Green Aesthetic Thesis Defense Presentation

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The wonder

of nature

Presented by group 2 (star)

Our group member
and their task

Nurul balqis &

auni sofia (leader) khadijah mukhlisAh
( writting) (grammar)

Qaseh mallisa Hawa nur izzah

(vocabulary) (reading text)
Reading text
The Amazon Rainforest
Nestled in the heart of South America, the Amazon Rainforest stands as an awe-inspiring testament
to the wonders of nature. Spanning across nine countries. this colossal biome covers over 6.7 million
square kilometers, making
it the largest rainforest on our planet. Its verdant expanse is not only a haven for countless plant and
animal species but also plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth.
The Amazon Rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth" due to its remarkable ability
to produce oxygen. About 20% of the world's oxygen is generated by the lush vegetation within the
rainforest, making it an indispensable component in the delicate balance of our planet's atmosphere.
Moreover, the dense canopy of trees serves as a colossal carbon sink. absorbing substantial amounts
of carbon dioxide and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
What truly sets the Amazon Rainforest apart is its unparalleled biodiversity.
Scientists estimate that this ecological marvel is home to around 390 billion individual trees
representing over 16.000 different species. This remarkable variety extends to the animal kingdom,
where iconic species such as jaguars. poison dart frogs, and the majestic harpy eagle find their refuge
In addition to its ecological significance, the Amozon Rainforest also holds cultural importance for
indigenous communities. Many tribes have called this rainforest home for centuries, relying on its
abundant resources for their sustenance and traditional practices.
1) Petrichor(bau segar selepas hujan) : a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies(mengiringi)
the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

2) hill (bukit) : a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy (tak rata) as a mountain.

3) moss (lumut) : a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, growing in damp habitats and
reproducing( membiak ) by means of spores( spora) released from stalked(bertangkai) capsules.

4) sleet( campuran hujan dan ais) :rain containing some ice, as when snow melts(cair ) as it falls.

5)verdant( rumput yang menghijau) : (of countryside) green with grass or other rich
6) valley(lembah) : a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river
or stream flowing through it.

7)flourishing(berkembang pesat) : developing rapidly and successfully; thriving.

(berkembang maju)

8)grove(belukar) :a small wood or other group of trees.

9:budding(bertunas):(of a plant) having or developing buds(tunas).

10)frigid(sejuk beku):very cold in temperature.

example of a sentence
1) petrichor
-After weeks without a single drop of rain, petrichor hung in the air after this morning's showers

-She watched the sun set behind the hills

-the moss has covered the walls

-the rain turned to sleet

-the hills covered with healthy green plants or grass:
example of a sentence
-They were in a deep valley completely surrounded by mountains.

-Britain has the largest and most flourishing fox population in Europe.

-they planted a grove of oaks

- As we sped past budding bushes it soon felt like we were approaching the countryside

-he plunged his hand into the frigid water
used beforenouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective.

•definite article: the

-indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader

•undefinite article: a (for vocal), an (for consonant)

-used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known

- *The* science teacher is absent today.
- I saw *a* bird sitting on the tree in front of my house
- Not many know how to use *an* oven properly
a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to
show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an

-some examples of prepositions are words like "in", "at", "on", "of", "to",
"behind", "under", and "by"

-we use prepositions when something is located inside of a defined space

- Class begins *at* 7am
- We parked our car *behind* the building
- There is pharmacy *by* the grocery store
employed in a sentence to indicate an action that started in the
recent past and still continuing up in the present

*Formula* - has/have + been + verb "ing"

- I *have been working* on this project for a week
- He *has been going* to Spain on holiday every year since 1987
in simple words , it is used to describe about past actions with a
result in the present.

*Formula* - has/have + past participle

- Rani *has broken* her arm.
- I *have eaten* the fried rice.
Guidelines in writing
an email

Greeting Introduction
-Dear Cousins -Hi! How are you? I hope you are
-Ocar Amiroa in the pink.
-Hello! How are you been doing?

Introduction Sharing suggestion/

-Hi! How are you? I hope you Recommendation /opinion / Ideas
are in the pink. -In my opinion, you should...
-Hello! How are you been -To me, it would be great if..
Guidelines in
writing an email

Providing Reason
-This is because…
-The first reason is…

- Till then
- See you soon.
-I hope you will make some
time to join us.
- I Really hope to hear from
you soon
thankyou for spending your worthy time with us <3

Edited by : Mallisa

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