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Unmasking Healing Rituals of the Residence in the Municipality

of Siquijor

Year 2023-2024

A Practical Research I Portfolio

Presented to

The Senior High School


Academic Department

Pardo National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research I

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Salahuddin, Jainalene

Benigay, Nana Jullia

Nardo, Marie Charisse

Curaza, Wesley

Sandhu, Andre Carl

Campaner, Myle Grace

Mrs. Aileen T. Tan

Practical Research I Teacher


TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………..I



Theoretical Framework……………………………………….…………..5-6
Statement of the Problem………………………………….……….…….7
Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………..…….7-8
Significance of the Study………………………………………………...8-10
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………........10-12



Research Method Used……………………………………………..………24
Research Design……………………………………….…………………24-25
Research Environment………………………………………………...……25
Respondents or Participants of the Study…………………….………...26
Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………..26-27
Research Instrument………………………………………………..…...28-30
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………….……..30-32

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………….…………36-41

Chapter I

Introduction and Background of the study

Traditional healing is a part of Philippine society and culture. Recognized

as the mystical haven, Siquijor has captivated the attention of researchers.

Miquiabas of 2008, notes that the local healers of Siquijor are known as mystics,

as they persistently arouse the aid of spirits or supernatural entities in treating

their patients. Earlier anthropological inquiries in Siquijor defined the practice of

folk medicine, which involves the use of specific plants in decoction for both

medicinal and sorcery purposes, with particular emphasis on the spiritual and

mystical dimensions. According to Del Fierro and Nolasco, a traditional healer is

called “mananambal”. A mananambal is a local medicinal doctor who resorts to

indigenous means of treating patients who are in pain or have been long-

suffering from various forms of illness caused by supernatural factors (Berdon,

Ragosta, Inocian, Manalag, & Lozano, 2016). However, the industrialized culture

has made traditional healing out of date. Traditional healing has always been a

part of our rich culture and contributes significantly to what makes Filipino culture

unique. As mentioned by Bongcac, Dr. Vergie Bonocan Maquiabas emphasizes

that age-old practices continue despite modern-day science because those who

seek it find it cheaper and sometimes more effective than relying on medical

experts (Berdon, Ragosta, Inocian, Manalag, & Lozano, 2016). Various studies

indicate that traditional healing practices play a significant role in maintaining the

cultural heritage of a community. Nevertheless, some individuals have been

skeptical of modern medicine due to its reliance on practical demonstrations,

rigorous testing, and scientific methodologies. (n.a., 2021)

The residents of Siquijor have been practising traditional healing methods

for many generations, passing down their knowledge and preserving their cultural

heritage. These practices offer alternative healthcare options and deepen

appreciation for their traditions and knowledge systems. However, it’s important

to know that without proper supervision, traditional healing practices can

sometimes worsen the sickness or cause harm to the user. (Haque, Chowdhury,

Shahjahan, & Harun, 2018).

For the past years, the residents of Siquijor have practised healing as their

way of treating illnesses. The majority of community members approach

traditional healers for an immediate remedy. The study identified both religious

and non-religious healing practices to aid medical concerns. Additionally, some

villages from every religion in the rural community were found to be conservative

and preferred not to visit traditional healers or doctors for minor illnesses.

(Haque, Chowdhury, Shahjahan, & Harun, 2018). Sometimes, they practice self-

medication and try to cure themselves using known medicinal plants, creepers,

or other available items in the home environment. They refer to this practice as

home medicine.

The importance of conducting this study lies in its potential to significantly

contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. Traditional healing practices

are deeply rooted in the community and play a crucial role in preserving cultural

identity. In essence, this research is driven by our commitment for preserving the
cultural heritage and unravelling the inherent links between traditional healing

practices and the community’s broader perception of well-being. This research

aims to uncover the traditional healing practices of the residents of Siquijor, delve

into the cultural and spiritual dimensions of traditional healing, and understand

their continuity across generations.

Theoretical framework

This study is anchored in the principles of Medical Anthropology, which

provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between

culture, health, and healing practices. In the context of the Municipality of

Siquijor, the study explores the unveiling of healing rituals of the residents, which

are deeply rooted in the island’s rich cultural heritage.

The KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices) model, commonly used in

medical anthropology, serves as a framework to investigate the factors

influencing the adoption and perpetuation of these healing rituals. By examining

the health worlds of the residents in Siquijor, this study aims to uncover the

underlying dynamics that drive the persistence of traditional healing rituals in the

face of modernization and globalization.

Furthermore, the study is informed by the concept of “medical pluralism,”

which recognizes the coexistence of multiple healthcare systems, including

traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. In Siquijor, the interplay

between these different healthcare systems is crucial in understanding the role of

healing rituals in the residents’ health-seeking behaviors.

The research entitled "Unveiling Healing Rituals of the Residents in the

Municipality of Siquijor” aims to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and

practices of the residents regarding traditional healing rituals and to explore the

factors that influence their adoption and perpetuation. By adopting a medical

anthropological approach, this study seeks to contribute to a deeper

understanding of the complex relationships between culture, health, and healing

practices in Siquijor and to inform the development of culturally sensitive

healthcare policies and interventions.

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

Statement of the problem

This study aims to identify the traditional healing practices implemented by

residents of Siquijor over the past five years.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the traditional healing practices of the people in Siquijor in

terms of:

• Mystical prayers

• Rituals

• Herbology

2. What are the factors influencing the residents in choosing traditional

healing practices?

3. Based on the findings, what insights can be provided on the

preservation of cultural practices and traditions?

These inquiries can help determine the customary therapeutic methods

used by the people of Siquijor. It will reveal the locals’ folk healing procedures

and highlight their cultural beliefs and customs around healing.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to uncover the traditional healing practices of the

residents in Siquijor. Specifically, the research will explore the knowledge,

attitudes, and engagement of community members in the traditional healing

practices within the municipality, including their understanding, beliefs, and active

participation in these healing traditions.

It is important to note that the findings of this research may not be

generalizable to other residents in other municipality. It is only applicable to the

residents in the municipal of Siquijor. Additionally, due to time and budget

constraints, the study will only involve a small sample of 30 inhabitants in the

Siquijor. The study will not evaluate the effectiveness of the residents’ traditional

healing practices. Furthermore, the study will focus solely on the internal factors

related to the traditional healing practices within the municipal, without

considering external influences that may affect the community members’

engagement with these healing traditions.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its exploration of traditional healing

practices within the community of Siquijor. Understanding and documenting

these practices not only preserves cultural heritage but also provides insights into

alternative healthcare systems. As modern medicine advances, traditional

healing methods risk falling into obscurity. By identifying and studying these

practices, the researchers will contribute to the documentation of local knowledge

and offer a platform for possible integration into modern healthcare. This

research promotes cultural preservation, enriches medical diversity, and opens

up opportunities for collaborative health initiatives that connect traditional wisdom

with modern approaches, ensuring a holistic understanding of healthcare in the

Siquijor community.
The Residents of Siquijor are one of the beneficiaries of this study. By

identifying and understanding traditional healing practices within the community,

residents gain access to alternative healthcare options rooted in their cultural

heritage. This knowledge encourages individuals to make informed decisions

about their health, adapting a sense of pride and connection to their traditional

practices. As a result, residents may experience improved well-being and a

stronger sense of community cohesion.

For future generations, this study serves as a valuable resource for

preserving and passing on cultural traditions. The documentation of traditional

healing practices in Siquijor ensures that these age-old methods are not lost with

time. The knowledge handed down to future generations contributes to cultural

continuity, allowing them to connect with their roots and appreciate the richness

of their heritage. This legacy will become a source of identity and pride for the

community’s youth.

Traditional healers in Siquijor may stand to benefit from this study by

gaining recognition and appreciation for their invaluable contributions to

healthcare. Documentation of their practices elevates their status within the

community and beyond. Additionally, the study may open avenues for

collaboration between traditional healers and modern healthcare practitioners,

promoting mutual respect and knowledge exchange. This recognition is essential

for preserving and honoring the expertise of traditional healers.

Future researchers in the fields of traditional medicine and cultural

studies will find this study to be a foundational resource. The documented

insights of traditional healing practices in Siquijor provide data for further

exploration and comparative analyses. Researchers can build upon this

knowledge to investigate broader patterns in traditional medicine, contributing to

the advancement of understanding in the field. This study, therefore, paves the

way for future research endeavors, creating a lasting impact on the academic

exploration of traditional healing practices.

Definition of Terms

This part of the study presents the operational definition. Traditional

healing treatments and rituals used by the Cebuano people are diverse.

Mananambal uses a range of treatments, such as:


A type of a treatment that addresses a variety of illnesses and it promotes

well-being by combining spiritual or religious activities, including incantation,

steam therapy, and "pagpanutho."


This is an integral part of the healthcare systems in almost all countries

and is also designed to promote mental, physical, and spiritual well-being that is

based on beliefs. These practices are practiced in our traditions, such as hilot,

herbal medicine, faith healing, and cultural rituals and ceremonies. It is a

traditional way of coping from certain illnesses.

Traditional Healing

Traditional healing refers to fitness practices, approaches, know-how and

ideals that include First Nations recuperation and wellness. These practices

encompass the usage of ceremonies, plant, animal or minerals primarily based

on medicines, active treatments and bodily or hands-on techniques referring to

fitness practices, approaches, know-how and ideals that include First Nations

recuperation and wellness. These practices encompass the usage of

ceremonies, plant, animal or mineral-primary medicine, active treatments and

bodily or hands-on techniques.


These are individuals who seek a direct and personal experience of the

divine or spiritual truths through contemplation, meditation, or other transcendent

practices, often emphasizing the intuitive, experiential, and mystical aspects of

religious or spiritual traditions. They may strive for a deep connection with the

divine and a profound understanding of the nature of reality that goes beyond

ordinary human perception.

Medical pluralism

This refers to the coexistence and interaction of multiple healthcare

systems, including traditional, complementary, and modern medicine within a

specific cultural or social context. It acknowledges that individuals may seek and

utilize different healing practices and therapies from various systems to address

their health needs. This may involve combining both traditional and modern

approaches based on personal beliefs, cultural norms, or access to resources.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter offers a detailed literature review on traditional healing

practices, healing techniques and modalities, and historical development and

preservation. It offers a comprehensive overview to enhance understanding of

the subject within its cultural and historical context.

Traditional Healing Practices

Traditional healing practices, as defined by Huff (2020), have been a

central feature of cultures across the planet for centuries. The healers who

practice traditional medicine attribute disease causality to the many health issues

that have plagued mankind, stimulating its rise. The utilization of traditional

healing practices, deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and indigenous knowledge,

has played a significant role in addressing the causality of diseases and offering

potential treatments globally. These practices, which include herbal medicine,

spiritual healing, and rituals passed down from generation to generation, have

been used for centuries by various cultures around the world.

According to Medicinal Spices and Vegetables from Africa (2017), a

traditional healer is defined as someone within a community who possesses the

necessary skills to provide healthcare through the use of plant, animal, and

mineral substances, as well as other methods that align with the social, cultural,

and religious practices of that community. Essentially, anyone who has the

knowledge to provide healthcare through the use of herbs, incantations, or other

methods passed down through generations can be considered a traditional


As mentioned above, traditional healing practices include beliefs and

knowledge systems that involve a diverse array of methods. These serve as a

valuable guide for identifying and comprehending the profound essence of

traditional healing within the scope of this study, based on the definition of

Medicinal Spices and Vegetables from Africa and Huff.

Healing Techniques and Modalities

According to Sandra Nomoto (2020), Filipino traditional medicine focuses

on holistic health, considering environmental influences. Early healing methods

were first recorded during the Spanish colonization era in the 16th century.

Shamans, who acted as women or men, interacted with spirits and preserved

their tribes' culture, religion, and medical practices. Traditional medical practices

in the Philippines included energy therapy, herbal steam, skin scraping, pulse

diagnostic, bonesetting, herbology, and suction cupping. However, the arts

declined in the 17th century, accelerated by Western medicine and hospitals.

Some traditional methods, like hilot, are still used in the Philippines.

The sick person is wrapped in cloth or blankets, seated over a jar heated

by coals, or hovers over a pot that is steaming as part of the tuob (boiling)

ceremony. In addition to chanting a healing mantra, the healer applies essential

oils to the hot patient.

Tuob has many advantages, such as detoxification, skin purification,

muscular relaxation, increased metabolism, immune system stimulation,

protection against mucous membrane drying, and relief from asthma, allergies,

and arthritis.

In addition to the definition presented, Nomoto (2020) enumerated the

techniques being practiced in the Philippines. First, hilot, or ablon, is often

mischaracterized as a type of massage and offered at spas to attract tourists.

Second, the tuob (boiling) ritual involves the sick person being wrapped in a

blanket or cloth, sitting over a jar heated by coal, or hovering above a steaming

pot. The healer rubs essential oils over the heated patient and chants a healing

mantra. Third is cupping therapy, which involves special heated cups that form a

seal or vacuum to help ease sore muscles. Fourth, spiritual healing includes

bulong (whispered prayers) and orasyon (recited or written prayers).

These medical practices provide insights into culturally particular

approaches to health and wellness; they are relevant to finding healing methods.

Gaining knowledge about tuob and other ancient techniques can open people's

eyes to new ways of looking at healthcare and help create more inclusive,

efficient medical practices that combine traditional and modern methods.

Historical Context of Traditional Healing in Siquijor

According to Ghosh of 2021, the history of Siquijor’s healing customs is a

captivating and integral part of the island’s cultural heritage. Located in the

Central Visayas region of the Philippines, Siquijor has been known for centuries

as a place of mystical healers and witchcraft. The Spanish colonizers named the

island “Isla Del Fuego,” or Island of Fire, due to the abundance of fireflies that

illuminated the island at night. However, indigenous myths tell a different story,

claiming that the island emerged from the ocean during a storm, leading to the

growth of diverse flora and fauna.

The healing customs of Siquijor have been passed down through

generations, predating the availability of modern medical facilities. The island is

believed to be home to three types of healers, or mangkukulam: herbal healers,

faith healers, and bolo-bolo healers. Herbalists, also known as “hilot,” create

medicinal concoctions from organic materials such as tree bark, plants, roots,

and insects. They use their knowledge of the healing properties of these

materials to diagnose and treat various ailments.

Faith healers, on the other hand, rely on spiritual practices to heal their

patients. They use prayer, meditation, and other spiritual techniques to connect

with a higher power and channel healing energy into their patients. They believe

that illness is caused by spiritual imbalances and that healing can only be

achieved by restoring harmony and balance.

Bolo-bolo healers use a unique method of healing that involves a tumbler

of water with a black stone in it. The healer moves the tumbler in a circular

motion while chanting incantations. The belief is that the healer’s spirit enters the

tumbler and is transferred to the patient through the water, thereby healing their


These healing customs have been an integral part of Siquijor’s cultural

heritage and have been passed down through generations. However, with the

advent of modern medicine and globalization, these customs are at risk of being

lost. This study aims to uncover the healing rituals of the residents in Siquijor and

contribute to the preservation of this rich cultural heritage. By understanding the

historical context of these healing customs, this will gain a deeper appreciation of

the island's cultural heritage and contribute to the development of culturally

sensitive healthcare policies and interventions.

Moreover, the study recognizes the importance of understanding the

cultural perspective in improving healthcare in the Philippines. Universal Health

Care is emerging as a sought-after direction in the country’s healthcare, but it is

essential to ensure that this approach is culturally relevant and responsive to the

felt needs of the people. By exploring the historical context of Siquijor’s healing

customs, this study aims to contribute to the growing search for answers to the

questions of what it means to be healed and how to improve healthcare in the

Philippines. The study’s findings will provide valuable insights into the cultural

dynamics of health and healing in Siquijor, and will inform the development of

healthcare policies and interventions that are culturally sensitive and responsive

to the needs of the people.

Review of Related Studies

This chapter presents relevant research studies on traditional healing

practices from local studies to international studies.

Siquijor traditional healing practices

The study of traditional healing practices across different cultures is crucial

for understanding the diverse beliefs and practices related to health and wellness

worldwide. The Cebuano community in the Philippines, particularly in Siquijor,

has preserved a unique set of traditional healing practices that have been passed

down through generations.

The “Folk Healing Practices of Siquijor Island in 2015” study aimed to

investigate the health-seeking behaviors, cultural conceptions on health and

illness, curative resorts, and the efficacy of curative resorts in the Island of

Siquijor. The research objectives included analyzing traditional healing from the

Cebuano’s perspective, explaining the traditional healing process based on the

traditional healers’ beliefs, and understanding the medical practitioners’

perceptions toward traditional healing. The study utilized a qualitative approach,

involving 8 healers who had been practicing healing for the past years in the

Island of Siquijor.

Siquijondon traditional healing practices, also known as “panambal,”

encompass a variety of techniques, including “Gipalaktan” (rituals for diagnosis

and treatment), “Sondal” (a ritual to determine the cause of the person’s illness

and seek forgiveness), “Tawal” (blow healing), “pangalap” (searching) of

medicinal plants for “palina” (fumigation), “tayhop” (gentle-blowing), “tigi sa

tawas” (a ritual to determine the cause of illness), “tuob” (boiling), “tigi sa papel”

(a ritual to identify the cause and culprit of the illness), “hilot” (massage). Despite

medical science’s disapproval, these practices contribute to the mystical identity

of Siquijondon healers, reflecting their folk Catholicism beliefs and their

commitment to helping the community.

The findings of the "Folk Healing Practices of Siquijor Island in 2015" are

relevant to unveiling healing rituals of Siquijor and providing a comprehensive

understanding of the Siquijondon community’s unique healing methods. By

examining the perspectives of traditional healers, medical practitioners, and the

community members themselves, the study offers valuable insights into the

cultural, spiritual, and medical aspects of healing rituals of the residents in the

Island of Siquijor. Furthermore, the research highlights the importance of

preserving and understanding these practices as a means of maintaining cultural

heritage and promoting holistic health and wellness.

In conclusion, the “Folk Healing Practices of Siquijor Island in 2015” study

offers a significant contribution to the understanding of traditional healing

practices in the Philippines. By examining the various techniques and beliefs

associated with Siquijondon traditional healing, the study underscores the

importance of preserving cultural heritage and promoting holistic health and

wellness. As traditional healing practices continue to play a vital role in many

communities worldwide, further research is necessary to explore and understand

these practices’ cultural, spiritual, and medical dimensions.

Filipino Traditional Healing

Traditional healing methods in the Philippines have deep cultural roots

and are still widely used alongside modern medical treatments. Understanding

the various factors that influence people’s choice of treatment is crucial in

comprehending the healthcare-seeking behaviors of the Filipino population.

A detailed study conducted by Pagcatipunan et al. in 2018 sheds light on

the complex interplay of cultural, societal, and economic factors that influence

Filipinos’ decision to choose traditional healing methods. According to the study,

cultural beliefs and customs, as well as social networks and family dynamics,

play a significant role. Traditional healers are often seen as stewards of age-old

wisdom and cultural heritage, making cultural factors crucial in decision-making.

Economic factors also come into play, especially in rural areas with limited

healthcare infrastructure, where traditional healing methods are often more

accessible and affordable than modern medical treatments.

The study conducted by Rondilla et al. in 2021 examines the experiences

and perceptions of individuals using folk medicine services in Quiapo,

highlighting the cultural significance and motivations behind their engagement

with traditional practices. The study reveals that folk medicine patrons are

predominantly married Catholic females with limited economic resources and

educational attainment. The availability of medicinal plants and the use of

traditional methods like boiling, concoction, and decoction in Quiapo underscore

the rich cultural diversity of the Philippines and its enduring tradition of herbal


The findings of both studies are particularly relevant in identifying

traditional healing practices used by the residents of Siquijor. Understanding the

complex interplay of cultural, social, and economic factors that influence the

selection of traditional healing methods can help in developing healthcare

interventions that cater to the diverse needs of patients. Undeniably, the studies

by Pagcatipunan et al. in 2018 and Rondilla et al. in 2021 provide a nuanced

understanding of the factors that influence the use of traditional healing practices

in the Philippines.

Foreign Traditional healing practices

Traditional healing practices play a significant and essential role in the

healthcare system of practically every nation on the planet. In Bangladesh, for

instance, traditional healing methods treat about 80% of the sick people, yet little

research has looked at the holistic picture of these methods. A study investigated

various traditional treatment modalities in Bangladesh’s rural areas.

According to a survey conducted by G.S. Lavekar et al. (2012), the

Mishing tribe in the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, and the Lakhimpur

and Dhemaji districts of Assam in India, traditionally use medicinal herbs to treat

illnesses. The survey revealed how these herbs were prepared, measured, and

administered by traditional healers.

Similarly, Haque et al. (2018) found that traditional healing practices are

still prevalent in rural Bangladesh, especially among those with low

socioeconomic status. Despite modern medical advancements, traditional

practices have not decreased but rather increased in their provision of services,

due to their accessibility and affordability.

These studies provide valuable insights into traditional healing practices in

South Asian countries, such as Bangladesh and India, that can be used to

identify similar practices among the residents oof Siquijor. Traditional healing

methods are essential in rural areas where modern medical facilities may be

scarce or inaccessible. They are often the primary source of healthcare for

people with limited financial means. Traditional healers play a crucial role in

these communities, possessing knowledge of medicinal plants and administering

treatments based on traditional practices.

In conclusion, traditional healing practices are an integral part of

healthcare systems in rural areas of South Asian countries. Studies such as

those discussed shed light on the types of illnesses treated, the medicinal plants

used, and the methods of preparation and application. By documenting these

practices, healthcare providers can work towards integrating traditional healing

methods with modern medical practices, ultimately improving the overall health

and well-being of the community. Furthermore, documenting these practices can

also help preserve traditional knowledge and ensure that it is passed down to

future generations.

Overall, having a thorough understanding of traditional healing practices

is essential for developing healthcare interventions that cater to the diverse

needs of patients. It also promotes a more comprehensive approach to

healthcare that recognizes the importance of cultural and spiritual beliefs in the

healing process.

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research method used, including its design,

setting, study participants, sampling technique, research tool, and data collection


Research Method Used

The research methodology employed for unmasking the traditional healing

practices in Siquijor is qualitative in nature. This approach emphasizes

understanding the community members’ experiences, perceptions, and

perspectives regarding their traditional healing practices (Creswell, 2013). By

utilizing this method, the researcher can explore the cultural, social, and historical

contexts of these practices, thereby gaining a comprehensive understanding of

their significance and relevance to the community. Furthermore, qualitative

research enables the establishment of rapport with participants, fostering trust

and encouraging the sharing of valuable information that may not be captured

through quantitative methods. This approach aligns with the study’s objective of

identifying and documenting traditional healing practices, as it allows for a holistic

understanding of the phenomenon.

Research Design

This study employs an ethnographic research design to identify traditional

healing practices in Siquijor is Ethnographic research design, as defined by

Creswell (2014), is a qualitative approach that involves immersing oneself in the

culture and daily life of a particular group or community to gain a deeper

understanding of their experiences, behaviors, and practices. This design is

chosen because it allows for an in-depth exploration of the traditional healing

practices in the municipal, taking into account the cultural, social, and historical

contexts in which they are situated. As argued by Hammersley and Atkinson

(2007), ethnographic research design is particularly suitable for studying cultural

practices and beliefs, as it enables researchers to gather rich, contextualized

data through participant observation, interviews, and other qualitative methods.

By adopting an ethnographic approach, this study aims to provide a nuanced and

contextualized understanding of traditional healing practices in the municipal of

Siquijor, which can inform the development of culturally sensitive healthcare

policies and programs.

Research Environment

The research will take place in Siquijor, Philippines. The traditional healers

of Siquijor be the focus of the research, providing a unique opportunity to explore

their practices and traditions.

Figure 2: Map of the Municipality of Siquijor

Respondents of the Study

The study on identifying traditional healing practices in Siquijor involved a

specific group of participants: traditional healers. These individuals were chosen

based on their knowledge and expertise in local healing practices. The criteria for

selection included having extensive knowledge about traditional healing in the

municipal, being referred by other individuals familiar with their work, having

personally experienced or performed healing practices, or being recognized as a

traditional healer within the community. The selected respondents were legal-

aged individuals, with no gender restriction, who had lived in the municipal for at

least ten years and possessed in-depth knowledge of traditional healing

practices. A total of thirty respondents were involved in the study, with ethical

standards maintained throughout the research process to protect the participants'


Prior to commencing the study, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was established between the research

team and the traditional healers. This document outlined the purpose,

expectations, and responsibilities of all parties involved in the research. The

MOA/MOU is a common practice in research to ensure that all parties are

informed and have given their consent to participate in the study (Smith, 2005).

Sampling Procedure

The sampling method utilized in this study is snowball sampling. This

method involves selecting initial participants who possess knowledge about

traditional healing practices in Siquijor, then asking them to refer other individuals

who also have similar knowledge and expertise. This process continues until a

sufficient number of participants are recruited, providing a rich and diverse


According to Bhat, Snowball sampling or chain-referral sampling is defined

as a non-probability sampling technique in which the samples have rare traits.

This is a sampling technique, in which existing subjects provide referrals to

recruit samples required for a research study. This method is particularly useful

when studying hard-to-reach or hidden populations, such as traditional healers,

who may not be easily accessible through conventional sampling methods.

Snowball sampling is based on the idea that individuals with specific knowledge

or experiences are likely to know others with similar characteristics, allowing

researchers to tap into these networks and gather valuable data.

The motivation for choosing snowball sampling in this study is two-fold.

Firstly, traditional healing practices in Siquijor are often secretive and not publicly

advertised, making it challenging to identify and recruit participants through

random or purposive sampling methods. Snowball sampling allows researchers

to tap into the existing networks of traditional healers, increasing the likelihood of

recruiting knowledgeable and experienced participants. Secondly, snowball

sampling enables researchers to capture the complexity and diversity of

traditional healing practices in Siquijor; participants are likely to refer others with

varying levels of expertise and perspectives.

The implementation of snowball sampling in this study involved several

steps. Initial participants were identified through a combination of literature

reviews, online searches, and consultations with local health experts. These

initial participants were then asked to refer other traditional healers or individuals

with knowledge about traditional healing practices in Siquijor. A referral form was

used to collect information about the referred participants, including their name,

contact details, and a brief description of their expertise. Researchers continued

to recruit participants through snowball sampling until they reached a saturation

point, where no new information was emerging from the data. Throughout the

process, researchers maintained a detailed record of the referrals and

participants, ensuring the integrity and transparency of the sampling method.

Research Instrument

In the study on identifying traditional healing practices in the municipal of

Siquijor, the research instrument employed was structured and unstructured

interviews. This qualitative approach allowed for an in-depth exploration of the

participants’ experiences and perspectives on traditional healing practices in their


These interviews involved a predetermined set of questions in the case of

structured interviews. While unstructured interviews as defined by Patton (2002),

are a type of qualitative research method that involves open-ended

conversational interactions between the researcher and the participant. This

approach enables the researcher to gather rich, detailed, and nuanced data that

can provide insight into the participants’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Unlike structured interviews, which rely on pre-determined questions,

unstructured interviews allow the researcher to adapt and respond to the

participant’s responses, enabling a more dynamic and flexible exploration of the

research topic (Kvale, 2007).

The rationale for using structured and unstructured interviews in this study

lies in their ability to capture the complexity and richness of traditional healing

practices in Siquijor. Both types of interviews were conducted to gather in-depth

information and insights from the participants regarding the utilization of

traditional healing practices in Siquijor and the factors influencing their choices.

By utilizing these interview methods, the researchers aimed to obtain a

comprehensive understanding of the residents’ perspectives and uncover

valuable insights into the topic under investigation.

In order to create and validate the unstructured interview tool, a series of

open-ended questions were designed to serve as a roadmap for the discussions

with community members and traditional healers. Thematic analysis was

conducted on interview data, involving coding and theme identification. The

coding process was iterative to ensure accuracy and reliability. Additionally, the

researcher employed member checking, where the participants were asked to

review and validate the findings, to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of

the results. This multi-step approach ensured that the findings were grounded in

the data and accurately reflected the experiences and perspectives of the

Statistical Treatment of Data

After gathering the data, the researchers collated, tallied, arranged, and

sorted it. After that, researchers looked through the data using statistical methods

to answer the research questions.

Simple percentage



%= percentage

F= frequency

N= total number of respondents

Data Gathering Procedure

This study aims to unmasking traditional healing practices in the municipal

of Siquijor, which can contribute to the documentation and preservation of

indigenous knowledge, as well as provide alternative healthcare approaches.

The study had four phases: establishing collaboration; designing and distributing

the survey; collecting and organizing data; and analyzing and interpreting data


Phase 1: Establishing Collaboration

In the initial stage of the data gathering procedure, the research team

established collaboration with the local community leadership, particularly the

municipal leader, to gain approval and support for conducting a survey on

traditional healing practices within the municipal. This partnership was crucial in

ensuring the community’s acceptance and participation in the study.

Phase 2: Designing and Distributing the Survey

Following approval, the research team developed a comprehensive survey

to identify and document traditional healing practices. The survey was designed

to capture information on various aspects of traditional healing, including the

types of ailments treated, the methods and techniques used, and the

practitioners’ beliefs and perceptions. Upon completion, the survey was

distributed to the ideal participants that were mentioned on the respondents of

the study.

Phase 3: Collecting and Organizing Data

During the data collection phase, the research team gathered all

completed surveys and thoroughly reviewed each response. The data was then

organized and categorized based on the types of ailments, healing methods, and

practitioners’ beliefs. This process enabled the team to identify patterns and

trends in traditional healing practices within the community.

Phase 4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data

In the final phase, the research team analyzed the organized data to

extract valuable insights about traditional healing practices in the municipal.

Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were employed to identify key

findings and patterns. The results of this analysis contribute to a better

understanding of traditional healing practices and their role in the community.


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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Salahuddin, Jainalene C.

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: July 09, 2007

Place of birth: Cebu City

Religion: Islam

Contact number: 09272115738

Email address: jainalenesalahuddin@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Pardo National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Inayawan Elementary School 2018-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Nardo, Marie Charisse

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: April 12, 2006

Place of birth: Mandaue City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Contact number: 09323085298

Email address: nicolemagale123@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Pardo National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Inayawan Elementary School 2018-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Benigay, Nana Jullia

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: July 26, 2007

Place of birth: Cebu City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Contact number: 09507891364

Email address: benigaynanajullia@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Lamak National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Lamak Elementary School 2018-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Sandhu, Andre Carl J.

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: May 08, 2007

Place of birth: Cebu City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Contact number: 09458794902

Email address: acsandhu2007@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Pardo National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Minglanilla Elementary School 2018-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Curaza, Wesley

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: November 27, 2006

Place of birth: Cebu City

Religion: Roman Catholic

Contact number: 09616967050

Email address: wesleycuraza@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Quiot National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Pardo Extension Elementary School 2018-2019

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Campaner, Myle Grace

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Civil status: Single

Date of birth: December 16, 2007

Place of birth: Sipaway Island San Carlos City Negros Occidental

Religion: Roman Catholic

Contact number: 09850496654

Email address: mylegracec@gmail.com


Level Name of school Year Graduated

Senior high school: Pardo National High School Present

Junior high school: Sipaway National High School 2022-2023

Elementary school: Ermita Elementary School 2018-2019


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