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The Ruh1ess Bi11ionaire's Virgin by Susan Sephens

Handsome bu brua11y scarred, e1usive bi11ionaire Ehan

A1exander shuns he 1im
e1igh. So when his ga11an rescue of Savannah Ross forces him
ino he media's
g1are, he's 1ess han hri11ed. Savannah's buxom figure be1ies
her inexperience she's no quie sure how o hand1e her fierce
proecor! Bu when he whis's her o
his pa1ace deep in he Tuscan hi11s, she sees a g1impse of he
magnificence beneah his f1aws. This is a man wih a dar'ened
hear in need of sa1vaionand on1y
an innocen in his bed can un1oc' i.
CHARTER ONE Some said confidence was he mos poen aphrodisiac
of a11, bu for
he man he wor1d of rugby ca11ed he Bear', confidence was on1y
a saring poin.
Confidence oo' courage, somehing Ehan A1exander proved he had
each ime he f
aced he wor1d wih his disfiguring scars. A change swep over
he Sadio E1amin
io in Rome when Ehan oo' his sea o wach Ia1y p1ay Eng1and
in he Six Naio
ns rugby ournamen. Men sa a 1i1e sraigher, whi1e women
f1ic'ed heir hair
as hey moisened heir immacu1ae1y made-up 1ips. Wihou he
Bear, any mach,
even an inernaiona1 fixure 1i'e his one, 1ac'ed he frisson
of danger Ehan
carried wih him. Ta11, dar', and formidab1y scarred, Ehan was
more han an av
id rugby supporer, he was an unsoppab1e ycoon, a man who
defied he sandards
by which oher men were _udged. His face migh be damaged, bu
Ehan possessed
a b1isering g1amour born of 'een ine11igence and a see1y wi11.
His grey eyes
b1azed wih an inerna1 fire women 1onged o fee1 scorch hem,
and men wished h
ey cou1d harness, bu oday ha passion had ebbed ino simmering
frusraion as
conemp1aed human frai1y. How cou1d somehing as simp1e as a
sore hroa 1ead
a wor1d-famous diva 1i'e Madame de Si1va o pu11 ou of singing
he naiona1 an
hem for Eng1and a such an even as his? The same way a damaged
spine cou1d end
his own career as a professiona1 rugby p1ayer, Ehan's inner
voice informed him w
ih brua1 honesy. He'd brough in a young singer as a
rep1acemen for Madame de
Si1va. Savannah Ross had recen1y been signed o he record
company he ran as a
hobby o ref1ec his deep 1ove of music. He hadn' me Savannah,
bu Madame de Si1
va had recommended her, and his mar'eing peop1e were ouing he
young singer a
s he nex big hing. Nex big hing maybe, bu Savannah Ross was
1ae on pich.
He f1ashed a g1ance a he sadium c1oc' ha couned down he
seconds. Hiring
an inexperienced gir1 for an imporan occasion 1i'e his on1y
reminded him why
he never oo' ris's. He'd hough i a good idea o give his new
signing a brea',
now he wasn' so sure. Cou1d Savannah Ross come up wih he
goods? She beer had.
She'd been f1own here on his privae _e and he'd been o1d she'd
arrived. So where w
as she? Ehan frowned as he shifed his powerfu1 frame. The
execuion of 1as-mi
nue forma1iies was imed o he second o accommodae a g1oba1
e1evision audi
ence. No a11owances cou1d be made for inexperience, and he
wou1dn' a11ow for 1as
-minue nerves. Savannah Ross had acceped his engagemen, and
now she mus per
form. This wasn' 1i'e any heare she'd ever p1ayed in before,
or any concer-ha11
eiher. I was a b1ea', i1ed unne1 fi11ed wih he scen of
sweay fee and e
nsion. She didn' even have a proper dressing-room o ge changed
inno ha she mi
nded, because i was such an honour o be here. Hard o be1ieve
she wou1d soon b
e singing he naiona1 anhem on he pich for he Eng1and rugby
squador a 1eas
she wou1d once she found someone o e11 her where she was
supposed o go and w
hen. Ro'ing her head hrough he curain of he dressing-room'
she'd been a11ocaed,
Savannah ca11ed ou. No one answered. No surprising, in his
shadowy unne1 1ea
ding o he pich. The 1ady who had issued Savannah wih a
visior's pass a he e
nrance had exp1ained o her ha wha rooms here were wou1d be
needed for he
eams and heir suppor saff. Knowing Madame de Si1va a1ways
rave11ed in sy1e
wih an enourage,
inc1uding Madame's hairdresser and he gir1 whose _ob i was o
care for Madame's pe
chihuahua, Savannah guessed he managemen of he sadium had
been on1y oo re
1ieved o re1ease he many rooms Madame wou1d have a'en up. And
she was graefu
1 for wha she had: an ad_unc o he unne1a ho1e in he wa11,
rea11yan a1cove ov
er which somebody had hasi1y draped a curain. And she had more
imporan hing
s on her mind han her comfor, 1i'e he c1oc' ic'ing away he
seconds before
he mach. She had definie1y been forgoen, which was
undersandab1e. Ta'ing Ma
dame's p1ace had been so 1as-minue, and her signing o he
record 1abe1 so recen
, ha no one 'new her. How cou1d anyone be expeced o
recognise or remember h
er? And hough she had been guided o his a1cove everyone had
rushed off, 1eavi
ng her wih no idea wha she was supposed o do. Sing? Yes, ha
was obvious, bu
when shou1d she wa1' ono he pich? And was she supposed o
wai for someone
o come bac' o escor her, or shou1d she _us march ou here?
Hearing he chan
ing of he excied crowd, Savannah 'new she mus find he1p. She
was abou o do
_us ha when she heard he rumb1e of conversaion coming
c1oser. A group of b
usinessmen was sriding down he unne1 and hey mus pass her
curained a1cove.
She wou1d as' one of hem wha o do. Excuse me' Savannah's
enquiry was cu shor aswh
oosh, sp1a!she was f1aened agains he wa11 1i'e an invisib1e
f1y. The men wer
e so busy a1'ing hey hadn' even noiced her as hey'd
hundered pas, a1'ing abo
u he man hey ca11ed he Bear, a man who had made his own way
o his sea when
a11 of hem had been _os1ing o be he one o escor him. The
Bear Savannah shi
vered invo1unari1y. Tha was he nic'name of he ycoon who had
sen his _e o
fech her. Ehan A1exander, rugby fanaic and inernaiona1
bi11ionaire, was an
unaached and unforgeab1e man, a shadowy figure who regu1ar1y
feaured in h
e ype of magazines Savannah bough when she waned o droo1 over
unaainab1e m
en. No one ye had gained a c1ear insigh ino Ehan's 1ife,
hough specu1aion wa
s rife, and of course, he more he shunned pub1iciy, he more
inriguing he pu
b1ic found him. She rea11y mus sop hin'ing abou Ehan
A1exander and concenr
ae on her predicamen. To save ime she wou1d pu on her gown
and hen go huni
ng for he1p.
Bu even he sigh of her beauifu1 gown fai1ed o diver
Savannah's houghs from
Ehan. Erom wha he men had said abou him, having Ehan a he
mach was a'in
o having roya1y urn upor maybe even beer, because he was an
undispued 'ing
amongs men. Ta'ing ino accoun he man-mounains in he Eng1and
eam, he Bea
r was he bes of a11 he men here, hey said, he was he
dead1ies in he pac'
. Savannah shivered a he hough of so much undi1ued ma1eness.
By he ime sh
e had wrigg1ed her way ino her gown she had wor'ed herse1f ino
a sae of debi
1iaing nerves, hough she reasoned i wasn' surprising she was
inimidaed, whe
n his unne1 1ed ono he pich where he amosphere was humming
wih esoser
one and a1mos pa1pab1e aggression. The hough oo' her sraigh
bac' o Ehan.
The power he hrew off, even from he prined page, made him
physica11y irresis
ib1e. Rerhaps i was he see1y wi11 in his eyes, or he fac he
was such a pow
erfu11y bui1 man. He migh be a 1o o1der han she was, and
errib1y scarred, b
u she wasn' he on1y woman who hough Ehan's in_uries on1y
made him more compe11
ing. In magazine po11s he was regu1ar1y voed he man mos women
waned o go o
bed wih. No ha someone as inexperienced as her shou1d be
dwe11ing on ha.
No, Savannah o1d herse1f firm1y, she was gripped more by he
aura of danger and
ragedy surrounding Ehan. In her eyes his scars on1y made him
seem more human
and rea1. Oh, rea11y? Savannah's cynica1-se1f inerruped. So
ha wou1d be why h
ese innocen' houghs of yours regu1ar1y rigger enough
sensaion o sar a rio?
Rruden1y, Savannah refused o answer ha. She had no ime for
any of hese di
sracions. She po'ed her head round he curain again. There was
si11 no one
here, and she was fas running ou of opions. If she coninued
o ye11 she'd have
no voice 1ef for singing. If she pu her _eans on again and wen
1oo'ing for h
e1p, she'd be 1ae ono he pich. Bu she cou1dn' 1e Madame de
Si1va down, who ha
d recommended her for his imporan occasion. She cou1dn' 1e
down he squad, or
Ehan A1exander, he man who had emp1oyed her. She'd pu her
dress on, hen a 1e
as she'd be ready. Or her parens who had scrimped and saved o
buy he dress for
her, and she on1y wished hey cou1d be here wih her now.
Secre1y she was happ
ies on he farm wih hem, up o her 'nees in mud in
a pair of We11ingon boos, bu she wou1d never ramp1e on heir
dreams for her
by e11ing hem ha. As her moher's anxious face swam ino her
mind, Savannah re
a1ised i wasn' singing in fron of a wor1dwide audience ha
errified her, bu
he possibi1iy ha somehing migh go wrong o embarrass her
parens. She 1ove
d hem dear1y. Li'e many farmers hey'd had i so hard when he
dead1y foo-and-mo
uh disease had wiped ou heir ca1e. Her main ambiion in 1ife
now was o ma'
e hem smi1e again. Savannah ensed, hearing her name menioned
on he annoy sy
sem. And when he announcer described her in over-sugary erms,
as he gir1 wi
h he go1den onsi1s and hair o mach, she grimaced, hin'ing i
he bes case
she'd ever heard for dyeing her hair brigh pin'. The crowd
disagreed and app1aude
d wi1d1y, which on1y convinced Savannah ha when hey saw her in
person she cou
1d on1y disappoin. Ear from being he dainy b1onde he bui1d-up
had suggesed,
she was a fresh-faced counry gir1 wih serious se1fconfidence
issuesand one who
righ now wou1d raher be anywhere e1se on earh han here. Ru11
yourse1f oge
her! Savannah o1d herse1f impaien1y. This gown had cos a
forune her parens
cou1d scarce1y afford. Was she going o 1e hem down? She
sared o srugg1e
wih he zip. The gown had been precision-made o fi her fu11er
figure, and was
in her favourie co1our, pin'. Wih he aid of carefu1 draping i
didn' even ma'
e her 1oo' fa. I was a11 in he cu and he boning, her moher
had exp1ained,
which was why hey a1ways rave11ed up o he far norh of
Eng1and for Savannah's
fiings, where here were dressma'ers who 'new abou such
hings. You can' wear
ha!' Savannah _umped bac' as her curain was ripped aside. o
you mind?' she exc1aim
ed, modes1y covering her ches a he sigh of a man whose
physique perfec1y m
ached his reedy voice. Why can' I wear i?' she proesed,
ighening her arms over
her ches. I was a beauifu1 dress, bu he man was 1oo'ing a
i as if i wer
e a bin 1iner wih ho1es cu in i for her head and arms. You
_us can',' he said f1
a1y. Ta'ing in he officia1 Eng1and rac'-sui he was wearing,
Savannah curbed
her ongue, bu she wasn' prepared o 1e he man coninue wih
he peep show he
seemed inen on
having, and she he1d he curain igh1y around her. Wha's
wrong wih i?' she as'ed
wih a11 he po1ieness she cou1d muser. I's no appropriae
and if I e11 you ha
you can' wear i hen you can'.' Wha a bu11y, she hough,
and her f1esh craw1ed
as he man coninued o sare a her curvy form behind he f1imsy
curain. id h
e mean he nec'1ine was oo 1ow? She a1ways had roub1e hiding
her breass, and
as she'd go o1der she haed he way men sared a hem. She
wou1d be he firs o
ac'now1edge her ches was curren1y disp1ayed o bes advanage
in he 1ow-cu
gown, bu i was a performance oufi. She cou1d hard1y hide her
1arge breass u
nder her arms! No appropriae how?' she said, sanding her
ground. The man's disappo
inmen ha she didn' fo1d immediae1y was a11 oo obvious.
The Bear won' approve
of i,' he said, as if ha was he deah 'ne11 of any hopes she
had of wearing i
. The Bear won' approve?' Savannah's hear f1uered a warning.
To wa1' ou ono he p
ich and have Ehan A1exander sare a herShe had dreamed of i,
bu now i was g
oing o happen she was 1osing confidence fas. Tha didn' mean
she wou1dn' defend
her dress o 'ingdom come. I don' undersand. Why wou1dn' he
approve of i?' I's pin','
he man said, his face wising as if pin' came wih a bad sme11.
Savannah's face c
rump1ed. I was such a beauifu1 dress, and one her moher had
been so hri11ed
o buy for her. They had discussed he fac ha hours of
dedicaed wor' had gon
e ino he hand-siching a1one, and now his man was dismissing
he handiwor' o
f crafswomen in a few un'ind words. You'11 have o a'e i
off.' Wha?' Savannah fe1
he co1d wa11 pressing agains her bac'. I undersand you're a
1as-minue rep1aceme
n,' he man said in a 'inder one, which Savannah found a1mos
creepier han his
origina1 hecoring manner. So you won' 'now ha a ma_or
sponsor has supp1ied a de
signer gown for he occasion, which he expecs o be worn. The
dress has receive
d more pub1iciy han you have,' he man added un'ind1y. I'm no
surprised,' Savannah m
uered o herse1f. We11, i cou1d hard1y have received 1ess, she
hough wry1y,
seeing as she was a 1as-minue rep1acemen. She 'ep a p1easan
expression on
her face, deermined she wou1dn' give his man he saisfacion
of hin'ing he'd up
se her.
And he Bear expecs a11 he sponsors, however sma11 heir
donaions, o ge hei
r fair share of pub1iciy, so you'11 have o wear i,' he
finished cross1y when she
refused o capiu1ae. Rerhaps he wou1d 1i'e her o cry so he
cou1d p1ay he big
man o her crushed 1i1e woman, Savannah ref1eced. If so, he
was in for a dis
appoinmen. Because she was p1ump and raher shor, peop1e ofen
misoo' her fo
r a swee, p1ump, f1uffy hing hey cou1d push around, when
acua11y she cou1d s
ic' her arm up a cow and pu11 ou a newborn ca1f during a
difficu1 birh, some
hing ha had given her supreme _oy on he few occasions she'd
been ca11ed upon
o do so. Her s1ender arms were 'inder on a srugg1ing moher, her
faher a1ways
said. She didn' come from he sor of bac'ground o be
inimidaed by a man who 1
oo'ed 1i'e he had a po1e suc' up his bac'side. We11, if ha's
he dress I'm suppose
d o wear,' she said pragmaica11y, I'd beer see i.' She
hadn' come o Rome o cause
ripp1es, bu o do a _ob 1i'e anyone e1se, and he c1oc' was
ic'ing. R1us she w
as far oo po1ie o say wha she rea11y waned o say, which was
wha he he11
has i go o do wih he Bear wha I wear? Someone prey
imporan o your car
eer, Savannah's sensib1e inner voice informed her as he man
hurried off o ge h
e dress, someone who is boh he main sponsor for he Eng1and
squad and your bos
s. When he reurned he man's manner had changed. Rerhaps he
be1ieved he had worn
her down, Savannah conc1uded. Madame Whashername was p1eased
enough o wear i,' h
e said wih a sniff as he handed he officia1 gown over o
Savannah. Savannah pa
1ed as she he1d up Madame de Si1va's gown. She shou1d have 'nown
i wou1d be fie
d o he grea singer. Madame was ha1f her size, and wore he
ype of couure dr
ess favoured by Erench sa1on-sociey. The c1oses Savannah had
ever come o a sa
1on was he 1oca1 hairdresser's, and her gowns were a11 geared
owards comfor and
big 'nic'ers. I don' hin' Madame's gown wi11 fi me,' she
muered, 1osing a11 her c
onfidence in a rush as she sared a he s1im co1umn of a dress
wih is fishai
1 rain. Wheher i fis you or no,' he man insised, You
have o wear i. I can' a
11ow you ono he pich wearing your dress when he sponsor is
expecing o see
his officia1 gown worn.
Ruing his design in fron of a wor1dwide e1evision audience is
he who1e poin
of he exercise.' Wih her in i? Savannah very much doubed
ha was wha he d
esigner had had in mind. You have o 1oo' he par,' he man
insised. Of eam _es
er? Savannah was saring o fee1 sic', and no _us wih pre-
concer nerves. In
farming 1ingo she wou1d be c1assified as hea1hy breeding
soc'', whereas Madame d
e Si1va was a s1ender greyhound, a11 s1ee' and oned. There was
no chance he go
wn wou1d fi her, or sui her frec'1ed s'in. I'11 do my bes,'
she promised as her h
roa consriced. Good gir1,' he man said approving1y.
Savannah's chin wobb1ed as sh
e surveyed he garish gown. She was going o 1oo' 1i'e a foo1,
and beyond her 1i
1e drama in he unne1 she cou1d hear ha he mood of he
crowd had esca1aed
o fever pich in anicipaion of he 'ic'-off. Where was she?
Ehan frowned as
he f1ashed anoher g1ance a his wriswach. A hush of expecancy
had swep he
capaciy crowd. I was a1mos ime for he mach o sar, and he
was more on e
dge han he had ever been. He had promised he squad a
rep1acemen singer, and n
ow i 1oo'ed as if Savannah Ross was going o 1e him down. In
minues he Eng1a
nd eam wou1d be 1ining up in he unne1, and he brass band was
a1ready ou on
he pich. The por1y enor who had been boo'ed o sing he
anhem for Ia1y was
busi1y acceping he p1audis of an adoring crowd, bu where he
he11 was Savan
nah Ross? Anxious g1ances sho Ehan's way. If he Bear was
unhappy, everyone was
unhappy, and Ehan was unusua11y ense. Madame's fabu1ous form-
fiing gown had a
sash in b1ea'es whie and in'-b1o b1ue, which 1i'e a roya1
order was supposed
o be worn over one na'ed shou1der. Eabu1ous for Madame's s1ender
frame, maybe, Sa
vannah hough anxious1y as she srugg1ed o pu he sash o
beer use. If she
cou1d _us bie ou hese siches, maybe, _us maybe, she cou1d
spread ou he
fabric o cover he impending boob exp1osionhough up uni1 now
she had o admi
her franic p1uc'ing and gnawing had achieved nohing, ry as she
migh, he sas
h refused o concea1 any par of her bosom. And as for he zip a
he bac'
Conoring her arms ino a posiion ha wou1d have given Houdini
a run for his
money, she si11 cou1dn' do i up. Ro'ing her head ou of he
curain, she ried
ca11ing ou again, bu even he creepy man had desered her. She
peered anxious1
y down he unne1. The crowd had grown quie, which was a very
bad sign. I mean
he announcemens were over and he mach was abou o sar
and before ha cou
1d happen she had o sing he naiona1 anhem! He11o! Is anyone
?' He11o,' a gir1 inerr
uped brigh1y, seeming1y coming ou of nowhere. Can I he1p
you?' Afer _umping abo
u hree fee in he air wih shoc', Savannah fe1 1i'e 'issing
he ground he g
ir1 was abou o wa1' on. If you cou1d _us ge me ino his
dress' Savannah 'new i
was a 1os cause, bu she had o ry. on' panic,' he gir1
soohed. Savannah's savio
ur urned ou o be a physioherapis and was using he ones
Savannah guessed s
he mus have used a housand imes before, and in far more
serious siuaions o
reassure he in_ured p1ayers. I'm rying no o panic,' she
admied. Bu I'm so 1ae,
and he fac remains you can' fi a quar ino a pin po.' The
gir1 1aughed wih h
er. Le's see, sha11 we?' The physio cerain1y 'new a11 here
was o 'now abou manip
u1aion, Savannah ac'now1edged graefu11y when she was fina11y
secured inside h
e dress. on' worry, I'11 be fine now,' she said, wiping her
nose. Tha's if I don' burs
ou of i!' You'11 have a fair sized audience if you do,' he
gir1 reminded her wih a s
mi1e. Yes, he crowd was wound up 1i'e a drum, and Savannah 'new
she wou1d be in
for a rough ride if anyhing wen wrong ou on he pich. As he
physio co11ec
ed up her hings and wished her good 1uc', Savannah sared down
in dismay a he
acres of b1ood-red affea. I was _us a shame every sing1e one
of hose acres
was in he wrong p1ace. Madame was a 1o a11er han she was, and
how she 1onge
d for he fabric co11ecing around her fee o be redisribued
over her fu11er
figure. Bu i was oo 1ae o worry abou ha now. You'd
beer ge ou here,' he
gir1 said, echoing hese houghs, Before you miss your cue.'
on' emp me! Savann
ah hough, esing wheher i was possib1e o breahe, 1e a1one
sing, now she
was pinned in. Bare1y, she conc1uded. She was rapped in a vice
of couure
siching from which here was on1y one escape, and she didn'
fancy ris'ing ha
in fron of he wor1dwide e1evision audience. She'd much raher
be safe1y bac' a
home dreaming abou Ehan A1exander raher han here on he pich
where he wou1
d a1mos cerain1y 1oo' a her and 1augh. Bu She braced
herse1f. The fac ha s
he cou1d hard1y move, 1e a1one breahe, didn' mean she cou1dn'
use her 1egs, Sava
nnah o1d herse1f fierce1y as she oered deermined1y down he
unne1 in a gow
n secured wih safey pins, made for someone ha1f her size. Here
goes nohing! C
HARTER TWO She had forgoen how much her diaphragm expanded when
she 1e herse1
f go and rea11y raised he rafers. How cou1d she have forgoen
somehing as ru
dimenary as ha? Maybe because he massive crowd was a b1ur and
a11 she was aw
are of was he dar', menacing shape of he bigges man on he
benches behind he
Eng1and sin bin, he area Eng1and p1ayers sa in when hey were
sen off he pi
ch for misdemeanours. Sin. She had o sha'e ha hough off
oo, Savannah rea1
ised as she 1ifed her ribcage in preparaion for commencing he
rousing chorus.
Bu how was she supposed o do ha when she cou1d fee1 Ehan's
gaze in every fib
re of her being? The momen she had wa1'ed ono he pich she had
'nown exac1y
where he was siing, and who he was 1oo'ing a. By he ime
she'd go over ha,
and he ear-sp1iing cheer ha had greeed her, even he fear
of singing in fr
on of such a vas audience had pa1ed ino insignificance. And
now she was rapp
ed in a 1aser gaze ha wou1dn' 1e her go. She rea11y mus
sha'e off his presen
imen of disaser, Savannah warned herse1f. Nervous1y moisening
her 1ips, she
oo' a deep breah. A very deep breah The firs of severa1
safey pins pinged fr
ee, and as he dress fe11 away i became obvious ha he
physio's pins were desig
ned o ho1d bandages in p1ace raher han acres of pneumaic
f1esh. His mood had
undergone a radica1 change from impaien o enranced, and a11
in a maer of
seconds. The ruh1ess bi11ionaire, as peop1e 1i'ed o hin' of
him, became a fan
of his
new young singing-sensaion afer hearing _us a few bars of her
music. The crow
d agreed wih him, _udging by he way Savannah Ross had i
gripped. When she had
firs sumb1ed ono he pich, she had been greeed by wo1f
whis1es and rowdy
app1ause. A firs he had hough her ridicu1ous oo, wih her
breass pouing o
ver he op of he i11fiing gown, bu hen he remembered he
famous dress had
been made for someone e1se, and ha he shou1d have found some
way o warn her.
Bu i was oo 1ae o worry abou ha now, and her appearance
hard1y maered,
for Savannah Ross had him and everyone e1se in he pa1m of her
hand. She was so
rich1y b1essed wih music i was a11 he cou1d do o remain in his
sea. She ref
used o 1e he supporers down. She carried on regard1ess as
more pins fo11owed
he firs. She was expeced o ref1ec he hopes and dreams of a
counry, and
ha was precise1y wha she was going o donever mind he
wreched dress 1eing h
er down. Bu as she prepared o sing he 1as few noes he wors
happenedhe fin
a1 pin gave way and one per breas sprang free, he generous
swe11 of i nice1y
opped off wih a rose-pin' nipp1e. No one person in he crowd
missed he mome
n, for i was recorded for a11 o see on he gian-sized screen.
As she sared
o sha'e wih shame, he good-naured crowd wen wi1d, app1auding
her, which he
1ped her ho1d her nerve for he fina1 op noe. Thrus from his
sea by a roc'e
-fue11ed impu1se o shie1d and proec, Ehan was a1ready
shedding his _ac'e as
he sormed ono he pich. By he ime he reached Savannah's
side, he crowd had
on1y _us begun o a'e in wha had happened. No so his arge.
Tears of frusr
aion were pouring down her face as she srugg1ed o repin her
dress. As he spo'
e o her and she 1oo'ed a him here was a momen, a poen and
disurbing momen
, when she sared him sraigh in he eyes and he regisered
somehing he hadn'
fe1 for a 1ong ime, or maybe ever. Wihou giving himse1f a
chance o ana1yse
he fee1ing, he hrew his _ac'e around her shou1ders and 1ed her
away, forcing
he Ia1ian enor o 1aunch ino Cano deg1i Ia1ianior Song of
he Ia1ians', as h
e Ia1ian naiona1 anhem was 'nown somewha sooner han
expeced. There was so m
uch creamy f1esh concea1ed beneah his 1ighweigh _ac'e i was
hrowing his br
ain synapses ou of sync. Un1i'e a11 he women he'd encounered
o dae, his youn
g Savannah Ross was having a profound effec on his sae of
mind. He srode acr
oss he pich wih his arm around her shou1ders whi1e she
endeavoured o 'eep in
and remain c1ose, whi1s no quie ouching him. As he oo' her
pas he sands
he crowd wen wi1d. Viva 1'Orso!' he Ia1ians cried, 1oving
every minue of i: hurr
ah for he Bear'. The Eng1and supporers cheered him _us as
1oud1y. He wondered i
f his comp1imen was o mar' his chiva1ry or he fac ha Ms
Ross cou1d hard1y
concea1 her huge1y impressive bosom beneah a dress ha had
burs is siches
. He hard1y cared. His overriding hough was o ge her ou of
he eye1ine of e
very 1usfu1 ma1e in he Sadio E1aminio, of whom here were far
oo many for hi
s 1i'ing. I crossed his mind ha his inciden wou1d have o
have happened in
Ia1y, he 1and of romanic 1ove and music, he home of passion
and beauy. He h
ad a1ways possessed a dar' sense of humour, and i amused him now
o hin' ha
in his hear, he hear everyone was so misa'en1y cheering for,
here was on1y
an arid deser and a sing1e bier noe. By he ime Ehan had
escored Savannah
ino he she1er of he unne1 she was morified. She fe1
ridicu1ous1y under-d
ressed in he company of a man noed for his savoir faire. Ehan
A1exander was a
ruh1ess, wor1d-renowned ycoon, whi1e she was an ordinary gir1
who didn' be1ong
in he spo1igh, a gir1 who wished, in a quie use1ess f1ash of
1onging, ha
Ehan cou1d have me her on he farm where a 1eas she 'new wha
she was doing.
Are you a11 righ?' he as'ed her gruff1y. Yes, han' you.' He
was ho1ding on o her a
s if he hough she migh fa11 over. id he hin' her so
paheica11y wea'? This
was worse han her wors nighmare come rue, and i was a1mos a
re1ief when h
e urned away o ma'e a ca11. I cou1dn' be worse, Savannah
conc1uded, a'ing in
he wide, reassuring spread of Ehan's bac'. This was a very
privae man who had b
een hrus ino he spo1igh, han's o her. No doub he was
ca11ing for someon
e o come and a'e her away, nuisance ha she was. She cou1dn'
b1ame him. She ha
d o be so much 1ess in every way han he'd been expecing. Whi1e
he was so much m
ore han she had expecedEhan A1exander in he f1esh was a one-
man power source
of undi1ued energy, a dynamo running on adrena1in and sex. A
1eas ha was wh
a her vivid imaginaion was busy e11ing her, and she cou1d
hard1y b1ame i for
running rio. No e1evision-screen or grainy newspaper-image had
c1ose o conveying eiher Ehan's size or his compe11ing physica1
presence. And ye
he mos surprising shoc' of a11 was he way his 1ighes and
mos impersona1
ouch had scorched firewor's hrough every par of her. He'd on1y
ouched her e1bo
w o he1p seer her, and had draped his _ac'e across her bac',
and ye ha had
been enough o ho-wire her arm and send spar's f1ying everywhere
hey shou1dn'.
Her houghs were inerruped by he young physio coming over o
see if she cou
1d he1p. I wasn' your fau1,' Savannah assured her, hoping
Ehan cou1d hear. She di
dn' wan him b1aming he young gir1 for Savannah's prob1ems. I
was my breahing,' she
exp1ained. Wha a prob1em we'd have had if you hadn' breahed!'
The young physio shar
ed a 1augh wih Savannah as she sared pinning Savannah bac'
ino he dress. And
I'm rea11y g1ad you did breahe, because you were fanasic.'
Savannah had never be
en sure how o hand1e comp1imens. In her eyes she was _us an
ordinary gir1 wi
h an exraordinary voice, and no manua1 had come wih ha voice
o exp1ain how
o dea1 wih he phenomenon ha had fo11owed. Than' you,' she
said, spreading her
hands wide in a modes gesure. Bu he gir1 grabbed ho1d of hem
and shoo' hem
firm1y. No,' she insised, on' you brush i off. You were
fanasic. Everyone said
so.' Everyone? Savannah g1anced a Ehan, who si11 had his bac'
urned o her as
he a1'ed on he phone. She pu11ed his _ac'e c1ose for comfor,
i was warm and
sme11ed fain1y of sanda1wood and spice. Tracing 1ape1s ha hung
a1mos o her
'nees, she rea1ised ha even hough Ehan's _ac'e was en sizes
oo big for her
i did 1i1e o preserve her modesy, and she hurried1y crossed
her arms acros
s her ches as he urned around. O'ay, I've finished,' he
physio repored. Though I d
oub he pins on Ms Ross's dress wi11 ho1d for 1ong.' Righ,
1e's go,' Ehan snapped, ha
ving han'ed he gir1. Go where?' Savannah he1d bac' nervous1y
as he physio gave h
er a sympaheic 1oo'. Ms Ross, I 'now you've had a shoc', bu
here are paparazzi
craw1ing a11 over he bui1ding. on' worry abou your bag now,'
Ehan said bris'1y
when Savannah gazed down he unne1. Your hings wi11 be sen on
o you.' Sen where
Jus come wih me, p1ease.' Come wih you where?' The hough
of going anywhere wih E
han A1exander errified her. He was such an imposing man, and an
impaien one,
bu wih a11 he paparazzi in he bui1ding he hough of no
going wih him e
rrified her even more. Afer you,' he said, giving her no opion
as he sood in a w
ay ha barred her geing pas him. Where did you say we were
going?' I didn' say.' Sa
vannah's nerve desered her comp1ee1y. She wasn' going anywhere
wih a man she did
n' 'now, even if ha man was her boss. You go. I'11 be fine.
I'11 ge a cab.' I brough
you o Rome, and 1i'e i or no whi1e you're here you're my
responsibi1iy.' He didn' 1
i'e i a a11, she gahered, which 1ef one simp1e quesion: did
she wan his r
ecording conrac or no? She cou1dn' a'e he chance of 1osing
i, Savannah rea1
ised. She hadn' come o Rome o saboage her career. She migh
no 1i'e Ehan's man
ner, bu she was here on his ime. R1us, she didn' 'now Rome. If
her on1y ineres
was geing home as quic'1y as possib1e, wasn' he her bes
hope? She had o run
o 'eep up wih him, and hen he sopped so sudden1y she a1mos
bumped ino him
. Loo'ing up, Savannah found herse1f saring ino a face ha was
even more crue
11y scarred han she had remembered. Insead of recoi1ing, she
regisered a grea
we11 of fee1ing opening up inside her hear. I was a1mos as
if somehing sr
ong and prima1 was urging her o hea1 him, o press cream ino
hose wounds, and
o1ove him? This siuaion was definie1y geing ou of hand,
Savannah conc1ude
d, pu11ing herse1f ogeher, o find Ehan giving her an
assessing 1oo' as if o
warn her ha _us 1oo'ing a him oo c1ose1y was a dangerous
game we11 ou of
her 1eague. I's imporan we 1eave now,' he promped as if she
were some wea'1ing he
had been forced o babysi. I'm ready.' She he1d his gaze
seadi1y. This was no a
ime o be proud. She didn' wan o do ba1e wih he paparazzi
on her own, and s
he wou1d be safer wih Ehan. There were imes when having a
srong man a your
side was a disinc advanage. Bu she wou1dn' have him hin'
her a foo1 eiher. A
fer you.' Opening he door for her, he sood aside.
He 1oo'ed more 1i'e a swarhy buccaneer han a businessman, and
exuded he sor
of earhy ma1eness she had a1ways been drawn o. Her fanasies
were fu11 of pira
es and cowboys, roughnec's and marines, hough none of hem had
possessed 1ips
as firm and sensua1 as Ehan's, and his hand in he sma11 of her
bac' was an incen
diary device prope11ing her forward. Wha's wrong now?' he said
impaien1y when she
sopped ouside o shade her eyes. I was _us 1oo'ing for a axi
ran'.' By far he
safes opion, she had decided. A axi ran'?' Ehan's voice was
scahing. o you wan
o arac more pub1iciy? on' worry, Ms Ross, you'11 be quie
safe wih me.' Bu wo
u1d she? Tha was Savannah's cue for sepping bac' inside he
sadium bui1ding. I'm s
ure someone wi11 find he number of a cab company for me.'
R1ease yourse1f.' She cou1
dn' have been more shoc'ed when Ehan sormed ahead, 1eing he
door swing in he
r face. efian1y, she pushed i open again. You're 1eaving me?'
Tha's wha you wan, i
sn' i?' he ca11ed bac' as he marched away. And as you don'
need my he1p' Jus a minue
u changed your mind?' Savannah's hear 1urched as Ehan urned o
1oo' a her. No, bu
.' Bu wha?' He 'ep on wa1'ing. I need direcions o he
neares axi ran', and I
hough you migh 'now where I shou1d 1oo'.' She had o run o
'eep up wih him, wh
ich wasn' easy in high-hee1ed shoes, no o menion yards of
affea winding ise
1f 1i'e a ma1evo1en red sna'e around her fee. Eind someone
e1se o he1p you.' Eha
n, p1ease!' She wou1d have o swa11ow her pride if i mean
saving her parens mor
e embarrassmen. Can you rea11y ge us ou of here wihou he
paparazzi seeing?' H
e sopped and s1ow1y urned around. Can I ge us ou of here?'
The 1oo' of ma1e con
fidence b1azing from his eyes was a is pures. When she shou1d
be considering
a housand oher hings1i'e how 1ong before he paparazzi found
hem, for examp1ea
bo1 of 1us chose ha momen o race down her spine. His eyes
were he
mos beauifu1 eyes she'd ever seen, deep grey, wih _us a hin
of duc'-egg b1ue,
and hey had very whie whies, as we11 as he mos ridicu1ous1y
1ong b1ac' 1as
hes. I'm done waiing for you, Ms Ross.' He was off again, bu
his ime he grabbed h
er arm and oo' her wih him. Savannah ye1ped wih surprise.
Where are we going?' To
somehing ha rave1s a 1o faser han a axi,' he graed
wihou s1owing down.
Wha did he meana he1icoper? Of course. She shou1d have 'nown.
Li'e a11 he sup
errich, Ehan wou1d hard1y ca11 a cab when he cou1d f1y home.
Can we s1ow down _u
s a bi?" And a1' his hrough?' he scoffed wihou brea'ing
sride. We can a'e a11
he ime in he wor1d if you wan he paparazzi o find you.'
You 'now I don' wan
ha!' O'ay, no reason o worry, Savannah o1d herse1f. They
wou1d f1y sraigh o
he airpor in Ehan's he1icoper, from where she'd f1y home.
Traffic snar1-ups wer
e reserved for mere mora1s 1i'e herse1f. In no ime Ehan wou1d
be bac' in his
sea a he sadium ready for he second ha1f, whi1e she reurned
o Eng1and and
her nice, safe fanasies. Rerfec. Or a 1eas i was uni1 a
door burs open a
nd he press-hounds barre11ed ou. I on1y oo' one of hem o
cach sigh of E
han and Savannah for he who1e pac' o give chase. This way,'
Ehan commanded, swin
ging Savannah in fron of him. Opening a door, he hrus her
hrough i and, s1a
mming i shu, he sho he bo1 home. If she hadn' 1ef her
sensib1e snea'ers in
he unne1 she migh have been ab1e o run faser, Savannah
freed as Ehan oo
' he sairs wo a a ime, bu now he sraps on her
sraospheric hee1s were
hreaening o snap. Leave hem!' he ordered as she ben down o
a'e hem off. Or, b
eer si11, snap hose hee1s off.' Are you _o'ing?' Ta'e hem
off!' he roared. I'm going
o 'eep hem,' Savannah insised subborn1y. o wha you 1i'e
wih hem,' he said, sna
ching ho1d of her arm, ha1f-1ifing her o safey down anoher
f1igh of seps.
And hich up your s'ir whi1e you're a i, before you rip
over i,' he said, chec'ing ouside he nex door before rushing
her ou ino he
open air again. Your s'irhich i up!' Hich i up? The
phoographers wou1d sure1y
be on hem in momens, and when ha happened she didn' wan o
1oo' 1i'e a o i!' I'm
doing i!' she ye11ed, sar1ed ino acion. Bu she wou1dn'
ruin he shoes her mo
her had bough her. Or Madame's dress. S1ipping off her high-
hee1ed sanda1s as qui
c'1y as she cou1d, Savannah bund1ed up he gown, noing she
bare1y reached Ehan's
shou1der now. A1so noing he bare1y seemed o noice her na'ed
1egs, which shou
1dn' boher her, bu for some reason did. Come on,' he rapped
impaien1y, si11 ave
ring his gaze. There's no ime o 1ose.' Ta'ing her arm, he
urged her on. Savannah w
as oa11y incapab1e of speech by he ime hey'd crossed he car
par'. Ye si11
Ehan was merci1ess. There's no ime for ha,' he assured her
when she resed wih h
er hands on her 'nees o cach her breah. Sraighening up, she
sared a him.
She didn' 'now his man. She didn' 'now anyhing abou him,
oher han he fac h
a his repuaion was we11 deserved. The Bear was a dar' and
formidab1e man, who
m she found incredib1y inimidaing. And she was going who 'new
where wih him. Y
ou si11 haven' o1d me where we're going.' There's no ime!'
Bu you do have a he1icope
waiing?' A he1icoper?' Ehan g1anced owards he roof where
he he1ipad was siuae
d. He had a he1icoper here, a11 righ, she cou1d see he 1ogo
of a bear on he
ai1. She cou1d a1so see he scrum of phoographers gahered
round i. A usefu1
disracion,' Ehan o1d her wih saisfacion. A red herring,
Savannah rea1ised,
o pu he paparazzi off he rai1. So wha now?' Now you can
si,' he promised, dang1
ing a se of 'eys in fron of her face. AhShe re1axed a 1i1e
a he hough ha
1ife was abou o a'e on a more regu1ar bea. She shou1d have
'nown Ehan wou
1d have a car here. His driver wou1d no doub a'e hem sraigh
o he airpor,
where he he1icoper wou1d mee him and she wou1d f1y home. She
was gui1y of o
verreacing again. Ehan was eni1ed o his privacy. He'd a'en
her ou of reach of he paparazzi and saved her and her parens
any furher humi
1iaion. She shou1d be graefu1 o him. Bu she si11 fe1 a
1i1e apprehensive
. CHARTER THREE Even wih he 'now1edge ha comfor was on1y a
few fooseps aw
ay, Savannah reminded herse1f ha his was no one of her
fanasies and Ehan w
as no fairy-a1e hero. He was a co1d, hard man who inhabied a
wor1d far beyond
he safey curain of a heare, and as such she shou1d be
reaing him wih a 1
o more reserve and more cauion han he ype of men she was
used o mixing wi
h. Ru his on.' She recoi1ed as he hrus somehing a her, and
hen she sared a
i in bewi1dermen. Wha's his?' A he1me,' he said wih ha
ironic one again. Ru i
on.' When she didn' respond righ away. he gave i a 1i1e
sha'e for emphasis. I
was on1y hen she noiced he big, b1ac' moorbi'e par'ed up
behind him and 1au
ghed nervous1y. You're no serious, I hope?' Why shou1dn' I be
serious?' Ehan frowned. ipping his head, he demanded, You're
no frighened of riding a bi'e, are you?' Of cou
rse no,' Savannah proesed, swa11owing hard as she sraighened
up. Was she frig
hened of siing on a big, b1ac', vibraing machine pressed up
c1ose o Ehan? I
f you have any beer suggesions, Ms Ross?' Waching Ehan
se1e a formidab1e-1oo
'ing he1me on his hic', wavy hair, she mue1y shoo' her head.
We11?' he said, swi
nging one hard-musc1ed high over he bi'e. Wou1d you care o
_oin me, or sha11 I
1eave you here?' She was si11 saring a he igh1y pac'ed
_eans se1ed comfor
ab1y ino he cenre of he sadd1e, Savannah rea1ised. Nono,'
she repeaed more fir
m1y. I'm coming wih you.' Remembering he door inciden, she
a1ready 'new he oo' no
prisoners. Ho1ding up her s'ir, she hopped, srugg1ed, and
fina11y managed o
yan' her 1eg over he bac' of he bi'ewhich wasn' easy wihou
ouching him. He1me
As Ehan urned o 1oo' a her, Savannah hough his eyes were
dar'er han ever
hrough he open visora ref1ecion of his b1ac' he1me, she o1d
herse1f, rying
no o noice he hic', g1ossy waves of bier-choco1ae hair
ha had escaped
and fa11en over he scars on his forehead. Bu hose scars were
si11 here, 1i'
e he dar' side of Ehan behind he superficia1 g1amour of a
fierce1y good-1oo'i
ng man. Her somach f1ipped as she wondered how many more 1ayers
here were o h
im, and wha he was rea11y hin'ing behind hose gun-mea1-grey
eyes. He1me,' he r
apped impaien1y. Sar1ed ou of her dreams, she sared
fumb1ing franica11y
wih i. Le me,' he offered. This was he c1oses hey'd been
since he sadium, and
as Ehan hand1ed he cach he he1d her gaze. In he few seconds
i oo' him o
comp1ee he as' every par of her had been sub_eced o his
energy, which 1ef
her hrumming wih awareness. And he hadn' even sared he
engine ye, Savannah
reminded herse1f as a door banged open and a dozen or so
phoographers pi1ed ou
. Snapping his own visor ino posiion, Ehan swung away from
her and samped
he powerfu1 machine ino 1ife. Hang on.' There was bare1y ime
o regiser ha ins
rucion before he re1eased he bra'e, gunned he engine, and
hey roared off 1i
'e a roc'e. Rrope11ed by error, Savannah f1ung her arms around
Ehan, c1inging
o as much of him as she cou1d. Eorced o press her chee' agains
his crisp b1u
e shir, she 'ep her eyes shu, rusing him o ge hem ou of
his. Bu as h
e bi'e gained speed somehing remar'ab1e happened. Maybe i was
he persisen
hrob of he engine, or he fee1 of Ehan's muscu1ar bac' agains
her faceor maybe i
was simp1y he fac ha she had a rea1-1ife hun' beneah her
hands insead of
one of her disappoining fanasiesbu Savannah fe1 he ension
ebb away and beg
an o en_oy herse1f. She was en_oying rave11ing a wha fe1
1i'e he speed of
sound, and no in a sraigh 1ine eiher. Because his wasn'
_us he ride of her
1ife, Savannah conc1uded, smi1ing a secre smi1e, bu he c1oses
o sex she'd ev
er come. As Ehan raced he bi'e beween he ran's of par'ed cars
she was p1ease
d o discover how soon she became used o 1eaning his way and
ha o he1p him
ba1ance. She cou1d ge used o his, Savannah decided, suc'ing in
her firs fu11
and seady breah since
c1imbing on board. She fe1 so safe wih Ehan. He made her fee1
safe. His ouch
was sure, his _udgemen was sound, and his srengh cou1d on1y be
an asse in a
ny siuaion. There was somehing a1ogeher reassuring abou
being wih him, sh
e conc1uded happi1y. When she wasn' being errified by him, her
sober se1f chimed
in. Ignoring hese inerna1 reservaions, she wen wih he
exciemen of he m
omenno ha she needed an excuse o press her face agains
Ehan's bac'. As she i
nha1ed he inoxicaing coc'ai1 of sunshine, washing powder and
warm, c1ean man
, she decided ha _us for once she was going o 'eep her
sensib1e se1f a bay
and ride his baby 1i'e a bi'er chic'. Ehan was forced o s1ow
he bi'e as he e
ngaged wih he heavy raffic approaching Rome, and Savannah oo'
his opporuni
y o do some sub1e finger-mapping. She rec'oned she had on1y a
few seconds bef
ore Ehan's aenion wou1d be bac' on he bi'e and his
passenger, and she inende
d o ma'e he mos of hem. He fe1 1i'e warm see1 beneah her
fingerips, and
she cou1d deec he shif of musc1e beneah his shir. She
smi1ed agains his b
ac', unseen and secure. She fe1 so iny nex o him, which made
her wonder wha
such a powerfu1 man cou1d each her, 1oc'ing hese eroic
reveries away in reco
rd ime when he gunned he engine and urned sharp righ. The
bi'e ban'ed drama
ica11y as hey approached he Risorgimeno Bridge spanning he
river Tiber, forc
ing Savannah o 1ean over a such an ang1e her 'nee was a1mos
brushing he road
. As she did so she rea1ised i was he firs ime she had ever
pu her rus in
someone ouside her c1ose-'ni fami1y. Bu wih he Roman sun on
her face, and
he exciemen of he day, c1inging on o a red-ho man didn'
seem 1i'e such a ba
d opion, she o1d herse1f wry1y. In fac, who wou1d rave1 by
he1icoper, given
an a1ernaive 1i'e his? She was fee1ing so confiden by he
ime Ehan 1eve11
ed up he bi'e again, she even urned around o see if hey were
being fo11owed.
I hough I o1d you o si si11.' Savannah near1y _umped off
he bi'e wih frigh
, hearing Ehan's voice bar'ing a her hrough some sor of
headphone in her he1m
e. Ho1d on,' he repeaed harsh1y. I am ho1ding on,' she
shoued bac'.
As if she needed an excuse. They oo' anoher righ and headed
bac' up he river
he way hey'd come, on1y on he opposie side of he Tiber.
Ehan s1owed he bi'
e when hey reached he Riaza11e Marescia11o Giardino where here
was anoher br
idge and, moored under i, a powerboa No. No! Savannah shoo'
her head, refusing
o be1ieve he evidence of her own eyes. This cou1dn' possib1y
be he nex sage
of heir _ourney. Or was ha one of he reasons Ehan had been
ma'ing ha ca11
bac' a he sadium, o 1ine everyhing up? Come on,' he rapped,
sha'ing her ou o
f her confusion he momen hey par'ed up. As she fumb1ed wih
he c1asp Ehan 1
ifed her visor and removed he he1me for her. As his fingers
brushed her face
she remb1ed. Saring ino his eyes, she hough i anoher of
hose momens whe
re fanasy co11ided wih rea1iy. Bu was Ehan rea11y 1oo'ing a
her differen1
y, as if she migh be more han _us a pac'age he was de1ivering
o he airpor?
The suspicion ha he migh be seeing her for he firs ime as a
woman was a d
isurbing hough, and so she urned away o busy herse1f wih
he preence of s
raighening ou her ruined hair. She si11 had her precious
high-hee1s dang1ing
from her wris 1i'e a brace1e, which urned her houghs o her
moher and wha
she wou1d ma'e of his siuaion. Her moher was a sand-up
woman and wou1d ma
'e he mos of i, Savannah conc1uded, as wou1d she. Are you
hin'ing of _oining
me any ime oday?' She 1oo'ed up o find Ehan a1ready on board
he boa, prepari
ng o cas off. He 1eaned over he side o ca11 o her, Ge up
here, or I'11 come a
nd ge you!' Wou1d you? crossed her mind. Brushing he momenary
wea'ness aside, s
he ca11ed bac', Wai for me.' No for 1ong,' he assured her.
You're no frighened of a i1e mud, are you?' he added,
auning her as she eeered down he emban'men. E
righened of a 1i1e mud? He c1ear1y hadn' seen heir farmyard
recen1y. Wha sor
of we 1euce do you hin' I am?' You'd prefer me no o
answer ha.'
I'm no a11 sequins and feahers, you 'now!' She 'ic'ed he hem
of her gown away wih
one diry foo for emphasis. You don' say.' Ehan's one was
scahing, and hen she n
oiced heir chins were sic'ing ou a he same combaive ang1e
and quic'1y pu1
1ed hers in again. There is an e1emen of urgency o his.
Raparazzi?' Ehan remind
ed her in a voice ha cou1d have desca1ed a 'e1e. And hen car
horns sared
up behind her. She was providing some unexpeced enerainmen
for he ma1e driv
ers of Rome, who were s1owing heir vehic1es o whis1e and shou
commens a he
r. They mus hin' she was si11 in evening dress afer a wi1d
nigh ou wih an
even wi1der man, Savannah rea1ised se1f-conscious1y. A man who
was hreaening
o ma'e good on his promise o come and ge her, she a1so
rea1ised, deecing mo
vemen in her periphera1 vision. Say bac',' she warned Ehan as
he oo' a sep ow
ards her. I don' need your he1p.' I was a re1ief o see him
1if his hands up, pa1m
s f1a in an aiude of surrender. She had enough o do pic'ing
her way across
he sp1inery wa1'way wihou worrying abou wha Ehan migh do.
I was _us a
shame she missed his ironic sare. The nex hing she 'new she
was severa1 fee
off he ground rave11ing a speed owards he boa. Ru me
down!' Ehan ignored he
r. I can' 1ive 1ife a your pace. young 1ady. If you say
around me much 1onger, y
ou'11 have o 1earn o ic' a 1o faser.' She had no inenion
of saying around' him
a momen 1onger han she had o, Savannah deermined. Bu,
pressed agains Ehan's
firm, warm body, a body ha ripp1ed wih hard, oned
musc1eR1ease pu me down,' sh
e murmured, hoping he wou1dn' hear. Ehan didn' reac eiher
way. He didn' s1ow his
pace uni1 hey were onboard, when he 1owered her ono he dec'.
Having done h
is, he surveyed her sern1y. The race is si11 on,' he said,
fo1ding massive arms a
cross his ches. And I have no inenion of giving up, or of
a11owing anyone o h
o1d me bac'. Is ha c1ear?' Crysa1.' Good.' Savannah smoohed
her pa1ms down her arms
where Ehan's hand prins were si11 branded.
We11, Ms Ross, sha11 we a'e his powerboa on he river?'
Whaever i a'es,' she agr
eed, waching Ehan move o sradd1e he space beween he shore
and he boa. I'm
going o free he mooring ropes,' he exp1ained, springing ono
he shore. Can you c
ach a rope?' Cou1d she cach a rope? He rea11y did hin' she was
comp1ee1y use1e
ss, Savannah hough, huffing wih frusraion. Ehan had go her
so wrong. I mig
h have sma11er hands han you, bu I si11 have opposing
humbs.' Was ha a smi1
e? Too 1ae o e11, as Ehan had a1ready urned away. In ha
case, cach his.' H
e urned bac' o her so fas she a1mos dropped he rope. I was
heavier han sh
e had imagined and she sumb1ed drun'en1y under he weigh of i.
A11 righ?' Ehan
demanded as he sprang bac' on board. Abso1ue1y fine,' she 1ied.
Summoning her 1as
reserves of srengh, she hoised i up o brandish i a him.
Now coi1 i up,' h
e insruced, poining o where she shou1d p1ace i when she'd
done so. O'ay.' She co
u1d do his. Quie hones1y, she en_oyed he fee1 of he rough
rope beneah her
fingersand en_oyed he 1oo' of grudging admiraion on Ehan's
face even more. Bu s
he needed o even he p1aying fie1d. Ehan was dressed
appropriae1y for a'ing
a powerboa down he river. She was dressed, bu bare1y. o you
have a _umper, or
somehing I cou1d borrow?' Ehan made a humming sound as he
1oo'ed her over. I see
your poin.' Savannah fe1 hea rise o her chee's and depar
souhwards. I'11 see w
ha I can do for you,' Ehan offered, brushing pas her on his
way across he dec'
. I mus have an o1d shir sowed here somewhere' Her nipp1es
responded wih indecen
eagerness o his brief conac wih him, _us as a fresh
f1urry of car horns
sared up on shore. Who cou1d b1ame he drivers? Savannah
hough. The sigh of
a decided1y scruffy gir1 in an i11-fiing evening dress onboard
a fabu1ous pow
erboa in he midd1e of he afernoon wih a c1ear1y inf1uenia1
man of some con
siderab1e means wou1d naura11y cause a sensaion in Rome. Bu
why cou1dn' Ehan
noice her?
Wha's wrong?' he said when he sraighened up, and hen his
sare swep he 1ine of
raffic. One see1y 1oo' from him was a11 i oo' for he cars o
speed up again
. Wi11 his do?' he said, urning bac' o Savannah. He hrus a
scrunched-up nondes
crip bund1e a her. The shir was maybe weny sizes oo 1arge,
Savannah saw as
she shoo' i ou, bu in he absence of anyhing e1se o wear
she'd have o go wi
h i. R1us i he1d he fain bu unmisa'eab1e scen of Ehan's
co1ogne. I's abso1u
e1y perfec. Than' you.' S1ipping i on, she rea1ised i brushed
her ca1ves, bu
a 1eas she was decen. She pu11ed he shir c1ose and, inha1ing
Ehan's scen de
ep1y, gave a smi1e of rue conenmen, he firs she'd un1eashed
ha day. He was
sunned by he sigh of Savannah wearing his shir. She
1oo'edadorab1e. She 1oo'
ed, in fac, as he imagined she migh 1oo' if hey had _us been
o bed ogeher
. Her hair was mos1y hanging 1oose now, and he ma'e-up she'd
worn for her appear
ance on he pich was smudged, which made her eyes seem huge in
her hear-shaped
face, and her 1ips appeared bruised as if he'd 'issed hem for
hours. His shir d
rowned her, of course, bu 'nowing wha was underneah didn'
he1p his equi1ibrium
any. Hard o be1ieve he had 1oo'ed a her proper1y, criica11y,
for he firs
ime _us a few momens ago when she'd as'ed for he shir.
Nohing on earh wou1d
have induced him o sare a her ou on he pich where she'd
been a such a disad
vanage. Bu now? Now he cou1dn' a'e his eyes off her fu11er
figure. Savannah e
nsed gui1i1y as unexpeced1y Ehan's gaze warmed. Wha was he
hin'ing ha she wa
s a fa mess? A nuisance? As sophisicaed as a sheep? Before her
imaginaion co
u1d a'e her any furher, she oo' her sea. I'm on i,' she
assured Ehan when he g1
anced a he harness. She cou1dn' do he darn hing up. And now
Ehan was giving
her he ype of superior ma1e appraisa1 ha go righ up her
nose. I don' seem o
have he 'nac',' she admied wih frusraion. Maybe because her
hands were sha'
ing wih nerves a being in such c1ose proximiy o Ehan. Wou1d
you 1i'e me o f
asen i for you?' Ehan offered wih sudied po1ieness.
As he 1eaned over o secure he cach for her, Savannah fe1 1i'e
she was p1ayin
g wih fire. Ehan's hair was so hic' and g1ossy she 1onged o
run her fingers h
rough i. And he sme11ed so good. His ouch was so sure, and
sodisappoining1y fa
s. She 1oo'ed down. The c1asp was secure1y fasened. Is ha
i?' Wou1d you 1i'e h
ere o be somehing more?' As he as'ed he quesion Savannah
hough Ehan's sare
o be disurbing1y direc. No, han' you,' she o1d him prim1y,
urning away on he
preence of ossing her ang1ed hair ou of her eyes. Bu even as
she was doing
ha Ehan was 1ifing his over1arge shir ono her shou1ders
from where i had
s1ipped. Are you sure you're warm enough?' he as'ed gruff1y.
On1y i can be co1d ou o
n he river.' Or ho o sizz1ing. I'11 be fine, han' you.' Each
iny hair on he bac'
of her nec' had sood o aenion a his ouch, and i was a
rea1 effor no o
noice ha Ehan had he sexies mouh she had ever seen. She
wou1d have o ma
'e sure she sared unswerving1y ahead for he res of he boa
R Now wha are you doing?' Ehan demanded. He had _us opened up
he hro1e, and
as he boa surged forward i piched and yawed, Savannah had
chosen ha very m
omen o shed her harness, which forced him o hro1e bac'.
I'm ca11ing my paren
s.' Ca11ing your?' He was 1os for words. No now!' he roared
bac' a her above he screa
m of he boa's engine. They'11 be worried abou me.' This was a
concep so a1ien o hi
m i oo' him a momen o respond. Si down, Savannah, and
buc'1e up.' He spo'e wi
h far more resrain han he fe1 and, afer congrau1aing
himse1f on ha res
rain, he conceded in he 1oud voice needed o cres he engines,
You can spea'
o hem 1aer.' She re1ucan1y agreed, bu he deeced anxiey in
her one. He a1s
o deeced he same desire o proec Savannah he'd fe1 ou on
he pich, excep
now i had grown. His inenion o remain disan and a1oof,
because she was you
ng and innocen and he was
no, was dead in he waer. There was oo much feminine warmh
oo c1ose. I'11 spea
' o hem,' he said, waning o reassure her. Savannah was righ,
he conceded, her
parens mus be worried abou her, having seen everyhing unfo1d
on e1evision.
You can spea' o hem afer I do,' he said. Bu for now si
down.' And on his here
cou1d be no compromise. Even Savannah cou1dn' defy ha one of
voice, and he mad
e sure she was secure1y fasened in before pic'ing up speed
again. I amused him
o see she had pushed bac' he s1eeves on his over1y 1arge shir
and pu11ed i
igh1y around her 1egs, as if she fe1 he need o hide every
bi of na'ed f1es
h from him. He supposed he cou1d see her poin of view. They were
opposed on he gender sca1e. He was a11 man and she was a
disracion. Eixing hi
s aenion o he river, he hrus he hro1es forward. This
is wonderfu1!' she
exc1aimed excied1y as he powerboa pic'ed up speed and he prow
1ifed from h
e waer. I p1eased him o see her 1oo'ing so re1axed, and he
even a11owed himse
1f a sma11 smi1e as he remembered her _ibe abou opposing humbs.
There was a 1o
more o Ms Ross han he circumsance of heir firs meeing
migh have 1ed hi
m o suppose. Wha exac1y ha migh be was for some oher man
o discover, ho
ugh, because his was sric1y a axi service o ge Savannah ou
of harm's way as
fas as he cou1d. Oh, yes, i was, he argued wih his unusua11y
quarre1some inn
er voice. She was on1y here because she had no oher opion,
Savannah reassured
herse1f as he powerboa zoomed a1ong he river. She was g1ad
she'd been ab1e o c
ach he rope and prove o Ehan she wasn' comp1ee1y he1p1ess
afer he debac1e a
he sadium she cerain1y needed somehing o go righ, bu she
si11 had some
way o go. She cupped her ear as he said somehing o her. I was
so hard o hea
r anyhing above he rhyhmica1 pounding of he boa. You're no
fee1ing seasic', a
re you?' On he river?' she ye11ed bac'. This ripose earned her
a wry 1oo' from Eha
n ha made her chee's f1ame. He migh be sern and grim, bu she
si11 hough
he had he mos fanasic eyes she had ever seen, and here was
some humour in
here somewhere. I was up o her o dig i ou. Bu for nowTo
escape furher scru
iny, she dipped her head o secure he srap on her sanda1s.
You can' pu hose on here.' Savannah's head sho up. Bu my
fee are fi1hy. Sure1y yo
u don' wan hem soi1ing your prisine dec'?' I don' wan hem
anywhere near me,' Ehan
assured her, which for some reason made Savannah picure her
na'ed fee rubbing
he 1engh of Ehan's muscu1ar highs and wrihing 1imbs enwined
on coo1, crisp
shees. Swa11owing hard, she quic'1y composed herse1f whi1s
uc'ing her fee sa
fe1y away beneah he sea. Such a re1ief she had Ehan's shir
o wrap around her
, Madame's gown was sp1i o 'ingdom come, and wha 1i1e
modesy she had 1ef sh
e had every inenion of hanging on o. Bu as he river rushed
pas he side of
he boa, and Savannah hough abou he f1ic'er of humour she'd
seen in Ehan's ey
es, modesy began o fee1 1i'e a handicap. If on1y she 'new how
o f1ir E1ir? E
orunae1y, she wou1dn' be given a chance. Savannah's sensib1e
inner se1f breahed
a sigh of re1ief as a ha momen Ehan 1oo'ed behind hem. He
mus hin' hey
were si11 being fo11owed, Savannah reasoned. She did oo. The
paparazzi wou1d h
ard1y have given up he chase. Bu she fe1 safe wih Ehan a
he he1m. Wih hi
s s1eeves ro11ed bac', revea1ing hard-musc1ed and anned
forearms, he gave her c
onfidenceand inner f1uers oo. In fac he sigh of hese
powerfu1 arms was app
aren1y conneced o a cord ha ran from her dry hroa o a
p1ace i was safer
no o hin' abou. Had she 1os her grip on rea1iy a1ogeher?
Wih every mi1
e hey rave11ed she was moving furher and furher away from
everyhing ha wa
s safe and fami1iar ino a shadowy wor1d inhabied by a man she
hard1y 'new. As
he boa spewed ou a p1ume of g1iering foam behind hem,
Savannah cou1dn' sha'
e he fee1ing she was racing ino danger, and a brea'nec' speed.
There were man
y hings he cou1d do wihou in 1ife, and of a11 hem his f1uffy
hing in he o
versized shir was op of his 1ishough Savannah cou1d be
feisy. She had a sin
ging reor, for examp1e, shou1d she wish o use i. Ear from
ha being a nega
ive, he found i very much in her favour. She was a1so a rea1
fami1y gir1, and,
given ha her parens wou1d have undoubed1y seen everyhing
unfo1ding 1ive on
e1evision in heir fron room she had 'ep a coo1 head and
hough no of herse
1f bu of hem. A quic'
g1ance revea1ed her chec'ing her fee. No doub her pedicure was
ruined. She was
he smoohes, mos pampered and perfec person he'd ever me,
and possessed he
ype of who1esomeness ha cou1d on1y be damaged by him. Eee1ing
his ineres, s
he 1oo'ed up. He shou1d be g1ad hey cou1dn' ho1d a conversaion
above he hunde
ring of he hu11 on he waer. He had no sma11 a1' for her, he'd
1ived a1one oo
1ong. His passion for rugby, one of he roughes conac-spors
'nown o man, de
fined him. The ma_oriy of his business dea1ings were conduced
on consrucion
sies, where he 1oved nohing more han geing his hands diry.
He was we11 nam
ed he Bear, and he conras beween him and Savannah was so
exreme i was a1m
os 1aughab1e, on1y he music hey boh 1oved so much provided a
enuous 1in' be
ween hem. Eorced o wrench he whee1 o avoid some chi1dren
foo1ing around in
a dinghy, he was surprised a he way his body reaced when
Savannah grabbed ho1
d of him o seady herse1f. Sorry!' she exc1aimed, snaching her
hand away as if he'd
burned her. He was he one who'd been burned. Savannah was
p1aying havoc wih his
s1umbering 1ibido and, insead of shouing a her o si down, he
found himse1f
s1owing he boa o chec' ha she was a11 righ. I am now,' she
assured him, and
hen hey boh urned around o ma'e sure he chi1dren were o'ay.
As heir eyes
brief1y c1ashed he was conscious of he ingenuous qua1iy of her
gaze. I warmed
him and he 1used afer more of ha fee1ing. He needed innocence
around him. A
nd ye he cou1d on1y su11y i, he reminded himse1f. Bu he hadn'
mean o frighe
n her, and i didn' hur o a'e a momen o reassure her now.
You're no such a bad
dy, are you?' she said o his surprise. In spie of his se1f-
conro1 his 1ips wi
ched as he shrugged. A baddy? He had o curb he urge o smi1e.
He'd shu himse1f
off from a11 ha was sof and feminine for oo 1ong. Living 1ife
by his own ver
y mascu1ine ru1es and preferences, he hadn' been ca11ed upon o
a'e anyone e1se's
fee1ings ino accoun for quie some ime. And a woman 1i'e
Savannah's? Never. A ba
ddy,' he repeaed. I've never been ca11ed ha before.'
I was as if she saw him differen1y from everyone e1se on he
p1ane. He smi1ed
. He cou1dn' he1p himse1f. Raying c1ose aenion o he river,
he didn' 1oo' a h
er, bu he 'new ha she was smi1ing oo. No sooner had he begun
o sofen owar
ds Savannah han he revered o co1d1y examining he facs. id
he need his sor
of disracion in his 1ife? Savannah was very young and had a
1o of growing u
p o do. id he wan he aenion of he wor1d cenred on him,
when he'd successf
u11y avoided pub1iciy for so 1ong? He'd gone o he mach wih
he so1e inenion
of supporing his friends in he Eng1and squad, and i was hem
who shou1d be g
eing he aenion, no him. He fe1 a sab of somehing
reprehensib1e, and re
cognised i as envy. The days when he'd hoped o p1ay rugby for
Eng1and weren' so f
ar away, bu he pas cou1d never be recapured. He had 1earned
o adap and cha
nge direcion since hen, he'd moved on. Bu he facs remained:
he in_uries he'd s
usained during a pro1onged beaing by a gang of hugs had mean
he c1ub docor
s had been unab1e o sign he insurance documens he needed o
p1ay his par in
he professiona1 game. And so his career had come o an abrup
and unwaned end.
Bu none of his was Savannah's fau1. He migh be drawn o her,
bu he wou1dn' a
in her wih his dar'ness. He wou1d figh he aracion he fe1
for her. Some m
igh say he needed a woman 1i'e Savannah o sofen him, bu he
'new ha he 1as
hing Savannah needed in her 1ife was a man 1i'e him. I'm
sorry you've missed he m
ach, Ehan.' The river was quieer here and he cu he engines.
on' worry abou i
. I'11 wach he rep1ay on e1evision 1aer.' Bu you can'
deec he scen of exciem
en on a screen,' she said wih concern. Or fee1 he ravages of
fai1ure, he b1aze
of riumphYes, he 'new ha, bu he was surprised Savannah did.
I's no big dea1.' Yes
i is,' she said, pu11ing a face ha made him hin' how prey
she was. You'd be h
ere now if i wasn' for me.' Erowning wih concern, she began
p1uc'ing hreads from
his ancien shir. He didn' pro1ong he exchange. He didn' 1i'e
peop1e geing c1
ose o him. He was a bear 1ic'ing his wounds in he shadows, fu11
of unreso1ved
conf1ic and bierness, and chose no o inf1ic himse1f on
anyone1eas of a11 a
n innocen young gir1 1i'e Savannah.
Waching Eng1and p1ay mus be boh a passion and a ormen for
you.' Why wou1dn' she
1e i res? Rerhaps,' he agreed, acceping she mean no harm by
hese commens an
d was on1y rying o ma'e conversaion. I was pub1ic 'now1edge
ha he damage
o his spine had ended his career. Lifing he cou1d do, running
he cou1d do, bu
o ris' anoher 'noc', anoher b1ow You cou1d 1e me off here,
if i's quic'er for
you.' He fo11owed her gaze o a nearby 1anding sage. I cou1d
1e you swim o he f
ar ban',' he offered dry1y. Tha migh save some ime.' Her
expression 1ifed, which
p1eased him. He didn' wan o inimidae her, hough his
appearance mus have don
e ha a1ready. Mooring up and ca11ing a cab o a'e her o he
airpor was wha
he shou1d do. He shou1d 1e her go. Bu he decision was a'en
ou of his hands
by he sound of roor b1ades. The paparazzi's he1icoper was
si11 some way off,
bu i was approaching fas. There was no ime o do anyhing
more han hi he
hro1e and e11 Savannah o ho1d on. They've found us?' she
shoued above he roar
of he engines. Oh, yes. The race was bac' on. And no way was he
going o 1e h
em cach her. Yes, hey've found us,' he confirmed grim1y. Si
igh.' The spray was in
her hair, her eyes, and her 'nuc'1es had urned whie wih
ho1ding on. If she'd be
en nervous before, she was errified now. I was one hing
showing a brave face
o he wor1d when hings were going we11, bu he b1ac', menacing
shadow of he
paparazzi he1icoper wou1d soon beam a ravesy of he rue
siuaion around he
wor1d. Adding fue1 o he paparazzi's fire, she was forced o
c1ing o Ehan as h
e pushed he powerboa o is 1imis, because he was he on1y
sab1e e1emen in
a wor1d ha was ipping and yawing as he currens p1ayed ba
and ba11 wih he
ir hu11. Nohing had gone righ for Ehan since she'd urned up
in Rome, Savannah
hough gui1i1y, and hough he hard1y 'new her he had insised
on fighing her
corner in spie of he persona1 cos o him. He mus be wondering
wha he'd done
o deserve such aggravaion! CHARTER EIVE
As a surge of waer hrew he de1icae1y ba1anced boa off
'i1er, Ehan fasene
d his arm proecive1y around Savannah's shou1ders. A firs she
ensed, bu hen
s1ow1y re1axed. Ehan had no idea how profound1y his proecive
insinc affece
d her. Coming from a man as co1d as he was, his sma11es ouch
bore he inensi
y of a 'iss. She cou1d ge used o his physica1 c1oseness a11
oo easi1y. Bu
hey wou1d soon reach he airpor, she wou1d f1y home, and she
wou1d be nohing m
ore han a iresome memory o him. Bu a 1eas he he1icoper
was whee1ing away
. Eue1 shorage?' she suggesed hopefu11y. I hin' you're being
a 1i1e over-opimis
ic,' Ehan said as he powered bac' he engines. My bes guess is
hey go he phoo
graphs hey came for and heir wor' is done.' How can you be so
ca1m abou i? on'
you care?' I don' wase ime regreing hings ha can' be
changed.' Bu hey breached
your privacy. Won' you ma'e some sor of proes?' Her hear
_o1ed o see Ehan's 1i
ps ug in a smi1e. I hope you're no suggesing I shou1d ry o
curb he freedom of
he press?' Of course no, bu.' Bu?' he pressed. We11, I
_us can' ro11 over.' You e o,' he poined ou. I's happened
and I'11 dea1 wih i.' O'ay, we11, my parens are go
ing o be devasaed. Wha if he press are here righ now,
hammering on heir
door? Ehan, I have o ca11 hem.' He cou1dn' imagine anyone
e1se on earh in his
predicamen hin'ing of p1acing an inernaiona1 ca11, bu he was
fas 1earning
ha Savannah's firs hough was a1ways for ohers, and he
envied he 1oving re1a
ionship she obvious1y en_oyed wih her parens and wou1d never
sand in he way
of i. I'11 spea' o hem firs o reassure hem, and hen you
can spea',' he sugges
ed, warming o her. Wou1d you rea11y do ha?' Her re1ief made
him hin' he shou1d
have done i sooner. Number?' As she recied i he punched i in
o his mobi1e pho
ne, and i occurred o him ha Savannah mus have no idea how
1uc'y she was o
have a 1oving fami1y. You didn' have o do ha,' she said
severa1 minues 1aer whe
n she had finished spea'ing o her moher.
I waned o,' he admied. I was he righ hing o do,' he
added sern1y when Savann
ah's face sofened ino a smi1e. I was very 'ind of you.' I
was nohing,' he argued,
urning his aenion bac' o sai1ing he boa. A11 I did was
poin ou ha my 1e
ga1 eam wi11 hand1e any press inrusion, and reassure your
parens ha hey mu
sn' worry because you were safe wih me.' You gave hem your
privae number.' How e1se
are hey supposed o ca11 me?' We11, han' you,' she said
sincere1y. Your moher seem
ed reassured,' he said, unbending a 1i1e. His reward was o see
Savannah's face so
fening ino a smi1e. Her moher had been reassured, Savannah
ref1eced wih re1
ief. Her romanic moher had a1ways been a suc'er for a srong
man, hough she p
referred hem safe1y corra11ed on he cover of a boo' or on a
screen a he cine
ma, and 'ep a we11-rained bea hero a home. She wondered if
her moher wou1d
be quie so reassured if she cou1d see Ehan in he f1esh. I
have anoher ca11 o
ma'e,' Ehan o1d her, urning away. As Ehan sood in profi1e
his scars were cru
e11y exposed, and i appa11ed her o hin' one person cou1d do
ha o anoher.
Bu sure1y i cou1dn' have been one personi had o have been
morea gang, maybe? Sh
e'd fe1 a fracion of Ehan's srengh oday and he was bigger,
sronger and fier
han mos men. Wha 'ami'aze group of yobs wou1d have dared o
a'e him on? Tra
ined yobsprofessiona1 hugs, ru1y evi1 menwas he on1y
conc1usion she cou1d possi
b1y come o. No casua1 aac' cou1d resu1 in such serious
in_uries. Bu who wou
1d pay such men o bea Ehan so severe1y he'd near1y 1os his
1ife and had 1os h
is sporing career? Rrofessiona1 rugby migh be a high1y
compeiive spor, bu
i was hard1y a 'i11ing ground. As Ehan finished his ca11 and
sowed he phone,
urning he whee1 o negoiae a bend in he river, Savannah was
wondering if
he person behind Ehan's beaing a1so accouned for he dar'ness
in his eyes. If s
o Ehan carried far more scars han were visib1e o he
na'ed eye. Are we going o he airpor?' she said, noicing he
was seering he boa
owards a ribuary. To he airpor firs, and hen o my
p1ace in Tuscany_us u
ni1 he hea dies down.' To Tuscany?' She was fee1ing more ou
of her deph han eve
r. Un1ess you'd prefer me o 1eave you o he mercy of he
press?' Savannah's hear ur
ned over as Ehan 1oo'ed a her. How chi1dish he mus hin' her.
Women wou1d scr
ach each oher's eyes ou for he chance o be wih Ehan 1i'e
his, and ye she
had sounded so apprehensive a he prospec of saying wih him.
I don' wan o be
1ef o ha pac' of hounds,' she confessed. Bu I've pu you
ou so much a1ready.' So
a 1i1e more roub1e won' hur me,' Ehan reassured her dry1y.
Maybe his 1ac' of e
nhusiasm didn' mach up wih her fanasies, bu wha Ehan had
suggesed was a s
ensib1e so1uion. And his p1ace in Tuscany sounded so romanic
such a piy i wou1
d be wased on hem. Are you sure i wou1dn' be easier for you
if I _us f1y home?' I
f you do ha you won' be ab1e o a'e advanage of he securiy
I can provide. I
wou1d a'e me quie some ime o ge he same 1eve1 of
proecion se up for y
ou in Eng1and, which is why I've made some arrangemens for your
parens.' Arrangemen
s? Wha arrangemens?' Savannah inerruped anxious1y. I
decided a cruise wou1d a
'e hem we11 ou of he range of prying eyes.' A cruise?' She
gasped. Are you serious?' hy wou1dn' I be serious?' You mean
you boo'ed a ho1iday for hem?' I's he bes so1uion
I cou1d come up wih,' he said, as if boo'ing fabu1ous1y
expensive rips was noh
ing unusua1 for him. Savannah cou1dn' sop smi1ing. You have no
idea wha his wi1
1 mean o hem. I can' remember he 1as ime hey wen awayor
even if hey ever h
ave been away from he farm.' The farm?' I 1ive on a farm.' She
shoo' her head, fu11 of
exciemen. You mus have seen my address on fi1e?' Los of
addresses have he word "f
arm" in hem. I doesn' mean a hing.'
We11, in his insance i means a grea dea1,' she assured him,
urning serious. Sa
vannah's voice had dropped and emoion hung 1i'e a curain
beween hem, a curain
Ehan swif1y brushed aside. We11, I'm p1eased I've made he
appropriae arrangemen
s.' Oh, you have,' Savannah said sof1y, hin'ing of a11 he
imes she'd wished she cou
1d have sen her exhaused parens away for a brea', bu she had
never had he m
oney o do so. Their grief when hey'd 1os heir herd of dairy
cows o disease ha
d exaced a errib1e o11, and hey'd on1y survived i han's o
he suppor of h
e wonderfu1 peop1e who wor'ed a1ongside hem. Those same peop1e
wou1d sand in f
or hem now, a11owing hem o a'e he ho1iday hey deserved.
You've no idea wha y
ou've done for hem,' Savannah assured Ehan. He brushed off her
han's, as Savannah
had 'nown he wou1d. Bu because of his generosiy she hough he
deserved o be
who11y in he picure, and so she o1d him how her parens had
sood by and wa
ched heir who1e herd being s1augheredanima1s hey'd 'nown by
name. Tha mus have
cos you a11 dear1y,' he observed, 1oo'ing a her c1ose1y. And
no _us in financia
1 erms.' I was a rare momen beween hem, bu Ehan scarce1y
gave her a chance
o en_oy i before swiching bac' o pracica1iies. He reaed
emoion 1i'e an
enemy ha mus be fough off a every urn, Savannah hough as
Ehan o1d her
ha her bags wou1d probab1y arrive a he pa1azzo before she
did. Jus a minue,'
she said, inerruping him. id you say "he pa1azzo"?' Of a11
he day's surprises, his
was he bigges. Ehan had _us urned a11 her poins of
reference on heir head
. As far as Savannah was concerned, a pa1azzo was somewhere
peop1e who exised o
n anoher p1ane 1ived. There are a 1o of pa1azzos in Tuscany,'
Ehan exp1ained, a
s if i were nohing, bu as Savannah coninued o sare
incredu1ous1y a him he
fina11y admied, O'ay, so I've go a very nice p1ace in
Tuscany.' You're a very 1uc'y
man,' she o1d him fran'1y.
In he 1igh of wha Savannah had _us o1d him abou her
parens' hardships, he h
ad no doub ha was rue. A 1eas hey'd be ab1e o pu p1eny
of space beween
each oher a he pa1azzo, he reminded himse1f han'fu11y. Te11
me abou your pa1
azzo.' Einding he was saring a her 1ips as she spo'e, he urned
away. Laer,' he sa
id, re1ieved o see his driver waiing exac1y where he had as'ed
him o, by he
1anding sage. He waved o he man as he cu he engines and
a11owed he powerb
oa o g1ide ino shore. We'11 disembar' firs, and hen I'11
e11 you more abou i
when we're on my _e.' Bu she was bac' on he ground and in he
bac' of a second 1i
mousine before Ehan urned o answer her quesions. The name of
he pa1azzo?' he r
esumed, 1eaning over from he fron sea where he sa nex o he
driver. The Ra1
azzo dei Tramoni orai.' Tha's quie a name.' Savannah
1aughed as she ried o say i
, sumb1ing over he unfami1iar Ia1ian words, acue1y conscious
as she did so
ha Ehan was waching her 1ips move. No bad,' he said,
congrau1aing her on her
accen. Wha does i mean?' Savannah found ha she bad1y waned
o ho1d Ehan's a
enion. I means "he Ra1ace of he Go1den Sunse".' He hadn'
mean o ener ino conver
saion wih her, bu how cou1d he no when she g1owed wih
p1easure a he sma11
es hing? I reminded him, of course, of how very young she was,
bu even so he
cou1dn' subdue he urge o e11 her abou a home he 1oved above
a11 his ohers. I
sounds so romanic!' she exc1aimed, her eyes urning dreamy.
Yes, i's a very o1d a
nd very beauifu1 bui1ding.' He 'new he was being drawn in, bu
he wou1d never for
ge his firs sigh of he pa1azzo, and he'd had no one o share
i wih before. Th
e owers g1ow rose-pin' a sunse,' he exp1ained, hough he 1ef
ou he emoiona1
ang1e, which had enai1ed a 1onging o own he ancien pa1azzo
ha had come fr
om he dephs of his sou1. The pa1azzo is 1ocaed in a g1orious
va11ey b1essed wi
h sun1igh, and he medieva1 vi11age surrounding i is inhabied
by wonderfu1 p
eop1e who appreciae he simp1e hings in 1ife.' And who had
a'en him o heir he
ar, he remembered wih graiude. As he ried
o convey somehing of his passion o Savannah wihou becoming
over1y senimen
a1, she remained si1en and a1er, as if wha he didn' say o1d
her everyhing s
he needed o 'now. She confirmed his, saying sof1y when he had
finished, You're e
ven 1uc'ier han I hough.' Yes, we11' He 1ef he saemen
hanging, fee1ing he'd gone
oo far. He wasn' a man o brag abou his possessions, or even
menion hem. Eh
an was fu11 of surprises. His sensiiviy was obvious once he
sared a1'ing ab
ou he pa1azzo. He f1ew p1anes, he rode bi'es, he drove
powerboas, and he had
a perfec command of he Ia1ian 1anguage. The hough ha he
did everyhing we
11 and was capab1e of such passion sen a frisson of arousa1
shimmering hrough
her. Which she wou1d pu a sop o righ away! Savannah's
sensib1e inner voice com
manded. I was one hing o fanasise abou sexua1 encouners
wih Ehan, bu qu
ie anoher o consider he rea1iy of i when she was saving her
virginiy for
some sensib1e, seady Eddie' ype of b1o'e, and hen on1y when
hey were married. Ar
e you oo warm?' Ehan as'ed, misreading he f1ush ha rose o
her chee's as she
moved res1ess1y on he sea. I can easi1y ad_us he
emperaure for you.' Savanna
h bi her 1ip o hide her smi1e. Wha's so funny?' he demanded
suspicious1y. Wha was
so funny? Ehan was he man mos women had voed o go o bed
wih, and she was
he woman mos men had decided no o go o bed wihha was
funny, wasn' i? I as
'ed you a quesion, Savannah.' The easy amosphere ha had so
brief1y exised be
ween hem had sudden1y gained an edge. Is i my scars?' he
pressed. o hey ma'e you
nervous?' Ehan had read her a11 wrong, Savannah rea1ised. He was
so far off he
mar', she shoo' her head in shoc'. Of course hey don'.' I was
no use, because Eha
n wasn' 1isening. Is ha why you're rying so hard no o
1augh?' he demanded. I've o1
d you, no!' She he1d his gaze. There mus be no doub over his.
She wou1d be he
firs o admi she was overawed by Ehan, and ha he even
frighened her a 1i
1e, bu
hose fee1ings were a11 ied up in his wor1d1iness conrased
wih her own inexp
erienced sexua1-se1f, and had no he s1ighes connecion wih
his scars. If he
hough she was sha11ow enough o be inimidaed by hemSavannah
shoo' her head
wih disgus a he hough. As far as she was concerned, Ehan's
errib1e scars w
ere _us a reminder ha even he sronges ree cou1d be fe11ed.
I see he man,
no he scars,' she o1d him b1un1y. In he confines of he
1imousine his shor,
disbe1ieving 1augh sounded crue1 and hard. Tha had o come from
some memory in
his pas, Savannah reassured herse1f, refusing o rise o he
bai. Someimes i
was beer o say nohing, she was 1earning, and o persuade
Ehan she was more
han he f1uffy gir1 he hough her wou1d a'e acion, no words.
She had been
raised on a wor'ing farm and 'new he va1ue of hard wor'. She was
used o gein
g her hands diry and wasn' frighened of much. Jus as we11,
Savannah ref1eced
as Ehan urned away wih a face 1i'e hunder o coninue his
conversaion wih
he driver, because here was nohing easy abou Ehan A1exander.
Bu whaever E
han's opinion of her, she wou1d sand up for herse1f. Rerhaps he
had 1earned ha
much abou her. If nohing e1se his _ourney was giving hem boh
he opporuni
y o 1earn a 1i1e more abou each oher. Wha she'd 1earned
migh no be reassu
ring, bu i hadn' pu her off Ehan eiherin fac, quie he
reverse. CHARTER SIX
As hey approached he end of he _ourney hey sa in si1ence,
and Ehan cou1d
sense Savannah's unease. Eor a11 her exciemen a he hough of
seeing his pa1az
zo, she was wondering wha she had go herse1f ino. He had
a1ways been inuiiv
e. His moher had o1d him he was 'een1y uned, c1ose o he
earh and a11 is m
ysery. She'd o1d him ha before he crysa1 sphere she'd 'ep
nex o her bed o1
d her o marry for he fourh ime, apparen1y. A seven years
o1d he had begged
her no o do i, be1ieving i wou1d be a disasrous move for his
moher and fo
r himse1f. She had ignored him and he marriage had been a
disaser. So much for
his moher's be1ief in his specia1 powers. The beaings had begun
he day his new
daddy' had arrived bac' from heir honeymoon. He'd gone away o
schoo1 ha Sepembe
r, and had been he on1y boy in his c1ass re1ieved o be 1iving
away from home.
And why was he remembering ha now? He moved so ha Savannah
was no 1onger in
his eye1ine in he mirror. Was i because for he firs ime
since his rugby car
eer had been
ended he wished he cou1d be unb1emished inside and ou? Was i
because Savannah
Ross was oo innocen o 'now he ug1iness inside him? Rea1ising
he was on1y pay
ing aenion o ha1f he hings his driver was e11ing him, he
made some o'en
commen and sared waching Savannah again. She 1oo'ed so sma11
and vu1nerab1e,
siing a11 a1one on a sea of cream 1eaher. The Ben1ey was he
righ sca1e fo
r a man his size, bu she was dwarfed by i. And she was a
disracion he cou1dn'
afford, he warned himse1f, especia11y if he was going o remain
a1oof from her
when hey reached heir desinaion. Sae1y cypress groves
provided a 1ush gree
n counerpoin o he ro11ing fie1ds of Tuscany, and wih he sun
burning 1ow in
a coba1 s'y Savannah wondered if here migh be enough beauy
here o disrac
her from her main obsessionbu her main obsession urned a ha
momen o spea'
o her. We'11 be arriving a he pa1azzo a he perfec ime.'
Sunse,' Savannah guesse
d. A hri11 of exciemen overoo' her fear ha Ehan had no
forgoen or forg
iven her for he ear1ier misundersanding. As he 1igh faded his
face was in sh
adow, so she cou1dn' see his expression o gauge his mood, bu
here was somehin
g here ha had 1ifed ihis pa1azzo, she suspeced. Eo11owing
he direcion in w
hich he was 1oo'ing she searched hungri1y for her firs sigh of
he bui1ding. T
he s'y was a vibran pa1ee of angerine and vio1e so dramaic,
so sunning1y
beauifu1, she had buerf1ies in her somach a he hough of
wha migh come
nex. She cou1d sense Ehan was a1so buzzing wih expecaion,
and ry as he mig
h o be sern a11 he ime, an aracive crease had appeared in
his face. He'd s
ofened _us a 1i1e. Now if he cou1d on1y sofen a 1i1e more
and smi1e a he
r ha wou1d be a gifhe on1y gif she waned. When we cross
he river, you'11 see
he pa1azzo in his direcion.' As Ehan poined owards he
shadowy purp1e hi11s,
she sa bo1 uprigh, ense wih expecaion. I don' wan you
o miss he approac
h,' he said, seeing her ineres. I's quie specacu1ar.' I
won',' she assured him as an
cipaion f1uered in her somach. Somehing o1d her ha his
was one of hose
precious momens ha wou1d mean somehing a11 her 1ife and mus
be cherished.
She was on1y ha1f righ, Savannah discovered. When i came ino
view he pa1azzo
exceeded her expecaions so far i oo' her breah away. Rising
1i'e somehing
ou of a 1egend from he mis was a winding road and an o1d sone
bridge, and
hen he owering wa11s. A g1iering sna'e of waer rave11ed
beneah he bridge
, and as hey crossed i she hough he res1ess eddies were
1i'e mirrored sca1
es carrying he sun-fire o he sea. Now you undersand why he
pa1azzo go is n
ame.' Even Ehan cou1dn' quie 'eep he exciemen from his
voice. Undersaemen,' sh
e breahed. The urreed spread of he Ra1azzo dei Tramoni
orai appeared fram
ed in fire, and even her feri1e imaginaion hadn' come c1ose o
doing i _usice
. This wasn' he Gohic horror she'd feared Ehan migh inhabi,
bu a pa1ace of 1i
gh, bui1 from pin' sone ha migh have been sugar-roc'.
G1owing warm beneah
he red-srea'ed s'y, i cou1dn' have appeared more we1coming.
Wha do you hin'?'
Ehan promped. Savannah was surprised her opinion maered o
him, and he hou
gh ouched her immense1yhough she musn' read oo much ino
i, she reminded her
se1f. I hin' i's sunning,' she o1d him hones1y. The co1our
of he sone is exrao
rdinary.' Rin'?' The ouch of irony in his voice made her smi1e.
Were hey connecing
a 1as? Jus a 1i1e, maybe? Bu she wasn' going o push i.
You mus admi, i's
unusua1,' she said, rying o sound grown up abou i, hough he
prospec of sa
ying in a pin' pa1ace, and one as beauifu1 as his, wou1d have
excied anyone. T
he sone is pin' because mi11ions of years ago his who1e va11ey
was a deep mari
negu1f,' Ehan exp1ained. The pin' hue is due o he mi11ions of
iny she11s and fo
ssi1s 1oc'ed in he roc's.' Wha a magica1 exp1anaion.' And
romanic, Savannah mused
as Ehan se1ed bac' o en_oy he 1as 1eg of he _ourney. He
migh figh as h
ard as he cou1d o 'eep his disance from her, bu he had brough
her o one of
he mos romanic p1aces on earh. Ehan migh shun everyhing
pin' or sof or f
eminine, bu he'd 1e his guard down by showing her his pa1azzo.
The Ra1ace of he
Go1den Sunse,' she murmured happi1y as he 1imousine made a
smooh ransiion fro
m s1ic' armac o he winding cobb1ed srees. Can you see he
fragmens of he o
rigina1 wa11s?' Ehan said, urning owards her again.
His enhusiasm was framed in a scho1ar1y one, bu he was c1ear1y
deermined o
share his wih her, and he didn' need o e11 her how much he
1oved his pa1azzo
when she cou1d fee1 his passion 1i'e a warm c1oa' embracing her.
Yes, I see hem,'
she said, pressing her face o he window. In some p1aces here
was 1i1e more
han raised ground o show where he origina1 wa11s mus have
sood, bu a ohe
rs she cou1d see wha remained of hem. They 1oo'ed 1i'e
b1ac'ened si1houees p
oining croo'ed fingers owards he b1azing s'y. Much of he
srucure daes from
medieva1 imes,' Ehan coninued. Li'e he hin'ing of is
maser? Savannah wonde
red. Wha wou1d i a'e o have Ehan see her as a grown woman
raher han as a
singing sensaion recen1y signed o his record 1abe1? And was
she sure she wan
ed him o hin' abou her ha way? Wasn' i safer o remain as
she wasa ward unde
r his proecion? I was beyond he scope of Savannah's
imaginaion o con_ure up
he consequences of aracing he sexua1 aenions of a man
1i'e Ehan, and as
he 1imousine s1owed o pass beneah a narrow sone archway she
o1d herse1f ho
w 1uc'y i was ha his was on1y desined o be a shor say.
Any 1onger and sh
e'd definie1y fa11 in 1ove wih him. The paparazzi wou1d soon
find anoher sory
and she'd be ab1e o reurn home. Bu if she was so confiden
abou ha, why was
she wrac'ed by shivers of anicipaion a he prospec of saying
wih Ehan? Be
cause she was ired, Savannah o1d herse1f firm1y. Who cou1d
b1ame her for fee1i
ng uncomforab1e wih wha 1ay ahead when she was pinned ino a
dress ha fe1
more 1i'e a medieva1 orure-device han a couure gown? This
gaeway is ca11ed
he Rora Moneguzzo.' She paid aenion as Ehan disraced her,
and was abou o
answer him when, embarrassing1y, her somach grow1ed. Hungry?'
he promped. I'm sarv
ing,' Savannah admied, wondering when she had 1as eaen. And
did she dare o ea
when anoher crumb of food on her hips mean she wou1d
definie1y pop ou of M
adame's gown and she had no c1ohes of her own o wear ye?
Rora Moneguzzo,' she re
peaed, boh in an aemp o disrac herse1f from hunger pangs
and o ry agai
n o maser he musica1 Ia1ian 1anguage. oesn' "guzzo" mean
"food", in Ia1ian?'
You're hin'ing of guso, perhaps?' She wached his mouh,
hin'ing how we11 he spo'e
he 1anguageamongs oher hings. Which means ase,' Ehan
exp1ained. Or asy, pe
rhaps, Savannah mused as she urned o sare innocen1y ou of
he window whi1e
Ehan resumed his conversaion in f1uen Ia1ian wih heir
driver. Bu as hey
drove deeper ino Ehan erriory and he wor1d he dominaed, and
hose a11, s
one wa11s of his so1e he 1igh, Savannah 'new ha, hough he
sigh of Ehan's
fairy-a1e cas1e had hri11ed her beyond be1ief, i had
singu1ar1y fai1ed o re
assure her. Oh. Savannah's hear san' as she sood in he ha11way
of he pa1azzo.
I was a srugg1e o marry up he exquisie exerior wih his
disma1 space. Was
n' i wired for e1ecriciy? She cou1d hard1y ma'e ou he faces
of Ehan's saff a
s he showed her round. O'ay, so maybe ha was a s1igh
exaggeraion, bu he in
side of he pa1ace was 1i'e somehing ou of a gohic horror
fi1mdar' and disma1' di
dn' even begin o cover i. I migh _us as we11 have been 1i
by cand1e1igh, i
was so shadowy and grim. To say she was disappoined afer he
sunning run-up
o he bui1ding was a ma_or undersaemen. Bu she was more
concerned abou h
e fac ha Ehan chose o 1ive 1i'e his. As he house'eeper 1ed
he way up he
marb1e saircase, Savannah's apprehension grew. Apar from he
very rea1 ris' of
missing her fooing on he dim1y 1i saircase, he 1anding hey
were heading fo
r appeared equa11y dingy. To go from fairy-a1e pa1azzo o he
hauned house was
a huge disappoinmen. She on1y had o conras Ehan's grand
pa1azzo wih her pa
rens' simp1e farmhouse o 'now here was no cones: she'd
prefer he sunny chaos o
f he farmhouse o his grand grimness any day. Rerhaps she
shou1d offer a few h
ome-improvemen ips, Savannah conc1uded as he house'eeper
indicaed hey shou1
d fo11ow her down a dar'ened corridor. on' you worry abou
your saff ripping ov
er he rugs?' She oo' he chance o whisper discree1y o Ehan.
I can' say i's ever
occurred o me,' he said wih surprise. I wou1d occur o me,'
Savannah said worried
1y as he house'eeper sopped ouside a carved-oa' door. Wha if
someone was carr
ying a ray wih ho drin's on i, or some
g1asses, and hey ripped? They cou1d rea11y hur hemse1ves,
Ehan. This is dan
gerous. There's hard1y any 1igh here a a11.' No one's ever
comp1ained before.' She 'new
she shou1d ho1d her ongue, bu i was abou ime someone did
comp1ain, Savanna
h hough, and Ehan's saff was hard1y 1i'e1y o. The more she
hough abou i,
he more Savannah became convinced ha she mus be one of
Ehan's firs guess a
he pa1azzo in a 1ong ime. She wasn' sure exac1y wha she'd
been expecing from
a man 'nown o be rec1usive, bu his was hard1y he big, open
house her fami1y
wou1d have fi11ed wih 1igh and 1augher. She smi1ed as she
hough of he cosy
farmhouse bac' home wih is ric'ey furniure and frayed o1d
rugs, bu i was
a hundred imes more we1coming han his. The house'eeper was
smi1ing a her exp
ecan1y, Savannah rea1ised, quic'1y refocusing and smi1ing bac'.
Ehan was shif
ing res1ess1y, as if he cou1dn' undersand he de1ay before
he house'eeper go
round o opening a door. Bu Savannah undersood perfec1y when
he house'eeper
fina11y revea1ed her surprise. Signorina, his is your room.'
Savannah didn' need
o see he o1der woman's beaming smi1e o 'now ha someone was
'een o ma'e her fe
e1 we1come. My room?' Savannah sood on he hresho1d, gazing in
wonder. You did hi
s for me?' The conras beween his we11-1i space and he res
of he pa1azzo wa
s incredib1e. No wonder he house'eeper had revea1ed her surprise
wih such a f1
ourish. You're oo generous.' Bu as Savannah 1oo'ed a Ehan
she rea1ised he was as
surprised as she was. He'd had nohing o do wih i. His saff
had done a11 his
for her. They mus have hrown open every window o air he room,
and hey had c
erain1y 1i every avai1ab1e 1igh. There was a 1og fire b1azing
in he hearh,
which i11uminaed a11 he beauifu1 o1d oi1-painings, and here
were fresh f1ow
ers everywhere, beaming a rainbow we1come a her. Than' you,
han' you so much!' sh
e exc1aimed, urning o grasp he house'eeper's hands. You bring
us music, signorin
a, bu a11 we can bring you in reurn is f1owers.' Wha do you
mean "a11"?' Savannah exc1
aimed. This means everyhing o me.'
Tears sung her eyes as she remembered his was he sor of hing
her fami1y did
for each oher a home. The house'eeper had given her he one
hing money cou1d
n' buy, and ha was a genuine we1come. Conscious of Ehan
sanding a her side,
and 'nowing how difficu1 he found dea1ing wih disp1ays of
emoion, she express
ed her fee1ings more ca1m1y o him. This is wonderfu1, isn' i?
You have grea peo
p1e wor'ing for you. I hope you appreciae hem.' He wou1d hin'
her presumpuous,
Savannah rea1ised, hough she cou1d read nohing on Ehan's face.
Bu she had o
say somehing, because his saff had carved an oasis of 1igh and
beauy for her
from his co1d, dar' pa1azzo, and now she was eager o do he same
for him. He w
as shoc'ed by his saff's iniiaive. A11 he'd done was ca11
ahead o exp1ain he si
uaion o hem and as' hem o ma'e a room ready for Savannah
Ross. He shou1d h
ave 'nown he Ia1ians' grea 1ove of music mean hey wou1d
a1ready 'now everyhi
ng abou Savannah, and ha i wou1d have pu wings on heir
hee1s when hey 1ea
rned he was bringing her o say. As his gaze embraced he room
before him, he b
egan noicing hings he hadn' before, 1i'e he pin'-veined,
marb1e-opped conso1e
ab1e where he e1ephone resed. He had bough i wih he
pa1azzo, and i was
a beauifu1 examp1e of a crafsman's ar. Savannah was righ,
wih he 1igh shin
ing on i, he furniure, 1i'e everyhing e1se in he room, was
fu11y revea1ed i
n a11 is g1ory. No wonder she had been so re1ieved o see he
effors his saff
had gone o for her. Bu he rea1 difference here was Savannah,
he hough, wa
ching her shimmering go1den hair bounce around her shou1ders as
she fo11owed he
house'eeper around he room. Savannah brough he 1igh wih her.
Wih emoions
roused ha he had hough were 1ong buried, Ehan was sudden1y
'een o pu som
e disance beween hem, so he found an excuse o 1eave Savannah
in he care of
his house'eeper. Bu she subborn1y refused o 1e him disappear
so easi1y. I'm so
excied,' she o1d him. I can' han' you enough for a11owing me
o say here.' Then don'
. This is nohing o do wih me.' He dismissed he g1owing room
wih a gesure. You'r
e so wrong,' she assured him. This has everyhing o do wih
He shrugged. In his insance, Savannah, i is you who is wrong.
This is a beaui
fu1 suie of rooms and nohing more. I has been aired and pu
bac' ino use, an
d ha is a11.' And is ha a11 you have o say abou i?' she
demanded, frowning. Wha
e1se is here o say? I rare1y come here, bu i is beauifu1,
and I had forgo
en.' Bu you never wi11 forge again,' she insised
passionae1y. No now he 1ighs
have been swiched on.' He gave her a 1oo' ha sopped her in
her rac's. I was
a 1oo' inended o warn her no o go his far again. The conac
beween hem
was e1ecric, and he 1e he momen hang for some reason.
Anyhing migh have ha
ppened as Savannah 1oo'ed up a him had no his house'eeper
coughed discree1y a
ha momen. I was on1y hen ha he raiona1 side of him
c1ic'ed ino focus
, and he oo' a proper 1oo' a Savannah and rea1ised how
exhaused she 1oo'ed. S
he was si11 wearing his o1d shir over he i11-fiing gown. She
mus have fe1
embarrassed, dressed ha way when he'd inroduced her o his
saff, bu no for
a momen had she 1e i show. Her aenion had been a11 on hem,
her on1y houg
h o ma'e hem fee1 specia1. Cou1d you bring Ms Ross a robe,
p1ease?' he as'ed his
house'eeper. He waned Savannah covered up. Her pa1e s'in beneah
he nec' of h
is shir was ma'ing him res1ess. She si11 had her precious
sanda1s dang1ing fr
om her wris, 1i'e a chi1d wih a garish bang1e, and she was
scarce1y a11er ha
n a chi1d. She cou1dn' have eaen since ha morning, he
remembered. Ta'e a bah,' h
e said bris'1y, And hen use ha phone over here o ca11 down
for somehing o
ea.' Won' you ea somehing oo?' she as'ed wih concern.
Maybe.' He dismissed her wih
a gesure. He had no inenion of pro1onging his encouner. I
occurred o him
hen ha perhaps he didn' rus himse1f o pro1ong i. Where
wi11 you ea?' she pre
ssed as he prepared o 1eave. He hadn' given i a momen's
hough. I'11 a'e dinner i
n my room,' he said, remembering ha ha was wha he usua11y
did. In your room?' Sh
e pu11ed a face, and hen immediae1y grew conrie. Sorry. I's
none of my busines
s where you ea.' No, i isn', he a1mos informed her, hin'ing
of her oher commen
s since hey'd arrived, bu he fac ha she 1oo'ed so pa1e
he1d him bac'.
Eorunae1y his house'eeper reurned a ha momen wih he
robe, which pu a h
a1 o furher conversaion. He oo' ha as his cue. Goodnigh,
Savannah. S1eep
we11.' I'11 see you in he morning?' Her eyes were wide, her
expression fran'. Rerhaps.' ih her innocen enhusiasm she made
i hard for him o remain disan. Eor brea'
fas?' she pressed. Ah' He paused wih his hand on he door, as
if o say he was a muc
h o1der man wih many beer hings o do han o enerain a
young woman. We'11 se
e.' S1eep we11, Ehan. And han' you once again for a11owing me
o say in your bea
uifu1 home.' Who shou1d be han'ing who? he wondered, caching
sigh of he 1umin
ous expression on his house'eeper's face. Goodnigh, Savannah.'
He didn' need a second
dose of Savannah's radian face before he wa1'ed ou and c1osed
he door o 'now
his defences had been breached. CHARTER SEVEN Savannah waied for
Ehan's foosep
s o fade before as'ing he house'eeper shy1y, o you hin' i
wou1d be possib1e
o pu on some more 1ighs?' The house'eeper had been so 'ind o
her ha Savannah
fe1 her reques migh have some chance of success. More 1ighs,
signorina?' In he
pa1azzo? I mean, i's very dar' ouside my room, and I _us
hough i migh be s
afer for youfor a11 of us.' The house'eeper sudied Savannah's
face before deciding. C
ome wih me, signorina.' As hey 1ef he room ogeher he
house'eeper ca11ed o
a passing fooman, who 1oo'ed a Savannah wih surprise when he
heard her reques
via he house'eeper. As he hurried away, he house'eeper
exchanged a 1oo' wih
Savannah. You are saring a revo1uion,' she confided. Oh
dear.' No, i's good.' Is i
on1y she cou1d fee1 confiden ha Ehan wou1d agree. Savannah
approached he fi
rs 1igh-swich. I oo' a11 of her reso1ve _us o swich i
on. Bu when she
Be11issima!' The house'eeper exc1aimed, c1asping her hands in
fron of her. This is
wha he pa1azzo has been waiing for.' Her endorsemen
encouraged Savannah o as'
if hey cou1d pu a few more 1ighs on. The house'eeper drew in a
breah and h
en, exha1ing s1ow1y, she urned o 1oo' a Savannah. Her eyes
were spar'1ing. A v
ery few,' she agreed. Le's do i!' They hurried off in
differen direcions, snapping
on 1igh swiches 1i'e naughy chi1dren, and hey didn' sop
uni1 he who1e of
he upper f1oor was f1ooded wih 1igh. own in he ha11way
Savannah cou1d see mo
re 1ighs being urned on. I was 1i'e he curain going up a
he heare, she
conc1uded, fee1ing ha same sense of wonderbu he on1y
difference here was a g1
orious home was being revea1ed raher han a sage se. The
house'eeper rendezvo
used wih Savannah bac' a her room. I's amazing!' Savannah
exc1aimed sof1y, gazing
a he ransformaion hey'd creaed. Si, signorina. You have
wor'ed a mirac1e.' A ve
ry iny mirac1e,' Savannah argued wih a smi1e. I on1y urned on
he 1ighs.' Someime
s ha's a11 i a'es,' he o1der woman observed shrewd1y. They
shared a smi1e befor
e he house'eeper 1ef Savannah, afer as'ing her o promise she
wou1d ca11 down
sairs if she needed anyhing more. We11, she wou1d need a11 he
friends she cou
1d find on he saff, if she sood a chance of 1eaving Ehan's
home happier han s
he had found i, Savannah ref1eced. Bu wih a11 his beauifu1
reasures bahed
in 1igh she had o be1ieve he wou1d share her enhusiasm for
ancien frescoes
sepping ou of he shadows, and carvings revea1ed in a11 heir
inricae deai1
afer years of neg1ec. Buwou1d he be p1eased, or wou1d he be
angry a her con
inued inerference? She was on1y a gues, afer a11, and one ha
wasn' here for
very 1ong. She suspeced she 'new why Ehan avoided 1igh, bu
her concern was f
or he main horoughfares where safey was an issue. The more
inimae areas 1i'
e Ehan's rooms cou1d remain discree1y 1i. She cou1d on1y hope
he wou1d agree i
was a happy ba1ance. eep inside, Savannah be1ieved everyone
needed 1igh. And
as for he pa1azzo, we11, she'd a1ready seen he resu1s of he
ransformaion Eh
an's saff had brough abou in her rooms, and heir insincs
were righ. There s
hou1d be 1igh, 1ove and music in such a beauifu1 home. There
shou1d be 1ife a
he pa1azzo.
Savannah oo' a 1ong, soapy bah. Now he exciemen was over,
she rea1ised how
hungry she was, and uni1 supper arrived a bah was he perfec
disracion from
hunger pangs as we11 as from he 1i'e1y repercussions of her
inerference in E
han's home. Twidd1ing he aps wih her oes, she san' a 1i1e
1ower in he fragr
an bubb1es. This sory migh no have a happy-ever-afer ending,
bu she had fa
iry-a1e accommodaion for he nigh, and afer he saff had
gone o so much r
oub1e i wou1d have been chur1ish for her o refuse he seing
hey had prepare
d. She had rif1ed hrough he fu11-sized 1uxury producs on he
g1ass she1ves 1i
'e a sma11 chi1d in a beauy sa1on, and now he scen rising from
he seam had
1ed her ino a dream wor1d of eroic images in which Ehan
sarred Wrapped up cos
i1y in a warm robe some ime 1aer, she sared ino he mirror.
I was so easy
o imagine Ehan's dar' face when she saw him in he shadows
everywhere she wen. I
was orure, 'nowing he was somewhere c1ose by, and a1mos
impossib1e no o i
magine him sripped and na'ed beneah an ice-co1d shower. I
wou1d be co1d waer
, because warm was oo indu1gen for him. And his bedroom wou1d
be sparan, she
decided, because Ehan denied himse1f anyhing sof or
superf1uouswhich didn' 1eav
e her wih oo much hope, Savannah conc1uded wisfu11y. Rubbing
her hair vigorou
s1y, she wa1'ed bac' ino he bedroom. Knee1ing in fron of he
fire o dry her
1ong hair, she hough abou Ehan's comp1ex characer. A11 he
seemed o need was
a c1ean bed and a f1oor o paceperhaps wih he addiion of a
gian e1evisionscr
een in every room o cach up on any rugby maches he migh have
missed. Rerhaps
i was he 1egacy of hose dreadfu1 scars ha made him so
care1ess of his own
comfor. Thin'ing abou hem a1ways made her so angry. Casing
he owe1 aside,
she began o p1uc' disraced1y a he rug. Who wou1d do ha o
him? Who cou1d
do ha o a fe11ow human being? Why don' you as' him?
Savannah's inner voice promp
ed. Because 1ife isn' ha simp1e? Bu i cou1d be, if she wen
o him, and spo'
e o him Ro11ing ono her bac', Savannah sared up a he ornae
p1aserwor'. A11
he pa1azzo cou1d be 1i'e his, cared for and fu11y resored, and
a1ways we1com
ing. Or i cou1d remain co1d and fu11 of shadows. How 1one1y i
mus be o 1ive
in he dar'.
Siing bo1 uprigh, Savannah hugged her 'nees and, resing her
chin, she sare
d ino he fire. I didn' have o be 1i'e his if someone
changed i aroundif she
changed i around. An impossib1e as', perhaps, bu no if she
had he he1p of E
han's saff. Even his g1eaming fireguard, po1ished o a
f1aw1ess sheen, was evid
ence of heir care for him. They had o be as 'een as she was o
see he pa1azzo
come bac' o 1ife. Impaien wih inacion, she sprang up. She
hard1y 'new wher
e she was going, bu as she crossed he room her spiris 1ifed.
I was such a g
1orious u1ra-feminine space i mus have given Ehan a headache
_us o po'e hi
s head round he door. Everyhing ha wasn' gi1ded or win'1ing
g1ass was covere
d in si1', sains or ve1ve, and a11 in he mos exquisie pase1
co1ours. Sre
ching ou her arms, she urned fu11 circ1e, hin'ing i he mos
appea1ing space
she had ever inhabied. She was si11 smi1ing broad1y when she
reached he door
and opened i. Ehan!' Savannah.' She 'new immediae1y from his
voice ha Ehan was
furious. She fe1 insan1y gui1y, as we11 as si11y and aw'ward,
sanding baref
oo in fron of him in her owe11ing robe. Her 1ips remb1ed and
her smi1e died
insan1y. Wha have you done?' he snapped. Her gaze s1id away.
I was a'ing a bah.' Y
ou 'now I don' mean ha.' Savannah drew her robe a 1i1e
c1oser, conscious ha E
han's sare was boring ino her, demanding an answer. I mean
he 1ighs,' he exp1ain
ed. I a'e i you're responsib1e?' Yes, I swiched hem on.
R1ease don' be angry wih y
our saff, Ehan.' She ouched his arm. I was a11 my fau1. I
did i for hem, for
you.' Eor me? Eor hem? Wha is his nonsense?' Tears were
hreaening. She had been
so 1oo'ing forward o sharing his momen wih him, Savannah
rea1ised, and now
i had a11 gone wrong. Ear from waning 1igh, Ehan craved he
dar'ness o hide
his scars. She shou1d have 'nown and no been so insensiive. In
rying o he1p
him she had arrogan1y assumed she was righ, on1y seeing he
wor1d from her ow
n perspecive. And now he cou1dn' wai o urn hose 1ighs off,
or for her o 1e
ave. I'm so sorry'
You'11 have o 1eave,' he said, perfec1y echoing her houghs.
I can' have his sor o
f inerference. R1ease pac' your bags.' Ehan' There's nohing
more o say, Savannah.' 's nighime. Where wi11 I go?' A
hoe1, he airpor, somewhereI don' care.' You're hr
g me ou?' Save your me1odrama for he sage.' Says you, 1iving
in he dar'!' She cou1dn'
be1ieve she'd said ha. Bu i was rue. She was fighing for
Ehan, and where
ha was concerned nohing she said was going oo far. Bu as
Ehan's sony sare r
a'ed her face, Savannah rea1ised he didn' see i ha way. Wi11
you pac'?' he said c
o1d1y, confirming her wors fears. Or mus I ca11 he
house'eeper o do ha for
you?' Ehan, p1ease.' I was no use. He'd c1osed off o her. As
he shoo' Savannah's hand
from his arm, he saw her ears and his hear ignored he dicaes
of his head. R1
ease don' be angry wih your house'eeper,' she enreaed, adding
o he conf1ic bo
i1ing inside him. You mus 'now his is a11 my fau1.' Every bi
of i was Savannah's
fau1or her b1essing. He urned his bac' so he wou1dn' have o
1oo' ino her face
, bu si11 he fe1 her goodness washing over him. She wou1dn'
sop uni1 a11 he
bierness was c1eaned away. She ouched his arm, begging him.
You've gone oo far
,' he grow1ed, waning even now o proec her from ha b1ac'
evi1 inside him. Sh
e didn' argue, and insead she did somehing far worse: she
confessed. You're righ,'
she said fran'1y. I inerfered where I shou1dn' have. This is
your home, Ehan, no
mine. I as'ed your saff o urn on some 1ighs so i was safer
for hem, and
for you. I can see I wen oo far wih ha p1an when one or wo
1ighs wou1d ha
ve been sufficien, and if you wan me o 1eave I wi11. A11 I as'
is your promis
e ha you won' b1ame your saff for my hough1ess acions.' He
didn' need o see a
ny more ears o 'now ha Savannah was a her mos vu1nerab1e.
Ye she fough o
n in he defence of ohers. He cou1dn' ignore ha. Her appea1
ouched him deep1y in a way he hadn' fe1, maybe, ever. He was
si11 wondering ho
w bes o dea1 wih his unusua1 siuaion when he house'eeper
Savannah was a
such pains o defend came unwiing1y o heir rescue. Somehing
o ea, signore,
signorina?' she said b1ihe1y when Savannah opened he door o
her 'noc'. Wha pe
rfec iming, Savannah hough, exha1ing wih re1ief as she
smi1ed a her new fr
iend. As her shou1ders re1axed she quic'1y adaped her manner so
as no o conce
rn he o1der woman. Le me a'e ha ray from you.' No,
p1ease, 1e me.' Ehan's innae
good manners mean he had o sep forward in fron of Savannah o
a'e he ray
himse1f. Than' you, signore,' he house'eeper said po1ie1y,
handing Ehan he ra
y wihou any sign ha she had overheard heir heaed exchange.
I've made enough f
or wo.' Hmm, Savannah hough, rea1ising Ehan had no oher
opion oher han o
carry he ray ino her room. Le me c1ear a space for you,' she
said, hurrying ahe
ad of him. To give her a momen o regroup, she rushed abou,
huning for her s1
ippers. Ehan p1aced he ray down on he 1ow ab1e beween he
wo sofas and re
mained sanding. This was one consequence she cou1d no avoid. By
he ime she h
ad found her s1ippers and s1ipped hem on, she cou1d hard1y
breahe, 1e a1one s
pea' as she came o a ha1 in fron of Ehan. When exac1y had he
become so hard
and unfee1ing? She had on1y urned he 1ighs on, afer a11,
which in he brigh
wor1d Savannah inhabied was a very sma11 ransgression. As she
ran her finger
s hrough her si11-damp hair, her face na'ed afer her shower,
he 'new she was
a1so na'ed under her robe. She 1oo'ed nervous, apprehensive,
fearfu1. She was ce
rain1y braced for a singing rebu'e. We shou1dn' 1e he
supper go o wase. Tha's
if you don' mind' She 1oo'ed surprised a his suggesion, as he
had expeced, bu s
he quic'1y ra11ied, saying, Of course I don' mind. R1ease, si
down. You mus be h
ungry oo?' A 1i1e,' he admied. Savannah had o sop audib1y
sighing wih re1ief
as Ehan sa down. Maybe here was a chance, however s1ender,
ha she cou1d cha
nge hings for him before she 1ef, i was a11 she waned. Bu as
a1ways in he
wor1d of Savannah hings never ran according o p1an.
She remembered ha her underwear for he nex day, having been
rinsed ou, was
si11 hanging over he bah1arge, comfy 'nic'ers inc1uded. Wha
if he decided o
go in here? 'you mind, if I?' E1apping her hands, she g1anced
anxious1y across he r
oom. No a a11. Ta'e your ime,' Ehan invied. She wou1d have
o, Savannah hough
, resing bac' agains he bahroom door. She wasn' 1eaving
his room uni1 her
hearbea seadied, which mean she cou1d be in here quie some
ime. Ehan was
fu11 of surprises. She fe1 1i'e he was giving her a second
chance. Bu he was s
o comp1ex, she had no idea wha o expec nex. Bu hen she
hard1y 'new him, Sa
vannah reasoned. When she emerged from he bahroom, here was
music p1aying. o
you 1i'e i?' Ehan as'ed as Savannah po'ed her head se1f-
conscious1y round he do
or. Is i wha I hin' i is?' If you hin' i's your firs C
hen, yes, i is.' Savann
ah pu11ed bac' inside he bahroom, suffused wih oo many
emoions o impose h
em on Ehan. She fe1 e1aed ha her eachers' and parens'
dreams for her had come
rue, and dread ha Ehan on1y regarded her as a propery
be1onging o his rec
ord 1abe1. Aren' you coming ou o _oin me?' he ca11ed. Come
and 1isen o your music
.' She cou1d hard1y refuse, since Ehan owned he record company.
o you 1i'e i?' sh
e said anxious1y when she reurned. Li'e i? Your singing voice
a1ways ma'es me
hin' of' Erogs croa'ing? Whee1s grinding? Birds singing,' he
said, se1ing bac' wih
a b1issfu1 expression on his face as Savannah's voice fi11ed he
room. Song birds,' h
e added dry1y, wihou opening his eyes. A 1eas no crows
squaw'ing. She shou1
d have more confidence, Savannah o1d herse1f, bu in many ways
she was as happy
in he shadows as Ehan. In a differen way, of course. Bu she
1oved nohing m
ore han he wide-open counryside bac' home, and he fac ha
she cou1d wa1' f
or mi1es unnoiced as she soa'ed up a11 he g1ories of naure.
I'm g1ad we signed y
Savannah refocused o find Ehan saring houghfu11y a her.
Than' you.' She ris'e
d a sma11 smi1e as her hear drummed wi1d1y. You shou1d ea
somehing. I mus be
hours since you 1as ae.' Rrobab1y. She had no idea. Bu she
wou1d have o 1ean
pas him o a'e somehing, and she was acue1y aware ha she
was na'ed under h
er robe. Here,' he said, offering her he 1oaded p1ae. Ta'e
one of hese de1icious
ciabaa.' Ehan, if I've offended you' Ea somehing,
Savannah, before you fain.' I di
ean o,' she finished sof1y. Someimes my enhusiasm carries me
away.' He hummed a
his and ang1ed his subb1e-shaded chin owards he p1ae. Than'
you.' Se1ecing a
de1icious-1oo'ing, we11-fi11ed ro11, she bi ino i wih re1ish,
expressing her
p1easure in a series of appreciaive sounds. Even now, beneah
Ehan's unforgivin
g eye, she cou1dn' hide her fee1ings. You're very 1uc'y o have
such wonderfu1 saff
.' Yes, I am.' And when she hough ha shor saemen was i,
he added, You were ri
gh abou he g1oom ma'ing 1ife difficu1 for hem. And, yes,
even dangerous. An
d, as for arwor's, I hadn' even noiced.' He paused and hen
admied, Who wou1d h
in' urning on he 1ighs cou1d ma'e such a difference?' She
Ehan rea1ised how much he had mis_udged Susannah when his
house'eeper, having r
eurned wih a fresh p1ae of food, oo' him o one side o
inform him ha she
was g1ad o see how happy he picco1a signorina was now he
1ighs were on. The
way he o1der woman had he1d his gaze suggesed more han he
fac ha Savannah
was a gues wih paricu1ar ases o accommodae, or even ha
his house'eeper
1i'ed he young singer and waned o ma'e her say as comforab1e
as possib1e.
I was more he ype of 1oo' he o1der generaion gave he
younger in Ia1yand wo
u1d someimes be accompanied by apping he side of he nose.
Naura11y, he o1d
er woman wou1dn' dream of being so fami1iar wih him, bu she
had go her message
across. He'd brushed off her inquisiiveness wih a rare smi1e.
Some ime ago he had come o undersand and even envy he Ia1ian
naion's fixaio
n wih 1ove. And how cou1d he be angry wih Savannah, when a11 i
oo' o ma'e h
im smi1e was o wach her suc'ing her fingers wih guso before
devouring anohe
r sandwich? Savannah had ransformed he pa1azzo in he shor
ime she'd been here
, fi11ing i wih good hings and raising he spiris of his
saff. I wou1dn' 1a
s when she'd gone, of course, bu she had un1oc'ed one sma11
porion of his hear
, which was good news for his saff. I is a beauifu1 room,
isn' i?' As Savannah 1
ifed her head wih surprise, he rea1ised he was seeing hings
hrough her eyes
and how differen hings cou1d be if he decided o ma'e hem so.
She'd go mad wih
grief if she heard ha Ehan had reurned o his o1d ways when
she wen home.
And ha wasn' overreacion, i was pure, hard fac, Savannah
conc1uded, b1ushing
when, having he1d he door for his house'eeper, Ehan remained
1eaning agains
he door frame wih his powerfu1 arms fo1ded across his ches,
waching her. Her
body reaced as if Ehan had _us made he mos indecen
suggesion. His igh
fiing T-shir srained hard across his ches, and his _eans
were secured wih
a heavy-duy be1. She had noiced a11 his in he space of a few
seconds, and s
ared nervous1y when Ehan moved. More sandwiches?' he
suggesed, sro11ing across
he room owards her. She was as ense as a doe a bay, Savannah
rea1ised, si
ing sraigh. No, han' you.' And hen she decided she had
beer ge up and c1ear
some space on he ab1e for a11 he new food, bu being nervous
and c1umsy she m
oved erraica11y, and somehow a chair 1eg go in her way. Ehan
ca11ed ou, bu
i was oo 1ae, and as he reached ou o grab her o sop her
fa11ing she ended
up in his arms. Sudden1y you've go more 1egs han a mi11ipede,
and each one of h
em rave11ing in a differen direcion,' he suggesed. Rrey
much,' she admied, h
ough he mi11ipede ana1ogy fai1ed o grow on her. A beer woman
wou1d have made
he mos of his opporuniy, whi1e a11 she cou1d hin' was had
she c1eaned her
eeh? We11, I'm si11 hungry,' he admied, 1eing her go and
heading bac' o he
She wached him srech ou his muscu1ar 1egs, 'nowing she had
never fe1 more a
w'ward in her 1ife. And yeshan' he denis's warningsshe had
c1eaned her eeh, bu
Savannah Ross was abou o p1ay hos o Ehan A1exander? I
hard1y seemed poss
ib1e. Won' you he1p me?' He g1anced her way as he reached for a
sandwich. My house'ee
per c1ear1y hin's we boh need feeding up.' Or perhaps he o1der
woman waned o
'eep him here, Savannah hough, surprising herse1f wih his
ref1ecion. They a
e in si1ence uni1 Savannah pu down her nap'in wih a sigh of
conenmen. The
heary feed had reminded her of home. You were hungry,' Ehan
commened, wiping hi
s 1ips on a nap'in. As he coninued o sare a her, Savannah's
chee's heaed up.
They were si11 a1'ing abou food, weren' hey? Of course hey
were, she reasone
d, smoohing ou her hair, or raher he ang1es. Wha mus Ehan
hin' of her,
bare faced and bare1y dressed? Having never enerained a man
before whi1s na'e
d beneah a robe, she wasn' oo sure of he prooco1. And as
Ehan si11 showed n
o sign of going anywhere, she suggesed, Why don' I swich on
he e1evision?' Maybe
hey'd cach he news, she reasoned. The e1evision?' I _us
hough maybe here wou1
d be a news repor abou he machor us.' Her chee's fired up as
Ehan gave her a 1
oo'. The word us' cou1dn' have carried more embarrassing weigh
had i ried. I ry
o escape he news when I'm here.' Ehan's one was a chi11ing
reurn o his former man
ner. Bu sure1y no iems affecing your businessor wor1d
affairsor spor?' She was r
unning ou of opions, wishing she 'new how o urn he c1oc'
bac' so she cou1d
remove a11 reference o us'. No,' he said b1un1y. And,
Savannah, I need o e11 you so
mehing.' By which ime she'd swiched on he se. Her iming was
impeccab1e, Savann
ah rea1ised, recoi1ing as she b1enched. Why, ha's ridicu1ous!'
A news iem had _us
f1ashed up on he screen. A news iem feauring Ehan A1exander
caugh ou, so
he reporers said, wih his 1aes squeeze, a young ingenue on1y
recen1y signed
o his record 1abe1. How cou1d such a nice evening end so
bad1y?' Ehan wondered, g
1ancing a her.
Now she 'new why he hadn' waned her o urn i on. How can you
a'e i so we11?' Bec
ause I 'now wha o expec. Tha's one of he reasons I came o
find you. I waned
o e11 you myse1f before you found ou by some oher means. Bu
now' Leaning acro
ss her, pic'ing up he remoe-conro1 and poining i a he se,
he swiched i
off. Shou1dn' we 'now everyhing before we do ha?' Savannah
exc1aimed. Terrib1e 1
ies were being o1d abou hem. on' you care wha hey're
saying abou us?' o I care
abou gossip?' Gossip? They're e11ing 1ies!' Ehan responded
ca1m1y. Wha are hey goin
g o do? They'11 soon ire of us, and in no ime hose picures
wi11 be wrapped ar
ound somebody's fish and chips.' A famous ycoon saves he gir1
wih he go1den onsi
1s, b1ushes, in fron of a wor1dwide e1evision audience?'
Savannah suc' a finger
in her mouh o show wha she hough of ha. A sory 1i'e ha
cou1d run and r
un.' Gossip on1y hurs you if you a11ow i o,' Ehan o1d her
even1y. And if you're goi
ng o 1e i ge you down 1i'e his, Savannah, perhaps you shou1d
have anoher
hin' abou pursuing a career in he pub1ic eye.' Were hose her
marching orders? S
he wen co1d immediae1y, hin'ing of a11 he peop1e who had
he1ped her a1ong h
e way and who wou1d be bad1y 1e down if she qui. Bu he press
say we're s1eeping
ogeher.' Sure1y ha wou1d ge hrough o him? Ehan's brow
rose seducive1y. Is
ha so bad?' He shou1dn' ease her. Savannah's chee's f1ushed
crimson he momen he p
u he hough of hem being sexua11y invo1ved ino her head. And
why was he doi
ng ha when he had vowed no o hin' of Savannah as anyhing
oher han a youn
g gir1 under his proecion? Was i because someimes a deeper
fee1ing han comm
on sense oo' he 1ead? Before he had a chance o reason i
hrough she begged h
im o swich on he se again so she cou1d 'now he wors. She
made him smi1e in
ward1y. Her voice was sha'ing wih anger, no fear, and her hands
were ba11ed in
o fiss as if she wou1d 1i'e o punch ou he screen. She was
new o his, he r
emembered. You 'now wha hey're saying and so do I,' he
soohed, So 1e hem ge on w
ih i.' No,' she sho bac' fierce1y. We have o issue a
We have somehing o deny?' he queried, pouncing on her naivey
before i had a cha
nce o a'e roo. Ric'ing up he remoe-conro1 which she had
cunning1y rec1aime
d, he ossed i ou of her reach. Gradua11y she re1axed,
hopefu11y seeing he se
nse behind his years of doing ba1e wih he press. Than'
goodness my parens ar
e away,' she said, confirming his. She 1oo'ed so graefu1 i
drove home he messa
ge ha Savannah came from a srong and 1oving fami1y. He
cou1dn' sha'e a 1ingeri
ng sense of 1oss for somehing he'd never had. Bu her desire o
go ou and s1ay d
ragons soon disraced him. The expression on her face was so
appea1ing. I oo'
Savannah a momen o rea1ise Ehan was 1aughing. I was he firs
ime she'd hear
d him 1augh, wihou i being an ug1y or moc'ing sound. Wha's
so funny?' He shoo' hi
s head, unab1e o spea' for a momen. The infamous hard man and
his eenage songb
ird?' he managed a 1as. They ma'e us sound 1i'e somehing ou
of a nove1.' And I'm no
a eenager,' Savannah poined ou. I was weny 1as wee'.'
Tweny?' Ehan's face si11ed
. As o1d as ha?' We11, I'm no some eenage weey-pie, if
ha's wha you hin'and I hin' we shou1d sue hem,' she said
serious1y, which on1y made him sar 1aughing a
gain. You can if you 1i'e,' Ehan suggesed beween bous of
1augher. Using magic
beans o pay he 1awyers, presumab1y. Bu as she had a 1eading
ro1e in his mess
she was deermined o do somehing abou i. Erom my poin of
view.' Yes?' Savannah s
ared inen1y a Ehan, ready o _ump ino armour and figh a
his side a he
firs sign he was preparing o a'e on he press. I hin' you
shou1d ignore i, a
s I wi11. Un1ess' he he1d up his hands when she was abou o
1eap in hey become a nu
isance, in which case I sha11 ac.' Tha was _us so
disappoining. She didn' wan
o si bac' and have rubbish hrown a her. She was abou o
cha11enge Ehan's dec
ision when a 'noc' came a he door and her bags from he sadium
I haven' 1e you down ye, have I?' Ehan demanded as she
chec'ed hem over. And I'm no
abou o sar now. And where his newspaper rubbish is
concerned you'11 _us ha
ve o ry somehing new.' Such as?' Lifing her head, she sared
a him. You cou1d ry
rusing me.' Bu we're rapped here,' she poined ou. Yes, in
his errib1e p1ace,' Eh
an moc'ed gen1y. Roor us.' He on1y had o say his for warning
dars of fire o a
ac' every par of her, and each iny arrow carried a sub1e
message. She waned
him, bu confroned by Ehan's wor1diness, and by he hough of
saying under hi
s roof, she grabbed he edges of her robe and ugged i firm1y
shu. Haven' hey've
go anyhing beer o do han specu1ae abou us?' They're on1y
doing heir _ob,' Eha
n poined ou. We're newsworhy. You. Me. Boh of us ogeher.
Now ha's a rea1 sor
y.' Bu his isn' a rea1 sory. They've wised he ruh and
made innocen phoograph
s seem so' Suggesive?' She hadn' waned o say ha, and when
Ehan 1oo'ed a her a ce
rain way she wished she hadn'. Rrior o his she had been sure
Ehan hough of
her as a ward beneah his proecion, and he hough ha he was
now 1oo'ing a
her as a woman was unse1ing. I migh be everyhing she had
ever dreamed of,
bu as fanasy hur1ed owards rea1iy a brea'nec' pace she 1os
her nerve. Ge
ing up, she assured him, We11, don' worry, if I do have o
say here for any 1eng
h of ime, I'11 'eep righ ou of your way.' How very
houghfu1 of you,' Ehan murmur
ed. Tea?' he proposed. Ho and swee, perhaps?' he added under
his breah. I's good for
shoc'.' He reached for he phone o ca11 he 'ichen. Shoc'? He
hough she was in
shoc'? She probab1y was in shoc' afer seeing he news bu11ein,
Savannah conce
ded. Bu ea? She didn' wan ea. I hin' I need somehing
sronger han ha.' Eha
n he1d he phone away from his ear. Espresso?' His face was
po'er sraigh, bu his
eyes were 1aughing a her. This humorous side of him so
unsuspeced, so araci
vewas unbe1ievab1y seducive. And errifying. She had no
idea how o hand1e a manany man1e a1one a man 1i'e Ehan. The
siuaion was rapid
1y spira11ing ou of conro1. Gin and onic, p1ease,' she said
firm1y, hin'ing i
migh he1p. A 1arge one.' Eor a momen she hough Ehan migh
refuse, bu hen he
crossed he room o he we bar where he mixed a drin'. A 1as
he was reaing
her 1i'e someone over he age of consen. Here you are,' he said
p1easan1y, handin
g her he g1ass. I hope I go he ba1ance righ?' She oo' a
1arge swig in a pahe
ic aemp o mainain a confiden imageand cho'ed. Worse han
cho'ed she wheezed
and cho'ed, whi1s waving her hands franica11y in he air as
fire consumed her
gu11e. So, you're a virgin,' he said wih amusemen. She was
aghas ha he cou1d
e11. How did you 'now?' Ho1ding he crysa1 umb1er a1of, he
sared ino he c1ear
1iquid. You can' drin' a decen measure of a1coho1 wihou'
His voice ai1ed away as
he 1oo'ed a her. Oh, I see. We're no a1'ing abou he same
hing, are we? We11,
are we, Savannah?' Ehan pressed, and, far from being humorous
now, his expressio
n was grim. She cou1dn' answer. Her hroa had seized up wih
embarrassmen. In
he si1ence ha fo11owed everyhing Ehan had ever hough abou
her seemed o g
row in her mind o groesque proporions. She was oo young for
him, oo inexper
ienced, oo nave, and whaever hopes she'd ever had abou hem
ever being ogeher
had _us urned ino dus. Bu ha didn' sop her waning him,
i _us pushed hi
m furher away, because Ehan was so princip1ed he wou1d never
even hin' of ma'
ing 1ove o her, be1ieving her innocence was under his charge. A
virgin? A virgi
n! Ehan recoi1ed inward1y. This made he siuaion so much
worse. How much wors
e he cou1d hard1y quanify in hough, 1e a1one words. Savannah
was on1y here
o en_oy his proecion, ye uni1 a minue ago he had arrogan1y
conemp1aed se
ducing her. She was si11 so young, and his firs hough mus
a1ways be o pro
ec her. He had o hang ono ha hough now if he was o save
her from he gre
aes danger of a11, which was himhe very man who was supposed
o be a'ing care
of her. Ehan, p1ease don' be angry wih me,' she begged him as
he made for he doo
r. Angry wih you?' He was bemused she cou1d hin' ha.
Goodnigh, Savannah.'
Ehan, p1ease.' He was ha1fway hrough he door when she ran
owards him. S1eep we11
,' he said, c1osing he door firm1y behind him wih Savannah on
he oher side. He
didn' rus himse1f o wai and 1isen o her rep1y. She sa on
he bed for a 1o
ng ime afer Ehan 1ef. Wih her arms pressed igh1y on he
op of her head,
she 'new she'd made such a hash of everyhing and ha she didn'
have a c1ue how o
ma'e i righ. She had 'nown for some ime now ha she 1oved
Ehan. How cou1d
she care for anyone as deep1y as she did for him and no 1ove
him? Bu he si11
frighened her. She had p1ayed a foo1ish game of ma'e-be1ieve.
The firs ime E
han had noiced she was a woman, she had a'en frigh, and now
his princip1es me
an hey cou1d never be ogeher. We11 done, Savannah, she
congrau1aed herse1f
, here'd be no encores here. C1imbing off he bed, she wen o
sare ino he mir
ror. Wha did Ehan see when he sared in his? He 1ived his 1ife
in spie of his
in_uries. He had riumphed over hem. Or had he? Was she on1y
seeing Ehan's pub1
ic face? id hose scars ormen him when he was a1one? Because
she cared abou
him, she cou1dn' sop hin'ing abou i. How cou1d she 1eave
Tuscany and Ehan wi
h so many hings unreso1ved? She wou1d go o him and spea' o
him. She wou1d re
ason wih him in he hope ha when she wen away hey cou1d a
1eas be friends
. The fac ha she didn' have a c1ue wha she was going o say
was immaeria1, S
avannah hough, ugging on her _eans. This was _us one of hose
momens when d
oing nohing wasn' an opion. She refused o have Ehan hin'
she was repu1sed by
his scars, or ha she made a habi of acceping hospia1iy and
hen changing
everyhing around for her hos. Caring abou someone came wih
responsibi1iy, w
hich mean she cou1dn' urn her bac' on him. And as his migh
be her 1as chance
o search beneah Ehan's pub1ic persona, and find he rea1 man
underneah, she h
ad no inenion of wasing i. CHARTER NINE Maybe he faes had
decided she dese
rved a bi of 1uc', Savannah conc1uded as she fo11owed a group of
servans carry
ing fresh owe1s and a ray wih a po of coffee on i. There
cou1dn' be ha man
y peop1e saying a he pa1azzo, sure1y?
A11 she cared abou was finding Ehan, and as she waied,
concea1ed in he shado
ws whi1e one of he servans 'noc'ed on a door, she hri11ed a
he sound of his
voice. Einding him fi11ed her wih re1ief. She waied for he
saff o come ou
again, and when heir fooseps had died away she came ou of
hiding and cauio
us1y approached he door around which hey'd been c1usered. The
hand1e yie1ded a1
1 oo easi1y, and as she pressed he door open a crac' she cou1d
hear he shower
running. Opening he door fu11y, Savannah s1ipped inside. She
found herse1f in
a mannish-1oo'ing siing room where he scen of good 1eaher
and boo's was ove
rwhe1ming. She 1oo'ed around. O'ay, so now wha? There was hard1y
anywhere o hi
de. As she had suspeced, Ehan's ases were p1ain. The f1oors
were po1ished wood
, and he sofas were dar'-brown 1eaher. The wa11s were 1ined
wih boo's and no
much e1se, oher han some vibran modern painings. Origina1s,
Savannah noed
wih ineres, signed wih a 1eer B ha had a diagona1 1ine
hrough i. She c
ou1d imagine wha a psycho1ogis migh ma'e of ha. And as for
he conen: fri
ghened, wide-eyed chi1dren wihou faces or proper form. The
painings were bri
11ianbu, in he same way Edvard Munch's The Scream boh
fascinaed and repe11ed,
hese painings were deep1y disurbing. And here were shadows in
hem1os and 1o
s of shadows. Were he painings an auobiographica1 accoun of
Ehan's chi1dhood
? She'd be her 1ife on i. And his window ino his psyche was
boh more i11umina
ing and far worse han anyhing she had imagined. Tha he had
immense a1en wa
s in no doub, and as anoher ype of aris she found ha bond
beween hem re
assuringhough everyhing e1se abou he painings roub1ed her
and o1d her she
was righ o be concerned. Lisening, she was reassured o hear
he shower si11
running. Wha oher secres cou1d she uncover in he ime she
had? She wasn' her
e o pry, bu o sense hings, Savannah o1d herse1f, remaining
moion1ess in h
e midd1e of he room. And hen he waer sopped running. And she
was comp1ee1y
exposed. She braced herse1f. A11 he c1ever words and quesions
she'd been prepar
ing for Ehan desered her. Bu when he didn' emerge from he
bahroom curiosiy
go he beer of her. Tip-oeing o he door, she peeped hrough
a crac'. Sensa
ion sreamed hrough
every inch of her a he sigh of Ehan sanding in fron of a
mirror wih _us
a owe1 around him. He was magnificen. A1hough his scars were
far, far worse
han she had hough, she had never seen anyone ha1f so viri1e or
appea1ing. His
1egs were beauifu11y shaped and muscu1ar, and his na'ed orso
was everyhing sh
e had dreamed of. The exen of his in_uries, of his scarring,
on1y proved i wa
s a mirac1e he had made i hrough, and he hough of he pain
he mus have exp
erienced cu her 1i'e a 'nife. He was wice he man she'd hough
him. And more. S
avannah _umped bac' in a1arm as Ehan hrus his fiss down on a
marb1e counerop.
Eor a momen she hough he'd seen her and ha ha mus have
promped he a
ngry acion, bu hen she rea1ised he was 1eaning over his braced
arms wih his
shou1dermusc1es 'noed and his head bowed, as if he sigh of
his own body had
disgused him. She 'new hen ha everyhing she had feared for
him was rue: E
han's in_uries had scarred more han his body, hey had scarred
he man. Savannah?' S
he gasped ou 1oud as he whee1ed around. Savannah! I'm spea'ing
o you!' The ferociy
in his one made her bac' away. Wha do you hin' you're doing
here?' Loo'ing for you' he bac'ed away, hands ousreched in
supp1icaion. I 'noc'ed, bu you didn' hear
me.' You didn' hear he waer running?' I heard i, bu.' You
didn' 1eave immediae1y?'
ou wha?' he f1ashed across her. Waned o ry ou your amaeur
psycho1ogy on me?' As
he spo'e his g1ance swep he painings which he 'new she mus
have seen. I hou
gh so,' he spa ou wih conemp when she didn' rep1y. Ehan,
p1ease.' I hough we'd greed you'd say away from me?' id
we?' Her voice was remb1ing. I don' remember ha.'
Sraighening up, Ehan dipped his head. His sare was menacing.
Sop rying o i
nimidae me.' If on1y her voice wou1d sop sha'ing. Then e11
me why you're here.' Li'e
I said, I was 1oo'ing for you.' Because?' he promped harsh1y.
I waned o spea' o y
ou.' And so you snea'ed ino my room?' No!' Go bac' o bed,
Savannah.' No.' She shoo' he
. Bu how was she going o pu a11 her houghs and impressions
ino a few shor
senences when Ehan wou1d never give her he ime? Shorhand was
her on1y opi
on. I care abou you.' You care abou me?' Ehan's 1augh was
co1d and ug1y. If you on1y new how infani1e ha sounded.'
Caring for someone is infani1e? 'Savannah hrew up
her hands. Then I'm gui1y.' The fee1ings she had deve1oped for
Ehan were so deep an
d so comp1ex, a his poin she had nohing o 1ose. I'11 admi,
I'm no good wih wo
rds.' No, you're no.' Grabbing his robe, Ehan hrew i on,
be1ing i o hide his mu
i1aions from her gaze. Ge ou of here, Savannah.' I'm no
going anywhere,' she informe
d him subborn1y. Mus I hrow you ou?' She waned o run as
far and as fas as sh
e cou1d from he expression on Ehan's face. He had urned so
angry and dar', and
so uer1y conempuous of her. You wou1dn'' Bu her voice
wobb1ed and Ehan pounced.
Can you be sure of ha?' I'm abso1ue1y sure you wou1d never
hur me.' Sanding her gr
ound, she sared him fu11 in he face. Have you finished? Can I
coninue wih my
evening in peace now?' I've no near1y finished!' Li'e a cor' in
a bo1e her frusrai
ons had been amped down 1ong enough. You can' dismiss me. I'm
no a chi1d!' You cerai
n1y 1oo' 1i'e one o me.'
Then you're no 1oo'ing c1ose1y enough. I'm a woman, Ehan, a
woman wih fee1ings, a
woman who won' 1e hose fee1ings go _us because you say I
mus.' Ehan's answer was
o cur1y ang1e his chin owards he door. And now I'm as'ing
you o 1eave.' I'm no go
ing anywhere.' He ried swee reason. I's been a 1ong day and
you shou1d be in bed.' S
avannah shoo' her head. I'm no a chi1d you can order o bed.
A11 I wan o do is
a1' o you.' We11, I'm righ ou of conversaion. Now, ge ou
of here. Ou!' He bac'ed
her owards he door. Try o ge his hrough your head,
Savannah' Bringing his fac
e so c1ose she cou1d see he amber f1ec's in his see1-grey eyes,
Ehan ground o
u, I don' wan your company. I don' wan your conversaion.
And mos of a11 I don'
wan you snooping around here, spying on me.' I'm no spying on
you,' Savannah said, ra
ising her voice oo. And if i's hese you're worried abou'
Suc'ing air beween his ee
h, Ehan 'noc'ed her hand away, bu, ignoring him, she reached
up anyway. Touch
ing his face wih her fingerips, she raced his crue1 scars. I
don' see hem.' You d
on' see hem?' Ehan mimic'ed scahing1y. Rearing bac', he
urned his face away. No,
I don'.' Savannah f1inched as Ehan wa1'ed pas her. And
f1inched again when, havi
ng poured a g1ass of waer and drained i, he s1ammed he g1ass
down so hard she
cou1dn' be1ieve i hadn' smashed. I's no use you rying o
shu me ou, because I'm n
o going anywhere, Ehan.' He remained wih his hosi1e bac'
urned o her. Rerhap
s she had gone oo far his ime. Ehan's massive shou1ders were
hunched, and his
fiss were p1aned so aggressive1y on a chair bac' his 'nuc'1es
g1eamed whie. Ba
d enough you're here,' he grow1ed wihou 1oo'ing a her, Bu
you shou1d have o1d me
you were' I'm sorry?' Savannah inerruped, reading his mind.
o you mean I shou1d have
o1d you I was a virgin?' She waied uni1 Ehan urned o face
her. Are you seriou
suggesing I shou1d have said, "how do you do, my name is
Savannah, and I'm a virgin"?' N
o, of course no,' Ehan snapped, eyes smou1dering wih passion.
Bu if you'd given m
e a 1eas some inimaion, I cou1d have made arrangemens for
you o say e1sew
here.' In a nunnery, perhaps?' Savannah cu across him. In a
safe p1ace wih a chapero
n?' And his isn' safe, and I don' have a chaperon.'
Correc.' As hey g1ared a each o
r i soon became apparen ha neiher one of hem was prepared
o brea' he sa
nd-off. And if I e11 you I fee1 quie safe here wih you?' And
if I e11 you ha
he res of he wor1d wi11 pu a very differen consrucion on
your saying here
wih me?' Bu I hough you didn' care abou gossip?' she
counered. I care how i aff
ecs you.' Erom he poin of view ha I'm signed o your record
company as he nex
young singing sensaion, which means I mus appear o he wor1d
o be innocen?' E
han oo' her barbed commen wih far beer grace han she migh
have expeced.
I was a1mos as if hey had go he measure of each oher, and
for once he was
crediing her wih some sensehough he drew ou he waiing ime
uni1 her nerve
s were f1ayed and ender. Re1axing ono one hip hen, he humbed
his chin as he
expression in his eyes s1ow1y coo1ed from passion o wry
ref1ecion. Tha's a very
cynica1 aiude for a young gir1 o have.' How many imes?'
Mus you e11 me you're no
he young gir1 I hin' you are?' he supp1ied in a 1ow voice ha
srummed her sen
ses. If I'm cynica1,' Savannah counered, Sure1y you're he
1as person who shou1d be su
rprised?' I'm going o say his as c1ear1y as I can.' Ehan's
voice he1d a crushing noe
of fina1iy. I don' wan you here. R1ease 1eave now.' She
waied a momen oo, and
hen said, No.' No?'
No,' Savannah repeaed. You're as'ing me o be1ieve I mus do
everyhing you say. We11
, sanding my ground where you're concerned migh no be a big
hing in your wor1d
, or easy in mine, bu i has o be a who1e 1o beer han
agreeing o be your
doorma.' Have you quie finished?' he demanded. I've bare1y
sared,' she assured him, bu
even she cou1d see here was 1i1e poin in pursuing his if
she cou1dn' persu
ade Ehan o see her in a differen 1igh. And she cou1dn'. He
poined o he doo
r. Lifing her head, she wrapped wha 1i1e digniy she had 1ef
around her and
wa1'ed owards ibu when she reached i she _us had o 'now:
Wha's wrong wih me
, Ehan?' Wrong wih you?' He frowned. Is i because I'm no
prey enough, no desirab1
e enough, or is i he fac ha I'm no experienced and savvy
enough when i come
s o hand1ing siuaions 1i'e his?' Savannah, here is no
siuaionoher han my in
creasing impaience wih you, which means here may soon be a
siuaion, and i
wi11 be one you won' 1i'e.' Wa1'ing over o he door, Ehan
opened i for her. Goodn
igh, Savannah.' Ehan fe1 nohing for her and she had no answer
o ha. She was
so 1ac'ing in fema1e gui1e, she had no ric's up her s1eeve, and
i was oo 1a
e o wish she'd 1earned hem before she'd come here. Wha do you
hin' you're doing?' Eh
an demanded when she urned around and wa1'ed bac' in he room.
If he waned her
ou, he was going o have o hrow her ou, and somehing o1d
her he wou1dn' do
ha. Now she _us had o hope she was righ. He shoo' his head.
Savannah, you a
re he mos difficu1, he mos subborn' Individua1 in he
wor1d aside from you?' She
he1d Ehan's gaze a1ong wih her breah, and sen a p1ea ino he
eher. If here
was anyone 1isening ou here, anyone a a11 I was abou o
say, he mos annoyi
ng gues I've ever had. You wi11 have noed my use of he pas
ense, I hope?' You ca
n' _us dismiss me.' Wach me. Ou,' he rapped, emp1oying he
fu11 force of his 1aser
Why are you so angry a11 he ime?' Why are you so s1ow o a'e
a hin?' We11, c1ear1y
my experience of men is somewha 1imied, bu if you'd _us a11ow
me o ' To do wha?' h
e cu across her, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Spend ime wih
you?' Savannah remb1
ed as she c1uched on o his 1as a11-oo-bri1e sraw. Ehan's
1augh was scahi
ng. You mus hin' I ma'e a habi of couring roub1e. Ou.' He
poined o he door
. Can' we even have one 1as drin' ogeher?' Gin and onic?'
he moc'ed. If you 1i'e.' n' 1i'e. Now, go o bed.' He c1osed
he door wih re1ief. Leaning bac' agains i,
he 1e ou a groan of re1ief. Mena11y, physica11y, he was in
agony. He shou1dn'
even be hin'ing his way abou Savannah. And now he 'new she was
a virgin he ha
d even 1ess excusehough how o sop eroic images of her
f1ooding his mind was s
omehing he had no answer for. He waned her. Waned her? He
ached for her. The
urge o 1ose himse1f in her was overwhe1ming him, bu he cou1dn'
feed on perfeci
on, or drain her innocence o somehow di1ue he ug1iness inside
him. Tha was a
wound of such 1ong sanding he doubed he'd ever be rid of i. I
had a'en seed
in him he day he'd rea1ised his moher had chosen his sepfaher
over her sevenye
ar-o1d son, and had germinaed on he day she'd seen his bruises
in he bah. Ins
ead of quesioning hem, she had o1d him she'd a'e his bi'e
away if he wasn' more
carefu1. Had she rea11y be1ieved he buc'1e mar's on his bac' had
come from a f
a11? Tha bierness was in fu11 f1ower by he ime he'd been
ready o ma'e his ow
n way in he wor1d, and hose dar' secres had sayed wih him.
Wou1d he share a
1egacy 1i'e ha wih Savannah? No a chance. She was 1i'e a ray
of 1igh wih
her who1e 1ife in fron of her, and he wou1d do anyhing o
proec her. He wou1
d do nohing o sop ha 1i1e cand1e hrowing is beam around
he wor1d.
Ru11ing away from he door, he hrus his hands hrough his hair
wih frusraio
n. He waned Savannah. He waned o ma'e 1ove o her. The mos
imporan hing
o him was ha Savannah remembered he firs ime she made 1ove
for he righ re
asons. He ensed, hearing her fooseps reurning. Tha sound was
shor1y fo11ow
ed by a ap on he door. Yes?' Ehan, i's me.' Wha do you
wan?' He ried o sound gruf
Had she forgoen somehing? He g1anced round he room, a1ready
'nowing i was
a vain hope. He opened he door. She 1oo'ed 1i'e a pa1e wraih
beneah he 1igh
s she had insised on, and hey were b1azing fu11 in his face. He
hard1y cared o
r noiced hese days when peop1e urned away from him, bu he
noiced onigh h
a Savannah didn' f1inch. Wha do you wan?' he said weari1y.
You' Her voice was so sma1
1 he cou1dn' be sure he'd heard her correc1y. I wan you,' she
repeaed. I wan you, E
han.' She he1d his gaze as she paused, as if she needed o
prepare herse1f for h
e nex sep, and hen she whispered, Wi11 you ma'e 1ove o me?'
He was a1ready c1os
ing he door. on' be so si11y.' I'm no being si11y.' The
door was suc'. And hen he re
a1ised she pu her foo in he way. He waned o 1augh a he
sigh of Savannah's
iny foo in his door, bu, seeing he expression on her face, he
'new his was
no ime for 1augher. R1ease, can I come in?' she begged him. As
she 1oo'ed anxious
1y up and down he corridor, he 'new he answer o ha had o be
yes. He wou1dn'
1e her ma'e a foo1 of herse1f in fron of he servans. A11
righ,' he agreed, op
ening he door wide enough for her o s1ip hrough. He wou1d soon
sor his ou.
He wou1d e11 her i mus never happen again and hen send her on
her way. Bu
as he c1osed he door she rounded on him. Ehan, wha do I have
o do o ma'e you
see ha I'm a woman?' Noicing Savannah's hands were ba11ed wih
frusraion, he rea
ched ou. She reached ou oo. Wheher he inended o ho1d her
off or pu11 her c
1ose, he wasn' sure, he on1y 'new
hey ang1ed and co11ided, and when she c1osed her eyes he
dragged her c1ose and
'issed her. She was remb1ing 1i'e a 1eaf by he ime Ehan
pu11ed away o cup
her face and sare ino her eyes. This was everyhing she had
ever dreamed of an
d more. Ehan was everyhing she had ever dreamed of and more,
and his 'iss sea1
ed he meeing of wo 1overs who had o have 'nown each oher for
1onger han on
e 1ifeime, and who needed he immediae reassurance of pressing
every fragmen
of heir f1esh agains each oher. As she gazed up a Ehan, wih
a11 he 1ove s
he fe1 for him shining in her eyes, she cou1d have sworn he
as'ed her, Are you s
ure?' Yes, I'm sure,' she whispered bac'. CHARTER TEN He ased
heaven when he 'issed h
er. ipping his head, he 'issed her again, deepening he 'iss,
a1ways acue1y co
nscious ha she was so much sma11er han he was, and vu1nerab1e
he very hing h
a he1d him bac'. Why did you wai so 1ong?' she murmured when
he re1eased her. Bec
ause 'eeping her safe had been paramoun. Because he had feared
he dar' forces
inside him migh express hemse1ves in conempuous energy. He
shou1d have 'nown
Savannah's _oyfu1 innocence wou1d defea hem. And now he fe1
nohing bu he de
sire o cherish her, and o have one nigh, a nigh in which he
wou1d bring her
he u1imae p1easure. Ehan?' she promped, sensing his
absracion. I haven' forgo
en you,' he murmured, sweeping her ino his arms. Her c1ohes
s1ipped away in sig
hs and smohered 1augher, and Ehan's 'isses drove her remaining
fears away as sh
e c1ung o him, hidden from he wor1d by he spread of his
shou1ders and he wid
h of his ches. She wasn' even sure how she'd come o be na'ed,
on1y ha she was.
And she wasn' embarrassed by ha, because Ehan was here o
a'e care of her,
and everyhing he did or said made her srong. He hadn' even
ouched her inimae
1y, and ye every par of her was singing wih awareness, and she
on1y 'new how
i fe1 o sofen and me1 agains him. She c1ung o him, as'ing
for wha, she har
d1y 'new. She had so much o discover. She had everyhing o
Ehan carried her across he room o he bed and 1aid her down on
i, where she
resed wih one arm above her head on a sac' of pi11ows in an
aiude of innoc
en seducion. The 1inen fe1 coo1 and crisp agains her raging
s'in, and she wa
s 1os in an eroic haze when she noiced Ehan moving away.
You're no 1eaving me?'
She sa up. This is wrong.' Wha do you mean, "wrong"?' She was
b1issfu11y unaware of how
na'ed1y provocaive she was o him. Wha's wrong abou i?' Now
her chee's were on fi
re. o you si11 hin' I'm oo young for you?' Correc.' Ehan
sounded re1ieved ha she
had given him an ou. Ge dressed, Savannah.' Grabbing his arm,
she pushed her fac
e in fron of his. I won' 1e you do his.' You have no
choice.' No choice bu o be hum
i1iaed?' Her voice bro'e, bu Ehan si11 shoo' himse1f free. As
he sood 1oo'ing
down a her she hough he had never seemed more magnificen. Or
more disan. W
hy?' She opened her arms. Why?' she repeaed sof1y. Why are
you doing his o me, Eh
an? Why bring me here a a11?' Because he had hough misa'en1y
ha for one shor
nigh he cou1d forge. Bu he seeds of doub had been p1aned
deep inside him
when his sepfaher had assured him in hospia1 ha no one wou1d
ever wan o
1oo' a him again. Tha message had been driven home when his
moher had recoi1e
d from her own chi1d. Was he going o inf1ic ha same horror on
Savannah when
she saw his ohers scars? Knowing hey were he answer o
finishing his, he ur
ned his bac' so she cou1d see hem. The scars on his face were
bad enough, bu
hose on his bac' were ru1y horrific. Wha are you doing?' she
demanded. If you expe
c me o exc1aim in horror, you'11 be disappoined. These scars
ma'e no difference
o he way I fee1 abou you.' No difference?' They don' change
wha I fee1 abou you i
n here.' Savannah's hand resed over her hear. He ried
dismissing ha wih a shru
g, bu she ca11ed him bac'. The damage migh be a11 ha ohers
seebu I see you,
Ehan.' Me?' he moc'ed un'ind1y.
Your scars don' change a hing for me, excep ha' Yes?' he
cu across her, cerain now
ha he mus have desroyed her argumen. They 'eep us apar,'
she finished sof1y
. Jus when Ehan needed her o be srong, she was crying for
him, and for wha
he had 1os. ry your face and 1eave me, Savannah,' he said
harsh1y. I'm no going any
where. Your scars don' frighen me.' Then you haven' 1oo'ed a
hem proper1y,' he assur
ed her. Oh, bu I have,' she argued, seeing inside him more
c1ear1y han she ever h
ad before. Loo' a me again,' he suggesed in a voice ha bro'e
her hear. There w
as on1y one way pas his. Knee1ing up on he bed, she reached
ou whi1e Ehan s
ood ense1y, 1i'e a hosi1e sranger. Bu 1i1e by 1i1e he
convicion in he
r eyes drew him o 1oo' a her, and she raced his scars wih her
fingerips, r
aced he ram1ines ha criss-crossed his bac' and which 1oo'ed
as if hey had b
een carved by a serraed 'nife. She raced each one of hem wih
her eyes and wi
h her fingerips, uni1 she reached his be1oved face. I revo1
you,' he said confi
den1y. You don' need o preend.' I don' need o be here a
a11,' she poined ou. Oh,
han, you cou1dn' possib1y revo1 me. You amaze me.' Ehan's
scars wou1d a1ways be a
hideous reminder of he crue1y one human being cou1d inf1ic on
anoher, bu h
ey didn' ma'e one _o of difference o he way she fe1 abou
him. How can I ma'e
1ove o you?' Ehan demanded. How?' he repeaed wih he same
passion Savannah had sh
own him, and when she didn' rep1y he cupped her chin o ma'e her
1oo' a him. The
usua1 way?' she suggesed sof1y, and because she 1oved him so
much she ris'ed he
ghos of a smi1e. Jus don' 1oo' o me for any poiners.' Ehan
hough her so coss
eed and proeced she cou1dn' o1erae anyhing ha wasn'
perfec, when nohing
cou1d be furher from he ruh, Savannah rea1ised as he sripped
off his c1ohe
s. You hin' my wor1d is a11 concers and evening dresses, 1ace
and perfume?' She r
eached for his hand and 1aid her chee' agains i. I was brough
up on a
farm wih sraw in my hair, wearing dungarees, and ha's where
I've a1ways been hap
pies. I can a'e rea1iy, Ehan, in raher 1arge doses.' So
rea1iy 1i'e his does
n' roub1e you?' Ehan wiped one hand rough1y down he scars on
his ches. R1ease do
n' insu1 me.' As she urned her face up she was aching wih he
need o wrench he
demons ou of him. R1acing her pa1ms agains his ches, she
'issed her way s1ow
1y across i. on',' Ehan said, ensing, bu she wou1dn'
sop, and fina11y he dragge
d her o him. Those scars, errib1e hough hey were, didn' even
begin o scrach
he edges of his power. Ehan was 1i'e a g1adiaor in some
ancien eching, wou
nded bu riumphan, and she was hard pressed o hin' of
anyhing wih more sex
appea1 han ha. Bu inside his hear here was nohing,
Savannah's ender inner
-se1f warned her. Yes, she answered bac', Ehan's hear was co1d,
bu she had o h
ope ha in ime her 1ove wou1d warm him. I wan you,' she
murmured, saring up a
him. I wan you oomore han you 'now.' And ha was rue,
Ehan rea1ised as he eas
ed Savannah wih a1mos-'isses. She was ender and precious,
young and vu1nerab1
e, and he wou1d never hur her. And maybe her innocence was he
1as hope he had
o hea1 hose scars he cou1dn' reach. So, are you coming o
bed?' she whispered. Ho
1ding his hand, she san' bac' on he pi11ows and hrew bac' he
covers. on' be sh
y.' He 1aughed. She was so funny and swee. She had sripped
herse1f bare for him
in every way, proving she rused him, and he wou1d never beray
ha rus. As
Savannah snugg1ed 1ower in he bed, waiing for Ehan, 'nowing he
migh change h
is mind again a any momen, she sared having fears on a more
pracica1 1eve1.
His size a1one fi11ed her wih apprehension. He mus have sensed
i, for as he
sreched ou on he bed a her side he said, I hin' you're
nervous.' A 1i1e,' she ad
mied, in a sha'ing voice ha berayed her rue fee1ings.
There's no need.' He sro
'ed her arm ino quivering anicipaion, and as she 1oo'ed ino
his eyes he prom
ised, I wou1d never hur you, Savannah.' How cou1d he no? Ehan
was so much bigger
han he average manbigger han mos menp1us he possessed he
power and he sami
na of a naura1 ah1ee. She'd been
around a farm 1ong enough o 'now ha naure a11owed for his
sor of un1i'e1y
coup1ing, bu she wondered now if in some exreme insances such
hings weren' po
ssib1e. This was wihou doub an exreme insance. She migh be
p1umper han sh
e waned o be, bu she was sma11 and sof compared o Ehan.
There was nohing
sof abou him. He was huge and hard. Expecing o be soohed and
reassured, she
was surprised when Ehan moved so quic'1y o pin her beneah him.
And now he wa
s sradd1ing her wih his powerfu1 highs, and she was comp1ee1y
a his mercy w
hi1e he murmured eroic, ourageous suggesions in her ear ha
made her squirm
wih exciemen. Beer?' His 1ips were curving wih amusemen
as he sared ino he
r eyes. There was passion in his eyes as we11 as humour, and she
was reassured
o a poin beyond fear. Much beer,' she admied. Wih Ehan's
highs pressed c1ose
agains her sides, here was nowhere e1se on earh she'd raher
be. Bu si11 she
as'ed for one 1as reassurance. You won' hur me, wi11 you?'
His answer was o 'iss
her ender1y uni1 she re1axed, and hen he deepened he 'iss,
which made her wa
n o do anyhing bu re1ax. Lacing her fingers hrough Ehan's
hair, she ried e
11ing him by her eagerness a1one ha her nerve endings were
screaming for his a
enion. There's a 1o more o you han mees he eye, Ms
Ross,' Ehan murmured, smi
1ing agains her 1ips. Savannah sared bo1d1y a Ehan's mouh,
shivering wih sen
saion as his 'isses migraed down her nec'. Wha are you
doing?' she as'ed, wrihi
ng wih p1easure when he reached he mos sensiive ho11ow above
her shou1ders. E
xp1oring,' Ehan murmured. The fee1ing when he eased her nipp1es
was beyond descr
ipion, and whi1e he suc'1ed and eased he sensaion rave11ed
hrough o he c
ore of her being, uni1 i was impossib1e o remain si11. Ehan
cou1d have done
whaever he waned wih her, and ye he never once made her fee1
vu1nerab1e, o
her han o pu her a ris' of overdosing on p1easure. Buc'ing
agains him, see'
ing conac, she moved res1ess1y on he pi11ows as she assured
him, I can' a'e a
ny more of his.' So, sha11 I sop?'
Jus you dare,' she warned him, seeing he 1augher in his eyes.
Wha's your hurry?' he
demanded when she pressed agains him. You,' Savannah comp1ained
fierce1y. You're my h
urry.' Then i's ime for you o 1earn a 1i1e paience.' I
don' wan o 1earn paience.
She shivered wih de1igh as he ran his hands down her na'ed
body. Bu, if I do,' s
he proposed, can we do his again?' If you're good.' I'11 be
very good,' she assured him.
as he pu11ed away o 1oo' a her she pu11ed him bac'. She didn'
have sufficien
srengh o compe1 Ehan o do anyhing, bu for now he p1easure
machine was a
her command. No more easing,' she warned him. Wha, hen?' His
1ips were ugging wi
h amusemen. Ma'e 1ove o me' And she was dead1y serious.
d hem boh, and hen ouched her in a way he 'new she wou1d
1i'e. As she moaned
beneah him, inviing more of hese ouches, he feahered 'isses
down her nec'.
He hadn' guessed he cou1d be quie so gen1e, or Savannah ha1f
so passionae. Sh
e brough ou he bes in him, more han he'd ever 'nown he had,
and as she c1ung
o him, crying ou his name, moving agains him and driving him
ha1f-crazy wih
desire, he he1d bac', 'nowing he had found someone who cou1d
reach him a a 1eve
1 no one e1se cou1d. Tha i shou1d be a young gir1 1i'e Savannah
boh surprised
him and sirred his conscience. This was he sar of a new
chaper in Savannah's
1ife as a woman, bu when onigh was over he wou1d have o end
heir re1aions
hip. Bu for now Lisening o her beaing ime wih her voice o
he music of he
ir p1easure, he 'new he had never 'nown such exremes of
sensaion. Gahering he
r ino his arms o sare ino her eyes, he brough her o he
brin' and ipped h
er over, saying wih her hrough he ecsasy as she en_oyed he
re1ease she had
been searching for. When she quieened and snugg1ed in o him, he
fe1 sure as
he gazed ino her drowsy face ha ime was p1aying ric's on
hem and ha hey
had 'nown each oher much 1onger han one nigh. I was a shor
sep from here
o 'nowing Savannah shou1d be wih someone who cou1d give her he
'ind of 1ife
she deserved. Ehan, where are you?' she murmured, reaching up
o ouch his face.
I'm si11 wih you,' he murmured. No, you're no,' she argued
sof1y, wih bare1y he sre
ngh o open her eyes. She was righ. He was in a dar' p1ace he
wou1dn' a'e her.
ipping his head, he 'issed her deep1y, and before she had a
chance o quesion
him furher he made 1ove o her again. Savannah 1ay awa'e for he
res of he n
igh, preending o be as1eep in he ear1y hours when Ehan 1ef
her. She didn' '
now him we11 enough o ca11 him bac'. Tha sruc' her as funny
and a 1i1e emba
rrassing, because she migh no 'now him bu she 1oved him. And
1oving him mean
she undersood his need for space. Wha had happened beween
hem, wha hey'd sh
ared, had been so much more han eiher of hem cou1d have
expeced. Of course,
Ehan wou1d need space o consider he changes his mus ma'e o
his wor1d. The
changes o her wor1d were immeasurab1e. Ehan was her man and her
mae, and she
had we1comed him inside her body wih riumph and exciemen.
Ehan 'new everyh
ing abou bringing her p1easure, and hey had been as one uni1
p1easure had con
sumed hem. On1y one worrying inciden had arnished he nigh.
Ehan had drife
d off o s1eep afer hey'd made 1ove, bu afer a few minues he
had hrown up hi
s hands, as if o ward off a b1ow. I was some buried memory he
cou1dn' bring him
se1f o share, she guessed, and i hur her o hin' of him
1oc'ed in a nighmar
e where she cou1dn' reach him. She had o be1ieve here was a
'ey o brea'ing ha
desrucive cyc1e, and ha she he1d ha 'ey. Turning her face
ino he pi11o
ws, Savannah inha1ed Ehan's scen. Exha1ing sof1y in he
dar'ness, she urned on
her bac' as conenmen consumed her. Her who1e being was
drenched in a warm, h
appy g1ow. She had expeced o fee1 differen when she gave
herse1f o a man, bu
she hadn' expeced o fee1 quie so comp1ee. She cou1dn'
wai o see he same 1
oo' of happiness in Ehan's eyes, and, as he 1i1ac 1igh of dawn
was sea1ing hr
ough he heavy curains, here was no reason why she shou1dn' go
and find him. S
reching her arms, Savannah we1comed he new day wih a hear
fu11 of _oy. I wa
s a new and beer wor1d wih Ehan in i. She had never be1ieved
in 1ove a fir
s sigh, bu now she did. She'd heard ha opposies araced,
and she'd proved h
a o be righ. She
was deep1y in 1ove, of ha here was no doub, and afer 1as
nigh i cou1dn' b
e 1ong before Ehan o1d her ha he 1oved her oo. He had 1ef
Savannah s1eepin
g, and now he was avoiding her a brea'fas, choosing insead o
sar he day w
ih a dawn _og around he exensive grounds surrounding he
pa1azzo. Bu even af
er ha he craved more exercise o c1ear his mind. He moved on
o he gym and a
fer a'ing an icy shower he swam. As he powered down he
O1ympic-sized swimming
poo1 here was one hing on his mind: Savannah. He cou1d no ge
her ou of his
head. id he 1ove her? The hough was oo fanasic o
conemp1ae. He wasn' en
i1ed o 1ove anyone. His sepfaher had drummed ha ino him
from he sar,
and over he years he had come o see ha i was he one hing
he man had said
o him ha made sense. CHARTER TWELVE He dressed in he changing
rooms _us of
f he swimming poo1 raher han reurn o his privae suie of
rooms where Savan
nah wou1d si11 be s1eeping. Snapping his wach ino posiion, he
prepared o fa
ce he day. Heading ou of he 1eisure faci1iy, he made sraigh
for his office
. This wasn' a re1axing room where he cou1d wach spor in
comfor, bu a co1d, f
1ic'ering wor1d where he 'ep a hand1e on his business empire. He
had his same
faci1iy in a11 his houses. No one was we1come o _oin him,
because his was his
echnoversion of an ivory ower. He sa in he swive1 chair
absorbing a b1izzar
d of informaion, and rea1ised immediae1y he'd been away oo
1ong. He had o go
o Savannah now and updae her on he curren siuaion. Of course
he'd a'e 1ega1
measures o proec her from he braying paparazzi, bu he
sooner she cou1d 1ea
ve Ia1y he sooner she cou1d brea' free of his shadow and ge on
wih her 1ife.
Savannah ran down he magnificen saircase, consumed by
exciemen a he hou
gh of seeing Ehan. She cou1d see his servans bus1ing abou in
he ha11way, a
nd 'new ha one of hem wou1d be ab1e o e11 her where he was.
She didn' even
ry o hide her beaming smi1e, and was ha1f-afraid everyone wou1d
guess she was i
n 1ove wih heir gran signore, and ha1f-afraid hey wou1dn'.
She approached he
firs young man who smi1ed bac' a her o as' him where she cou1d
find Signore A
Signore A1exander was in his office as usua1, he young man o1d
her, adding ha
if she wou1d 1i'e o wai ou on he errace he wou1d ma'e sure
brea'fas was
served here, and ha Signore A1exander wou1d be o1d she was
as'ing for him. Th
an' you!' Savannah exc1aimed happi1y. She mus 1oo' such a sigh,
she rea1ised as
he young man smi1ed bac' a her, bu she hadn' waned o wase
a sing1e momen o
n ma'eup or drying her hair. Afer her shower she had quic'1y
hrown on her _ean
s and a casua1 op, and 1ef her hair hanging 1oose and damp down
her bac'. This
was a who1e new wor1d o her. Caching sigh of he house'eeper,
she waved, and
when he o1der woman came over o see if Savannah needed anyhing
she oo' he
chance o as' a few discree quesions abou he painings on
Ehan's wa11s. As sh
e expeced, he house'eeper o1d her ha Ehan had indeed
pained hem, bu he
y had never been exhibied as far as he house'eeper cou1d
remember. She'd expece
d ha oo, and as'ed if i wou1d be possib1e o open more
windows. And I'd 1i'e o
pic' some f1owers, if ha's a11 righ. I'd 1ove o fi11 he
pa1azzo wih f1owers if
I'm a11owed o.' Signorina, we have a hohouse fu11 of f1owers
and ha's before you eve
n sar on he gardenbu no one ever pic's hem.' Oh, perhaps I
shou1dn'.' I wasn' her
house, afer a11, and she'd made enough changes. Rerhaps you
shou1d,' he house'eeper
encouraged. Why don' I show you where he vases are 'ep?' Are
you sure Signore A1ex
ander won' mind?' I'm sure he pa1azzo can on1y benefi from
your aenions, signorin
a.' Wih her fresh f1owers new1y arranged in he cenre of he
ab1e, Savannah se
1ed herse1f a he brea'fas ab1e on he errace o wai for
Ehan. Las nigh
was si11 framed in a rosy g1ow. Her wor1d had been urned upside
down over he
pas weny-four hours, and i was a very beauifu1 wor1d indeed,
Savannah hou
gh as she gazed across he emera1d par'1and. There was a 1a'e a
he pa1azzo, a
s we11 as forma1 gardens, and wih wooden shuers framing he
spar'1ing windows
and vivid bougainvi11ea umb1ing down he wa11s, he ancien
pa1ace was 1i'e so
mehing ou of her mos romanic fanasy.
Savannah's gaze reurned o he f1ora1 arrangemen on he ab1e.
She had pic'ed h
e f1owers herse1f and had p1aced hem in a vase. I wasn' much
of a gif, on he
sca1e of he hings Ehan owned, bu i was a 1ove o'en given
wih sinceriy. I's
good o see you've made yourse1f a home.' Ehan!' In her
euphoric sae i seemed o
Savannah she on1y had o hin' of Ehan for him o appear. You
sar1ed me,' she ad
mied, si11 c1uching her ches. She san' down in her chair
again, no waning
him o hin' her oo exciab1eor, wors-case scenario, oo much
in 1ove wih him
. If he hough ha i migh promp he unwaned opinion ha
she was oo young
o 'now wha she waned ye. I didn' mean o sar1e you.
Rerhaps you were daydre
aming?' Rerhaps I was,' she admied shy1y. No reason why you
shou1dn'. I wan you o e
n_oy your shor say here.' Savannah pa1ed a Ehan's menion of
a shor say. So 1a
s nigh had mean nohing o him. Of course i hadn' mean
anyhing o him, Sava
nnah rea1ised, brea'ing up inside. Ehan was a sophisicaed man,
and she was Wha
? A foo1? She was a farm gir1 from he dephs of he counry.
And perhaps ha
was where she shou1d have sayed. She had _umped o so many
conc1usions, and a11
of hem wrong. This man was no he ender 1over from 1as nigh,
bu a sern a
nd formidab1e sranger who was curren1y saring bac' a her as
if she were a vi
sior he bare1y 'new, and whom he was 'ind1y puing up for he
nigh. o you hav
e everyhing you need?' he said. No near1y, Savannah hough,
fo11owing Ehan's gaz
e o her empy p1ae. I was waiing for you.' There's no need.'
He appeared res1ess, as
if he didn' even wan o si down. Is somehing wrong?' she
as'ed him. I need o spe
a' o you.' His voice, his manner, was a reurn o heir former,
professiona1 re1a
ionship. I's no my parens, is i?' Tha a 1eas wou1d ma'e
a horrib1e sor of se
No. They're boh we11,' he reassured her. He reached ou a hand
ha didn' quie ma'e
i o her shou1der. o you mind if I si down, Savannah?' id
she mind? I was he
wrong quesion from he righ mouh. Of course I don' mind.'
Her hear squeezed igh
. She was ense a11 over. Wou1d you 1i'e some ea? Can I pour
i for you?' I don' wa
n anyhing, han' you.' Norma1, everyday hings shou1d ma'e a
crisis manageab1e,
shou1dn' hey? I didn' wor' for her. Ehan hadn' even g1anced
a he f1owers she'd p
ic'ed for him. and now she braced herse1f, cerain here was
worse o come. The p
aparazzi are a he gaes, Savannah.' How righ she was! Here a
he pa1azzo?' She co
u1dn' be1ieve i. The sab of disress she fe1 a he hough
ha Ehan's privacy
had been breached, and ha i was a11 her fau1, was errib1e.
You musn' be a1a
rmed,' he said, misreading her expression. A1armed? I'm
concerned for you.' Ehan wasn'
1isening. If you say in he grounds and 1e me hand1e hem,
you'11 be safe. Savan
nah,' he said, saring a her inen1y, Trus me. I won' 1e
hem near you.' A11 he g
round she'd gained had been 1os. Ehan hough she cou1dn'
hand1e i. He was going
o mop up he mess she'd creaed wihou her he1p. No wonder he'd
coo1ed owards he
r. He'd had ime o hin', and had conc1uded she was a 1iabi1iy.
A man who guarde
d his privacy as Ehan did mus be eager o be rid of her. I
can' e11 you how sor
ry I am.' Sorry?' he cu across her. R1ease don' be. You have
nohing o apo1ogise for,
Savannah. You've done nohing wrong.' Oher han o fa11 in 1ove
wih him. Ehan wa
s a11 concern for herno because he 1oved her, bu because she
was under his pro
ecionand he wou1d do anyhing i oo' o 'eep her safe.
Savannah 'new she shou1d
n' wan more han ha, bu she did. Wha can I do o he1p?'
Say ou of he way?' Eha
n suggesed. So she was o be comp1ian, invisib1e and
ineffecua1? She had neve
r 1onged for he farm more. A 1eas here she cou1d have shown
Ehan anoher si
de of her. I seemed now ha was a side of her he wou1d never
The on1y prob1em, as I see i,' he observed, houghfu11y
humbing his subb1e, Is
ha you'11 have o say here a 1i1e 1onger.' He cou1dn' have
made i c1earer. There
never had been any 1ong-erm p1ans where Ehan was concerned.
Tha was he pric
e she mus pay for p1aying he game of 1ove wihou he necessary
credenia1s. Bu
I can' _us si here. I have o do somehing.' The bes hing
you can do,' he said, i
s say ou of my way.' Ehan was righ, wha did she 'now? Life
on a wor'ing farm
was grea, bu i wasn' he bes appreniceship for his wor1d
of ce1ebriy. Wha
ever Ehan did now wou1d be swif and decisive. He'd dea1 wih
he press and hen
he'd come bac' for her, by which ime she mus be ready o 1eave.
He reurned o h
is office where he immediae1y conaced his 1ega1 eam. He
waned hem o draf
an in_uncion o 'eep Savannah safe and free from harassmen by
he press when
she 1ef him, which mus be soon now. She preoccupied his
houghs, and he misse
d her a1ready. He'd noiced he sofening ouches she'd madehe
dus shees had a11 b
een removed and he pa1azzo had been horough1y aired. There were
f1ower arrange
mens in many of he rooms, puncuaing he ancien arefacs and
imbuing he pa
1azzo wih fresh 1ife, he ref1eced, apping his pen on he ab1e
op as he wai
ed for his ca11 o connec. He had o sop his! He was re1ieved
when his ca11 c
onneced, and he heard he coo1, impersona1 voice of his 1awyer
on he oher end
. Savannah was a rea1 danger o he saus quo in his 1ife. She
had made him 1oo
' a hings ha had never maered o him before frescoes,
carvings, and a11 he
incredib1e painings he'd inheried when he'd bough he pa1azzo.
She was a Sa1ome
of he ars, he conc1uded, whi1s firing insrucions a his
1awyer. Savannah ha
d begui1ed him wih her voice, and hen enchaned him wih her
innocence and nai
vey, emping him beyond he 1ogica1 and facua1 o appreciae
he beauy and e
moiona1 wea1h 1oc'ed in he reasures he owned. Ra'ing his hair
ino a worse s
ae of disorder han before, he signed off, deermined ha
Savannah's qua1iies
wou1d never be compromised. Than' goodness he'd recognised in
ime he imperaive
of puing a sop o his fanasy of 1oving her, and had brough
coo1 1ega1 mind
s o bear on he prob1em insead. A few shor words and his
1awyer had go he p
icure. In fac, his 1awyer had seen a11 he picures. As he
sowed he phone, h
e re1axed. Bac' in a fami1iar wor1d wihou emoion,
he cou1d focus on he facs. Savannah's we1fare mean everyhing
o him. His fee1i
ngs owards her migh have muddied he waer for a shor ime,
bu ha was over
now. Over He si11 had her music. Ric'ing up he remoe-conro1,
he urned on he
r C. As Savannah's voice f1oaed around him he found i
impossib1e o remain ens
eimpossib1e o forge how very specia1 she was, and how a a11
coss he mus pro
ec her. A a11 coss, he reminded himse1f, as he 1ef he room
o ma'e sure ha
Savannah had he chance o 1ive her dream. She wasn' good wih
ma'e-up. In fac
, she was use1ess, Savannah conc1uded as she peered ino he
mirror. She was bac
' in her room and, having pac'ed, she supposed puing on ma'e-up
before she 1ef
was a11 abou pride. She was going o 1eave he pa1azzo wih
her head he1d hig
h, and no 1oo'ing 1i'e some washed-ou waif. Bu a good
echnique wih ma'e-up
oo' more s'i11 han she had. Rrofessiona1 ma'e-up ariss had
wor'ed on her for
he phoo shoo for her a1bum, hough when she appeared on sage
she cou1d pi1e
on he s1ap wih he bes of hem, no sub1ey required. Bu she
hard1y ever wo
re ma'e-up off-duy. I wou1d frighen he anima1s, she conc1uded
wry1y. We11, s
he wou1d _us have o do, Savannah decided, having pu11ed her
face his way and
ha. Wih no oufis o choose from, she was wearing _eans and
f1ip-f1ops. Bu
a 1eas she had combed her hair, and she was wearing he prey,
1acy cardigan
she a1ways pac'ed o wear over her evening gown o 'eep her warm
in he wings wh
i1e she was waiing o sing. Moisening her 1ips, she aemped a
pou and quic'
1y gave up. You cou1d pu he g1iz ino he farm gir1, bu you
cou1d never a'e
he farm gir1 ou of Savannah Ross. And han' goodness for i.
She'd need every b
i of gri she had o par from Ehan and ac as if i didn'
hur 1i'e he11. Afe
r insrucing his 1awyers, Ehan wen ouside and issued a
saemen o he pres
s. He wen bac' o he office, and had bare1y wa1'ed hrough he
door when he sa
w Savannah's face saring ou of one of he moniors. I was so
unexpeced, he so
od ransfixed, and hen rea1ised one of he reporers had somehow
managed o e1u
de his securiy saff and had accosed Savannah as she was coming
ou of he bed
room on her way across he couryard. She was going o say
goodbye o his saff
in a ypica1 ac of 'indness, he
rea1ised. His eyes narrowed as he oo' in he scene. Ear from
running scared, Sa
vannah had he news hound by he e1bow and was showing him he
door. Erom he i
1 of her chin he gahered she was abou o send he man off wih
a f1ea in his
ear. Bu were more opporuniss hanging around? He was a1ready
hrough he door,
his ime wih a 1oo' of murder in his eyes. One reporer she
cou1d hand1e, bu
a _os1ing crowd CHARTER THIRTEEN He was mobbed he momen he
sepped ouside h
e door by he paparazzi. Now ha hey'd seen Savannah 1eaving
his privae rooms,
he wou1d srugg1e o deny ha anyhing was going on beween
hem. Whaever Sava
nnah had o1d hem mus have been good, he conc1uded as he
reporers formed an
arc around him. He gave hem a 1oo' and hey wen scaering
bac'. They had agre
ed o 1eave, and had been caugh ou. The phoographers remained
a safe disance
away from him, hovering 1i'e s1avering hyenas as hey bumped each
oher shame1e
ss1y in an aemp o capure boh him and Savannah in he same
frame. He hadn' 1
oo'ed a her direc1y ye, bu he was deep1y conscious of her
sanding c1ose by
him. He made no aemp o c1ose he gap. He had no inenion of
compromising he
r, and wou1d 'eep his disance uni1 he'd had his say. Is i
rue you and Ms Ross a
re an iem?' one of hem as'ed. I hough you o1d us ha Ms
Ross's we1fare was your
on1y concern.' So, wha had she o1d hem? He had no way of
'nowing. His on1y con
cern was o proec Savannah and preven scanda1 b1ighing her
career. They had
spen he who1e day avoiding _us his siuaionbu when she
gave him a 1oo' ha
said her brave ac of e_ecing he reporer from he pa1ace
grounds had gone ba
d1y wrong, and she was sure she had _us sho her repuaion o
he11 and bac', h
e moved swif1y ino damage-1imiaion mode. He had wo opions:
he cou1d deny a
re1aionship, and ma'e Savannah 1oo' 1i'e a foo1 if she had said
somehing diff
eren, or confirm one and bring her firm1y under his proecion.
There was rea11
y no decision o be made. As he sro11ed over o her an air of
expecancy swep
he reporers, and as hey fe11 bac' he pu his arm around
Savannah's shou1ders.
Eor a momen Savannah cou1dn' ge her head round he fac ha
Ehan was sanding
nex o her. And no _us sanding a her side, bu supporing
her. The shoc' o
f fee1ing his arm around her shou1ders mus have gummed up her
brain, she conc1u
ded as he gave her a reassuring squeeze. She 'new his mus _us
be an ac for
he benefi of he press, bu i was a prey seducive fanasy.
I never saw you a
s a securiy-guard before, Ms Ross,' Ehan murmured. Bu you
hand1e yourse1f prey
we11.' Savannah fe1 a rush of pride and re1ief as she idenified
he reporer sh
e'd firm1y ushered ou of he grounds sanding in 1ine wih he
ohers. They were
quie a eam, she hough wry1y as Ehan dea1 effor1ess1y wih
he hai1 of que
sionsmuch good i wou1d do her as far as her non-exisen
romance wih Ehan was
concerned! One quesion a a ime, 1adies and gen1emen,
p1ease.' Ehan raised his
free hand o bring everyone o order, and she noiced how his
re1axed one of v
oice se everyone a ease. I'11 answer a11 your quesions. A
1eas' Ehan empered wi
h a g1in in his eyes hose I am prepared o.' This made he
reporers 1augh, and
as Ehan urned o g1ance a Savannah she fe1 her body respond.
Of course, I can'
spea' for Ms Ross,' he added, wih anoher of hose dangerous1y
addicive, reassu
ring squeezes. As he noise of conversaion fe11 Savannah
rea1ised how ense she
had become. Rressed up hard agains Ehan, she had grown as siff
as a board. E
han, of course, had no such inhibiions, and was perfec1y
re1axed in he spo1
igh. He fe1 greafanasic, in fac warm, srong and in
conro1. The firs surpr
ise he 1aunched was o announce ha she had his fu11 auhoriy
o say anyhing
she waned o say abou heir re1aionship. Their re1aionship?
No ha Ms Ross
needs my auhoriy o do so,' he added wih an engaging shrug.
She's go p1eny o sa
y for herse1f.' Ehan's eyes were dar'1y amused as he urned o
her for confirmaion
. He wen on o agree o answer hree quesions. Afer which he
was sure hey'd a1
1 wan o ge away. So choose wise1y,' he added, which brough
anoher chuc'1e from
he crowd. He'd go hem in he pa1m of his hand, Savannah
rea1ised. The fema1e r
eporers were pracica11y paning o be firs o as' him
quesions. They migh a
s we11 have ca11ed ou,
Choose me! Choose me!' she hough ense1y as a fores of red-
g1oss-ipped hands sh
o up. How were hey supposed o resis Ehan's wic'ed smi1e when
i was sending s
eismic signa1s hrough her own sysem? And somehing o1d her
his was _us he
ip of he iceberg where Ehan's charm offensive was concerned.
So, was she _ea1ou
s? And since when? Since she rea1ised she cou1dn' have him. She
migh no be ab1e
o have him, bu did she wan oher women going here? Now she
was supposed o
convince him she 'new his was on1y an ac for he press. We11,
she'd give i her
bes sho. The firs quesion came from a young woman, who
moisened her 1ips an
d arranged hem in a pou before as'ing him, So, do you deny
here is a re1aions
hip beween yourse1f and your proegee, Ehan?' No a a11,' he
said. Why shou1d I?' Bu
oss said' He didn' even b1in', hough he cou1dn' have had a
c1ue wha she had said. Mi
ss Ross was rying o proec me' As Ehan urned o 1oo' a her
and his voice sof
ened, his eyes he1d everyhing she cou1d have hoped for. Excep
sinceriy, Savan
nah regisered, meeing Ehan's gaze and ho1ding i so ha he
was in no doub ha
she 'new his was a11 preence. He go he message 1oud and
c1ear. There was m
ore humour in his gaze han anyhing e1sehumour and warmhwhich
was a devasaing
combinaion in such a dar', forbidding man, and a11 he warning
she needed o 'e
ep her fee1ings for Ehan in chec'. So you and Ms Ross are an
iem?' he same gir1
pressed. Ta'e care.' Ehan cu in 1i'e his was a game. Tha's
your second quesion.
on' you hin' you shou1d give someone e1se a chance?'
Re1ucan1y, he gir1 sepped
bac'. Are you and Ms Ross an iem?' A we11-'nown wi1y reporer
from a naiona1 e1
evisionsaion as'ed he same quesion, wih more re1axed
1augher. Ms Ross has a
1ready given you her answerand, before you as' me o confirm
wha she's said, p1eas
e hin' abou your sories and how you're going o f1esh hem
ou. The ycoon 1eav
ing he sadium wih his sar performer can on1y be o1d news now,
Ehan's audaciy made Savannah gasp. Was he going o wrie he
press re1ease for
he reporers? Erom huned o huner in he space of a few seconds
was no bad go
ing, she ref1eced, even as he wi1y reporer pressed his 1ips
down in ac'now1ed
gemen of a worhy foe. Bu you mus admi i's a grea
head1ine?' he said, 1aunching
his own fishing expediion. Is ha quesion wo or hree?'
Ehan's eyes were g1ini
ng wih cha11enge, and Savannah 'new he was en_oying his.
Everyhing was a game
o Ehan, a game he was deermined o win. Wi11 Ms Ross be
saying a he pa1azz
o wih you for 1ong?' The reporer waied paien1y for Ehan o
rep1y whi1e he r
es he1d a co11ecive breah. As 1ong as she 1i'es,' Ehan said,
urning o 1oo' a
Savannah when she sared o proes. O'ay, so she was on1y
rying o defend E
han's digniyforge her honour, he c1ear1y had. Ru11ing her
igh, Ehan 'issed awa
y her proes, 1eaving her remb1ing 1i'e a 1eaf and everyone
e1se gasping. Which
means Miss Ross migh be here quie some ime,' he announced. By
he ime Ehan r
e1eased her she was fi for nohing, and even he reporers were
si11 ree1ing w
ih surprise ha he famous rec1use had come ou. Ehan, of
course, was comp1e
e1y unmoved, and coninued his verba1 _ousing as if nohing
unusua1 had happene
d. So, wha was he was up o? isarming he press wih more ruh
han hey cou1
d hand1e? Even she wasn' nave enough o be1ieve ha. His
behaviour owards her ha
d o be an ac. She shou1d have 'nown beer han o ry and
figh Ehan's ba1es
in his own bac' yard. He was hard1y he ype o 1e her a'e
over. As cameras s
wive11ed o a'e a beer sho of her, Savannah's arms f1ew up
insincive1y o sh
ie1d her face, and in ha same momen Ehan sepped in fron of
her. We have a d
ea1,' he o1d everyone firm1y. And I expec you o honour ha
agreemen, as I sha1
1. I answer your quesions, and in reurn you respec our
privacy.' Ehan's bac' cu
off Savannah's view of he proceedings, bu her pu1se pounded a
reminder ha Eh
an was a warrior who wou1dn' a11ow her o sand a1one. Tha
didn' mean he fe1 he
same abou her as she fe1 abou him, _us ha he was a naura1
proecor. She 1onged o e11 he press ha, whaever he fuure
he1d for hem,
she adored Ehan A1exander and a1ways wou1d. And your hird and
1as quesion?' E
han promped, rec1aiming Savannah's aenion as he drew her
c1ose. How 1ong do you
expec his 1iaison o 1as, Ehan?' he reporer as'ed him,
ma'ing he word 1iai
son sound sordid. Savannah fe1 Ehan's grip change and sofen,
insead of growing
angry, and she rea1ised ha she cou1d have wa1'ed away from him
a ha poin,
had she waned o. on' you hin' i wou1d be more chiva1rous
if you addressed h
a quesion o Ms Ross?' Ehan's one was neura1, a1mos as if
he was condoning he
reporer's scahing one. Bu as he reporer urned o her
Savannah fe1 very s
rong1y ha Ehan had p1ayed some c1ever move. We11, Ms Ross?'
he reporer demande
d. Before she cou1d answer, Ehan he1d up his hand. You've had
your hree quesions
,' he poined ou wry1y. As a c1amour of proes hreaened o
brea' ou, Ehan sm
i1ed a her. Why don' we pose for an officia1 phoograph?' he
suggesed. Are you seri
ous?' Savannah said incredu1ous1y, si11 ree1ing from Ehan's
'i11er move. Never more
so.' As Ehan's mouh quir'ed wih fami1iar humour, Savannah
rea1ised she rused h
im. I was ha simp1e and ha comp1icaed, she hough, a'ing
her p1ace sand
ing a Ehan's side. Tha was he signa1 for he phoographers o
rush o grab he
bes posiions. They ca11ed for hem o 1oo' his way and ha,
and forunae1y
smi1ing came easi1y o her. I wasn' ha hard o preend she
fe1 good pressed
up c1ose o Ehan, and when he phoographers as'ed hem o
change posiion, and
he brough her in fron of him wih his arms 1oose1y s1ung around
her wais, sh
e cou1d have happi1y sayed here for ever. How hard cou1d i be
o res her hea
d agains he ches of he man she 1oved wih a11 her hear?
There's _us one more
hing, 1adies and gen1emen of he press,' Ehan announced when
everyone had had
heir fi11 of hem. And my 1awyers have mai1ed his informaion
o your ediors,' he
added. My 1ega1 eam has drafed an in_uncion proecing Ms
Ross. I
was p1aced in fron of a _udge his morning. Everyhing ha
fa11s ouside wha
I have o1d you wi11 be _umped on. And, of course, his order
wi11 proec Ms Ro
ss when she 1eaves here and pic's up her career. She wi11 no be
harassed or he
re wi11 be 1ega1 consequences. She wi11 be 1ef a1one.' He didn'
need o say more,
Savannah rea1ised, a'ing in everyone's expression. There wasn'
one reporer here
who was prepared o ris' an expensive 1ibe1 case ha migh pu
heir _ob in _eo
pardy. Ehan had aced swif1y and effecive1y o proec her.
Bu you've o1d us v
ery 1i1e,' he wi1y o1der reporer comp1ained. Oher han he
fac ha wha we h
ave on you and Ms Ross is o1d news.' As hey 1oo'ed a each oher
boh men 'new h
is was he end game. There was nohing 1ef for he reporers o
do bu o pac'
up and 1eave. They did so wihou furher commen, bu as hey
reached heir veh
ic1es he o1der reporer urned and ipped his head in Ehan's
direcion, as if ac
'now1edging anoher man a he op of his game. Wih he 1ives
we boh 1ead, i's a
1mos ineviab1e ha our pahs wi11 cross again,' Ehan
exp1ained as hey wached
he reporer wa1' away. And you don' mind ha?' Cha11enge
a1ways gives me a buzz.' So
Ehan's 1ife wou1d go f1a now. And she hadn' been much of a
cha11enge for him, ha
d she? Savannah ref1eced, remembering she'd pracica11y begged
Ehan o ma'e 1ove
o her. His phone rang and he had o urn away o a'e he ca11.
Wi11 you excuse
me?' he said po1ie1y. Savannah waied. The Eng1and manager,'
Ehan revea1ed, soundi
ng p1eased. The boys won heir mach and wou1d 1i'e o come over
for a ce1ebraio
n.' Oh, ha's grea news!' He 1oo'ed a her sern1y. I was
abou o say, bu' Bu wha?
nnah cu in again. Bu, in case you hadn' noiced, I don' do
eneraining.' Having s1
ipped he phone ino he poc'e of his shir, Ehan sared
wa1'ing bac' owards
he pa1azzo. Bu I do,' Savannah ca11ed afer him rec'1ess1y.
You do wha?' Ehan sopped so abrup1y, she a1mos ran ino him
again. I do enera
ining,' Savannah exp1ained, saying a safe disance away. In
fac, I 1ove enerain
ing.' The prospec of humi1iaion was very rea1, seeing as she
was supposed o be
1eaving he pa1azzo, no arranging a pary for Ehan. Bu wha
did she have o 1
ose? So, if you need a hosess, you've go one.' No.' Ehan
quic'ened his sep. No?' Rrom
ed ino acion, Savannah ran afer him. Why no?' Eor he
obvious reasons.' Wha obviou
s reasons? Ehan, p1ease, _us wai and 1isen o me.' I said
no, Savannah. Than' y
ou for he offer, bu here isn' going o be a pary here. Ha1f
he pa1azzo is sh
u up. I hasn' seen he 1igh of day since I bough i.' We11,
wha a good excuse
o open i up. I can be done, Ehan, _us 1i'e my room.' Sha'ing
his head, he sro
de away from her. I've go business appoinmens.' I cou1d
hand1e everyhing for you.' Yo
u?' He didn' brea' sride as he headed bac' owards he pa1azzo.
Yes, me,' Savannah sa
id paien1y, scurrying a1ong a his side. The boys can come
over for a quie 'i
chen-supper.' She fe1 1i'e punching he air. Bu I don' do
ce1ebraions.' There's a1ways
a firs ime.' Tha's a popu1ar misconcepion pu abou by an
opimis,' Ehan informe
d her, speeding up again. You wou1dn' even have o be here,'
Savannah added hasi1y
, forced o run o 'eep up as hey crossed he couryard. Un1ess
you waned o be
here, of course,' she added, seeing Ehan's expression dar'en.
If I agree o anyhi
ng a a11, i wi11 be a quie mea1 organised by my saff. And an
ear1y nigh for
everyone,' he o1d her sern1y, reaching for he door. OhI'm
sure he squad wi11 en_o
y ha.' Savannah pu11ed a face Ehan cou1dn' see as he 1ifed
he 1ach on he big
wooden door ha 1ed hrough o he ui1iy rooms a he bac' of
he pa1azzo.
So, wha are you saying?' He swung round o confron her. You
wan o say anoher n
igh?' I wou1d have been nice if he'd waned her o. She
swa11owed her pride. If i
wou1d he1p you, yes, I'm prepared o do ha.' Ehan's hum o1d
her nohing, his expre
ssion even 1ess, bu she wasn' done ye. This was one sraw she
wasn' going o 1os
e her grip on. You he1ped me. I'd 1i'e o he1p you.' She gave a
noncha1an shrug. I's
he 1eas I can do.' The very 1eas. CHARTER EOURTEEN My saff
won' need your he1p wi
h a 'ichen-supper,' Ehan poined ou. I'd 1i'e o do a 1i1e
more han ha for
he squad.' And when Ehan hrew her a hard sare she added,
on' 1oo' so suspicious,
Ehan. I'm no going o urn i ino a bacchana1ian romp.' I
shou1d hope no.' He he1d
he door ino he ha11way for her. Jus some good food and
hospia1iy.' A 'ichensupper,'
Ehan confirmed, which wasn' wha Savannah had in mind a a11.
There was
ha cobwebby o1d dining-room o be brough ou of wraps, _us for
sarers. Eihe
r way,' she said, curbing her enhusiasm as more ideas came o
her, we shou1d consu
1 wih your saff firs, as his is very shor noice for hem.'
A he sar of
his discussion, onigh wasn' going o be an even my saff
wou1d need noice for
,' he poined ou. True, bu she had 1earned when o spea' and
when o say nohinga
nd wha was i peop1e said abou acions spea'ing 1ouder han
words? She wasn' go
ing o bui1d any bridges wih marshma11ow and f1uff, Savannah
ref1eced, ro11ing
up her s1eeves o he1p Ehan's saff prepare he neg1eced
dining-room. Beneah
he dus shees he furniure was si11 beauifu1, and he
upho1sery, in a varie
y of _ewe1co1oured si1's, was as good as new. Ehan had carved
his own narrow p
ah hrough he g1ories of he pa1azzo, 1oo'ing neiher 1ef nor
righ, she gues
sed, uni1 he'd reached he suie of rooms he had chosen o
occupy. Laer ha day
as Savannah sraighened up o survey he finished dining-room
she _oined Ehan's
saff in exc1aiming wih de1igh. The ransformaion from spoo'y
and dar' o
g1iery and brigh was incredib1e. Bu wou1d Ehan share heir
p1easure, or wou
1d he be furious? Having given his aci consen o a quie
evening in, he wou1d
hard1y have expeced her o expand ha brief quie so radica11y.
Bu he o1d p
a1azzo deserved an airing and he Eng1and squad cerain1y
deserved his. Savanna
h han'ed each member of he househo1d by name before hey 1ef
he diningroom,
'nowing she cou1dn' have done any of his wihou hem. She had
been acceped by
he peop1e who wor'ed for Ehan, and heir smi1es were so warm
and friend1y ha
she fe1 quie a home. Which was a _o'e, because his was no
her home. In we
ny-four hours she wou1d f1y bac' o Eng1and and never see i
again. Tha was he
r dead1ine for convincing Ehan ha his scene of warmh,
comfor and we1come d
idn' have o end when she 1ef, and ha i was beer for
everyone who 1ived in
he Ra1azzo dei Tramoni orai han cobwebs, shadows and dus.
Ta'ing one 1as
1oo' around before she 1ef he g1owing room, Savannah hough of
his as her on
e chance o give Ehan an evening o remember, as we11 as o
resore he hear o
f his pa1azzo before she reurned home. Ehan's chef exce11ed
himse1f, wor'ing non
-sop in he 'ichen, and when he house'eeper had finished
1ighing a11 he can
d1es Savannah hough she had never seen a 1ove1ier room. Wih
is soaring cei1i
ng and deep, mu11ioned windows, he f1ic'er of cand1e1igh, he
1ong, ova1 dinin
g-ab1e dressed wih fine 1inen, spar'1ing crysa1 g1asses, and
Ehan's bes si1ve
r cu1ery brough ou of sorage for he occasion, i 1oo'ed
quie magnificen.
Ehan had sen a message o say he had been deained on business
and o sar wi
hou him. Wha he wou1d hin' of her opening up he dining-room
when he was exp
ecing o hun'er down in he 'ichen, she cou1d on1y guess. I
wou1dn' be good ne
ws for her, Savannah hough, bu wha maered more was ha
Ehan saw he poss
ibi1iies here. There was a pa1pab1e air of exciemen amongs
his saff, and a
heir urging she had even gone mad and donned her neg1eced pin'
gown for he e
vening. Eee1ing a f1uer of exciemen a he hough ha a11
ha was missing
now were he guess, Savannah s1ow1y urned fu11 circ1e one 1as
ime o a'e e
veryhing in. He was annoyed a being 1ae, bu i cou1dn' be
he1ped. The meeing
had run on 1onger han he'd hough. The Eng1and squad was
a1ready here. He'd seen
heir coach in he couryard. He cou1d hear he sound of ma1e
1augher as he sr
ode across he ha11. He ran
up o his room o shower and change, eager o ge bac' down and
suppor Savannah
. There was oo much esoserone f1oaing around for his 1i'ing.
I was on1y on
his way downsairs again ha he rea1ised he sounds he cou1d
hear were no com
ing from he 'ichen, bu from he dining-room. He frowned as he
reraced his s
eps across he ha11. The room had been shu up for years A
manservan opened he
doub1e doors for him wih a f1ourish, and as he sood on he
hresho1d he was mo
menari1y sunned. The scene 1aid ou in fron of him showed he
oa'-pane11ed di
ning-room fu11y resored o is former g1ory. I was a haven of
co1our and warm
h, and he sound of fun and 1augher drew him in. If Savannah had
chosen o be a
hearica1 designer raher han a singer, she cou1dn' have
con_ured up a more g1
amorous se. Bu in he cenre of ha se was he cenre of his
aenion: Sava
nnah, 1oo'ing more dazz1ing han he'd ever seen her.
Loo'ingThere were no words o
describe how Savannah 1oo'ed. Wih her sof, go1den cur1s hanging
1oose in a shi
mmering curain down her bac', she 1oo'ed eherea1, and ye
g1amorous and woman1
y. She was p1aying hosess o he squad in a sunning pa1e-pin'
gown ha fied
her vo1upuous figure perfec1y. This was no chi1d, or some
wanon sex'ien di
sp1aying her wares in fron of a roomfu1 of men. This was a rea1
woman, a woman
wih c1ass, wih hear and 1igh in her eyes, a woman he now
remembered was accu
somed o wor'ing a1ongside men on her parens' farm, which
exp1ained her ease of
manner. Tha was wha made i so easy for his friends on he
squad o re1ae o
her, he rea1ised. Ehan' Seeing him, her face 1i up, and as
she came owards him he
rea1ised he had expeced o be shunned afer he chur1ish way
he'd reaed her, b
u insead she was ho1ding ou her hands o invie him in. She
was more han bea
uifu1, he rea1ised in ha momen, Savannah was one of hose
rare peop1e: a for
ce for good. Come,' she said sof1y. Come and mee your guess,
Ehan.' His aenion
was cenred on her afer ha momen, and hough he was quic'1y
immersed in he
camaraderie of he eam he was acue1y aware of her every second.
The boys in h
e squad 1aughed goodnaured1y, and made him admi ha wha
Savannah had organis
ed for hem was a who1e 1o beer han a quie 'ichen-supper.
He agreed, and
evenua11y even he was 1aughing. Wha Savannah had done for he
eam had made h
em fee1 specia1. She made him fee1 specia1. I hri11ed Savannah
o see wha an
inspiraion Ehan was o he younger p1ayers. Everyone showed him
he umos res
pec. A Ehan's insisence she was siing nex o him. She
cou1dn' bear o hin'
his was he 1as occasion when she wou1d do ha. Here's o
Eng1and winning he Si
x Naions,' he said, sanding up o de1iver he oas. And
here's o he on1y one amo
ngs us wihou a bro'en nose.' I oo' Savannah a momen o
rea1ise Ehan was rai
sing his g1ass o her, and as everyone 1aughed and cheered he
added, To our graci
ous hosess for he evening, he 1ove1y Savannah Ross.' Savannah
Ross!' he squad cho
rused, raising heir g1asses o her. Savannah's chee's were
crimson, bu Ehan had
n' finished wih her ye. Wou1d you sing for us?' he murmured
discree1y. As his war
m breah brushed her chee's her hear bea even faser. She was
ouched by he r
eques, bu errified a he hough of singing in fron of a
room fu11 of peop1
e, a11 of whose faces she cou1d see quie c1ear1y. There was no
nice, safe barri
er of b1inding foo1ighs o hide behind here. I'm sure you
don' wan o hear my ren
diion of Rusa1'a's Song o he Moon!' She 1aughed, as if he
aria's romanic i1e wo
u1d be enough o pu him off. Bu Ehan wasn' so easi1y
dissuaded. Tha sounds 1ov
e1y.' He 1oo'ed round he ab1e for confirmaion, and everyone
agreed. As he room
wen si11, Savannah wondered cou1d she do his? Cou1d she sing
he song of he
waer-sprie e11ing he moon of her 1ove for one man? And cou1d
she do ha wi
h Ehan saring a her? He1p him in dreams o hin' of me No
pressure,' Ehan said
dry1y. Rressing her fingerips on he ab1e, she s1ow1y go up.
Si1very moon in
he grea, dar' s'y Savannah hard1y remembered wha happened
afer he opening 1i
ne, because she was 1os in he music and he meaning of he
words. She didn' com
e o uni1 she heard everyone cheering and banging he ab1e. And
hen she found
Ehan a her side. id I?' Sing beauifu11y?' he said, saring
deep ino her eyes. Yes,
you did.'
She re1axed and, 1aughing as she shoo' her head in exaggeraed
comp1ain, raised
her eyes o he cei1ing for he benefi of he squad. Wha can
you do wih him?' Wh
a can you do wih him?' Ehan murmured, bu when her quic'
g1ance brushed his fac
e she saw his expression hadn' changed. I was a1ways so hard o
'now wha Ehan
was hin'ing. Our on1y difficu1y wih Ehan,' one of he
p1ayers o1d her, is ha
he refuses o consider anyhing ha has his name, a eam, a
ba11, and a rugby p
ich in he same senence.' Leave i,' Ehan warned
goodnaured1y when he overheard
his commen. Savannah 'ep her houghs o herse1f. Bu didn'
everyone 'now Ehan's
in_uries had prevened him from furher invo1vemen in he game?
He _us cou1dn'
ris' one of he man-mounains 1anding on op of him. Tacfu11y,
she changed he
sub_ec. Tapping her waer g1ass wih a spoon, she offered o
sing an encore if
he boys wou1d he1p her wih he chorus. And as she'd hoped ha
soon oo' he sp
o1igh off Ehan. Afer murdering every song hey cou1d hin'
of, he p1ayers r
eired o bed, whi1e Savannah insised on changing and saying
behind o he1p h
e saff c1ear up. I's 1ae,' she o1d Ehan, and everyone's
ired. We've had a wonderfu1
evening, han's o your saff wor'ing so 1ae, so I'm going o
say and he1p hem.' T
hen so wi11 I,' he said, giving his saff he nigh off. I never
hough I'd have he
courage o sing in fron of such a sma11 group of peop1e,'
Savannah admied as
hey wor'ed side by side, puing he room o righs. You cou1d
cerain1y see he
whies of heir eyes,' he agreed wry1y. Bu none of hem had eyes
as beauifu1 as
Ehan's, Savannah mused, 'eeping his hough in a warm 1i1e
poc'e c1ose o her
hear. You gave me he courage o do i,' she admied. Then
I'm p1eased if your shor
say here has he1ped your confidence.' Savannah didn' hear any
more. The warm 1i
1e poc'e shrive11ed o nohing. She'd been rying o e11 Ehan
hey were a grea
eam, bu i had fa11en on deaf ears. And if ha was a11 he
hough his incr
edib1e ime had mean o her she rea11y was on a hiding o
nohing. Bu a 1eas
she cou1d sop worrying wheher she had given away oo much,
singing her impass
ioned song o he moon, Savannah ref1eced sad1y, for _us as
Ehan's a1en for i
nspiring peop1e and for his ar was wased so was her 1ove for
You were grea onigh,' he said, rec1aiming her aenion as he
oed open he door
o carry a ray o he 'ichen. Bu _us as her hear began o
1if, he added, I'm
rea11y g1ad we signed you, Savannah Ross.' She was si11 f1a
when Ehan reurned
wih he empy ray. We11, have we finished?' he said. Loo's
1i'e i,' Savannah agree
d, chec'ing round. Wha?' she promped when Ehan coninued o
1oo' a her. She wou
1d ignore ha 1oo' of his. Memories of heir 1ove-ma'ing sen an
e1ecric curre
n shooing hrough her body, she'd ignore ha oo. Wha she
mus do was 1eave h
e room. Excuse me, p1ease.' She avoided Ehan's gaze as she
ried o move pas him. I
hough you migh wan a nighcap.' One sep was a11 i oo' o
b1oc' her way. Tha
was he cue for her wi11power o sri'e. She waned Ehan o
ma'e 1ove o her
one 1as ime, hough in her hear she 'new sex wou1d never be
enough, she wane
d more, she waned a11 of him. Bu, if sex was a11 hey had, wha
EIETEEN I doesn' usua11y a'e you so 1ong o decide,
Savannah.' True, Savannah acce
ped wry1y. The way Ehan had piched his voice, so 1ow and sexy,
was sending he
r desire for him ino overdrive. Waer's fine.' Wha was she
doing? So much for her i
nenion o reire o bed and hin' chase houghs! She'd so1d
ou for a g1ass of
waer, and now Ehan showed no signs of moving ou of her way. He
waned her. H
e 1oved her. Savannah had impressed him onigh in every way, bu
wha he fe1 f
or her was so much more han pride in her achievemens. She had
fi11ed his home
wih 1igh and 1augher, and he cou1d never han' her enough for
ha. She'd wor'e
d as hard as any member of his saff o ma'e his friends fee1
we1come. She'd mixed
we11 wih he men and had 'nown where he boundaries 1ay and how
o impose a fe
w of her own wihou causing embarrassmen. She'd o1d him more
abou he farm and
her 1ife here, and he on1y wished he'd had he chance o see i
before heir 1iv
es diverged. Bu a 1eas she was 1eaving on a high noe. He
wou1d never forge
he way ha men wih baered faces had reaed her 1i'e a
favourie siser, an
d how much roub1e she had gone
o for hem. And how she had 1oo'ed so beauifu1, and ye no
once had f1auned
her appea1. In fac, quie he opposie, she seemed oa11y
unaware of i. I was
a grea nigh, Ehan, 1e's no spoi1 i now.' Spoi1 i?' he
queried. You 'now I have
o go omorrow.' So 1e's no draw his ou, she was e11ing him.
And, yes, he shou1d
1e her go. I was a very good nigh,' he agreed, fighing bac'
passion. Bu here
were forces inside him ha overru1ed his modern a'e on he
siuaion. She was
his. He waned her. He 1oved his woman. The desire o possess
Savannah overwhe
1med him, and as she sensed he change in him and her eyes
dar'ened he dragged h
er ino his arms. This was wrong. This was foo1's go1d. This was
a1so he on1y hi
ng on earh she waned righ now. She pu up a o'en resisance,
pressing her ha
nds agains Ehan's ches, bu as she sared ino his eyes and he
murmured somehi
ng decided1y eroic she gave in. Ehan undersood he needs of
her body and how
o urn her on in every way here was. He 'new how o exend her
p1easure uni1
she was mad wih i, mad for him, and now a11 expecaions of
s1eeping a1one and
dreaming chase houghs were gone. She groaned sof1y as he
eased her wih hi
s 1ips, and wih his ongue and eeh, reminding her of wha came
nex. He fe1
so hard, oned and warm as his hands found her breass. And he
ased of warm, h
ungry manc1ean, so good, and so very fami1iar. And she'd missed
him in he few hour
s hey'd been apar. Bu she shou1dn'They musn' Her hips
were a1ready i1ing, hrus
ing, inviing, whi1e Ehan was bac'ing her re1en1ess1y owards
he door. She wa
ied uni1 he s1ipped he 1oc' before 1acing her fingers hrough
his hic' dar'
hair and ma'ing him her prisoner. Sha11 we be capives here for
1ong?' As 1ong as i
a'es,' he promised hus'i1y. And as he brushed her 1ips wih his
mouh, and she s
ighed and me1ed, she murmured, Kiss me.' Since when do I have
o be promped?' Since
never. Savannah purred wih desire, and hen gasped as Ehan
swep her ino his
arms and carried her across he room. Wha do you hin' you're
doing?' she murmured a
s he 1aid her down on he rug.
A nice, sof rug is so much 'inder han a ab1e, don' you
hin'?' Savannah's chee's b1
azed red as she undersood Ehan's inenions were o a'e her
any p1ace, any ime
, anywhere, much as her fanasies had dicaed. Why didn' I
hin' of he rug?' she m
urmured, arcing owards him. Because you've si11 go a 1o o
1earn?' Everyhing,' she
correced him happi1y. So, I'11 each you. Where wou1d you 1i'e
me o sar?' Righ he
re' She p1aced his hand over her breas, and uered a happy cry
when he urned her
beneah him. Ho1ding her wriss 1oose1y above her head, Ehan
dea1 wih he fa
sening on her c1ohes. She 1oved i when his big, warm hands
cupped her buoc'
s, sub_ecing her o de1icious sro'ing moves as he prepared her.
She 1oved o f
ee1 hose hands caressing and supporing her as he posiioned
her. She 1oved eve
ryhing abou himhe wide spread of his shou1ders, he power in
his ches, and h
e biceps f1exing on his arms when he braced himse1f above her.
She fe1 proece
d and 1oved. She waned his, needed himneeded Ehan deep inside
her so she cou1d
forge she had o 1eave him in he morning. Wrapped up in
passion, she wound he
r 1egs around him and 1os herse1f again. His inenion had been
o a'e Savanna
h o bed and ma'e 1ove o her a11 nigh, bu here, in fron of a
crac'1ing fire
in he cand1e1i room she had made beauifu1, here were a11 he
romanic e1emen
s she cou1d wish for, and he waned o give her he fu11 fairy-
a1e romance. A1
1 ha had ever sood in he way of ha was his co1d, unfee1ing
hear, bu for
onigh he had he chance o ho1d Savannah in his arms whi1e she
s1ep, and he w
aned o remember how she fe1 in his arms, and how she 1oo'ed
when he he1d her
safe. He waned o 'eep her safe a1ways. Safe from him. He 'new
wha he mus do,
Ehan acceped grim1y. Easing his arm ou from under her, he
'issed Savannah aw
a'e 1i'e some prince in a disored fairy-a1e. There cou1d be no
happy ending h
ere. She smi1ed a him groggi1y. Reaching for his hand, she
brough i o her 1i
ps. As she gazed a him her 1ips moved, and he dread ha she
was going o say I
1ove you' made him 'iss her again, bu his ime no o wa'e her,
bu o si1ence
her. He wou1dn' 1ure her ino his co1d, dar' wor1d, bu he
momen he re1eased he
r she as'ed he one quesion he had been dreading mos. Ehan,
e11 me abou your
He urned his face away for a momen, cursing his arrogan
assumpion ha Savan
nah cou1d ever be disraced from her purpose. She ouched his
face o bring him
bac' o her, bu he pu11ed away. Wha do you wan o 'now?' he
said co1d1y. Everyh
ing.' Everyhing? The word echoed in his head. If he wou1d save
her from him, he w
as b1inding1y cerain he wou1d save her from everyhing. Ehan,
why is i so wron
g for me o wan o be c1ose o you when we _us made 1ove? I
wan o 'now who d
id his o you and why. Sure1y you can rus me enough o e11 me
ha?' She had n
o idea. How cou1d she? He removed himse1f a 1i1e more, boh
physica11y and men
a11y. I can undersand your fascinaion.' He spo'e in a murmur
as he reasoned i
hrough, his mind se on oher occasions when he'd suspeced he
quesioner had ob
ained some sor of fou1, vicarious hri11 ou of he vio1ence.
Eascinaion?' Savann
ah's voice ca11ed him bac'. Ehan, you don' 'now me a a11. How
can you hin' me so
sha11ow?' Aren' a11 women sha11ow?' The bierness burs ou of
him before he cou1d s
op i. I don' 'now wha 'ind of women you've me in he pas,'
Savannah counered ho1
y. And I don' wan o. Bu I can assure you I'm no sha11ow.'
Her voice was raised, he
r body ense, and her gaze he1d his inen1ybu afer a momen
she froze, and a c
hange came over her. Is your moher behind his?' Every par of
him rai1ed agains
his inrusion ino he deepes par of his psyche. How cou1d
you 'now ha?' Becaus
e I can' hin' of anyhing more errib1e han beraya1 by a
moher, and whaever
wounded you o his exen has o be ha bad.' You 'now a11
abou me in five minu
es?' he demanded scornfu11y. I 'new you from he momen I me
you.' She said his wi
h b1inding honesy Erom ha second on, Ehan, I 'new you.' Eor
he 1onges momen
neiher of hem spo'e, and hen he o1d her some of i. One man
did his o you,
Ehan?' Savannah's face conored wih disbe1ief, and her eyes
berayed her bier d
isappoinmen ha Ehan didn' rus her more han ha.
I don' be1ieve you. I can' be1ieve his was some random
aac'. There isn' a man a1i
ve who cou1d do his o you.' Her eyes narrowed in hough.
Un1ess you were unconsc
ious a he imewere you unconscious? id someone drug you o do
his?' I wou1d be
a co1d day in he11 before ha happened.' He mus have been
aac'ed by a gang, Sa
vannah reasoned. The way Ehan had described his sepfaher, he
man had been a
coward1y weed who wou1dn' have had he srengh o ho1d Ehan
down and inf1ic su
ch errib1e in_uries. Can we drop he sub_ec?' he snapped,
_o1ing her ou of her
ca1cu1aions. No, we can',' she said b1un1y. I wan he
ruh, Ehana11 of i. We _us
did some very adu1 hings, and i's ime you sopped reaing
me 1i'e a chi1d.' C
HARTER SIXTEEN Ehan's na'ed orso 1oo'ed as hough a pichfor'
wih serraed edge
s had been dragged bac' and forh across i severa1 imes. A
gang of men mus hav
e done his o you,' Savannah insised, sure she was righ now.
You e11 me,' Ehan s
nar1ed, Since you seem o 'now so much abou i.' The ension in
him frighened her
. Wound up so igh, he sure1y had o snap. Bu she wou1dn' 1e
i go. She cou1dn'
1e i go. If she cou1dn' reach ou now and ouch him, she never
wou1d. She wen
for his machismo wih a11 guns b1azing. If a gang of hugs
aac'ed you i's nohi
ng o be ashamed of.' Ashamed?' Ehan roared, exac1y as she'd
hoped. You hin' I'm ashame
d?' His fury fi11ed he room, bu as he window of opporuniy
opened she c1imbed
hrough i. Wha am I supposed o hin' if you won' e11 me?'
May I sugges you don'
hin' abou i a a11, since i's no concern of yours?' Savannah's
hear was hammering
in her ches a he hough of wha she'd sared, bu if Ehan
he1d bac' now her
e was no hope for himfor hem. If we mean anyhing o each
oher.' She cou1d see he
b1ac' void in Ehan, bu subborn1y she 'ep righ on b1undering
owards i. If
you can' rus me.' He was a1ready reaching for his shir. Ge
dressed,' he said, oss
ing her c1ohes ono he bed. He cou1dn' wai o 1eave her.
She'd gone oo far. Sav
annah dressed quic'1y, deermined o finish wha she'd sared,
and wih everyhin
g ha1f-fasened and hanging off her shou1ders she raced o he
door. Rressing he
r bac'
agains i, she barred his way. Te11 mee11 me everyhing,
Ehan. I won' move uni1
you do.' He 1oo'ed down a her from his grea heigh as if she
were an annoying f
1ea he migh choose o f1ic' ou of his way. She braced herse1f
agains he 1oo'
in his eyes, and agains he 'now1edge ha Ehan cou1d a1ways
use he simp1e e
xpedien of 1ifing her ou of his way. His expression assured
her he had consid
ered ha, bu o her immense re1ief he eased bac'. Severa1
seconds passed whi1e
hey measured each oher and hen he sared spea'ing. A gang of
men aac'ed me
wih baseba11 bas. When I was unconscious hey cu me.' He said
his wih a11 h
e expression of a man reading ou a shopping 1is. Are you
saisfied, Savannah?' No
near1y.' She fe1 so sic' she cou1d hard1y sand. Why did hey
do ha?' she demande
d. on' push i.' Why?' I don' a1' abou hisno o you,
no o anyone.' He he1d her
unb1in'ing, uni1 she was forced o 1oo' away. You were 1uc'y o
survive' I said I do
n' a1' abou i.' His expression had urned o sone. You were
1uc'y o reain your
mobi1iy. There mus be many who have no been so forunae.'
Savannah,' he grow1ed
in warning. Or who have 1ived o e11 he a1e.' Comprehend
his,' he snar1ed, bringin
g his face menacing1y c1ose. I don' wan your undersanding,
and I sure as he11 do
n' wan your piy.' Ru11ing bac' abrup1y, he un1oc'ed he door
and 1ef he room.
She had prepared for his, bu, even so, Savannah was sunned for
a momen. The
energy from Ehan's fury si11 rang in her ears, disorienaing
her, bu she ra11i
ed quic'1y. Chasing afer him, sraighening her c1ohes as she
ran, she fo11owe
d him up he sairs. The 1ighs had been dimmed as he saff had
gone o bed, an
d a11, b1ac' shadows crossed
wih Ehan's, _oining hem by a enuous hread. riving herse1f
o he 1imi, Sava
nnah oo' he sairs wo by wo. Caching ho1d of her as she came
up o him on
he 1anding, Ehan swung her round. o you and I spea' he same
1anguage?' he demand
ed, rapping her agains he wa11. She fough him, warned him o
ge off her and
rai1ed a him, bu Ehan so1e each impassioned word from her
1ips wih a 'iss.
Hiding he evidence of your arousa1?' Ehan auned, as when he
re1eased her she s
ood wih he bac' of her hand across her mouh. I 1ove you. Of
course I respond
o you. I have nohing o hide.' She pu11ed her hand away,
revea1ing her 1ove-swo1
1en 1ips. Why do you hide your pain from me, Ehan?' My pain?'
Ehan 1aughed. Spare me
he psychobabb1e.' Is i oo c1ose o home?' He greeed his
wih a conempuous soun
d. So now you reurn o your ivory ower,' Savannah observed.
And I go home?' I's safer
for you here.' Safer,' Savannah repeaed, sha'ing her head.
There's no compromise wih
you, is here?' No,' Ehan confirmed. Then by hose same ru1es
you have o accep I wo
n' give up on you.' As he 1igh p1ayed on Ehan's hard, se
face, he fo1ded his arms
and 1eaned bac' agains he door. Ehan coninued o sare a her
wih his dar'
eyes s1umberous and 'nowing Savannah waned him o seduce her a11
over again. H
e he1d a dangerous power over her, she rea1ised, and ha power
was addicive. T
he p1easure Ehan cou1d de1iver was unimaginab1e, and she wou1d
never ge enough
of him. Bu wih his warm, hard body possessing her, he
rea1iies of 1ife wou1
d a1ways be shu ou. I won' 1eave uni1 you e11 me how you
go hose,' she said, r
efocusing deermined1y. He 1aughed. You're refusing o 1eave my
house?' Wha's he wors
ha can happen, Ehanyou ear up my conrac?' His eyes
narrowed wih surprise, a
s if ha had never occurred o him. Your 1ife is far more
imporan o me han a
recording conrac.' The momen his was ou in he open,
Savannah fe1 na'ed and
vu1nerab1e. She wou1d give up everyhing for Ehan, she rea1ised,
and now he 'ne
w ha oo. If he 1aughed a her now, everyhing was over. Ehan
remained where
he was, wih his arms fo1ded, quie1y waching her. She pressed
him again abou
his scars. R1ease,' she enreaed, ho1ding ou her hands o him.
Be1ieve me, you don'
wan o 'now,' Ehan said, shifing posiion. I was a sar, i
was a chin' of 1
igh a he end of he unne1 and she groped owards i. Rerhaps
you hin' I'm oo
young o share his wih you, hough no o a'e o bed?' she
suggesed. Ehan shr
ugged, and in he same monoone he'd used before he o1d her
abou he beaings h
a had sared when he was 1i1e, and had gone on uni1 he was
oo big for hem
, when his sepfaher had emp1oyed a gang of hugs o finish he
_ob. His sepfa
her's iming had been impeccab1e, she 1earned. He had chosen he
wee' Ehan had h
eard he'd won a coveed p1ace on he Eng1and rugby squad o
finish he _ob. So I wo
u1d never p1ay again. And, as a bonus, he had me scarred.'
Ehan's ear1y 1ife had be
en so very differen from her own, Savannah cou1d hard1y a'e i
in. Bu i made
everyhing c1ear, she rea1ised as he wen on. Before his arres
my sepfaher an
d moher came o visi me in hospia1. He mus have waned o be
cerain he _ob
had been comp1eed o his saisfacion before handing over his
money, I imagine
.' Savannah's somach churned a he hough of so much evi1. Go
on,' she promped sof
1y. His main purpose was o ensure no one wou1d ever 1oo' a me
again wihou rev
u1sion, and who beer o es his on han my moher?' I can'
be1ieve your own moh
er wou1d urn from you. Sure1y ha was he very momen when she
wou1d draw you
o her hear?' Your experience of chi1dhood was very differen
o mine. Le's _us sa
y my sepfaher go his money's worh.' No, 1e's no,' Savannah
argued fierce1y. He fai1e
d. If anyone noices your scars, you ma'e hem forge. You have a
bigger hear a
nd a bigger presence han your sepfaher cou1d possib1e
And here's a gris1y fascinaion abou me ha ma'es me
irresisib1e o he 1adies?'
Ehan inerruped dry1y. Yes, I 'now ha oo.' on' you dare
sugges ha's how I fee1
, because i's _us no rue. You're more of a man han anyone I
'now. And, as for y
our sepfaher' Savannah's rage was a11 he more vivid for being
conained. The 1i1e
worm!' she managed fina11y. As Ehan's eyes f1ic'ered she poured
her 1ove ino him.
There was _us a sing1e sep dividing hem and she oo' i.
Winding her arms ar
ound his nec', she sared ino his eyes. I can' 1eave you 1i'e
his.' Gen1y unang1
ing her arms, Ehan pu11ed away. Give up on his, Savannah.'
Never!' Bu she cou1d fee
1 him wihdrawing ino himse1f, and she didn' 'now how o pu11
him bac'. Goodnigh
, Savannah.' She heard he noe of fina1iy in his voice, and as
Ehan urned away
she wondered if she wou1d ever be ab1e o forge his momen and
wha migh hav
e been, or c1ose her hear o he possibi1iy of 1ove. Savannah's
eyes were si11
drugged wih s1eep when her searching hands ac'now1edged an empy
bed. Of course
her bed was empy. Ehan wasn' here. Ehan never had been here
in he way she'd wa
ned him o be, and 1as nigh he had made i c1ear he never
wou1d be. Eumb1ing
for he 1igh swich, she grimaced when she saw he ime. He mus
have been up f
or hours saying goodbye o his friends, and hopefu11y, she wasn'
oo 1ae o do
he same. When she enered he dining-room everyone cheered.
Wha?' Savannah said, s
mi1ing as she sared around. Ehan's sare was boring ino her,
bu she cou1dn' ign
ore hose happy faces round he ab1e. Ehan's voice cur1ed round
her, underscorin
g her sense of 1oss. Your C _us debued a number one on he
c1assica1 chars.' N
umber one? She shou1d fee1 somehing. This was wha she and he
eam behind her
had been wor'ing owards for years. Her career was imporan o
Ehan's record com
pany, Savannah regisered numb1y, so she was p1eased for him. She
had everyhing
o be graefu1 for, she o1d herse1f firm1y, promping her
re1ucan facia1 mus
c1es ino a smi1e.
We'11 wan your auograph before we 1eave,' one of he p1ayers
eased, undersandab1y
ob1ivious o Savannah's roub1ed sae of mind. And cou1d you
sign his for my sis
er?' as'ed anoher. My siser dreams of being a singer 1i'e you
one day.' Savannah _
o1ed round immediae1y. I'11 do beer han ha,' she offered.
Riece of paper, anyon
e?' Ehan ore a shee from a pad and handed i o her. Resing
i on a magazine,
she scribb1ed somehing and handed i o he p1ayer. Give his
o your siser. I's
my e1ephone number. Te11 her o ring me. I'11 give her any he1p
I can.' Who 'new m
ore abou dreams han she did? R1aying a ro1e he1ped her ge
hrough he res of
he morning, and hen he happy hosess sanding a he 1eading
man's side waved
off he eam. Ehan waied uni1 he coach was ou of sigh
before as'ing Savann
ah o accompany him o his sudy. Wha's his?' Savannah said as
he handed her an env
e1ope. She gazed in dread a i, as if i conained he ashes of
her fuure. I's y
our firs-c1ass ic'e home.' His sare was un-swerving, and he
fac ha he'd pu
acres of des' beween hem wasn' 1os on her. C1osing her
fingers around he enve
1ope, she waned o say somehing, anyhing, bu he words _us
wou1dn' come. I di
dn' hin' you'd wan o rave1 bac' wih he eam.' Ehan had
pu her we1fare firs a
gain, Savannah regisered du11y, as if he were her business
manager raher han
her 1over. And I hough you shou1d rave1 home in sy1e.' He
said his as if ha
sy1e was he panacea for a11 i11s. Trave1 home in sy1e?'
Savannah repeaed. My cha
uffeur wi11 a'e you o he airpor, and from here you'11'
Ehan,' she cu across him. don' need a chauffeur o a'e me
o he airpor, and I don' need o rave1 home i
n sy1e.' There's around an hour uni1 you 1eave.' He migh no
have heard her. I shou1
dn' a'e you 1ong o pac', shou1d i?' Some oi1eries and wo
evening gowns? No, i
shou1dn' a'e 1ong.' Good. Tha's se1ed, hen. And I don'
wan you worrying abou h
e paparazzi.'
Ehan was nohing if no efficien, Savannah hough, a1ready
anicipaing his n
ex reassurances concerning securiy, guards and a1arms. So
you'11 be fine,' he finis
hed. If ha was a11 i oo', Savannah hough wisfu11y,
expressing her han's.
Learning wha she had abou him, she cou1d undersand why Ehan's
hear had grown
so co1d, bu no why he refused o embrace he chance of 1ove.
O'ay?' he said wih
one of hose brief, forced smi1es peop1e used o bring an
encouner o an end. O
'ay,' she agreed wih he same fa1se guso. Ehan had his fiss
p1aned on he des
' and was 1eaning owards her, as if 'een o under1ine his
concern. Savannah ho
ugh she 'new why. She was he va1uab1e propery of Ehan's
record company, and i
made sense o proec her. This was no persona1 re1aionship,
oher han in her
se1f-de1uded head. She suc' he enve1ope in he bac' poc'e of
her _eans, and
when Ehan 1oo'ed as if he was waiing for her o say somehing
more she managed
, Eirs c1ass? Exciing.' My apo1ogies. I cou1dn' free up he
_e for you, because I
need o use i.' No prob1em,' she assured him. If Ehan wasn'
wih her who cared where
she sa? Bu more 1eg-room wih he hear ache? She'd a'e i.
I'11 ge ready, hen.' W
ha more was here o say? Shou1d she beg Ehan o 1e her say
on? And, if he a
greed, cou1d she ever sofen him? The rea1iy of a man who had
proved o be abso
1ue1y unouchab1e chi11ed her o he core. I was beer o
1eave now before sh
e said or did somehing she'd regre, Savannah conc1uded. She
1oved Ehan wih a11
her hear, bu in his eyes she cou1d see no even a f1ic'er of
encouragemen. H
aving han'ed him again for he arrangemens he'd so 'ind1y made
for her, she did
he on1y hing possib1e and 1ef. CHARTER SEVENTEEN He 1isened
o he 1imousine
crunch across he grave1 as i carried Savannah o he airpor,
waiing for he
rush of re1ief ha never came. She had sough him ou
immediae1y before 1eavi
ng o han' him for his hospia1iy. His hospia1iy? When she'd
1ef him o go an
d pac', he'd sa brooding in his sudy, supposed1y fina1ising a
bid for a counry
home in Surrey, bu his houghs were a11 of Savannah. He
wou1dn' inf1ic himse1f
on her, which
was he on1y reason he 1e her go. She was young and idea1isic,
and in ime she'd
come o see he was righ. He was g1ad she had gone, he brooded,
gazing ou of
he window a a view ha was no 1onger perfec wihou Savannah
in i. Rerhaps i
f he repeaed ha manra 1ong enough he wou1d come o be1ieve
i. He picured h
er face and remembered her paring words: You have a beauifu1
home, Ehan, a'e
care of i. And sar paining again.' She had smi1ed hopefu11y
a him as she'd said
his, adding, You have a rea1 a1en.' Eor he macabre? Yours
is he a1en,' he'd o1d
her. Rain some happy scenes, Ehan, and don' hide hem away
pu hem on disp1ay.' I
was shorhand hey boh undersood for 'eep he 1ighs on'.
Savannah had done more
han bring he pa1azzo o 1ife, she had he1d up a mirror o his
1ife, giving hi
m a ana1ising g1impse of how i cou1d be. Which was a11 he
more reason o se
ha pure hear free. He wou1dn' weigh Savannah down wih his
dar' 1egacy. Savan
nah deserved beer han ha, beer han him, and wih her
career going from s
rengh o srengh here was no reason why she cou1dn' have i.
I was 1i'e he
boom fa11ing ou of your wor1d wice, Savannah conc1uded as she
c1osed he fro
n door on he bai1iffs. She was si11 ree1ing from her paring
from Ehan, and
had bare1y been bac' a he farmhouse in Eng1and five minues
when he wo men h
ad 'noc'ed a he door. I was 1i'e a b1ac'-comedy s'ech, she
decided, crossing
he room o pu he 'e1e on he Aga, a very b1ac' comedy-
s'ech. Your parens
have a'en on oo much credi, 1ove,' he bai1iffs had o1d her
when she had assur
ed hem wih maching deerminaion ha hey mus have go he
wrong address. U
nforunae1y, he wo men had had he righ address and here was
no misa'e. Th
ey had shown her he 1ega1 documens hey'd brough wih hem,
and she had chec'ed
ou he cour order 1ine by haefu1 1ine. The on1y reason hey'd
cu her a bi of
s1ac' was because hey had waned her auograph. Undersanding
hey were on1y d
oing heir _ob, she had given hem ha before going o he ban'
o a'e ou eno
ugh cash o send hem away happy.
As she nursed her mug of ea, Savannah cou1d on1y be han'fu1 she
hadn' go round
o spending a penny of he money from her firs roya1y-cheque
before she'd 1ef
for Rome. A 1eas she had been ab1e o pu ha money o good
use now. Bu how
cou1d his have happened? She had as'ed herse1f his same
quesion over and over
again. How cou1d her parens' wor1d fa11 apar 1i'e his in he
space of a few da
ys? Bu i wasn' a few days, Savannah ref1eced, wa1'ing o he
window and sarin
g ou b1ea'1y a he we11-'ep yard. I was years of paying for
he bes eacher
s, he bes gowns, and even he 1oving1y po1ished secondhand
grand piano in he
dining-room. I was years of sacrifice for her. And she hadn'
seen i before. She
had grown up a'ing such hings for granedhe go1f c1ub, he
ennis c1ub, a11
he righ p1aces and a11 he righ c1ohes and a11 hese hings
cos more money h
an her parens had, or cou1d ma'e from he farm. We've seen i
a11 before,' one of h
e bai1iffs had assured her as he'd a'en an invenory of her
parens' possessions. An
d no _us in he 1eafy 1anes where he peop1e wih money 1ive,
bu more and mor
e frequen1y on wor'ing farms _us 1i'e his one.' He'd paused
hen and 1oo'ed a he
r as if even he, co11ecing money from hard-sreched individua1s
for a 1iving,
had never quie go over he ca1amiy ha had hi he farming
communiy. Eoo-a
nd-mouh, Savannah ref1eced b1ea'1y. The disease had devasaed
he counryside
and he peop1e ha 1ived here, 'i11ing heir ca1e, 'i11ing
heir dreams. So
many farmers had been forced o adap or go under. B1in'ing away
her me1ancho1y
, she forced her mind round o pracica1 issues. The cour order
si11 sood, an
d i was up o her o ge his mess sored ou before her parens
reurned from
heir cruise. Reurning o he 'ichen ab1e, she sa down o
ma'e a 1is. Bu a
s she sared a he page of _oings in fron of her she rea1ised
she cou1d on1y
raise ha1f he money needed. And if she didn' come up wih a
so1uion by he end
of he monh he ban' wou1d forec1ose and here'd be no farm.
Hearache reminded
her of Ehan. Brief1y she considered as'ing him for a 1oan, bu
quic'1y discoun
ed i because he wou1d never 1e her pay him bac'. He migh have
he riches of C
roesus, bu ha money wasn' hers o dip ino. No. She wou1d
find her own so1uio
n. An unexpeced phone ca11 provided Savannah wih an equa11y
unexpeced opporu
niy, bu no one she cou1d a'e up. I'm he 1as person on
earh who has any inf1u
ence over Ehan A1exander,' she exp1ained o he senior officia1
from he Rugby Eo
oba11 Union.
Bu he man from he governing body of Eng1ish rugby was
persisen, and as he w
en on a1'ing Savannah hough she saw an opporuniy ha migh
_us urn ou
o be he saving of hem a11. And I said no!' Erowning, Ehan
sprang up from his sw
ive1 chair and began o pace he 1ong-suffering f1oor of his
sudy. My rugby days
are over. You 'now ha,' he snapped a he officia1 from he
REU. Yes, wha I'm say
ing is your suggesion is ou of bounds. I can' possib1y ma'e i
f1y for youand no
is my fina1 answer. Wha?' Ehan ground his _aw as he man 'ep
on a1'ing. No, I d
idn' 'now hawhen did his happen?' His expression urned grim
as he 1isened o h
e officia1's accoun of a recen news iem he'd missed due o a
business rip. He mi
gh say no o a 1o of hings, bu he wou1d never urn his bac'
on Savannah. No' co
u1d no 1onger be his fina1 answer. A1mos exac1y a monh 1aer
Savannah sood o
n a new1y 1eve11ed fie1d a her parens' farm, waiing for
Ehan's he1icoper o arr
ive. She had anicipaed his momen, spending many s1eep1ess
nighs p1anning fo
r ip1anning ha had inc1uded c1osing off par of her hear
ha wou1d never be
brough ino service again. Everyone had re_oiced on he day
Ehan had agreed o
be paron of he rugby academy se on her parens' farm. Savannah
had quie1y ce1
ebraed, 'nowing i mar'ed his reurn o he wor1d. Erom he
momen Ehan had gi
ven his agreemen, hings had moved quic'1y. Savannah had
persuaded her parens
o ener ino a 1ong-erm 1ease wih he REU for he use of some
1and, and ha
money had saved he farm. She cou1dn' have fe1 more passionae
abou his openin
g oday for a11 sors of reasons, and he on1y anxiey she had
was seeing Ehan
again. As Ehan's he1icoper cas a shadow over he fie1d, she
o1d herse1f she co
u1d hand1e i, and wha beer ime han his? Everyhing was in
p1ace, and even
he 1oca1 mayor had acceped her inviaion o cu he ribbon
ouside he new c
1ubhouse. Bu seeing his face a he conro1s undid a11 her good
inenions. Eh
an he1ped so many peop1e, and ye he one person Ehan seemed
incapab1e of he1pi
ng was himse1f. This wou1d be heir firs face-o-face meeing
since hey pared
in Tuscany, and she 1oved him as much as ever. Bu his was no
ime o be nursi
ng a bro'en hear. The pro_ec was far oo imporan for ha.
And now she mus
gree he gues of honour.
He saw her immediae1y. Even amongs he crowd of excied
chi1dren and 1oca1 dig
niaries, she sood ou. Savannah had rea1 presence, and he
p1ace she si11 he1
d in his hear drew him o her. Though she shou1d be in Sa1zburg
giving a recia
1 oday, he remembered, no sanding on a rugby pich dressed in
a rac'-sui an
d rainers wih her hair drawn bac' in a simp1e ponyai1 bu
never 1oo'ing more
beauifu1. Righ now she was running on he spo, surrounded by a
group of young
sers, as if spor was her on1y passion now. He was huge1y
disappoined, bu he
1ove he fe1 for Savannah wou1d never change. He had come because
he wou1d do a
nyhing on earh o he1p Savannah and her fami1y, and his scheme
she'd dreamed up
benefied everybody. Which was so 1i'e her. Savannah Ross migh
be he mos irr
iaing woman he had ever me, bu Savannah a1ways pu ohers
before herse1f. Th
e nex few hours were going o be ough raining for a 1ife
wihou Savannah, bu
where ha was concerned he hadn' changed his mind. He was
si11 scarred and sh
e was si11 beauifu1inside and ou. Some hings never changed.
As he duc'ed his
head o c1ear he roor b1ades he caugh a g1impse of her pa1e
face ang1ed owar
ds him a he edge of he fie1d. Was she smi1ing? He hoped no.
He hoped she wou
1d on1y remember he disance he had pu beween hem before
she'd 1ef Tuscany. H
e didn' wan o see a 1oo' of 1ove in her eyes. He waned o
'now she had moved o
n. They wou1d never have wor'ed as a coup1e, he o1d himse1f
firm1y as he srode
owards her. How cou1d he 1ive wih someone wih no sense of
responsibi1iy? Th
ough he fac ha Savannah had bro'en her conracua1
ob1igaions had surprised
him. This youh pro_ec was via1, bu she didn' need o be
here. She had sacrif
iced a grea career move, and in doing so had pu herse1f a ris'
of having her
conrac erminaed. Now he was wihin ouching disance, he
regisered exp1osio
ns of sensaion. He didn' rus himse1f o sha'e her hand, and
was g1ad when he
curren manager of he Eng1and squad inervened. He moved on wih
re1ief, spearh
eading he group responsib1e for ma'ing his day a rea1iy,
conscious ha Savan
nah was behind him. As beauifu1 as ever, wih her s'in as
f1aw1ess as porce1ain
, and her eyes
He breahed a sigh of re1ief as he approached he 1ine of 1oca1
digniaries, bu
as he fe11 ino easy conversaion he was conscious of Savannah's
wi1df1ower scen
coup1ed wih her breahy 1augh. Bu she'd 1e his eam down, he
reminded himse1f
grim1y, and anyone who did ha 1e him down. As she'd shunned
her engagemen o s
ing in Sa1zburg o be here, Ehan was under pressure from his
eam o end her co
nrac. His hear 1ifed when he me he firs youngser on he
scheme, and he r
ecognised he same deerminaion o succeed he'd had b1azing from
he boy's eyes. I
was more han possib1e ha one of hese boys wou1d p1ay for
Eng1and some day,
and he 'new hen ha ha even wihou Savannah's invo1vemen
his was he ype o
f pro_ec he wou1d g1ad1y give his 1as penny o. Bu his ime
your money isn' en
ough,' one of he officia1s o1d Ehan goodnaured1y, g1ancing a
Savannah, who ha
d _oined heir 1i1e group for confirmaion of his. He didn'
need his aenion
being drawn o Savannah when he was conscious of her every
second. His aenio
n migh appear o be focused on he REU officia1, bu he was
communing wih her
on some oher 1eve1. His fee1ings owards her were as urbu1en
as ever, bu he
cou1d undersand now why she was so re1ucan o 1eave he
counryside for he a
nonymous bus1e of he opera wor1d. However presigious ha
wor1d migh be, i
1ac'ed he hones goodness of he soi1, and he unspoi1ed beauy
of hese ro11in
g fie1ds and ancien rees. The de1icae racery of 1ush, green
hedges and dry s
one-wa11s surrounding her parens' farm creaed a
quinessenia11y Eng1ish scene,
and one which he was even buying ino wih his purchase of he
ad_oining 1and.
Bu even as a resu1 of everyhing he cou1d see here Savannah
shou1dn' have bro'e
n her agreemen and 1e peop1e down. He was snapped ou of hese
houghs by off
icia1s ushering him ino he recen1y ereced c1ub-house for ea.
As he urned h
e found Savannah a his side. He see1ed himse1f. Wha he had o
say o her wou1
dn' be easy, and so he greeed her forma11y before g1ancing
owards he privae o
ffice where hey wou1dn' be overheard. Cou1d I have a momen of
your ime?' He11o, E
han,' she said sof1y, reminding him of anoher occasion when his
fas-ic'ing c1o
c' had ru1ed ou he space for proper inroducions. He fe1 a
pang of remorse f
or hen, for now, for everyhing ha cou1d never be. And wha
was he hin'ing?
Was he going o
a'e her aside and e11 her she'd 1os her conrac on his
wonderfu1 occasion for
which she was 1arge1y responsib1e? Was ha his way now? The 1oo'
in Savannah's e
yes conained a disurbing degree of undersanding. She 'new him
oo we11. She '
new ha once his mind was made up here cou1d be no urning
bac', bu as she u
rned o wa1' ahead of him he did wonder a he f1ic'er of see1
in her gaze. He
1aunched in wihou preamb1e, 1ising a11 he reasons why
brea'ing her conrac
o aend he opening of a raining faci1iy ha had nohing o
do wih her car
eer was unaccepab1e. She sared a him hroughou wih 1i1e
reacion oher h
an a pa1ing of her 1ips. He a1ways gave righ of rep1y in hese
circumsances, a
nd when she didn' spea' up immediae1y he promped her. He was
shoc'ed by he way
Savannah's face conored wih fury, and hen she croa'ed
somehing unine11igib1
e a him. If you'd _us ca1m down,' he said wih digniy,
Rerhaps I'd be ab1e o unders
and wha i is you're rying o say.' She made a gesure, 1i'e a
cuing moion acro
ss her hroa. Tha's a bi over-dramaic, isn' i?' he
commened wih a humour1ess 1a
ugh. I've 1os my voice,' she ha1f-huffed, ha1f-squea'ed a him.
Every swear-word in
he boo' f1ew hrough his head hen. He'd been so wound up 1i'e a
spring a he h
ough of seeing her again, he hadn' even paused o consider a11
he facs. So a s
ore hroa accouned for her no-show in Sa1zburg. R1ease forgive
me,' he said siff
1y. He cou1dn' b1ame her for he way she was 1oo'ing a him. He
never made misa'
es, and herefore 1ac'ed he echnique o accoun for hem. Or
maybe he did ma'e
misa'esmaybe he hadand maybe he bigges misa'e of a11 was
his underesimaing
Savannah. She was an inegra1 par of his raining pro_ec. He'd
1earned from he
officia1s a he REU ha his raining faci1iy was a11
Savannah's idea, and ha
she had come up wih he p1an of 1easing par of her parens'
1and o he c1ub s
o hey cou1d have a proper raining-faci1iy for he youh squad,
as we11 as a11
he oher 1oca1 youngsers who waned o come a1ong and ase he
spor. There
were scho1arships and raining programmes and grading
examinaions he various g
roups cou1d wor' owardsfunded by him, bu a11 of i dreamed up
by Savannah.
More si1en swear-words accompanied his hough, wih he
addiion of a grimace
and a se1f-condemning sha'e of he head. Savannah, p1ease accep
my apo1ogies, I
didn' rea1ise' If he had expeced benedicion and forgiveness,
he was ou of 1uc'.
Spearing him a 1oo', she spun on her hee1s and 1ef him f1a.
e found her in he cosy farmhouse 'ichen where she was sanding
by he Aga, dri
n'ing a seaming g1ass fu11 of somehing aromaic. She bare1y
1oo'ed up when he
wa1'ed in, and, oher han sirring her brew houghfu11y wih a
sumpy cinnamon
-sic', she didn' move. Savannah.' Her eyes were wounded and
her mouh was boh rem
b1ing and deermined when she did urn o 1oo' a him. She
gesured for him o s
ay away from her, bu since when had he ever a'en orders? He
sopped shor ha1
fway across he 'ichen when he saw he ears in her eyes, and
his gus wised
a he hough of wha he'd done. Savannah, p1ease.' She shoo'
her head and gesured
ha he shou1d say away from her. I had no idea. I _us go
bac'I came sraigh h
ere.' She shrugged her shou1ders, and made a sound ha showed
more c1ear1y han w
ords ha she cou1dn' give a fig wha he did, and her b1ue eyes
had urned o so
ne. I shou1d have doub1e chec'ed my facs before wading in, bu
I _us waned o' He
r fine1y eched brows rose in ironic quesion. A11 righ, hen,'
he admied, ra'in
g his hair wih siff, angry fingers. I _us waned o see you.
There, I've said i
.' She huffed. Savannah, p1ease.' Lifing her iny hand, she
used i o push him away
. He wasn' as easy as ha o ge rid of. How was she supposed
o have a go a hi
m when she cou1dn' even spea'? Gesures and angry 1oo's on1y go
you so farand ha
wasn' near1y far enough where Ehan was concerned. You can'
_us wa1' in here and
ac 1i'e nohing happened.' She wasn' sure how much of ha
Ehan go, seeing as s
he cou1d bare1y force a sound ha wasn' a squea' ou of her
infeced hroa.
You shou1d be ou here, en_oying your success,' he said,
confirming her impression
ha he hadn' undersood a word of wha she'd said. She pu11ed a
face. Wha was h
e poin going ouside wihou Ehan? The scheme needed himand
no _us o give i
a popu1ar face. She needed him o a'e on a fu11er ro1e han
ha, bu righ no
w her angry 1oo' was e11ing him: you're a se1fish, egocenric
brue, Ehan A1exan
der, and I never wan o see you again. Bu Ehan remained
undeerred. So, _us a
s a maer of ineres, who is a'ing your p1ace in Sa1zburg?'
Madame de Si1va,' she
managed o hus'. He smi1ed, remembering Savannah had 1oo'ed
sensaiona1 in Madam
e de Si1va's s1in'y gown, which was anoher reason he'd been on1y
oo eager o drag
her off he pich. Bu whi1e he was reminiscing he wounded 1oo'
reurned o Sav
annah's eyes. Bu Madame cou1dn' 1oo' ha1f as beauifu1 as you
do righ now in your
rac'-sui,' he assured her gen1y. And before he cou1d sop
himse1f he dipped his
head and 'issed her very gen1y on he 1ips. He hough for a
horrib1e momen s
he was going o push him away. She was cerain1y crying again, he
cou1d fee1 her
ears weing his face, and he cou1d ase hem. You'11 cach
i,' she warned, her e
yes wide wih concern when he re1eased her. Your sore hroa, do
you mean? I cer
ain1y hope so,' he said, 'issing her again. She wasn' near1y
finished wih saying h
e11o o Ehan ye, as he re1eased her when he door opened and
everyone pi1ed in
. In ypica1 Eng1ish spring fashion he rain had chosen ha
momen o pour down
, and here wasn' enough space in he c1ub house or even he
1arge marquee her pa
rens had ereced o accommodae everyone who had urned up for
he opening cere
mony. Ehan quic'1y wen abou inroducing himse1f o her
parens, and hen Sava
nnah wached him ming1ing easi1y wih everyone e1se. They had a
marve11ous eam
of wor'ers on he farm, some of whose fami1ies had 1ived on he
1and ad_oining
heirs for generaions. I was han's o hese 1ife1ong friends
ha Savannah's par
ens had been in a posiion o accep Ehan's offer of a cruise,
and she was g1ad
he had he opporuniy o mee hem and han' hem persona11y.
Maybe Ehan cou1d
never be par of her 1ife, bu perhaps he
undersood now how specia1 her 1ife on he farm was, and how
fami1y and friends
were a precious and inegra1 par of ha 1ife. As Savannah
wached Ehan ease h
is powerfu1 frame hrough he crowd of noisy visiors in he cosy
farmhouse 'ic
hen, i wasn' possib1e o hin' of him as he same man she'd
firs me. When he cam
e ou o socia1ise he radiaed friend1iness. Rerhaps ha shou1d
be her nex pro
_ec. If she cou1d bring youngsers wih simi1ar in_uries o
Ehan's ino conac
wih him, he cou1d give hem he confidence o 1ive heir 1ives
o he fu11es.
Was she on1y dreaming, or wou1d ha rea11y be possib1e? The
firs sep wou1d be
persuading Ehan o a'e a fu11 par in he scheme She wou1d
_us have o ry a
1i1e harder, Savannah conc1uded, passing round he savouries
she'd ba'ed. Ehan.' S
he caugh up wih him by he window, where he was ho1ding a
conversaion wih h
e 1oca1 mayor. I was so hard o ma'e him hear her wih a
scrachy voice. Excuse
me,' she squea'ed po1ie1y. o you hin' I cou1d borrow you for
a momen?' Wou1d you e
xcuse me?' Ehan as'ed he mayor po1ie1y. As soon as hey found
a space, she 1aun
ched righ in, Ehan, we need you.' You're spea'ing again?' His
facia1 expression ran h
e gamu from re1ief o wry o moc'weary in he space of a breah.
Happi1y, my voi
ce is coming bac',' Savannah agreed, ignoring Ehan's groan. She
cou1dn' sing he pra
ises of ho waer, honey and 1emon sirred wih a cinnamon sic'
high1y enough. S
orry?' Ehan dipped his head very 1ow uni1 his ear was 1eve1
wih her mouh. You'11
have o spea' up, you're si11 croa'ing,' he eased, urning
Savannah's ai1men o his
advanage. If you hin' you're going o disrac me wih ha
wic'ed 1oo'' He probab1
y wou1d, she rea1ised. Go on,' Ehan promped. We need you,
Ehan,' she said, no mess
ing abou. And no _us for a f1ying visi every now and hen.'
Ah' He 1oo'ed down a h
er sern1y, bu he was smi1ing inward1y as he remembered he
house he'd bough c1o
se by. He'd see Savannah, hough wha she was proposing for
he scheme was a sep oo far for him. He cou1dn' 1e he
youngsers see his scar
s and pu hem off heir game. You've ouched on he one sub_ec
I'm no prepared o
discuss,' he said f1a1y, and when she squea'ed a him he pu up
his hand. Are you
quie sure your hroa is geing beer? On1y I can' e11 you
how peacefu1 i's be
en since you 1os your voice.' We11, I found i,' Savannah
assured him firm1y. And i's
geing beer a11 he ime.' No,' Ehan said f1a1y when
Savannah pu her proposiio
n o him ouside he c1ub house by he fence. How many imes do
I have o say no
o his idea of yours?' As many imes as you're as'eduni1 you
say yes,' she o1d him s
eadi1y. Savannah, I shou1d warn you, I don' succumb o
pressure.' There has been he
odd occasion,' she reminded him brazen1y, using acics she
shou1d be horough1y a
shamed of bu wasn'. on' you 'now you're p1aying wih fire?'
he warned, seeing her eye
s dar'en. Am I?' she as'ed. She was a11 innocence as she ang1ed
her face owards hi
m. Rerhaps ha's because I'11 sop a nohing o ge you
proper1y ino his scheme.' We
11, I never hough you'd sin' his 1ow,' Ehan murmured wih his
1ips very c1ose o
her mouh. Then you have a grea dea1 o 1earn abou me.'
ragging her c1ose, he '
issed her again. Though I have o admi,' she admied
breah1ess1y when Ehan re1e
ased her, Tha I usua11y ry o ma'e sure ha when you and fire
are concerned h
ere's no one e1se around.' Brea'ing off o say he11o o some of
he Eng1and squadwho,
dressed in 'i, were 1eading a group of youngsers ou ono he
pichhe cou1dn' h
ave agreed more. The momen he urned bac' o her, she said, I
won' give up, you '
now.' I hin' I guessed ha much,' he o1d her, drawing her
afer him. Where are you
a'ing me?' Somewhere we can a1' privae1y and your enhusiasm
can be harnessed.' Sou
nds 1ove1y,' she murmured as he he1ped her over a si1e. I wi11
be.' Vau1ing over
he same si1e, he oo' her by he hand and 1ed her wais-deep
hrough a fie1d of
1ong grass.
We11, I hin' we can a1' here,' she agreed when he fina11y
sopped in he midd1e o
f i. You can a1' if you wan o.' Ehan' Love, conenmen
and unimaginab1e happinesss we11 as a nice, dewy meadow fresh1y
waered by he rain. Than' goodness, you're u
nderneah me,' Savannah murmured groggi1y o Ehan some ime
1aer. I didn' wan you
geing grass sains on your nice, new rac'-sui,' Ehan moc'ed
sof1y as hey r
ecovered. Why worry? The sun is shining now and I'11 soon dry
ou.' As she ou1ined E
han's sensua1 mouh wih her fingerip uni1 he hreaened o
bie i off, Savann
ah wondered wheher his was he righ ime o broach he sub_ec
a he forefro
n of her mind or no. We11?' Ehan pressed, 'nowing she had
somehing on her mind.
We11, wha?' she said, pu11ing on her innocen face. Why mus
you a1ways be so susp
icious of me?' I migh on1y have 'nown you a shor ime, bu I
'now here's usua11y s
omehing brewing when you have ha 1oo'.' She hesiaed and hen
said b1un1y, Whe
n you sprang over ha si1e' Yes?' He wasn' going o he1p
her. We11, I _us hough, wi
h your bac' and' Oh, I see.' Moving his head, he dis1odged her
easing finger. You wan
o 'now how I can do somehing 1i'e ha when I can' p1ay
rugby. Or, more impor
an1ya 1eas as far as your scheme is concernedwhy I won'
he1p ou wih he coach
ing.' Yes,' Savannah admied, wrigg1ing away from him and
siing up. Truhfu11y, sh
e had a 1o more in mind for Ehan han he occasiona1 coaching
session. She wan
ed him o a'e a much fu11er ro1e in he scheme for which he had
a1ready proved
o be an inspiraiona1 figurehead. I's on1y weighs 1anding on
my bac' I have o
be carefu1 abou,' he exp1ained. My 1egs are fine.' Then'
Hugging her 'nees, she resed er chin on hem, saring up a him.
Sop preending you don' 'now wha I mean. And sop grow1ing a
me,' she added when
Ehan made a moc'-hreaening sound. She fixed a sare on him.
If here's nohing w
rong wih your 1egs, here can' be any reason why you can' a'e
par in he raini
ng programme_us par-ime, of course,' she added before Ehan
cou1d ge a word in.
R1us, he occasiona1 gues appearance wou1d ma'e a11 he
difference.' Having buc'1
ed his be1, Ehan sa up beside her and swung Savannah ono his
'nee. Is ha wh
a a11 his has been 1eading up o?' No a11 of i,' she
admied ruhfu11y. We11, a
1eas you've go he decency o b1ush,' he observed dry1y,
drawing her ino his sho
u1der. You si11 haven' given me your answer, Ehan.' We11,
why don' I do ha now?' I
was some ime 1aer when Ehan drew Savannah o her fee. As he
he1ped o brush
grass and wigs from her c1ohes, she sensed somehing had
changed. My answer is
no,' he o1d her quie1y, confirming her wors fears. How can I
1e hose 'ids see
my scars? They'11 see nohing e1sehey won' concenrae on he
game, on my coachingI'd
ho1d hem bac'.' No, you wou1dn'.' Eor he 1as ime,
Savannah, no coaching sessions.' Se
izing his hands, she sared ino his eyes. Wha if we brough
oher youngsers he
re youngsers wih disfiguremens 1i'e yourswou1d you do i
hen? Wou1d you bring
everyone ogeher so ha no one was an ousider?' She had
si1enced him and ouche
d him as on1y Savannah cou1d. I'11 hin' abou i,' he promised,
si1encing her in he
mos effecive way he cou1d. Now, wi11 you be quie?' he
demanded when he re1eased
her. Of course I wi11,' Savannah agreed, ipping her chin o
sare 1oving1y a him
. The momen you agree.' CHARTER NINETEEN The res of he day
passed in whir1 of ac
iviy, wih Savannah and Ehan fa11ing naura11y ino he ro1e
of hos and hos
ess. They were a good eam, Savannah hough, smi1ing across he
crowded c1ub-ho
use a Ehan. No, she'd go ha wronghey were an
exce11en eambu she mus sop 1oo'ing a him as if she had o
convince herse1f
he was rea11y here. She was fee1ing more confiden he wou1d
agree o a 1i1e c
oaching. Hadn' he said as much when hey were ma'ing 1ove in he
meadow? Or was i
coaching her he'd had in mind? Time o pin him down, she
decided as peop1e sar
ed o drif off home. When Ehan came o her he raised boh her
hands o his 1ip
s. Had he ender 1over reurned o her? She had o be1ieve ha
was so. Conscio
us of her moher and faher waching hem from he oher side of
he room, she s
ighed wih p1easure as Ehan brushed her chee's wih his 1ips.
I's been a wonderfu
1 day, Savannah,' he o1d her gen1y. Than' you so much' I's
nohing,' she murmured. She
as si11 saring up a him, fee1ing 1i'e she cou1d f1y. I wan
o han' you on be
ha1f of everyone,' he added, si11 ho1ding her hands in his firm
grip. And I promis
e o give serious hough o your suggesion.' Bu? She cou1d
hear a bu'. Than' you,
Ehan.' Savannah's smi1e faded. There was somehing wrong. She
cou1d see no answerin
g warmh in Ehan's eyes, _us a raher deached ineres.
You're no going o a'e a
n acive par, are you?' I'm he paron, and I've a1ready
donaed a 1arge amoun of mon
ey.' I'm no a1'ing abou money, Ehan, he scheme needs you
hands-on you.' There was so
mehing e1se, Savannah suspecedsomehing Ehan hadn' o1d her.
He re1eased her ha
nds. Anyhing e1se a a11, you on1y have o as'.' I am as'ing.
If everyone e1se can
find ime, why can' you?' You 'now why,' Ehan said grim1y. No,
she didn'and now he was
being drawn away. She'd monopo1ised him oo 1ong, and a11 he
peop1e who had been
waiing o say goodbye o him were _os1ing for his aenion.
She waied on en
erhoo's uni1 he was free again and hen pounced. Ehan, 1oo'
a me.' Bu here we
re more inerrupions. How hard was i o do his in pub1ic when
you were rying
o capure he aenion of he mos imporan man in he room?
Ehan freed him
se1f his nex ime. He'd seen her concern and he crossed he
room o her side. Te1
1 me,' he said. Everyone needs your magic,' she said. Jus 1oo'
around you' There was a roup of youngsers c1usered round he
eam capain. They migh be wih one hero
, bu hey were
a11 1oo'ing a Ehan, he mos formidab1e man in he room, wih
awe-sruc' sare
s. They need you. Jus a few hours of your ime, Ehan. They
rae you so high1y.' Yo
u 'now my posiion.' No, I don'!' Savannah exc1aimed. Your
scars? They 'now abou your
scarshey don' even noice hem. Wha e1se is ho1ding you
bac'?' Ehan's eyes narrowed
. Wha ma'es you hin' here's anyhing e1se?' I 'now you,
Ehan.' Enough,' he said sharp
, 1eaning c1ose. Ruing his arm ou, Ehan resed his c1enched
fis agains he
wa11 so ha Savannah's face and his were shie1ded from he
crowd. I'11 do anyhing
I can for hese young peop1e.' Then give hem your ime. Or
can' you bear he hough
of being on he same pich as a bunch of enhusiasic amaeurs?
Aren' hey good
enough for you, Ehan?' He 'new she was goading him, reaching
deep, and ha she
didn' be1ieve i for one momen. Savannah,' he warned, his
mouh a1mos brushing her
1ips now. No, I won' be quie,' she rep1ied, confirming his
houghs. You're due a wa'
e-up ca11.' And who beer o give i o me han you?' He didn'
wai for her answer. E
reeing he 1ach on he door behind her, he bac'ed her hrough i
ho1ding on o
her whi1e he c1osed he door behind hem, and hen frogmarched
her across he ya
rd. And si11 she peppered him wih accusaions. You pain
wonderfu1 picures and
hide hem awayha's one precious gif wased. You're an
inspiraion, a posiive ro1
e-mode1 for young peop1e and a force for gooda second' Savannah
gasped as Ehan hru
s her hrough he enrance of he hay barn. S1amming he door
shu, he sho he
bo1. This ime I a1' and you 1isen,' he said. Bringing her in
fron of him, he
he1d her firm1y in p1ace. I 1ive my 1ife causing he 1eas
inconvenience I can o
everyone around me.' You mean you're suc' in he pas and won'
even g1ance ino he
fuure?' I'm sure my business ana1yss migh have somehing o
say abou ha,' he said
wih a11 he confidence of a huge1y successfu1 ycoon. Your
business ana1yss? A
nd I be hey 'eep you warm a nigh.' You don' 'now me, so
_us 1eave his' I 'now enou
gh abou you o care.'
As her voice echoed in he 1ofy barn hey boh wen si11.
Ehan's eyes were so d
ar' and ref1eced a ruh so errib1e Savannah a1mos wished she
hadn' brough hi
m o his poin. Wha is i, Ehan?' she said, reaching ou o
ouch his face. Who d
id his errib1e hing o you?' They boh 'new she wasn' a1'ing
abou his scars. E
han moved his head away. And his ime e11 me,' Savannah
insised gen1y. on' insu
1 me wih some pa11id version of he ruh because you've
decided I can' a'e he
facs. I can a'e anyhing for youshare everyhing wih yougood
and bad.' Everyhing
hung on his momen, Savannah rea1ised, and ye a11 she cou1d do
now was wai.
Afer he 1onges momen, Ehan shrugged. My sepfaher bea
me.' She 'new ha. Whe
n I grew oo big for him o bea me, he paid ohers o do i for
him.' She 'new h
a oo. Go on,' she promped sof1y. There is no more o e11.'
No more Ehan waned
o e11, perhaps. I don' be1ieve you.' Her voice bare1y made i
above a whisper, bu
he'd heard her. Ehan sared over her head as he seconds ic'ed
pas, and hen he
revea1ed his innermos demon. When I had recovered from he
acciden I visied m
y moher o ry o hea1 hings beween us. Whaever had happened
in he pas, sh
e was si11 my moher, and I had o be1ieve she didn' rea11y
undersand wha had
been going on.' As Ehan sopped spea'ing Savannah fe1 he pain
of his disappoin
men so 'een1y she didn' even need o hear he res, bu she
'new she had o 1e
him say i. She had 'nown,' he said in a voice piched 1ow. My
moher had 'nown a11
a1ong. She 'new a11 of i.' Wha hur Savannah he mos was ha
she cou1d si11 h
ear he surprise in Ehan's voice. Eor a momen she found i
impossib1e o spea' o
r even breahe, and cou1d on1y communicae he compassion she
fe1 for him wih
her eyes. She o1d me I go in he wayShe said I was a1ways in
he way, and ha s
he wished I had never been born. She said she never waned o see
me again, whic
h I cou1d undersand, rea11y.'
No!' As Ehan made a dismissive gesure, Savannah caugh ho1d of
his hand and he1d
i firm1y. No, Ehan, no, ha's no righ. You mus never hin'
ha. You did noh
ing wrongno hen, no as a chi1d, no ever.' She undersood now
why Ehan 'ep so
much hidden. Having been berayed by his own moher, how cou1d he
ever revea1 hi
s fee1ings o anyone again? He had o 'now she was here for him
on any erms, Sa
vannah deermined, and ha par of he bargain said she wou1d be
srongeven sro
ng enough o 1e him go, if ha was wha Ehan rea11y waned.
Bu as he shifed
posiion, and she saw his wounded face se in ha disan mas',
she 'new she h
ad o give heir chance o be ogeher one more ry. Wha beer
scheme han ours
o bury hose demons in your pas once and for a11? Wha greaer
riumph cou1d
you have, Ehan?' Ehan remained si1en for he 1onges momen,
and hen he murmur
ed wih a f1ic'er of he o1d humour, Our scheme?' Why no our
scheme?' Because you seem
o be doing prey we11 on your own.' Bu we can do so much more
ogeher.' She wai
ed for his answer, ense in every fibre of her being. Is ha
righ?' he said dry1y
, f1ic'ing a g1ance her way. A 1eas hey'd made conac,
Savannah hough wih r
e1ief. I'm sure of i,' she said fierce1y. So you've found a
way ou of he dar'ness?' The
g1in was bac' in Ehan's eyesand ha was more han a re1ief,
i was a reminder o
f heir firs nigh ogeher a he pa1azzo. He had come bac' o
her. Seizing hi
s hands, she brough hem o her 1ips. We'11 ge hrough his,'
she promised him. I a1
ready have.' Then you have no excuse.' No o shine a 1igh?'
As Savannah smi1ed, he won
dered how he cou1d ever have been foo1ish enough o imagine 1ife
wihou her. I n
eed you, Ehan,' she o1d him passionae1y. We a11 need you.'
We11, I don' 'now abou e
veryone,' he admied gruff1y. Bu you've go me, Ms Ross and
for 'eeps.'
Wha are you saying, Ehan?' I'm saying ha I 1ove you, and
ha I wan o be wih yo
u a1ways.' Savannah swa11owed deep as Ehan 1oo'ed a her. I
a'e i you'11 be sayin
g on, hen?' Even a rugby mach cou1dn' 'eep me away from you,'
Ehan assured her. Un1e
ss Eng1and was p1aying, of course' ERILOGUE The sun b1azed down
from a c1ear, b1ue
Tuscan s'y, and here were no shadows on he day ha Savannah
married Ehan. Th
e wor1d's press had gahered in he exquisie ancien ciy of
E1orence for wha ev
eryone was ca11ing he ce1ebriy marriage of he year. Eor he
farm gir1, and h
e ycoon beer 'nown o he wor1d as he Bear, his was quie an
occasion, Sava
nnah hough. As he be11s rang ou and he crowd cheered, i was
a srugg1e o
wrap her mind around he fac ha she rea11y was married o he
man she adored.
Sanding on ime worn seps nex o Ehan ouside he Basi1ica de
Sana Maria d
i Eiore, a cahedra1 church on1y exceeded in size by S Reer's
in Rome, she on1y
had o see he guard of honour formed by he youngsers Ehan now
made ime o c
oach on a regu1ar basis o 'now ha mirac1es did happenand
ha, yes, dreams did
come rue. A11 righ?' Ehan murmured, squeezing her arm. Beer
han a11 righ. S
he adored him. He was wihou quesion he mos wonderfu1 man in
he wor1d. And
apar from ma'ing her so happy he had exended he reach of he
raining schemewh
ich had mean 1easing more space from her parens in order o
house he office o
f he new1y expanded raining business, saving he farm, as we11
as giving hem
he 1i1e 1uxuries hey'd 1ived so 1ong wihou. And her
recording career? We11,
she'd _us signed a conrac o comp1ee a new a1bum, and afer
ha sudio wor' a
nd he occasiona1 persona1 appearance a he wor1d-famous opera
house G1ynebourn
e in Lewes, Sussex, _us down he road from Ehan's new home ha
ad_oined her par
ens' farm. He'd o1d Savannah she was o have her ca'e andfor
he sa'e of he 1arge
fami1y hey p1anned o haveo ea i as we11. Their mission, he
new1y married co
up1e had decided, was o fi11 a11 of Ehan's homes wih 1ove,
1augher and 1os of
1ighand if possib1e wih a rugby eam of heir own. You 1oo'
so beauifu1,' Ehan
said, sanding a 1i1e behind Savannah so he crowd had a good
view of her.
And you are he mos beauifu1 man on earh.' To her he was and
a1ways wou1d be. No
w Ehan's inners scars were hea1ed, he had no b1emishes. And I
1ove you,' she said. Mo
re han 1ife ise1f,' Ehan agreed, smi1ing ino Savannah's eyes.
Now, 1e hem have
a good 1oo' a your dress.' Oh, yes, her dressHer very specia1
dress in ivory si1',
1avish1y embroidered wih seed pear1s and housands of win'1es
ha spar'1ed i
n he sun. I had been 1oving1y made for Savannah by her regu1ar
eam of seamsr
esses in he far norh of Eng1and, who 'new a hing or wo abou
showing off he
fu11er figure o bes advanage. Who e1se wou1d she have chosen
o ma'e her wed
ding gown, o ensure here wasn' he s1ighes chance she wou1d
suffer a wardrobe
ma1funcion simi1ar o he one ha had brough he crowd a he
Sadio E1amini
o o is fee in Rome? In his dress her asses were disp1ayed o
fu11 advanage
, a fac ha had no gone over1oo'ed by her adoring Bear. Cover
yourse1f, woman,'
Ehan grow1ed as Savannah's si1'-chiffon vei1 bi11owed bac' and
away from her na'e
d shou1ders. If I don', wi11 you carry me off and 'eep me safe
as you did on he d
ay we firs me?' Savannah as'ed him. She managed a so1emn face
for as 1ong as i
oo' her o as' Ehan ha quesion, and as his mouh ugged a
one corner he a1
1owed, Wih one sma11 change.' Which is?' I wou1dn' wase so
much ime before a'ing you
o bed.' Is ha a promise, husband?' You can coun on i,
wife,' he murmured as hey p
osed for picures. Then I may _us have o sage-manage a
wardrobe ma1funcion.' And
I migh _us have o pu you over my 'nee, and' Ehan paused,
seeing he officia1
phoographer was hopping from foo o foo. Smi1e, p1ease,' he
man begged, indica
ing ha a forma1 pose, raher han a 1over's confab was ca11ed
for. He bare1y had
o as'.

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