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{+ Which of te following is a envi rug et shtonhy {andi ony Aare correct teatnent of A108 HIV? i-maapration ii-Gane transfer a} oni Dyin }1 ane t only ‘S)ivand erty fe) Alara corceet 57. The olfectiveness of VANCOMYCIN san ONLY In: 2) Vine 1) Gram-negative baetorias ©) Grampostve batarine {5} bot pram-pestve and negative bacteras ) Plasmodium 62: Protein synessinhiotors may Db: 12) 204 ibosomal subunit ony 3) Scaribosomel subunit only £}704 bosomalsabuelt nly 1) 308 and 502 gd 70s tbesoral subunits 9} 303 and 70s nbosomal subunits spactiam aribotic hat foaycause severe impairment of bone marrow include which ofthe follwing agents? 2) Tetaeycine ) Aminopycosides ]Vapeomyein 1) Goramphento! ®) cngarnyain 70: Which ofthe fllomlng agents assed a ncosamite aioe? 2) Tetraeyelne DB) Aminosvcosdes }Vancomcin 4. Clorampheseo! ‘9)Cadamyen ANSWERS Le RE 2 AB O&O A 168 CWE IoD WS IE HO 3%E 3eD ec A aD Ae aE Sree She 55C GOB GED 7D 8h 3% IDE MR MC IE 1D We GE 2A WC IE IER 7-0 IA 360 hE SRE GRA 3D AOE 4D AB WA SOD STE SEA SHE SHB 55D SEC Go 8 GED GFE GFE BED OO TOE sioctienusrar ‘LGhyeinereseion i narmatly mediated by 3} Acatyl Coeneyma A 1) UoP Gticorony wanferase (6) PADS. Phorgheadenotine S-Phorphosifate 1) Sultotranterase : 12) GST-Gutathone STranserace 2 Abundant element ine interstiial Mud may ince: 3) Potassium ») Sodium ¢] Magnesium cate #2} Cnlers BEBE BREBBEBBEBEBEBBEBEREE dapsone .- Which ol the folowing considered polyune antifungal ayant? ') Miconarate 1) Clominazole } Amphotelela| ‘S)iraeonsole fe) Keteconaccle 157 Wrong statement regarding antifungal acess Includes which a the folowing? 5) Polyene orifngat act binding to eraser om pores esting inkage of ella ***7***s i) azalesantiungat ct locke he spate of ergoster {} Polyene anufungel hase widest spectrum compsred to iy other agent {side effects of anatungas ince fever, chilly anovents, headaches and muscle pain 3} Side effect of onlngate cannot be treat for Tena dua to high drug infraction. Si: Which ofthe folowing narements RIGHT rgacdingInfvnsa treatment? [Lype Alnflucheais best rested by amantadine and vimantading Ti Type laflonca bos rated by oreltamovir and venir ite nventa should nt be treated! with antral ages s}lonly Bhitoniy }tanaionty ‘hianditonly el ANare correct 55: Allo the following ae examles of quinolone stimirobal agent, EXCEPT ‘a Caphaexi| Bb) Clloxacin ej Norfonacn ‘S)Clprofinacin sltevooxacla {60 Which ofthe following conditions are quinolone antimicrobial drugs manly used? S) Respiratory uact infections ) Urinary waet nections {6} Gasteoestnal tract infections 1) Endocarits 18 Carebral infections 61-Whieh ofthe following statement est daseribes he ation of the antituberular agent ISONIAZID Si sa cal ral yrthess of myeobactrivm 1 nib the DNA dupiatian of mycobacteria } taht arachydenie alt that fad myecacterlum {nt mele adds tata unique fr myeobacertar 2) Inhibit protein synthesis mycobscterum {52-Which ofthe following comicatons ts consered! Ui raves sie effect ascites with nonlandteatment? 2) Catdae aysfonction| ‘) Mental dystonction 4 Hepatis ‘) Renal cormpenions {2} Discoloration of sn (62. The ide eect of konland are potentisnes by deficiency ef which vitamin? ‘This 1) Pyridoxine | | ‘Fates ‘Nise {8} Oyanocobatamse Al ofthe folowing are examples of ina pnkciln, EXCEPT: Amoi by Cloxactin se} Amoxil ©) seaman Aare cerect 45: a he flloning ae narrow spect protein sys olin, EXCEPT 2) Ethrane B) Adtiwomecn «) Clartheomys aTetacycine 1) Chindamyein 16. Which ofthe folowing s NOT a vide efecto tevrayeine? ) Alteration in gut fora 2) Dicer ke reactions £6) Toath pecrbanent scaoration {Fanconi syaeorme €) Myperchloremic metabotic acidosis {2 ynvaof towing agent can be nid code oi? Tamora i-Gartromeln i eyeomyen Son Sor ton any Sivand ony Satarecorets - Wrong statement seyarding MACROLIOES ANTIAIOTICS includ: 3) Used inketh grat posilve and gram-negative infections 1} Used ava alternative fo penilin when patient has allergy to pening © inhibi cll wa syethests of microorganisms ‘increase guste motily causing ramps and dlarrhea os alr sae affect ‘ery sae for clean 49: Alo the following ore examples of wenoelycosides drugs, OXCEPT: 9} Nystatin 1) Gentaricin «) Amiead | O)streptomycin ‘) Garamycn | 50-Which ofthe olloning san mtteetve agent wn lowes therepeic inex? aM Py es a! nl $3: horonne ar bnet sets nl of “Saba ' DB) Folic ald tania x Cyanide ‘e) Nate seid - S52-Whhch of he following best classify metronidazole? 2) Artiprotoxoa bjanubiowe c}Anthongs a)ancwa ‘aatimiecbia 39-Example of dug) used in treatment of bers induda: isoniad —teRfampin Ul Ethambutel aitenly Sime, <}tandll only ‘tana only e)Aliarecorract | the veatmam of percurancous Blood infection tcicatomyati ay include: 236- Daves decnvatad for syne ubstaneas that can il bacteria s nova cable 3) Sacteriataie ania D)pactercit anton Bacteria antinirobil fa) Bacteriotaticainierbia 37- hotel drugs actin many difeent wa, they canbe casted in 3) RNA nator: only SB) DNA inmiitors oy JNA ane DHA inhiitors 1) Protane inbbirore ll are covret 38+ Examples of very narrw spectrum peniclins che alo the flowing, EXCEPT: 3) Anonilin 2) Natenin fe) MevNclin | ‘Onan ‘1 Al ar vary narrow spectrum pentane 3) Ameen 1b Ampin «) Conachtin ‘8 Carbericltin ‘21 Dicoreciin | 39- Examples of extended spectrum paicilin may ncude: | | 0- Resistance isthe major problem with pene dus to ably of bactarato breakdown the act ring of peniclin and inactivates ‘he drug To overcome these problam penllling canbe adlastrated together wity placer lnhioners xamoles of flactamasenhiitorsy/are: - Cavulanic acd eSubactarn l-Tazabactam, 2} only Eh onhy land Wonty iland tony 2) Alara correct cr =. 8 |. Conroct statements regarding CEPHALOSPOMNS ince: actriidal antler arivates fom natural source: Ceshslesporum aeremonkinn Broadespectrum agent a} enly Svenly —« }tandtlonty iitand ut enly Alara correc, Eaten 42. ample of fourth generation cephalosporin includes: 8) Cetrlaxane 5) Catpime « Cafime {9 Cefotione 2} Cefontin 2.2 2. 43: Correct statement regarding the mechanism o tio of Vancomyjeln may inca: 3) nh rlaase of €2NA hound to pep ste aftr pope bond fermation inhibit peprige bound formation between aeylamsinoacids bound tothe pepyl and acceptor ste 6) fib stage it cel wal synthests preventing olymettatin ofthe linear poptideoghycan 4) Inhibt DNA gyrate ithe bacteria atts 6} Bled to ergosterol fom pores resukingin inkage of celer*+4464%5 4 Wich ofthe followings one ofthe most common ie effets a vancomycin? *) Ototoniey 1) Dsulcam these effet 6) Diart 2) weight gain ®) Matlcnatons r erate ar pet 27- Cus maa san ear infection netmaly couse by S. pneumoniae and may be best rested by: "Arnone )Penicitin amprcin 4) Amoxlin davulanave 9) Onaelin 28- Fiat \reatment for UTHUrinary Tot Infection may ined: 1) Sifermctoeonse + Trimenoprime 1} amonein elavlanate Pentelin procaine S}Enramyein ) ll are very afective intresting UTE 29: Whieh ofthe folowing agents would be usd in the weatmant of infections caused by Hallebacter pylori as combination tharapy? 2) Peneiin,amodelln, apelin and metyonidtola »b) Chthromycin, amoxil, omaprazle and metronidazle ‘} Garhromyein, althramyemn an anacprascle 4) Cettdaxane and metroniazate only 1) Combinations of srtbotie shoul nat baused due to sesstane, 50. Treatment of tage inestneinfecdon mainly caused by food ntoxeation ay include Tote bt ie 1 Cpeotexacin Memetroidasole | 2} only Dhitenty Stand onty } Mandi ony 9} Atare conract |1-Collts associated with antibiotic use can bast be treated by 9] Cephalsporins b)Macrolaes }Aminoaiyeosiges 3) vancamyen Pantie 32: Anuibiotics that often cause colts-acuteiflarmmation of clan as se effect ince '- Broochspectrum peniclline 1 Cephalosporns ‘Cigar Z alien bony ‘Stand Wonly ‘Shitana ttenty ‘align caret 33+ Drug used togther with cle ersonintected with Flsmodtiar vax 2) Gul 1 2D) Pyrinethamine eysuithcsaine 34. Palen i reutant ta chinauing ard need tobe treated for malaria Which ofthe flowing drgs or combination should be ‘era appropriate for this patient? 3} Atowaquene only 1) Chlorequine and primaqune {6 Quinine anc dexacycline a) Nefoguine i 2} CandDare corect 35-Correct statements regacdingantboties may che: ‘9) Drugs deivated from synthetic substances thet con hil or initial growth ») Drugs derivated fram natural sosree tht ean kl or init beclaria growth Brug with aby only toil bacterie +} rug with ably ony to nhl bactetlgrowah fe] Aare wrong regarding antbiones statements regarding aminoglyoss ray incu ion fo] Aare correct 20- Which ofthe folowing statement ivare carecreyarding Gray Babies syeame? '- Occurs in premature andrew bom infants when ehoramplencal a werlnstrated during the frst few day of ite It Due ina iy of the vanes mecabole te crug because af gacorony trator I Glucoronytransteraseis require to detoiycorampheneal a}toniy by tenty é}tand only {than w onty JA are correct 2s Correce statements regarding Pella ned: = ee, one ome = =_— T = i haw pi | Caused duet dailency of racin biitoay Vana onty fi) and ony o) Aare correct 22- Gonorrhea, a sexy tronsrtted lsease may be treated by which ofthe folowing agents? cafe N-Ceftdexone Cipreforsan a}ionty Dyer hana ony ‘tad ony ey allare correct, 23-Nosocomlal infections may be best treated by which ofthe flowing agents? |: Cephalsporin 3d generation 4. Mactoides anibioves Uh Penetins 3}lonly Dhitonty «and onty tana i any 2) Altace correct 24- Viral encephalitis, 9 CNS infection, maybe best be treated by hich ofthe folowing agents? jenny peril esueptomcn 5 ‘)vanconein frags) used o reat aneumoni ncades: |-amplin combined with aminogycoaider I-canthremyetn i Levforain ‘Von )Mhenty ‘land only )itand Mealy 2) Aare correct 26 Otis extern an ea infection mey be bests bet teste! bys rr i Sr 2) Cveftacineardron ) Gentamicin eaedron Prednisone earcrop 1) Levobunoel eorrop 2) Sane eoution 2) Penvatin Metre 4) Natcilin €) Caches 30-Wihich of he following aves corset egaring Tetracycine? lis Cannot be taken for infant esr than yesrscla, 2) only Duitenty Vandi oaly S)tland i ony ) Allare corect 211- Which ofthe following deserbes the mechanism of scion of slfaetxazcle? 4) nhl prottnsyathests ») inhib cll roth by competitive antagonism with Fle cl symthests 6) Inhibit synthesis of essental metabolites 6) Altar the funetion ef eal membrane permeslty {) inhi eronaaton of genetic information 2 Mechanism of inhibit proten synthesis characters o lhe following anos, EXCEPT: 12) Arminogyeosies. by Tetracyaine «) Gephalex| ©) Chiorarnphertcat Cinder 13- Which ofthe following agents may interfve with th regular effect of penkins? 23) Antacid bi Feod Probenecid ‘aminogheonites ‘yall the above 14 Which ofthe flowing drugs cannot be taken oa? sin Dense SASK ©) Seeptomycin ‘@).aelin 15-Genenoe af rg used ia prophyions of molars incytes: 2) Cleroquine Dauinie Prmaquin @.aunine ©) Quihicine 46-Which cf the folowing s NOT an antungal drug? 8) Amphotericin B neon «) Grlseof a) nystain *)etotimazcte 17-Exareples of drugs that may inbibt DNA gyrase may nce: 2) Gentamyela| 2) cetdasone Nertoxscin 9) Expthromysin ‘Peni 118: Wh ich of the foliowing agents may best reat Meningococcal encephalitis? 2) Sufametrarole Db) Eryvthromyein| <} Cephaiexn ay retracytine ‘© Pentetin = Ee ee =, =: = ANTHINFECTIVE AGENTS 1 Cephiosporin mechanism of action may include 2} nts proten symtsets bjt «jin sy {9} Aerie function of eli membrane permeatsty {nib transntion of genetic nforation 2 The bacteionatic fect of sulfametoxazoe may be increased bye 2} Pentetin 2) Sulbactam ej Clavutante acid () Tarzobaetam ) Timateonrim 5 Correct statements ragarlng Pein V may ince which a the folowing? ‘frlactamase sensitive anubioc~ acid table "Has a shor halite because apy excreted by glomeruli ftration I- Probenedd increase perl’ actly 1) ulenty }t ail only S}itandi only 8) Aare conrect 4 The only anole avalob a chew able abt ches: ‘) Pena D) Amoxil < Ampialin 4 Erthcoenyela 2) Caritivennycin 5. Correct statements regarding nythcomyein ESTOLATE may tne: | ‘Pearly efectiveagnnat gram positive bactaris and alsa hove athty again some Gram-negative hocteia 1. nisamacroih abet very ona mt atenave to paren fr teeta hae Alergy te panna Ii Regular erythromycin isbettr absorbed for GT that enthromcinestolata a}vonly mony tana onty ‘\lnandiu only alters correct 6 Poncilin shoul be administrated hour beforermest or 2to Shours afer meals in order to: Improve tne bieavalobilty Ii Maximiee the dissolution re I Avoid Imersetion with eal én 2)teniy byte ehlanditonty ‘altana mony (Aare correct "P-Dnugs used nthe weatment of menings areal of the following, EXCEPT: 3) Penetins + bi) cephalesorins leertaniye {+ fmnplasof ablotle thot anal stable peolellinass resitan hala: s)Amosélin }Oraatia - ‘ampietin D)Carbenictin fe} Penaiio v oe ua, 120. a. im. ON PHARMACOTHERAPY In PRACTICE ‘Which ofthe Jollowing statements regarding letraeycline are true? a, Wis elective against ricketslal species. b. Photetoxl reactions are possible. ie should be taken with food to avokd gastrointestinal upset, 4 Iis malay bacteriostatic but can be bactericidal at high concentrations. & Allof the above Which ofthe following cephalosporins are sexociated with esuliramike reactions with ethanol? 4 Celoperazone . Celamandote . Celmetazole 4. Celotetan © Allo the above All othe following are consldered thir-generaion cephalosporins EXCEPT: celaive ‘cetriaxone cefepime cele cefuten 1s, pense A 2l-yeaa Nepostve man presents tothe HV clsi for examination. tuberculasls skin test PPD tet ts placed. and wien he returns to cline 3 day Tater and is found to be poshve, is Ls ae normal, and anthTD therapy fs stated ‘in adlton to elles! evaluation for adverse ara venom neers reqimeat? 2» Only enicalexamifation and tnterviewngs needed : LET moat UT every weeks | LFT a2, 4, pd 6 weeks {Jone ofthe above 125. im peer All ofthe following ace classed as gramrpositve rats APT PM sce altel Read the eate study aod then answer the questions that follow, ‘Asdbyearod aan presents to his physelan with ‘3 dy history ol fever, productive cough. and chest pal He reports shortiess of breath with sisal exertion and generale fatigue. He bas no olber ‘medical prob. On examnatios helsfound tohave ‘temperature of 101*F and decreased bealh sounds ‘over the right lower lng lobe. Chest aay reveals ‘consolidation ofthe right lower lobe. Laboratory testing shows a white blood eel count ef 15,00, Which ofthe following is a common cause of communityacquired preumonta (CAP)? aH ttvenza b, Ecol! & Sreptocoscas bovis 4. Preumocysti cariit © Toxoplasma gondtt Which ofthe folowing isan indicator to consider ‘hospital admission In patlets with CAP? ‘Systolic blood pressure <120mm Hg , Blood urea nitrogen >10 mg/d. © Mental stats-changes Age ci years © Allol the above Which of the iolowing ls appropriate empire therapy ir this patient? a dathrerayeln b. Vancoryein © Ramps 4 Triwetbonrim fe Amoxciin Aahromyeln 2 nibs bacterial el wal synthesis, ‘Inhibits RNA dependent proteln synihests, Inhibits mitosis 4 Yinds to the 30s rivasomasubunt locks transcription ‘Which of the following Is an appropriate ndcaton 1b Atypical communkyacgulred pneuronia © SMaphylocoecus enterocltie 4. vend © sande % Which of he folfowing sare true bout famelclove? 1. Its prodrug of penciclovir iL IIs avaliable a oral tablet is commonly used for CMV a Jonly b Manly © and lt only Wand Wt only ey thand it 105, Ganeiciovic is avalable in which of the following form(s): L oral capsules IL injection 1H. implant a loaly b. Mealy © Vand Monty 4 Wand tl only ei dna ‘The mechasism of action of primaquine Isto: disrupt mltochonda, b bind DNA, © eliminate exoerythroeytic malaria. 4 aandb © abande ‘True or Fase: Cyprococcus Is susceptible to amphotericin 8, L a True b False i) . Truc o False: Cotrimatole acts via inhibition of Sungal cell membrane synthesis. a Te bh Fae * Which ofthe following can: most commonly cause oils media? 2 Etcherlohia colt >. Legionella pnewreophita © Enterobacter aerogenes 4. Hoemophita ieftienzoe © Peeudomonas eerugnosa The oa comon symptoms ol act lower nay tae ecto 2 ung on into, gency, ad ten, 1b. fever anid chills, = numbers an tan pla headache Which ofthe flowing may be used for aspecllosis? 1 Ketoconazole | traconazole ML Amphotericin 8 © Lonly ais i na, 1, me us, ne, mt 1B owrren 9 1m © Vand t 4 and © Wand ‘Which of tie following drugs represent primary ‘ysmts of ireatrent In patents eth TB? 4 ome and ifapin 2b. Penielin and ethambutol © PABA and cyciosrine 4. Streptomyein ant PASA © Ethambutol and ciprofiexacin A S2yearold womas with gonorrhea has a penelin allergy. Which ofthe folowing may be used to treat her condition? | & Celtiaxone | | >. TMP | | © Streptomycin | 4d. Cefoxitn Nowe ol the above Pramas essa PF et eed vi iehopravttancheae 2 Grate © chanel | | ple © tii E coll is best dareibed as: i 4 gramaegative bec 8 grampostive ene views, None ofthe above sane Wich ofthe folloving statements regarding Dencclovr i true? Rs a antiviral agen used for herpes inbials, | Ws use atthe frst sign of lever blister UL Ris appiled every 2 hours, 1 only Woaly Fand it Ward m 45M ne peoge ‘Accepted regimens forthe treatment of H pylori may contain edch ofthe following agents EXCEPT: a Metronldzzole b. Ceftriaxone © Amosietin 4. Ciarthromycin & Disimuth subealeylate ‘Whe of the following orl anibioties is cominonty sspociated with peeudomiembranous cols? Clindamyeta Cebriaxone Vancomycin Linezois “Ampleiin 9. a. 92. m4 95, Ciprofloxacin | ‘Which ofthe lllowing bacteria ahers te ‘composition of the peptide side chain of peptidoglycan to cause resistance o vancomycin? ‘Neisseria moningtls b. Streptococcus pneunonioe ‘© Haemophilus influenzae Enterococcus faecalis © Bowralia burgdorferi ‘Which ofthe following agents ig NOT useful nthe treatment of enterococealInlecions? cefazolin” peniailin vancomycin plein Meza Which of the following carries a risk of ophthatoae tondelty? 2. Bthambutet ». Isonlanid & Sieeptomycin 4. Rifampin © Allofthe above Which ofthe folowing agents targets the bacterial ribosome? a. sonata vancomycin © tetracycline 4. levofloxacin & all olthe above ‘Which ofthe following may cause druginduced hhepatis? a Ethambytol b. tsonlazie c. Tetncydtine & Penicitn 6 © Kananyein ‘Which ofthe following may cause both renal. and otoxodty? a. Ethamiyutot Isoniazid & Tetracyetine 4 Penicltia fe Kanamyein ‘Which ofthe following may interfere with the ability to detect hve color greet? 2 Eihanbutel. | leona | Tetimeyetine | Parasrpino taleyle add Sirepttomycn ONL PRARMACOTHERABY mi PRACTICE 96, Which ofthe following may produce druginduced Iypus? 2. Ethambuto! soning © Tevacyetine 4. Parasia salleyle aca & Streptorayein 7. Which of the following statements about Isoniazid Induced hepatotoxicity is true? 3. Tks associated with fever, rash, and eosinophilia 1. Its more eoimmon in patents concomitantly rclving ethambutol. ‘& IMs more common i patients younger than 20 years 4. Ris due toa hydrating metabolite, © Allofthe above 98. Pyrarimmide Is used fo trntInectons caused by? Mycobacterium tuberalosis Mycobocerim leprae Mjcobactertam avian complex Legioneta preumophile ‘Richotsia rickets peore 99. Which of the ioowing may cause Syperurlcemia? 2 Rifampin , Ethambatel © lgonlatd @ Pyrmtoamice © Streptomycin i | | | ' I | | 400. Which ofthe following inhibits bacteria cell wall synthesis? ilempin Bhanbatol {sontanid Pyraziatide Streptomycin peor 101, Which ofthe folowlog i the ast sgt side tier ascaceed wh eambutot a Hepatts 1 Retrobulbar nents Hen tubule aldo 102. Which ofthe folowing ls NOT 2 rstJine agent ith treatment of tuberculosis? a Rismpler b, Ethlonamalde © jsoninid > d Pyraainamide & Streplomyein 109. Which ofthe following drugs are baceriostalle? 4 Chloramphenes! b. Tetracyeine © Spectinonyein ad aande aia a ae a2 2 S2EEeREE: a, QUPTERS ——antiotctve Agents 99 &nterlere with cell wall synthesis, 30, Cladamyein can he used against 4 vandb 3. gramanegative organisms, © tande 72. Which of the olowing antioicrobits has title actvty agalnstanerobes? 8 Metronidazole 2 Chndamyeia © Tmlpenein Cefttaxone © Amoxeiinjelavulanate 73. Peale penetrates the blood-brain barrier wel . asa 30mninute halbie. © is excreted by the kidneys. d. aand b © bande 74. A patlent with a severe penn allergy may: ‘have a reaction to any cephalosporin, 1, have areaction to broadspectrom antipseudomonal penetin, ‘© take cephalosporins without worry ofa reaction. 4 aandb © bande 78. Which ofthe following may oceur with Chloramphenicol oemanistration? & Pancytopenta 1 Exythrold suppression of bone marrow © Gray baby syndrome Alot the abate © Nove ofthe above 76, Vancomyetn: cam be'used to treat MRSA. >, can be vsed to treat C aie cots, © Is ototoxe, ° 4 requlres dose sdjustment in renal tmpalent, © Allol theabove b. inctessa adverse elects. alle oxmal hospital fora Increane ost. © Alloltheabove 78. What isthe fst itn therapy for Sven. pneumoniae? Penicillin b. Celdxone Vancomycin 4.” Gatamtea © Enythronyein 79. Aininoptycostdes are; & bacterleida, Bi nephrotoxt, © renaly excreted, . texie.10 th ve stibulccochlear nerve & Allofthe above a, 8 a1, b. grampositie orgnisins, aad © bande Amphoteriein 4 Isnephratowe. Is hydo- ar lpophil & should first be administered in a test dose. binds sterols in fungal membranes. @ Allol the above . Sulfonamides should not be used with parasmino benzole- acid (PABA). ‘prevent bacterial ole acet synthesis © donot alect mammalian eel. 4 act smergsically with trimethoprim, © Allof the above 1 Which of the following ts « common early side elect of penicitin? Skin rash Constipation Loss of concentzation Orthostatic hypotension Drowsiness ete eA Aminoglycosides: 3. requlre dose adjustment in rena insulfciency. i, may act synergstcally with penielin, & should not be used lr anaerobleInectlons, 4. can be used in gramanegative aerobic taections, © Allof the above Ciprofiaracn Is avaable n which ofthe following form(s? Lora tablets 4. Intravenous eotions topéal ointment © Doniy Monly & Vand I only Mand th only © land tt Which ofthe folowing is NOT a betelactaun or seated antibiotic? meropenem ‘aztreonam © vancomycin 4s celinacone © “ampietin ‘Which ofthe flowing agents does NOT have activity ‘against vancomyctizeststant Enerocaccus facia? & ogzlid be deptomyemn © tgecyetine dh. doxycyetine 18 a. 63. SEGTON ‘Which of the fllowing atiiotc regimens Is fr endocarditis dve te entsrococeal Infection? 2 gentamfein alone », tmp alone amplilin with genta ‘> amplilia wth vancomycin fe Rone of the above Seromiysin fs elasiled as a): a. Anttubercular . Antibacterial .Antivieal 4 Which of the following organs i typically reaponsble for causing ots externa? a. Haemophilus inflxenza b. Sreploccecus pnewmonio ‘¢. Peeudomones cerginase .Kebsiella pneumoniae ©. Escherichla colt Doxyeycine: Ts the drug of choice for pneumonia: D. ts used for the treatment and prevention of leprosy is used forthe prevention of malaria Up used to teal aemully transmitted diseases e candd E Yo has watery stools and ameble dysentery. The drop ‘ye Is preserbe la eauslng » metalic taste, Which of the following drugs was he mt Mealy given? ‘metronidazole nitrfurantoin ciprofloxacin cetrlaxone ‘amen ~ peoee va | Nowe ofthe above Exythromyela is the prefered agent for the treaiment of UP djeoptasma preumeioe 1L Legeomate’s dsesse I, Sterrogoceusvogees a Looly >. Monly PHARMACOTHERAPY IN PRACTICE Land i only 4. Mand it oaly fe. Lllyand tt 64, True or lalse; Aminostycosides are elective ‘monotherapy against Sreptococcus pneumoniae. a Tne b. False 65, Tebithromyetn: Isa ketlide structurally related to macrolides 1 Init call wall synthe ‘c_1s the drug of choice lor Lyme disease 4, Allo the above fe. None of the above 66, Which ofthe folowing statements about ipenet ‘strut a Ibis contraindicated in patients wi penillin atlerey. Tels active aglnstgramiegative rods, €._ Ithas broad antinlerobial activity, {Pseudomonas rslsance bs been reported. Alotthe above Si. Which of ths folowing demonstrate bactericidal activity tn ie? a. Pentllins '. Cephalosperins ce Cindamyein 4, aandb F fe aande 68. Which of the folowing statements Ie FALSE ‘regarding cephalosporins? a f Enterocoecus 8 sensitive to cephalosporins. DL Ceptalosperin depress betalactumase activi fn some orsie. Betelacamas binds cephalosporss. | 4. Thkegenertion cephalosporins have more selty gala geamenegstive arganisis. * eg, Aol the above ara true, 68, Which of the following could be use to treat ‘methillinrelotant Stop, rent? Piper. ‘, Gentamel Osx a. Streptomycin © Vantonyein 10, Which of he folowing statements regarding celazoli set | fa Ttmay beeinnstred at Bove dosing ate ~ 0." thas a favorable pharmaco roe. _Iehas arcatvely long hale, @._ thas alower overall cost. fe. Alo the above i Ti, Teracyenes: 4 ean be use to treat rickettsial Iniections. are bacterleldal In vitro, 8 4, fi 4. a a ee a Sa 2 2 -year-ot| man with asthma presents tan urgent are elnie with complaints of dry eo headache, malaise, and raja, A rapid fuerza lest Is postive fr inflenss B. What isthe most appropriate therapy? Amantadine, oral Rimantadine, oral Osetamivr, oat Zavamnavr, ale cand d ‘A 22-yearold woman presents to her primary care ‘hyslian with complaints of purulent vaginal Alscharge, paln with intercourse, and lower pelvic lenderness. She Is admlte directly for treatment of Suspected pelvic inlamimatory dlsease. What Is the ‘most appropriate empl treatment? 4 Clindamyetn $00 mg 1V gh b, Celotetan 2g 1V qth © Daxyeyctine 10 mg I bia 4 aandb © bande ‘Which ofthe following cephslosporins is most useful ‘nthe treatment of bacteria! meningts? a celpronit ceftriaxone celaclor cephalexin celatroxt Which ofthe following atbioties has the longest duration of action? 2. aathromycin pentamicio cephalexin streptomycin b -& amoxieilin é e ‘Which of the following cephalosporins can be given ‘without dose adjustment to.a patient with impaired renal function? cephalext celaclor celoperazone celidroxl cephaloridine peege Wit of the ollowing erythromycin formulations ‘sfare parenterally avaliable? L Erythyoctn| 1 otycin i Eryetn & Tony b Mealy, © 1and 2 only 4 Mand tanty © klland tf Which of the following drugs is/are used topically In the eaten of vapaat infections caused By pene? 2 Femiat ih ies 5, Es Bh 5 CIVETERS amine Agents 97 © Gynetotemin dL Myeeex G © All ofthe above Which ofthe tllew}ag cephalosporin suspensions should be avoided ih patients with phenylketonuria? a celproat bb. exlacior celazain ad eelsime © cephalexin Dilucan is/are avaliable tn which ol the following locas)? i Lora tablet, 1. Injection 1 suspension {only Wenly {ad It only and Mt only Allard mh Al ofthe following ate Inicatd forthe treatment of Pheumocysts pneumonia (PCP) EXCEPT? Bactrim pacer ‘Which of the folowing agents are use in the {teatmene of mycobacterium avon complex (MAC)? 1 aiemax 1 4. Biaxin | M. tamprene | only Monly 1 and if ony. Wand it only Ulhand im eerer ‘Mycobutin is used to prevent inlections caused by: a Beall Herpes zoster & Rgonortoee 4 Nyrobactertum aviom coosplex . aW ampin is eontratndeated In patients suiting from: a. migraines 1b, faundice ©, setures 4 gout © CF Denavi® is indented for: cold sores & HV © genta herpes ¢. Iafenes 3. 31 34 SECTION) PHARMACOTHERAPY IN PAACTICE ‘Which ofthe following is eak factor for ellis? a. Tinea pedis Venous Insueieney © High carbolydrate diet a. gandb © abande ‘Which ofthe lollowng does NOT Increase the sk of nephrotoxieity aspoclated with gentamicin ieeatment? 1 Cleplatin therapy I Age > 75 years Amphotericin B therapy 16. Chronie rena ngutieteney © Allo the above increase the risk of nephrovosicty, ‘Which of the following medication NOT eflectve {or the treatment of Peeryginose vray tnct Inleton? | 2. Trimethoprim ullamethorazole 1 Norfloxacin © Oproltoxacin 4. Metheramins mandelete Aol the above ae fletive. ‘Which ofthe folowing supplements should be prescribed to patients treated with lourdrup Tegimen for active TB, as whats the symptom associated with drugioduced delilency? 2 Folie acd, anemia bi, Caleltriok muscle spears © ron, anemia d.Fyridoxne, paresthesia #. Cyanoenbaiam, anemia Bactroban? nasa ointment should be applied ‘intranasally to eradicate which ofthe folowing pathogens? AR gonorrhea . b, S aureus © Spneumotia 4. H intuenzoe Any of the above ag) may vsed to treat: Lo Gardiasis 1 triehomanas bacterial vasinosis & Lonty b Wonly © land only 4. Tard th only ell, andi a ‘Which of the folowing is appropriate therapy for .eerginoso inkectlon? a. Cefepime bb. -Azeyeonam ce Cofetanime & aorb & Bore £5, Which of the otowing Is the ative Ingredient in Avcdeet®? 2. Anphotelen B 1 Ketoconazole © lsraipine 4 Rifampin fe Tetracyetine 26, Whe ofthe lllowing statements Is (re) true? 4, Clarthromyein and authromyein are charieally related to enythromycin, 1, Clartvomyeta and aakthromyein have less Incidence of gastrolnestinal adverse eifets ce Aalthromyeln has less drug Interaetlon than erythromycin. 4, Allf the above 31. Fameiclowe: ‘a. [sot sell Inthe prevention of recurrent senlal herpes simplen. 1 oes nat require dase adjastment for renal lempairment. may cause dysmenorrhea, ‘Is excreted predominately inthe feces. fs rapidly metabolized to peaclelovir. ‘8, Vision should be monitored inpatients taking which aur a Asphin 1b. Hydrosychtoraquine Indomethacin 4. Cyclophosphamide 6. Auranali 58, Which of he following is trve about amc? 1. chasifed asa penta antbote IL normal towgh is 10 mega may use nephrotentey and ototoncty a Lonly b. Mealy © Land i only Hand Mheoaly e Li and 40. Which of the following pathogens are normally responsible fr eusing otis meta? 1H. lflenzoe 4, S.pneumaniae TP. gerginasa a Lonly b Moly © Land Itonly +d and tt enly © [Band 41, Whieh ofthe following autbotes may mbit aggregation of platelets and worsen bleding? celoperazone cafamandole ceftriaxone celoetan allolthe above reerPr 18 fo Mbyearold man presents with pts of Dams 4 api step tests posie le pre vbropriate treatment for this patient? 2 Penicilin V 500 ag BO bit 2. Celriasone 125 mg IM for one dose §, Aatibromycia 500 mg PO for ene dose C Atemyeln 25014 PO gir thee days © AIOMyeI SOD PO or one dose lelowed by 250 mg po ad for four days 0A T2emonthold ch ttt ake tothe edatre The guith complaints of nonheaing tis ec ne mother sats that she took the pti ea, One week later, she retumed to Symptoms have not " the ny te diagnosis of acute otis mela, What {2S Gost appropiate treatment for this aero o eomnting tox for another? ds, Regt ttl amoxctin lor anther 4 dage © “Replacig amoxteitia with cetrosine 6, mglhgy lay PO dlvided BID Replacing amoxtctin with ceftiaxone 500 mpeg erday Da © Replacing amesetin wth eefutsxone $0 kg er dyin * foe terol! male ursng hee resident i tten to ne emergency department fr mental, anf; OOF orl ita, and ethan ical is perform tUlaly neal. Lebar pence Wettormed and reveals the followin Wee: 1200, 96%, retein: 16 (am stale: gram-positive bue Peg REE ePeopre ameter ts patent 2 Celotaxime @ randy © bande gets eter flection. Urinalysis ‘reveals the following: > 2oskie lox P aeruginosa. What isthe ae lle tic therapy at ils ine? in 400 m¢ PO ad tor 2 weeks OPTED atten gents | 95 % AByeavold woman present wih symptoms of Ulnar tat Infection She is preserioen {rinethoprin/sullamethorazote, but returns to ae cite fn | week reporting no improvemeas {8 aditon to obtaining a urine cultors ot ‘eaattvty, what s the most appropriate ial Uweatment? % Contig trinethoprinysutamethorasle for an additional week (pretiantoln 100mg PO ad for 3 day qhllxacn 500mg PO bd for 7 uaye Gbrftoacin 250mg FO bd foe 3 days alilonscn 400 mg PO gd for 7 days 24 Which ofthe folowing is true about azithromycin? Ned as a macrolide antibiotic & Loniy Monty © Vand tony Band ti only I the 2% study and then answer he questions that alow: Mina open water sherman comes tothe ER With 8 Sora waist. He reports aul wae tii ob Stays pir. Since that tine nor ate le to close and bas conthued te ‘eh earinion hs rit wrist has ety BROS B9t Tele surge debridenient by local trauma %% Uc ofthe folowing are the ost common cause of celujise a Loo | Spt epidermis § Betehemortic Sreprococces 4 Cosvigium © Pastewella mutocda 2 Noe lhe folowing isa spree treatment ‘0 Closteaal eens | & Penicitin D. Clingamyetn 7 ot n a secTons ok sore ar yell caed by ats bse © Varceta zoster] av None ofthe above | ‘A Sbiyear-okd mun Ig rlerred tothe infectious sigeage clint witha dlagnosis of tuberculosis (TE). He was dlaguosed 3 months ago and has been (reated subsequently wlth isoniazid, rlampin, ethambutol, and stremptomycin. However, his sputum contins to be poskve for aci¢ast baclus (AFT), What Is the mest appropriate next step? 8. Changing rifampin to rifabutin and repeating sputum culture and sensitivity ‘Changing streptomycin to levofloxacin and repeating sputum culture and senativity ‘& Comlnuing eurent regimen, adding levolloxacin and ethionamide, and repeating spotum culture + and senshivity 4. Performing bronchoscopic lavage and biopsy lor histologeal analysis ‘© Continuing current regimea and rechecklng sputum in 2 months ‘Trachoma is typlealty caused by: “Tinea erurle 1b. Chlamydia trachomatis © cw 4. Aberpes views © None ofthe above ‘Which ofthe following ls the correct adult dose of azithromycin forthe treatment of CAP? Single 500 mg dose. Single 2g dose 24 per day for 3 days ‘500 mg per day-for 10 days ‘500 megiky per day for 8 days pence seh lowing arte abou Vbrampn EXCEPT: ‘ndleated for the treatment of uncompleted ‘gonococca infections and syphilis ‘may cause photosensitivity © It indleated for seereton of Inappropeate + aniduretic hormone (SADE) ‘can impair the ellectiveness of hormone contraception © aande AA Gyyearolel boy is taken to the pedlairetn' ollee ‘with complaint of a face rash, On examination, the patlent has: crusted bullae on the chin and Jaw. The physician elagnoses bullous impetigo, What 1s the Snes appropriate treatment Cephalexin 50 mg/kg per day PO b. Eeptromgtn a0 pt fe © Diclexacilin 0 mg per day doses 4 Aatthtemyein 10 mgMhy per day PO, given once dally © aan y POgsh Individed PHARMACOTHERAPY IN PRACTICE 14, A shingles infection most commonly appess in| whieh ol the following areas o he body? | 4 Hands ane feet | te Trani | & Guns i A Mucosa i fone of the stove | 15, A S0ysarold man atte tothe hospital or communlty acquired pneumonia dereops blood cultures postive for Sentococcus pneumenae. Senstvtycsting shows Intermediate suscepti ‘o penelin, What ls the most approprite leeatment? ‘A Cpratoxacin S00 mg PO is 1. Amonilin 87% mg PO bid & levoisacin 500mg PO-qd 4. Grxthromycin 500mg PO ged © Inlpenem 500mg 1V oh V6. ASDyear-old male with a history of poorly controlled dabetes complales of lower swelling, erythema, and tenderness. His temper 1s 39°C. Theattending physician beileves the p hs a soperficlal diabetic foot infection voli limited rea of the ankle and lower lg. Which of following i the appropriate therapy? a, Clprefoxacin 500 mg bid b. Donyeyeline 100 nig bid . Clindamycin 300mg po aid a. amde ‘© Admit to the'inpatiest ward and teat with Levaquin 750 mg IV qd. 1, A SOyearold woman witha history o and ¢ dO pack year smoking history presents to Aoctor with a chronic cough ft the past 4 ‘She states that the cough is worse ia the: ad is cecaslonally productive of sputum, and denies lever or cls. Which ofthe flowing is ‘mast appropiate next step inthe management this patient? | 4. Amoxtelin/avulanate 875mg PO od , Cipratoxacso0 mg PO bE Sputum cultures to ésterminesensitty af specielty | & aude No ante rentaent warranted at ht lime \ 1B. A 28yearold worn presents with symptoms sinusitis, Inluding mucopurulent natat dlschay sinus congestion, headache, and sinus pain, | ‘She Began taking amoxielin she foond tn her = Hdicine cabinet 3 days ago, but has had no rd ‘What is the most appropriate treatment for th patient? Ciprofloxacin 600mg PO qd >. Erythromycin base $00 mg PO aid : Levotloxacin $00 mg PO gel 4. Aoxielinfclavulanate 875 mg PO bid ¢, No treatment is warranted at this time | q a 4 vie Famire) (D Prodrug of pencielovir @ Mechanism of action (MOR): same as acycloue ) Used for HSV, HSV2, V2Y, Epstein Bare sirus (EQY), and hepatitis 1 ©) Tulluridine (Vropties) (1) Mechanism of acton (MOA): inhibits zal DNA synthests similar to acyelovi Incorporates viral and cellar DNA © Used for HSV-1 and HSV (optthalmle drops) 2 1 Vidarabine (Vire-A® opthalmic) (D Mechanism of action MOA tnbibns ial DNA polymerase; incorporated Into ial and eetular DNA; adenosine enalog (© Adverse elfects: tearing, ld eyeteation 5. Anticytomegalovirus agents 8} Ganciclovir (Cytovene) (Q) Mochanism of action (MOA): salar to 3 acyclovir requires triphosphoryation for activation @ Used tor cytomegalovirus (CMY), HSV, "V2¥, and ERY G) Adverse eifects: neutropenia. b) Valganeyclovi (Valeyte®) (1) Mechanism of action (MOA): same as ‘gancyelovir @) Prodrug of ganeyetovir @) Uted for cxtv ©) Foscarriet Foscavir®) i (D) Mechanism of acon (MOA): inhibits ial DNA poiymeriase, RNA polymerase and HV reverse transerptase ® Used for BSV, V2V, CMY, EBV, oman herpesvirus she (HH, hepatitis B O1BY), and HIV (3) Adverse effect: nephretoxocity (avold vith other nephrotoxts agents) 4) Cidolovir Cistde®) i (© Mechanism cf action (UOA}:evtosine analog: phosphorylation aot dependent on viral enzymes ©) Used for Chav, sv, HSV, VzV, EAV, WOIV6,sdenovins, and human apliomayirus Adverse elle: nephotoaney (reine wit the administration of proband) & Aatihepatls agents ‘ 2) Lantwuline (nteeoslde reverse zs teaascrptte inhiltor [MRT for hepatitis B ®) Adslovi QNRTD, for chronic hepatitis B ©) loterteronaliaCPegasye, Pepinion®) end savin razcie® Rebel, Copepss, forchreslehepatiyc ® Frovention ice Chapter 24, iminunology 5 and Vaccines) "eo JT et ak Pharmacol *rapy: a pathophysicogic eden, 2008, Me Senor pile in oii hy CHHPTERS ——antinfoctve Agents ga REVIEW QUESTIONS (Answers and Rationales on pi 8) Whictr afte folowing antibiotic sn for erspinc treatment of buctes 4 Eythronycin 1b. Catilosacin © Vancomyein Ceftriaxone © Gentamicin appropriate ‘al meningitis? Which of the following diugs ie considered a drug of choice for Leplonnares’cisease? 2 Gentemietn 2. Aaithromyela © Tebeacyline 4 Oseamivie © Cephalexin ‘Which of the following statements about hepais Als true? | |, tls commanty sprezd through sharing nesles. 4K Weam esd to chronle hepatitis in 80% of cases, W. Avaceine is avaible that will prevent infection © only >. Monty andi hand in © hMand Aminopycosides are used to treat all of the following pathogens EXCEPT: Enterpboceraenigenes © Klebsieta pneumonioe ‘A young female patient begins treatment with ‘metronidaaol fora Trichomonas Iifection. Which of ‘ts Jolowing are important te monks Gung her ‘hesapy? a. Pregnancy status b. Aleohot use € Protetn intake @ aand & bande ‘Which ofthe following measurements should ba evaluated belor implementing tobramycin therapy? Serum calcium Serum eretinine 6C1) & Urine protein 4. Seri protein © Serum alanine aminoteanserase (ALT) Which othe ftlowing pathogensis the most Commonly isolated organism In eommunityquited Usnary tract ineetion®? Escherichia coli b.- lebsilts preumanice Stophylococcus aureus PharmacyPREP.Com Immunology ‘Vips: Treatment for cyanide poisoning may be done by sodium thiosulfite, amyl and soditam nitrite as well 24. Carbon monoxide can be highly toxic because it easily binds to: I Hemoglobin LL Myoglobin [f]- Cytochrome oxidase A Lonly B. Di only C.1 and Honly D. I and Iff only E. All are correct Ans: E - ‘Tips: Carbon monoxide can be highly ‘toxic due to its ability to rapidly bind to hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome oxidase. Essential components’ for the: vital functions in human body. i a a tie ‘A. Cardiovasculay failure. B: Pulmonary edema + C.CNS lethargy, | D. Liver necrosis | * B,Sedation © | Ans: D Ts: The mein and more serious implication concerning acetaminophen toxicity is liver necrosis - 3 fone : 25, Acetaminophen toxicity Te giowtt- complication is: . Allare Correct Ans: E ae PharmacyPREP.Com Immunology r E, Lymph nodes An : Steam cells are blood cells progenitor, or mother cell, having the capacity for both. replication and differentiation originated from bone marrow. 20. Which of the following is a pro-inflammatory cell responsible for initiation of an acute inflammation? A. Eosinophils B. Platelets C. Macrophages D. Basophiles #, Neutrophils Ans: D: ‘Tips: Basophiles are white blood cells and pro-inflammatory cell responsible for initiation of an acute inflammation. It also stimulated the release of heparin and histamine 21. Antidote of mercury may, include: ‘A. Dimercaprol B.EDTA C. Deferoximine D. Succimer E. Naloxone Ans: A Tips: Antidoté of elemental mercury, inhalati gastrointestinal abs s dimercapral and ingrganic salt mercury ite maybe dimernprl sn pill as wel. 22... Which of of the following ig a benzodiazep ine Janta; pot | As Naloxone ns B. Physostignine c., Elumaze Flumazeuiil * ‘antagonist. therefore’ used: as -antidote.:in benzodiazepinic overdoses. 23. What would be the best treatiient for cyanide poisoning? PharmacyPREP.Com Immunology A. Lonly B. {only C. Land Il only D. Il and Dil only E. All are correct Ans: D ‘Tips: [ts an aulgsomal recessive disorder characterized by the early onset of recurrent, severe pyogenic infections, especially of the skin and ling, total absence of neutrophilis in the blood or presence in reduced numbers, absolute monocytosis and eosinophilia, markedly decreased numbers of mature neutrophilic precursors in the bone marrow. 16. Which otha following is the organ responsible for the immune system? A. Thymus B. Lymphoid organ C. Megakaryocyte D. Lynphocyte ~~ E. Spleen Ans: B Tips: Lymphoid organ is the organ responsible for the immune system concerned with growth, development and deployment of lymphocytes. 17. The "key” opérative of immminne sysiein is kadai A. Megakcaryooytic : B. Monocyte AT only BeUL only * _C. Land only D.Tand ULonly B.All'are: correct BERBERS RERRERRERER EE _-14, Comect statements regarding Klein filter syndrome include: PharmacyPREP.Com Immunology immunization, 12. All of the following biological are used for active i A. Bacterial vaccine B. Bacterial antigen C. Multiple antigen preparations D. Toxoids E. Toxins Ans: E zt ‘Tips: TToxins are used to refer specifically to a protein produced by some higher plants, certain animals, and pathogenic bacteria, which is highly toxic for other living organisms therefore cannot be used for vaccination, 13. Correct statements regarding Techmetium 99m may include? IIs the most used radionuclide in nuclear pharmacy IL Itis produced by the radioactive decay of molybdenum-99 ‘YH It has ahalf-life of 6hours A. Touly B. IM only C. Land I only D. Mand Il only E. Allarecorrect is Hy Ans: By.» bate cera areal aware a! a Tips: Is the: most used radionuclide. in muolear pharmacy. This radionuclide is produced by the radioactive decay of molybdenum-99. A generator is a devise used to separate a short half-life radionuclide ‘ffom. the longer-lived parent nuclide, while relaining the parent to produce more of the daughter nuclide. In this way, short half-life nuclides can be made available continuously af great distances from the sites of generator production, Technetium-99m has a ialflife of hours < .. “.:2..2- : E Malé.with enlarge breast, suiall testis and infertility IL- The male has 3 chromosomes r IIL: Chromosomes'forming XXY, preserice of one extra female chromosome. “Al onli 5 By I only. feetie: C.Tand Tl only D.Wandll only E. All are correct Ang: E * a a iil Sele Immunology re blocked fom initiating the rejection process Orthocione js a human immunoglobulin product A.lonly B. Ill only C. Land If only D. Mand If only E, All are correet Ans:C Tips: Monoclonal’ antibodies can deliver’ toiins specifically to cancer cells and destroy them. They are also used with radioisotopes to diagnose and visualize cancer cel may cause flu-like symptoms in the beginning of the treatment, lls and 9. Which of the following is not related to lymphocytes? A. Lymph nodes B. Thymus gland C. Thoracic duct 7 5 D. Spleen E. Thyroid gland Ans: E = : Tips: Thyroid gland is not part of ‘ymnphocytes. Lyinphocytes inchide: Tonsils and adenoid gland, thyimis, 'ymphonodes, spleen; bone marrow and lymphatic vessels, I ttenuated viruses used for vaccination; * ‘oliomyclitis virus . U- MMR-Mumps, measles aid ribella vinis***“" * TW Influenza’ 2) 3 : A. Lonly I Balloaly: CHT and I only “fe D-lland If only, | chemical. -MOMIR-Miimps vaccines. | 2 a Ee - PEREEEEEEEESE. 11. Drugs that stabilize m ‘A. Organ inip lants rejection’ cells-are used in the treatment of

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