. Correct Position 3. Pressure Consistency ‘The way your decorations curl and point and lie depends not only Control Eo Reroraeeny ot VR ene ng conse bt ao onthe way ou hous ond Ficdiesclinboehl one decorating icing isn't just right, YON icing design are affected by your decorations won'tbe riaht the amount of pressure you ther Just afew dropsofiguid | gag positions are described apply to the bag end the will make 2 gieat deal of | in terms of both angle and Steadiness of the pressure— Gfference in your results, Girection. Angle refers to the how you squeeze and relax position of the bag relative to your grip on the decorating Stiff Icing holds a 54 in. peak | fre work surface Theve are two bag. Your goal is to lean to fon the spatula. Use it for | basic angle positions: apply pressure so consistently flowers with upright petals—it that you can move the bag ina Icing is not stiff enough, petals | 99° angle, or straight up, free and easy glide while just will eroop, perpendicular to the surface. the ight amount of icing lows - Used when making stars of fat through the tip. Practice will Medium Icing is used for flowers or rosettes. achieve this conto, flowers with fiat petals and for bborders—when the iting is teo | 45~ angle, or half way bebveen stiff ortoo thin you cant get vertical and horizontal. Use for the uniform cesignsthac sce ana todeee characterize @ perfect border. egnind ond DO Thin leng i used for writing, The angle in relation to the tems leavesand for fisting work-surfece is onfy half the acake ory on a bag postion. The other half & the direction in which the back of the bag —— ispointed, Stiff ms When you hold the bag at 245° ie angle to the surfece, you can weap out adicle with the back end of the bag by rolling your = vwristand helding the end ofthe a {| tip in the seme spot. Ifyou do |) not have a bag, try it with a 4. Insert tip 3 into the base the wide ond the tip to surface just to sepals on of the center sepal. of tip 104 the loft (right) of where: each ‘Squeeze, letting the icing resting on you ended the base rosebud build up. Siowly draw the decorating petal. The bag i see: tip towards you, relaxing surface, Hold positioned as for the Position the i resaure a yu mee thebag sta4s’angleto | base petal—430 (7:30), tend of the tip against way from the flower. the surface. Point the hold it steady in this, thebottomcenterof the | Stop pressure, pull away. back of the bag to 4:30 position until the bud, Hold the bagin 6:20 | Youmay want to blend (730) vith the narrow second petalis position. Formthe middle | the calyxinto the stem end ofthe tip leani completed. As you sepol first. Squeeze and using dampaned continue squeezing, the let icing build up. Lift Decorators Brush. and slightly to the right (left), Form the base petal: while squeezing, ‘move the tip along the surface away from you in a straight line about 1/4 Inch, hesitate, then ‘continue squeezing as the |cing fans out. Returning the tip to the original position and halfway back, stert torelease pressure, move tip to starting point and pull tip away. or icing will catch the edge of the base petal and roll ‘over naturally. When ‘the second petal looks complete, stop prossure ‘completely, touch the tip back down to the surface and pull tip away. the bag up and away from the flower-Stop pressure as you pull away to form the point - Of the sepal.Repeat, ‘making sepal on the oft andrright sides. HELE RWE Lily of the Valley Aitp:/ Getting Ready: + Set upprectice board insert |: Fillbagsholf fll with Tips 67,2,841 —Tp: Course Il, Lesson 1 pattern buttercream icing;ane thin | Icing: Medium consistency; white 67 for leaf slightly touching consistency gieen, one | forlower thn corsstercy green | decorain suface + Ficewo decorating bags rmediumcorsitency white | forlcf stems and stamens 2 forstoms slighty touching with couplers Postion: decovating surace + Aitachtip 81 onto bag with | —'pag:45-angle at3.00000) | 61 frflomer tip bore + white icing: attach tip 67 for leaf and stems; decorating surface conto bag with green icing 30° angleat 4:30(7:30) for orstamens;lighthy | Tower touching inside flower TEACHER’S TALK fe a S fora -beatete, ange ep egeo! thedeantng tpn stout Tega the angie the more © 2. 3 -simension yourleul : vile Sequence leaf Stems Flowers 1. Using tip 67, 2, Add tip? 3. Using tp 81, squeezing until tiny bell { OG fein a ser ear oie center of with ight pressure. Lightly touch ip to leaf moving pressure surface; give an additional i 45'|) offtoan ABOVE quick squeeze, stop and lift angle. Pipe surface with away. Add two tip 1 stamens: Width, Move upyrard, short green secondary iiner curve of ip facing | tocenter. ‘curvete rightand Stems outwardfrom the you, Press out a curve of ‘radvally stop pressure | mainstem, leing and continue to bring leaf to a pc LESSON 1 Flower Nail Templates Just as you used a marked flower nail in Course to Jeam how te makea rose, thete Course Il tamplates will guide you in petal positioning and flower size. v Look at the templates on p.43, Positioned on top of the flower rail, they make flower formation easier toachievel Cut ‘out each template, attach to flower rail using floral clay(icing «an also be used, but vil stain the template), position wax paper square over template, attaching with flora clay. Pipe flower then remove waxed paper with flower on it. Reuse again and again! The Chrysanthemum 2 3. Getting Read) © netach mam template onto. | Tips: 547 flower nal feng: Mectum consistency yelow ® Prepare twodecorating | Postion bags, one with tip 81,one with tip § © Fill bags halffull of medium consistency buttercream, icing 14 Nalin left dght) hand —Bag: 90" for meuné 45" angle at 300 9:90) forpetab; Tp formound: /In.above center forpetak: curved side up (uke a sry face) Completed flower size:¥/s the sizeof thetop ofthe flower nail 1. Pipe tip 5, mound of icing 2. Insert tip. 81 Into mound (indent up), squeeze firmly and pull up slightly as you releate prossureto form petals. gk Bue hito:/ TEACHER'S TALK Laminate your flower nail ‘templates and they'll last for years! 3. Repeat, positioning next row of petals between petals in first row, ‘Make third row of petals slightly chorter and. pull tips up slightly for next row of, petals. 5. Continue until ‘moundiis covered, with each row slightly shorter. Getting + 1 recipe Reyal Icing, + empty cups orbowlsto | + Cake Circle (for Color Flow Ready Colored as flows: Inbal (greare fre) | paces todryon] Ve c. yellow for flower + yellow icing color * Yourkitchen supplios For centers fe Ys c violet for violet + spatula Here’s what to bring to thitp2si6§ Veseeese listed on page 2 ' + Tips1,2,101,1032nd | $ Toothpicks —- Lesson 2 ea con orvetee | sther38H59"er101s | $ Prepated olor Flow | aes + Flower formers,small size | patterns (see below). ead eeu penrcn 28 YAccpink forapale + Waxpaper squares ' hhome. Pay special attention blossoms woperEy to page 17. Have any + Vecipe ullstrength | 4. Flower Nail No.7 ' questions? Write them down | SelerFlow kcing + Parchment paper bags and bring them to class tobe + Wilton Cake Sparkles answered and discussed! ' Preparing Color Flow Patterns for Lesson 2 In Lezzon 2, you will make a butterfly and fences using your color low for yourfinal cake. To save time, you will need to prepare your patterns at home before class. Its always a good idea to make extra color flow pieces to allow for breakage. Here's what youll need to prepare the patterns: Patterns ‘on page 41, parchment paper, peril coke circle, waxed paper and transparent tape ae Trace the patterns onto parchment paper. Tape the parchment pattern onto the cake circle: smooth out any wrinkles. Cut a piece of waxed paper a little larger than parchment paper. Cover parchment with waxed paper, smooth out any wrinkles and tape waxed paper in place, Be sure to review Color Flav, page T7 before you come to the next class, and bring this propared pattern to class for Lesson 21 C 9 htto://shop360140¢ urdecorating ecventure continues with an inspiring new option— Color Flow, and two beautiful new flowers Color Flow © sBkeRAS Discover the virtually unlimited poseibilties of the Color Flow technique! Use ito bring patterns, idees and your own designs to lite. Color Flow Technique ; : ; | le gta 4 | | trace — pater onto Bone eee } | Tape parchment ) pattern on card = board coke circle oF e Cover pawcern with Outlining Sequence: wax paper Icing: Fullswength Color Flow | Squeeze, pull Blend lines Tape wax paper over Tp 2 and drop icing usingadamp | <5\= pattern-smooth Patterns: Prepared string, following Decorators §— | __of out wrinkles Tools: Decorarar’s brush, pattern out Brush. Outline using tip Zend helt parchment bag, cutin | lines. Stop, size parchment bag halt to makea small baq_| touch tip to surface and tft half full with full | Positions a strength color flow — Beg: almost 90° | Fill int vith thinned Color —Tip:stignty avove surface Flow king using porchment bag, Filling In Sequence: l bik | (cing: thinned Colo Row Have your towards outline Tio: None simply cut approx. | parchment = — fora pillow ‘Thinning Color How ‘hein.ofitpot parchment | bagshalf ull \ ‘effect. Work bag andreadyfor from the oe Zs V . x Tools Ceragecr teightpin, filinginwith |_\_/ “|| outside n,top fo orchment bag color flow. = tobottom.Pop >) @) Ce poles Calor fom custequicky and | sirbubbiesifany winpin KO 2-/ 6S) ee Tnes wi show fing Degas | wil ings wet Check or eg 5 clckposon Beg tSicockpoiton | todnyouireyouiinsh | mrylow spteand fly cor tenes deerdng nha the mene pater. begn_| Now shows dy attha ight A small amount of water needs to be added to full strength filing in along the pillow affect. eal — Tip! Sightly above surface : ‘ olor Flow ntl the icing owe a - Eanes propery for flr In 10 test e00n out 9 smal amount and : lett drop back into the bow Drying When it takes a full count often for the icing to sink back into the mixture and the cutline ing dicopoears complately.theicing Let decorationsair dry humid conditions. Bring ‘thoroughly at least 48 hours. Allow extra drying time in is read = TEACHER'S SY Test Puddtes _ Test Puddles sete ‘Alun may to tet your Color Flow pce i dy! Color Flow — test puddles eliminate the possibility to cookies, cupcakes and cake @ pudiles are dellaps of color of removing a color flow piece borders. Set a face in the flow icing placed next to your toa soon and breaking it. Don't center ofa rose for acute baby ty you may wantto adda Ate yur Glew picr \ Caan | cle 17 LESSON 2 ARKERUE More New Flowers Violet Getting Ready: # Attach Violet template onto flower nail f Prepare two decorating bags,one with tip 595/59" itip 101s for left handers) for petals, one with tio 1 for center ‘® Fil bags half fll with ‘medium consistency Tips: 1.599/59" (1015) Icing: Medium consistency: violet for petals yellow for center Position: = Nailin left right) hand — Bag: 45° angle at 3:90 (9:00) for petals; 30° for center — Tips: fer petals: wide end of tip lightly touching center of inal, nariow end pointing cut end reised /sin. above nail surface. For center sightly obove fower Completed flower size: larger than the nickelsize on the violet remplate. _ Violet Leaf Getting Ready: 4 Fitdecoratng bag with tip 103 Fill bog hall full with medium consistency royal rena ‘2 Attach wax paper square ‘onto flower nail 18 Tp: 103 Icing, Medium consistency royal Positions: Nall: In hand spinning the hail tothe end of your finger. Bag: 45° angle ot 3:00 (9:00) =p: wide end fightly touching surfoce, narrow end ifted slightly Sequence: Squeeze with medium pressure, using Jiggling motion, slide tip out about V/s in. as you turn the neil. Relax prossure, mave backto starting point, stop pressure, pull away. Optional: Dry In medium Flower Former. 3 1, Squeeze with light pressure, move tip out as youspin the nail to form first 1/4in. elong: Stop, lift away. d petal. Relax pressure as you move tip back to starting point. Sequence: 2. Repeat to make two more bottom petals. 3. Make one 1/0 in. round petal 4, Repeat to make the second round petal. Add two center dots. Dryin small Flower Former. Yak aes Apple Blossom hitp:!/ Getting Ready: Sequence: 4 Attach Apple Bloom tem- | Tex: 1,101 1. Squeeze beg 2, Repeat to make four plate onto flower nll leing: Medium condsteny, with Fight more petals. y nk for petals, pressure 3. Add five # Propare two decorating yellow for center and move dots; one: Mm bags, one with tio 101 for Positions: tip out as center an Tp 30° petals ene with ip for | at infer ohn) rand you spin the n four around center — Bag: 45° angle at 3:00 (9:00) form first Vain. petal. center dot. for petals 90° angleforcenter | Relax pressure, move tip Dry in small % Fillbags half fullof medium consistency royal icing back to starting point, =Tibs: for petal: wide end ee nea lightly zouching center of nail narrow end pomting out ‘and raised Yn. above nati surface. For center:sightly above flower. Completed fewer size: no larger than the nickel sizean your template. Flower Former. Getting Ready For Lesson 3 Read through Lesson 3 at home. Have any questions? Write them down and bring thera to class to be answered! Here’s what to bring to the next class: % 2racipes Royal icing, = 2cupsmedium consistency Wax paper rolland 11/3in, prepared as follows: yellow for Daffodil and x Thin. squares ~ 1cup stiff consistency Pansy—a helffull > Flower Formers Sore earl fe eeieeeene engine AENEID, ‘ * {1 tablespoon) wit tip 12, paichmert with tip 104, and a pee lea bag fited with ti 97 parchment bag fited Tape with coupe’ end tip + Your kitchen supplies = Jaupmedium consistency (¢p3.6F 14 willaso be listed on page 2 u used on this ie ee Soe aon sta) Note: tip 1 and 104 are fortips 03,{:halfsize bag ~ | cupmedium consistency ° Ginter Toki By Pang Lesson 3. To save time, we parchment bag fied suggest having three ofeach = 1 cup stiff consistency tah ip 104 tip for cas. white for Daisy— parchment bac fitted ~ Container to cary Donot in bageathore, with tip 104 completed flowershome Bring colored icing to class an airtight container Prepare bbags with tips and mark with corresponding flower tip number and icing color, qe hito://shop36014060.taob: ygatha eee Imagine blossoms to fil baskets, dozens of roses. beautiful flowers-all made in icing! Wellbegin with «review of the most populor flower therose, then continue with four new flowers! ore © Fica decorating bag with | @ Attach a 11/2in. square of tip 97 and fit another decorating bag with tip 12 Getting Ready: ‘waxed paper to the flower and petals floral clay @ Fill both bags full with stiff consistency Royel Icing nail with a dot of icing or NOTE: Tip 97 s@ right-handed tip. Leftchanders will use tp 103, 3 Base Center 1. Use 2. Use 7, tio, tea. (OL Hold Hove wy thetag bag at moor a Y angle angle0 Svs fal with wide end ae of tip ust below fun sgieecewnn | top otmourd ard heavy resume, aro ead ale Keepingbottom of | inslight. Do tipi eng unt three things you've made a full, Found base. Ease pressure as you raise tip up and away narrowing baseto a pyramid shape. Mound should be 11/stimes the length of the opening of tip 97. simultaneously squeeze, pull tip Up and away from top, stretching ing into a ribbon ‘as you spin the nail to the end of your finger. Relax icing around top, overlapping the point at which you started. Positions: Tip: 12 for base, 97 for center 9) Qi ane The Victorian ROSE *ie:!s0:26014060.120000.c0m Roses are the most impressive, beautiful and popular of al icing flowers. Tiy using en instant curved petal tip for spectacular results! =m : slightly above nail for ase; wide end touching base Icing: Seffcorsistency at midpoint, nortow end! up ‘and in slightly for center Nall in teh fight) hand — Bag: 90°angle (streight up) for base, 45° angle at 4:30 (7-30) for center ancipewas and petals Sequence: Top Middle Bottom Row Petals Row Petals Row Petals 3. Touch 5. Touch wide wide [G) tnd of cond of tipto tip mid. ip below point slightly canter of cfu base, belowcenterofa | ee sate rom harrow end petalintoprom | Petal nme straight up. Spin | Anglenatrow end | Sorrows and of tip nailand move oftip outsightly | arrow end oft tip up and back down to midpoint of mound forming first petal of rose. Start again, slightly behind end of first petaland squeeze ‘out 2nd petal. Repeat for 3rd petal, ending by overlapping the starting point of ‘st petal. Rotate the nail /sfor each petal. more. Squeeze bbag and spin rail ‘moving tip up, ‘then down to form 1st petal. Repeat for a total of 5 petals. Rotate tthe nail ¥/s for each, petal. Squeeze beg end rail to ond of fingers, ‘moving tip up, then down to form 1st potal. Repeat fora total of 7 petals. Rotate the nail /y for each petal. ee i A t peat Ud ‘rps "#97 Tt f tpi Tene 2 LESSON 3 Qe SE Re ; More New Flower: Getting Ready: Sequence: ® Attach Deisy template onto | Tips: 104,5 1. Position tip | % Addeins flower nail Ieing: Medium consisioncy: 104 almost < center dot; whteforpetas, yellow ior center parallel to | ps © Prepare two parchment | Poston nail wide | 7/2 \ ecoreting bags,one with | — Nit inleft ight) hand fend "ain. tip 104,onewith tipSin | — gag: 45° angiear 5:00(9:00) fromeentar: pace sie bag renee nariow end at outer ‘of opening oftip 12. ae | edge of nail, With even Cover dot with Cake © Fllbage bal ull with ee areas pressure, squeeze bag: Sparkles. Dry in mecium stiff consstency ce relax pressure es you Flower Former. royal icing ep Hahei ioueling 4M move to center to form away from center of nai ictal cu Oue baa Sts norowendpoimingout 10 Fen nail alightly; repeat TEACHER'S eee _ | for total of twelve or more: enter slightly above io DAIEX fewer is ' Completed Howerseestheste: | ofthe top afthe flower neil Tytania: elo peta with yelow bee centers Wile Deblswithyelow ents, blue etal yo centr oachpatlith range cartes. # Use Cake ‘Sparicles™ to ‘nlghtighe at your flowers. Getting Ready: “® Attach Datfoail template conto flower nail % Prepare parchment deco- rating bag with coupler: petals use tip 104, center Usetips 3 and 1 % Fillbag half full of mecium ‘consistency royal icing Tp: 104forpetais Band | for center (cing: Medium consistency, yellow Positions: = Nail inlet (ght) hand — Bag: 45° angleat 300 (00) fox petals; 90" anglefor center Tp: wide end lightly touch ing center of nail, narrow end pointing ourand ‘alsed /a inabore nai surface for petals; slightly above flower for center Completed Flower Size: the sizeof the top of your flower nail htp:l/ Sequence: Petals Center Using 4. Hold medium [CS flower nal | stationery. Move tip 3 ina dreular mation, i piping an fotheend ofyour finger, | open cal letting the spin of the flower nail form petal Relax center;making Pressure, move tip back. ‘sure the base of the coil is to starting point, Stop, lift tip away. The first three potals narrower than the top, lice a megaphone shape. Stop. lift away. While should coveralfof your turning nai add tp 1 flower rail. 2igrag trim to top edge Repeat to meke three Eco ebey imeatind remaining petals. Edges ome of petals should be capped slighty: pinch TEACHER'S ends using fingers ‘or Decorator's Brush TALK dipped in comstarch. 4 Tocup toverpetincesete ange ntirg oir Secrang tin Te arene alte me 1) opin ate. POS Thesequerceofepne theca! Jethe cme for bose nates odjencut Te naciss 2 Sima fone with white tp 102 # pettsayelow cot ooda eden We e109 tecat ite ona) as0%s “mate tha te df rth we 19108 petal end ayelowcener Forman fowervaratons, 38 LESSON 3 Yak Bue Pansy hitp:!/ Getting Ready: + Attach Pansy template onto. flower nail 4 Prepare (wo parchment decorating bags with tip 104 each, one half parchment with tip 1 Fill each bag half full ‘with medium consistency royal icing TEACHER'S TALK q When mekin lowe Nat ear siming te nsilto ‘the endofyourfingrtips vifturn tenailingte conection # Pansy variations: Darkblue petals with yellow canter, range petals with yellow center, red petals with yellow ‘centers, wt petals with yellow centers Sequence: Ts 108.1 1. Using 7] | 2: Add two shorter curved hg: Medina medium — |(>) petalson top of first two yellow and vile for peta pressure, ’ petals Pestions out toedge |_C7 as] | > Measiale = ali et right hand of nailto eas — bag: 45° angle at 3:00 (9:09) form first curved gentle back for petas;90°angle forcenter | etal.Spinnaillatting the | eave — Tips: forpetate: wide end spin of nail form petal. re of tip lightly touching Relax pressure as you create a rufflec ele eaciog movebackto sang Pari center ofa narow 0 ‘Ad tip 1 teardrop center end pointing out and raised point: Story Aft apiawrsys Dry in medium Flower ‘va inch above nail surface. Repeat for sacoad petal if i ‘These two petals should: Foumer forcenter:sighty above Pe (ca cover half of your flowor ‘Completed Flower Size: as large pe sthetop of your Raver nok Adding Color to Pansies ri gS Color Striping Painting for anther variety of pansy, | Pansles aso canbe pated ts the Color Sting wrth fine at brush dipped in techiniques reviewed in Lesson | icing color Ifcolor does rot 1 1p.7), Brush a stipe ofviolet | flow easily onto flower, dip icing color down the side ofa | brush inte coley than intoa perchment paperbag end fil | small amount of Wilton Clear with yellow icing. Be certainto | Vanila Exact tothin color {umn tip 1040 the color stipe | slightly before painting, For will come cut thenarrow end. | kestresults,paint royal icing Use the Coir Striping pansies after tlower nas technique when making the | dried and before primroseandviolet,too. | adding teattop center ae Getting Ready: * Attach Primrose template onto flower neil 4% Prepare two parchment decorating bags ne with ‘coupler (tip 103 used for petals, tip | used for star enter) one with tip 14 4% Filleach bag half ful with mecium consistency royal Tips: 103, 14,1 ‘cing: Medwm consistency: for petals yellow and pink for center Positions: = Nil inlet (right) hond — Bag: 45° angle at 3.00 (9.00) forpetals;90° angle forcenter Tips: forpetak: wide ere lightly touching center of na, narrow end pointing out and raised ‘Inch above nail surface for center: tip slighty above fower Compieted Flower Size: Vathesive of the flower aailtop ye sete ine ORE Bub hitp:"/ VHP Yo Sequence: 1. Each petal 2, Repeat toform the issaped [C) Femalning four petals tea 3. Ad tip 14 mot a" ‘small star shamrock center.Add | GF leaf. Using medium tip 1 small ane pressure, move tip out dene wy Main.,using a curve, dip. | dry in medium Flower curve motion toform first. | Stim petal. Spin nail letting spin of nail form potal. Relax pressure as you move tip back to Starting point letting the spin of the nail and your curve. di and curve motion form the petal. Getting Ready For Lesson 4 Read through Lesson 4 at heme, Haveany questions? Write them down and bring them toclass to be onswered! Next week, you'll makea spectacular cake. To save dass ‘ime—color icing, prepare bags and trostcake at home. Bring allextra tings to class! Here's what to bring to the next class: 4 2 recipes BUTTERCREAM, ICING, colored and prepared inbags as follows: + 3cups medium consistency: ‘colored for basketweave, rope and shell border — to bbe used with a Feacher- weight bag, coupler and tips 47.21 + Teup thin consistency: colored ‘or besketweave, tused to lightly frost cake at home = Vacup thin consistency; in white used to frost and smocth top of cake at heme ‘/2cup mecium consistency; One oval 2-layer cake. in white, for attaching calor flow pieces — to be used with a hal size parchment bag with tp 5 1 cup thinned with piping gelin green for leaves — in parchment bag with coupler and tin 67 or 352 V2.cup thin consistency; in green for writing — in parchment bag with tip 3 Practice Board Sot Color Flow pieces from Lesson2 Positioned on a Fanci-Foil Wrap covered cake circle ‘or cake circle with doily. Frost the cake with buttercroam AT HOME as indicated at lett Sugar cubes or mini ‘marshmallows, to be used for positioning Color Flow pieces (optional) Tips 5,3,21,47 and a leat tip 67 or 352 Flowers from Lessons 2 and 3; any additional flowars you made at home Your kitchen supplies listed on page 2 | Eee RYE Lesson 4 S Cae The Grand Finale | Lesson 4 presents a final, exciting technique-realistic basketweaving with rope border. Finally, you'l use the skills learned inthis Course as well as L ‘Your color flow and floral decorations to create a spectacular cakel Basketweaving This clever technique tums icing into natural-looking weave, Simply combine long vertical bors oficing with short horizontal bars o produce basketweaving. Variation Variation ; 2 = 3 Tip 47 fet and Tip18 serrated rides Getting Ready Sequence 1 Set up practice board on Tip: 47 1, Squeeze out the same as the width of ! stands. Insert Course Il, Icing: Medium consistency ical ‘the tip opening. Each Leseorapanra restos Stipe of new set sould — prctie Boor upright icing from between the 1 PrepareaFeathermeight | — pag aseangieat ar toe previous bag th tp a7 verted strpesot320 000) ‘bottom. | samme for horizontals 2. Squeeze varealber & Fbagha fat wi —Tipiahtytouchingsutece, | ™ Sttsnenr [CZ cover ends hee uae serrated side up horizontal y- of horizontal, uetercream icing barsacross | 2) bars 1 feeriop 35 forhow'o sie a oeaccies is oan ae és | Between barechoutdbe | ; Us the Wit Revhing | TEACHERS Ghe Stand to elevate your TALK cake for working at eye level. ; ‘This makes techniques such as. < basketweaving Toqurace pera an even basketweave / patos, pipe éab ofiing thew 4 afte tnopesing For deep 3- dimensional doing used baveen basketweaving besure i felon te tudethe tp under the vertcl ber when making \ horizontal bas. @O sRKERUE hitp:!/ ing Read) Seque | Setup practice board; Tip: 21 1. Usinga 2. Insert tip under the insert ous iin: Med conlency steady, even (5) / bottom curve of the'S* Lesson 4 pattern Positions: pressure, A dl shape. Squeeze bag with — Practice board: Nat movetioin | ag] steady pressure as you 1 Change tip s7onyour —— pag: 45" cngleat430(730) | gentle i pull down, then Hf tp. Featherweight bag to tip21 |— ti lghy uctingsuface | sideways?S* Move up over the tail of Curve. Stop pressureand | thes" asyoucontinue to 1 Refiltbag half fulloith es pull avy. squeeze and form a hook mmedkim consistency eat tgag SIMPY ® Keep spacing aseven as buttercream king possible ands curves Uniform in thickness, length and overall size, Don't be afraid to tuck ‘the tip into the bottom ‘curve of the previous before you begin squeezing; this insures the clean, continuous look of a rope. A sequence of words will help 2s you make your rope border. Say: i LESSON 4 VY ARLE RE hitp:// fenove te erahing woe ee eetee {dng of ett serie Dicer addons youdeeote ae sil calor owpieesaremol cena oe peo ty ie el Removing Color Flow Remember te handle your ~ finished Color Flow pieces with care. Color Flow pieces ‘can be removed by one of the following methods: Place your Color Flow plece on | piece slowly over the table's, the waxed paper near the edge | edge while you carefully pull cfatabeeoratnertim, evel | hal ofthe waced paper dawn | Pape! bY siGing, &. sl | surface. Use your onehandto. | andenay tominecoorrion | ect i olde papertimly.yet | decoration uth te other | gent enthetable ide the | har Tum the Cler low TEACHER'S Fern TALK ’ Wien the operng ot i byitcerng usd as tapered spatula and gently ‘cng kc adr Hs silidppreedeina. > veiled | | Getting Ready Sequence: | setuppracicetoad: | Tox 571 Searting wt the = ‘insert Course Il, Lesson 4 Icing: Thin consistency bottom, using a fl | pattern Poston heavy presse, She — Practice Board: flat hold bag, {| © Prepareaparchment bag, | — gag, sighily ess than stationery as wivacoupleranduiper | ~ goes youpipea tp Sean 67 leaf. Stop pressureto ® Add piping gel to thin the surface wth wide brealcoffleaf point. consistency buttercream Icing fill bag half full ofenine porcelain 30 Ogknsnnt It’s Time to" Decorate Your Cake! Follow these steps: LT. Divide your cake (Seep.35). 4, Position cotorFiow fences. Place several dabs of icing, sugar ‘cubes or miniature ‘marshmallows dabbed with icing to hold Color Flow in place, 3. add bottom shell border and top rope border. 2. Cover sides of cake with basketweava, 5. Position flowers: G. Addieaves where Remember to make a needed among the mound of icing and flowers. place your largest flowersin the focal point. Flowers should decreaze in size es you move away from the focal point. ‘This will give your basket a more natural 100k insert Color Flow butterfly wings into place on the border. tis notnecessary to Pre-ascomble it. Congratulations! Your dedication and practice bas pata off. You have progressed from Primary decorating skills to bigher techniques with spectacular resalis. ‘The Wilton Method of Cake Decorating has been proven for years to be the simplest ay to Iearn ‘and perfect the art of cake decorating. There's more to leamn...ave you ready’ for the challenge? Flowing vines and their blossoms come in varying configurations, A tle home practice will heip you perfect a beautiful floral spray! OY RECLE RE hitfp/ Crescent Spray Begin in center of cake. Pipe main stems from centerta right outer edge of cake top. ‘Then pipe stems fiom center of left cuter edge of cake top. Add shorter stoms randomly =< Vine Spray Pipe an even curving line from left right. ‘Add secondary stems approximately half as long as the curves following the flow of the curves, Pipe short stems in the same direction to complete, ae Rambling Rose & Wild Flower Spray Start at cake center and pipe stem to resemble backward *S placing it at 120 position, Add otners at 300,600 and 2:00 postions. Ad chortar stems between each main stem, Corner Spray Begin at the corner and pipe a stem upwards, pipe a secondary stem sweeping jn the opposite direction. Return (0 the corner, and pipe a stem across to the opposite side of the cake, epeat and pipea secondary stem sweeping in the opposite direction, Add shorter stems to balance spray. WA Cascading Spray Pipe a main stem toresemble on clongeted backward"S: Add shor sweeping stems. “S” Spray Begin atthe center of the cake and pipe a upward curve ou to the eft, retuin to center and pipe a downward curve cut to the fight. Add secondary curves half slong ssthecurve folowing theflow of the cuve, Repeat with shorter stems, fttp:/shop360 Flower Variations ‘Many flower variations are simply en offshoot of a besic bloom. Once you've mastered the basic flower, doing the variation is easy! Look to the many Wilton publications for detailed flower making directions! [fyoucan make a _ Making this flower is easy! Find Directions in Mum The Wilton Way of Decorating Volume One,page 118 The Wilton Way of Decorating | Aster Volume Thrae, page 321 Zinnia | Apple Blossom Faguvence a The Wilton Way of Decorating Volume One,page 113; | e ry Volume Two, page9 | Pinks The Wilton Way of Decorating ep 2, Volume Three, page 183 Volume One,Page 112 | Daisy Brown eyed Susan The Wilton Way of Decorating us Volume One,page 49 Daffodtt Narcissus The Wilton Way of Decorating ® Volume One,page 116 | Primrose Impatiens ‘The Wilton Way of Decorating 2 Volume One,page 112 | Wild Sweet Peas ‘The Wilton Way of Decorating Volume One, page 150 33 ign i for Creer eee) esd performed so well! ‘The Wilton Method of cake Cece kerie a ee en eee Ca Cmeireer ares ee AEKE RE Ova I Ca ke Pa tevin ae com, 32 Divisions | ay Ww & on 7 Wy 6 ea y W @ z 3 ao 6d UG So Course 2 a LESSON 1 fittp:t/shop36014060. Rosebud -~ &o. a Tip 104,3 >» > f Ee , Tip 104 Petal Tip 3 Sepals and Calyx z G 17 | Course IT LESSON 4 a Bijziiisa Tip a1Repe |] y pigze ~~ — gs 3S —E—————— — ——$—$<———$<—$——_—— ORESERVE Course IT hitp://, LESSON 4 Tip 47 Basketweave ! Tip Positions for Rose Petals Center Petal i 3 Petal Row i 12:00 1/atimes the [| height of the [7 zretainow josete 2:00 (10:00) | opening 39 es is 3S deer: av ‘ é Color Flow Patterns

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