Transaction With Replicated Data PDF

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What is Transaction with Replicated Data

In a distributed system, a transaction with replicated data refers to a

transactional operation that involves data that is replicated across multiple
nodes or locations within the system. Replicating data is a common technique
used in distributed systems to improve data availability, fault tolerance, and
performance. However, managing transactions over replicated data introduces
specific challenges and considerations:

1. Consistency: Maintaining consistency of replicated data is crucial in

distributed systems. When a transaction updates data that is replicated
across multiple nodes, ensuring that all replicas reflect the same
consistent state after the transaction is completed is essential.
Inconsistencies can arise due to network delays, node failures, or
concurrent updates.

2. Concurrency Control: Managing concurrent transactions that access or

modify replicated data requires effective concurrency control
mechanisms. Techniques such as distributed locks, optimistic
concurrency control, or multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) are
used to coordinate access and updates to replicated data to prevent
conflicts and maintain correctness.

3. Atomicity and Durability: Ensuring atomicity and durability of

transactions over replicated data is challenging. A distributed
transaction involving replicated data must ensure that either all replicas
are updated successfully (atomicity) or none are updated at all.
Durability requires that updates are persisted reliably across multiple
nodes to withstand failures.

4. Conflict Resolution: Conflicts can occur when multiple transactions

modify the same replicated data concurrently. Conflict resolution
strategies are used to resolve conflicts and reconcile divergent updates
across replicas. Techniques like timestamp-based conflict resolution or
conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) are employed to achieve
eventual consistency.

5. Replication Strategies: Different replication strategies can be employed

based on the requirements of the distributed system. These include
synchronous replication (where updates are propagated to all replicas
before acknowledging the transaction), asynchronous replication
(where updates are propagated after acknowledging the transaction), or
eventual consistency (where replicas eventually converge to a consistent

6. Transactions with replicated data in distributed systems aim to provide

high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability while ensuring data
consistency and correctness. Designing effective replication and
transaction management strategies is essential for the reliable operation
of distributed systems with replicated data.
DATA Replication in DBMS

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