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Implementation Plan for Department of

Science and Technology, Government of

Uttar Pradesh under UPSAPCC 2.0
List of Figure..........................................................................................................................................1
List of Tables..........................................................................................................................................2
Abbreviations and Units........................................................................................................................3
Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................5
Mission Overview...............................................................................................................................5
Roles and Responsibility of Department of Science and Technology...........................................5
Implementation Plan.........................................................................................................................5
Actions Duration..............................................................................................................................5
Funding Overview...........................................................................................................................5
Monitoring and Evaluation..............................................................................................................6
Next Steps and Recommendations...................................................................................................6
Mission Overview...............................................................................................................................7
Background: Implementation Framework.....................................................................................7
UPSAPCC 2.0: Evolution in Climate Action Strategies.................................................................7
Implementation Framework for UPSAPCC 2.0..............................................................................8
Implementation plan for Department of Science & Technology...........................................................10
Reporting and Accountability.....................................................................................................10
Implementing Agency Role.........................................................................................................10
Observation point/actions wise plan..............................................................................................10
Funding Assessment............................................................................................................................14
Total Fund Requirement.................................................................................................................14
Sources of Available Funding.........................................................................................................14
Available Funding Agencies for Collaboration.............................................................................15
Monitoring and Evaluation.................................................................................................................16
Stage 1: Implementation and Data Reporting..............................................................................16
Stage 2: Data Validation and Auditing:.........................................................................................16
Continuous Improvement and Feedback:.....................................................................................16
Annexure A...........................................................................................................................................18
Annexure B...........................................................................................................................................19
List of Figure
Figure 1 Overview of Directorate of MSME Engagements....................................................................5
Figure 2 Actions based on duration of implementation...........................................................................5
Figure 3 Overview of the budgetary assessment.....................................................................................6
Figure 4. Broad Outcomes of UPSAPCC 2.0..........................................................................................8
Figure 5 Implementation Framework......................................................................................................8
Figure 6 Engagement of Department of Science & Technology...........................................................10
Figure 7. Nature- wise budget analysis..................................................................................................15

List of Tables
Table 1 Comprehensive Implementation plan for Directorate of MSME- Implementation..................12
Table 2 Comprehensive mission-wise budgetary requirement for the Power department....................14
Table 3 Summary of Budget required under various Nature of Actions...............................................14
Table 4 Detailed Budgetary Analysis- Policy........................................................................................18
Table 5 Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy
Abbreviations and Units
AC : Air Conditioning

ADB : Asian Development Bank

AMRUT : Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation

BLDC : Brushless Direct Current

DCS : District Cooling Systems

DoE : Department of Environment

DST : Department of Science & Technology

ECBC : Energy Conservation Building Codes

ESCOs : Energy Service Company

EVs : Electric Vehicles

EWS : Economically Weaker Section

FAME : Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles

FPO : Farmer Producer Organization

GEF : Global Environment Facility

GCF : Global Climate Fund

GGGI : Global Green Growth Institute

GIZ : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

GWP : Global Warming Potential

HFCs : Hydrofluorocarbons

HH : Household

HVAC : Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

IEC : Information, Education and Communication

IIT : Indian Institute of Technology

IRENA : International Renewable Energy Agency

ISA : International Solar Alliance

LIG : Low Income Group

LPG : Liquefied Petroleum Gas

M&E : Monitoring and Evaluation

MoEFCC : Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change

NAPCC : National Action Plan on Climate Change

NDC : National Determined Goals

NGO : Non-Government Organizations

NHM : National Horticulture Mission

NISE : National Institute of Solar Energy

NMEEE : National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

O&M : Operation & Maintenance

PAT : Perform, Achieve and Trade

PMAY : Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna

PMCCC : Prime Minister’s Council for Climate Change

PM KUSUM : Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evaam Utthaan Mahabhiyan

PRD : Panchayati Raj Department

R&D : Research and Development

RDD : Rural Development Department

SDG : Sustainable Development Goals

SME : Small and Medium Enterprises

ToT : Training of Trainers

TV : Television

UNEP : United Nation Environment Programme

UNIDO : United Nation Industrial Development Organization

UDD : Urban Development Department

UP : Uttar Pradesh

UPCCA : Uttar Pradesh Climate Change Authority

UPNEDA : Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Authority

UPSAPCC : Uttar Pradesh State Action Plan for Climate Change

WB : World Bank

ZED : Zero Defect Zero Effect

Executive Summary
This comprehensive executive summary provides an in-depth overview of Department of Science and
Technology dedicated efforts in advancing climate action strategies under the Uttar Pradesh State Action Plan
on Climate Change (UPSAPCC) 2.0. Focusing specifically on the Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green
Energy Mission during the 2021-2030, it outlines for department's which helps to guide them their important
contributions, towards research and development in the field of adoption of energy efficient alternate coolant-
based cooling systems in transport sector of the state.

Mission Overview
The enhanced energy efficiency and green energy mission is of paramount importance within the UPSAPCC 2.0
framework. This mission plays a vital role in achieving the state's climate action goals. It aims to make the
various sectors climate resilient by promoting access to energy efficiency in industries by training technicians
and implementing pilot projects in the industries, developing green
buildings through capacity building of architects, masons, etc.

Roles and Responsibility of Department of

Science and Technology
During this reporting period, Department of Science and
Technology is actively engaged in 1 action, contributing
substantively to 1 mission & 1 strategy are actively engaged in
within the UPSAPCC 2.0 framework (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Overview of Department of
Implementation Plan Science & Technology Engagements
A comprehensive plan has been developed, categorizing action
points into research, with the aim of facilitating efficient allocation of time and resources, both in terms of
personnel and finances. This strategic categorization is intended to ensure the timely and effective
implementation of actions.

Actions Duration
Long-Term Action Points [0] - These are initiatives with a duration
extending beyond 4 years. They are pivotal in ensuring sustained
progress in climate action (Figure 3).

Medium-Term Action Points [1] - These initiatives have a duration

spanning between 2 to 4 years. They play a vital role in bridging the
gap between short-term and long-term objectives (Figure 3).

Short-Term Action Points [0] - These are time-bound initiatives with a

duration of less than 2 years. They focus on quick wins and immediate
Figure 2 Actions based on duration of
impact (Figure 2). implementation.
Funding Overview
During this reporting period, implementing actions required a total funding of INR xxxxx Cr. The
tenable/available funding from diverse sources, including national and state schemes is approximately INR xxxx
Cr., covering xx% of our financial needs. Nevertheless, the funding deficit of INR xxxx Cr is acknowledged
and active collaborations with funding agencies such as World Bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB),
Green Climate Fund (GCF), UNIDO, GIZ, GGGI and other relevant schemes of central or state would be highly
essential to bridge this gap (Figure 3). The maximum funding deficit in is the implementation of the various
energy efficient technologies and implementation of installation of renewable energy power projects and solar
pumps for agricultures.
Budgetary Assessment




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Amount in INR Cr

Figure 3 Overview of the budgetary assessment

Monitoring and Evaluation

The department will play a pivotal role in supporting the monitoring and evaluation efforts of the Directorate of
Environment (DoE). This includes collection of data for the identified indicators by the department and
reporting of the same to Directorate of Environment. Data collection on annual basis would aid in taking timely
actions based on monitoring and evaluation findings.

Next Steps and Recommendations

The department may encounter some hurdles while implementing the identified activities which will require
department to address challenges by:

i) Strengthening technical capabilities and enhancing SMEs for implementing energy efficient
technologies, as SMEs require financially support for the technologies which are very expensive,
ii) Bringing out the behavioural change in SME industries and households for adoption of energy
efficient technologies, renewable energy and clean cooking specially in villages,
iii) Gearing up for logistical and resource challenges for timely implementation of pilots,
iv) Increasing accuracy for assessment of climate related risks for enhancing insurance coverage,

In conclusion, Department of Science & Technology remains firmly committed to transparent and accountable
climate action. It has made a substantial contribution to the objectives of UPSAPCC 2.0 and continue our
journey towards a more sustainable future, effectively addressing long-term, medium-term, and short-term

This detailed executive summary provides a thorough account of the department's engagement, including the
categorization of action points by duration, and offers a clear perspective on achievements, challenges, funding,
and monitoring & evaluation efforts within the UPSAPCC 2.0 framework.
The successful implementation of Uttar Pradesh State Action Plan on Climate Change (UPSAPCC 2.0), rely on
a well-structured framework, meticulously crafted to facilitate methodical planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation of climate action initiatives across diverse departments and agencies. This document
offers an in-depth look into the implementation framework tailored specifically for UPNEDA, as it operates
within the broader UPSAPCC 2.0 framework. The document entails details of the framework's architecture,
essential elements, and the methodologies applied in its development.

Mission Overview
The Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission are integral components of UPSAPCC 2.0,
Directorate of MSME are aiming for efficient use of energy in MSME. Power Department and DISCOMs, as
the agencies responsible for this mission, has outlined several key action points to achieve this objective.

Directorate of MSME will work in close coordination with key government departments such as the Rural
Development Department (RDD), Both the departments will focus on initiatives related to development of
climate adaptation approach to rural skills development and diversification of livelihood opportunities.

Background: Implementation Framework

The implementation framework is designed to ensure systematic planning, execution, monitoring, and
evaluation of climate action strategies across various departments and agencies. An overview of the framework
developed and how it governs the implementation of UPSAPCC 2.0 is discussed in next section.

UPSAPCC 2.0: Evolution in Climate Action Strategies

Uttar Pradesh, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to addressing climate change, meticulously adhered to
the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change's (MoEFCC) guidelines and embarked on the process
of updating its State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC). The result, UPSAPCC 2.0, represents a
remarkable evolution in climate action strategies. These strategies, covering the period from 2021 to 2030, stand
as a testament to the state's profound understanding of shifting climate trends observed within its borders.

UPSAPCC 2.0 goes even further by incorporating newly projected climate trends, conducting comprehensive
assessments of sectoral vulnerabilities across districts, and proactively anticipating future climate risks. These
strategies have undergone rigorous refinement through extensive consultations with experts and various
government departments. The overarching goal is to ensure the sustainable management of Uttar Pradesh's
natural resources in the face of a changing climate, thereby facilitating the state's economic and social
development in a harmonious and environmentally responsible manner.

This dynamic climate action plan is organized around eight missions: Sustainable Agriculture, Jal Mission,
Green UP Mission, Sustainable Habitat Mission, Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission,
Human Health Mission, Disaster Management Mission, and Strategic Knowledge Mission. Within this
framework, 41 strategies and 187 actions have been meticulously articulated, encompassing a wide range of
activities, including research, implementation, policy formulation, and capacity building (Figure 6)
8 Missions
41 Strategies
187 Actions

108 Adaptation Actions Nature of Actions

57 Mitigation Implementatio Capacity

22 Both Research Policy
Actions n Building

Figure 4. Broad Outcomes of UPSAPCC 2.0

Each action point within this comprehensive framework is thoughtfully assigned to an implementation and
nodal agency, with an unwavering commitment to data reporting to the Directorate of Environment (DoE),
Executive Body for Uttar Pradesh Climate Change Authority (UPCCA). This commitment to data reporting
forms the foundation of the framework, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the implementation

Implementation Framework for UPSAPCC 2.0

To further reinforce the successful execution

of UPSAPCC 2.0, the DoE has
collaboratively developed a comprehensive
framework, following consultations with
various government departments.

This framework comprises three integral

components (Figure 7):

1. Observation on Action Points

1.1. Detailed view of action points
assigned to each department.
1.2. Categorized by the nature of action:
policy, capacity building, research,
and implementation.
1.3. Funding assessment overview.
Figure 5 Implementation Framework
1.4. Duration of each action, its overall
target, and monitoring overview,
including reporting frequency.
2. Funding Assessment
2.1. Year-by-year breakdown of fund allocations based on requirements and availability of funds from
various schemes linked to each action point.
2.2. Insights into priority zones, sectors, and industries.
2.3. Suggestions on possible funding collaborations to address the funding gaps.
3. Monitoring and Evaluation:
3.1. Stage one
1.1. Implementation agency responsible for executing action and reporting data based on predefined
monitoring indicators.
1.2. Departmental representatives review and validate this data before submission to nodal agency.
1.3. Nodal agency audits the data based on specific monitoring indicators and collects necessary
3.2. Stage two Data shared with mission nodal agency and the apex body (DoE) for predefined
monitoring indicators. Apex body will align data with strategies and missions, verifying the coverage and impact
of action post-implementation.

This meticulously crafted framework facilitates evidence-based decision-making and ensures a robust approach
to monitoring and evaluation. Data points are interconnected with existing government data, eliminating
duplication. A dashboard compiles high-level indicators for year-by-year impact assessments, aligning climate
action efforts with national commitments.
Implementation plan for Department of Science & Technology
Role and Responsibility
Department of Science &
Technology’s role within the
UPSAPCC 2.0 framework
extends to a single mission or
strategy. The agency's
involvement spans to
research. Department of
Science & Technology
collaborates with relevant
government departments,
experts, and stakeholders to
formulate strategies for
development of R&D fund
for hosting challenges to
develop sustainable cooling
solutions across sectors.

A total of 1 strategy have

been identified for Department Figure 6 Engagement of Department of Science & Technology of
Science & Technology, and
under these strategy, 1 action is indicated. This action is further categorized as per their nature i.e., policy, and
implementation and type i.e., adaptation and mitigation (Figure 8).

Department of Science & Technology, assumes the role of a implementing agency, actively overseeing the
execution of action plans outlined in UPSAPCC 2.0. This involves close coordination with relevant agencies,
nodal department, and stakeholders. To ensure smooth execution, the department may be tasked with allocating
essential resources, including funding, technology, and human resources, to support project implementation.

Reporting and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are paramount. The department adheres to a robust reporting mechanism,
regularly updating the Directorate of Environment (DoE) and the relevant nodal department about achievements
and challenges. This commitment to transparent reporting facilitates a culture of accountability.

Implementing Agency Role

In every instance, Department of Science & Technology takes on as Implementing Agency, responsible for
executing strategy. This approach allows Department of Science and Technology to comprehensively address
climate mitigation challenges, combining, capacity building, research, and hands-on implementation.

Observation point/actions wise plan

To ensure a thorough understanding of the various activities related to action points, they have been categorized
based on the nature of the action within the UPSAPCC 2.0 framework.

► Policy Actions: These actions involve the development and implementation of policies related to
climate change mitigation and adaptation. This includes creating regulatory frameworks, setting
emission reduction targets, and establishing incentives for sustainable practices.
► Capacity Building and Training: Capacity building and training actions focus on enhancing the
knowledge and skills of stakeholders involved in climate action. This may include training programs
for government officials, community members, and industry professionals on climate-resilient practices
and technologies.
► Research Initiatives: Research-based actions encompass activities such as conducting studies,
assessments, and data collection to better understand climate trends, vulnerabilities, and the
effectiveness of climate mitigation strategies. Research is fundamental for evidence-based decision-
► Implementation Efforts: Actions related to implementation involve the practical execution of climate
adaptation and mitigation strategies. This includes on-ground projects for implementation of new
cooling technologies.

Each of these actions categories play a crucial role in the comprehensive approach to addressing climate change
within the UPSAPCC 2.0 framework. They collectively contribute to achieving the mission's objectives and
ensuring a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for Uttar Pradesh.

The detailed implementation plans for Department of Science and Technology, categorised based on nature of
actions is presented in tables below:
Department of Science and Technology
Table 1 Comprehensive Implementation plan for Directorate of MSME- Implementation

Action Point Type of Activities Sub Activities Target Duration Role of
Action Department
Mission: Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission No. of Strategies: 1 Mission Nodal: UPNEDA and Power
No. of Action points: 1 Department
Relevant NDC and SDG
Strategy 3: Create Enabling environment for market penetration of efficient cooling systems.
NDC: 3,4
Part 3.5: Enable adoption of energy efficient alternate coolant based (alternate to HCFCs) cooling systems in transport sector in UP
SDG: 1,2,7,9,11,12
Develop state R&D funds for Mitigation R&D Fund Creation Secure Funding: Secure dedicated funding for IITs, Incubate Medium Term Nodal Agency:
hosting challenges to develop R&D initiatives in sustainable cooling from the companies of UPNEDA
sustainable, cooling solutions state government budget, industry collaborations, IITs, Engineering
across sectors in line with Global or public-private partnerships. Colleges, Implementing
Cooling Prize Establish Governance Structure: Establish a Universities and Agency:
transparent and accountable governance structure Private Department of
with representatives from academia, industry, companies Science &
government agencies, and NGOs. Technology,
Develop Selection Criteria: Develop clear UPNEDA
criteria for selecting R&D proposals, emphasizing
innovation, energy efficiency, affordability, and
applicability to local contexts.
Develop Funding Guidelines: Create
comprehensive funding guidelines outlining the
application process, eligibility requirements,
evaluation procedures, and disbursement
Design and Launch Identify Challenge Themes: Identify specific
Innovation themes for innovation challenges based on the
Challenges needs of different sectors in Uttar Pradesh (e.g.,
residential cooling, commercial buildings, cold
chain logistics, agricultural cooling).
Develop Challenge Rules and Prizes: Design
clear rules, timelines, and attractive prize
packages for each challenge, considering industry
needs and market potential of solutions.
Promote Challenges: Utilize various
communication channels (media, online
platforms, industry events) to promote the
challenges and reach out to potential innovators,
Action Point Type of Activities Sub Activities Target Duration Role of
Action Department
researchers, and entrepreneurs.
Partner with Academic
Institutions: Collaborate with universities,
research institutions, and incubators in Uttar
Pradesh to encourage participation from
researchers, students, and startups.
R&D Project Review and Evaluation: Establish a rigorous
Selection and review process for R&D proposals, involving
Monitoring independent experts from relevant fields.
Project Monitoring and Support: Provide
ongoing support and mentorship to selected
researchers and innovators throughout their R&D
Dissemination and Knowledge
Sharing: Organize workshops, conferences, and
knowledge-sharing platforms to disseminate
research findings and encourage collaboration
among stakeholders.
Funding Assessment
Department of Science & Technology’s involvement spans across multiple action points, missions, and
strategies within UPSAPCC 2.0. These encompass a wide range of climate change mitigation and adaptation
efforts in the training and capacity building of the MSME industries for development of State R&D fund for
hosting challenges to develop sustainable cooling solution across sectors.

Total Fund Requirement

The comprehensive funding requirement for all action points and strategies is estimated at approximately INR
xxxxxxx Crores. This financial assessment includes the budgetary needs for, research, implementation, capacity
building, and other vital activities for effective climate action. A comprehensive mission-wise budgetary
requirement for the department is given in the table below.

Table 2 Comprehensive mission-wise budgetary requirement for the Power department

Name of Missions No. of No. of Require Available Budget

Strategie Action d Budget Budget Deficit
s Points
Enhanced Energy Efficiency and 1 1
Green Energy Mission

Sources of Available Funding

Significant funding, approximately INR xxxxxx, can be met through existing central and state government
schemes and programs. These schemes encompass various aspects of climate change adaptation and mitigation,
showcasing a high level of integration and coordination with existing resources.

► Central Government Schemes

► Several central government schemes provide substantial financial support for climate-related
initiatives in Uttar Pradesh. Notable programs include PM KUSUM, ECBC, Go Electric, Skill
Development Program of the Central Government, India Cooling Action Plan, Schemes of
Department of Science (DST), ZED, Lean, etc.
► State Government Schemes:
► The state government of Uttar Pradesh has introduced several schemes aligned with climate
action goals. UP-ECBC, Electric Vehicle Policy, various Energy Efficiency Policy of the
State, etc.

Table 3 Summary of Budget required under various Nature of Actions

Nature Budget Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy

Required -
Policy Available -
Deficit -
Implementation Available

Figure 7. Nature- wise budget analysis

Available Funding Agencies for Collaboration
To minimize the funding gap and ensure successful execution, collaboration with various funding agencies is
essential. Potential sources for additional funding include multilateral funding agencies, private sector
partnerships, NGOs, and climate finance mechanisms.

This comprehensive funding assessment ensures that the department can strategically allocate resources and
seek partnerships to fulfil the financial requirements of UPSAPCC 2.0, ultimately advancing climate resilience
efforts in State Cooling Action Plan of Uttar Pradesh. The detailed funding assessment is given in the tables in
Annexure A.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation are critical for ensuring that the department’s initiatives are on track, effective, and
are aligned with the broader mission.

Stage 1: Implementation and Data Reporting

► Action Point Execution: Department of Science & Technology executes action points under the
Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission.
► Data Collection: Meticulous data collection for each action point.
► Reporting Frequency: Annual progress reports for ongoing monitoring.

Stage 2: Data Validation and Auditing:

► Departmental Review: Departmental representatives review and validate data for accuracy and
► Auditing by Nodal Agency: Nodal agency conducts audits to verify data reliability.
► Data Collection Verification: Confirmation that data aligns with actual implementation.
► Second Stage Evaluation: High-level indicator analysis and alignment with strategies and missions.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback:

► Corrective Actions: Identified discrepancies trigger corrective actions.
► Feedback Loop: Lessons learned, best practices, and challenges are documented and shared for
continuous improvement.
► Adaptive Management: Flexibility in adjusting strategies based on monitoring and evaluation findings.

Tables in Annexure B, represent the detailed M&E mechanism to be followed by both nodal and implementing
Department of Science and Technology’s comprehensive implementation plan embodies Uttar Pradesh's
dedication to a sustainable and environmentally conscious future. With its multi-dimensional approach spanning
diverse sectors, the department addresses critical challenges faced *in energy efficiency in industries, buildings,
renewable energy, etc while promoting innovation and adaptation. Each initiative holds the potential to
transform Uttar Pradesh's energy efficiency sector making it more climate resilient and ensuring reducing GHG
emissions in the state.

The comprehensive implementation plan charted for Directorate of MSME stands as a testament to the state's
commitment to a sustainable and environmentally conscious future. With its multi-faceted approach spanning
diverse sectors, the plan addresses critical challenges faced in energy efficiency and renewable in various sector
due to lack of knowledge and financing.

The plan is devised as per the nature of the actions proposed, which is policy, capacity building, research, and
implementation. The policy actions entail developing policies in the field of energy efficiency in cooling sectors,
extending subsidies for the farmers for promoting solar pumps, developing action plan for state cooling in line
with India Cooling Action Plan. Policy formulations play a pivotal role in making enhancing climate resilience
of the sector, aiding in promoting sustainable cooling and buildings, promoting renewable energy which reduces
use of thermal power.

Capacity building in energy efficiency is critical for addressing climate change as it equips many people,
communities, and institutions with the information and skills they need to implement climate-resilient practices
in the field and shifting the energy efficient technologies to cut emissions and adapt to changing conditions. It
improves the sector's ability to effectively contribute to climate mitigation and food security goals. Capacity
building actions highlighted mainly focusses on developing FPO specific training packages, enabling capacity
of farmers towards cold chain and food security, as well as on adopting energy efficient conservation
techniques. It also aims to train and build capacity of cold chain operators to ensure better pre- and post-harvest
services, while integrating energy efficiency in the agriculture sector.

Research in the energy efficiency is crucial for addressing climate change as it drives innovation, leading to
energy efficient cooling systems for buses, buildings, cold chains, and efficient resource management. It
provides evidence-based solutions, inform policy decisions, and empowers technicians and industries to adapt to
climate challenges and mitigate energy efficiency impact on the environment. Research actions suggested in the
UPSAPCC echoes the same, it includes disseminating weather information by developing an application,
undertaking baseline survey to stocktake of the current agricultural practices, feasibility study to explore
solutions for generating sustainable farmers income.

Implementing actions on the other hand are the solutions that can bring immediate effects in the efforts to tackle
climate change and add to building climate resilience for the industries, buildings, agriculture, power generation
through renewable energy, promotion of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The implementing actions
includes establishing the charging infrastructures, piloting climate smart adaptation technologies, enabling
transition of implement of energy efficiency and renewable power in the state. It also entails promoting
renewable power on degraded lands, irrigation through solar pumps, implementation of energy efficient
technologies for the upgrading of the buildings.

In culmination, it is evident that the effort to establish energy efficiency in the industries of states for various
sectors, Department of Science & Technology emerges as a leader. The energy efficiency and green energy
sector in UP can be well prepared to face the challenges emerging from climate variability and extreme events,
by adopting diligent policy formation, capacity building, evidence-based research, and thorough plan
implementation. The department must embrace innovation, technology, and sustainable practices to protect
livelihoods, achieve ecological sustainability goals, and ensure security.
Annexure A
Table 4 Detailed Budgetary Analysis- Policy

Schemes & Amount in INR Crores
Action point Budget Priority
Collaborations 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30
Mission: Enhanced Energy Efficiency & Green Energy Mission
Strategy 3: Create Enabling environment for market penetration of efficient cooling systems.
Part 3.5: Enable adoption of energy efficient alternate coolant based (alternate to HCFCs) cooling systems in transport sector in UP
Develop State R&D funds Required
for hosting challenges to Budget:
develop sustainable Available
cooling solutions across Budget:
sectors in line with Global
Budget Deficit:
Cooling Prize
Annexure B
Table 5 Monitoring & Evaluation Framework for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission

Mission: Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Green Energy Mission

Action point Target Indicator Data Source Periodic Review Audit Indicator Data Periodic Data to be Reporting Responsibilit
(Level 1) ity (Implemen (Mission (Level 2) Source ity collected To y
ting Dept) Nodal) by (SAPCC (Designation
Nodal) )
Strategy 3: Create Enabling environment for market penetration of efficient cooling systems.
Part 3.5: Enable adoption of energy efficient alternate coolant based (alternate to HCFCs) cooling systems in transport sector in UP
Develop State IITs, No. of projects Annual DST UPNEDA No. of Annual UPNEDA DoE
R&D funds for Incubate approved ly Projects ly
hosting companies financed
challenges to of IITs,
develop Engineering
sustainable Colleges,
cooling solutions Universities
across sectors in and Private
line with Global companies
Cooling Prize

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