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African Journal Of Business And Management

Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal

Pgs 15 - 27



University of Nairobi
ISSN 2079-410X
School of Business


Belinda Kanana Muriuki 1* M. Madara Ogot2

Head Hospitality, University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services Ltd
Assoc. Professor, University of Nairobi

Internet is the prototype of the global information infrastructure. Firms are using the Internet
primarily for sales and service by advertising and providing customers with relevant
information about a product or service. This paper describes the emerging implications of
Internet technology as an evolving medium that offers restaurants limitless opportunities for
e-commerce and for creating lasting relationships with customers. It dampens the bargaining
power of channels by providing companies with new and more direct avenues to customers
.The Internet provides an efficient means to order products. Online ordering being one of the
e-commerce initiatives has emerged as an alternative avenue for food outlets to grow their
sales. It offers more opportunities for interactive and personalised marketing as well as ease,
speed and precision for the consumer. Food-outlets are able to offer the service through their
own websites, multi-restaurant sites, mobile applications, and text ordering. Studies have
shown that online food ordering can result in an increase in revenue, average check value,
volume of sales, frequency of sales, order accuracy, productivity, improved convenience and
customer relationship management. On line food ordering is new in Kenya. Few studies
have been done in Kenya to determine the extent and distribution of online ordering by food
outlets, and preference for distribution channels. From a population of 408 middle to
upscale food outlets in Nairobi, this study sought answers to these questions. The results
show that 23.7% of the outlets currently offer online ordering. The offerings were found to
be independent of the restaurant type, but dependent on the type of cuisine offered. The
characterization provided by this study lays the ground work for future work on the impact
adoption has had on business performance.

Corresponding author email: bkanana@uonbi.ac.ke
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
Introduction operations. Some providers have paid
portals to distribute their content (Porter,
Before adopting a particular technological 2001).
system, a restaurant operator must assess
potential benefits to customers and to the The internet can improve a company's
restaurant and compare these benefits to relationships with its vendors, suppliers
the cost of the system. Websites are used internal operations, customer relations, as
to accomplish a variety of marketing goals well offer the prospect of reaching an
such as to promote brands, display a menu, expanding user base. It can lower
place orders and replicate a visit to a communication costs by eliminating
restaurant (Liddle, 2001). Unlike the obstacles created by geography, time
offline environment, the online zones, and location. Further, the Internet
environment offers more opportunities for makes it possible for businesses to serve as
interactive and personalized marketing market makers helping buyers and sellers
(Wind and Rangaswamy, 2001). Today the to locate one another, negotiate terms of
Internet is the prototype of the global trade and execute secure transactions
information infrastructure. Firms are using (Porter, 2001).
the Internet primarily for sales and service
by advertising and providing customers The understanding of e-services has
with relevant information about a product progressed along with the evolution of
or service. Cobanoglu (2002) describes the technological capabilities. E-services are
emerging implications of Internet defined as ―interactive services that are
technology as an evolving medium that delivered on the Internet using advanced
offers restaurants limitless opportunities telecommunications, information, and
for e-commerce initiatives and for creating multimedia technologies‖ (Boyer,
lasting relationships with customers. A Hallowell and Roth, 2002 p. 175). In a
study conducted by Mozeik, et al., (2009) restaurant context, consumers can find
in the United states of America indicated assorted restaurant e-services, such as
that most of the respondents had used the menus, maps, directions, order online for
Internet at some time in their lives. take away services, make table
However, interestingly, nearly 39% of the reservations, among other web
respondents had used a global positioning communications. Large portion of guests
system (GPS) to find restaurant want to find a restaurant and get directions
information, but only 24% had gone online on how to access it online. If a restaurant
to make a table reservation, which was less does not have a web site, it loses out on
than the respondents who used a Personal potential business (Layton, 2006; Panitz,
digital assistant ( PDA) with Internet 2000).
Research Problem
Internet technology provides better
Firms are using the Internet primarily for
opportunities for companies to establish
sales and service by advertising and
distinctive strategic positions than
providing customers with relevant
previous generations of information
information about a product or service.
technology. Gaining such competitive
Internet technology provides better
advantage requires building on the proven
opportunities for companies to establish
principles of effective strategy. Many of
distinctive strategic positions than
the companies that succeed use the internet
previous generations of information
as a complement to traditional ways of
technology. Online ordering being one of
competing not those that set their internet
the e-commerce initiatives has emerged as
initiatives apart from their established
an alternative avenue for food outlets that
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
have take-away service to grow their sales.
It offers more opportunities for interactive
and personalised marketing as well as Literature Review
ease, speed and precision for the
Kenyans and tourists currently choose
consumer. Gaining such competitive
from over 70,000 restaurants, cafes, and
advantage requires building on the proven
coffee houses to buy prepared foods and
principles of effective strategy. drinks. While the preponderance of
Studies done in the United States have Kenyan restaurants serve Kenyan staple
shown that online food ordering can result foods, consumers can experience Indian,
in reduced difficulty in purchasing, wider Italian, French, Chinese, Ethiopian, Thai,
geographical market, prepaid orders, Japanese, U.S. style food and other
acquisition of knowledge of customers cuisines in all major metropolitan areas (
behaviour to provide more detailed Fas, 2011). Most offices in Nairobi are
targeted offerings, improved access, and fast paced leaving little or no time to step
transactional and service convenience. It outside for a meal. Many of the food
also provides restaurant operators with key outlets have embraced use of technology to
customer information that can be useful for increase optimization of operations and
developing promotion strategies. No provide better products and services to
similar studies of online food ordering customers. Some of the online platforms
have been done in Kenya. This study will being used by the food outlets in Kenya
fill that research gap by determining the are Eatout, Yum Deliveries Limited,
extent food outlets have embraced online Hellofoods and Foodpanda GmbH.
food ordering in Nairobi County. Hellofoods were founded in November
Research Objectives and Hypotheses 2012 and have revolutionized how Kenya
eats by providing food delivery services to
The general objective of this study was to customers across Nairobi and recently in
determine the current state of online Mombasa. The company has also
ordering among middle to upscale food- developed mobile shopping applications
outlets in Nairobi. The specific objectives from which customers can shop to keep up
were: with the changing trends and technologies.
The platform which has a listing of more
i. To determine the extent the food than 129 food outlets in Nairobi has
outlets in Nairobi have embraced noticed a shift to group orders where 2-10
online ordering systems employees of a company can make an
ii. To establish if different food-outlet order under one account to save on
types, or those offering a particular delivery fees. (CIO, 2016). Eat out is
cuisine are more likely to offer online another online platform that has listed
ordering systems than others. 2005 restaurants of which 804 offers taken
The second research objective formed the away services. It was launched in 2010 and
basis of the following two research has established partnerships with Google,
hypotheses: Visa, Twitter, Safaricom and Viber to
provide comprehensive source of
i. H1: Adoption of online ordering
information to customers for anything
systems by food-outlets in Nairobi is
related to food and drink. Yum deliveries
dependent of the type of outlet.
limited is also a similar platform that
ii. H2: Adoption of online ordering
provides online ordering of menus from
systems by food-outlets in Nairobi is
customers favourite restaurants and are
dependent of the cuisine offered by the
delivered to their location.
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
Extent of Use of Online Ordering and mobile apps, 1.8 % by fax, and 1.4 %
Distribution Channels by Food Outlets through Facebook. Overall, 26.9 % of
in Nairobi. respondents offered some sort of online
ordering option (Kimes, 2011). The
Online food ordering is growing in Internet provides an impulsive shopping
popularity among both consumers and channel (Phau and Lo, 2004). Customers
restaurants. It has been associated with can easily search the competitive providers
increased revenue, improved capacity that match their expectation (Singh, 2002),
management, improved productivity, besides receiving input from peers through
improved transactional marketing and interactive media such as blogs, Face book
customer relationship management (Kimes and Twitter) in making purchase decisions
and Laqué, 2011). Consumers are (Herring et al., 2005; Bernoff and Li,
embracing online ordering because of its 2008). The internet provides an efficient
ease, speed and precision (Divon, Kimes, means to order products. It dampens the
Verma, 2009). In a survey conducted by bargaining power of channels by providing
(Lang 2006) in the United States of companies with new and more direct
America on casual and fine dining avenues to customers.
restaurants, 38 %of the restaurants take
food orders online. In the United States, It provides buyers with easier access to
Weissenberger (2000) reported that online information about products and suppliers
order volume for restaurants was thus boosting buyer bargaining power and
increasing by 20 % each month. Some mitigates the need for established sales
pizza franchisees reported that the average force or access to existing channels,
online order was higher than the typical reducing barriers to entry. (Porter, 2001).
phone order (Liddle and Corbin, 2000). In the United States, most restaurants have
Hollenkamp (2002) indicated that the a Face book presence but few offers Face
average check increase was 15 to 20 %% book ordering. Exceptions include, Pizza
higher for online orders compared with Hut, which began Face book ordering in
phone orders and represented the highest 2008, others are Jimmy John’s Gourmet
medium of all order options. Online Sandwiches and California Pizza Kitchen.
ordering was most prevalent in the fast- Face book users can also like particular
casual at 37.5 % casual at 29.2 %, and menu item, and their friends can click into
quick service at 26.9 % of the segments. the restaurant’s online ordering system if
they want to order the liked item. (Liddle,
There were no significant differences in 2010b). According to Kimes and Laqué,
online usage between respondents from 2011, online food ordering was growing
chain restaurants and those from although the users placed 38 % of their
independent restaurants. Respondents from food orders in the restaurant’s website or
pizza restaurants were the most frequent mobile app. It is self-paced, faster and
users of online ordering at 46.6 % easier than ordering by phone because the
followed by respondents from sandwich customer does not feel rushed (Coomes,
food outlets at 37.9 % (Kimes and Laque, 2005). Some of the other approaches used
2011) An online survey conducted on 372 by respondents who offer online ordering
respondents who were known to own, include outside vendor who develop their
operate, or manage restaurants indicated systems. Of these respondents, about 60 %
that majority of respondents had ordering managed their online site, while the
capabilities by phone at 88.7%, walk-in at remaining 40 % used an outside vendor to
93.3%. About a quarter at 22.9 % took manage their online ordering. Developing
orders through their own website, 6.7 % a proprietary system can be expensive in
through a multi-restaurant site, 3.3 % from terms of development costs, but would
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
offer a modest cost per order once the information that can be useful for
system is established (Kimes and Laque, developing promotion strategies. Making
2011). Even if a restaurant establishes its information available, reducing the
own site, it may also want to appear on a difficulty of purchasing, marketing and
multi-restaurant site. distribution allowing buyers and sellers to
find and transact business with one another
Kimes and Laqué (2011) indicated that the more easily also makes it difficult for
main reason for online ordering in the companies to capture those benefits as
United States of America was convenience profits. Internet allows a company to
at 4.54 %, followed by speed at 4.33 %, accumulate knowledge of customers
order accuracy at 4.32 %, ease of use at buying behaviour in order to provide more
4.26 % and credit card acceptance at 4.14 detailed offerings and better service. This
%. The major factor that inhibited those includes targeted promotions designed to
who had not ordered via an online channel build off-peak demand, specials for certain
was desire for interaction although customer segments, and couponing
technology anxiety was also an area of strategies. With electronic ordering,
concern. Results of other studies customer’s data are stored automatically
conducted in the United States exhibit on who the customers are, how to contact
technology anxiety related to operations. them, what they like to order, how much
Moreover, extensive studies focusing on they usually spend and when they like to
the perceptions of emotions and usage of order. (Porter, 2001). Perceived
new technology demonstrate that people convenience of a self-service system also
harbour both favourable and unfavourable leads to an increase in both adoption and
views about technology-based products satisfaction (Meuter et al., 2000). The
(Matthing, et al., 2006) definition of convenience is related to
access convenience which is achieved by
Benefits of Online Food Ordering
making it easier for a customer to place a
Online ordering generates incremental food order and make reservation.
revenue by increasing order frequency, a Transaction convenience is achieved by
higher average check through up selling, reducing customers waiting time. Service
increasing order volume and prepaid convenience is related to customers desire
orders. Making the restaurant more to conserve their time and effort. An
accessible to customers through online increase in convenience is associated with
ordering will attract more customers and an increase in satisfaction (Berry et al.,
result in higher revenue. More than 59 % 2002).
of restaurants using online ordering have
The Internet reduces the importance of
recognized an increase in sales (Lang,
location. It widens the geographical market
2006). Restaurants using online ordering
form local to regional and national (Porter,
reported more frequent orders and
2001). Preordering of food gives
increases in group and catering orders due
customers more control over their time by
to the ease of placing an order. The simple
allowing them to select their food before
addition of new distribution channels has a
pick up. Online ordering through an
high probability of attracting customers.
additional distribution channel i.e. website
There was also increase in prepaid orders
makes it easier for customers to order food
with customers paying upfront with a
at their convenience. These systems need
credit or debit card which minimizes the
to be tightly integrated with the point-of-
chance of a person fail to pay.
service (POS) system so that the order is
Electronic ordering routines provide ready at the specified time (Webb 2006).
restaurant operators with key customer Technology can increase service by
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
reducing the order-taking time through the online website Eatout Kenya was used. It
use of handheld devices, advancing lists food outlets in Nairobi, Mombasa,
shortening payment time and cutting Diani, Malindi and Kisumu. The website
turnaround time. Faster service must be also provides details for each food outlet
managed carefully so that customers do on the time of cuisine, services offered,
not feel that they are being rushed (Noone location as well as ordering methods. It
and Kimes 2005; Noone et al. 2007). therefore provided a convenient detailed
source of data. At the time of review in
Potential Disadvantages of online May 2016, the site had a listing of 2012
Ordering food-outlets, of which 1,533 were in
Nairobi. Of these 667 offered take-a-way
Production peaks may overwhelm the
service. However, a large proportion
kitchen to the detriment of food quality
represented multiple outlets of a chain or
and customer satisfaction. Although
franchise. Considering a chain as a single
electronic ordering systems can offer
organisation, the final number of food-
incentives for off-peak or advance
outlets of 404 and formed the study
ordering, restaurants still cannot control
when electronic orders can come in. If
electronic orders pile on top of a normally Data Collection
busy time for the restaurant, the kitchen
may not be able to keep up with the Data was collected from the entire study
increased demand (Coomes, 2010). When population, and therefore there was no
a restaurant is listed on a third-party sampling done. An online survey was
ordering site, it is possible that customers prepared to assist in data collection. The
may view the restaurant as a commodity instrument was divided into three parts.
since there a number of restaurants to Part I sought information on the food-
choose from. outlet's location, name, if offer deliver
service, type of outlet and cuisine. Four
Research Methodology food outlets type were defined: Fast Food,
Casual, Fine Dining and Bakery. For ease
Study Population
of analysis, cuisine was divided into
The study population consisted of middle eighteen categories as presented in Table
to upscale food outlets in Nairobi. The 1.

Table 1. Cuisine definitions used

 American (incl. Burger, Mexican)  Kenyan (incl. Swahili)

 Bakery and Patisserie  Middle Eastern (incl. Lebanese)
 Bar-B-Que  North African (incl. Egyptian, Moroccan)
 Caribbean  Pizza
 Coffee House  South East Asian (incl. Afghan, Indian)
 Eastern Africa excluding Kenyan (incl.  Steakhouse
Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali)  Subs/Sandwiches
 European (incl. Continental, French,  West African (incl. Nigerian)
German, Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Italian,  Multi-cuisine
Mediterranean, Spanish, Tapas, Turkish)  Not applicable – where the food served
 Far Eastern (incl. Chinese, Japanese, does not apply to any specific cuisine
Korean, Mongolian, Sushi, Thai)

Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
Part II of the instrument sought data on The odd measures the frequency of
online ordering channels. This included probability of one outcome relative to
through their own website or mobile another. The odds ratio is then the
application, as well payment options. comparison between the odds of a pair of
Finally, Part II collected information on outcomes one variable to a pair of
use of multi-restaurant online ordering categories of another.
Data Analysis
Demographics of Sampled Restaurants
The data collected is categorical, and
therefore the Chi-square test was used to The general demographics of the
test the hypotheses, i.e. is used to test the restaurants are presented in Figures 1 and
null hypotheses that whether a restaurant 2 that display the distribution by type and
has adopted online ordering or not is by cuisine, respectively. Single outlet
independent of the type of cuisine and of establishments, as expected are the
the type of restaurant. The Chi-square test majority at 78%, with franchises the
only provides the probability of fewest at 2.5%. Multi-cuisine outlets form
independence and not any relationship the majority, representing 22.6% of the
between them. For example, how much sample population, European at 10%. It is
more likely are restaurants with a worth noting that 18.3% of the outlets do
particular cuisine more likely to have not fit within any specific cuisine.
adopted online ordering than another. For
those comparisons the odds ratio was used.

Figure 1: Distribution of Food Outlets by Type

Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27

Figure 2: Distribution of Food Outlets by Cuisine

Of the 404 outlets in the population application from which orders could be
sample, 126 (31.1%) had websites, but made. The extent of use of online
only 16 (4%) provided ability to make ordering categorised by food-outlet cuisine
orders through their sites. In addition, 79 is presented in Figure 3. The figure
(19.6%) used a third-party site to process displays the absolute number of outlets as
online orders. In total 96 (23.7%) outlets well as the percent of outlets within each
gave the customer the option for online cuisine with online ordering. Middle-
ordering either directly though their own eastern cuisine outlets have the highest
site or through a third-party site. Other percentage use of online ordering at 75%
ordering channels included 87 (21.5%) (3 out of 4), followed by Bakery and
outlets who accepted phone orders, and 5 Patisserie at 64% (14 out of 22).
(1.2%) who had a dedicated mobile

Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27

Figure 2: Distribution of Online Ordering Availability by Cuisine

Hypothesis Testing comparing Single Outlet (Row 1) with
Restaurants in Hotel (Column 2) shows
Two hypotheses were tested using Chi- that Single Outlets are more likely to have
square. For the first hypothesis, H1: online ordering than Restaurants in Hotels
Adoption of online ordering systems by with an odds ratio of 1.37. A similar
food-outlets in Nairobi is dependent of the comparison is provided for all the pair
type of outlet, the number of degrees of combinations in Table 2. These
freedom was 3, yielding a Chi-square comparisons demonstrate the extent of
value of 1.63 and p=0.347. Hypothesis 1 independence on provision of online food
is therefore not supported. ordering by food outlet type.
The association between the different For the second hypothesis, H2: Adoption of
restaurant outlets types vis-a-vis their online ordering systems by food-outlets in
likelihood to have an online ordering Nairobi is dependent of the cuisine offered
system is presented as odds and odds ratios by the outlet, the number of degrees of
in Table 2. From the table, Single Outlets freedom were 17, yielding a Chi-square
followed by Restaurants in Hotel have the value of 4.75 and a probability that the
highest likelihood of having an online online ordering systems are dependent of
ordering system with odds of 0.345 and cuisine at p=0.0016. In other words,
0.25, respectively. The rows within the adoption on online ordering systems is
tables, provide the odds ratio between the dependent on the type of cuisine offered.
row and the column cuisines, for example Hypothesis 2 is therefore supported.
Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
The association between the different Middle Eastern Cuisine (Column 8)
cuisine outlets vis-a-vis their likelihood to reveals that bakery outlets are less likely to
have an online ordering system is have online ordering than Middle Eastern
presented as odds and odds ratios in Table food outlets with an odds ratio of 0.58. A
3. From the results, Middle-Eastern and similar comparison is provided for all the
Bakery outlets have the highest likelihood pair combinations in Table 3. These
of having an online ordering system with comparisons further demonstrate the extent
odds of 3.0 and 1.75, respectively. of dependence on provision of online food
Comparing the two, Bakery (Row 2) with ordering by food outlet cuisine.

Table 2: The Odds and Odds Ratio of the Food Outlets Offering Online Ordering by

ODDS 2 3 4
1 Single Outlet 0.345 1.37 3.1 1.83

2 Restaurant in Hotel 0.250 2.25 1.33

3 Franchise 0.111 0.59

4 Chain 0.188

Table 3: The Odds and Odds Ratio of the Food Outlets Offering Online Ordering by


DS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 American 0.07 4 0.60 0.20 0.24 0.16 0.15 0.02 0.29 1.13 0.12 0.20 0.17 0.28

15.7 29.7
2 Bakery 1.75 5 5.25 6.22 4.14 4.03 0.58 7.51 5 3.25 5.25 4.38 7.38

3 BBQ 0.11 0.33 0.40 0.26 0.26 0.04 0.48 1.89 0.21 0.33 0.28 0.47

Eastern African ( Ex.

4 Kenya) 0.33 1.19 0.79 0.77 0.11 1.43 5.67 0.62 1.00 0.83 1.40

5 European 0.28 0.66 0.65 0.09 1.21 4.78 0.52 0.84 0.70 1.19

6 Far Eastern 0.42 0.97 0.14 1.82 7.19 0.79 1.27 1.06 1.78

Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
7 Kenyan 0.43 0.14 1.87 7.39 0.81 1.30 1.09 1.83

12.8 51.0 12.6

8 Middle Eastern 3.00 8 0 5.57 9.00 7.50 4

9 Multi-Cuisine 0.23 3.96 0.43 0.70 0.58 0.98

10 Pizza 0.06 0.11 0.18 0.15 0.25

11 South East Asian 0.54 1.62 1.35 2.27

12 Steakhouse 0.33 0.83 1.40

13 West African 0.40 1.69

14 Not Applicable 0.24

Discussion of Research Findings outside vendor to manage their online

ordering and 3.3 % from mobile apps.
Our results on the number of food outlets They also indicated that developing a
that have a website presence support the proprietary system can be expensive in
embracement of internet and technology in terms of development costs.
conducting business. Websites are used by
companies to inform customers of the The findings from this study also suggest
products and services offered and other that adoption of online ordering was
corporate information. It provides dependent on cuisine and not the type of
visibility and awareness in the market outlet. These findings are similar to those
place which in turn helps enhance the presented Kimes and Laque (2011) who
company image and reputation. The found that pizza restaurants were the most
Internet reduces the importance of location frequent users of online ordering followed
and widens the geographical market form by respondents from sandwich, Mexican
local to regional and national. It dampens and Asian restaurants and that there were
the bargaining power of channels by no significant differences in online usage
providing companies with new and more between respondents from chain
direct avenues to customers (Porter, 2001). restaurants and those from independent
It is interesting to note that very few food
outlets provided ability to make online Conclusions
orders through their websites nor had a
dedicated mobile application from which There is little adoption of online ordering
orders could be made. This may be due to by food outlets in Nairobi although quite a
the costs involved in the design and number of them had websites. It was also
development of software, applications noted that online ordering was dependant
hardware expenses and maintenance costs. on the type of cuisine followed by bakery
Majority of the food outlets provided their and patisserie and not dependant on the
online ordering option through a third- type of food outlet. Food outlets however
party site. The results are similar to those had the likelihood of having an online
presented by Kimes and Laque (2011) ordering system. Having an online
who found out that about 40 % used an ordering system would enable food outlets

Muriuki & Ogot
African Journal Of Business And Management
Special Issue: Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018 http://aibumaorg.uonbi.ac.ke/content/journal
Pgs 15 - 27
to benefit from providing customers with Cobanoglu, C. (2002, May). Web sites
convenience which increases customer that work (and some that don’t).
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