Chapter 8 - Legal Issue

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Nguyen Thi Lan Chi MA.

1. Introduction to Personal Branding

• Definition: Crafting a public identity for
professional success.
• Importance: In the era of social media,
personal branding shapes careers.
• Intersection with Law: Personal brands can
face legal challenges, just like corporate
2. Trademarks in Personal Branding
• Definition: A trademark is a sign capable of
distinguishing the goods or services of one
enterprise from those of other enterprises.
• Examples: Personal logos, signature slogans
• Registration Process: Search for existing
trademarks, application, and potential
• Case Study: Kim Kardashian's "KKW" – ‘SKKN’
brand faced opposition due to similarity to an
existing logo.
2. Trademarks in Personal Branding
While the registration of the trademark was done, Kim
Kardashian’s lawyer got slammed with a Cease and Desist
Notice by Beauty Concepts LCC.

The renowned brand has claimed that they have been in the
use SKKN+ brand since 2017.

Providing salon and skincare services which are owned by

Cydnie Lunsford. Beauty Concepts adamantly stated that not
just this, they also operate a website and social media
handles using the letters SKKN+.

There has also been an application of the words to the U.S

Patent and Trademark Office to register the SKKN+ logo.
3. False Advertising Concerns
• Definition: Misleading consumers about the
benefits, nature, or quality of a product or
• Examples: Influencers claiming unverified
results from health products.
• Consequences: reputational damage.
• Case Study: A lifestyle guru faced charges for
false claims about a dietary supplement's
3. False Advertising Concerns
§ In 2019, Kardashian received a warning letter from the FDA for promoting a morning
sickness drug called Diclegis on her Instagram without including any risk information
about the drug.
§ The post was considered a form of false advertising because it did not communicate
any potential side effects or risks associated with the drug, which is a requirement for
pharmaceutical promotions.
§ As a consequence, Kardashian had to remove the post and subsequently repost it
with the proper risk information included.
§ This case highlighted the legal responsibilities influencers have when promoting
health products and the potential reputational damage and legal repercussions of
4. Defamation Challenges
• Understanding: False statements that harm a
person's reputation.
• Examples: Unsubstantiated negative reviews
about competitors.
• Protection: Immediate retraction, public apology.
• Case Study: A consultant sued for defamation by a
competitor over false allegations made in a blog
4. Defamation Challenges
§ The case of Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard. In 2019, Johnny Depp, a well-known actor, filed a defamation lawsuit
against his ex-wife Amber Heard, an actress, over an op-ed (thư gửi toàn soạn – Opposite the editorial page) she
wrote for The Washington Post in 2018.

§ Although Depp was not named in the article, he claimed that it falsely implied he was physically and emotionally
abusive during their marriage.

§ The op-ed damaged Depp's reputation and career, leading to significant media coverage and public discussion.

§ In June 2022, the court found in favor of Johnny Depp, awarding him $15 million in damages.

§ The case is a high-profile example of how unsubstantiated claims can lead to defamation lawsuits and have severe
consequences on one's personal brand and professional life.
5. Privacy Violations
• Privacy Rights: Obligation to protect
personal data of clients and followers.
• Examples: Unauthorized use of client
• Case Study: A fitness trainer's
unauthorized use of client before-and-
after photos led to a lawsuit.
6. Copyright Issues
• Basics: Protects original works of authorship.
• Examples: Copying text or images from another
personal brand.
• Fair Use: Limited use for commentary, search engines,
criticism, parody, news reporting, research, and
• Case Study: A blogger republishing another author's
articles without permission.
7. Cybersecurity in Personal Branding
• Importance: Safeguarding digital assets against unauthorized access.

• Threats: Phishing (mạo danh lừa đảo), hacking, data breaches.

• Protection: Strong passwords, encryption, two-factor authentication.

• Case Study: A celebrity's social media account was hacked, leaking confidential information.

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