Week23-Ocean and Climate Change

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WEEK 23- Theme: Ocean World

Sub-Theme: Ocean and Climate Change

Day: TUESDAY Date: 4th June 2024
Time: 11.30 am – 12.20 pm ( 45 min) Class: Primary; Middler; Advance Middler;
Intermediate 1
Topic: An Introduction to the Ocean and Climate ( Cognitive Corner)
Success Criteria:
1. Students are able to understand the basic concepts of the ocean and climate change
through a hands-on, cognitive activity.
Learning Activity:
1. Introduction and Video (10 minutes)
a. Begin by briefly discussing what the ocean is and why it is important.
b. Show a world map and ask students to point out and name the major oceans.
c. Play an educational video explaining oceans and the basics of climate change. Use the
suggested video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJoAcD0oUww
2. Group Discussion (5 minutes)

 Write key points on the whiteboard, such as:

a) What is an ocean?
Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface and play a critical role in
regulating the climate.
b) What is climate change?
Climate change affects the oceans in various ways, including rising sea levels,
warming waters, and increased ocean acidity.
c) How do the ocean and climate change relate?
The health of ocean ecosystems is closely linked to the overall health of the planet.
3. Interactive Map Activity ( 15 minutes)
a) Individual students work collaboratively, while viewing the 3D-augmented reality
World Map showing the different ZONES for CLIMATE; Using 3 key colours students need
to differentiate on their template – WARM; COLD and HOT climate ZONES.
(Using Worksheet)
b) Students to use their phones of laptops to research one fact to share about a
CLIMATE ZONE of their choice. ( Must speak for 30 sec-1min/student)
4. Presentation and Sharing (10 minutes)
a) Each student shares their fact about the climate based on their ocean maps.
b) They explain the facts they learned and how they represented them on their map.
5. Recap and Homework ( 5 minutes)
a) Recap the day’s 3 learning points. ( Verbally)
b) Assign follow-up task- using template provided-
Students need to draw a picture of a sea creature in the ocean and write three sentences
as preparation for next day session.
(Template Provided to use for sharing )
i) About what climate this fauna lives in? ( Hot ; Cold or Warm)
ii) Why the ocean is important?
iii) What is the process of water cycle? ( Write out the process flow using arrows)

Day: WEDNESDAY Date: 5th June 2024

Time: 11.30 am – 12.20 pm ( 45 min) Class: Primary; Middler; Advance Middler;
Intermediate 1
Topic: The Oceans Role in Climate Regulation (Science Corner)
Success Criteria:
1. Student are able to explain the ocean’s role in regulating the Earth’s climate using the
water cycle.
2. Students can work on applying scientific skills to creating interactive scientific models.
Learning Activity:
1. Presentation and Sharing ( 10 min)
a) Students gather in groups, teacher recap yesterday’s lesson.
b) Students share about the previous task assigned the day before by talking about the
answers for their respective global template.
2. Water Cycle Explanation ( 5 min)
a) Explain the water cycle with the help of a poster and interactive model.
b) Highlight the ocean’s role in evaporation and precipitation.
3. Water Cycle in a Bag Model Activity (15 min)
a) Students individually collect materials on the list and instructions provided.
b) Students complete the task based on the instructions on the information sheet.

4. Discussion Session and Recap Session (15 min)

a) Students present their labelled diagrams and discuss how the ocean helps to regulate
climate through the water cycle.

Day: THURSDAY Date: 6th June 2024

Time: 11.30 am – 12.20 pm ( 45 min) Class: Primary; Middler; Advance Middler;
Intermediate 1
Topic: Impact of climate change on Ocean Ecosystem (Language Corner)
Success Criteria:
1. Student are able to identify and understand the impacts of climate change on ocean
2. Students can work collaboratively to create a poster on selected animals.
Learning Activity:
1. Students gather in groups; teacher introduce the animal to research on and to create a
poster showcasing the impact of climate changes on the ecosystem which involves the sea
2. Students are guided to research the necessary information.
3. Students present their findings using a poster created on mahjong paper.
Research information (Teacher Guide) only provide the animal to selected group as
1. Coral Reefs
Habitat: Tropical oceans around the equator, often in shallow waters.
Climate Change Threats: Ocean Warming: Causes coral bleaching, where corals expel the
algae (zooxanthellae) that live in their tissues, causing the coral to turn white and become
more susceptible to disease. Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 levels lower the pH of the
ocean, reducing the availability of calcium carbonate, which corals need to build their
2. Sea Turtles
Habitat: Warm and temperate seas; they spend most of their lives in the ocean, but females
return to sandy beaches to lay eggs.
Climate Change Threats: Rising Sea Levels: Erode nesting beaches, making it difficult for
turtles to find suitable nesting sites. Temperature Changes: Temperature-dependent sex
determination means that rising temperatures can skew sex ratios, producing more females
and fewer males.
3. Polar Bears
Habitat: Arctic region, particularly on sea ice where they hunt for seals.
Climate Change Threats: Melting Sea Ice: Reduces the area where polar bears can hunt for
food, leading to malnutrition and lower reproduction rates. Habitat Loss: Loss of sea ice
forces polar bears to travel greater distances, increasing energy expenditure and reducing
survival rates.
4. Emperor Penguins
Habitat: Antarctic ice and surrounding icy waters.
Climate Change Threats: Melting Ice: Loss of sea ice impacts breeding and feeding grounds.
Changing Sea Temperatures: Affects the availability of prey like krill, which is vital for
their diet.
5. Clownfish
Habitat: Warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, living in symbiotic relationships with
sea anemones.
Climate Change Threats: Coral Bleaching: Destroys the anemones they live in, reducing
their habitat. Ocean Acidification: Impacts their sensory abilities, making it difficult to find
and recognize anemones and avoid predators.



Day: FRIDAY Date: 7th June 2024

Time: 11.30 am – 12.20 pm ( 45 min) Class: Primary; Middler; Advance Middler;
Intermediate 1
Topic: Solutions and Actions to Protect the Ocean (Art Corner)
Success Criteria:
1. Student are able to work collaboratively as a large group to complete a collaborative
2. Students can discuss solutions and actions to mitigate the impact of climate change on
Learning Activity:
1. Students each collect their individual part of the collaborative art.
2. Colour and art creation session.
3. Collaborative art combination according to numbering on the printed page to create a
mural image showcasing the impact of plastic on the environment.

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