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Cambridge Primary (Year 5)

July 2022 Topical Test 1


Primary 5 1 hour 30 minutes



1. Write your name and class clearly on the question paper.

2. Do NOT turn over the page until you are told to do so. Answer Key

3. Please read all instructions carefully before answering.

4. No dictionary of any kind is allowed.

Answer ALL questions.

The total number of marks for this paper is 70.

Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer Questions

Marks Section A /40

Section B / 30
Total / 70

This document consists of 20 printed pages including this cover page.

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Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (2 marks each) [40 Marks]

There are 20 questions in Section A. Answer all questions in this section. For each
question, there are four possible answers, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Choose the one that best fits
the question and write your answer in the bracket provided.

1. The diagram below shows the cross-section of a stem.

• The outer tubes are food-carrying tubes
that transport food produced by the

• The inner tubes are water-carrying tubes

that transport water and mineral salts
absorbed by the roots from the soil.

Which substances are transported by parts A and B of the stem respectively?

Part A Part B
(1) Food Water and mineral salts
(2) Food and water Mineral Salts
(3) Oxygen Carbon dioxide
(4) Water and mineral salts Food

( 4 )

2. The air we breathe out has more ____________ than the air we breathe in.
A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen
C. Water vapour D. Carbon dioxide

(1) C only (2) A and C only

(3) C and D only (4) B, C and D only
( 3 )
• Water vapour and carbon dioxide are produced during respiration.

• Oxygen is taken in by our body for respiration.

• Nitrogen is not needed by our body so its amount remains the same.

• The air that we breathe out contains more carbon dioxide and water vapour, less
oxygen and the same amount of nitrogen.

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3. Study the classification chart below.

(mammal) (lives in water)

(bird) (lives in water)
(lives in water)

Which of the following best represents headings X and Y?


(1) Live on land Live in water

(2) Have hair Have scales

(3) Breathe through lungs Breathe through gills

(4) Lay eggs Give birth

( 3 )

4. Study the diagram below. Explanation

• Food made in the leaves of a plant is

transported by the food-carrying tubes
to the other parts of the plant.

• Water and mineral salts absorbed by

the roots are transported to other plant
parts by the water-carrying plant.

Which of the following represents A and B correctly?


(1) Water-carrying tubes Food-carrying tubes

(2) Food-carrying tubes Water-carrying tubes

(3) Food-carrying tubes Food-carrying tubes

(4) Water-carrying tubes Water-carrying tubes

( 2 )

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5. Jia Min set up an experiment as shown in the diagram below.

• The roots of the balsom plant

absorbed the blue-colored water.

• The water-carrying tubes then

transported the colored water to the
other parts of the plant, including the
leaves and flower.

• Option D does not explain her

A few days later, Jia Min observed that the leaves and the flower of the balsam
plant were stained blue.
Which of the following statements explain her observation?

A The stem carries water to the other parts of the plant.

B The water from the roots is carried to the leaves and flower.
C Water-carrying tubes are present in the roots, stem and leaves.
The leaves are making food which is then transported to the other
parts of the plant.

(1) A and B only

(2) C and D only
(3) A, B and C only
(4) A, B, C and D
( 3 )

6. Which of the following correctly describes the movement of the ribcage, chest and
diaphragm when a person exhales?

Ribcage Chest Diaphragm

(1) Move outwards Expands Move downwards

(2) Move inwards Contracts Move downwards

(3) Move outwards Expands Move upwards

(4) Move inwards Contracts Move upwards

• When a person exhales, air is being released from the lungs. ( )
• This occurs when the diaphragm moves upwards and the lungs become smaller due
to air leaving the lungs.
• Therefore, the ribcage will move inwards ad contracts.

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7. Di Yao conducted an experiment. She placed two similar celery stalks, each with a
part cut out, into two separate beakers containing blue-coloured water as shown in
the diagram below.

After a few hours, the two stalks were cut at X and Y respectively. The shaded parts
represent the tubes that were stained blue.
Which of the following best represents the results of her experiment?


• The part cut out from stalk A was in the

colored water, therefore, all the water-
carrying tubes were stained in the process of
transporting the colored water up the celery

• The part cut out from stalk B was above the

colored water level, therefore, the water-
carrying tubes on the right, which are above
the cut out part, did not transport the colored
water. Only the water-carrying tubes on the
left were stained in the process of
transporting the colored water up the celery

( 4 )

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8. Railey set up an experiment in the classroom as shown below.


• The roots of the plant in beaker Q

absorbed the water, causing the
water level to decrease.

• There was no plant in beaker P to

absorb the water, thus the water level
remained the same.

He poured 500 ml of water each into beakers P and Q. He recorded the height of
the water level in both beakers everyday for a week and plotted a graph based on
his results.
Which graph most likely shows the results obtained after a week?

( 3 )

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9. The diagram below shows a balsam plant.

• Food and water are needed by all

parts of a plant for survival.

• Therefore, water-carrying tubes and

food-carrying tubes can be found in
all parts of the plant.

In which part(s) can the water-carrying tubes and food-carrying tubes be found?
(1) X only
(2) W and X only
(3) X, Y and Z only
(4) W, X, Y and Z
( 4 )

10. Joanna was taking a nap before she went to exercise for 20 minutes.
Then, she stopped to rest for 10 minutes.
Which of the following graphs best represents the possible change in her breathing
rate during the above activities?

• Oxygen is needed to break down digested

food to produce energy during respiration.

• When carrying out less vigorous activities,

our body needs less energy, so we do not
have to breathe as fast.

• When carrying out more vigorous activities,

our body needs more energy, so we have to
breathe faster to take in more air for more

( 1 )

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11. The diagram below shows part A found on a leaf.


• Stomata enable plants to carry out gaseous


• Stomata are usually found on the underside

of the leaves to reduce excess loss of water
during transpiration.

Which of the following statements about part A is/are correct?

A It absorbs water vapour for the plant.

B It allows gaseous exchange to take place.
C It is mostly found on the underside of a leaf.
D It traps light energy for the plant to carry out photosynthesis.

(1) C only (2) A and D only

(3) B and C only (4) A, B, C and D only
( 3 )
12. Julie made a model of a human respiratory system as shown below.

• More space is created in the glass jar when

the rubber sheet is pulled down.

• Thus, more air will enter the bottle through

the glass tube, into the balloons, to occupy
the space created.

• There will be less space in the glass jar

when the rubber sheet is released.
Therefore, air will escape from the balloons
through the glass tube, causing the balloons
to be deflated.
What will Julie observe about the balloons when the rubber sheet is pulled down,
then released?

(1) The balloons will be inflated.

(2) The balloons will be deflated.
(3) The balloons will be inflated then deflated.
(4) The balloons will be deflated then inflated. ( 3 )

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13. Alice wanted to find out which gases are taken in and given out by animals.
She put twenty cockroaches in an enclosed tank for one hour.
Which of the following graphs most likely shows how the amount of gases in the tank
changed after one hour?

• The initial amount of oxygen

should be higher than the initial
amount of carbon dioxide and
water vapour.

• During respiration, oxygen will

be taken in while carbon dioxide
and water vapour will be

• Therefore, the amount of

oxygen will decrease while the
amount of carbon dioxide and
water vapour will increase.

( 2 )

14. The table below shows the amount of energy needed to carry out different activities.
(1) More oxygen is
needed to break down
more digested food for
higher rate of
respiration to produce
more energy during
vigorous activities.
(2) The greater the
amount of energy
needed for the activity,
the greater the amount
of oxygen taken in by
the body.
Which of the following best describes the relationship between the amount of energy
needed for the activities and the amount of oxygen taken in by the body?
(1) The greater the amount of oxygen taken in by the body, the greater the amount
of energy needed for the activities.
(2) The greater the amount of energy needed for the activities, the greater the
amount of oxygen taken in by the body.
(3) The greater the amount of energy needed for the activity, the lesser the amount
of oxygen taken in by the body.
(4) The greater the amount of oxygen taken in bid the body, the lesser the amount
of energy needed for the activity. ( 2 )

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• The people in the lift will breathe in

oxygen so the amount of oxygen in the
lift will decrease.
15. Refer to the composition of air shown below.
• The people will release carbon dioxide
and water vapour into the air so the
amount of carbon dioxide and water
vapour in the lift will increase.

• Nitrogen is not used or produced by

the people.

Four people are trapped in a lift for 20 minutes. Which gas(es) in the lift will
change in their amount?

(1) Oxygen only

(2) Nitrogen only
(3) Oxygen and other gases only
(4) Nitrogen and other gases only
( 3 )
16. Kanny removed the outer ring of a stem from a plant. After one week, she
observed swelling in the stem above the cut as shown below.

Which of the following statements explains her observation?

(1) Food travelling up the stem was trapped above the ring.
(2) Water travelling up the stem was trapped above the ring.
(3) Food travelling down the stem was trapped above the ring.
(4) Water travelling down the stem was trapped above the ring.

( 3 )

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17. Zachary set up an experiment as shown below.

After some time, he noticed that half of the flower was stained red while the other
half was stained blue.
Which of the following is/are also transported to the other parts of the plant by the
tubes that caused the observation?
A Food B Oxygen
C Mineral salts D Carbon dioxide

(1) C only (2) A and C only

(3) B and D only (4) A, B and D only ( 1 )

18. The following changes take place in the body of a person jogging in a park.

A Breathing rate increases.

B More oxygen is supplied to the muscles.
C More carbon dioxide is found in the blood.
D Movement in the muscles produces carbon dioxide.

Which of the following shows the correct order in which these changes occur in the
person's body?
(1) A, B, C, D
(2) B, C, A, D
(3) D, A, C, B
(4) D, C, A, B
( 4 )

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19. The diagram below shows how living things exchange gases with the surrounding
air. Explanation

• Carbon dioxide is taken in by organism A

during process X, so process X is most likely

• Photosynthesis only takes place in the

presence of light.


Based on the diagram, which of the following statements is false?

(1) Organism A could be moss. (non-flowering plant)
(2) Process Y takes place all the time.
(3) Process X takes place all the time.
(4) Water is needed for process X to take place.
( 3 )

20. The graph below shows the breathing rate of Hai Tao during four different
activities W, X, Y and Z.

• Activity W has the highest

breathing rate, so it should be
the most vigorous activity.

• Activity Z has the lowest

breathing rate, so it should be
the least vigorous activity
which is sleeping.

Which of the following best represents activities W, X, Y and Z?

(1) Sleeping Reading Strolling Running
(2) Running Strolling Reading Sleeping
(3) Reading Running Sleeping Strolling
(4) Strolling Sleeping Running Reading

( 2 )
End of Section A

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Section B: Short Answer Questions [30 marks]

There are 10 questions in Section B. Answer all the questions in this section.

Question 1
Guo Kiang cut the outer layer of a stem to remove a type of tubes found in the plant as
shown below. He left the plant to continue to grow and observed that the plant did not

(a) Name the type of tubes that was removed together with the outer layer of the stem.

The food-carrying tubes [1]


(b) Guo Kiang then drew his observation as shown below.

Explain the observation shown in the diagram above. [2]

The food made by the leaves cannot be transported to the parts below the
cut as the food-carrying tubes were removed [1], causing the food to
accumulate at part A. [1]

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Question 2
The diagram below shows the human respiratory system.

(a) Name the parts labelled X and Y. [2]

Windpipe [1]
X: ________________________

Lung [1]
Y: ________________________

(b) In the part labelled Y, there are many air sacs. Explain the purpose of having
many air sacs in the part labelled Y. [1]

The air sacs increase the surface area to allow more gaseous exchange

to take place. [1]


Question 3
Joanne placed a plant in a beaker of red-coloured water as shown in the diagram below.

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(a) What can be observed about the flower after two days? [1]

The flower was stained red. [1]


(b) Explain your answer in (a). [1]

The water-carrying tubes in the stem transported the red-coloured water up to


the plant and to the white flower. [1]


Question 4
Song Wen poured some limewater into a test tube. He then put a straw into the test
tube of limewater and blew air into it.

What can be observed about the limewater? Explain your answer. [2]

The limewater turned chalky. [1] The air that he breathed out containing

carbon dioxide and limewater turned chalky in the presence of carbon

dioxide. [1]
Question 5
Jia Jia opened up the gill cover of a fish and observed the part labelled X as shown

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(a) Which part of the human body system has the same function as part X? [1]
Lungs [1]

(b) State the similar function that the two parts have. [1]

Both parts can allow gaseous exchange to take place. [1]


OR Both parts can take in oxygen and dissolved oxygen and remove
carbon dioxide. [1]

Question 6
Tessa prepared an experiment as shown below.

She then observed the celery stalks for a few days and recorded her observation in
the table below.

(a) Explain why the leaves in beaker C wilted. [2]

The celery stalk in beaker C was wrapped in a plastic bag. [1/2] Therefore,

the stem could not absorb water from the beaker [1/2] and could not transport
it to the other parts of the celery stalk [1/2], causing the leaves to wilt. [1/2]
(b) Explain how water is transported in the celery stalk. [1]

The water is transported through the water-carrying tubes in the celery stalk. [1]


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Question 7
The diagram below shows the lungs of a human and the gills of a fish.

What is the function of the air sacs and the gills in the human and the fish respectively? [1]

They allow the human and the fish to carry out the gaseous exchange. [1]
and dissolved oxygen
OR They allow the human and the fish to take in oxygen and remove the carbon
dioxide away from the body of the human and the fish. [1]

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Question 8
The bar graph below shows the composition of inhaled and exhaled air.

(a) Which bar graph, X or Y, best represents the composition of inhaled air? Explain
your answer. [1]

Graph X . [1/2] It contains more oxygen than Graph Y. Inhaled air


should contain more oxygen than exhaled air. [1/2]


(b) Name the part of the skeletal system that protects an important part of the
respiratory system. Name the part that is protected. [1]

The ribcage will protect the lungs. [1]



Question 9
Jing Xuan split the stalk of a carnation flower into half and placed each half of the stalk of
flower into two separate beakers containing coloured water as shown below.

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(a) What could she observe about the flower after a few days? [1]

Half of the flower was stained red [1/2] while the other half was stained blue.[1/2]

(b) Explain your answer in (a). [1]

The water-carrying tubes of the stem in the right beaker transported the

blue-coloured water up the stem and to the flower. [1/2] The water-carrying

tubes of the stem in the left beaker will transport the red-coloured water up
the stem and to the flower. [1/2]
Question 10 [10]
Fill in the missing blanks with the words provided in the box below.
dissolved exposed water and
carbon dioxide oxygen
oxygen surface areas mineral salts
air sacs food-carrying water-carrying water vapour

1. Food made by leaves is transported by ____________________tubes to the stem

first before it reaches the roots.

dissolved oxygen enters a fish through its mouth and then

2. Water containing ____________________

passes through its gills.

water and mineral salts from the roots to all

3. The water-carrying tubes transport ______________________

parts of a plant.

carbon dioxide
4. During photosynthesis, they take in __________________ and give out

5. Having many air sacs

_____________ in the lungs increases the

exposed surface areas

________________________ and helps to make the exchange of gases more


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6. Water absorbed by the roots was transported up by the

_____________________tubes to other parts of the plant.

respiratory system
7. The _______________________ removes air from the body so that carbon dioxide

can be removed.

water vapour
8. Condensation of _____________________ from our mouth causes water droplets

to form on the mirror.

End of Test Paper

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