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Crop Production and Management

1. Fill in the blanks:

a. _______ is large scale cultivation of vegetable, fruits & flower plants.
b. _______ is the process of loosening and turning up of the soil.
c. _______ is the process of supplying water to crops at different intervals.
d. _______ is result of too much water given to the soil.
e. _______ is the science dealing with growth of plants and animals for human use.
Horticulture, tilling, irrigation, waterlogging, agriculture.

2. Why is it good to wash food grains before use?

They may contain weedicides that are toxic to us.

3. Why are manures better than fertilizers?

No toxic effect and low in cost.

4. Pick the wrong word out of the following:


5. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence:

(i) wwiinnngo
(ii) shhtegrin
(i) winnowing
(ii) threshing

6. Fill in the blanks:

a. ______ were the first crop known to be cultivated.
b. ______ provide the staple food for people in every part of world.
c. ______ grains are rich in _______.
d. If there is a shortfall in production, grains are made available from ______ stock.
e. _______ is the most important cereal in the world.
Cereals, Grains, Starch, Buffer, Wheat.

7. List main advantages of preparation of soil?

Allows loosening and turning of soil which traps air for easy root breathing, helps earthworms
to grow, brings nutrient rich soil to the top and provides better mixing of fertilisers.
8. What are silos?
Also known as granaries, they are places for storage of grains on large scale. Packing is done
within bags, bins and then stored.

9. What does the following picture represent?

Drip irrigation method in a crop field.

10. Correct the following sequence of steps in crop production:

a. seed selection & sowing
b. preparation of soil
c. protection from pests
d. manuring
e. weeding
f. irrigation
g. storage
h. harvesting
b, a, d, f, e, c, h, g.

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