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‫اوراق ﻋﻣل‬

‫ﺳﺎدس‬ ‫_‬ ‫ﺧﺎﻣس‬ ‫_‬ ‫راﺑﻊ‬

‫اﻟﺻف اﻷول اﻻﺑﺗداﺋﻲ‬‫_‬ ‫ﺛﺎﻟث‬

‫اﻟﻔﺻل اﻟدراﺳﻲ اﻟﺛﺎﻟث‬

Unit : 9 My School is Cool !
General Questions
A)- Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:

1- What’s the name of your school ) (About 1,000 students
2- How many students are there in your school? ( )Yes, it does. It has a big yellow bus
3- Does your school have a school bus? ) ) It starts at 7:00
4- What time does your school start? ( ) Rhadah Elementary School

Reading short sentences

B) Read the following sentences then Put ( T ) or ( F )

√ X
1- Don't shout; speak clearly

2- Ask for help when you have a √

√ X
3-Don't listen to the teacher
Grammar :
C) Choose the correct answer:

1-Which subject ( do – did ) you like most this year?

2-This year I ( liked – like ) math.
3-Which subject ( did – do ) you like most last year?
4-Last year I ( like – liked) PE.
5-( Who – Which) city do you live in? I live in Makkah.
6-Last year we ( go - went ) to Riyadh.

D) Write the past tense of the verbs :

Has---------- is------------ Follow------------ Make------------ Go--------------
E) Write the correct word under each picture :
1-English 2-Science 3- Math 4- Art 5- Geography 6- Arabic

------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

F) Fill in the missing letters : sc , sk, sq

---- ---- irt ---- ---- y --- ---- uare ---- ----ueeze
Controlled writing
G)- Do as shown between brackets :
1-There are about ______ students in my school. (Complete the sentence)
2-Our school starts at ___________ . (Complete the sentence)

H) Copy

Rana had a Little lamb


I)Rearrange the sentences

Math – like – I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unit : 10 (A Healthy Life . ) Revision .
General Questions
A)- Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:
1- What should you do to live a I shouldn‘t drink too much soda.
healthy life?)
2- Bad Things I Shouldn‘t Do I have a headache.

3- What‘s the matter? It’s 60 SAR.

4- How much is the sweater? I should drink a lot of water.

Reading short sentences

B) Read the following sentences then Put ( T ) or ( F ):
1- I shouldn't eat too much junk food.

2- I should do some exercise.

3- I brush my teeth this morning.

4- I ate breakfast this morning.

A-Choose the correct answer:
1-Did you ( got up - get up) early this morning?
2-I ( got up - get up) early this morning.
3-I didn‘t ( drank – drink) milk this morning.
4-I ( brush – brushed) my teeth this morning.
5- I didn‘t ( brush – brushed) my teeth this morning

B-Write the past tense of the verbs :

Play-------------- get up------------------ Talk------------------ eat---------------------
Vocabulary :
C) Write the correct word under each picture :
What's the matter?
Toothache – Stomachache- Earache – Headache

D) Fill in the missing letters : ur - ir

g--- --- l b--- ---- ger Sh---- ---- t t---- ---- tle

E) Write the correct word under each picture

1-uniform 2- trousers 3- belt 4- scarf 5- jacket 6- skirt

Controlled writing
A)- Do as shown between brackets :
Late to bed makes you _________ and tired. ( Complete the sentence)
drank – I – milk ------------------------------------------ ( Rearrange )

B) Copy : I want a sweater

Unit : 11 (Hanging Out in Town )
General Questions
A)- Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B:
1- Where’s the post office? ( )I'm going to the bakery
2- Mom wants some bread and cakes ( )Go to the candy store
3- Where are you going? ) (I'm going to Jizan
I want some candy ) ( Go straight and you’ll find it
Reading short sentences
B) Read the following sentences then Put (✓ T ) or (  F )

1- I want a stapler and staples ( )

2-We are going to the bookstore ( )

3-MY grandpa and grand ma want some
flowers and pots ( )

4-We are going to the bookstore ( )

C) Circle the correct meaning for each sign:

a-No parking. a-do not litter .
b-No Balls b-No Balls .
c-No eating or drinking. c-No eating or drinking.

a-No parking. a-No parking.

b-No Balls b-No Balls .
c-No eating or drinking c-No eating or drinking
D) Choose the correct answer:
1- I ( am – is – are ) going to the stationery store.
2- You ( am – is – are ) going to the candy store.
3- He ( am – is – are ) going to the DVD store.
4- We ( am – is – are ) going to the bookstore.
5-There ( was – were ) a big white house.
6-There ( was – were) two floors.
7- There (was -were) two bedrooms.
8- There (was – were ) one living room .

F) Complete the sentences :

1- The supermarket is.........................the coffee shop.
2- The supermarket is.............................the school .
3-The kids are ................................the school.

G) Write the correct word under each picture :
DVD store- coffee shop – candy store - post office - supermarket -train station

H) Unscramble the letters and write:

1- uecb 2- stuesi. 3- deTsuya. 4- ubel

---------------------- --------------- --------------------- ------------------

Controlled writing
I)- Do as shown between brackets :
1- Where is the supermarket ? ( answer the question ) It's __________ the school.
2- We‘re going to the ___________. (complete the sentence)
J) Copy :
I like to have barbecue in our garden .


Unit : 12 (My Dream Vacation. )

General Questions
A)Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B
1- How long does it take to get there? ( ) You’re welcome
2- What are you going to do there? ( ) I’d like some juice, please
3- What would you like to drink? ( )I’m going skiing
4- Thank you. ( ) It takes about two hours
Reading short sentences
B) Read the following sentences then Put ( T ) or ( F )

1- This man is a flight attendant. ( )

2- This shirt is too small . ( )

3- This black shirt is not big enough ( )

C) Choose the correct answer:
1- I ( am – is – are ) going (to visit – visit ) the city of Abha .
2- You ( am – is – are ) going ( to watch- watch) camel races .
3- She ( am – is – are ) going (to shop – shop ) in Dubai.
4- They ( am – is – are ) going (eat - to eat traditional dishes in Lebanon.
F) Write the correct verb under each picture:
What are you going to do ?
1- camp 2- eat 3- climb 4- drive 5- shop 6- swim

G) Classify the words under the correct column :

Sunday – May –Thursday – seas - He – Her – February- Saturday - scarf - April -clouds - They

Sounds and Letters Days Months Pronouns

Control writing
Do as shown between brackets
H) Write the missing words:
1- __________ , Monday ,_________ , Wednesday, ___________, Friday,________________.
1- This shirt is (too- enough) big.
2- This shirt is not big (too- enough)

I) Copy :

Our future will be strong and bright.

‫اوراق ﻋﻣل أﺧرى‬
6th Grade Unit 9 My School is cool
Name……………………………………………………. Class………...

I can answer questions about my school . . .

Answer the following questions: -

1-What is the name of your school?

It is ………………………………………….

2-What time does your school start?

It starts at…………………………………………

3-Which grade are you in this year?


4-Which grade were you in last year?


I can choose the suitable school subject .

Choose: -

1-Math 2-Art

3-Science 4-PE

5-Social studies 6-English

I can write the correct form of the verb

Write the missing verb form: -

Present form Past form

am …………………………..
……………………….. liked
live …………………………
………………………… went

I can tell & follow the class rules

Choose: -

1-Don’t shout

2-Speak English in class

3-Listen to the teacher

4-Stand up when you present

I can fill in missing letters

Fill in: -
sq / sk / sc

1-__ __ ky 2-__ __arf 3-__ __uare 4-__ __ ate

5-__ __ ary 6-__ __uid 7-__ __ ueeze 8-__ __irt

‫اﻻﺟﺎﺑﺔ‬ 6th Grade Unit 9 My School is cool
Name……………………………………………………. Class………...

I can answer questions about my school . . .

Answer the following questions: -

1-What is the name of your school?

The first primary school.
It is ………………………………………….

2-What time does your school start?

7:00 am.
It starts at…………………………………………

3-Which grade are you in this year?

I am in the 6 grade.

4-Which grade were you in last year?

I was in the 5 grade.

I can choose the suitable school subject .

Choose: - 4 3 5
1-Math 2-Art

3-Science 4-PE
6 2 1
5-Social studies 6-English

I can write the correct form of the verb

Write the missing verb form: -

Present form Past form

am Was/were
……………………….. liked
live lived
………………………… went

I can tell & follow the class rules

Choose: -

1-Don’t shout 3 4
2-Speak English in class

3-Listen to the teacher

4-Stand up when you present 2 1

I can fill in & Complete

Fill in: -
sq / sk / sc

__ ky Sc
2-__ __arf 3-__Sc
__uare 4-__Sk
__ ate

Sc__ ary
5-__ 6-__Sq
__uid 7-__Sq
__ ueeze Sk__irt

6th Grade Unit 10 A Healthy Life
Name……………………………………………………. Class………...

I can answer questions about A Healthy life . . .

Answer the following questions: -

1- What are the things you should do to live a healthy life?

I should ………………………………………….

2-What are the things you shouldn’t do to live a healthy life?

I shouldn’t …………………………………………

3-Did you get up early this morning?


I can choose the correct aches .

Match: -

1-Headache 2-Toothache

3-Stomachache 4-Earche

I can write the correct form of the verb

Write the missing verb form: -

Regular Verbs
Present Past
play ……………….
…………………… talked
………………………. brushed
watch …………………….

Irregular Verbs
Present Past
Get up ……………….
…………………… ate
………………………. did
drink …………………….

I can tell & do healthy things

Choose: -

1-Do some exercise.

2-Brush your teeth.

3-Go to bed early.

4-Drink lots of water.

I can fill in missing letters

Fill in: -
ur / ir

1-T__ __ tle 2-Sh__ __t 3-G__ __l 4-B__ __ ger

‫اﻹﺟﺎﺑﺔ‬ 6th Grade Unit 10 A Healthy Life
Name……………………………………………………. Class………...

I can answer questions about A Healthy life . . .

Answer the following questions: -

1- What are the things you should do to live a healthy life?

get up early in the morning.
I should ………………………………………….

2-What are the things you shouldn’t do to live a healthy life?

stay up late at night.
I shouldn’t …………………………………………

3-Did you get up early this morning?

Yes, I did.

I can choose the correct aches .

Match: -
3 4
1-Headache 2-Toothache

3-Stomachache 4-Earche
2 1

I can write the correct form of the verb

Write the missing verb form: -

Regular Verbs
Present Past
play ……………….
talk talked
brush brushed
watch …………………….

Irregular Verbs
Present Past
Get up ……………….
Got up
eat ate
do did
drink drank

I can tell & do healthy things

Choose: -

1-Do some exercise. 3

2-Brush your teeth.

3-Go to bed early.

4-Drink lots of water. 4 2

I can fill in missing letters

Fill in: -
ur / ir

ur__ tle
1-T__ 2-Sh__ir__t 3-G__ir__l 4-B__ur
__ ger

Worksheet – we can3
3rd '4th' 5th & 6th grade Unit 9 My School is Cool
Name ………………………………… Class ………………………………

General Questions

1– How many students are there in your school?

A. About 500 . B. Yes, I am.
2 – What time does your school start?

A. Yes, we do . B. It starts at 7:00.


Reading short sentences

1. She had a little lamb.  

2. This year Hashim likes English.  


Controlled writing

1– Najran - in – live – I . ( rearrange ) ______________________

2. ______make too much noise. ( choose ) Do Don't Does

3. Don't _____ to do your homework. ( choose ) do use forget

4. Math and Science are school _____. ( choose ) days subjects bus

1- Which subject ______ you like this year ? do does did

2- Last year we ______ to Abha . go goes went

3- Last year I ____ in the 5th grade . am were was

4- The PAST of ( are ) is ____ was are were



Science History Social studies Don't shout

PE language art Listen


Orthography (spelling)

Choose the correct letter: ( sc - sk - sq )

_ _arf _ _uare _ _irt _ _an

Good luck T.
Worksheet – we can3
3rd '4th' 5th & 6th grade Unit 10 A Healthy Life
Name ………………………………… Class ………………………………

General Questions

1– What should you do to live a healthy life ?

A.I should go to bed early. B. I should skip breakfast.

2 – Did you get up early this morning?

A. Yes, we do . B. Yes, I did .


Reading short sentences

1. I should do my exercise.  

2. I have a headache.  


Controlled writing

1– sleep – should – early – I ( rearrange ) ______________________

2-Greeting at night ____. ( choose ) Good morning Goodnight Goodbye

3. I have a _____. ( choose ) toothache headache earache

4. He is _____ .
Healthy wealthy poor
He has a lot of money . ( choose )

1- I should ______ my teeth. brushed brush brushing

2- Did you ____ early this morning ? do get up got up

3- Did you eat breakfast? yes, I ______. do did does

4- Did you drink milk ? Yes, I _____ milk . drink drank drinks


belt T-shirt stomachache Headache

skirt scarf earache toothache


Orthography (spelling)

Choose the correct letter:

b_ _ d g_ _l t_ _tle b_ _ ger

ur ir ur ar
ir ur er ur

Good luck T.

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