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ACCT3321_101_2220: Intermediate Acct.

Spring Semester 2021/2022

Name _____________________________________ ID No. ________________

Problem Solving Assignment - Total weight 20%
Due Date: Thursday, May 19 2022
Time: 11:59 PM
Max %
CLOs Covered Question(s) % Actual Mark
CLO 3, 4 & 5 1, 2 & 3 20 20


Description of the Task:

The aim of this task is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your level of understanding of the following
Ch. 12 Investments
Ch. 13 Current Liabilities and Contingencies
Ch. 14 Bonds and Long-Term Notes

Instructions to candidates:
You must submit your answers in paper format to your instructor/assignment mailbox by the due date.
There will be a standard penalty for late submission. The standard penalty is 5% of the marks for that task
for each delay in submission of a day or partial day up to a maximum of five (5) working days after the
due date;
Your submission will not be accepted after the earlier of the following occurrences:
Feedback on the assessment task has been posted/released to any student; or
The fifth working day after the due date.

Marking Criteria:

Clear and concise discussion and working of the key points of the questions;
Presentation format, spelling, vocabulary, readability.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the
conventions of scholarship. PMU views this seriously as evidenced by its policy number III. A-3.

Academic misconduct includes copying, cheating, plagiarism & improper referencing. You should
familiarize yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any
questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator/instructor. Information can be found on the website at:
Problem 1 [LO12–1, LO12–2, LO 12–3]: Securities held to- maturity, securities available for sale, and
trading securities. (7.5 Marks).
Problem 2 [LO13 6]: Subsequent events: (7.5 Marks).
Problem 3 [LO14 2]: Determining the price of bonds; discount and premium; issuer and
investor. (5 Marks).

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