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B Clones

Clones – Book One

By Laurann Dohner
B Clones
by Laurann Dohner


Gemma is a divorced mother of two adult sons.

She also is dying in a hospital after a tragic accident.
They’re giving her the good drugs to manage her
pain, which is why she’s dreaming about waking in
the future with a twenty-year-old body and meeting a
hot space pirate. Big claims he’s a clone, and she’s
one too. What happens when Gemma’s dream turns
out to be reality?


Hailey’s been kidnapped off her mining colony

planet and is trapped onboard a luxury space shuttle
with the bad men who took her. She manages to lock
herself inside the captain’s cabin, hoping to be
rescued. But it’s not the authorities who hack the
lock. It’s a clone. Blade admits to being a space
pirate, but he swears he’s going to keep her safe. He
may be attractive…but can a clone also be
Clones Series List

B Clones
B Clones by Laurann Dohner
Copyright © December 2020

Editor: Kelli Collins

Cover Art: Dar Albert
eBook ISBN: 978-1-950597-16-1

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The unauthorized reproduction or

distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the
case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI

and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a
fine of $250,000.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any

resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
B Clones
Clones – Book One
By Laurann Dohner


Why am I in a hospital? Gemma tried to catch the

doctor’s gaze but he refused to look at her. He seemed too
interested in reading her chart. When he finally closed it and
stepped away from her bed, he looked at everything except
Dread pitted in her stomach.
The machines beeped and the sound of voices came
from the hallway. It was difficult to move her head but she
managed to raise her arm. It was completely swathed in
white, bulky bandages, including her hand.
The doctor finally looked at her. His grim expression
assured her she must be in bad shape.
“What happened?” Her words came out raspy and
“A gas line ruptured inside the hotel restaurant where
you were, and it caused an explosion. There are still
investigators on the scene, but that’s what we know so far.”
She remembered then. She’d gone to have lunch with
one of her oldest and dearest friends, who’d flown into Los
Angeles. They met every February. She’d just stepped up to
the hostess stand when a loud noise sounded. Something
hit her hard, then there had been a lot of heat. She’d passed
out…until just now, when she woke in the hospital.
“Did anyone die?”
He glanced away but then back. “A lot of people did.”
The very idea was horrific. “Do you know anything about
my friend, Tina Miller? She was staying at the hotel,” she
got out, tears forming.
“I don’t have a list of survivors or fatalities. I’m sorry.
You suffered severe burns over eighty percent of your body,
Gemma. That is you, correct? You’re Gemma Grady?”
Eighty percent. Oh god. That isn’t good. “Yes.”
“You managed to keep hold of your purse. It was with
you when you were discovered. They brought it in, but I
needed to confirm your identity. Your family has been
contacted.” He glanced at the chart again. “Both of your
sons and your ex-husband are on their way.”
They had even called her ex. That was significant. “Am I
The doctor held her gaze, and she saw a flash of regret.
He hesitated for far too long before he spoke. “We’re doing
everything we can for you.” He withdrew something from
his pocket and moved out of her line of sight. “I had to wake
you to verify your identity. The nurse is going to up your
meds to keep you comfortable. Your family should be here
soon. I’m sorry this happened to you, Ms. Grady.”
He fled, and Gemma had no doubt from his behavior
that her fate was grim.
It’s not fair.
She stared up at the ceiling, struggling to take it all in. It
helped knowing that, overall, she’d had a good life. Fifty-six
years weren’t nearly enough, though.
Images of her two sons flashed through her mind and
her tears spilled over. She needed to hang on until they
reached her side, to tell them one more time that they were
loved. She’d regret never seeing either one of them getting
married, or never holding a grandbaby.
Thoughts of her friend Tina came next. Gemma had
arrived a few minutes early for their lunch. She knew her
friend’s room had been on the sixth floor of the hotel, and
Tina always tended to run a bit late. It was a running joke
between them. There was a chance that Tina hadn’t been
caught in the explosion.
Her best friend had six kids, three young grandchildren,
and was adored by her high school sweetheart husband.
Gemma decided in that moment to be grateful she
didn’t know one way or another. It meant she could pretend
Tina hadn’t been hurt…or worse.
A nurse entered the room and leaned over her. “You’re
awake.” Sympathy softened her features. “Are you in pain?”
“We’re going to keep it that way.”
“I love my sons,” she blurted.
“I’m certain they know that. Are you having any trouble
“My face feels strange.”
“It’s the bandages.”
My face is burned. How bad?
It doesn’t matter. I’m dying.
The nurse peered at the door. “I think your meds are
here— Wait! Get out!” The nurse rushed toward the door,
and Gemma managed to turn her head.
A man in his late twenties snapped pictures with a large
camera. The nurse grabbed at it and shoved him into the
hallway. She then reentered, closing the door behind her.
“I’m so sorry about that. Some of those vultures from
the tabloids are sneaking past security to take pictures.”
The nurse lowered her voice. “That famous singer was
at the hotel, too. You have the same name. They must have
listed you on the board at the nurses’ station and he
thought you were her. I’ll have them take it down and ask
security to watch your door.”
Gemma was familiar with the singer. Her sons joked all
the time about their mom sharing her name. It wasn’t her
type of music though, and the woman was much younger.
“Is she going to be okay?”
The nurse hesitated. “She didn’t make it. We haven’t
released that information yet to the news outlets. Her
people will do that.” The nurse checked the monitors. “You
just hang in there, Gemma.” She looked up and smiled. “Ah.
Here we go. I’m going to add medication to your IV line. This
will make you feel really good and help you sleep until your
sons arrive.”
Gemma closed her eyes. She needed to think of a way
to say goodbye to her precious boys. Brent had just
graduated law school. He’d be okay. Thomas was another
matter. He’d already switched his college major twice. It
didn’t matter to her what he decided to do with his life, as
long as it made him happy. She’d told him that before, but
she wanted to reinforce it one last time when he arrived.
A coldness suddenly swept up her arm. She felt
lightheaded and almost drunk. Then the pain medication put
her to sleep.
Chapter One

A blaring alarm jerked Gemma awake. She stared up at

what appeared to be smooth metal, inches above her face.
There was a dim light source along her sides.
She lie in what felt like a coffin. It was an enclosed, tight
She gasped and began to panic.
I’m alive. Don’t bury me!
She wiggled her arms free from where they seemed
pinned at her sides and shoved upward, a scream trapped in
her throat.
A lid slid to the side, and the light grew brighter as the
opening widened. She used her feet now, too, kicking at the
heavy top.
It moved farther and the siren noise grew louder. When
she was able to sit up—Gemma gaped in shock when she
got a look at her surroundings.
It wasn’t a funeral home. There were no flowers, tasteful
decorations, or chairs.
It was a room that reminded her of a mini warehouse,
with lots of rectangular metal boxes like her own, strapped
to the floor and lining the walls.
“What in the hell?”
A slight motion came from her right, and she gawked at
the…thing that rolled into the room. It wasn’t human.
It looked like someone’s overpriced science project. It
appeared humanoid with a head, chest, and arms, but the
lower half consisted of a square box on wheels.
It turned her way.
“Lie flat and allow me to reseal your unit,” the
emotionless voice ordered.
It lifted robotic arms—and Gemma freaked out.
She shrieked and batted at the thing with her fists. It
avoided contact by dropping its arms and going in reverse a
few feet.
“Your unit has accidentally been triggered to open. It
was an error caused by a harsh impact with a shuttle,” the
thing stated. “Lie flat and I will reseal you.”
Gemma gripped the side of the coffin-like box and
frantically scrambled out. Her feet were bare, and the floor
felt icy cold when she landed on shaky legs. “Stay away
from me. What are you?”
“I’m a service repair unit. Your shipping unit triggered in
error. Return to it now.”
“No.” She inched away from the robot and glanced at
the large box. It was some weird coffin, alright. A raised one
with vents on the bottom, and made from silver material
that appeared to be a mixture of plastic and metal. “Where
am I? What’s going on?” She looked back at the…robot.
“You’re aboard the space transport Avian and we’ve
been attacked by pirates.”
She let that sink in. Space transport? Pirates? Freaky
robot? She lowered her chin, staring at her body, and
immediately suffered another shock. “Where are my
Gemma currently wore a pair of underwear and a
matching, form-fitting sports bra.
And the surprises kept coming…because her stomach
was also flat.
She took the time to study her arms and hands. There
were no age spots, no excess skin.
She reached up, touching her face. Closing her eyes,
she examined it with her fingertips, feeling no loose skin or
wrinkles. She opened her eyes and looked down again, this
time staring at her thighs. They were thin and shapely. Hers
hadn’t looked that good in at least twenty-seven years,
since before her first pregnancy.
“Return to your unit,” the robot stated.
Gemma straightened, staring at the thing. She was
confused—but then it suddenly made sense. She could
almost feel the mental lightbulb coming on.
“Oh! This is a dream. I’m on the good drugs.” She bit
her lip, remembering her most recent reality. “I’m dying in a
The annoying alarm stopped, and Gemma felt a trickle
of fear. Maybe that alarm had been her heart monitor going
off in real life. “Are you my little voice of unconsciousness?
Is getting back in the unit a metaphor for not leaving my
“You need to return to your unit.”
She looked at the horrible box with its thick lid. She
didn’t want to die yet. She needed to talk to Brent and
Thomas. But it was just too terrible to consider getting back
inside something that she’d mistaken for a coffin. “No. I’m
fine right here. I’m still alive. I wouldn’t be having this weird
dream otherwise.”
“Pirates are preparing to board the transport. You need
to be secured,” it stated.
“Shit.” She’d had some bizarre dreams before, but this
one took the cake.
“I don’t detect a waste malfunction.”
It took her a second to understand what the robot was
trying to say. “I didn’t soil my underwear. At least I hope not.
That nice nurse would have to clean me, and I liked her.”
She reached back to run her hand over the butt of the little
boy-short type of underwear she wore. They felt dry. “I think
I’m good.”
“You need to return to your unit.”
“You need to stop saying that. I’m not getting back into
the box, even if that is supposed to be my body.”
The robot advanced and lifted its hands. Both of them
had six fingers, three on either side of the center palm
areas. It attempted to grab her.
She retreated quickly to keep space between them.
“Back off, science project!”
It stopped. “Return to your unit to be secured.”
Gemma took a deep breath and tried to wake. It
happened sometimes; she’d become aware of having a
dream and snap out of it if she concentrated hard enough.
Nothing changed. That irritated her.
“Fantastic. I’m really doped up.”
“You need to follow my orders to prevent being stolen or
She stared at the freaky robot. “Okay… I get it. I have to
play along before I can wake up?” Then she muttered, “Why
couldn’t I dream that I’m on some sunny beach, sipping one
of those fruit drinks with the cute umbrellas?”
“The door to the cargo bay is being breached.” The
robot spun its upper body around and slowly began to roll
Gemma hesitated for a second before she followed.
It stopped by a big metal door. “The pirates are hacking
the locks.” The robot rolled back a few feet from the door.
“Great. Space pirates and a freaky robot. As if it wasn’t
bad enough that I’m dying, I also get stuck with this lemon
of a dream?” She glanced down her body. “And of course I’m
wearing a skimpy outfit that screams ‘attack me.’ This
dream better not turn into something like that. If there is,
I’m going to file a complaint in the afterlife.”
“The pirates have succeeded. The manual override is
being triggered to unseal the door.”
“What do you do when space pirates attack in this
hellish dream world? Tell me so this can end, robot.”
“You’re a lot of help.”
“I’m detecting sarcasm in your tone,” the robot stated.
“No shit, Sherlock! That’s what I’m going to start calling
“I’m not able to process your request.”
“I just want to wake from this bullshit of a dream. You’re
a crappy version of my little voice of reason. Epic fail.”
The door slid open—and Gemma’s lips parted when she
got her first glimpse of the supposed pirate.
He had to be at least six-foot-five, and he wore a black
uniform that hugged a bodybuilder’s physic. His equally
black hair fell in a shaggy mass of curls to his wide
shoulders. He had a ruggedly handsome face. Dark blue
eyes framed by long, thick eyelashes gazed directly at her.
Gemma liked the look of him. “Wow. Now we’re talking.
Hello, Mr. Hunk.”
“My name is Big. And I will shoot you if you make any
sudden movements.” His voice came out husky and deep.
He lifted a weapon and aimed it at the robot.
It was the strangest gun she’d ever seen, with a thick,
long barrel. She wasn’t afraid in the least. “If that’s not an
innuendo, I don’t know what is. Oh please. Shoot me with
your impressive gun, Mr. Big-All-Over pirate.” She laughed
and shook her head. “I must be as high as a kite right now.
This is turning downright naughty.”
The hunk slightly tilted his head and shifted his gaze to
the robot. “I was threatening the droid. Why is she awake?
Answer, droid.”
“The clone activated during transit and is confused,” the
robot answered.
Gemma sighed, staring at the hot guy. “Shoot that
robot. Please. It’s annoying as hell. It’s been my nemesis
since this nightmare started. I’d be grateful.”
“Be silent, female,” the pirate demanded, his voice
deepening. “I know what she is. Explain her origins, droid.”
“Sure. I’ll just shut up.” Gemma crossed her arms over
her chest. “No problem. I don’t want to be here anyway. It’s
my dream, but please, continue without me.”
“She was ordered by Mr. Florigo,” the robot stated.
“What is her name and designation?”
“Gemma Grady. She is Mr. Florigo’s favorite singer.”
Gemma snorted. “Ah. That’s what triggered this crazy
dream. It was that paparazzi guy snapping a photo of me.”
The pirate shifted his gaze to her. “You’re a singer?”
“No. I can’t carry a tune to save my life.”
“You are a twenty-first century singer,” the robot
Gemma spun on the thing. “I know who I am! I’m fifty-
six years old and currently lying in a hospital bed waiting to
tell my sons goodbye. A gas line blew inside a hotel. Big
boom. Wrong place, wrong time kind of thing. This is a drug-
induced nightmare that I want to wake from.”
“Damn.” The pirate came forward, lowering his weapon.
“How was the original source material for this clone
“All clone source materials are frozen after the death of
a body,” the robot stated.
Gemma winced hearing the callous robot’s description.
“And it gets worse. Big surprise. Now we’re talking dead
bodies. And did you say clone? Fantastic. Outer space,
ships, an annoying robot, a sexy pirate, and now clones. I
never understood why people take drugs on purpose. This is
some messed-up shit.”
The pirate stopped a few feet away from Gemma and
demanded her attention when he gently gripped her
shoulder with his bog hand. She turned her head, peering
up at him. She had to admit, he really was super good-
looking. That was the only highlight of this current
“You have memories?”
“Of course I do.”
A muscle in his jaw twitched. He appeared angry. “Who
are you?”
She sighed. “Fine. I’ll play along. My name is Gemma
Grady, but I’m not that famous singer. She was killed in the
same hotel blast that did this to me.”
He took a deep breath and blew it out. “I believe I
understand what is going on.”
“Oh, good! Well, tell me the wonders of the universe
and then let me wake up from this bullshit dream.”
“What is the last memory you have, Gemma?”
“I’m in the hospital waiting for my sons to arrive. I need
to tell them goodbye. The doctor wouldn’t flat-out say it, but
I’m hurt too badly to survive my injuries.”
He blinked a few times, scowling. “You’re dying?”
“Yes. This is my version of a realty bitch slap, via dream,
right? I get it. My life is over. Eighty-percent burns means
I’m toast.” She paused. “Burnt toast. Bad pun, but there it
is. They were pumping me full of the good drugs so I’m not
in pain.”
“This isn’t a dream.”
“Right. I’m really in outer space.” She glanced down at
her body. “And way younger than I used to be. Like that’s
possible.” She looked up at him. “With a big hot space
pirate. Totally believable.”
“I detect sarcasm in your tone,” the robot stated.
“And that’s why I’m calling you Sherlock,” she muttered.
“You’re quite the sleuth there, horror-arms-on-wheels.”
The pirate holstered his weapon and forced Gemma to
face him when his free hand snagged her waist and twisted
her toward him. She had to tip her chin back, since he
towered over her. His eyes were even more attractive up
close. They were a deep midnight blue.
“I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but you
aren’t in a dream state.”
“Right. That’s exactly what a dream person would say.”
“Are you aware of what a clone is, in your time period?”
“Sure. It’s something we joke about; how we could get
more stuff done if there were like, four of ourselves.”
“The technology wasn’t perfected until 2076 for human
beings, but JDJ Cryo Corp began harvesting brains and
tissue from body sources around the year 2000, according
to rumors. They targeted well-known celebrities in the
hopes of selling their bodies when they perfected cloning
technology in the future. I believe that is what happened to
“Uh-huh. Okay.” Gemma wondered how long the pain
meds would keep her locked in this dream.
“You share the exact name as a celebrity?”
“I just said that. Some guy with a camera even thought I
was her. That singer was at the hotel, too, but the nurse
said she died. Hence this stupid nightmare.”
He eased his hold. “You don’t believe this is real?”
“No. As I said before, they’re giving me the good drugs.
I’m not feeling any pain…except for suffering through this.”
“Your original body died. What year do you believe it
Gemma had to resist rolling her eyes. She just wanted
to wake up to see if her sons had arrived yet. But this damn
dream wouldn’t end. She was trapped, peering up at a
fantasy guy who still waited patiently for her to answer him.
She sighed, deciding to continue to play along, since she
had little choice. “It’s 2020.”
He gave her a look of pity. “It’s 2141. I’m a clone as
well, but not the same type as you are. I was engineered
and designated to be a security model.”
“I thought you were supposed to be a pirate?”
“I didn’t like being told what to do. You and I were both
grown inside a clone manufacturing plant on Earth. We have
that in common.” He addressed the robot. “Why weren’t her
memories wiped?”
“Mr. Florigo ordered the clone to be as realistic as
possible. He didn’t request a blank. She’s a new addition to
Clone World Incorporated.”
“That’s cruel and illegal,” he seethed. “Wasn’t he
worried she’d have a meltdown?”
The dream pirate may have been speaking to the robot,
but Gemma answered anyway. “No, this dream is cruel and
should be illegal. I still might have a meltdown though, if
this doesn’t end soon. I want to wake up to say goodbye to
my sons. Aren’t you supposed to be robbing this spaceship?
Get it over with already.” Gemma backed away from him
until he had to release her.
He shifted his focus back on her. “I’m sorry. This must be
very confusing for you. Keep believing it’s a dream, if that
helps keep you calm. I worry about what will happen when
you finally realize the truth. Laws were passed banning
manufacturers from giving clones the memories of the
original source material, after the first dozen went insane.”
“I think I’m handling my pending death pretty well,
besides having this weird space dream.”
“Are you deeply religious?”
She frowned. “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s very relevant. Please answer. Do you believe in a
soul that a God created just for the body you were born in?”
Gemma frowned, hoping the dream wasn’t about to turn
into a guilt trip, like the ones her parents used to give her
after she’d stopped going to church. Then again, maybe it
would wake her from the nightmare. “I don’t go to church or
buy into any certain religious beliefs.”
“Then perhaps you have a chance of surviving.”
That was the last thing she’d expected to hear from his
lips. It threw her a little, but she recovered. “What does that
have to do with anything?”
“We’ll discuss this later. I’m not going to leave you to
die. I’m taking you with me. Go onboard my ship and wait
for me. I targeted this transport specifically because it’s
heading to Clone World.”
“Clone World? What’s that? I’m just dying to know.” She
managed to resist rolling her eyes again.
“No birthed beings were comfortable with the idea of
clones mingling with Earth society—”
“Birthed beings?” Gemma interrupted, arching her
“Humans born from other humans.” He paused. “As
opposed to being grown in a tank in a manufacturing plant,
the way clones are. Birthed beings and clones are seen as
two vastly separate entities. Rico Florigo bought a small
planet and opened a theme park featuring clones. It’s for
amusing rich people, giving them the opportunity to meet
some of their favorite celebrities from the past and watch
them perform. You were obviously created to be a singer.
They probably built you a concert stage to entertain
“Another epic fail, since, as I said, I can’t carry a tune.
Then again, this is a dream. Maybe I have a rock star voice.”
Gemma looked down at her chest. “I mean, check out my
boobs. Definitely young celebrity material. They’re all perky
and perfect. They sure don’t look that way that in real life
anymore. I’d dubbed them my landslides after nursing two
babies.” She glanced up at him.
His mouth gaped but he recovered fast. “Go aboard my
ship. I’m clearing out the cargo, and I’ll need to remove
gravity in this transport to make it an easier task.”
“Of course you are.” She became suddenly amused.
“Gravity is one mean bitch. Boob pun. Now you’re going to
just shut it off?”
Big sighed. He didn’t seem to find any humor in
anything she said. “You’re not going to cooperate easily, are
“Nobody has ever accused me of being easy.” She
laughed at her own joke. “Maybe for you, though. You’re
serious stud-muffin material.”
He didn’t respond, instead walking back toward the
door. He bent a little, stepping through and peering at
something out of her view. Then he turned his head and met
her gaze. “Don’t startle.”
“Give it your best shot. Maybe it’ll jar me awake.”
He turned back to whatever was out of her view—then
Gemma felt a little lightheaded as her feet began to lift off
the floor.
Fear jolted through her as the weightless sensation took
over. It was possible she was dying in real life right this
second. She’d heard of the soul leaving the body, and
wasn’t it rumored to feel this way?
“Don’t be afraid.” Big’s voice distracted her enough to
look at him. He floated, too. He gripped the edge of the
doorframe and pulled his large body through the open door,
pushing off the wall. He drifted toward her, opening his
arms. “I’ve got you.”
“I am reporting you to the authorities at the first
opportunity,” the robot said, making its presence known.
“I’m recording this entire episode.”
Big reached Gemma and snagged her around her waist.
He pulled her close, and she clutched at him. He adjusted
her in his arms until they faced each other. “Wrap around
“Now we’re talking. Floating space sex is better than
dealing with Sherlock. You’re not nearly as annoying.” She
released the tight shirt stretched over his muscular chest
and slid her arms around his neck. She didn’t hesitate to
spread her legs, wrapping them around his hips as they
slowly floated around the cavernous space.
Big closed his eyes. “Damn…”
He opened them, his face inches from hers. “I’ve been
out here alone for too long,” he muttered. “I wouldn’t
mention sex, Gemma. Especially not right now. A distress
signal was sent as soon as I damaged the engines on this
transport so I could dock with it. I have about twenty
minutes to unload the cargo onto my ship and get out of
here if we stand a chance of being beyond the range of a
patrol cruiser. They’ll open fire on my shuttle if we’re
caught. The authorities won’t bother arresting me. I’ve hit
enough targets that it’s an automatic death sentence.” He
lowered his gaze to her mouth. “You’re tempting…but I want
to survive. Hold that thought until we return to my home
“No floating sex?” she pouted, disappointed. He was a
hunk, and it was her dream. She should get to enjoy
something about it. The name she’d dreamed up for him
certainly implied he must be well endowed.
“I’ll turn off gravity and we can do whatever the hell you
want later. Right now, I’m taking you to my ship and
unloading this cargo.”
He bumped into a wall and unwrapped one of his arms
from her waist. “Tuck your head and hold on tight.” He
shifted his body and looked over her shoulder, using the
wall to kick off.
They moved fast, and she twisted her head, watching as
they flew through the room. They nearly bumped into the
robot, who’d managed to stay on the floor somehow. They
cleared the doorway and entered a corridor. Big turned his
body and his back bumped the wall. It slowed their
momentum a little as his body dragged against it, but then
he drew up his knees and rolled them until his feet were
pointed away from the door they’d just gone through. He
straightened his body and tightened his hold around her
Gemma grinned. It was like an amusement park, but she
was riding a man.
The bump against another wall stopped them. He
reached out with his free hand and pushed on the wall. She
glanced down the corridor when the rounded a corner and
saw another room through an open door. Big kicked off once
more, then they were flying headfirst toward that door, lined
up with it, Gemma lying atop his body.
She was tempted to release his shoulders and sit up.
“This is kind of fun.”
“Not for me. You’re slowing me down.”
They floated down the hallway and through the open
door. Big reached out and snagged the edge of it, bringing
them to a halt. He released her waist and grabbed the other
side. He spread his legs once he had them turned around,
bracing his entire body in the opening.
“Wouldn’t this have been faster with gravity? You know,
like to just walk?”
“I’d already turned gravity off on my ship before I
realized you were on that shuttle. It was only supposed to
be carrying plasma crates.” He met her gaze. “Let go. This
is my cargo hold.”
She peered at the room that looked a lot like the one
where her dream had started, only this one stood empty of
He released the doorway with one hand and fisted the
back of her sports bra. “Let go.”
She unwound her arms and legs. Her body started to
drift away from his, but he kept hold of her.
“See the chair over there with the belts? Strap in.” He
adjusted his hands, opening one of them along her lower
back and giving her a push. It sent her flying. It wasn’t fun
without him to cling to. Her arms and legs flailed.
“Relax,” he called out. “Put your arms out to stop you
from hitting the wall. I’ll be back. Strap in.”
She stopped fighting the lack of gravity and put her
arms straight out as the wall loomed closer. “This is going to
hurt,” she muttered.
She hit the wall—then started to float away from it.
“Shit!” She frantically grabbed for something and
caught hold of a part of the chair. She reached out her other
hand to snag one of the belts. It reminded her of a child’s
car seat.
“This dream sucks,” she muttered. “A hunky pirate and
no sex. At least I don’t have to deal with Sherlock anymore. I
hate robots. Horror movies are full of them.” She had to
work to maneuver her ass into the seat and get the harness
straps secured over her shoulders. It buckled at her waist,
and at least, she was secured.
Gemma lifted her head, staring at the open doorway.
“Now what?”
Chapter Two

Big glanced at the device on his wrist that linked him to

the main computer on his shuttle. Finding the female had
put him behind schedule. Not that he could regret that. He
didn’t. To hit a transport heading toward Clone World—with
a clone onboard—was a blessing he hadn’t expected.
She was a fellow clone, and she needed help. The fact
she was an attractive woman was another bonus. She had
beautiful pale blue eyes and dark blonde hair.
He was still shocked that he’d hit a transport with a
clone aboard. Clone World always had more security when
they were hauling bodies. A well-armed cruiser escorted
those shipments, as well. Clones were much more expensive
than plasma crates.
Then again, Gemma was an illegal purchase Rico Florigo
would have wanted to hide from the authorities. The
company who’d made her clone wouldn’t have wanted
anyone to know about her, either. They’d broken a major
law by creating a clone with source material memories. That
would get them massively fined, if not temporarily shut
It also explained the repair droid. It was there to hide
the fact that the clone was an illegal one, in case of a stasis
failure. The droid would have been programed to take
charge of the situation by refusing to allow the clone to
order the automated ship to send a distress signal.
Big had been lying to Gemma when he’d said the
asshole owner of Clone World had probably built her a stage
to perform for guests. It would be stupid to allow the public
to get close to her. Someone might figure out her memories
weren’t blanked if they asked her questions about her life
and realized she wasn’t speaking from a script.
Birthed beings feared clones with memories. The
humans would have demanded that she be destroyed.
Big snorted, imagining it wasn’t just Gemma’s voice
Florigo wanted for entertainment. She was a very attractive
woman. The Clone World owner must have had her made for
his personal use.
He unstrapped another container and sent it floating
into the corridor. The repair droid rattled off threats of his
pending arrest. He ignored it. He’d have shot the thing to
keep it silent but then he’d have to contend with any
floating parts that broke off. It wasn’t worth the hassle.
He glanced at the device on his wrist again. Time was
almost up. A lot of traffic passed through the shipping lanes
to Clone World. The planet not only got regular deliveries of
plasma, but also food and other supplies to keep the resort
well stocked.
Then there were the guests.
Clone World was a popular vacation destination with
people from Earth. With his bad luck, a large passenger
cruiser might happen along. They featured heavy weapons
systems to protect humans from attacks. One glance at his
unauthorized shuttle and they’d attempt to destroy it.
The last thing Big needed was to have to defend himself
against living humans. The authorities would respond to
that by beefing up security in the travel lanes. They might
even send a few shuttles to specifically seek him out. It
might not affect him, since he wouldn’t need to hit another
transport for a long while. They’d never find him. But his
fellow freed clones would be put at risk. They also had to
steal to stay alive. Big wasn’t willing to bring heat down on
He hurried to take the last crates of plasma stored on
the transport. It was a good amount that would last two
clones for years to come.
Gemma was a gift from fate—if he could keep her from
having a meltdown once she understood the truth. He’d
deal with that after he flew them out of the travel lanes and
they were safe.
He pushed the last container into the long hallway he’d
created by docking with the transport. He had to close the
door behind him to keep anything from floating back into
the cargo hold. It finally silenced the annoying droid. He
worked his way through the crates and around the corner,
braced himself, then started to send the remaining crates
straight toward his ship, one at a time. Gemma was out of
the way of being hit, he hoped. He sent them easy, just in
case, not applying much pressure to get them moving.
She’d be able to block them from hitting her with her hands.
His thoughts remained on Gemma as he continued to
work. Everyone had heard the horror stories about when JDJ
Cryo Corp had first tested clones with their memories intact.
The original dozen, as they had been called, had all gone
very wrong.
Two clones had killed the employees tending to them in
a revenge tactic, or possibly in a fit of blind rage over what
had been done to them. None of the dozen had volunteered
to become clones. They’d woken, only to learn their fate.
That couldn’t have been pleasant.
Big didn’t blame them for the murders. They had the
minds of free humans, inside the bodies of clones. They
were considered nothing but property. It was no wonder
they hadn’t taken that reality without a fight. The company
should have foreseen that outcome.
Seven of the original dozen had committed suicide by
various means. They couldn’t come to terms with waking
inside those new bodies. It had been too much for their
minds to comprehend. It probably didn’t help that the
humans he’d spent time with hadn’t exactly been
compassionate toward clones. Big doubted the dozen had
been treated any better. It would be even tougher for them
to endure intense verbal abuse and lack of empathy, since
they’d once been fully human.
He worried about the female clone he’d just rescued, in
that regard. Would she go into shock from learning what had
happened to her after her death? She said she wasn’t
deeply religious. He hoped she hadn’t been lying.
He’d read that a portion of the failed clones hadn’t
wanted to exist anymore, were literally unable, feeling as if
they were an abomination, a betrayal of whatever religion
they had believed in. Those failed clones had reasoned they
no longer had a soul; that they needed to die, even if it
meant taking their own lives.
The three clones who’d survived past the first month
hadn’t been able to withstand all the changes that had
taken place since their original deaths. They ceased to
speak or interact with the staff tending to them. Months
passed as their mental health deteriorated further and
The experiment had been deemed a failure within four
months, and once the results were known, a new law had
been enacted regarding the manufacturing of clones. All of
them were ordered to be blanked of source material
Clones were reprogrammed during growth to teach
them a working knowledge of the world they were being
born into. Programed memories were implanted to make
them mentally stable and to accept the roles they were
created to fill. They understood that they were clones. It was
the only existence they knew, and they didn’t expect to be
treated with respect or empathy.
He had interacted with plenty of entertainment models
when he’d worked at Clone World. The new ones were eager
to perform their parts and considered it an honor to amuse
the tourists. They must have gotten more extensive
programing than he had, as a service clone. It hadn’t been a
joy for him to work security. He’d just been resigned to his
fate. Clones weren’t given a choice.
Big had hated his job. Dealing with unruly guests
speaking to him as if he didn’t have emotions or thoughts.
Occasionally he’d been attacked, unable to really defend
himself. Clones were only permitted to gently subdue violent
offenders. It was against the law for a clone to hurt a
human. Even an out-of-control drunken one who thought it
would be fun to attack a clone to see if they bleed red.
They did.
Humans seemed to resent him even speaking to them
when they needed to be reminded of rules they were
breaking or were caught sneaking into areas out of bounds.
Some of the guest complained when they were confronted
by him, and he’d be punished. It was all bullshit. Big had
just been doing his job. If he had ignored the infractions
committed by guests, he’d have gotten punished for that,
too. It was all about pleasing the guests. Even the asshole
The humans living and working full time on Clone World,
the ones in charge of assigning his duties, weren’t any
better. They treated clones the exact same way as they did
androids. None of the ones he’d known had cared if the
punishments they’d dealt out were reasonable or just.
Life had been utterly depressing on Clone World for Big.
Every year, it had grown worse until he no longer felt any
happiness. To watch other clones in similar jobs suffering
along with him hadn’t been a comfort. It had made it worse.
But his fate would have been instant death if he’d ceased to
perform his assigned duties. Perhaps it was part of his
programming to have a strong will to serve…or maybe it
was just sheer determination not to give up.
Then, one of his friends had come up with a plan to
escape, with the help of a rare human living on Clone World
who had been sympathetic to their plight. For once, he had
felt hope. They had a new option. To leave. Freedom.
It had been frightening for Big to think of leaving the
only life he’d known, what he’d been created to do, but
anything at that point would have been better. Six of them
had used their skills, access to the docking area, and
knowledge of the planet to get off Clone World with the help
of a human.
Big cut off those memories and focused on securing the
crates of plasma in his cargo hold. Gemma sat belted in,
silently watching him. He worked faster, wanting to get the
shuttle far from the transport. The vessel’s onboard
computer was still broadcasting an auto distress signal. Not
only was his life in danger, but now hers as well.
Gemma was from the year 2020. He muttered a curse. It
would probably be helpful to do research on that time period
to see exactly how much the world had changed since her
source material’s death. He’d also have to keep a very close
eye on her mental stability to make certain she didn’t try to
end her own life. The transition from living human to clone
would be drastic. He refused to lose her. She hadn’t asked to
become a clone.
He also admitted, deep down, that he ached for
He’d been alone for almost two years. When he and the
other clones had first escaped Clone World, Fig and Free had
scouted possible locations for them to live. The mining
station they’d found was remote enough to avoid being
detected but close enough to the travel path from Earth to
Clone World, making it possible for them to raid transports
for the plasma they needed to survive.
They’d been lucky to find the location. Fig and Free were
hacking geniuses and had downloaded information from an
old freighter they’d discovered floating dead in space a few
weeks after their escape. They’d docked with it, hoping to
find food or other supplies. It had been abandoned for nine
years. The logs stated the main engines had blown from
age, the crew had gotten rescued by another ship, and they
had just helped close down a mining operation on a moon.
The six of them had been happy together at first,
working together to make the mining station livable, excited
to be free. But clones were made to work, to stay busy, and
they grew bored after just a few months, getting on each
other’s nerves. Then a few arguments had occurred over
stupid things.
His closest friend, Blade, had been the first to leave
their group, after their failed attempt to rescue some
Big would never forget that day. Few ships came to their
section of space. Getting a distress signal had surprised
them all. The six of them had argued the intelligence of
exposing their existence to humans. It was too dangerous.
Humans really feared clones who defied the rules. They
viewed them as dangerous and unstable.
The majority of their six had decided not to risk their
lives. A human would never do the same for them. Clones
weren’t valued or viewed as real living beings.
Then a woman’s voice had come over the
communications, pleading for someone to come to their
rescue. She’d mentioned three of the seven crew were
women—and it was instilled in male clones to be protective
of the opposite sex. None of them could ignore that voice or
the urge to attempt a rescue.
In the end, they had been too late. Their clone security
team had boarded a private luxury cruiser that had drifted
far from the normal travel lanes, only to discover the human
crew had suffocated to death due to a faulty air circulator.
They’d been eight hours too late. It had emotionally
devastated all of them.
Blade had taken it the hardest, seeing those dead
humans. He decided to stay aboard the damaged vessel,
once he’d made repairs. They’d argued with him, but his
mind had been made up.
Big felt just as guilty for not saving those humans faster,
and he understood why his friend wanted to distance
himself for a little while. He’d assumed after a few months,
Blade would return. He’d been wrong.
The remaining five of them had sworn to never make
the same mistake of ignoring distress hails in their sector
again, the risk to their existence be damned. No one wanted
to see more dead females.
The next distress signal had come from a transport with
a damaged engine. They’d docked to the ship to give aid.
Instead of the clones being met with gratitude, the humans
had tried to kill them. They’d had no choice but to defend
All four human males ended up dying, refusing to cease
deadly aggression.
Another of his clone friends had left their home
afterward, taking that transport. Ram needed time alone to
recover from the emotional scars of having to kill to survive.
Big had experienced it again and again, with stupid
humans panicking and giving them no choice but to kill in
self-defense. It had devastated the clones. One by one, the
others had left their home base after those tragedies, until
only Big remained on the station.
He’d understood their need to travel, to explore, but it
wasn’t an urge he’d shared with them. He liked remaining in
one safe location. The raids on Clone World shuttles were a
necessity, not a challenge.
Big heard from his fellow freed clones from time to time.
They seemed to be doing well, if living as pirates could be
considered as such. They spoke via communications, but
one of them had gone silent almost a year ago. He secretly
feared Blade might be dead.
Big pushed the last container and followed it. He was
glad that Gemma had remained safely belted in her seat. He
sealed the door before pushing the plasma crate against the
wall and strapping it into place. The last of the cargo was
“Can I get up now?” Gemma reached for the belt
“No. Stay strapped in. I’m going to reestablish gravity in
a few minutes. I don’t want you to fall. I just need to check
the ties on all these containers to make certain they don’t
shift and break. It’s faster to do without gravity. These
crates weigh just over four hundred pounds each. I’m
strong, but it would be a strain when dealing with so many.”
She frowned. “This is the worst dream ever.”
He gave a sharp nod, as if agreeing. She was mentally
stable as long as she kept believing this was a dream. He’d
deal with the fallout later, once he blew up the transport to
erase all traces of him being there. He didn’t need another
criminal charge tacked onto his record.
Chapter Three

Gemma followed the tall hunk through his ship, to the

front of the vessel. It had a tricked-out cockpit with two
seats. Good thing, because her limbs felt oddly heavy after
being weightless. She gazed at stars and a lot of blackness
through the front window.
“Strap in,” Big ordered, taking the seat to the left.
“Where are the planets and the moon? The sun? Aren’t
we supposed to be in space? Can we see Earth? I might as
well enjoy the view while I’m trapped here.”
“Strap in, please.”
She sighed and took a seat, putting on the belts. “Fine.”
“We’re in deep space, not in Earth’s solar system.”
“You mean I dreamed up a black hole? Fantastic.”
He grinned and started the engines. Everything vibrated
and lots of lights came on across the dashboard. She
noticed some kind of device in front of her. It reminded her
of one of her son’s video game controllers. “Can I fly?”
“No.” He flipped switches. “I am not giving control to
your side. We’re undocking from the transport and then I’m
going to destroy it.”
“Isn’t Sherlock still over there?”
“The android? Yes. I left it. It’s of no use to me.”
“Awesome. Can I blow it up?” She stared out the big
window and saw another ship slowly come into view. It
appeared boxy in shape and was a light gray color. Seven
numbers were painted in black on the side. “I mean, why
the hell not? The robot has bugged the crap out of me since
this dream started. I might as well get a little joy out of
killing it off in my imagination.”
“Push the white button near your left hand when I tell
you to.”
She reached out. “This one?”
“Yes.” The space pirate flipped another switch. “Hang on
while I target the transport.”
He toyed with his large joystick. She grinned and
watched as they backed farther from the boxlike ship. Big
pushed some more buttons on a console over his head, then
gripped another joystick attached by a thick sleeve on the
He glanced at her. “Hit the white button now. We’re
locked onto the transport.”
She pressed the button with gusto.
Nothing seemed to happen.
But then a hole suddenly appeared in the side of the
other ship. She expected it to burst apart, blow up, but
instead, big dents began to appear on the metal. It seemed
to shrink inward on itself, then small pieces broke off around
the edges of the main body, floating outward. There were a
few sudden bursts of lights flashing in certain parts of the
ship as more holes appeared, and the metal shell seemed to
crumple more.
“That’s it? No big bang? No blast of fire? That was kind
of a letdown.”
He chuckled. “Sorry. I just breached the interior to
decompress the ship. I try to make these things look as if
they were accidental. The distress signal didn’t specify the
problem. These supply transports are always computer
piloted, and it will be impossible for them to take stock of
what was inside. The transport is too crushed, and it’s not
worth hauling it to a docking station and bringing it inside to
see what can be salvaged.”
“Shuttles accidentally decompress? Does that happen
often in this dream world?”
“It does if the autopilot is faulty and unable to avoid
space debris or asteroids. Rapid decompression will crush
the ship. It comes apart at that point. I fired small asteroid
chunks at it to create the holes. You didn’t see them
because they’re as dark as space.”
She pulled her legs up and rested her chin on her bent
knee. “This sucks. I want to be on a beach next to the Pacific
Ocean. You could be my cabana boy.” She looked at him.
“Maybe not. You’re too large to be a boy anything.”
He messed with more buttons, some switches, and his
joysticks. “I know this is difficult for you to believe, but the
time you knew is gone. You really are existing in what you
would consider the future. I’m setting a course for home.”
He slid out of the seat and bent next to her, releasing
her belt. “Come with me.” He stood and held out his arm.
“No other ships are in range and my autopilot will alert me if
that changes.”
“Right, right. You’re a pirate, and now the space police
will want to catch us.”
“They’ll kill us. I’ve possibly got an active death warrant
out on me already, and you’re an illegally created clone.
We’ll be safe when we reach home base.”
“Okay. Now we’re playing baseball? This is so weird.”
She took his hand and let him pull her to her feet.
He grinned. “Home base is where I live. It’s a closed
mining station inside a moon. The company that built it
tapped out on the minerals they sought and abandoned the
facility. A group of us found it and restored power.”
“Of course you did.” Everything in this dream was
turning out to be weird. She followed him out of the cockpit
and into the narrow corridor they’d come from after leaving
the cargo area. “So…a group?”
“There were six of us. All clones. It’s just me living on
the station now. They wanted to travel and seek
He stopped in front of double doors and pressed a
button. They slid open to reveal a small square room. He
entered and tugged her along. The doors sealed, and she
felt a sharp drop. She gasped and squeezed his hand
“The living quarters are below. Take it easy. This is a
“Elevator. Got it. How many floors does this ship have?”
“Two. Cargo and function operations are on the top
section. Living quarters are below. The engines take up the
entire back half of the lower section. I apologize that it’s not
a smoother transition between floors. I need to fix that but
haven’t gotten around to it yet. That repair wasn’t a
The elevator stopped moving and the doors opened. Big
kept ahold of her as he brought her into another narrow
hallway. They passed two closed doors. He stopped at the
third one and opened it by pressing his hand on a panel. It
lit up and seemed to scan his palm. The door slid open.
Gemma released him and stepped inside to see what
she assumed was a bedroom. The king-size mattress was a
good clue. But it was the wall to the right that mesmerized
her as she approached. It appeared to be the biggest
television she’d ever seen. It ran floor to ceiling, taking up
the entire flat surface.
The image currently displayed showed a beach. It
looked extremely realistic. She could almost see every grain
of sand, and the crashing waves were spectacular. It was a
view of a cove, with big rock walls on both sides of the small
beach, the sun shining brightly in a clear blue sky.
“This is what I’m talking about.”
“I hoped you’d enjoy that view. I programmed the
screen from the cockpit once you mentioned the Pacific
Ocean. These entertainment walls are included with most
shuttles. It helps combat claustrophobia for the crew, who
spend months in space. I usually view other planets, but you
mentioned a preference for sunny beaches. This is from
She reached out and touched the wall. It was felt like
glass but it looked real enough to step into. It was a shame
there wasn’t sound.
She turned and stared at him.
“There are some things I must tell you, and I need you
to trust me. Please understand that you’re safe. I won’t hurt
you. This is going to be difficult to hear, but I’m going to
help you every step of the way. Change can be a good
experience. I’m trying to imagine how you will feel…and
your reactions once the denial wears off. But there’s nothing
to fear. You’re not alone, and we are the same.” He sucked
in a deep breath.
He studied her. “Cloning technology advanced beyond
what you could imagine. You are a clone, with the memories
and feelings of the woman you still believe yourself to be.
Look at your hands. That should be proof enough.”
She lifted one hand to study it. “I see. I’m young again.
No wrinkles or age spots. Who doesn’t dream that?”
“I’m a clone. So are you. We were each created for
different purposes. I’m still a living person, with emotions
and feelings. I’m as real as anyone born to a mother and a
father. I debated on allowing you to come to terms with your
new reality on your own, but I want to be with you when it
happens. I’m afraid you’ll hurt yourself if I’m not at your
She frowned. “This conversation is getting too heavy.
I’m not happy about dying, but I’m a realist. Everyone goes
at some point. We can’t live forever. I just wish I had more
time. Then again, I’ve lost some people before they’d even
reached my age. I just wanted to survive long enough to see
my sons marry and hold a grandbaby or two.”
He took her arm and turned her toward the large TV
wall. He reached up with his other hand and touched part of
it. A small blue keyboard appeared and he tapped
commands into it. The beach view disappeared, and it
became a giant mirror. He stepped closer to her and met her
gaze in the glass.
She studied her face. It looked like her old pictures of
herself. Her hair had been pulled back into a bun, something
she really hadn’t noticed until then. It had been too
distracting waking in what she thought was a coffin, then
immediately dealing with the annoying robot, and finally the
pirate taking her onto his ship.
She leaned in, almost pressing her nose to the glass.
Her skin appeared flawless and healthy. The scar on her
forehead wasn’t there anymore. She’d fallen off her bike as
a kid and needed six stitches. She backed up a little,
checking out her body.
“This is amazing. Look how thin and in shape I am!” She
tugged out of his hold and flattened a hand over her
“There’s your proof.”
She grinned and met his gaze in the mirror. “Honey, I
don’t think I ever looked this good in real life. I was always
chubby when I was younger.” She turned sideways. “I
always wanted to be skinny. Now I am.”
“Some of your genetics would have been enhanced.
That’s standard for a clone.”
“Enhanced?” She was still admiring her body in the
“The company screens out genetic defects. All illnesses
are removed and you have an improved immune system.
You were altered on a cellular level to avoid aging the way
normal people do. Every three months, you need a plasma
transfer to feed those cells that work to keep us in great
health. We also need plasma if we’re seriously injured. It’s
one of the reasons I targeted that transport. They were
carrying clone plasma to resupply Clone World. I’m
stockpiling a vast supply. What I just stole is enough to last
six clones for approximately five years.”
“Blood?” She scowled at him. “Now we’re vampires?”
“It’s not blood as you know it. It’s plasma cells that were
created by JDJ Cryo Corp to replenish dying ones in clones,
and they keep us in peak condition. Without new plasma, we
don’t begin to age, but our bodies will start to break down.
We’ll grow weak and die in a matter of months. It was a way
for the company to keep control of us, while also making
more money off the clients we’re sold to.”
“This is getting too weird for me.” She faced him. “As
kickin’ as this body is, I’d like to see the beach again.”
He reached up and tapped the panel, changing the
screen back to the cove. “You don’t believe me…but you
She sighed, growing tired of the dream. “This can’t be
real. It’s too crazy.”
“I understand. You’re from a time period where none of
this was possible. It’s true, though. You died, and I believe
your body was mistakenly stolen by JDJ Cryo Corp to get
tissue and the brain of the singer who shared your name.
They began doing that in the early two thousands, from
what I remember of the information I’ve read. They just
couldn’t perfect the technology until much later. You were
ordered to be created by the owner of Clone World, and
were being shipped to him. You’re a clone with the
memories of someone who died.” He paused. “Look at it this
way. You are the same person, but you have a new and
much-improved body.”
“Cool concept. Who wouldn’t want to be given a second
chance at life in a young body? Not me, said no one ever.
It’s the thing fantasies are made of. One problem, Big.”
“What’s that?”
“How did they rip my brain out of my body and put it
into another? It’s one thing to donate a kidney or
something. It’s entirely another to pass memories and
emotions to someone the way they can with a transplant.”
“Your brain is also cloned. The original one will be kept
in storage in case someone else orders a Gemma Grady
That was a disturbing concept. “There could be more
versions of me out there?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Who wake up in the future?”
“With all my memories intact?”
“Yes, if the buyer wants the clone to retain the
memories and personality of the source material. It’s a law
that clones must be blanked of any memories, until they’re
programed for their purpose right before being awoken. JDJ
Cryo Corp is willing to break that law. The company has sold
illegal clones before.”
She refused to consider any of that. “I’m me. I don’t
care what you say. I remember my parents. I still ache over
their loss. I’m replaying my life inside my head and there
are no gaps. I can even remember how furious and hurt I
felt when my ex-husband came home from work one day
and informed me that he’d been having an affair with his
law partner, and she’d gotten pregnant. Our boys were ten
and thirteen. I had to go through pure hell trying to piece
my life back together after he walked out, and struggled to
make certain our sons were okay. Then the bastard tried to
fuck me blind in the divorce settlement. That happened to
me, not someone else.”
“The source mind’s memories have been copied
precisely, Gemma. You saw your new body. It’s much
younger than the one you remember, and it’s been
“That’s because I’m drugged up in a hospital and having
this dream! I’m as high as a kite.”
He sighed. “You just woke inside a shipping container.
How do you feel? A trained clone medic should be attending
to you and checking you over. Are you tired or hungry?
“No. I’m just frustrated.” She pressed her finger to the
glass. “I want to be there, on that beach instead, of out
here. No offense.”
He tapped on the wall and the keypad returned. Big
punched in something. She startled when the faint sound of
waves came from all directions. They crashed onto the
beach as balmy air blew across her skin. The temperature
inside the room even seemed to grow warmer.
“This is the best I can do. Welcome to the comforts of
modern technology.”
She inhaled and swore the smell of the ocean filled her
nose. “That’s cool. Finally, something awesome.”
Chapter Four

Big dropped his hand and the control pad disappeared,

merging with the ocean view. “I’m not leaving you alone at
any time, until I make certain you adjust to your new life in
a positive way.”
Gemma was amazed by the things happening in her
dream. “How is that your problem?” She faced him.
He put his hands on his hips. “I don’t want to lose you,
Gemma. I’ve been alone for far too long, and…I need you.
I’m going to change my clothing. Just look at your beach
while I get into something more comfortable to wear.”
She glanced down at his black outfit. It hugged every
muscled, big-bodied inch of him. “It does look a little tight.”
“It’s protective gear.” He spread his hand on his broad
chest. “Grade ten. It can withstand laser blasts without
them penetrating, but the material feels scratchy. Some of
those transports have automated defenses that activate
when they’re being boarded without a security code. I
apologize for carrying a weapon when we first met, but it
was possible that I’d run into a security android, trained to
kill. They occasionally have one onboard. It’s rare but it
“Sherlock wasn’t a security android?”
“No. It was a repair model without weapons.”
He began to strip. Gemma didn’t turn her back on him,
instead watching his every move.
He removed the shirt from his body, wiggling quite a bit
since the material wanted to cling to every muscle. His taut,
ripped stomach and firm skin looked spectacular. He was
damn near perfect.
The shirt was momentarily stuck over his head as he
struggled to pull it over his huge biceps. Gemma
appreciated the sight of those, too, as his arms were
exposed. He finally got it off and tossed it to the floor. He
reached for his pants—then stilled, his gaze fixing on her.
“Go right ahead,” she urged. “I’m not missing out if you
feel the need to get naked.”
He arched both of his black eyebrows.
“Are you shy?”
He hooked two fingers into the front seam, and it parted
slightly. He walked to the end of the bed and sat, bending
down to grip his boots. They came off quickly and he threw
them toward the far wall. He stood again, then took a few
steps closer to her.
“Not at all. You may watch me.” A wicked smile curved
his lips, making him appear even more handsome.
Big was definitely hot, she decided. Her sons would be
horrified if they knew where her dream had traveled. Then
again, she’d told them before that she was old, not dead.
Just because she was in her fifties didn’t mean she didn’t
have a sex drive. As a matter of fact, in the years since the
divorce, she’d missed sex a lot. She just hadn’t done much
about it, since it had been her job to raise her boys and get
them through college. The occasional hook-up was about
the extent of the sex she’d had throughout the long years.
And those had been few and very far in-between.
It hadn’t helped that her sons were very protective of
her, always chasing off men who asked her out. On the
bright side, she’d gotten to spend a lot of time with them
both. She’d picked up all their kid slang, which made her
friends laugh. She was also more aware of the bands they
played in her car than the ones she’d grown up with.
She’d been a cool mom, or tried her best to be. Their
father had basically abandoned them after starting his
second family. It meant she’d worked twice as hard to make
up for his inattention.
Sadness tugged at Gemma, thinking about her boys and
what they’d face once she died…but Big quickly distracted
her from her thoughts.
He dug his fingers into the seam of his pants again and
they parted completely at the top, revealing a line of skin
and black material under the pants. He gripped both sides
of the waist, wiggling his hips as he worked the clingy
material downward, revealing a pair of tight briefs. He bent,
stripping out of each leg, and left the pants on the floor
when he stepped back.
Finally, he straightened…and hooked his thumbs into
the waist of his briefs.
“I’m taking it all off. These are protective wear, also.”
She leaned back against the glass. He had an almost
perfect body, and she was glad to focus all her attention on
him. Only a few scars marred his skin. One on his chest near
his left nipple. It was a jagged mark about two inches in
length. There was also a rounded scar on his left thigh, a
few inches above his knee. She liked the fact that he wasn’t
overly hairy, but there was some on his chest. He was man
candy all the way.
“Go right ahead,” she encouraged.
He pulled the shorts down a few inches, and she
realized she was holding her breath. He paused, and she
looked up at his face to find him watching her with narrowed
“Your interest is making me hard. Fair warning.”
She glanced down, not seeing a bulge. With her luck,
her space pirate from the future would have a tiny dick. So
far the drug-induced dream she’d been subjected to hadn’t
been very fun. It figures.
When she said nothing, merely waited, he shrugged and
shoved the briefs down to his thighs.
Gemma’s mouth parted in surprise when his cock
sprang free. Where was he hiding that? It didn’t seem
possible, since those shorts were small—but he sure wasn’t.
Her gaze lowed to the tight shorts as he removed them,
seeing a cup-like thing inside them. It was formed in a way
that would have curved over his groin. Dream. Right. The
impossible is possible. He goes from no bulge, to oh my
goodness, that thing is huge.
He bent forward, stepping out of the shorts, then
straightened. Gemma was focused on the part of him that
was pointing at her. He stepped closer, and she finally tore
her gaze away from his cock. A small tattoo on the side of
his hip caught her attention.
“Of course. What kind of pirate wouldn’t have one?”
He cleared his throat. “What?”
“The tattoo. What is it?” It looked round, but she was too
far away to see what filled the inked space.
“All clones have them. It’s the equivalent of a belly
button for a birthed person. They stamp us with the
company logo to hide the scar of where we were attached to
the artificial womb we were grown inside.”
Her gaze darted to his stomach. “You have a belly
button. So do I.”
“It’s for appearances only. All clones have tattoos on our
hips. Look. You’ll have one.”
She frowned, looking down her body, then tugged on
the left side of her strange underwear. She didn’t see
The right hip, though, had a round stamp.
She fingered it, feeling light scars under the surface. Her
gaze lifted to Big’s.
Maybe she’d watched too many science fiction movies.
Big approached her slowly. “Do you still want to try
gravity-free sex?” He paused so close that they nearly
touched, and he reached up toward the panel of glass.
“Hang on to me, Gemma.”
The lightheaded sensation returned, and she could feel
the weight of her body changing as her toes lifted from the
floor. She gasped and clutched at his arm. He wrapped the
other around her waist, jerked her against his body, then
lifted her slightly, until their faces were level. She let go of
his arm and clutched at his broad shoulders. His skin was
firm and warm under her fingers.
“You have no idea how lonely I’ve been,” he rasped.
Gemma stared into his blue eyes. They were truly
beautiful. She’s always been attracted to men with brown
eyes, but Big changed her mind.
He tilted his head slightly—then went for her mouth
without warning.
Gemma closed her eyes when his lips brushed against
hers, tender and surprisingly soft.
He kept her locked against his body, using his other
hand to grip her ass, giving it a squeeze. He groaned and
deepened the kiss, and she parted her lips to his tongue.
This was more like it. He was a great kisser, and she was all
for getting caught up in an erotic dream. They were a rarity
for her. And thinking was overrated when she could feel
instead. The hunger and passion he dished out was
something she eagerly met.
It had been a long time since she’d had sex, even in a
dream. She planned to make the best of it as she slid one
hand along his shoulder to the back of his neck, then fisted
a handful of his silky hair. She didn’t pull it; didn’t want him
to stop kissing her.
His hand on her ass slid lower, between her thighs. She
spread them, wrapping her legs around his waist. He rubbed
her pussy, but pulled away too quickly, instead finding the
top of her white shorts. His fingers dug into the waistband
and he tore them down, baring part of her ass. Material
ripped, but she didn’t care. It just proved it was a dream. In
real life, he couldn’t have done that.
He pulled his mouth away from her, and she regretted
the loss of his hot kiss. She opened her eyes and stared into
those blue depths. “Forgive me, but it’s been too damn
long, baby. I want inside you. Unwrap your legs now.”
He let her waist go, and it took effort to follow his
command. She released her grip on his hips with her thighs
and sucked in a sharp breath of air when he lifted her
higher, the fast motion making her a little disorientated. She
floated above his head, and Big ripped her shorts off
completely. They came off in two pieces that floated away.
He grabbed her thighs and spread them, then yanked
her close to his face.
“Fuck,” Gemma gasped when his mouth was suddenly
on her pussy. Her thighs tried to slam closed but his hands
kept that from happening. She tried to wiggle away, but the
lack of gravity worked against her.
The hungry kisses were now focused between her legs.
Sensations assaulted her as his tongue and mouth fastened
onto her clit. He licked and sucked aggressively, almost to
the point of pain. It didn’t hurt though. Raw pleasure jolted
through her. All desire to get away from him ended.
“Yes!” She frantically twisted her head, looking for
something to grab hold of. She wasn’t near anything. She
closed her eyes and fisted her hands.
Big was merciless with his mouth. He sucked on her clit,
even lightly raking his lower teeth over the sensitive nub.
Her nipples beaded and an ache began in her center. She
wiggled her hips, unable to hold still. He just tightened his
grip and kept her tight to his mouth.
Her muscles tensed and she moaned loudly. Thought
became impossible—and then she was shouting, climaxing
hard. Blinding ecstasy almost tore her apart from the inside
out. Big’s mouth left her clit and he released her thighs,
grabbing her ass before dragging her pussy along his body,
down his chest and abdomen, as she lie back as if reclining
on air. She opened her eyes when his harsh voice startled
“Wrap around me.”
He let go of her ass with one hand and she looked down,
watching him grip the shaft of his thick cock. He used his
hold on her ass to bring her forward, maneuvering her body
until the crown of his shaft brushed her pussy—then he
pulled her down, entering her.
Gemma threw her head back and cried out as he filled
her. He must have released his cock, because suddenly both
hands cupped her ass and he began moving her weightless
body back and forth, fucking her hard. She was really wet
from coming already, and Big felt amazing moving inside
He groaned loudly. “So damn hot and perfect.”
She wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to grab
ahold of his wrists, but the hands on her ass were moving
too fast, still manipulating her body. She tightened her
stomach in a sit-up maneuver. That worked. Her fingertips
brushed his biceps, then she had a good grip on him. Pulling
her upper body against Big’s, Gemma clutched at his
shoulders, her covered nipples rubbing against his chest
every time he slammed the cradle of her thighs against his
pelvis, fucking her fast and deep.
She tilted her head forward to rest on his shoulder and
held him tight in her arms as he pounded her. It felt
incredible; their bodies locked together as they were made
his lower belly rub against her oversensitive and still swollen
She dug her nails into his back, crying out as she
climaxed a second time.
Big groaned loudly and his body quaked. He stilled her
hips, just keeping them locked together with his cock buried
deep inside her pussy. He brought his knees up, so she was
essentially sitting on his lap. He rocked her hips against him
gently, groaning softer.
Gemma closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath.
Big brushed a kiss against her neck. “I’m not letting you
go, Gemma,” he whispered.
“Good. This is perfect. I like being close to you.” They
were wrapped around each other tightly.
Something bumped against her foot, and she opened
her eyes, peering over Big’s shoulder. His hair floated
around his head but she could still see what had touched
her toe. It was one of his boots. She was also startled to
learn they had floated upside down at some point, their
bodies now near the closet. She straightened her leg to kick
out and the footwear went sailing toward the wall, where it
hit and bounced back.
“Shit,” she muttered. “Incoming.”
He lifted his head and stopped teasing her neck with
light kisses. “What?”
The boot must have hit him, because he grunted and
twisted his head. He looked at her then and smiled. “Maybe
we should do this with gravity on.”
Motion drew her attention as the boot floated across the
room again. It hit the wall and came back toward them. It
was like the world’s slowest ping-pong action going on.
“Here it comes again.”
He unbent his knees. “Hold on.”
She changed her hold around his neck and clasped her
legs tighter around his hips. He must have been able to
reach something with his feet because they were suddenly
moving toward the floor. She looked down—or rather, up—at
it, a bit weirded out that they were upside down yet it didn’t
feel that way. It just seemed wrong to see the room from
that view.
He flattened his hands when they reached the floor and
pushed off. They floated back up until his feet touched the
ceiling. He pushed off again and they were moving once
Gemma closed her eyes. “This is too weird. I want
“I’m working on reaching the panel.”
She pressed her face against his throat and his arms
went around her again. They hit something, but he
cushioned her with his body. His muscles tensed as he
pushed off some surface, possibly the floor again. She
opened her eyes as he maneuvered his body, turning them
until their bodies were horizontal.
“Almost there,” he chuckled.
She tilted her head way back and saw the beach coming
at them. She regretted looking. It disorientated her seeing it
from her position, giving it the impression the waves were
on the ceiling.
“Gravity for sure,” she agreed.
They hit the wall and Big stretched out his arm, pressing
his hand against the glass. “Got it.”
They fell fast, and Big cursed. They hit the carpet on
their sides but she had to give the man credit. He grabbed
her head at the last second and cushioned her cheek with
his palm. His head didn’t fare so well as he smacked into the
“Sorry. I only had a second to shut it off before we went
across the room again. I didn’t have time to gradually
restore it.” He rolled onto his back, lifting her away from the
carpet. “Are you okay?”
She shifted her lower leg, trapped under him, and he
helped by adjusting his body. She ended up straddling his
lap. They weren’t intimately linked anymore. All that moving
he’d done had unseated him from inside her.
“I’m good.”
He sat up, and it made her almost tip backward off him.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and jerked her
upright, until she sat on his semi-hard cock. He kept her in
his arms, holding her close.

Big regretted the no-gravity thing. He should have

programmed the controls to restore gravity after a time but
he’d been too eager to get his hands on Gemma. He’d
wanted to seduce her, and had succeeded, but it wasn’t as
smooth as he’d have liked.
He hadn’t even taken her top off. He slid his hands up
her back now and snagged the material, gently pushing it
up. Gemma lifted her arms to help. He threw the thing,
promising to burn it later. It was biodegradable clone-issued
clothing direct from the factory, and she deserved better.
The sight of her breasts made him hard all over again. It
helped that she sat on his dick, her pussy still so wet.
He drew his knees up to brace her and sat up straighter,
forcing her to lean back. He dipped his head and captured
one of her nipples in his mouth. She clearly hadn’t expected
that, and she sucked in a sharp breath. Big feasted on her.
Her nipple hardened against his tongue and he nipped it
with his teeth. Gemma’s moan made him more aroused, and
he reached down, gripping her hips. He lifted her, wiggled
his ass on the carpet until she was right where he wanted
her, then eased her down onto his shaft.
Gemma dug her fingers into his shoulders and moaned
as he settled all the way inside her. He probably should have
given her some recovery time, but after years without sex—
long before he escaped Clone World—he was horny as hell.
He’d forgotten how amazing it felt to be buried balls deep
inside a woman. He had a lot of time to make up for.
He used his hold on her hips to move her up and down.
He released her breast from his mouth and went for the
other. He’d missed that, too. Touching and tasting. He loved
the way Gemma moaned and how one of her hands dug into
his hair, her fingernails lightly scratching his scalp.
He released her breast when her pussy started to
tighten to the point of near pain. He eased her down his
shaft, released her hips, and held her close as he leaned
back. Then he rolled over to pin Gemma under him.
He braced one arm to hold his upper body weight from
hers and ordered her to spread her legs wider. She did it,
and he slipped his hand between their bodies. He brushed
his thumb against her clit, spread his legs to adjust the
angle of his hips, and fucked her hard, thrusting his hips
faster and faster. He rubbed her clit with his thumb all the
while and watched her face. Gemma’s eyes were closed, her
mouth open. Sexy moans poured from her throat—and then
her features tensed, her head tilting back as her mouth
opened wider.
“Come for me,” he rasped. He was going to blow. His
balls were drawn up tight and he knew he couldn’t last
much longer.
Gemma cried out his name and her pussy squeezed
him, hard. He clenched his teeth, fighting to move inside her
and that was it. He came hard, shooting his semen deep
into her body.
He tore his hand away from her clit and threw his
forearm down to keep from collapsing on top of her,
crushing her with his weight. He swore right then that no
matter what it took, he’d make damn sure she accepted
what she was and remained with him.
He hadn’t been lying when he told Gemma he was
keeping her.
Chapter Five

“I’m sorry.”
Gemma held still as Big rubbed a cool, creamy
substance on her ass and lower back. Her skin burned
slightly but the stuff he gently worked into her skin made it
stop. She wasn’t even concerned that she lie face down on
the bed with her hips over his lap. They were both still
naked. She was too lost in her thoughts and a bit confused.
“Are the drugs wearing off, since I can feel pain?”
“This cream will heal you, Gemma. It takes about five
minutes. I stole a crate of it as well from that transport. It’s
for minor surface skin injuries for clones.”
“No, I mean…I was burned. I didn’t feel the pain before,
but now I do.”
He paused in applying the stuff.
She lifted her head, staring at him. “What’s going on in
the real world? Do you know? I’m still dreaming but I can
feel the burns. Does that mean the doctors are trying to
wake me up by easing me off the pain meds?”
“You need to stop.”
“Stop what?”
Emotion twisted his features. “Your skin was too soft for
the carpet, and that’s why you are experiencing a slight
burning sensation. My fucking you on the floor caused small
abrasions along your ass and lower back. That ‘real world’
you refer to no longer exists. That’s in the past.”
She dropped her head as he spread more of the creamy
stuff over her skin. “Maybe I’m in a coma and my boys
refuse to shut off life support. That would account for how
long this dream has lasted.”
Big’s tensed under her, and he paused rubbing in the
cream once more. “Forgive me for this, sweetheart.”
“For what?”
Gemma jolted when he sharply slapped her ass with one
of his big hands. The sting burned and tears filled her eyes.
She tried to twist off his lap onto the floor, but he locked her
in place by pressing his forearm against her lower back. She
looked back at him, pissed that he’d hit her.
“That hurt!”
“I know.” He nodded. “This is real life, Gemma.”
She frantically wiggled, clawing at the bed. “Let me go,
you sadistic bastard!”
He refused. “I took no pleasure in that. But do I need to
do it again?”
“Don’t you dare!” She tried to roll again, but he pinned
her more firmly with his hands now, keeping her trapped on
his lap.
“You need to face reality.” He’d softened his tone, and a
look of almost regret flashed in his eyes. “You’re not the
Gemma Grady from 2020. She died. You were created in a
clone manufacturing plant. I’m real. This is reality. It’s the
year 2141. I’m not a figment of your imagination or some
dream. I’m a clone, as well. We’re alive, Gemma.” He
tenderly caressed the spot on her ass that he’d smacked.
“That pain you just felt was from my very genuine hand on
your very real, very luscious ass.”
She stopped trying to get away. “That’s impossible.”
“Why? Because the technology didn’t exist in your time?
You seem like a smart woman. I want you to think back to
when you were a little girl. Can you do that?”
“Of course. I’m not senile.”
“Do you remember the technology inside your home
when you were about five years old?”
“How old were you in 2020?”
“Imagine your childhood, and then fast forward to your
age at the time of your death. How much had technology
changed in fifty-one years?”
She debated that a moment. “A lot. Computers where
these huge beasts of machinery that only high-tech
companies owned. They filled rooms yet barely did
anything.” She hesitated before going on, not liking where
his logic was headed. “They advanced so much that
computers became handheld devices that could do almost
everything. Phones used to be chunky devices plugged into
walls with cords. Now they make pocket-size cell phones
that you can take anywhere. They’re so complicated that
my boys are forever having to show me how to use the
features with every upgrade.”
“It’s been one hundred and twenty-one years since
then, Gemma.” He caressed her skin, no longer holding her
down. “Think about that, and all the possible things that
could have advanced in that amount of time. Be rational,
instead of focusing on what you want to believe.” He finally
let her go.
Gemma crawled off his lap and sat on the bed. The
wheels of her brain churned. Televisions flashed through her
mind. They’d been bulky boxes when was a kid, with grainy
reception and rabbit ears. The television in her living room
the day she’d been in the explosion was a seventy-inch
wide-screen with amazing clarity, surround sound, and a
sixth of the weight of the one from her childhood. It even
hooked to the internet. Movie rental places were a thing of
the past, since she could just order them directly from home
through her TV.
“What would the child in you have thought of the things
you had in 2020? Imagine five-year-old you stepping into
your life all those years later, seeing the things that had
changed.” Big turned on the bed and leaned in closer. “That
child would have believed it was a dream, that it was all
untrue, correct?”
Tears filled her eyes as she stared at him. So did Panic.
Her dream was quickly turning into a nightmare. “It can’t
be,” she whispered.
“Answer my question.”
Her chest hurt, and it became hard to breathe. Her
heart pounded. “I—she would have freaked out.”
“Five-year-old you wouldn’t have thought most of that
technology was possible. It was beyond her imagination.
Just as what I’ve told you is beyond yours right now, but it’s
real.” He reached out and took her hand. “I’m right here
with you, and you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to
you, Gemma. I’ll help you adjust to this new life.”
She pulled her hand away and got off the bed, pacing.
He stood and stepped into her path, gripping her
shoulders. “Breathe.”
“I am!”
“You’re hyperventilating. It’s okay, Gemma.”
Pure panic hit her as it sank in that he might be telling
the truth. Everything he said made chilling sense. Her kid
self would have freaked the hell out if she’d suddenly
stepped out of a time machine into the future. She’d have
had a rough time convincing her five-year-old self that it
was, in fact, reality.
What if Big was telling the truth? No dream had ever
lasted so long before. It was also super realistic. She could
smell and see with absolute clarity. Most of her dreams had
always been a big foggy, and when she’d realized she was
dreaming, she woke. Drugs could keep her down—but Big
slapping her ass had hurt. Surely that would have jerked her
out of any dream.
She glanced up at the sound of his gruff voice, seeing
concern on his handsome face. He looked real. Too real.
Everything did.
“No. It can’t be.”
He suddenly bent and scooped her into his arms,
returning them to the bed. He sat down, settling her
sideways across his lap as he leaned against the headboard.
“Everything I’ve told you is the truth. Your original body died
and was stolen by JDJ Cryo Corp. Someone mistook you for a
famous singer and they replicated you into a clone body. It
was cruel of them to keep your mind totally intact, letting
you wake thinking you were in that hospital from the end of
your previous life. That’s why it’s illegal to make clones with
memories. I’m not going to allow you to let this knowledge
drive you insane, though.” He held her tighter, rocking her
gently. “Cry, Gemma. Grieve the life that was once Gemma
Grady, and then you’ll start to heal. You can face this new
future with me.”
Hot tears spilled down her cheeks as if waiting for his
permission, and she clutched at him. Big felt real and solid.
Warm. “It can’t be,” she repeated yet again. Even though…
she was starting to believe.
He rested his chin on top of her head. “It is. You are the
person you were in your mind and heart, but your body is
She stared at her hand resting on his chest. There were
no age spots, no wrinkles, and no slight swelling in the
knuckles from arthritis…
Her dream had turned downright cruel, but she had to
admit it was the most realistic one she’d ever had.
Her ass still stung from where Big had slapped it. The
cream he’d put on her had already helped with the burning
sensation from the rug burn.
What if he’s telling the truth? What if I really am a
clone? Am I in the future? It seemed too unrealistic to be
true, but the sinking sensation in her stomach clued her in.
Things like this don’t really happen. Or do they? She
paused. Not in 2020, at least. But according to Big, it’s
He stroked her back, and it tickled a little. “It’s going to
be fine,” he soothed. “There’s nothing to fear. I’m going to
take care of you. You’re not alone.”
She tilted her head back and studied his face. He was
too handsome. Men that good-looking had stopped giving
her any attention since she’d hit forty. Of course, her divorce
had depressed her, and she’d grown addicted to chocolate
as a result. Which made her ex-husband sneer when he’d
picked up the boys, the few times he’d wanted to see his
sons right after the divorce.
The jackass had made snide comments about her
weight gain. Sixty pounds later, she’d finally realized she
had a problem and tried to shed some of it.
“Remain calm,” Big urged.
“Do you see me screaming?”
He arched his eyebrows.
“I’m just slightly panicking.”
“Tell me your concerns, and I’ll alleviate them.”
“I’m still trying to decide if this is real. I haven’t gotten
past that part yet.”
“We’ll be completely safe at my home base. I have
enough supplies to feed us and our plasma needs will be
met. It means I don’t have to raid any shuttles for a long
time. I was stockpiling supplies for the future. I can hold off
on doing that for a while, now that you’re with me. Raids are
the only time I face any real danger, but I won’t take you
with me. You’ll stay at the base, where it’s safe.”
“On a moon base? Even that is suspect. There was a
television show from when I was a kid about that very
subject. It just sounds crazy, Big.”
“We have three generators, and I have all of them
working smoothly. We could survive on one, if need be.
There are six air recyclers. The base runs on two, but there
are four more replacements in storage. We have power and
oxygen.” He paused. “Food. Plasma. That’s all we need. I
even hid the original entrance to the base. Anyone who
knew of its existence will believe it has been destroyed. The
authorities can’t find us.”
“You hid it?” That seemed unrealistic to her.
“The mining company stationed the base deep inside a
crater of the moon. I covered it. It looks as if an asteroid
slammed into it and destroyed the base.”
“How do you cover a crater with an asteroid? Is that
what you’re saying?”
He frowned. “This is your concern right now?”
She shook her head. “I guess not.” Her gaze focused on
her hand. She was young again, if he was telling the truth.
She had a new and improved body. One that wouldn’t age.
She was trying really hard not to flip out by taking some
calming breaths and thinking rationally.
“I still can’t understand how they could suck out my
memories and feelings to put them into another body.”
“Few people know how they do it. It’s classified.”
She bit her lip. “Maybe the brain is like on old vinyl
“I don’t know what that means.”
“It was a flat disk that had scratches in it. You put a
needle on it and it played the music imprinted on the
surface. Do you think they found a way to do that to a
“I couldn’t begin to guess.”
“Me either. And I could never figure out CDs. They’re
super smooth. Scratch one, though, and it never plays right
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She held Big’s gaze. “That’s how I feel right now.
Confused. I’m just trying to focus on the little things to avoid
the big picture, you know? I’m trying to avoid freaking the
fuck out.”
“You’re alive and with me. That’s all that is important,
Gemma. You’re safe.”
She thought of her boys. “I never got to say goodbye to
my sons.” It broke her heart, and more tears fell. “I’d
remember that if I had, right?”
“I don’t know, Gemma.”
Then it suddenly seemed to sink in. If everything Big
said was true, if she’d really died a hundred and twenty-one
years before…
Sharp grief stabbed her in chest as she realized what
that meant.
Her boys would have grown into old men and died.
It was rare for people to live for a hundred years. Her
boys had been in their twenties when she’d been burned.
That meant they’d been born over a hundred and forty
years ago, if it was actually the year 2141. Her sons were
Big held her tighter as her distress increased. “I’m here,
Gemma. Just breathe. You can’t change the past. It’s gone.
Focus on the now.”
Her boys had been her entire world. She attempted to
gain control of her grief. It wasn’t easy to do, but she’d
always been a strong woman. She’d had to be. Losing her
shit wasn’t something she ever allowed to happen unless
she was alone.
Her emotions were all over the place as she fought to
calm them. She was torn between sobbing, screaming, or
diving right back into denial. It would hurt less. The stabbing
pain to her chest was pure grief.
Her boys were long dead…and she was a clone.
I’m alive, she frantically reasoned. Not dying in a
hospital. It’s a second chance at life…but without my boys.
God. My boys! More tears filled her eyes that she tried to
blink back. It took effort but deep breaths helped. If all this
is true, I’m still alive. I’m a survivor, damn it! I don’t really
have a choice, do I? Think. Get your shit together, Gemma.
Falling apart isn’t going to change a thing.
“Can I look them up? I mean, what happened to my
boys? If this is the future, that means there must be a
record of the past and their lives. I just…” Her voice broke,
and she swallowed hard. “I need to know what happened to
“I’m sorry. I don’t have access to Earth databases here.
We can’t go somewhere that is still linked to that planet,
Gemma. The authorities would kill us on sight.”
She felt anger building as she stared into his eyes. That
was an emotion she could totally get on board with. “I have
a right to know what happened to my sons! I didn’t ask for
this bullshit to be done to me. Someone owes me answers,
goddamn it!”
“I agree with you, but birthed beings won’t.” He paused.
“Humans. They don’t care or acknowledge that we have
feelings. Clones are banned from living on Earth. Humans
are chipped with all their information and port authorities
would scan us when we landed on the surface, because
everyone must go through customs. We don’t have chips
implanted. It’s standard procedure to terminate clones who
attempt to return to Earth once we’re shipped from the
manufacturing plant. They don’t even allow us to be woken
until we’re off the planet.”
That confused her. “Why?”
“As I said, clones make humans uncomfortable. We look
too much like them. I suspect they fear we might blend in
and hide amongst them. That disturbs them for some
reason.” He sighed. “They probably fear an attack.
Regardless, no clones are permitted to live on Earth.”
“So lawmakers are still a bunch of assholes?” She
wasn’t surprised to learn that. “I need to know what
happened to my kids, if this is real, Big. I want to know what
kind of lives they led. I never got to say goodbye.”
He stopped stroking her back. “Will this help you?”
She nodded. “Yes. I need to know how they lived, if they
had kids.”
“You can’t visit any descendants if your sons had
children, Gemma. Not only are clones banned on Earth, but
you weren’t wiped of your memories. You’d be destroyed for
both of those offenses. Not to mention, sneaking onto
Earth’s surface would be impossible. Even if you managed
to find a highly skilled smuggler, do you know what the
punishment would be for a human to harbor a clone?”
“Everything they own would be confiscated by the
authorities and they’d be sentenced to death. You don’t
want that to happen to your descendants, even if they were
willing to hide you from the authorities.”
She bit her lip, horrified at the thought. “No. I wouldn’t
want them to risk that.”
“It’s best if you let it go.”
Gemma wasn’t certain how that would be possible. She
really wanted to learn how her boys had turned out. Did
they get married? Do I have grandbabies? Great-
Big sighed, drawing her attention. “Two of the clones I
escaped with are excellent hackers. I can ask one of them to
see if he is able to get into an Earth database by going close
to a station. It’s the best I can do. It might take a while for
him to obtain that information.”
“Thank you. I’d really appreciate that. I just need to
know what happened to my boys. I mean…” Her voice broke
as emotion choked her again.
He nodded. “It’s understandable. I want you to be
happy, Gemma. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you adjust
to your new life.”
She stared down at her younger body. “Things could be
a lot worse. That’s what I keep trying to tell myself. I’m alive
and not burned over eighty percent of my body anymore.
I’m trying to focus on that instead of completely freaking
“You’re beautiful, and you’ll always remain young.”
“There’s that, too.”
He held her gaze. “And you have me. You’re never going
to be alone.”
She studied his face. He was a handsome man with a
gorgeous body…and a certain part of that body was stirring
beneath her. “Things are looking…up. That certainly helps.”
Big chuckled. “Sorry. You make me hard.”
She was very aware of that. “So I feel.”
He got them both off the bed and held out his hand.
“Let’s take a bath together.”
“You have a bathtub on a space shuttle?”
She followed him into the bathroom. It wasn’t like one
from her time, to say the least. It was just an empty space.
Big walked over to the wall and touched a panel, before
backing away. The wall opened and a large tub slid out.
Gemma had no words.
He moved around the bathroom, activating more panels
to open. He looked at her when he was done. “I’ll teach you
how to use everything in here. I suspect it’s not what you’re
used to.”
“You can say that again. I’m not in Kansas anymore.”
“Is that the part of Earth where you lived?”
“No. It’s just a movie reference that you wouldn’t
understand. You probably never watched it. I lived in
Big stirred from the bed as Gemma slept. He put on his
pants and quietly left the room. He went to the higher deck
and took a seat in the pilot chair, checking long-range
sensors. The computer would notify him if they encountered
another ship but he liked to visually inspect the scans
himself. Computers had been known to fail.
They were still safe from pursuit.
“Monitor for motion in my sleeping quarters,” he
ordered the onboard computer. It would alert him if Gemma
got out of bed.
He hailed Blade, something he tried to do every month
or so, worried about his unresponsive friend. It had been
nearly a year since he’d been heard from him. It was
possible that Blade had been captured or killed. The thought
saddened Big. He typed in the signal code for Blade’s ship
and pinged it. Seconds turned into long minutes.
There was no response.
His fingers flew over the console as he typed the code
to reach Fig next. He got an immediate response. He smiled
hearing the familiar deep voice he’d missed.
“Hi, Dad. Are you just checking in on your lost sheep?”
It amused Big that he’d gotten tagged with that
designation by his friends. “Yes, my number-one son.” It was
his way of telling Fig that he wasn’t being forced to contact
him and everything was fine on his end. “How are you
“Surviving. Things are slow. How about you? Are you
doing well?”
“I’m good.” Big paused. “Have you heard from your
sharpest brother?” he asked, referring to Blade.
“No. Not for a long time.”
“I haven’t either,” Big admitted. “I know what we said,
but I’m worried. Are you anywhere near where he was
working last? I thought maybe you could check in on him. I
don’t want to travel that far, now that I’m not alone.”
“One of my brothers has come home?”
“No.” Big had to be careful what he said. It was possible
for someone to hack into their signals and overhear their
private communications. “I met a woman on a resupply run.
We have a lot in common, the same line of work, and I’d like
her to become your mom. I’m taking her home now.” It was
his way of saying he’d stolen a female clone off a shuttle
traveling to Clone World.
“Shit.” Fig sounded shocked. “How are you getting
He remembered the bath they’d taken together, and
making love to her before that. “Really well.” He grinned.
“It’s nice to have someone to share my life with. I’m falling
for her.”
“I bet. I envy you that. I never meet anyone at work.
How did you manage it?”
Big understood. Transport shuttles with clones aboard
were heavily guarded and ones they avoided raiding. “It’s
really complicated.”
“How complicated? Do you need me to come to you?
Are you desperate for supplies? I can bring you some.”
Fig was worried he needed plasma. All the supply
transports were heavily guarded in his region of space, and
he suspected Fig though he’d been desperate enough to
attack one. “It’s not what you think. I’m fine and well
supplied. It’s one of those difficult situations that can turn
tragic if I don’t help her adjust to all the new changes.” Big
hoped that was enough to convey what he meant.
Fig remained silent for a long moment. “Tragic? Are you
saying what I think you are?”
“A dozen times over,” he hinted.
“Shit. I understand. This isn’t something anyone would
have written home about, is it?”
Big sighed. They all knew the history of the original
twelve. “This isn’t a storybook situation.” The book referred
to legal purchases by Clone World. “She has a lot to deal
with, but I’m hoping that our relationship can work.”
“Maybe I don’t envy you. That’s got to be rough for her.
How is she taking life with you so far?”
“Better than expected. She’s strong. Can you check on
your sharpest brother? I’m going to contact your other
brothers and ask if they’ve heard anything.”
“There’s no need to do that. I’ve spoken to them
recently. They haven’t. We’re all worried. I was planning on
swinging by where he was working the last time I spoke to
him and checking it out.”
“Thank you. Let me know if you learn anything.”
“Let me know how you and this new woman are doing.
I’d like to meet her at some point, since we’re family now.”
“Anytime. You know you’re always welcome to come
Big missed the other five men he’d escaped with from
Clone World, but he’d formed an especially tight bond with
Blade, Fig, and Free. “We’d love the company.”
“I hear that. I miss everyone.” Fig paused. “I’m lonely.”
“Come home as soon as you’re done checking on your
brother. I’m hoping you bring him with you.”
“I’ll do my best. I’m out, Dad.”
“Take care, son. Be careful.” Big ended the transmission.
He checked long-range sensors again and estimated
travel time until they reached home base. It would be a
relief once he had Gemma safely on the moon. The crater
may as well have become a fortress after the work he’d
done to hide its location. The last thing he needed was to
come across a patrol and have to outrun them on the way.
They’d attempt to blast his shuttle into floating debris. It
was the downside to becoming a pirate, but he would never
want to go back to how he’d lived his life while on Clone
Big returned to his sleeping quarters and removed his
pants. He climbed back into bed with Gemma, folding her in
his arms. She murmured his name but slept on. He drifted
off, feeling gratitude that she’d come into his life.
Chapter Six

Gemma was amazed at the sheer size of the moon

station. “It’s like an indoor city.”
“Exactly. It housed thousands of miners and their
“They just abandoned this place?”
“The minerals they sought were all removed. It’s too
costly and ineffective to try to dismantle something this
size. They left it after transferring all the workers to a new
“I don’t see any windows.”
He took her hand, leading her away from where he’d
docked his shuttle. “There aren’t any. This entire structure
was built inside a crater. It protects it from asteroid strikes. I
told you that I sealed it off completely. There were large
glass panels on the roof that they could open, to see space
from the narrow entrance of the crater, but I sealed them.
The shutters are stronger than glass. I was afraid the
asteroids I moved closer might breach the structure if they
bumped into the top of the station. It won’t happen now,
because the asteroids are secured in place.”
Her pace slowed as she took in the many shops along
the main corridor that led to the housing area. “You moved
asteroids? Huge chunks of floating rocks in space? Is that
what you’re telling me?”
“Yes. It’s not as difficult as you’d think. Technology has
advanced a lot since your time.”
“And how do you secure them? I’m curious.”
“They’re tethered to the sides of the crater walls to keep
them from floating back into space.”
She chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m so out of my
“You’ll adjust.”
He sounded confident, but Gemma didn’t feel that way.
They were in what appeared to be a big mall with high
ceilings. The stores were open but few contained anything
inside, from what she could see. It was eerily silent and a bit
scary. A few old horror movies replayed through her mind.
“How do you know we’re actually alone here? Maybe a
few of the old residents are still around and will attack us.”
He chuckled. “They would have life signs. We checked
when we found this place. We even searched every storage
room to inventory abandoned supplies. No one is here, and
I’d be notified if someone showed up while I was gone.”
He pulled her toward what looked like an ATM machine,
and leaned close. It lit up instantly, a blue light running
across his face.
“State your command, Big.”
The robotic voice startled her.
Big chuckled and tightened his hold on her hand. “State
current life signs on station.”
“Have there been any breaches in security?”
“Thank you.” He turned to Gemma. “See?”
“It’s a computer, right? It can be hacked.”
“Yes, but it would have to be done after they breached
the station. The computer would have notified my shuttle if
someone attempted to dock. It didn’t. The brain of this
station can’t be accessed from an outside source. We tried
that and failed. A couple of my friends are the best hackers
around. We had to come inside, wearing spacesuits, to take
over the station. Life support and gravity had been turned
off until we made repairs. Fig and Free reprogrammed the
entire brain until it only responds to my group. I’ll add you
to have access.”
“To do what?”
“The station brain runs life support and security
measures. At some point, I’m going to leave you here when I
need to raid a shuttle. I’d feel better if you know how
everything works. You can’t issue orders if it considers you
unauthorized to do so.”
“I’ll pass. At least for now. I had a hard-enough time
figuring out how to pee in your weird hidden toilet.”
He chuckled. “I’ll say again, toilet paper is a thing of the
“I just think it’s creepy that your version of toilets
washes your private bits, then dries you.”
He looked highly amused. “It’s more efficient. You’ll
“As if I have a choice.”
He grew somber. “You must adapt, Gemma. I won’t
allow you to have a meltdown.”
He seemed really worried about her losing her mind.
She appreciated that, she supposed. “I’m pretty tough, and I
think I’m handling all this better than expected. No
screaming and wailing.”
“You are. Always look on the bright side, Gemma. You
got a second chance at life.”
“I know. I do appreciate it, but it’s strange to wrap my
head around how I got here and that I’m alive. I was dying
from the burns I sustained. Cloning seems like a miracle. I
keep telling myself to appreciate what’s happened.”
“I understand.”
“Big, did they clone your body from someone who used
to be alive? Do you have any memories from that person?”
“I was created to be a security officer for Clone World.
I’m not certain if this body was molded after someone who
used to exist or not. All my memories were transferred into
my mind as I was grown inside the factory. They aren’t really
memories the way you’d understand them. My life didn’t
begin until I woke on Clone World and was assigned my
duties. I have no childhood to remember.”
“What kind of memories did you get?”
“It was as if they’d put a camera on someone, had them
go through all the training for my job, then replayed those
videos repeatedly inside my head. I woke with the
knowledge of how to fight, all the skills I’d need to be good
at my job, and a basic desire to be the best at what I was
created to do. They also taught us what we are, and the
laws we must live by, in that same way. I developed a
personality after I awoke and lived for a time. My job molded
“Being a security officer?”
“Yes. And occasionally I was assigned as a bodyguard to
wealthy guests visiting Clone World.” He paused. “I was a
clone created to defend against injury by unauthorized
persons, give support to security measures at Clone World,
and protect it from any forms of danger. We kept the
“They make clone bodyguards, too? So weird.”
“They make all kinds of specialty clones.”
She mulled that over. “What other ones are made?”
“Another security clone escaped with me, but two of us
were models created to do financial work at Clone World.
Free and Fig are exceptional with math, computers, and
contracts. They are trained to deal with all aspects of
anything fiscal and technological. That also includes
everything to do with computers and the ability to hack
them. They were trained to protect the CW computers
against other hackers.”
“They’re the brains and you’re the brawn?”
“All male service clones are physically fit as well, but
they weren’t trained to fight. I taught my clone friends self-
defense after we escaped CW.”
“What other kinds of clones are there?”
“Service-model clones hold various duties and skills.
Everything from maintenance upkeep, giving massages to
guests, to preparing and serving food. Entertainment
models amuse the guests and perform on stages. There are
medical clones who treat guests for everything from a
skinned knee to complicated emergency surgeries.” He
paused. “Every task you can think of that someone might
need to hire, there is a clone programed for that skill.”
“What am I?”
“You are illegal. Clone classifications are assigned to
those with loaded programs, to enhance what they were
meant to do. You fall into none of those categories.”
“Wouldn’t I be an entertainment model if they thought I
was that singer?”
“I’m certain Rico Florigo purchased you for his private
collection. It would have been foolish to put you on display
for the guests, since your memories are intact. He might
believe he’s above the law, but he’s not. Someone would
have reported you as a clone who hadn’t been blanked of
real life memories, and the authorities would have
investigated. He’d have been heavily fined and all future
transactions concerning clone orders would have been
monitored, at best. Worst case, they would have seized all
his money, closed down Clone World until a new buyer could
be found, and sentenced him to death.”
“A new buyer?”
“Clone World is a very popular vacation spot. I’m certain
they would reopen it. JDJ Cryo Corp is a powerful company
on Earth. They would have put pressure on the authorities
to make certain it reopened. That planet is where a good
portion of the clones are sent.”
He nodded.
“I hope the current owner doesn’t order another me.
That would just be too weird.”
“I’d pity her if she reached Clone World. She’d end up
being very unhappy.”
“Maybe we should tip off the authorities to make certain
that doesn’t happen.”
“No. We need Clone World operational. I raid their
shuttles to gain plasma for us to survive. It would also alert
the authorities that some of us had escaped and are free.
I’m known to them as a pirate, but they’d put much more
effort into catching me if they were aware that I’m really a
“Why the bother for just one clone?”
“I’ve told you. I guess I haven’t stressed how deeply
humans fear our kind. We’re genetically enhanced. That
means we’re stronger than birthed beings. Faster. We’re also
harder to kill because a little clone plasma heals us quickly. I
could break a thigh bone, but give me fresh plasma and I’d
heal within an hour. Add in the fact that we’re also smarter
than a birthed person, with the ability to learn new skills
within minutes, and it makes all of us a serious threat if we
wished to do them harm.”
Gemma gaped at him.
“It’s best if Earth doesn’t realize that any of us have
escaped. The ones running Clone World don’t want anyone
to know we’re missing. I’m certain they hope we
deteriorated and died.”
She swallowed hard. “Got it.”
He led her to a lift and pushed a button. “I also don’t
want JDJ Cryo Corp to realize you aren’t the Gemma they
believe your source material came from.”
The doors opened and he pulled her inside. He didn’t
answer right away but instead told the computer to take
them up three levels.
He finally looked at her. “They would destroy your
original source material. I don’t want that, in case
something ever happens to you.”
She frowned, not understanding.
The lift opened and she found herself in a long, wide
corridor. It reminded her of a hotel hallway. There were
tables and lamps placed at intervals down the space. He
stepped out and firmly gripped her hand.
“You’re not going to continue that thought?”
He faced her, holding her gaze. “I’d have Fig or Free
break into Clone World’s accounts and order another model
of you to be made, if you were to die. As I said…I don’t want
to lose you, Gemma. I refuse, now that I’m coming to know
you. I’d have you illegally cloned with your memories intact
and intercept the shipment to Clone World to steal you all
over again.”
Her mouth fell open as his words sank in.
He shrugged. “I won’t lose you. We’d have to start over
from the moment you woke on that shuttle. All the current
memories you’ve made wouldn’t be there, but I’d have a
second chance to get you through the initial shock of finding
out you’re a clone. I just hope that doesn’t happen.”
She didn’t know if she should feel hurt or angry. “In
other words, this is basically a test run to see if I can stay
sane, or you have to hit a reset button by getting another
me?” She felt insulted for sure.
“No. It would be insanely dangerous to hack into Clone
World to place that order. Foolish even. So far, it hasn’t been
cost effective for Rico Florigo to send a death squad to hunt
us down, but that wouldn’t be true anymore if we began
tapping into Clone World financial accounts to order more
clones. They haven’t linked the stolen plasma shipments to
us. Piracy is expected, but all known thieves are human. It
would be suspicious if they were hacked, a clone was
reordered, then that same clone went missing. But I’d do it.
That’s how determined I am to make certain you survive.”
It was kind of sweet and flattering, when put that way.
Her ex-husband came to mind. He had been too lazy to take
out the trash and couldn’t be bothered to remember her
birthday when they’d been married. Big was prepared to
commit major crimes and risk his life to keep her.
She released his hand and gripped his shirt, going up on
her tiptoes.
He leaned forward a little with a confused look on his
She kissed him on the lips, then eased back down.
“Thank you.”
He arched his eyebrows. “You aren’t upset?”
“I’m a little freaked out, but I understand what you’re
saying. I’m going to be fine though. I am grateful to be alive.
I’ll focus on that instead of flipping out that I’m suddenly
living in the future. Just don’t expect me to learn fast. I was
always techno challenged. I couldn’t even program names
and numbers into my cell phone in the past. I doubt I’ll be
able to run an entire moon base station when you’re out
doing your pirate gig.”
“It runs itself. I just want you to monitor the systems
and make corrections if there’s a malfunction.”
“I’ll try my best to learn.”
“Everything about you has been enhanced. You’ll learn
faster now. I’m very glad you’re in my life, Gemma. I was
extremely lonely here.”
She could relate to that. Once her sons had turned into
young adults, they’d had college classes, friends, and the
occasional girlfriends. They’d spent less and less time with
her. She had a few good friends but most of them had been
married and occupied with family.
There had been a lot of nights spent alone, wishing for
someone to talk to or share a meal with. Now she had Big.
He was sexy, handsome, and he seemed desperate to be
with her. Life was looking up, even if it wasn’t the one she
was used to.
He stopped at the very end of the hallway and pressed
his fingertips to a panel. The double doors opened, revealing
a huge suite. She entered, still holding his hand.
“I hope you enjoy our home.”
It had to be one of the biggest living room areas she’d
ever seen. A kitchen sat along the far back wall, with a
massive island and several barstools. It even had a dining
room area to the side, with a table that could easily seat
twenty. A wide corridor opened off the kitchen that she
assumed led to at least one bedroom.
“Who lived here?”
“The owner of the mine. I took it as my own since, I’m
the one who remained.”
“Nice digs.”
He chuckled. “I agree.”
“The owner liked to entertain, I guess.” She glanced at
the table again. It would be weird to ever use it with just the
two of them.
“I read the logs. He invited the mine operation heads to
dinner often and they held business meetings here.”
Movement had her gasping as a tall metallic thing came
out of what she’d assumed was a tall closet in the kitchen. It
looked humanoid, but even with clothing on it was scary as
hell. Gemma shoved her body up against Big’s.
“Easy,” he chuckled. “That’s just Magna. She’s a
kitchen-aid android.”
The thing stopped on the other side of the island, hands
neatly resting on the gray stone that made up the
countertop. “Are you hungry, Big? What may I make for
He wrapped his arm around Gemma and led her closer
to the robot. She could admit that her steps might have
dragged a bit. More horror movies were reeling through her
head. Killer robots. And it was in a kitchen. Which meant it
had access to knives.
“Easy, sweetheart,” he rasped. “Magna is harmless. Are
you hungry?”
“That thing cooks?”
“Yes. Magna, this is Gemma. She lives here now, and
you’ll take orders from her as well. Do you understand?”
Metallic round eyes fixed on Gemma, and the thing
smiled, revealing silver teeth. “It is a pleasure to serve you,
Gemma. What would you like to eat?”
She was beyond thinking at the moment. “Do you have
a menu?”
“Of course.” The appliance behind the robot, what she’d
assumed was maybe a modern-day version of a fridge, lit
up, now looking more like a computer screen. A list of words
ran down its length.
Big gently maneuvered her around the island. “We’re
well stocked. Chose something. I’m sure you’re hungry. I
“This is going to take a lot of time to adjust to.”
Gemma’s gaze darted to the lower half of the robot. It had
wheels on the bottom of what passed for feet. It had two
arms, legs, a human shape, but with smooth metal for skin.
The loose white dress it wore covered it from throat to just
below the knee.
A horrible thought struck. Had this been Big’s um…
girlfriend…before her? “It’s not atomically correct, is it?”
She turned her head, shooting Big a suspicious look.
He frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“Does Magna do more than cook for you? Is she like a
sex robot?”
He threw back his head and laughed. “No. She’s not
atomically correct, as you put it. She cooks my food and
cleans the kitchen. That’s it. Her conversational skills are
also lacking, unless you’re discussing chores or what you’d
like her to prepare for a meal. It’s been very lonely for me
until you came along.”
She relaxed slightly. “She won’t go nuts by trying to
murder us?”
Big looked highly amused. “No. Where do you come up
with these ideas?”
“Movies,” she admitted. “Robots tend to go insane and
become murder machines.”
“She’s programmed not to harm living beings.”
Gemma thought about that. “Are we considered
human?” She purposely didn’t mention the clone word. She
jerked her head toward the silver lady.
He sobered. “Yes. Magna doesn’t understand the
That was a relief. She faced the surface of the appliance,
reading her options. It stunned her. She’d been to large
restaurants with fewer items on their menus. “I think I’m
going to be happy here if any of this tastes the way it did in
the past.”

Big calmed a bit. Gemma seemed to like their home, but

she also confused him. The kitchen-aid android had
frightened her. They had a long way to go before she got
used to present-day technology. He hesitated to mention the
other droids on the station, including the living quarter
ones. Would they frighten her just as much?
Gemma picked something for them to eat after she
consulted with him and then he led her down the hallway,
leaving Magna to prepare their meal. It boasted two spare
bedrooms and the master suite.
“That bed is huge!” She left his side and, to his
amusement, dove on it. “So comfy!”
He walked to the edge. “Do you like our bedroom?”
She flipped onto her back and smiled as she sat up. “It’s
the most luxurious one I’ve ever seen.”
“I’m glad. This is your home now. Ours together.” He
held out his hand. “Let me show you the bathroom
“Good plan. It’s going to take me a while to get used to
all this fancy crap. I can’t believe we have a chef robot.
That’s kind of cool, if she can actually cook.”
He pulled her up and led her into the adjoining room to
show her how to use everything. “Tomorrow morning, we’ll
get you some outfits. The choices are limited but you won’t
have to keep wearing my shirts.” He glanced down her body
at her exposed legs. “Or perhaps not.”
She chuckled. “I’d like some pants.”
“We’re alone. I like you better without them.”
“I’m going to need more than your baggy shirts if you
plan to teach me how to help you run this massive station.”
He nodded. “Let’s get you fed…then we’ll try out that
bed. Tomorrow, we’ll begin.”
“Oh joy,” she answered sarcastically. “To be clear, I want
to go to bed with you. It’s tomorrow I’m not so thrilled
Her nervous expression had him smiling again. He felt
gratitude that she’d come into his life. “Magna will serve the
food soon. It doesn’t take her long.”
“And you’re sure she won’t poison us or attack?”
“I promise.” He chuckled. “I’m glad I haven’t seen these
movies you mentioned.”
Chapter Seven

Gemma woke feeling terrific, the night before replaying

in her mind. She and Big had shared a delicious dinner. The
robot had served them on the island counter, then
disappeared behind a door. She hadn’t dared venture
toward it to see what was inside, not really wanting to know
if Magna just stood dormant in a closet-sized room or
disappeared somewhere else. That would take some
adjustment to think of as normal.
Big had carried her to bed at that point, stripped off
their clothes, and made love to her. She grinned at those
particular memories, snuggling her cheek against a plush
pillow. The sexy pirate was the perfect distraction from her
new reality, making her come twice before he’d even
entered her. She’d screamed his name in ecstasy three
times last night. It was a record for her. Hell, the fact that he
got her off even once was unusual.
The ex was batting zero. Big hits hit home every time
and then some. She chuckled. Talk about a life upgrade!
She reached out to touch him, but he wasn’t there. She
opened her eyes and lifted her head, looking around the
room. A few lights in the ceiling had been left on but at a
dim setting. Big wasn’t within sight. She had no guess as to
the time. There were no windows, and there sure wouldn’t
be sunshine to indicate morning even if there had been. It
sank in once more that she lived inside a crater, inside a
moon. And not the one she’d grown up seeing in the night
Gemma dropped her head back down on the pillow and
closed her eyes. The reality of her situation overwhelmed
her. It wasn’t a drug-induced dream. She’d actually woken in
the future, now had a cloned body, and it was years younger
than the one she’d lived in before. Upgraded. Improved.
She noticed the changes once again as she lie there.
Her knuckles didn’t ache from arthritis. She’d slept through
the night without waking to use the bathroom. Her left knee
usually throbbed if she didn’t put a heating pad on it before
bed. It felt fine now. She didn’t have to worry about moving
too fast or twisting wrong, causing back pain.
Then there was Big. He was everything she’d always
wished for in a man. Sweet, kind, sexy, and he had a body
on him that didn’t quit. He cared about what she was
thinking and feeling. He was just…attentive. It was
He talked about commitment, too, and being with her,
taking care of her, as if they were already married. It was a
forgone conclusion that they were a dedicated couple, to
hear him speak. She’d noticed immediately but hadn’t said
anything, not about to complain. She was onboard with
keeping him forever; there had to be some tradeoff to all
the panic.
Being created in a clone factory and living a hellish life
on Clone World probably made him want a serious bond.
Relationships sounded rare, and that would make them
special. His extremely attractive looks made sense, too.
Why wouldn’t a company make hunks? Tall, gorgeous,
muscled ones, with impressive cocks. He had girth and
length, plus stamina.
The list of his awesomeness went on. Like some
romance hero, Big had rescued her from Sherlock, the
horror bot with six fingers, and had turned out to be an
amazing lover.
“Maybe it is a dream,” she muttered. “If it’s too good to
be true, it usually is.”
She heard a soft click. It had to be Big returning to bed.
He probably had to use the bathroom. She smiled, thinking
they could make love again—
Suddenly the covers were torn off her body. A gasp
escaped her as she rolled, staring at a shape next to the
bed. It wasn’t Big but instead a smaller man, dressed all in
A scream ripped from her throat and she frantically
scrambled away, falling off the other side of the bed with a
She clawed at the soft carpet, got to her feet, and
watched as the thing streaked across the room to disappear
into a dark corner. Her heart pounded madly.
The bedroom door hit the wall as Big rushed inside.
She ran to him, threw her naked body against his
dressed one, and pointed. “Someone came in here! He went
that way!”
Big wrapped his arms around her. “Lights on full,” he
The overhead lights grew bright enough for her to have
to blink a few times to adjust. He eased his hold on her and
gripped her shoulders, turning her to face him.
Concerned masked his features as he spoke. “What
“Someone was in here. He yanked the covers off me.”
Big’s mouth opened…but then he sighed, features
relaxing. “Shit.”
She clutched at his gray shirt. “You said we were alone
on this station but we’re not!”
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.” He softened his tone and
rubbed her arms. “It was the room-cleaning bot. I forgot to
program you in. It registered that I had ordered breakfast
and came in to change the bedding. Your movements would
have overridden the programing and made the robot return
to storage.”
She stared up at him, heart still pounding, trying to
make sense of what he was saying.
He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
“It’s like Magna, only for the bedroom. Their programming is
less advanced. They don’t interact with people. It was just
trying to change the bedding until its motion sensors picked
up your presence. I’m so sorry.” His body began to shake a
little as he chuckled.
“It’s not funny.”
He laughed harder. “It is a little.”
She pushed against his chest, and he released her. “It
scared the shit out of me!”
Gemma tried to stomp away, but he lunged and
grabbed her, lifting her off her feet, and easily twisted her in
his arms to get a view of her ass. “No actual shitting was
done,” he announced, carrying her into the bathroom. “I’m
sorry.” He still sounded amused, though. “It wouldn’t have
hurt you. As soon as it registered a life, it retreated, didn’t
it?” He put her down on her feet and flashed a grin as he let
her go. “Shower. Use the bathroom. Magna will have
breakfast waiting for us in the kitchen. Do you want me to
stay in case the bathroom bot makes an appearance?”
Her mouth fell open. “There’s one for the bathroom,
She could tell he was trying hard not to laugh again.
“You look so horrified. Damn, you’re adorable. Do I look like I
scrub the tub? Welcome to the future, Gemma. Bots do all
household chores. I’ll program them to monitor your life
functions and to avoid you.”
“This is not funny.” She crossed her arms over her
breasts and wanted to stomp her foot like a child.
He masked his features. “I won’t laugh again.”
She still saw the mirth in his eyes. “What other kinds of
bots are in our home?”
“Cleaning bots are common. I think there are ten in all.
I’ll just program them to avoid you, okay? They won’t
venture out to perform their tasks while you’re in a room.
Magna will be the exception, since you need to tell her what
to prepare for our meals.”
“It scared me, Big.”
“I know.”
She moved to the wall and waved her hand, stepping
back as a panel slid up and the shower came forward. “Go
do that programing thing. I don’t want some bot coming in
here and scaring me again while I’m washing my hair.”
She sighed, turning toward him again. “What?”
“I really am sorry.”
She walked into his arms and slid her own around his
waist, resting her cheek against his chest. “The future is
weird, but I’ll adjust. Just make sure I’m warned before
something comes at me again.”
He hugged her and placed another kiss on the top of her
head. “I’m going to adjust the suite settings to include two
life signs. It won’t happen again. The maintenance and
cleaning bots will remain inactive around you. None of them
would hurt you. I swear. Please trust me on that.”
“I’ll try. Thank you.” She let him go and backed away to
put a little space between them.
“I’ll bring you a shirt and add you to the system. Meet
me in the kitchen.”
She nodded and stepped into the shower, prepared to
turn on the water.
Big chuckled again as he left the bathroom.
“I heard that!”
“You’re fucking adorable,” he yelled back.
She eventually relaxed under the spray of water, but
still hurried. Breakfast sounded good.

Big couldn’t stop grinning as he added Gemma’s life

sign for the bots to monitor, programming them to only
activate when she wasn’t in the same room. Then he took a
seat at the bar, watching Magna move around the kitchen.
It amused him how frightened Gemma was of the bots.
She’d quickly learn they were extremely safe and made life
far easier. He loved the fact that his quarters had so many.
On Clone World, it was a feature only offered to paying
guests. He’d had to clean the dorm with other clones. They
also hadn’t been given access to cooked meals. The
dispensary offered them nutrient bars instead.
Magna served both plates. “May I assist you with
anything else?”
“Two glasses of milk, please.”
She rolled away and came back within a minute, setting
them down.
“That will be all.”
The bedroom door opened and he twisted on his seat,
smiling at Gemma. “Feel better?”
She approached him and took a seat to his left. “Yes.”
“Good. Dig in and we’ll get you measured to order
outfits for you next.”
“How do we do that? Do you have like space delivery?”
He hesitated. “There’s a tailor shop on the station. It’s
automatically run by robots.”
“Wow. Really?”
He nodded. “The miners and their families needed
uniforms and clothing. It was easier than having them
shipped with supplies via space shuttles. The storage on
transports is limited. Food, water, and replacement parts are
the priority. We got extremely lucky when they abandoned
this place. They left almost everything behind. It’s cheaper
to buy new from a closer resupply station than to dismantle
and ship everything. Humans are exceptionally wasteful that
way. The robots, androids, furniture, and a lot of the food
and storage units were left intact.”
“I saw all those stores. Most appeared empty.”
“Employees would have restocked from the storage
units. Those were locked. The store fronts weren’t. I
reviewed the security footage from the last few weeks,
when they were closing down the mine. Some of the closing
crew teams raided any stores they could gain access to
without triggering alarms.”
“I see. They raided the open stores but didn’t get to the
storage rooms. Good thing for us.”
He nodded. “We have enough materials to clothe us for
a lifetime.”
“Won’t they rot or fall apart? That happens with fabrics
over time.”
“Not when they’re sealed in airless storage rooms. The
robots don’t breathe oxygen.” He hesitated. “And materials
have advanced since your time.”
“I’ll trust you on that. What’s the difference between a
robot and an android? I noticed you’ve mentioned both.
Aren’t they the same thing?”
He motioned to Magna. “She’s an android. They’re built
to appear very humanlike and interact with living people.
Robots are more like what you saw on the transport. That
thing you called Sherlock. The box with a head and hands.
They can also interact with living people, but most don’t.
They do tasks like clean or have other specific programs.
Your clothing will be made by robots. It’s why the options
are limited. They can only make what’s in their catalog.”
“The one in the bedroom?”
“Robot. Those in our home rarely interact with people,
and they have set tasks.”
She began to eat. “This is really good. Magna can cook
well. I do have another question, though. This tastes like
fresh milk. How is that possible?”
“It’s not from a cow. It’s artificial.”
“They improved on that too, then. The future isn’t so
bad. Especially with you here.”
He liked hearing her say that. It was imperative that she
adapt and accept her new life. “I’m glad you’re here, as
He resumed eating, his mind on how to locate the
information from Earth that Gemma wished to learn. Fig had
the best chance of hacking Earth databases from his ship.
He made a mental note to contact him again and ask if it
was possible for him to do—without too much danger. If so,
he’d review the information he’d learned from Gemma and
see if her children could be traced.
What if her sons hadn’t lived good lives? He’d hate to
see Gemma hurt more.
One problem at a time.
First, she needed clothing. Then he’d worry about the
rest later.

Gemma had survived being measured by a robot.
Big called it an android, explaining again that it had
more functions and skills. It also had a human shape, like
Magna. The ones actually responsible for making her
clothing would be robots. There had been another wall like
the fridge, with a screen that had shown her various styles
of clothing to choose from. Fashion had drastically changed
over the years. That, or the selections available were geared
toward modest women.
“In my time, women wore a lot more revealing clothing,”
she murmured, glancing at Big. “Short skirts and low-cut
tops to show off cleavage.”
“It may still be that way on Earth, but not in space.” He
stepped next to her, holding her gaze. “Females who flash a
lot of skin usually do it to…show off their wares in space.”
Her eyebrows rose.
“Sex broker is the term that might be kindest.”
“Ah. They still have hookers in the future then? I was
sure they’d make super fancy sex robots. That was starting
to happen in my time. I saw a few stories on ones that
looked semi-realistic and they were teaching them basic
sentences to entice men to buy them.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask.”
“I didn’t pay that much attention.”
He nodded. “Some of the guests on CW were highly
disappointed sex clones weren’t available for their needs.
Sex brokers would occasionally visit with beautiful women,
for the wealthiest guests to rent. As for sex androids, we
never had any there.”
She cringed. “That’s a good thing.”
“Agreed. Sometimes guests attacked the clones who
wouldn’t comply. The outcomes could be tragic.”
She leaned into him. “Now I’m almost afraid to ask.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her.
“Clones are programed with certain training, but sex service
isn’t one of them.”
“I’m surprised.”
He inhaled and blew out his breath. “Remember the
original dozen clones I spoke of? The ones without blanked
memories? I overheard a conversation once while a guest
was complaining to a superior about the lack of sex options
available to him. The staff member said it made clones
mentally unstable over time to be subjected to that line of
work. We do have feelings and emotions, despite what
birthed beings believe. I image those clones either suffered
great depression or snapped by attacking a customer.”
“I hope they attacked. I would if some bastard tried to
bed me by force. I’d kill someone.”
Big nodded. “Some clones interact with each other and
experiment with sex. We’re not lacking in urges. But we also
have aversions to being touched by those we aren’t
attracted to. On CW, Clones are secured in their dorms when
not on duty but a few have been assaulted by guests. Most
of those clones were put down after the attacks. They
couldn’t recover from the emotional trauma or were too
physically damaged to be allowed to return to their duties.”
His voice deepened with rage. “The higher-ups didn’t want
the guests to see disfigured clones.”
That horrified her. “Clone World killed them?”
“Yes. We heal from a lot…but not everything. The
company billed those guests for damages. That was their
only punishment.” Pain glinted in his eyes. “Two male guests
once got ahold of a clone maid in their private cottage…and
murdered her. I was the one called to the scene of the crime
when the next maid on duty found her body. I had
nightmares for months of what she must have endured at
their hands. They’d not only sexually assaulted her, but cut
her up to find out if she had the same internal organs as a
human. They weren’t even kicked off the planet. They were
just charged for a replacement clone and billed for the cost
of any damages to the cottage. Human security took over
and ordered us to leave. They knew we wanted to kill both
men for what they’d done to our female.”
“I don’t like where you used to work.”
“I didn’t either. It’s why we escaped.”
She rested her cheek against his chest, holding him. “I
feel bad for all the clones now. They’re our people, I
suppose.” It had been difficult coming to terms with that. It
still was. She still struggled with her new reality, but the
denial stage had mostly passed. “Can’t anything be done?”
“No. Clone World is the biggest buyer of clones. To shut
it down would mean the termination of over eight hundred
clones. It would also cut off our supply to plasma. We’d die
without it. JDJ Cryo Corp only sells plasma to clients they’ve
sold clones to. We thought about opening an account to buy
directly from them to avoid drawing attention from space
authorities, but were blocked from doing so because we’d
have to purchase clones. They’d quickly realize we’re
ordering more plasma than what’s required for the units
sold, and it would become a problem.
“There are a lot of rich people who don’t live on Earth,
who buy clones to staff their homes. Some resorts on colony
worlds order us as well, to entertain their guests and do
manual labor, but not enough to transport regular
shipments of plasma. It would be difficult to learn their
transport schedules.”
“You already know how Clone World works, though.
When they get shipments and such. That’s why you go after
their shuttles. Got it.”
“They adjusted the times after we escaped but we know
the routes and the shuttles to target. Rico Florigo also owns
his own transport service. That means he can save money
on shipping costs and order illegal clones without fear of the
cargo being inspected.”
“It just makes me sad to think of all those people forced
into slavery. Let’s call it what it is.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Agreed. If it helps, there
are some clones that exist without harm and seem happy to
live the lives they were given. Some enjoy it quite a bit.
They have adoring fans who travel to see them sing and
dance onstage. I once had to deliver gifts to a male
entertainer on his source material’s birthday. He’d also
fallen in love with one of his backup singers, and they lived
“Was the backup singer a clone?”
He nodded. “Some of the entertainer clones are given
exemptions from the rules because of their popularity with
the guests. Special private quarters are provided for them,
so they don’t have to live in the dorms. They’re allowed to
have relations with other clones without reprimand and they
gain access to guest food, since they’re invited to dine with
“What about you?”
“I lived in a dorm with many other service clones. All
males.” He paused. “We aren’t permitted to have
relationships with females. We must be very discrete if we
have sex with another clone, or both of us are punished.
And service clones only eat nutrient bars.”
“How do they punish clones?”
“It depends on the crime. They mostly use shock rods
that cause no lasting physical damage. A few days of being
secured to a table and repeatedly suffering pain tends to
make one not break rules again.”
She lifted her head, peering up with him. “How did you
get so good at sex, then? Did you have a lot of girlfriends?”
Big snorted and eased his hold around her waist. “No. I
had brief relations with a few female clones but I also read
up on the subject quite a bit first.” He winked. “I’m glad you
think I’m good at it. My experience isn’t what you might
assume. You’re my fourth female. The first three were brief
encounters that amounted to experimenting with sex.”
She liked hearing that he hadn’t been some womanizing
Romeo. Insecurity still surfaced, though, remembering how
her marriage had ended. She was the only woman on the
huge station, so cheating wouldn’t be a problem. Then
again, he’d found her. What if he went out to raid another
transport and came across a second female clone?
“What is it?” He cupped her jaw.
“Nothing.” She turned her head away.
“Don’t shut me out. Tell me.”
She forced herself to look at him again. “What if you find
another woman clone?”
He studied her for what felt like forever. “Should I worry
that you’ll be attracted to my men? I invited Fig to return to
home base and bring Blade with him.”
She didn’t even have to think about that. “No. I already
have feelings for you.” It was true.
He grinned. “Exactly, Gemma.” All humor vanished off
his face. “I would fight them if they attempted to lure your
affections from me. I feel things for you as well.
Possessiveness and a longing to form a strong bond with
you being at the top of those emotions. I never want to
share you with someone else. I hope you feel the same
toward me.”
“I do.”
“Good. That’s settled. We are a couple for the rest of our
lives. One unit.” He took her hand. “Now it’s time to take
you to the control center and begin to teach you about the
She groaned. “This is going to be bad. I’m warning you
“There’s plenty of time to learn and you’re smarter than
you used to be, Gemma. Give yourself more credit.
Enhanced body. Remember?”
“I’m also the woman who fell out of bed because some
cleaning robot wanted to steal my covers this morning.”
He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it as they left
the clothing store. “You’re doing wonderfully.”
“That’s because you’re really hot and I want to impress
“You own me now, Gemma. No need to impress.”
She relaxed, letting go of some of the tension she felt.
The future wasn’t looking so bad with Big at her side.
Chapter Eight

The control room at the station intimidated Gemma. It

contained three rows of long desks with computers, or what
passed for them in the future. “Crap. You can’t really expect
me to learn how to work all of this stuff.”
Big chuckled, leading her past two dark rows to the third
one. One screen was lit up. “This is all you need to worry
about. Forget the rest.”
She glanced back at the rest. “What are they?”
He gestured to the other rows. “The first row controlled
the robotic mining equipment and also ran the docking
stations for the shuttle ports. Second row is all just security
feeds, monitoring the station and the mines. This last
section is station operations.”
She glanced down the long row.
He grabbed ahold of her arm, took a seat, and pulled
her onto his lap. “We’re not reopening the mining shafts or
monitoring dozens of businesses. Nor are we attempting to
keep track of thousands of people.” He released her and
touched the top of the flat surface in front of them. A
keyboard lit up. It was part of the desk, and she gawked a
“Free rerouted everything we use to this single station.
Life support…” He tapped on the pad and explained what
she was seeing on the screen.
“It’s his name now. He hated the one he was assigned
on Clone World.”
She hesitated. “Do I want to know what that was?”
She winced. “I see why he likes being called Free
instead. How did he get stuck with that name? Hell, how did
you get yours?”
“Human superiors name us once we begin working on
Clone World. I climbed out of my shipping container and the
medic and duty officer kept saying how big I was. The name
stuck and they included it on my file. Freak has a thing for
numbers. He worked in the financial department. He’s faster
at calculating them than the computers. A freak of nature.
That name was filed as his label.”
“What assholes. What about the other clones who
escaped with you?”
“Fig was also assigned to assist the granddaughter of
the owner of Clone World in their financial department. His
main job was to keep track of their profit and losses. He said
his job was to give them ‘figures’ during meetings, and so
that’s what they called him. Once freed, he shortened
Figures to Fig.”
“Really don’t like anyone on that planet,” she
“Then there’s Ram and Rod. They both worked in
maintenance. I’m not certain why they were given those
names but they kept them. We were all housed in the same
sleeping dorm. I’m not as close to those two as the others,
since we were given day shifts together, but they always
worked the overnight ones.”
“You mentioned a Blade?”
“Yes. He’s the same service model as I am. Security. He
earned his name because when he awoke, the duty officer
present noticed that he suffered from body tremors. The
medic said they would quickly pass, that it was only
temporary from extended shipping in stasis. But the officer
believed Blade to be defective. That means immediate
death for the newly awakened clone, with another one
ordered as a replacement. Blade grabbed the officer’s knife
from his belt and threw it at the far wall; a bug had flown
into the room. Blade pinned it with precision. It impressed
the officer enough to agree with the medic and not have
him killed.”
“Agreed. Okay, pay attention to what I’m about to teach
you. You’re going to learn this, Gemma. Trust me. It’s
She hoped that was true.
Hours later, she actually felt secure in the fact that she
could run life scans, and if anything bad happened, she
knew how to switch the generator to a backup one. The
same with life support. The computer itself would warn her
if any unauthorized ships approached the station.
“What happens if someone ever does come while you’re
“You shut it all down. Life support, the lights,
generators, and then activate the emergency lockdown
procedures. Right now, all the doors in the station are open.
Initiating lockdown will make it a lot harder for them to
move around inside.” He pointed to a thick door in the far
corner. “Then you get your ass in that room over there and
wait for me to return.”
“What’s in there?”
“An emergency bunker for the original staff, in case of
dire circumstances. It’s stocked with enough food and water
to support twenty-five persons for six months. It has its own
generator, air circulator, and there are even two emergency
escape pods.”
“As in those things in movies that you can shoot off a
ship and survive in?”
“Yes. Never use them, though.”
“Why not?”
He met her gaze. “They have programming that can’t
be overwritten. It’s their core function to transmit a distress
signal. It would bring you help, but not the kind that would
save your life.”
She remembered now. “I’m an illegally created clone.
They’d kill me.”
“Exactly. You lock yourself inside that bunker if anyone
ever tries to breach the station and stay there. I’ll come get
She didn’t want to think about the day he’d go on a raid
and leave her alone. The fact that he’d mentioned a few
times that they had years’ worth of supplies helped alleviate
that somewhat. “Okay.”
“I even put a box of plasma in there, since this station is
now a clone haven.” He winked. “That’s another thing I’ll
teach you. You need to learn how to maintain your new
She had a bad feeling that wouldn’t go over well.
Gemma and the sight of blood didn’t go together. It tended
to make her feel lightheaded. She’d learned to deal, though.
Especially after raising two sons. They were forever getting
scrapes and cuts as kids. She’d never fainted once. “We
might have a problem with that if it’s complicated.”
“It’s not. Transfer consists of inserting a needle into your
body, a tube connected to the bag your dosage comes in,
and waiting for it to drain. The drawback is it’s a two-hour
“When do I need to do this?”
“Every three months.”
“I have some questions.”
Big removed his hands from the keyboard and it
dimmed to match the rest of the desk. “What?” He leaned
back, adjusting her in his arms.
He’d mentioned plasma, which made her think of blood.
Which led her to what was on her mind. “Will I have
His arms tightened around her. “No.” He hesitated. “And
we can’t have children.”
She let that information sink in, not sure how she felt
about it. Becoming a mother had been the best gift of her
life. And when her sons had grown, she’d been more than
ready to become a grandmother. To spoil her grandkids,
then hand them back to their parents. The idea of raising
babies full time hadn’t appealed to her anymore, before her
death. She’d been too old for that.
Big kissed her cheek, drawing her attention. She turned
her head, peering into his eyes. “I wish I could tell you
otherwise. To have a child would be fantastic. I think I’d love
becoming a father. Clones weren’t made to procreate,
though. We’re sterile.”
She nodded.
“Are you disappointed?”
“I hadn’t gotten that far ahead in my thinking process
until you said it. It’s probably for the best. I can’t see raising
kids on a mining station inside a moon crater. We don’t even
have a doctor here—unless you’re about to tell me there’s a
robot for that, too.”
“They actually took the medical pod off this station with
them when they left. Those aren’t cheap to replace, with
their operation rooms and specialized equipment.” He
shrugged. “I would have liked the option of having children
but it wasn’t meant to be.”
“I had two sons. I’m going to be grateful for that. How
long do clones live, anyway?”
He hesitated again. “It’s not known for certain. As long
as we take our plasma, it’s been estimated that we could
live for hundreds of years.”
That stunned her.
“It’s why I’ve been stockpiling and freezing a large
supply of plasma crates. Just in case.”
“Of what?”
He glanced around. “This station was once a hive of
activity. I spent far too much time alone here, thinking. What
if JDJ Cryo Corp ever goes out of business? Maybe one day
the clones will revolt against their owners. I want to
stockpile a vast supply of plasma for this station in case that
ever happens. There would be no more shipments to steal.”
She tilted her head, resting it against his shoulder.
“That’s really a downer.”
He smiled. “Downer?”
“Sorry. It means that it’s depressing. But it’s also smart
of you to plan for the future.”
“I try to think ahead.”
“What other plans do you think about?”
“I want my friends to return to the station. All five of
them. When we first plotted to escape from Clone World,
we’d hoped to save others. That was our biggest plan. Find
a safe home and go back to rescue the unhappy clones. We
found this place, which would support a lot of us, but it’s too
dangerous to go back. Rod flew into that solar system a few
months after we escaped, to check it out, and they had
increased their flight patrols. We’d never stand a chance of
getting more off the surface. They’d blow us up even before
we had a chance to land. Now I spend my time repairing
parts of this station to keep it safe for us.”
She nodded against him, understanding what he was
His muscles tensed and he stood, forcing her to do the
same. “Mostly though, my plans are to take you to our home
and feed you lunch. Day one of training went very well.” He
smiled and took her hand. “Come on, Gemma. Time to eat.”
She followed him out of the control room. He’d added
her to the main computer to allow it to take her commands.
When they reached their room, she pressed her hand to the
scanner. The light ran across her palm and the doors
Their creepy silver cook came out of her closet and
stopped at the island counter, folding her hands there.
“What may I make for you?”
It wouldn’t be so hard to get used to the android,
Gemma decided, when she wasn’t ever going to have to
cook again. Besides that, she’d never seen Magna leave the
kitchen area. Maybe she couldn’t. That also helped Gemma
be less afraid that the android would go all maniac killing

Big was proud of Gemma. She’d warned him that she
had a hard time learning technology, but she’d picked up
station commands quickly. Later, he planned to teach her
basic repairs. She needed to know how to survive if
anything ever happened to him.
They ordered meals from Magna, then ate. He continued
thinking about their future. Now he wanted to live a simple,
happy life more than ever. He had Gemma. In time, she’d
adjust to the bots and the technology. Until then, he’d
continue to watch her closely.
The original twelve clones kept haunting his thoughts.
Gemma wasn’t exhibiting rage, severe depression, or signs
of mental instability. Overall, she was taking her new reality
extremely well.
“Are you okay?” she asked, noticing his staring.
He held her gaze. “Yes. How are you holding up?”
“Good. I think I’d be a basket case if it weren’t for you.”
“You make my life so much better, as well,” he
That caused her to smile. “Same.” Then her expression
grew pensive.
“What are you thinking? Please tell me.”
“I’m still a little in shock, I think. You know? I went from
life as normal, to waking up in a hospital to learn I’d been in
an explosion and was dying, to waking up again on that
transport. It’s kind of surreal. You help ground me, though. I
can’t thank you enough, Big.”
He took her hand in his. “I was so lonely before you.”
“I was lonely, too. I mean, I had my two sons, but kids
grow up. They spent less and less time with me. I was
struggling with what to do with my free time. Not that I had
a lot. Paying for college for two kids wasn’t cheap. I had a
nine-to-five job and put in as much overtime as possible. I’m
just glad that my house was paid off and I had a good life
insurance policy. My sons won’t have to worry about money
or losing their home.” She sighed. “Shit. I guess that was a
long time ago. I have to learn to speak past tense… I know
they were financially taken care of. At least I did that right.”
“I’m sure you did a lot of things right.”
“I hope so. It’s too late to change anything now.”
“I’m grateful that someone messed up and stole your
body instead of that singer with your name.”
That caused her to laugh. “I don’t know about that. My
sons were fans of hers. She was a pretty girl with a lot of
talent. I was just an older woman who they used to beg not
to sing in the car when we went somewhere together.”
Big lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “I doubt
that singer would have taken everything you have with as
much grace and courage. Even if she could sing.”
“There’s one advantage to being older. You live long
enough to grow a twisted sense of humor. It can keep you
“Are you mentally well? Be honest.” He still worried
about her going insane.
“I’m hanging tough, Big. I promise that if I start to lose
my shit, I’ll talk to you and work through it. That’s how I’m
made. I mean, inside my head. That still feels like my
original one.”
“I know.”
“I’m grateful to be alive and have a second chance. You
look worried, but you don’t need to be. I have you, and you
make me happy. I’m going to be okay. I’ll adjust.” She
glanced around their living quarters. “In a nice place.”
He nodded. “Good. If you ever grow bored with this one,
we can look at other upgraded cabins. This is the nicest one,
though. When everyone left me alone…” His mood grew
somber. “Well, I moved in here.”
“I’m sorry they left you.”
“We were new to freedom. That’s the thing about
dreams. You believe it will be a certain way if you ever
accomplish what you seek, only to realize there are new
problems to face.”
“Like cleaning bots,” she said wryly.
He smiled briefly. “We had to make some difficult
decisions. Not all of them were the correct ones. It caused
arguments and resentment. I wish I could go back to change
certain things. Maybe they wouldn’t have left me here
“I can’t imagine what’ve you’ve gone through, living on
this moon by yourself. I’d go stir crazy.”
“I kept busy preparing for their return.”
She nodded. “Like stockpiling massive amounts of
“Yes. I’ve also spent a lot of time fixing things and
securing our home.” It wasn’t like he had anything but time
on his hands.
“It still had to be lonely.”
He suddenly pulled her close, holding her tight. “I’m not
alone anymore. I have you.”
“You do.” She snuggled into him.
He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feel of her. He’d
never let her go.
Chapter Nine

Big sat in his shuttle, reaching out on a communications

line to Fig. The male didn’t respond for a few minutes, but
he eventually answered.
“Father, are you well?”
“I am, my number one son. I know it hasn’t been long,
but have you found your sharpest brother?”
“You’re not going to like what I discovered when I tried
to fly to his last-known location.”
Dread tightened in Big’s chest. “What?”
“There’s a travel warning being broadcast to avoid that
sector at all costs. It’s a heavily pirated area now. I touched
base with the storyboard. They heeded that warning.”
Big fisted his hands. Fig had hacked into JDJ Corp
somehow and learned that their plasma transport shuttles
no longer flew to where Blade had been targeting them. The
fact that none of them had heard from him in nearly a year
could also mean that human pirates had attacked and killed
him if they’d taken control of that sector of space.
“I’m going to travel to the nearest alternative area, to
see if I can find him there,” Fig sighed. “The fact that we
haven’t heard from him, though…”
“I hear you.” It was bad. Blade would have told them if
he’d moved to a new sector. They might not be that close
anymore, but all of them tended to let each other know their
general locations.
“Pirates may have captured and tried to ransom him.
They do that shit.”
Big closed his eyes in despair as he filtered what Fig was
trying to say. A runaway clone would be worth a reward if he
was turned in to the space authorities. Blade would have
been executed instantly once they took custody.
“I’m going to do what it takes to find out.”
“No.” Big wasn’t willing to risk Fig. “I won’t lose you,
“I need to know what happened to him, and so do you.
People would talk about something like that for a long time.
Everyone loves gossip. I just need to go where I can hear it.”
“It’s too risky.” Fig was planning on visiting a space
station or a planet colony. Humans would certainly gossip
about an escaped clone if one were turned over to the
“I can do it. Don’t worry, Dad. My brother might be
sharp, but I’m smarter.”
“Just come home, or stay where you’re safer.”
“My mind is made up.”
Big knew he wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it. Fig
had always been stubborn. “I want you to let me know
where you’re going and when you’re clear.”
“I can do that.”
“I need a favor if you’re going to go where I think you
“Name it.”
“I’m going to send you a data burst in the next few
minutes. Look into it for me.”
“Give me a hint?”
“I’d like you to check some history facts for me.”
The silence lasted for seconds. “Shit. This is related to
your woman, isn’t it?”
Fig sighed. “I can imagine what you need, and why. That
would weigh on anyone’s mind. Does she know how she got
to you?”
“Yes.” Gemma knew how she’d died. “But she has
some…loose ends. It’s bothering her. I’m hoping the
knowledge will help her move on.”
“Send me what you have. I’ll do my best to find out
what she wants to know. I can’t make any promises,
“I know. Just try if you get the chance to access that
info. I’d really appreciate it. I also want to know exactly
where you’re heading. I’ll come looking for you if you
“Don’t. One is bad, when someone disappears. Two is a
A trap. Big grit his teeth. Fig was insinuating that if
Blade had been turned over to the authorities, they might
be actively seeking other clones, and the stations might
have beefed up security. “Be careful.”
“I always am. Talk to you in a few days.” Fig ended the
Big sent the data burst, then waited to get one from Fig.
It came within seconds and he pulled it up on the screen. It
was a written message in numbers and letters, a code they
had created, and all six of them had memorized it to
communicate things they couldn’t say aloud in case of a
Fig was going to Riddle Station. It was an out-of-the-way
place that didn’t see much traffic anymore. Security
shouldn’t be too tight. Unless things had changed because
of heightened pirate activity.
He got another data burst and opened it. It was a
shorter message. Fig had gotten and decoded Gemma’s
information, would research her sons, and wouldn’t confuse
her with a famous singer when he hunted for any Earth
records of her past.
Big sighed, deleted the messages, and stood from his
seat. He had a lot of worries on his mind. None of his friends
should have left and gone out on their own. They hadn’t
worked so hard to escape Clone World only to be killed and
captured once they were free.
He left the shuttle and quickly returned to Gemma. He
stripped and climbed into bed, holding her close, once again
feeling extremely grateful that she’d come into his life. She
meant too much to him already for his heart to survive if
anything ever happened to her.
Big was falling in love.
She woke, turning her head to peer at him with sleepy
eyes. “You’re cold.”
“Sorry. I used the shuttle to reach out to Fig. I never
transmit directly from the operations room on the station.
He’s going to do something dangerous.”
She turned in his arms, snuggling into his chest. “You’re
“Yes. I just want all of them to come home. We’re safer
“I’m sorry that they left you alone.”
“I always thought they’d grow as lonely as I have and
return. They live on ships in space. I’d have gone crazy
confined like that. Now…Blade might be dead. It hurts.”
“Oh, baby.” She stroked his cheek. “You don’t know for
sure what happened to him, right? Maybe he moved
somewhere and can’t communicate with you. I mean, I got
the impression we’re in very deep space. Maybe his ship
broke and he had to land on some planet.”
Big wasn’t about to go into how unlikely that was.
Gemma had a lot to learn about space travel. Blade would
have sent a distress signal if his shuttle had experienced
problems. All of them had backup systems for
transmissions. Big or one of the other clones would have
gone to assist him immediately. Whatever had happened to
his friend, it must have caught Blade completely unaware,
since no message had been sent.
“Fig is going to try to find out what happened to him. I’m
just worried. It’s always extremely dangerous when we go
anywhere that humans live.”
“He’s going to Earth? I thought you said that was
“It is, and he isn’t. There are some space stations that
are lax with security, where they don’t scan palms when you
dock or run the registration of your ship. That’s where Fig is
heading. He’s hoping he can find out what happened to
“Would Blade have moved into one of those space
“No. It’s dangerous enough to visit one for a few hours.
To stay longer than that would increase the chances of
someone realizing he’s a clone.”
“Well, that just proves people haven’t gotten any
smarter over time. I mean, you’re really nice. Are other
clones mean or violent in general?” She paused, her hand
stilling. “Would you have been hostile toward me if I hadn’t
been a clone?”
Big shook his head. “Of course not. It’s just that…I think
birthed beings do understand it isn’t right, how clones are
treated. It seems to be a huge worry of theirs that we’ll
rebel if ever given the chance. It’s why clones are always
shipped far from the manufacturing plant before we’re
woken. JDJ Corp only sells our kind to places like Clone World
or other companies that aren’t based too close to Earth. It’s
also why they’re so strict about making sure no clones are
able to return to Earth.”
“It kind of sounds paranoid.”
“They have a real reason to worry. We aren’t treated
well, Gemma. I would never kill someone unless they tried
to hurt me first. But I can’t speak for all clones.”
“What about the other clones who escaped with you?”
“They’re good men. We’re a lot alike. They wouldn’t hurt
someone just because they’re birthed.”
Gemma started stroking his cheek again and yawned.
“Let’s get some more sleep.”
“I like that you cuddle.”
“Holding you is a privilege.”
She suddenly wiggled against his body, and her hand
slid down his chest toward his groin. “Maybe we shouldn’t
sleep. It’s not like we need to get up at a certain time, right?
We’re all alone on this station. You need a distraction.”
“I do.”
She gently pushed him onto his back. He rolled over as
she shoved the blankets off, then pressed her face against
his throat, placing gentle kisses there. He groaned as her
hand stroked his hardening cock.
“I love touching you,” she breathed.
“I love it just as much.” He put his hands on her, arching
his neck to give her freer access when she placed open-
mouthed kisses on his sensitive skin, trailing downward.
“Has anyone ever gone down on you?”
“No.” His heart rate increased, and so did his
“I’m going to,” she whispered. Then she slid down his
body, shoving the covers farther down the bed.
The air left his lungs in a rush when her warm, wet
mouth wrapped around the head of his cock. The feel of her
tongue made him moan. When she took him farther into her
hot mouth, he clutched at the bedding. He needed
something to hold on to as Gemma showed him what he’d
been missing.
The feeling was indescribable. He didn’t last long.
“Fuck, that was too good!”
She laughed, sitting up. “I enjoyed it too. A first for me.
You actually taste good. I might have to send a thank you
note to that damn clone place that made us.”
Big sat up and lunged for Gemma, taking her down on
the big mattress and pinning her beneath him. Her eyes
widened when he nudged her sex with his stiff cock. She
looked so surprised that he had to laugh.
“I’m a clone, sweetheart. I can get off but stay rock
hard, ready to go again.”
She cupped his face and went for his mouth, kissing
him. He had never tasted himself before then, and he had to
agree with her. The taste was pleasing.
She spread her thighs wider apart and wrapped her legs
around his waist, rubbing her very wet pussy against his
shaft. He adjusted his hips and slowly drove his cock into
her, making Gemma moan against his tongue.

Gemma buried her face against Big’s shoulder,
straddling his lap. They’d already had sex once, and now
had started a second round with her on top. She didn’t need
sleep. Just him.
He sat up against the headboard, and her hands gripped
it for stability. She might be on top, but he was strong
enough to easily thrust his hips up under her, setting a rapid
pace of his cock pounding in and out of her body.
Her climax built quickly, and she bit him as she peaked.
He groaned loudly, coming with her. His hands flexed,
gripping her ass, giving each cheek a squeeze. He ground
their pelvises together slowly, to draw out the pleasure.
She collapsed against him and panted. “That was so
damn good.”
He released her ass and slid his fingers into her blonde
hair, fisting a handful at the nape of her neck. He gently
tugged on it until she lifted her head, then his mouth took
possession of hers, kissing her deeply.
She felt his muscles tense under her just before he slid
down and rolled. Her back pressed against the mattress,
their bodies still intimately joined. He ended the kiss and
gazed down at her.
“Do you feel appreciated for giving me oral sex?”
“So much so.”
“Good. I want to encourage you to do that again,
“Count on it, sexy hot pirate hunk.”
“Thank you.”
“Right back at you.”
He gently pushed her sweat-damp hair away from her
face. “I was talking about being here with me. Letting me
love you. For taking away my loneliness.” He paused, and
his voice came out gruff. “For everything, Gemma. Not just
amazing sex, because it’s so much more than that. It’s
making love when we touch. Please tell me you feel the
same as I do.”
She felt tears surface. The way he looked at her made
her a believer. “You’re my everything, too. I love you, Big.
That was definitely making love, and I’m totally feeling it.
Even if I limp tomorrow because you’re a stud.” She
grinned. “You’ve earned your name and then some.”
That drew a chuckle from him. “Just more of me to love
She peered into his eyes, not seeing any sadness there
now. Just love. He looked at her with his heart showing. No
one had ever made her feel the way he did. Special. Adored.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You. How lucky I feel at this moment to be here with
you. I mean, it’s not something I ever expected.
Understatement there, because of the whole ‘waking up in
the future.’ but I got so fucking lucky. You’re here. It makes
me believe in miracles.”
“Me too. I can’t believe I found you on that transport.”
She kissed his chin before brushing her lips over his. “So
let’s hold out hope for Blade somehow being okay. I can’t
stand to see you hurting.”
Big rested his forehead against hers as he slowly
nodded. “No matter what happens, we’re here for each
other. That’s everything.”
“It is.”
Chapter Ten

Gemma woke to find Big already gone two mornings

later. She slowly sat up and shoved off the covers, climbing
out of bed. No dark robots were lurking anywhere. Her fear
of the thing had faded since it hadn’t appeared again.
She’d also survived another hurtle of her new life…
Getting plasma transfers hadn’t turned out to be too
bad. She’d had her first one yesterday. Big had taken her to
an old wine shop that he’d converted into plasma storage
and shown her one of the bags. Plasma cells were red and
looked just like blood. She’d make a vampire joke about
hoping her clone body wouldn’t suddenly sprout fangs to
drink it.
He’d shown her how to twist on a tube of about fourteen
inches to the bottom of the bag. A capped needle had been
attached to the end of the tube. He’d done himself first,
taking a seat after he pulled down his pants just enough to
bare his thigh. Then he’d uncapped the needle and inserted
it into his skin.
Gemma had flinched for him, but he hadn’t. He’d just
smiled as he hung the bag on a freestanding hook next to
the chair, situated a little higher than where the needle was
located. It was basically like an IV drip.
Then he’d pulled her onto his lap to sit on his other leg,
as he’d readied another bag.
The needle hurt going into her skin but the pain faded
fast. The area around the needle turned numb, but he swore
that was normal. Then they’d sat quietly together, cuddling
until both bags were empty. She’d survived it just fine, and
didn’t even mind the idea of doing it again in three months.
She pushed those memories away as she entered the
bathroom. It was second nature now to tap open the shower
and sink from their hidden spots in the walls, but she still
thought future bathrooms were strange. She wasn’t certain
why they kept everything out sight, as if an empty room
with a mirror on the wall was better.
She brushed her teeth with the fancy device that was
attached to a tube and that also stored behind a panel most
of the time. Then she showered quickly. Big had shown her a
neat hot air feature that blew her dry instead of using a
towel. He didn’t enjoy using it, but she did. It was like being
in front of dozens of hair dryers.
She exited the bathroom and walked to her closet. A
robot had mysteriously delivered everything she’d ordered.
She picked a pair of cotton pants and a blouse. “No bra,”
she snorted. That was something she didn’t miss. Her
enhanced boobs were firm, and Big had assured her they
wouldn’t start to sag with time.
There were a lot of perks to being a clone. Every day
she made a habit of reminding herself of that fact. It helped
her deal with all the changes. She focused on the good
ones. No armpit hair. Her legs stayed smooth, too. The hair
between her legs was just a tiny patch, and it didn’t seem to
get any longer. It seemed shaving was another thing she
wouldn’t have to do anymore.
Magna waited with her silver hands folded on the island
when Gemma left the bedroom. The android turned her
head, meeting her gaze. She smiled, flashing a grin that still
made Gemma feel a little leery.
“What may I make for you?”
Gemma glanced around. Big wasn’t in sight. She walked
closer to Magna. “Where is Big?”
“I’m not aware of his location.”
“Okay. Tracking him isn’t one of your skills. Got it. Did he
eat already?”
“I’ll wait for him.”
Magna just stared at her with that weird smile, showing
off her metal teeth.
“Um, why don’t you go wait out of the kitchen until he
Magna lifted her hands from the counter, spun around,
and went into her closet, the door sealing behind her.
Gemma was glad to see her go. She returned to the
bedrooms, checking the two empty ones. Big wasn’t in
either. She returned to the living room, and Magna didn’t
reappear. She must have taken the command to wait for Big
It was tempting to go search for him on the station, but
it was huge. He could be anywhere. She made a mental
note to ask him to leave her a physical one, next time he
left before she woke. She took a seat on the couch to wait in
the silent apartment. There was a huge screen on the wall in
front of her, but that was something that she’d need to be
taught. How to use whatever passed for entertainment.
Future people had to have some form of it. At least, she
hoped so.
The door opened about ten minutes later and she stood
fast, relieved to see Big. He grinned and rushed toward her.
She saw excitement in his eyes as he grabbed hold of her
and lifted her right off her feet, hugging her tight.
She laughed and wrapped her arms around his
shoulders. “I guess you missed me too. Where were you?”
“What may I make for you?” Magna had come out of her
Big’s hold on her eased and he lowered Gemma back to
her feet. “I was in the shuttle to see if any messages had
come through. One did. I got a data burst from Fig.” His
smile faded a bit, and she saw a hint of worry flash in his
blue eyes.
She tried to stay calm. He’d been smiling when he’d
come home, so it couldn’t be bad news. “Is a data burst
“It’s a written transmission. I’ll get to that.” He took her
hand and led her to the island, helping her take a seat. His
gaze went to Magna. “Pancakes with sausage for me.” Then
his gaze returned to Gemma.
“I’ll take the same, only with bacon instead of sausage.
That’s all.”
Magna spun away to begin breakfast.
“While I was there decoding the message from Fig…”
His smile returned. “I got pinged.”
Gemma still had a lot to learn. “Uh-huh. And that’s a
good thing? What is pinged?”
“Someone wanted to open communications with me. It
was Blade. He’s alive!”
Gemma lunged for him, hugging his chest and nearly
slipped off her stool in the process. Big kept her from falling
and hugged her back.
“I’m so happy for you! I know you were worried.” She
released him and got her butt settled on the stool again.
“Did he apologize for not contacting you? Where has he
been? What happened to him?”
“No on the apology, and I have no idea where he’s been
or what he’s been up to.”
She frowned. “But you said you talked to him.”
“We have to be very careful of what we say.”
“Right. Because hackers could listen in.”
“Exactly.” Big grinned. “Coffee, Magna. Black.”
“Me too, Magna. Please add milk and sugar to mine.”
“He’s alive though,” Big continued. “And he’s coming
Gemma couldn’t help but feel happy for him. He looked
really excited.
“He’ll be here in two days…and he said he’s got a girl
with him.” Big’s expression sobered at that news. “She’s not
a clone. That worries me a little. He’s also being hunted by
the authorities.”
“Are you sure she’s not a clone?”
“He would have let me know. I’m certain she’s human.”
“Isn’t that a problem?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me much. I was too happy
to hear his voice, and it was a short conversation.”
“I get that.”
Big’s eyebrows arched.
“I raised two boys, remember? They worried the hell out
of me more than a few times. You’re just so happy that they
aren’t hurt or dead, you don’t tear into them at first for
scaring the ever-loving shit out of you.”
He nodded. “I might yell at him for what he put us all
through, but I’ll wait to hear the details first. We thought he
was dead. Later, I’m going to contact everyone to let them
know he’s alive and heading home. I wanted to tell you
She stared into his eyes, warmed by his consideration.
“You’re hoping the others will come back once they learn
he’s returning, aren’t you?”
“Yes. You’re getting to know me well.”
“You’re my sexy pirate.”
He grinned. “I am.”
“Is he going to live in our home with us? Should we get
one of the spare bedrooms ready? Maybe both of them,
since he’s bringing someone?”
“No. He’ll take another cabin. There are many, and we
never shared living space once we moved here.”
“I guess that’s good, since he’s bringing some woman
with him. Wait. Is it a woman? Is there a chance he picked
up a kid? Maybe he rescued one? He did say it was a girl,
Big’s eyes widened, as if she’d surprised him with that
idea. Then he shook his head. “He’d have given me a hint if
it were a child. I’m certain she’ll be an adult.”
“I hope we like her.” Gemma also hoped adding people
into their lives wouldn’t strain her new relationship with Big.
He had become her entire world.
He must have seen something on her face or in her
eyes. He reached up and cupped her cheek. “I love you. This
is going to be a good thing. I promise. You’ll like Blade, and
he’s going to be so happy for us.”
“Did you tell him about me?”
“No. He seemed rushed and as I said, our conversation
wasn’t long.”
A dreaded thought struck her suddenly. “What if he’s
bringing this girl to you? Like for you?”
“She’ll be out of luck. I found the woman of my
dreams.” He winked at her.
“Funny. Is that a pun about me thinking you were a
“Maybe. But now you know I’m the real thing, and
thankfully, so are you. I don’t care if Blade or the other men
bring back dozens of women. You’re the only one for me,
and you own my heart. All of it.”
Magna placed their food and drinks on the counter. Big
didn’t release her, though…and his expression grew somber.
“There’s something else.”
“Okay. Hit me with it.”
He hesitated.
“Do you love me, Big?”
“More than life.”
“We’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, for
however long that may be, right?”
“Then hit me with it. I can take it.”
He swallowed hard. “Fig had sent me a data burst.”
“You mentioned that.”
“Gemma…I asked him to see what he could find out
about your sons.”
The air froze in her lungs, but she forced herself to keep
breathing. It was tough to talk over the emotions suddenly
surging through her. “Did he find anything?”
“Yes. And I don’t know how you’re going to take it.
You’ve seemed so happy these past few days. I don’t want
to hurt you in any way.”
“Oh shit.” Worst case scenarios filled her mind. Had her
sons died horrible deaths? Died young?
“I’m just going to tell you. Ready?”
She fought tears and nodded, trying to brace for the
Big moved closer, turned her more toward him, and
nudged his knees between her thighs. He got very close, his
gaze locking with hers.
“Your son Brent was an attorney. He married a woman
named Nancy at the age of twenty-nine. They had three
children. A boy first, who they named Jason. The second
child was another boy named Randal. The third was a girl
they named Gemma.”
Tears streamed down her face and her heart stuttered in
her chest. Brent had named his daughter after her. It was so
sweet, yet it broke her heart at the same time. She’d had
three grandkids she’d never gotten to meet.
Big cleared his throat. “Brent and Nancy were married
for forty-six years until his death. He went first, and she
followed him two years later. There was no record of her
ever remarrying.”
She nodded, unable to speak. Brent had led a good life,
from the sounds of it. As heartbreaking as it was to know
what became of him…it was also a blessing. He’d gotten
married, raised three kids, and had a full life.
“Thomas married a woman named Megan when he was
thirty. The records must not have listed his job. I’m sorry.
They had two sons, Thomas the Second and Riley. Fig did
find out that Megan was a well-known screenwriter. I’m not
sure what that is, but she must have been good at it. Fig
said they were wealthy. They were married for fifty-two
years. She died first, and he followed her seven months
later. It’s not a lot of information, but…I hope it’s enough to
put you at ease with your past.”
She nodded, then buried her face in his chest, sobbing.
Big rubbed her back. “I’m so sorry this has upset you.”
“I wanted to know,” she got out. “I had five grandkids…”
“My boys found people to love and their marriages
lasted. That’s also great news. They were loved in return.”
“I love you, Gemma. Please tell me you’re going to be
She eventually pulled herself together. Big tore off his
shirt and had her blow her nose with it. That made her
laugh. No man had ever done that for her. Heck, no woman
had either, even her best friends.
“Thank you. For sacrificing your shirt and telling me all
He kept her close. “I can’t live without you, Gemma.”
She peered into his eyes. He looked so worried that she
leaned forward to press her lips to his and kissed him
tenderly. Those original clones, and how tragically they’d
died, would probably haunt him for a long while. But she
had something to live for. He was extremely sexy and sitting
right in front of her.
She pulled back. “I’m not going anywhere, Big. This is
my second chance at life, and I’m taking full advantage of it.
I love you, and that love is only going to grow stronger
every day we share.”
“Promise me.”
“I swear.” She felt better after purging all her tears.
“Let’s eat breakfast and then go back to bed.”
He searched her eyes.
“Not because I’m depressed.” She winked at him. “I love
the things you can do with your mouth, and I know you
highly enjoyed what I can do with mine. We’re going to
celebrate today. That means you and me, naked.”
He smiled, the tension leaving him. “You’d better eat
everything on that plate. You’re going to need your energy.
We have two days before we have company and must put
on clothes again to greet them. Did I mention clones have
“You’ve shown me. Or maybe that was just a really
naughty dream that I had about you,” she teased. “I might
need you to prove that’s a real fact.”
He turned toward his meal and chuckled. “Don’t make
me smack your ass again.”
“I might like it. Just not as hard. I’m thinking light taps.”
He picked up his silverware. “Eat fast. I want to find
“Me too.” She dug into her food with gusto.
They laughed together as breakfast turned into a game
of who could finish first. Big let her win, but he got all his
clothes off before she could when they reached their bed.
They both won, though, when their lips met, their limbs
tangled, and they fell onto the mattress…together.

Hailey jerked awake, and it took a few seconds for

memory to return…
A man had accosted her on the street.
He’d carried her to a ship, where three other men had
waited in the cargo hold. It had terrified her when they’d
made it clear why she’d been taken.
She’d screamed when they’d eventually removed the
gag from her mouth, until she’d been hit again, rendering
her unconscious.
Now awake, she was inside a small cabin on a narrow
bed. Her hands remained tied behind her back. Her throat
hurt but her kidnappers hadn’t done more to her, as far as
she could tell. Yet.
She needed to escape.
She sat up and tried to wiggle her arms down enough to
bend and scoot her butt under the cuffs. There wasn’t
enough slack between the cuffs, giving her no room to
maneuver. It wasn’t going to work. She twisted her head,
trying to get a better look at them, but it was impossible.
I need to get out of here before they take off! I must
The other option was too horrible to consider. The men
planned to use her body in degrading, unspeakable ways,
and it would ultimately end in her death.
She stood and made it to the door. It didn’t open when
she turned her back to push the button on the wall. Only a
beep sounded. They’d locked her in.
“Oh no.”
She spun and scanned the room for anything to help her
remove the cuffs. Her fingers assured her the cuffs were
metal and not something she could just cut. It was difficult
to think in her panicked, terrified state, and she needed to
clear her head if there was a chance of surviving.
She bit her lip hard. Think!
Only one option came to mind. It was going to hurt
badly, but seemed tame in comparison to what those men
would do to her.
She walked over to the end of the bunk and stared at
the metal edge of the frame. She turned and lowered to her
knees, lining up with it. She scooted back farther and put
her right hand under her left, supporting it. Shifting, she
touched the side of her left hand to the edge.
Don’t scream no matter how much it hurts.
They probably wouldn’t hear her, but she wasn’t willing
to risk it. Walls were known to be soundproof on spaceships,
but if one of the men were right outside in the hallway, it
was possible her cries would travel if the door seals were
faulty. She knew something about space vessels, thanks to
her father’s obsession and endless fantasies about traveling
on one.
She braced her knees farther apart and clenched her
teeth, sealing her lips together.
One. Two. Three.
Hailey shoved her body as hard as she could toward the
Her thumb made contact, near to her wrist, and a
stabbing pain shot up her arm and seemed to sear into her
brain. It took her seconds to recover enough to choke down
her sob. She moved the thumb gingerly.
It hadn’t broken.
Shit. Again. She took a deep breath—then slammed her
hand against the metal even harder.
Three more tries and she finally felt it break.
Hailey collapsed onto her ass, the pain excruciating.
Wetness dripped down her palm, and she knew she was
bleeding. She tried to move the thumb but all she got was
pain for the attempt. Then she pulled on her left hand. It
hurt, but she was desperate.
Her injured hand slipped out of the cuff and she slowly
brought it to her front, almost afraid to see the damage.
Her thumb had indeed broken and blood covered the
area she’d been slamming, where the metal had cut it open.
She got to her feet, the handcuffs dangling from her
right wrist. Her shoulders hurt from being yanked back for
so long, but she didn’t have time to cry or baby her injuries.
Those men would come to do really bad things to her
body. They planned to kill her afterward. There was nothing
to lose by at least trying to escape. She removed the
pillowcase off the pillow on the bed and quickly wrapped it
around her hand and upper arm.
She returned to the door and studied the panel. It was
an updated lock. That wasn’t good, but at least she was on
the inside of the room. Most cabins were designed to keep
people from breaking in, not out. She spun and hurried back
to a shelf she’d spotted, over the bed. A trophy with a stone
base sat on the shelf. She glanced at the small writing on
the base.
The name she read shocked her. Ivan Redmore.
Ivan was the son of Goldoff Redmore. Everyone knew
him. He lived in the mansion at the top of the hill that
overlooked her colony town.
He was also the owner of the Morgan.
“I’m on the Morgan,” she muttered. She knew a lot
about that particular luxury shuttle. Her father had gotten to
take a tour of it the year before. He’d gushed about how
nice it was for weeks afterward.
She flipped the trophy over and hit the electrical lock
pad with a corner edge of the base. It took a few tries, but
she finally cracked the glass and metal. She smashed it a
few more times to completely break the fasteners. Dropping
the trophy, she pulled the front panel off, noting there were
six wires attached. She yanked them all off the back of the
control panel, touched each one to the six connectors, in
Wire four, on the second connector, worked. The door
Moving cautiously, she stepped into the hallway. She
saw a plaque on the wall with the shuttle’s name. It was the
Morgan, alright. Below it was a convenient map, with a
simple layout of the shuttle. The cargo hold was to her left.
She listened carefully but didn’t hear anything. Cradling
her arm against her chest, she inched down the hallway
until she reached a door with an oval window. She peeked
through and saw three men securing crates by tying them
to each other, then behind safety nets attached to the walls.
The ramp to the cargo hold had been closed.
There was no way she could fight off three men to reach
the ramp access panel. It was all the way on the other side
of the cargo hold, meaning she’d have to get through them
first. Hailey spun, deciding to try the other exit. All shuttles
had one near the cockpit.
The sound of someone whistling a tune reached her
ears, and she bolted for the nearest door, pushing the
access button. It slid open to reveal a nice cabin, larger than
the one she’d been dumped in. She darted inside. It had an
interior lock, which she pressed before backing away,
praying the person wouldn’t try to enter.
The room had an exterior portal, and she rushed toward
it. Maybe she could draw someone’s attention. There were
usually a lot of people at the landing port. She pushed the
button that would raise the covering—and gasped when she
got a glimpse outside.
That wasn’t the landing port she was staring at. Black
space and the sight of a distant moon was enough to prove
they must have lifted off the planet while she’d been
unconscious. She hadn’t even felt the vessel moving.
Now she was trapped on the luxury shuttle with at least
four kidnappers.
Think! She paced, her hand throbbing. There was no
way she could pilot the shuttle if she managed to seal
herself in the cockpit. She’d never flown one. She
considered trying to radio for help, but she didn’t know how
to do that, either. Something her father had said tugged at
her memory, and she tried desperately to remember…
Then it came to her.
The Morgan’s captain’s quarters could be detached from
the shuttle and used as a life pod.
It was a safety feature for the super-rich, in case their
shuttles suffered massive damage. According to her father,
there were emergency supplies stored somewhere inside it
that could last a crew for weeks. It should also send an auto
distress signal once the section detached.
She remembered the map next to the plaque on the
wall. It would tell her exactly where those quarters were
located. But that meant she’d have to leave the room and
make it back to the map without running into one of those
She didn’t have time to waste, assuming the men would
be looking for her soon, since they’d already left the
surface. It wouldn’t take them long to secure all the various
crates she’d seen in the cargo area.
Her gaze darted around the room, seeking a weapon.
She opened a closet and found a bunch of high heels. One
pair had sharp metal tips on the heels. With no other option
in sight, she grabbed a shoe and walked to the door. It took
a lot of courage to disengage that lock and push the button
to slide it open.
No time to think. Just move!
No one waited to attack her in the hallway. She rushed
to the map and studied it quickly. The captain’s quarters
were straight ahead and one floor down, right under the
cockpit, in the front. Next, she located the nearest lift that
would take her down there, then bolted.
Her shoes made noise on the hard surface of the
corridor floor. She stopped briefly, kicked them off, then
sprinted down the hall and located the lift. She pushed a
button and gripped the deadly high heel tight, prepared to
stab someone in the face with it if she had to. The doors
parted—but the lift was empty.
Hailey darted in and pressed the button for the lower
She hugged the wall beside the door, taking a deep
breath before tensing as the lift slowed. The high heel
wasn’t much of a weapon, but it could take out an eye. That
should drop someone, or at least slow them down.
The lift stopped and opened. The hallway looked clear.
She stepped out, glancing both ways. No one in sight.
Hailey turned right and ran for the door at the very end
of the corridor. It was marked, assuring her that she’d found
the captain’s quarters. She pressed the button to gain
access—and was surprised to find a second set of doors,
roughly three feet beyond the first. She opened the second
set, noticing the thick seams encircling the walls and floors
in the room beyond. She slowly entered the large bedroom
and tapped the panel beside the door, sealing herself inside.
“Now what?”
She looked at the panel, but didn’t see any kind of
emergency symbol. Her father would know what to do. She
wished he were with her.
A second panel flush with the wall caught her attention,
and she ran her finger over a closed central hole on the
smooth surface. It popped open, revealing a big red button
“Here goes nothing.”
Hailey pushed it.
A loud scraping sound startled her, then a flashing light
came on above the door she stood next to. She hadn’t even
noticed the lighted panel. It just looked like another part of
the white wall, until it had lit up.
“State separation code,” a smooth computer voice
Hailey’s mouth parted. She didn’t know what to say.
“State separation code,” the computer demanded
She backed away and knew she was screwed. There
must be a voice or word activation to detach the pod. Those
men would come after her, and she’d be trapped with
nowhere to go.
“Lockdown initiated,” the computer stated. “Press
activation button again to unseal doors.”
She felt a little better at hearing that. No way would she
push that button. She just hoped that lockdown meant the
crew couldn’t bypass it somehow to get at her.
Now she just needed to find the emergency supplies to
prevent from starving or dying of dehydration. She’d
overheard the kidnappers in the cargo hold saying
something about landing on Jebler planet in twenty-one
days or they wouldn’t get paid. A missing ship would be
searched for, if they decided to run. Either way, she just had
to hope she remained safe until someone realized she was
on this ship.
She finally turned around and looked at the room. It was
as nice as she’d expected, with a big bed. An open doorway
led into an opulent bathroom. There was even a small
kitchen in the corner. She approached it and opened the
cupboards, finding food had been stocked inside.
“I might live after all.”
Chapter One

A beeping woke Hailey, and she jerked upright on the

massive bed. Her gaze fixed on the doors across the room.
She shoved away the covers and slipped off the mattress.
Marks on the wall near the doors, put there by her,
consisted of fourteen lines. It’s how many days she’d
survived since being kidnapped.
It sounded like her captors were at it again.
It wasn’t the first time the criminals had tried to reach
her, and she hoped it wasn’t the last. That would mean
they’d succeeded. It had been five days since their last
attempt, the longest break so far.
She turned, waiting for another transmission from the
room-to-room intercom. Sometimes they used it to make
threats and demand she come out.
It was currently silent.
Hailey paced but the doors remained sealed. The
beeping stopped, and she relaxed. It seemed to be a
warning signal of some kind, if anyone messed with the
exterior doors, or maybe if they tried to override the
security system.
She entered the bathroom and ran cool water over her
She couldn’t complain about her living conditions, at
least. It had been a concern that the crew could cut power,
air, and water to the cabin, but none of those things had
happened. There was plenty of food, and she’d even taken
some long soaks in the massive bathtub. No one could ever
accuse Goldoff Redmore of not enjoying the best
accommodations money could buy.
He might be furious that she’d stayed inside his
luxurious cabin and eaten his food, but he’d probably been
the one to hire those thugs to transport his shuttle to
another planet. She was a victim. None of this was her fault.
She brushed her teeth, combed her curly brown hair,
and used the bathroom.
The beeping began again, and she rushed back into the
“Just stop,” she whispered. “Go away!”
A loud blast shook the room, and Hailey whimpered.
That was a new and decidedly scary sound.
She backed up and bumped her left hand on the foot of
the bed. Pain shot up her arm. It was a reminder that she
hadn’t set the bone correctly. She’d given it her best try. The
cuts had almost healed over and the swelling had gone
down, but she couldn’t move her thumb without agony.
“Override accepted,” the computer voice stated.
“Unsealing doors.”
“No!” Sheer terror hit. Those men were going to rush in
and her worst nightmare would begin.
The doors parted, and she lunged around the bed. She’d
found a weapon in a drawer. She wrapped her good hand
around it and spun, pointing it in the direction of the doors,
prepared to take down as many of them as she could.
The tall black-haired man who entered wore a skin-tight
outfit, also black. He was huge, with wide shoulders,
massive arms—and he also held a weapon.
Hailey kept hers pointed at him as their gazes met.
“Stay away from me!”
He froze.
“Get out. I will shoot you.”
He tilted his head a tiny bit, peering at her with dark
blue eyes. “Is this your ship?”
That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say. His voice
also startled her. It was deep and kind of raspy at the same
time. It was also one she hadn’t heard on the room-to-room
“Is this your ship?” he repeated. “Your crew is dead. It
looks as if they’ve been that way for several days.”
It had to be a trick. “I don’t believe you.”
He frowned and lowered his weapon, holstering it at his
hip. “I’m Blade. I work security on a transport vessel. Your
ship didn’t respond to hails. We boarded and found four
dead male crew members. I would appreciate it if you’d also
lower your weapon. I don’t harm women, or wish to cause
you distress. Are you on drugs, as well?”
His question confused her. “No.”
“The dead crew were taking drugs, and I suspect they
either took too many or they bought tainted ones, which
caused their deaths. I would bet on the latter, since there
are no survivors other than yourself. It would be stupid if
they just overdosed one after another. The first death would
have given them a clue to the strength of the drugs.”
“I was kidnapped.” She didn’t lower her weapon. “Off
Prospect colony. Those men planned to do terrible things to
me. I made it in here and sealed the doors. You don’t look or
sound like the ones who’ve been threatening me…but that
doesn’t mean you aren’t with them.”
“Why would you believe I was one of them?”
“I saw four of them when I was carried onto this ship.
They were locking down a bunch of crates. Are you a fifth?
Someone who was already on the ship? I’ll shoot you if you
come any closer.”
He ran his gaze up and down her body. “No. I’m not with
those men. What’s wrong with your hand?”
She clutched it closer to her chest, cradling it carefully.
“I had to break my thumb to get out of the handcuffs they
used to restrain me. I was able to eventually pick the lock to
get it off my other wrist.”
“I have medical training. May I look at it?”
“No! Stay back. Did you hear me? For all I know, you’re
with them and plan to drag me out of here to hurt me. I
have no plans to be raped repeatedly and then tossed out
an airlock. I didn’t survive this long, only to die now.” She
glanced at the marked wall, then back at him.
He turned his head, following her gaze. His frown
deepened before he looked back at her. “What is that?”
“I heard them talking when I was brought onboard. They
have to be on Jebler in twenty-one days. I’ve made it
fourteen so far. I’m going to survive until the authorities find
“I’m with the authorities. You’re safe now. Those men
can’t hurt you. What’s your name?”
“You would know that if you were with law enforcement.
My parents would have reported me missing.”
“I haven’t seen any alerts from Prospect colony, but I
could check. I’m going to slowly reach behind my back and
withdraw my data bank, okay?”
She nodded. “Real slow.”
He bent his arm and slid it behind him to what she
assumed was a pocket. He pulled out a small handheld
device and showed it to her. “See? Data bank. Let me
check.” He touched it, tapping the pad.
A tense minute ticked into two. His eyebrows rose at
one point, his lips parted, then he closed his mouth before
he looked up. “Your name is Hailey Togis. You’re twenty-six
years old and a teacher.”
She nodded. “That’s me.”
He replaced the data pad. “The men who took you are
dead, Hailey. Please allow me to see your hand.” He waited.
He seemed sincere, and those men who’d taken her
hadn’t asked her name. She was certain they hadn’t cared
who she was, or made any effort to find out. She’d been a
convenient stranger. This guy also had a data bank that
gave him information about her. Only security officers and
authorities had access to those. It stood to reason he was
probably who he claimed to be. She slowly lowered the
He approached her with small steps and slow
movements. “Sealing yourself inside the main cabin of a
Varlius model shuttle was very intelligent.”
“My father talks about ships often. He mentioned the
Morgan had captain’s quarters that could detach from the
rest of the ship. I just didn’t have the code the computer
required to do that. It did seal the doors, though.”
“You initiated the first step to deployment of this
section, but these models are also designed to protect the
owners in case of a mutiny. The crew clearly tried to smash
through the first set of doors. It’s why I had to bypass the
system to get in. I suspected someone had locked
themselves inside after sabotaging the drugs the crew were
She gasped, horrified that he’d accuse her of such a
thing. “I didn’t kill them.”
He just studied her.
“Really. I didn’t do anything but run in here to protect
myself. No way would I dare unseal those doors to try to
attack them. I was too scared. Please tell me that you
believe me. I didn’t kill anyone.”
He nodded, still a few feet away. “I believe you. Have a
seat on the bed and I’ll take a look at your hand.”
She sat and held it out, relieved he was no longer
accusing her of murder—which carried a death sentence—
but remained tense. “It really hurts.”
Blade moved forward and crouched in front of her. His
gloved hands were very gentle as he examined her thumb
and wrist. The scabbing from the cuts was almost gone.
There was a lot of discoloration still.
“I’m going to get a scanner to view the bones. I don’t
think it’s healing properly because it’s out of alignment.” His
expression turned grim. “It means I’m going to have to
break the partial healing to reset it the correct way.”
That sounded extremely painful. “No.”
“Do you want the use of your thumb without pain in the
She nodded.
“Let me access the emergency aid kit. Hopefully it’s
fully stocked. It should contain something for pain.” He
released her, straightened, then walked over to one of the
closets she’d been raiding for clothing. He shoved
everything hanging out of the way and ran his fingers along
the back wall.
“What are you doing?”
“I know Varlius models well.” A section of the wall
parted and slid to the side. He lifted out a large case. “It
looks as if it’s new.” He heaved it out of the hidden
compartment and carried it to the bed. “The seals have
never been broken. That’s a good thing.”
“That’s a huge medical kit.”
“It’s the type stocked for any kind of emergency. The
designers of the Varlius had a lot of input from doctors who
invested in Corbo Corp. That’s the builder. The doctors
insisted on having advanced med kits on these shuttles.”
Hailey studied the man silently as he went to work. She
couldn’t help but notice he was extremely attractive. He
was also confident and capable, working with efficiency as
he snapped the seals on the case and opened it. The kit was
packed with equipment and supplies she couldn’t identify,
but he checked compartments as if he was sure of what
he’d find.
“How do you know so much about these ships?”
“Scoot this way, closer to the case, and I’ll tell you as I
She did as ordered. He crouched again, picking up a
scanner and turning it on. The small screen on the top
included touch buttons.
“Place your wrist on the mattress and just hold still.”
He waited for her to comply and then held the thing
over her hand. The screen showed the bones under her skin.
She looked away when she saw the break.
“You suddenly don’t look well. I’ll answer your question;
just listen to my voice and try to remain calm. I worked
security for Clone World for six years, and most of our rich
visitors bought Varlius vessels. It was part of my job to know
everything about them. I went over the designs and
features of every single model.”
Blade moved the scanner away. “Sometimes clones
tried to run away, and occasionally they had outside help
among the guests.”
“I haven’t been to Clone World. I’d never left Prospect
before I was taken. And this wasn’t exactly the kind of trip I
dreamed about when I finally got a chance to lift off the
surface. Anyway…I didn’t know clones tried to escape. Why
would they? I heard it’s beautiful there, and it’s where
everyone wants to go.”
“It’s nice for the humans visiting, who are pampered
and entertained, but it’s difficult for the clones who live
there. Imagine having to appear happy while doing the
same thing every day, year in and out. Clones don’t get
time off or any choices over how they live, where they work,
what they eat. They perform the way they were meant to, or
they’re destroyed. It’s just a matter of ordering another unit
to replace them.”
She shook her head. “That sounds horrible. I had no
He retrieved another device. “I’m glad the kit has one of
these. Slide your hand in here.”
She hesitated. “What is it?” It looked like a simple box
with two holes on either side.
“It’s basically for setting and fusing broken bones on
limbs. The sides expand as needed. It means I won’t have to
manually reset the thumb.” He set the devise on the bed.
“We’ll just slide your hand inside.” He tapped the controls
on the top, and it opened slightly. “It will scan and then
compress. I won’t start it until I give you a shot for pain.”
She didn’t have much of a choice but to trust him.
Blade opened a compartment inside the case and
showed her an injector. “Loaded already.” He turned it,
studied her carefully, and then programmed it. “I’ve
adjusted the dosage for your approximate weight. You’ll only
feel a slight cold sensation as it sanitizes the skin to prevent
infection, before a tiny sting. Ready?”
He reached up to and pressed the device to the side of
her throat. As promised, she felt cold wetness and heard a
short hissing sound. The jab was sharp but fast. He held the
injector in place as the skin turned cold once more, before
pulling it away.
“You’re going to be fine, Hailey. I’m not going to let
anything happen to you. Tell me when you start to feel the
drug.” He returned the injector to the case and smiled.
Hailey felt lightheaded and a little dizzy. She reached
out, almost falling face first off the bed, but Blade stood fast
to catch her. He carefully placed one hand behind her head,
the other on her stomach.
“Easy. Just lie back. Close your eyes and you’ll wake
when it’s all over.”
She didn’t want to go to sleep. She didn’t fully trust him.
But her body slumped and the big security officer eased her
onto her back. He released her and hovered close, peering
into her eyes.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”

Blade shoved the guilt away over purposely knocking

out the woman with the strong sedative. She was a pretty
female, with disheveled, curly brown hair that flowed
midway down her back. The information on his data pad
included her age, but she looked a few years younger. Her
unusually pale skin had complimented the soft brown of her
eyes, even when she’d been peering at him in fear.
He programmed the machine to scan her hand, slipping
her dainty injured limb into the device with care. The
machine auto-adjusted in size to accommodate her wrist
and hand, flattening and widening at the same time. He
watched the screen as it located the problem and offered a
solution. He hit start, then straightened, his gaze traveling
down her body.
It angered him, knowing why the dead men had likely
grabbed her. She was petite, but also sexy, with curves in all
the right places. He assumed they’d targeted her believing
she wouldn’t be strong enough to fight them off. But she’d
not only outsmarted them by locking herself in the captain’s
cabin, she’d outlasted them as well.
Blade admired anyone with a strong survival instinct. He
could relate, having one himself. Hailey Togis deserved to
live without being abused by men who saw her as nothing
more than an outlet for their lust. He’d make certain she
was safe.
He turned away and left her sleeping on the bed.
Blade paused outside the main doors to the captain’s
quarters and punched in the builder’s override code. The
doors resealed.
The pirates couldn’t find Hailey.
He owed Clint and his crew his life, but the past eleven
months and nineteen days had taught him much about the
trio. Not all of it good. They were pirates, after all, who
targeted transports. He could live with that because he was
guilty of surviving the same way. Life in space made for
brutal living at times. The difference was, he refused to kill
unless absolutely necessary, while they seemed to enjoy
committing murder.
He’d had his fill of living with pirates since his shuttle
had sustained damage. Occasionally, they brought women
back to their main hub—basically a pirate base—and it
sickened him to think of Hailey being forced to go there.
She’d live, but it wouldn’t be much of a life. The highest
bidder would purchase her, and she’d end up becoming
Some of the pirates rented their women out for sex.
Others turned them into breeders. All were pitied by Blade
for the abusive treatment they suffered at their owners’
He didn’t want that kind of future for Hailey, and he was
in a position to make certain it didn’t happen.
Her delicate features were imprinted in his mind. She’d
hate him when she found out what he was…but he’d still
protect her. Some instincts were imbedded deeply in him,
and she was an innocent.
He found the three other members of the boarding party
clearing out the cargo hold, moving everything to their
smaller ship. The sight of them instantly had him tensing. All
three humans could be unstable on their best days.
“Any problems?”
“The crew are dead,” Blade announced.
Clint frowned. “Shit. How?”
“It seems they were taking tainted drugs. I found them
in the main living area. They were drinking booze as well.”
Mick snorted. “Did you find hype injectors?”
Blade nodded. “There was a box of them, and some had
been used.”
“I guess they didn’t get that warning being transmitted
about the recent deaths.” Craig chuckled. “And that, boys, is
why we don’t do drugs and only sell them. It’s a government
conspiracy to wipe out the riffraff. They probably poisoned
that crap themselves.”
“This shuttle is a Varlius model. It’s got a tracking
system. They were due somewhere, with this much cargo.
The tracker will be automatically activated when they don’t
arrive on time. It’s an anti-theft measure.” Blade couldn’t
allow them to return the Morgan to their hub. Hailey would
quickly be found. “Corbo Corp will send out an all-frequency
activation and the beacon will transmit the ship’s location to
every authority cruiser. It’s part of the warranty package on
these models. I can disarm it, but I’ll need help. It’s a two-
man job.”
“Not a problem. Go with him, Mick. We’ll finish
offloading this shit and tow this fine piece of machinery
home.” Clint paused, staring at Blade. “Pull out that law
report thing I let you keep, see if anything has been sent
about this ship.”
Blade withdrew his data bank. He was the only one who
could access it, since the devices were synced to each
owner’s DNA, otherwise the pirates wouldn’t have allowed
him to keep it. It was basically a transmission receiver of
any alerts sent out by the space authorities. It also stored
information on criminal offenders. Blade had been assigned
the device on Clone World, to make certain none of the
incoming guests were being actively sought or had a history
of committing heinous crimes.
He’d taken it with him when they’d fled. It’s how he
knew the owner of CW hadn’t made an official report to the
authorities about their escape.
He looked up at Clint. “There’s nothing about the
“Good.” Clint turned away. “Let’s finish moving all this
shit. Get that fucking tracking system offline.”
Craig grumbled. “Why don’t we just haul the cargo in
this ship?”
“We’ll get more if we divide it before we return home.
You know everyone’s going to see this ship when we haul it
into port, and they’ll try to sneak aboard to steal whatever
they can.” Clint’s humor fled. “How many times do I have to
tell you that, idiot? Their focus will be on this ship, instead of
“Right. Sorry. It’s just that these crates are heavy.”
Clint glared at Blade. “Make damn sure you deactivate
that tracker. You know one fuck-up and the group will take
you out.”
“I’m aware.” Blade forced a smile. “I’m grateful that I
wasn’t floated in space.”
Mick removed his work gloves and moved toward him.
“You’re as big as an ox, and as strong as one, too. You also
kick ass with technology. You’re one of the best finds we’ve
ever picked up. That’s why we didn’t shove your ass out an
airlock. Where do we need to go?”
“The cockpit.” Blade spun, leading the way.
Mick followed. The other man began cursing before
they’d even reached the living area of the ship. “Fuck! What
is that stench?”
“Four decaying bodies.”
“Why didn’t you float them?”
“I figured someone else could do that while I deactivate
the tracker. I said it was a two-man job.”
Mick pulled his weapon and pointed it at Blade. “You’re
going to do the dirty work.?”
He raised his hands in submission. “Okay.”
“I give you the orders.” He pointed the gun at Blade’s
crotch. “You don’t need a dick to lift crates and repair shit.
Do replacement skins care about keeping their junk?”
Blade clenched his jaw and gave a sharp nod. He hated
it when they called him that. It was an insult. He also didn’t
like being threatened with castration.
“Good. No more implying I do anything beneath me. You
get all the shit jobs, like disposing of bodies. Got it?”
“I do. I apologize. It was just my attempt at a joke.”
The weapon in Mick’s hand lowered—and Blade struck.
He lunged forward and grabbed the man’s wrist,
snapping the bone with one vicious jerk. He used his other
hand to clamp around Mick’s throat, lifting him off his feet.
Shock and pain creased the other man’s features as his
mouth opened. The coloring in his face changed as he
struggled for air. Blade held him tightly, until Mick’s weapon
dropped from his fingers.
Blade released Mick’s wrist and gripped his head, using
the hold on his neck to help him snap the bone. He hated
killing, but the innocent woman locked in the captain’s
quarters motivated him to do so. The pirate crew couldn’t
be allowed to get their hands on her, or she’d wish for
He dragged Mick’s body down the hallway to the airlock
and shoved it inside. It took a little longer to cut the carpet
under the two bodies sprawled on the floor of the living area
and drag both to the same airlock, before sealing the inner
door. He opened the exterior door and watched as the three
bodies floated into space.
He sealed the outer door and opened the inner one
again, shoving the fourth body—and the couch it had died
on—inside. He opened the airlock once more.
The last body was more difficult to clean up. The guy
had died half in a chair, half on the floor. Blade took the
chair and the body to the airlock, as well as the carpet
under both, so the decaying smell wouldn’t continue. After
sealing the inner door, the airlock took the entire mess
Blade sighed. It would be difficult killing Clint and Craig
at the same time. He could claim Mick was clearing the
bodies while Blade piloted the luxury shuttle behind the
Cracker, then open fire on the small transport once it had
undocked. But Clint would never believe Mick was touching
a dead body, nor could his youngest brother fly the massive
They always made Blade do the dirty or dangerous
tasks. That’s why they’d sent him inside to handle the crew
alone with a useless weapon. It was for looks only. He was
He needed a game plan.
He picked up Mick’s working weapon. It was an
upgraded version of the one they’d allowed him to carry. He
returned to the lower deck, an idea forming as he stepped
out of the lift and moved toward the cargo hold with
Clint saw him the second he entered the room. “Where’s
“He decided to check out the captain’s quarters. There
are crates of weapons stored inside. He said that was more
important than helping me deactivate the tracker. He’s also
planning on scavenging the owner’s possessions, to keep
the best stuff for himself. I wasn’t supposed to tell you that
part…but my loyalty is to you.”
Clint cursed. “That fucking bastard. He should have
gotten us first!” He stepped out from behind a tall crate of
food supplies. “Craig, let’s go find that moron to remind him
that we’re a team.”
Blade lifted Mick’s weapon the second Craig came into
view. He fired and hit the male in the throat.
Clint reacted by going for his gun, but Blade had already
targeted him. He didn’t hesitate.
Clint took a hit center mass and was thrown backward.
Blade advanced, prepared to fire again at either of them
if they moved. Clint still breathed as he stopped next to him.
The downed pirate clutched at his bleeding wound and
appeared shell-shocked.
“Why?” he sputtered.
“I’m not your property, Clint. And that’s how you treat
me. I put up with it out of gratitude for keeping me alive, but
now I’ve found someone in need of protection. You’d never
have let me to just take off with this shuttle—and the
woman hiding inside. She’s young and innocent. But that
wouldn’t last long if you got your hands on her. I refuse to
allow you to sell her into sexual slavery. And I can’t allow
you to live and just fly off in your ship. I’ve gotten to know
you too well. You’d hold a grudge. You’d also put a reward
on my head at the hub until every pirate crew was searching
for us. I’m sorry.”
He fired again.
Chapter Two

Hailey woke and lifted her arm. Her wrist and hand had
been neatly bandaged and splinted, and she wasn’t in any
pain. She pushed off the covers and sat up. The doors to the
corridor were wide open, but Blade was nowhere in sight.
A sound startled her, and she turned her head just as
the bathroom door open.
The missing man himself stepped out, rubbing a towel
against his wet hair. Her gaze lowered. He wore only loose
sleeping pants. She recognized them from one of the closets
she’d gone through in the room.
Blade dropped the towel away from his head and looked
directly at her. “You’re awake.”
She had no words to respond. The tight uniform had
already revealed that he had a buff body, but seeing most of
it bared was something else entirely. The men on her planet
didn’t look like him. Miners were a sturdy people but tended
to be on the short, slim side.
Nobody on Prospect colony would ever be accused of
eating too much. It was one of the poorest planets in six
solar systems. They also didn’t have tanned skin, since they
spent so much time underground, and there were only five
hours of mild sunshine in a thirty-hour day cycle.
“I apologize. I couldn’t resist after I saw that bathroom.
It has a sauna shower with twenty water nozzles. I’ve
always wanted to try one, and you were peacefully sleeping.
I didn’t see the harm in using it.”
She was staring at his chest but she couldn’t stop. It
was truly a sight to see.
She finally lifted her gaze to his face.
“How do you feel?”
“Better. I’m not hurting.”
“Good. Your hand has been treated, and I gave you a
shot to help accelerate the healing. We should be able to
completely remove the tape within a week.”
“Are we on our way back to Prospect? Were you able to
contact my parents? They’ve got to be worried sick.”
He returned the towel to the bathroom and came back,
staying across the room. “We need to talk.”
That didn’t sound good, and she tensed. “What is it?”
“I can’t take you back right away. I’d be killed as soon as
I landed this shuttle and your port authority officers
“I don’t understand.” Fear took over as the truth
dawned on her. “You lied to me, didn’t you? You are one of
the men who kidnapped me.” She scrambled to roll across
the bed and almost fell off the other side. It put the big
piece of furniture between them. She darted a terrified look
at the door, expecting the rest of the crew to come rushing
“Easy,” Blade crooned. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“But those other men will. I heard what they want to do
to me!”
“They are dead. That wasn’t a lie. They were injecting
drugs and used a bad batch. It’s just you and me onboard.”
She glanced at the door again, wondering if she could
flee before he caught her, and where she’d go.
She looked at him.
“I won’t come any closer. You look frightened but there’s
no reason to be. I treated your hand. Why would I do that if I
planned to harm you? It makes no sense. And I could have
done anything to you while you slept. I didn’t.”
He had a point, but she wasn’t sure what to think.
“I’m going to tell you everything. I just need you to
listen. I had my own shuttle but a year ago, my engine blew.
It left me dead in space. The damage took out long-distance
transmissions. I couldn’t contact the few people I trust to
come help me, then I was boarded by pirates before I was
able to make any repairs. They realized what I was
immediately…and decided not to kill me. I was forced to live
and work with them.”
“You’re a pirate?” She remembered his data bank. “But
you had access to information on me. I don’t understand.
Only authorities can do that.”
“I told you that I worked for Clone World for six years.
That was the truth. I was given access to all official alerts
and reports that are sent out to the authorities. At the time,
I was one.”
That makes no sense. Unless… “You went undercover
with the pirates? Like, to catch them?”
“Think of it more like being trapped and enslaved. They
made certain I couldn’t steal a shuttle, I was never sent
alone or given a working weapon. But I felt gratitude toward
them for not killing me outright. I played by their rules—
until earlier today. You changed everything.”
He nodded. “I knew what they’d do to you, and I
couldn’t allow it. I always promised myself if we boarded
any vessels with women or children that I’d protect them. I
couldn’t sleep at night if I took either back to that hell. Over
two hundred pirates live on one of the abandoned way
stations. They call it the hub.”
“Is that one of the places they built when it used to take
a really long time to travel in space?”
“Yes. The pirates living there would have put you up for
auction to the highest bidder. Some of those pirates let
other men have sex with their women for the right price. I
don’t envy the ones kept purely for personal use, either.
Some of them live off scraps from their owners. Most of
them sport bruises or other signs of abuse. I even met one
who’d been forced to give birth to four children. The man
who owned her wanted her to breed his own crews of
pirates. She didn’t survive the fifth pregnancy. He bought
another woman to replace her less than a day after her
death to birth him more babies.”
She shuddered.
He inclined his head. “Exactly. I swore I wouldn’t ever
hand over a woman or a child to that kind of life. They use
the children as slaves. I lived only slightly better while in
captivity, but I still couldn’t stand by and watch kids suffer
near starvation. I gave them food allotted for me, even
bought medicine for the sick ones with money I stole from
the crew that owned me.”
Some of her fear eased. Though, he could be telling her
what she wanted to hear to get her to let down her guard.
“Why can’t you take me home?”
“Remember how I told you about Clone World, and the
reasons why some of the clones tried to run away?”
She nodded.
“I’m a clone, Hailey. I escaped with a small group of
others. I’ll be executed on sight by any port official.” He
turned and gripped the waist of the sleeping pants, tugging
down one side enough to show a round tattoo on his hip.
Her gaze locked on that stamp. It was roughly the size
of the circle if she touched her index finger to her thump.
She’d heard clones were marked that way during the
process of being created.
His news stunned her. He was a clone. A real one.
“I’m also not data imprinted in my palm, like humans
are, because Clones aren’t considered people. Every
customs center scans incoming guests. Even your colony
planet. I’ve already checked. There are a lot of transports
that travel there to pick up the minerals your planet mines.”
Her gaze jerked up to his face, finding him staring at her
still. He pulled up his pants and faced her fully.
It sank in slowly that he was truly a clone. She hadn’t
ever met one before. None of them had lived on or visited
Prospect. He looked real, as if he were a regular person. Just
a big muscled one.
“Do you know how difficult it was to capture my own
kind on Clone World? I hated that job.” Emotion deepened
his voice. “They often killed clones who disobeyed orders. I
never knew if the ones I prevented from leaving would be
killed or just punished. Imagine having to live that way. It
was horrible. I’d have died for certain, though, if one
escaped on my watch.”
She was beyond horrified to hear that.
“A small group of us plotted our escape successfully and
made it off the planet. I would drop you off somewhere safe,
but that would mean visiting an official port with authorities.
They would kill me on sight. And I wouldn’t trust just anyone
not to do you harm if I dropped you off at an unsanctioned
station. Women are valuable on the open market. You told
me how you were kidnapped. Those men could have made
you a price bride or sold you to a sex-slaver ship when they
were done abusing you. Those are basically traveling
“I know that,” she said in a small voice. Everyone had
heard of those horrible slaver ships that traveled around
space looking for customers. One of them had visited her
solar system twice in her lifetime so far…that she knew
about. Her parents hadn’t allowed her to leave their home
both times, because sometimes the crew on those ships
would visit colonies just to steal women and girls.
“I killed the pirates to keep you safe, Hailey. I’m not
saying that you have to stay on this shuttle with me forever,
but you need to remain until we run across someone that I
have no doubt will take you where I can’t go.”
She tried not to panic. Clones were supposed to be
friendly beings. At least they looked that way in all the
advertisement clips she’d seen on their entertainment
screen at home. She’d assumed they’d been created
without violent tendencies…but he’d just admitted to killing
the men he’d come with. “I’m all my parents have. I need to
go home.”
“I’ll let you send them a message that you’re alive, but
it’s going to take some time. We have to travel to a distant
satellite relay first.”
“Those two hundred pirates I mentioned? They’re now
missing a pirate ship and crew, but they don’t realize it yet.
They’ll soon figure it out when our transport doesn’t return.
The group of pirates who run the hub aren’t going to just let
that go. You never quit that line of work. It’s for life or they
kill you. It’s one of the reasons I’ve never tried to escape
before. I knew they’d come after me if I took out the men
who’d enslaved me. All their transports have multiple
trackers hidden both inside and out. Pirates don’t trust each
other. I’d never have been able to lose them if I’d stolen the
She knew he expected a response, but she didn’t have
one. Instead, she just gave him a little nod to acknowledge
that she’d heard him. It seemed to be enough when he
spoke again.
“I’ve already set a course to get us out of this solar
system and we’re heading far from their territory. I don’t
have time right now to make a stop to hack into a relay
satellite for you to send a message. We can’t transmit one
directly from this shuttle, because it would carry the
Morgan’s signature. I’ve disabled the tracking system but
communications can be traced by main computer
“I just want to go home,” she pleaded softly.
His features softened. “I’m going to do everything I can
to find a safe way for you return to your planet. I just don’t
want to die in the process. Don’t give up hope, Hailey. It’s
going to take some time, but I’ll get you back to your
She glanced at his body again and then held his gaze.
“What do you want from me in return? There’s always a
He took a step closer, and she backed up. He looked
much stronger and was bigger than the man who’d grabbed
her off the street. She hadn’t been able to fight that guy off.
There was zero chance of defending herself against Blade.
He didn’t advance again.
“I’m nothing similar to those humans who kidnapped
you, Hailey. All I ask is that you and I live in peace on this
shuttle, and that you attempt to trust me. Don’t break into
the cockpit to gain access to communications. I’d like to
think that at least one person doesn’t want me dead, and
hopefully that will be you.”
It sounded simple enough to Hailey, but things never
were. He had admitted to being a clone, though… They
weren’t normal people. It was possible he wasn’t interested
in sex. That meant she’d be safe from him attacking.
“I took the quarters next door. They aren’t as nice as
this one, but I want you to be comfortable.” He smiled. “I’m
going to go there now to get some rest. I’ve been up for a
long time. Is there anything you need before I go?”
She shook her head.
“You’re welcome to explore the ship. I’m directly to the
right, down the hallway. I’m a light sleeper, so buzz me if
you need something. The only areas locked down are the
cockpit and the engines.”
“Why the engines?”
“It’s dangerous there. I once saw a man killed simply by
touching the wrong thing. You could be electrocuted. It’s just
for your protection.”
“Is that really the only reason?”
“I’m not going to lie to you, Hailey. It’s possible that you
might consider damaging the engines. I can’t allow that. I
risked my life to save yours. Pirates will be hunting for me
soon. I can’t risk us being dead in space, allowing them to
capture either of us. We’re still in their territory. Theirs are
the only ships that would dock with us. Trust me on that.
They’ll likely assume I’m going to want revenge for their
treatment of me, and I know where they live. I could tell the
authorities about the hub.”
“Are you going to do that?” she asked.
“No. The authorities won’t care about the innocent
women and children living on the way station who were
taken there by force.” He paused. “They’d just blow it up to
kill them all.”
She nodded, willing to believe him.
“I don’t expect gratitude, but I’ve been where you are.
My first thoughts when I was captured by pirates was to kill
them and cause mass destruction to their hub. I felt I had
nothing to lose, since I believed they’d eventually kill me. I
finally realized I was too useful for them to murder, and
innocents would die if I followed through with that plan.
Sabotaging the hub would mean the deaths of women and
children, as well, if the life support failed. So I bided my time
and hoped for a day when I could get away.” He paused.
“Your thoughts will turn to escape, and I won’t blame you.
I’ll just have to outthink you, if it comes to that, to prevent
both of us from being hurt or killed.”
Then, without another glance, he crossed the room and
Hailey took a seat on the bed, stunned by everything
he’d said. Blade had just pretty much admitted he expected
her to do everything in her power to escape…yet he hadn’t
locked her up. It made no sense.
Unless he was serious about not wanting to hurt her.

Exhaustion dragged at Blade as he lie down but sleep

didn’t come easy. He had too much on his mind. He needed
a safe location to hide out for a while but the pirates had
hauled his damaged ship back to the hub. He hadn’t
scrubbed his recent travel history, unable to do so with the
damage the explosion had caused. Most of his systems had
been destroyed, but it was possible that the pirates had
managed to gain some information from the computer. His
previous home base—on an abandoned, isolated planet—
could be compromised.
The pirates would begin searching for him when the
Cracker didn’t return, and they’d track it, finding it floating
in space with a dead crew. They might even discover the
bodies he’d floated.
When the owner of the Morgan reported it stolen at
some point, that meant all port authorities and law cruisers
would be on the lookout for the shuttle.
And he also had to worry about Hailey. She was an
attractive, healthy woman…and anyone with a flaw in their
morals would view her in profit margins.
He needed to return to the only place he’d called home.
It had been almost two years since he’d gone off on his own
to make his way in life, but he’d kept in contact with his
friends from time to time. He even considered them
The other clones who’d escaped with him from Clone
It had been difficult for all of them to learn how to live
with their newfound freedom. Arguments had broken out
when they’d disagreed, occasionally resorting to physical
fights. Their core ethics were the same, but it was
impossible to clump strong personalities together without
clashes. They’d needed separation at the time, and all but
one had gone off on their own to start individual lives. Big
had remained at the abandoned mining station on an
isolated moon.
Big wouldn’t harm Hailey or attempt to kill Blade to take
her for his own. None of his clone friends were capable of
that kind of betrayal, nor could they stomach the abuse of a
woman in any way. They’d seen enough of that shit on
Clone World. It had bonded them in ways that blood never
could. Trust had been earned, and they watched each
other’s backs, despite their arguments.
Now he needed their help.
Blade eased out of bed and gave up on sleep. He
debated putting on a shirt…but he’d found it nice when
Hailey kept glancing at his chest. He didn’t see fear when
she’d admired his physique, just awareness of him as a
But then, that might be wishful thinking.
He left the sleeping cabin and remained on alert for
Hailey’s presence. It would be good for her to leave the
captain’s cabin. She’d been trapped in there for two weeks.
It didn’t take long to reach the cockpit and unseal the
door. He entered and took a seat, checking the autopilot and
the long-range sensors. Everything seemed fine. He closed
his eyes and took a few breathes.
What if Big said no? It would be a risk to take Hailey
their base, especially since he planned to find a way to
return her to her planet when it was safe to do so.
It was possible to hide the location from her if he kept
her on the Morgan the entire time they were there and
locked her inside. That way, she wouldn’t enter the mining
station or be able to identify it to authorities. He’d have to
share that risk with Big, but he’d do it once they’d safely
arrived. Pirates would never find him there. It was too far
out of their territory and the location hadn’t been logged on
his old shuttle.
He hadn’t spoken to Big or any of the other clones in a
long time, not since he’d been enslaved by the pirates. They
probably all believed that he’d died. It was possible Big
wasn’t even staying at their home base anymore. He hadn’t
had any contact with them in just over eleven and a half
months. A lot could happen in that time. Blade was more
than aware of that fact.
He reached out blindly and touched the console,
opening his eyes to punch in the coded signal he had
memorized to link the ship to the satellite relay they’d
stolen and reprogramed. “Dad, this is your lost sheep.
Please respond.” He eased back in the seat and waited.
Long minutes passed, and he sighed. He was about to
flip off the coms when an incoming message finally came
“I’m glad to hear from you, son! You sound as sharp as
ever, but I was worried sick.”
Blade grinned, feeling immense relief. “I’ve done some
dumb things and got into a bit of trouble. I’d like to come
“You know you’re always welcome here. Is it the kind of
trouble that might come with you?”
His amusement died as quickly as it had sprung up. “I
met a girl and…you know how it goes. Shit hit the fan and a
bunch of people weren’t real happy about it.”
“How much shit?”
Blade had to word it carefully. It was possible someone
could hack the transmission signal and overhear their
conversation. They always made sure their exchanges
appeared innocent enough. “Her big brother wants to
strangle me, and I didn’t make any friends with the guys I
worked for when I quit my job to leave with her.”
“Can you make it home or do you need me to come get
you?” Worry sounded in Big’s voice.
“I found a ride. I just didn’t want to show up out of the
blue if you have things going on.” In other words, he wanted
to call to make certain someone remained at the base.
“You’re always welcome here, son. I’ll have mother cook
up a hell of a meal.”
“She shouldn’t have to go to any trouble. I just want to
slip in quietly and relax.”
“Get your ass home, son. We’ll be ready to throw a party
in case you change your mind. How far out are you?”
He glanced at the shuttle’s location and calculated.
“Two days. I’m bringing the girl with me.”
“I’ll be seeing you both then. Is there anything else you
can tell me? We’ve all been really worried about you.”
“I’ll tell you everything when I get home. I need to let
you go now. Thanks, Dad.”
“Be careful, my sharpest son. Out.”
Blade flipped off the coms and began to change course
—when he heard a slight noise behind him. He rose fast and
spun around.
Hailey’s wide eyes met his. She had crept inside the
door he’d left open.
“I don’t have a brother, and you lied to me. You said you
were a clone but you were talking to your father. You even
have a mother!”
“That was Big. He’s another clone, and we call him Dad.
The transmissions can be hacked into, so we always speak
in code. It’s less suspicious if we address each other as
typical family members. We don’t want anyone to suspect
we’re clones. ‘Big brother’ is what we call the authorities. I
said they want to strangle me, so Big knows they might be
trying to pin down my location. Mother is what we call the
defense systems on our home base, and Big was inferring
he’s on high alert and preparing for a fight if someone’s
following us. We hate surprises, hence the party reference.
He’s going to be waiting to blow up any ship that isn’t ours
as we approach.”
She didn’t seem convinced when she crossed her arms
over her chest and glared at him. He figured she was
attempting to look threatening, but she didn’t. And angry
Hailey was actually cute. He liked the way her cheeks
flushed pink and her lips pressed together.
“Big called me ‘sharpest son’ because my name is
“Why do you call him your dad? Is he a lot older than
“He’s the most paternal of us, and he occasionally likes
to give lectures. Someone had to take that role if we were
using family titles to contact each other, and he also chose
to remain at our home base. It just made sense. I’m actually
a few months older. I was produced the same year as Big.”
“Do you regret saving me?”
“No. Why would you ask that?”
“You told that man you’d done something dumb.”
“Anytime we do something that puts us in danger, we
call it a dumb move. He knows that.”
“You said it wasn’t safe to call my parents, but you
made a call. Why can’t I?”
“The signal I sent went to a private relay that only other
clones have access to use. It’s set to explode if anyone
attempts to take over or even get too close to the hidden
satellite that protects our locations. It scrambles our signals,
making us untraceable. Making a direct call to your planet
would means they could trace us.”
“Can’t you use that relay to contact my parents?”
“No, Hailey. Your planet won’t be able to find us, but
they would find the relay and it would be destroyed. Then
clones would have no safe way to contact each other. I’m
sorry, but I can’t do that.”
“Oh.” She eased her grip on her arms.
“Any other questions? I told you, I won’t lie to you,
“What is it going to mean for me when we go meet this
Big person?”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“Yes, you do.” She backed up just enough that she
seemed ready to flee. “I might have been raised on a small
mining colony, but I do hear the news. I know what happens
to women without family to protect them. Are you going to
sell me to some loser who can’t find a wife? Or worse, are
you and your friend going to hurt me?”
Blade frowned. “I’d never sell you into slavery. I’ve been
there, Hailey. That’s what clones are. We’re property
someone has ordered. We’re considered just mass-produced
bodies without emotions or rights. It’s horrible to be treated
that way. I also swear that I’d never allow anyone to hurt
you. We used to clean up that shit on Clone World. It
sickened us.”
“What do you mean?”
“Sometimes guests believed they should get more than
just a show. A few of the performers were attacked. We
didn’t always reach them in time.” Anger simmered in Blade
at the memories.
She paled.
“Clone World makes the resort look beautiful and fun in
the advertisements they send out. And it is for the guests.
It’s another matter for the clones. Do you know how the
owner punishes guests who hurt or kill a clone? He fines
them whatever he feels the damage is worth. As if suffering
sexual assault or death has a monetary value. It all goes
into the pocket of Rico Florigo. I’ve also seen some of his
personal clones, and pitied them.”
“Personal ones…”
“He’s a perverted old man who keeps his own harem,
hidden in the basement rooms under his home. He’s too old
and feeble to physically cause them injury, but he forces
them to have sex with him. That’s still abuse. They agree to
it because a useless clone not performing their duties isn’t
allowed to live.”
Hailey gasped. “How can he get away with that?”
“We’re clones, and therefore aren’t seen as real people.
It isn’t considered abuse or murder to the authorities
because we’re property. We don’t have the right to say no,
or even to live unless a human allows us to. Most people
think we don’t have feelings, but they’ve never witnessed a
clone’s pure suffering the way I have. I killed three men to
prevent you from ever suffering that kind of torment. I’ve
seen the results of a man abusing a woman, Hailey. I will
never allow that to happen to you.”
He reached up into one of the cabinets and removed a
knife he’d found there earlier. He offered it to her handle
first. “Here.”
She didn’t take it, just at him in surprise.
“It’s for your personal protection. I want you to stab me
if I ever try to hurt you. And I’ll let you. Take it.”
She still didn’t move.
He set it down and backed away. “It’s not a trick or a
test. I mean it. Keep the knife with you, Hailey. I want you to
feel safe. You’re not my prisoner. Think of us as partners.
We’re in this together until I can find a safe way to get you
She inched forward and took the knife, backing away
quickly. “I don’t know what to think about you,” she
“We’ll get to know each other. I’m going to alter our
course to take us to Big’s location. The pirates who captured
me don’t know about it. We’ll be safe there until we’re not
being hunted so hard. It will also give me time to hack into
the ship’s computer to change the coding in the outgoing
transmissions. That could take a few weeks. It’s complicated
work. Now, I really do need to get some sleep. I’ve been up
for over twenty-seven hours, but I couldn’t rest until I had a
plan of action.”
“Those pirates are hunting you, not me.”
He arched his eyebrows. “And you’re with me. Trust me,
you’d better hope those pirates don’t find us. I won’t be able
to protect you if I’m dead.”
He turned his back, which meant she had the
opportunity to attack. He retook his seat and adjusted the
course of the autopilot, scanning long-range sensors again.
The computer would tell him if anyone got close, but he just
liked to be certain. Finally, he got up and turned again.
Hailey was no longer in the cockpit.
He paused by the knife she’d put back down.
Did that mean she trusted him? Or was she playing a
game? He sighed. His life had become a lot more
complicated since meeting Hailey.
At least I’m no longer bored or enslaved. He smirked.
Chapter Three

Hailey cleaned when she felt nervous or angry. She

suffered both of those emotions at that moment. There were
missing sections of carpet in the main living cabin. Faint,
gross-smelling stains were on the metal in those bare spots,
but they were now gone after she’d scrubbed them with a
No one needed to tell her where the original crew had
The injector she’d found behind the bar had been
tempting to hold on to, if her kidnappers had died from bad
drugs. Hype, a well-known illegal drug, was a green
substance, and she suspected that’s what was inside the
injector tube.
It could be used as a weapon against Blade if she dosed
him. She disposed of it, though. He hadn’t hurt her so far,
and the thought of being left alone on the big shuttle was
A ship-wide search had proven they were the only two
persons onboard. The cargo area was stacked high with
crates. Access to the cockpit and the engines were locked.
Blade hadn’t lied about that. She wiped down the tables and
She didn’t know what to think of Blade. It may have
been a mistake to abandon his knife. Hailey always tried to
be a reasonable person. The huge guy would have no
problem attacking her if he had a mind to. He was strong
enough to do a lot of damage. But he’d helped her instead.
Her hand felt a hundred times better after he’d treated it.
She missed her parents badly. They had to be worried.
Prospect was a small planet with a few groups of small
mining settlements in close enough proximity to be
considered one colony. She’d never lived alone, since it
wasn’t safe. Some visitors or short-term workers might
mistake her for one of the few women who sold their bodies,
using their homes as a place to conduct business.
Jacob crossed her mind, and she felt a bit of guilt. He’d
be worried about her, too, but that didn’t upset her as much
as it should have.
He’d started courting her months before. They were
both teachers, and he’d had the most in common with her
of all the other men who’d asked her out since she’d turned
The problem was, she didn’t love him. She’d mostly
agreed to date him to get her parents off her back. They
expected marriage and grandkids from her eventually. Her
mother especially had begun to hassle her to find a
husband. Most women on her planet got married by twenty-
two. She was four years past that already.
She took a seat on one of the chairs. Jacob was a nice-
looking man, a few inches taller than her and soft spoken.
He also bored her when they engaged in conversation. His
entire world seemed to revolve around his job teaching
science. That’s why she’d dragged her feet when he wanted
their relationship to progress.
She’d previously dated at least a dozen men at the
urging of her parents, but rarely had gone out with any
twice. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t wanted to find a husband.
She just knew she’d be miserable if she locked herself to
someone she had no feelings for.
Ninety percent of the men who lived year-round on
Prospect were miners. They weren’t that dedicated to
bathing and their hands were disgusting. The minerals they
mined stained their fingers yellow. They also smelled. And if
all that wasn’t bad enough, most miners felt that dust
coating their skin was considered good luck. Like, if the
planet considered them a part of it, fewer accidents would
happen on the job. She had a serious problem with a dirty
man wanting to touch her.
The off-worlders who were hired to run the landing port
never stayed for long. She’d seen too many of her friends
get involved with them. It never resulted in anything but the
heartbreak of being left behind. The promises of lasting
relationships were usually lies. Those men always left when
the job was done. Most didn’t even have the courtesy to tell
women they were leaving. Just up and gone without
It was also a reasonable fear that she’d get pregnant
and be abandoned, like many other women had, if she’d let
someone get her into bed.
She pulled her knees up and hugged her legs. There’d
never been a man who had tempted her to take that
Until meeting Blade…
The two weeks she’d spent locked inside the captain’s
quarters had given her a lot to think. Mostly about regrets.
She was a twenty-six-year-old virgin, which was a bit
depressing. But in all those years, she’d never met one
single man who’d tempted her to change that. She’d also
concluded she didn’t want her first exposure to sex to be
the nightmare experience it would have been at the hands
of her kidnappers.
Blade was a clone. She’d heard once that they were all
sterile but wasn’t sure if that was true or not. The thought of
asking him outright had her burying her face against her
knees to groan. He’d saved her life, and the memory of him
in just those lounge pants kept flashing through her mind.
He had a lot of muscles, a lot of golden skin. The glimpse
he’d given her of the side of his hip had been the closest
thing she’d seen to a man’s bared lower half. He’d also just
bathed, and he smelled wonderful even from across the
“Pathetic,” she muttered.
“What is?”
Blade’s deep voice had her jerking her head up. He
stood just a few feet away. He hadn’t put on a shirt but he’d
changed into another pair of pants. They hung low on his
lean hips and were light gray in color, accenting his tan. He
took a seat in a chair opposite from her and leaned back.
The position stretched out his flat stomach and broad upper
chest. He rested his thick forearms on the arms of the chair.
He glanced around the room. “You didn’t need to
straighten up. I planned to do it myself.” He held her gaze.
“There’s no need for you to do manual labor, but I
appreciate it.”
“It’s what I do when I need to think.”
“You should take it easy.” He glanced at her taped
“It’s feeling great. You wrapped it really well, and I
almost forget that it’s even hurt unless I try to bend it at the
He nodded, turning his attention to her face. “Are you
going over escape plans? Ways to kill me? I left the door to
my sleeping cabin unlocked. That should make it easier for
He astonished her with the crazy things he said. “Stop
He tilted his head slightly, regarding her with his dark
blue eyes. They were arresting. “I’d do the same.”
“I’m not strong like you.” Helpless. It’s how she felt, but
she wasn’t going to say that word aloud. “I can’t fly a
shuttle or hack the communication systems. I wouldn’t even
know who to contact. With my luck, I’d reach out to the
pirates and lead them right to me. I teach people how to
read, that’s the extent of my skill. Most of my students are
children, but I hold an evening class a few times a week for
“How did they reach that age without learning?”
“Some families are poorer than others on my planet.
They send their boys to the mines to work instead of to
school. Most of them don’t have an interest to learn until
they have children of their own. It’s tough to help them with
their homework otherwise.”
“Do girls work in the mines, too?”
“No. I mean, there are a few, but not many. Most of us
become teachers, run stores, or work in the food-growing
industry. We have large gardens outside of town where we
grow our fresh vegetables in greenhouses to feed the
colony. A lot of supplies come in through the port, but few
can afford to buy off-world stuff. Mostly it gets stored there
for transports to take deeper into space, to other worlds.”
“Why don’t women work in the mines?”
“Mining is strenuous work and there are gases that can
harm us. And any pregnant women can’t work there for their
safety. They won’t stay pregnant long, or the few babies
who survive are born with heartbreaking defects. We aren’t
medically advanced enough to do much to help them. My
colony is too poor.”
He grimaced.
“Exactly. Girls are encouraged to follow in their mothers’
footsteps and sons work in the mines.”
“Did you follow in your mother’s footsteps?”
“Yes. She teaches math. I was never good with numbers,
but that’s okay because that job was already taken by her.
The school is small in my town. I only have thirty-one kids in
my class, all ranging in different ages, and nearly a dozen
adults for the evening ones.”
“Your father works in the mines?”
“Yes. He always dreams about leaving Prospect, but
that’s all it is. A dream.”
“I’m part of the second generation born on the planet.
My grandfather was one of the first settlers on Prospect,
when they opened the mines. Once there, you’re kind of
trapped. The pay isn’t great and it’s expensive to resettle.
Besides, mining is all my dad knows. We’d just exchange
one rock for another if we moved. I’ve been saving up,
though, to gift him and my mom with a vacation.”
“Where do you want to send them?”
She bit her lip.
“Is it a secret?”
She shook her head.
“Then where?”
“They watch a lot of those old films that come from
“Clone World.” He scowled.
“I didn’t want to upset you. And I won’t be sending them
there now, after what you’ve told me. Maybe they can visit
Jebler, though I’ll be saving up a lot longer in that case,
since that planet is farther away. It doesn’t offer discount
“You’ve done a lot of research.”
“I grew up hearing my father talk about how much he
wanted to see the stars and visit another world at least once
before he dies. It’s been a lifelong dream of his. He goes
down to the space port to watch vessels take off and land in
his free time. He’s made friends with security, and they’ll let
him sneak a peek inside vessels when one is docked for any
length of time. It’s how I knew about some of the features of
the captain’s quarters on the Morgan.”
Blade nodded. “What were you thinking about when I
first walked in?” he asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Nothing worth sharing.”
“I disagree.” Blade smiled. It changed his features from
just handsome, to making it difficult for her to breathe. He
was far too good-looking.
“I was just contemplating my life.”
“I’ll keep you safe, Hailey. Stop worrying about whether
you have a future. You do. I’ll get you home somehow, at
some point. That’s a promise.”
“I was thinking more about my past,” she admitted.
“What about it?”
She decided to change the subject again. “What’s it like
being a clone?”
His smile faded. “I’m as alive as you are. I feel the same
emotions that you do. Is that what you want to know?”
“I wasn’t trying to insult you. I’m just curious. You’re the
first one I’ve ever met, and I don’t know much about your
“What do you want to know?”
“Do you eat food?”
“Of course.”
“I already know you sleep…”
“I need less than you do, but that’s genetics.”
“But you’re basically human?”
“Basically. We were created from human genetic
material and then those were manipulated inside a
laboratory. They screen out any hereditary flaws, and to put
it in very simple terms, they screw with us until we’re
stronger and healthier than most humans. At that point,
they grow us in a type of artificial womb, although much
larger than a real one, since they grow us until we’re at the
age they desire. It depends on the use the clone was
created for. Medical clones, for example, appear older than I
do. I heard that it makes humans feel more at ease with
their skill set. At the desired age, they stunt the growth and
lock it in.”
“How do they do that?”
“They sequence the cells to duplicate in the same way,
over and over. It means I don’t age. Without those cells
being fed by new ones every three months, my body would
begin to decay. I’d die in a matter of months. It’s not a
pretty death, either. Lesions will open and I won’t heal. My
internal organs will begin to fail.” His voice deepened.
“That’s how we’re different.”
“How are you alive if you left Clone World?”
“I stole clone plasma from transports. The pirates I lived
with had plenty of it from raiding those same shuttles. They
gave it to me, since it’s useless to humans. They only kept
the food supplies they stole from JDJ.”
“I thought plasma was just blood. We must donate it to
our hospital on Prospect, so we have a good supply handy in
case there’s a mine accident and a lot of miners get hurt.
It’s mandatory every six months for everyone.”
He shook his head. “Clone plasma is different, and it’s
created to only work on our bodies.”
She put her feet down on the floor, concern filling her.
Fear, too. She needed him. He knew how to fly the shuttle
they were on. “What are you going to do now?” She didn’t
want him to die on her.
“I’ve got a year’s supply with me. I took it off the other
shuttle before I undocked it and left it floating in space. I
always carry at least that much wherever I travel because of
how I got stranded once. It’s better to be prepared. Big and I
will get more if he doesn’t already have a stockpile of it.
There are multiple monthly transports from JDJ Clone Corp,
on Earth, to Clone World. CW supports over eight hundred
clones, which means they need constant shipments. Each
transport carries enough to last us for quite a long time.”
She relaxed. “Good. I mean, that you’re going to be
“You could search for my stash and destroy it. I need an
infusion in the next few days.”
He'd shocked her again. It wasn’t becoming pleasant.
“Why would I do that? I told you that I can’t fly a shuttle and
I’m not technologically savvy. I don’t want to kill you, Blade.
That would be committing suicide, and I don’t want to die.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a little paranoid?”
He grinned. “I’ve been accused of that before. I just
can’t understand how you can accept this situation so
“I’m not a moron. I need you. Otherwise, I might as well
lock myself back in the captain’s quarters until I run out of
air, food, or water. I’d rather avoid that. I thought that’s how
I might go out before you found me. I’m grateful to you.”
“Fair enough. Do you have any other questions?”
“How did you get your name?”
“I’m really good at throwing knives, and with using
them. The human in charge of overseeing newly awakened
clones believed I was defective. I woke with some weakness
in my limbs and swayed on my feet when I stood. My
nervous system wasn’t flawed, it was just a lack of
nutritional intake during transport. Defective clones are
destroyed and a replacement one is sent. So I grabbed a
blade off his belt to show him that nothing was wrong with
my reflexes. I threw his knife and killed a bug across the
room. He was impressed enough to reassess me, and he
gave me the name Blade.”
“And your friend, Big?”
“He’s slightly larger than I am. That made me the
second tallest in security. The one in charge took one look at
him and said, ‘damn, he’s big.’ It stuck.”
“Have you ever thought about changing your name?”
“It’s the only one I’ve ever known. How did you get your
“My parents picked it when I was born. They thought it
was pretty.”
“It is. Do you ever think about changing it?”
She smiled, amused. “Point made.”
He leaned forward and stood. “Are you hungry? I’m
“Can I ask you one more question?”
“Just ask, Hailey. You won’t offend me.”
“Is…is it true that clones are sterile?”
His lips parted, closed, then opened again. “It’s true. We
can’t reproduce. We were designed that way. What made
you ask that particular question?”
She dropped her gaze. “Nothing. Just curious.”

Blade didn’t believe her. He could guess where her

thoughts lie, since she’d brought up his sterility.
“I might be a clone, but I have all the same sexual
needs and parts as any other man. That being said, I’d
never force my way into your bed. I’m not a rapist, so stop
worrying about it. There’s no need for you to be concerned
about me getting you pregnant, either. You’re safe.”
“I’m not worried that you’ll attack me.”
He paused, studying her. “Good.” He turned and left her
in the lounge area to enter the kitchen. The shuttle had
been well stocked and the cargo filled with supplies,
including more food. He threw out all the food supplies in
the cabinets that had already been opened and removed
some of the sealed boxes to check what inventory
A slight noise alerted him that Hailey had followed. He
turned, glancing at her.
She stayed near the door. “Can I help?”
“Pick something that sounds good, and I’ll hydrate it.”
She came up next to him and started reading the labels
of packets inside the box he’d opened, removing one.
He grinned, taking it from her. “I like the steak and
gravy with potatoes, too.”
“There were a lot of them in the kitchen inside the
captain’s quarters. I’ve never had such high-quality food
before. We couldn’t afford this stuff at home. Meat is super
rare, since most of our livestock is for producing dairy
instead of for eating. Sometimes when one dies of old age
or by accident, they sell that meat. But it’s expensive.”
“The owner of this vessel is wealthy. There are large
crates of food packets in the cargo hold. We’ll eat well for a
long time.”
“That’s good.” She smiled back. “I can’t complain that
I’m suffering, being aboard the Morgan.”
He could relate. The luxury shuttle was much larger and
nicer than his last ship, plus he liked sharing it with a
woman. Hailey had a pleasant voice, and he found her very
attractive. He just hoped she meant it when she said she
didn’t fear him and had no plans to cause him harm.
He attached the packet to the food hydrator and hit a
button. The bag inflated as hot water mixed with the
contents. It took less than a minute to finish. He removed it,
unsealed the top, and poured the contents onto a plate.
The smell of food made his stomach grumble. He’d gone
too long without eating. He picked up the dish, offering it to
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He grabbed a food packet for himself
and hydrated it, very aware of her moving to the small table
behind him.
He opened one of the cold storage units to remove two
drinks and placed one near her. He got his own food plated
and two sets of silverware. They didn’t speak as he took a
seat across from her and dug into his own meal. It was a
comfortable silence.
He finished first and stood, prepared to exit the kitchen
area, but she spoke, halting him.
“Don’t go.”
He retook his seat. “Do you have something on your
She shook her head. “I was kind of going crazy being
alone for so long. I’m not used to it. I live with my parents
and when I’m not with them, I’m teaching my students. I
don’t know how you live in space all the time.”
“It does get very lonely.”
She stopped eating and peered at him. “You get lonely?”
“All the time. I felt that way when I was with the pirates,
too. There were over two hundred people living at the hub
but most didn’t talk to me. They didn’t view me as someone
they wished to know. I believe they think I’m more of a
fleshy android than a real person with feelings.”
“I don’t see you that way.”
“I’m glad. Do you have more questions about clones?”
“I think you covered all the important things.”
“Good. I want you to be at ease with me.”
“How come you don’t live with other clones if you’re
lonely? Like Big?”
“I did. Six of us escaped Clone World together, and at
first, we settled into the place we call home. Our home is
roomy, but we began to argue.”
“You never have disagreements with your family?”
She nodded. “Of course.”
“Then it’s probably much the same. We clashed. Like
humans, clones will do that when we get bored or
frustrated. Then I decided to leave and travel for a bit. I
learned to regret that decision.”
“Because you missed them?”
“Why didn’t you go back?”
He sighed. “Pride, at first. We’re competitive by nature.
They created us to be that way. To be the best. I thought I’d
acquire a lot of supplies and return at some point, when I
felt I might have enough to impress the others. Instead, my
engine blew and I was stranded in space. The pirates found
and captured me.”
“Well, you’re going back now.”
He nodded. “You’ll be safest there.”
“I’m sorry that you lost your ship, Blade.”
“Don’t be. The Morgan is an impressive shuttle and the
cargo hold is full of supplies. I won’t be returning home
empty-handed. But your safety is my first concern, even if
this was a crappy vessel and we had nothing. My pride isn’t
worth your life. We’ll stay there for a bit until Big and I come
up with a plan to get you home to your family. We will,
Hailey. It’s a promise. I don’t break my word.”
“I appreciate that.”
“We’ll be able to send a message to your family once we
reach the base. Big set up a separate relay system that
scrambles the source of transmission signals, to keep them
from being traced back to his location.”
She smiled. “Thank you. I know my parents must be
going crazy. I’m all they have.”
“We’ll be there in two days.”
Chapter Four

Hailey searched for Blade after she’d awoken. She’d

checked his room first. He wasn’t in the living or kitchen
areas, either. The cockpit door had refused to admit her
access, and the last time she’d found him in there, he’d kept
the door open. She’d pushed the button to alert him she
was there, but there’d been no response from inside.
The other crew quarter doors opened when she
accessed them, but they’d been empty, too. She finally
approached the cargo hold and found that door already
open. She crept forward slowly, peering inside.
The sight of Blade kneeling in front of an open wall
panel stopped her in her tracks. He’d removed his shirt and
seemed to be using the material to mop up a dark fluid that
had spilled onto the floor. His muscles bunched as he
dropped it and reached inside the wall to tug on something.
Metal creaked, then he tore out a pipe, setting it down next
to his leg.
He twisted his head and met her gaze. “Good morning.”
She entered the room. “What are you doing?”
“I’m repairing the damage done to the docking doors.
They can only be manually opened and closed right now.
The hydraulics were ruined when the pirates boarded by
force.” He pointed to the pipe he’d removed. “I’m replacing
“Can I help?”
He stood and faced her. A grease-like substance stained
his bared chest, where it appeared he’d been splashed by it,
and she got a better look at his hands. They were covered in
the dark fluid. Some of it was on his arms, too.
“No. It’s a messy job. I like the dress you’re wearing too
much. Pale blue is your color.”
She hoped he didn’t realize she’d wanted to look good
for him. “Thank you. Mrs. Redmore, the wife of the owner,
doesn’t seem to like pants much. Most of the clothes in her
closet are like this. I feel a little overdressed.” Then she
realized he might mistake her words and quickly explained.
“I mean, her clothes are way fancier than what I normally
He grinned. “Well, you look beautiful. I’d like it if you’d
keep me company. Pick any crate and take a seat.”
The compliment made her smile. She found a crate
close to him and hopped up on it, getting comfortable. “How
did you learn how to repair stuff?”
He knelt and focused his attention on the open panel.
“My duties on Clone World included knowing everything
about vessels that visited the resort. I’d search them
frequently for stowaways. And they didn’t just sneak
onboard. Sometimes the owners of those ships tried to
smuggle clones out.”
“So you searched them.”
“Yes.” He bent and lifted something from a toolbox.
“Things have to be fixed if you break something. Guests get
upset otherwise, if you make them leave the planet with
malfunctions on their transports.”
“That includes hydraulics?”
He chuckled. “Let’s just say that not all guests
welcomed a security team searching their vessels. I’ve had
to force open some doors in my time. I supervised the
repairs and have a good memory. I’ve seen this done
hundreds of times.”
She glanced nervously at the big doors a few feet to his
left. “They won’t accidently open, will they?” It would be
catastrophic. They’d be sucked into space and killed.
“No. We’re safe. I disabled the panel and even closed
the secondary shields over this section, just in case.”
“Those are like extra doors to protect the ship from
space debris impacts, right?”
“Yes. All Varlius shuttles come equipped with them. It’s
also extra security against forced breaches. Luckily, the
crew that died either didn’t feel they needed to use them or
weren’t aware of that option. We were easily able to board.
The secondary shields are only able to be activated without
exterior gravity. I’m grateful for that.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I told you. I’ve had to force my way onto a few of these
shuttles. It would have been much harder to do if the
secondary shielding protected all entry points. CW doesn’t
have a space dock. Ships must land at a landing port, which
means they’re in an Earthlike atmosphere when they visit,
rending the secondary shields useless. I would have asked
you to leave the cargo hold and sealed the doors to the ship
if we were in danger of decompression. I wouldn’t risk your
“Why repair it at all?”
“I like everything on a shuttle functioning. Especially
one as nice as this one. It just seems wrong to leave it this
way.” He shrugged. “Plus, I have some down time. I like to
keep busy.”
Hailey watched him work as he replaced the pipe for
another one and filled it with fluid. His body fascinated her.
The sight of it also did funny things to her stomach; it felt a
little fluttery every time Blade’s muscles flexed and moved
under his tan skin. He was beautiful and strong. She
couldn’t look away.
He finally finished the repair and closed the panel. He
used his shirt to clean up more of the mess, then stood,
smiling when he looked at her.
“I’m all done. I’ll clean the rest of this later. I’m going to
go shower.”
“You can use mine,” she blurted. Heat crept into her
cheeks when she realized how that must sound. “I mean,
it’s got twenty nozzles…” She cleared her throat. “You’ve
got that stuff all over you. It will probably clean off better in
“I’d appreciate that.”
She slid off the crate. “Are you hungry? I could make us
something while you use my cabin.” No way would she go
into her room while he showered. It would be too tempting
for her to sneak a peek to see him totally naked. She was
already too curious about what he would look like.
“That’d be great.” He stepped a little closer, towering
over her. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
He arched one eyebrow.
Because you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.
But she wasn’t about to tell him that. “You saved my life.”
She shrugged. “And we’re in this together. I’m not going to
poison you, Mr. Paranoid.”
He chuckled. “I appreciate it. Thank you.”
She didn’t know what possessed her, but she reached
out and lightly touched a clean spot on his upper chest with
one of her fingertips. His skin felt firm and warm. She liked
touching him. “You look a lot better when you’re not coated
in grease.”
Hailey spun away quickly and walked out of the cargo
area. Heat warmed her cheeks. She wasn’t sure what had
possessed her to flirt with Blade.
Well…there was his looks. But it was an action she
already regretted. Her mother would be horrified over her
touching a man’s bare chest. It just wasn’t done unless a
woman was serious about a man, and even then, they never
really touched anywhere that clothing usually covered.
Blade fascinated her, and she had to admit to the
attraction she felt toward him. He hadn’t done anything to
hurt her. The opposite, in fact. She felt safe with him. It
could be because he was a clone, making him different from
any other man she’d ever met.
She entered the kitchen and picked out meals,
hydrating them with hot water, then selecting two drinks.
She set the small table, attempting to make it look nice.
That’s when she froze—realizing that she was acting as
if this were a date, and she’d invited him to her home to
eat. Except her parents weren’t there to play chaperone.
And she didn’t invite men to her table. Her mother was the
one to do that, usually without even asking her first, trying
to set her up.
“Crap,” she muttered.
“What’s wrong?”
She jumped, startled, and faced Blade. His dark hair was
wet and slicked back. He’d chosen a tight black tank top
that revealed his broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms.
It also emphasized his narrow waist and flat stomach. The
matching black pants were the type men slept in.
“That was a super-fast shower.”
He grinned. “I was motivated to hurry. What did you
chose for us this morning?”
“Cheese and meat omelets with potatoes. I hope you
like those.”
“I do. Thank you.” He took a seat next to where she
stood, picked up his silverware and placed the cloth napkin
over his lap.
She sat, realizing how close he was. “It was no problem.
It’s not like I actually had to cook.”
“Can you do that? Make meals from raw ingredients?”
“Of course.”
He arched his eyebrows, appearing amused. “I’m sorry. I
didn’t mean to insult you. It sounds like maybe I did. I lived
on Clone World for most of my life, so I don’t know much
about humans or what kinds of skills are considered normal
for you.”
“Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but on Prospect, we’re
not as modern as other colonies. I mentioned that we grow
most of our food. There are only a few eating
establishments that sell meals in the colony. Some people
hire someone else’s wife to make them extra portions of
whatever she’s serving for dinner. That’s what most single
men do, if they don’t have a family member to prepare
meals for them.”
“Why only single men?”
“Well, married men have wives, whose mothers have
taught them how to cook. It’s…” She sighed. “It’s old
fashioned there. It’s not like we have much choice. The
miners make the best money, but they work a lot of hours to
earn that wage. Women aren’t allowed to work the mines
until they’re beyond their childbearing years. We only get
offered low-paying jobs otherwise, if we’re young and
healthy, and all home tasks are left for us to do. It’s just
“What kinds of tasks?”
“Cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and rearing any
children. Even the men who don’t work in the mines expect
that kind of service from women.”
“You don’t appear happy about that.”
She debated on if she should be honest or not as she
peered into his dark blue eyes. It had caused arguments at
the table before, usually with her parents. Blade wasn’t
them, though. “I understand that working in a mine is
physically taxing, but I don’t think it’s fair that women
should do everything else. Men should at least help. They do
get days off. That’s not how it works, though. My father
comes home and my mother waits on him hand and foot.
I’ve never seen my father do dishes, clean up after himself,
or even offer to take out the trash. It all falls on my mother
and me.”
“That doesn’t sound fair.”
“It’s the mindset that everyone on Prospect has.” She
took a bite of her food, surprised that Blade had agreed with
her. It made her like him even more. No man from her
planet would have ever said such a thing.
“Does that mean one day when you marry, you’ll have
to be with a man who doesn’t help you?”
She lowered her gaze. “Yes.” She put down her fork,
feeling a need to confess. “I was dating a fellow teacher. My
parents have been pressuring me hard to get married, and
my mom kept inviting Jacob to dinner. He wasn’t as bad as
some of the other men who attempted to court me, and he
respected my boundaries, so I kept agreeing to share meals
with him. I thought maybe he’d be different than most,
since he’s a fellow teach…but he’s not. He flat-out stated
what he’d expect of me as his wife.”
“You’re engaged?” His voice deepened.
She snapped her head up to find his dark blue gaze
locked on her. “No. Jacob has mentioned marriage, but I
keep putting him off. I don’t have feelings for him. It’s just
that…my parents will shove someone else at me if I outright
refuse to date him anymore. Jacob has always been very
respectful of me. Other men haven’t been.”
“What exactly does that mean?” He looked angry now.
“Other men have attempted to touch and kiss me, even
though I didn’t want them to. Jacob has always been a
perfect gentleman. I’ve never had to worry about being
alone with him if my parents step out of the room. He’s also
never said crude things to me. I’ve experienced that as well.
Some men have described what they want to do to me in
graphic detail.”
Blade definitely appeared angry. He stopped eating, put
his silverware down, and fisted his hands on the edge of the
table. “Did your father punch them?”
She shook her head, surprised by the question. “I didn’t
want to gain a reputation for causing trouble. That would
certainly happen if my father beat on any of my suitors. The
colony is a small place, Blade. So I never told him. I just
refused to see some men again by claiming we weren’t
compatible. My parents don’t want me to be unhappy. They
just want to find me a husband.”
“And you want to go back there?”
She shrugged. “It’s where my parents are.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud
beeping began to sound, surprising them both. Blade stood
fast and hurried away. Hailey hesitated, then rushed after
him. He was too fast, but she figured he must be going to
the cockpit.
The noise continued. It was an alarm of some sort. She
worried what it might mean, certain it couldn’t be good.
She reached the cockpit door to find it open and Blade
seated, his hands flying over the controls. She panted,
stopping behind him to grab ahold of the back of his chair.
Dark, open space met her gaze as she looked out the large
front window.
“What is it? What’s wrong, Blade?”
The beeping stopped after he reached up and flipped a
switch. “Two ships are approaching us fast.” He paused.
“Is it the authorities?”
“No. It’s the Dorby and the Rezzel.”
“I don’t know what that means.”
“They’re two large pirate freighters. They transport
things to and from Kellerton Station for the hub. I avoided
the main route they normally take but they must have
changed course to dodge standard shipping traffic.”
“Are they going to attack us?”
“They’re pirates, and we’re in a luxury shuttle. We’re too
tempting a target to resist. Strap in, Hailey.”
She moved to the other seat and sat, fumbling with the
belts. “I’m scared,” she admitted shakily.
“They won’t want to blow us up. They’ll only try to
disable us. That’s the good news. We also aren’t helpless.
These Varlius shuttles have weapons. I’m going to try to
outrun and outmaneuver them.”
“Do you think they’re going to get us?”
“I’m not allowing them to board us alive.”
That didn’t help ease her fear. She felt strong vibrations
beneath her bare feet touching the floor, and even through
the chair. The overhead lights flickered.
“What’s going on?”
“Some power is being diverted to increase our speed.
It’s fine. We might lose gravity if the stabilizers are affected.
Just stay belted in.”
She saw something appear in the far right corner of the
window. Her mouth fell open as she realized what it was.
A very large ship with a long body came into view in the
distance. Within seconds, another one followed.
They freighters and the Morgan seemed to be heading
right for each other.
“Are we flying at them?”
“We have to get past them. They just happened to be
coming from the direction we need to go.”
The ships were getting bigger and closer. “Why can’t we
turn the other way and make a run for it?”
“I’m certain they’re already broadcasting our location to
every pirate ship. We need to leave the Nornor Sector. It’s
riddled with pirates. This is the shortest way out.”
A small red light came shooting out of one of the other
ships. She wasn’t certain what it was, but Blade cursed and
she felt the floor and her chair vibrate hard again.
Then the two ships seemed to dip out of sight.
“Are they gone?”
“No. They’re still there. You just can’t see them right
now. I’m trying to avoid us being hit.”
“By them?”
“The Rezzel opened fire on us.”
She wanted to scream when another blast of red shot
past the front viewing window. It didn’t hit, but it came
close. Instead, she gasped as her body pulled to the left
before she heard a loud whooshing sound.
“Are we running from them now?”
“No. I had to turn since the weapons on the Varlius
models are located in the back between the thrusters.” He
paused. “Come on…come on… Yes!”
“What?” She twisted her head, staring at him.
“Impact.” He released one of the controls to punch the
air with a fist before grabbing it again.
“We’ve been hit!?”
He turned his head and flashed her a cheeky grin. “Not
us. Them. And I’m not just trying to disable them. It was a
devastating hit. The Rezzel has stopped pursuit.” He faced
forward again, his focus on the small screen on the console
in front of him, that she couldn’t view too well.
“What about the other ship?”
“Still pursuing. I’m firing on them now.”
She heard another whooshing sound. “That’s what that
noise is?”
Long seconds passed. She couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Did we hit them?”
“I clipped them but they aren’t disabled. Freighters are
hard to destroy because of their massive size. But…the
Dorby is breaking off pursuit.”
“Why are you frowning?” That sounded like good news
to her.
“That was too easy.”
She saw something out of the corner of her eye and
turned. She saw both large ships again in the far corner of
the window. They were a distance apart now, instead of
flying near each other the way they had been before.
“No it wasn’t,” she protested. “My heart is pounding and
that was crazy scary.”
“The Dorby is heading toward the Rezzel. Maybe they
were critically hit. It’s possible they must abandon ship and
need assistance to survive. That, or…”
“Or what?”
He glanced at her. “Or there are more pirate ships close
by and they ceased attacking because others will reach us
soon. Freighters are bulky and harder to maneuver to avoid
being fired at. Smaller shuttles and transports will be more
difficult for me to target.”
She pushed back in her seat, her gaze fixed warily on
the two ships as they passed them. They kept their
distance, and Blade was right—the two ships were moving
next to each other, probably docking to allow people on the
damaged freighter to reach the other one.
“I’m not reading any other ships on long-range scanners
but they could be hiding behind a planet or other obstacles
that will conceal them.”
“What do we do?”
“I’m adjusting course to give us a cushion between
anything big enough for them to use as a shield. We should
have enough of a warning to act if that’s the case.”
“But that happened so fast. I thought long-range
sensors would warn us if ships were like an hour or so
“They normally would, but do you see that moon?” He
pointed to a large white moon coming up on the far right.
“They were probably traveling on a path that blocked
them from our sensors, and they didn’t show up until they
passed that moon.”
She stared at the big white ball. “Do you think more of
them are on the other side of it?”
“We’ll find out soon enough. It’s a good thing we just
ate. I’m not leaving the cockpit again until we’re far from
the Nornor Sector. I want to be right here in case we’re
attacked again.”
She turned her head to study him. He relaxed in his seat
and actually unbuckled his belts.
“We’re safe right now?”
Hailey feared that could change any second.
Chapter Five

Hailey carried two drinks back to the cockpit. Blade had

been serious about staying in there in case more pirate
ships tried to attack. It had been almost an hour since
they’d passed the moon. She entered the room and walked
up next to him, offering him a cup.
He flashed her a smile. “Thank you.”
“Let me know when you’re hungry or need anything.”
She peered out the front window. Two planets were in sight.
Both were beautiful in their own ways but now she also
realized they represented danger. It was possible that pirate
ships were using those globes as a place to hide on or
The sense of danger had her on edge. It also had her
replaying all her life regrets if they didn’t survive another
She took the other seat, sipped her tea, then placed it in
a cup holder attached to the side of the seat, her gaze fixed
on Blade. He kept checking the sensors and adjusting their
course. She couldn’t miss the tension in his body as she
studied him closely.
“Once we’re out of this sector, will we be safe?”
“Some could decide to follow us.” He glanced her way,
worry showing in his eyes. “The good news is there are
fewer planets and moons in the next sector.”
“Fewer opportunities for them to sneak up on us, right?”
“How long before we’re out of this one?”
“Just beyond that green planet.”
She nodded and got comfortable.
Time passed, roughly two more hours, and finally Blade
stood. He lifted his arms up and stretched, making his chest
arch forward and his firm rounded butt stick out a little.
Hailey’s attention mainly focused on the way his tank top
rode up to reveal a flash of golden skin on his flat stomach.
He had the best body she’d ever seen…and the more she
thought about her regrets, the more she wanted to touch
“We’re safe for a while.” He lowered his arms and took a
step closer to her, standing between their seats. “Are you
ready for lunch?” He held out his large hand to her. “I’ll
prepare it.”
Hailey reached for him and he clasped her hand, gently
pulling her to her feet. She inhaled, loving his masculine
scent. Her gaze locked with his. He tried to release her hand
but she clung to him, refusing to let go. Not only did he look
practically perfect but he’d just offered to make her lunch.
He definitely wasn’t like any other man she’d ever know.
“Blade? Will you kiss me?”
She’d surprised him. There was no missing the way his
eyes widened a bit, and he sucked in air sharply.
“I mean, if you want to,” she rushed on, dropping her
attention to the center of his chest. She tried to let go of his
hand this time, and it was Blade’s turn to suddenly tighten
his hold. She looked back up.
“I want to,” he replied, his voice deepened.
He tugged her closer until she bumped against his front.
It reminded her that he stood nearly a foot taller than her
and was so much bigger. His other hand came up and he
slid his palm softly across her cheek, spearing his fingers
into her loose hair. He lowered his head. Hailey closed her
eyes and tilted her chin up more.
The first brush of his lips against hers was light and
short. His fingers curled around the back of her head before
his mouth returned. The second time, he molded his lips to
hers. It felt nice. She was surprised his lips felt so soft when
the hand she pressed to his chest revealed exactly how hard
and firm his body was.
He pulled back just enough to stop touching her lips, but
their breaths combined. “Open up for me, beautiful.”
She gave a slight nod and his mouth came back.
Nervousness hit Hailey. She’d only been deeply kissed twice
before, and it wasn’t pleasant. Wanting to try it with Blade
was a testament to how much she liked him. She prepared
to hide her disgust but when his tongue invaded her
mouth…but it wasn’t unpleasant at all. Instead, it was more
than nice.
Her body responded in ways she’d never felt before. Her
belly fluttered and her breasts began to ache. She moaned
against his tongue when he grew more aggressive, releasing
her hand and wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. She
realized he must have picked her up off her feet because
she suddenly ended up mostly lying against the center of
the console. That part of the dash was slightly slanted but
she didn’t slide off it to land on the floor. Blade kept her
pinned in place.
He pulled his arm out from under her and hooked her
thigh, lifting it up to his side. She got the hint, wrapping her
legs around his hips. It put their bodies intimately together.
She felt the hard ridge of his cock rubbing against her
underwear. Somehow her dress had been shoved up enough
that the thin material of her panties and the pants Blade
wore were the only barriers between them.
He pressed against her tighter, riding right up against
her clit. The friction drove her insane with building pleasure,
and she moaned louder, clawing at his shoulders. It was so
intense, she feared biting him and broke the kiss, tearing
her mouth from his.
He stilled, his gaze locking with hers. “I’m going to make
this so good for you, baby.”
Then he shifted his hips a little and released her to grab
the front of the dress, ripping it open.
It should have alarmed her when he bared her breasts,
but instead it had the opposite effect. She glanced down her
body, seeing that her nipples were not only on display, but
taut. Blade ducked his head and his hot mouth latched on to
one, sucking.
“Oh stars!” she cried out, and her fingers found their
way to his silky hair.
He nipped her with his teeth. The ache between her leg
became painful but he seemed to somehow know, because
he began to slowly grind his hips against her pussy again.
Hailey threw her head back and smacked it on the
console, but if it hurt, she didn’t notice or care. All she could
feel was Blade doing amazing things to her body. She never
knew it could be this way, or that such an ache to be
touched existed inside her. It all suddenly made sense why
sex seemed to be such a big deal to some.
It was. With Blade.
He released one breast and went for the other. He also
tore more of her dress. The slight tugs and sounds indicated
he didn’t want a shred of material in his way. He nipped her
with his teeth again, and that did it. Stars exploded behind
her eyes. She was pretty sure she nearly passed out from
the intensity.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you come.” His lips
were against her ear now. His tank-top-covered chest
pressed against her bared breasts, pinning her tightly to the
console. He eased his hips away from her underwear
slightly, then she felt his fingers slide beneath the thin
material, over her very wet pussy.
He yanked suddenly. She felt and heard her panties
giving as he just tore the center open.
It sank in that he’d finished baring her. “Wait!”
Blade lifted his head, his face hovering just over hers. “I
can’t get you pregnant, baby. Let me have you. Please.”
Something hot, thick, and hard pressed against her thigh as
he adjusted.
“I’ve never done this before,” she blurted. “I’m a virgin.”
He jerked his head back another inch. His eyes widened
and his mouth dropped open.
“I want you. Want to do this,” she quickly said. “Just…
can we do it in a bed?”
He continued to gape at her.
“I just always imagined my first time in a bed.”
He lowered his gaze and lifted off her a little more. She
followed his line of sight, seeing that he had torn the dress
open all the way down. It was pinned under her back, the
only reason it still somewhat remained on her. She couldn’t
see the state of her underwear with his hips between her
parted legs, but she knew they were torn too.
“Fuck,” he ground out. His head snapped up and his
dark blue eyes pinned hers.
“I don’t want to stop. I was just hoping we could do this
on a bed.” When he didn’t respond immediately, she felt
worried that he was upset with her. Maybe even mad. It
made her nervous enough to speak her mind. “I’ve been
warned that bleeding happens the first time, and I don’t
want it to get all over the console. And it’s kind of hard. I
didn’t notice at first but it’s digging into me a little. We don’t
have to have a bed though,” she added quickly.
“Fuck,” he ground out again, suddenly putting his big
hands on her waist, digging his fingers into her flesh, then
pushing away to stand over her. It caused her legs to
release his waist, and they lowered nearly to the floor but
were kept spread apart, since he stood between them.
She glanced down—and it was time for her mouth to fall
He’d gotten his pants open at some point, and she
stared at the first real penis she’d ever seen. His looked big
and thick. It was also really hard and protruded toward her.
He used his hold on her to keep her from sliding off the
console. “Stand up, baby. Let me help you.”
She struggled to do so. The torn dress hampered her a
bit. Once she stood on her bare feet, he released her hips
and backed away, trying to close his pants. She watched as
he grimaced and attempted to tuck himself back in.
Tears filled her eyes. “I ruined our moment, didn’t I? I
shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t know why I did. I’m
sorry.” She frantically grabbed at the sides of the dress,
pulling it over her breasts and trying to cover up. It wasn’t

Blade moved when he saw tears slip down Hailey’s face
as she hopelessly tried to put her dress back together. He
just scooped her into his arms and spun, striding out of the
cockpit. It wasn’t comfortable with a hard-on, and he figured
his pants might slip down his thighs. He hadn’t managed to
completely fasten them.
“I’m the one who’s sorry,” he crooned. “You’ve given me
enough hints about how backward your colony is. I should
have guessed it was possible. Nothing is ruined. Nothing,”
he stressed. “Please don’t cry. You deserve a bed. I’m taking
us to one right now.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck but kept her
head tucked. He felt like a complete ass for damn near
taking her on what amounted to a tilted table between the
two pilot controls. He’d also ripped her clothes away to get
at her soft skin, wanting to be inside her so badly.
He replayed what had happened between them.
Hailey’s kiss had been tentative at first. He’d just assumed
she was a bit timid because he was a clone. Like maybe she
thought he would kiss differently than a human would. Now
he knew it was because she probably didn’t have much
experience, since she’d never had sex.
He made his way to the captain’s cabin. The bed in
there was the nicest and largest.
“Does your thumb hurt? You were clutching me and
using it a lot.”
“It’s fine. No pain at all. The tape keeps it in place and
it’s thin enough to not be bulky. I was mostly using my
fingers when I was touching you.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’re mad,” she whispered.
“At myself. Not you,” he admitted. “Never at you.” He
made it to the bed and sat, keeping her in his arms. “Look at
me, baby.”
She sniffed and lifted her head.
He hated to see the tears still in her eyes. “Did I hurt
you? I was a bit rough. I just wanted you so bad. I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t hurt me.”
He arched an eyebrow, not certain if he believed her.
“You didn’t. I shouldn’t have said anything. I tend to cry
a little when I’m really embarrassed.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad that you said something. It was
perfect timing. I’d have felt worse if I’d taken you like that.
Now that I know, we’re going to slow things down. That is…if
you still want me.”
“I do.” She released his neck and cupped his face,
inching closer. She licked her lips and glanced at his.
He inwardly groaned. Hailey was a little temptress and
she didn’t even know it. He moved in and took her mouth.
She opened for him immediately this time, letting him in. He
adjusted his hold on her and carefully started to remove the
remains of the dress.
She helped, wiggling on his lap. His stiff cock got
pinched a little but he was already in pain from wanting her.
He couldn’t remember a time he’d been so damn hard
before. The innocent little teacher from Prospect colony had
him all tied up in knots. He didn’t mind one bit, either.
Hailey could do anything to him, and he would enjoy every
minute of it.
He stopped kissing her and urged her to stand. She had
a beautiful body, with creamy pale skin and curves in all the
right places. Her pink nipples were beaded. It was a
beautiful sight. He inwardly flinched, though, as he helped
her remove the torn underwear. He’d gone at her like an
animal, but at least he didn’t see any scratch marks,
She blushed when her clothes were gone, her gaze
darting to his and then at something else, before coming
back to him. It was apparent that nudity wasn’t comfortable
for her.
He stood and removed his pants, noticing that she
appeared a little afraid, but she held her ground. That made
him smile. Hailey was brave.
“You’re so big,” she whispered.
He wasn’t certain what to say. There was no denying
that he’d been created that way. “I’ll be gentle and make
certain it’s good for you,” he assured. He couldn’t promise
there wouldn’t be any pain if she’d never had sex before. He
was larger than the average human. It was possible that it
might be a bit uncomfortable for her. “Can you trust me?”
“I do.” She didn’t hesitate, holding his gaze now.
He waved her to the bed. “Lie down, baby. I’m going to
make love to you properly this time. I have myself fully in
control now.”
“What’s the difference?”
“I’m about to show you. Lie in the center of the bed, on
your back.”
She hesitated but then climbed onto the bed. He
muffled a groan as he stared at her ass. She had a padded,
curvy bottom that he wanted to grab ahold of. He resisted
until she rolled over and settled on the bed. He moved to
the end of the mattress and followed her.
“Spread your legs open for me.”
Her cheeks grew very pink, and he saw her swallow
hard, but she obeyed him. It was sexy as hell. He crawled
closer and decided the best way to alleviate her fear would
be to distract her with pleasure. He’d just need to ignore his
throbbing dick that desperately wanted release.
He lowered onto his stomach and cupped her inner
thighs, gently urging her to move them where he wanted.
Hailey complied. He noticed that her breathing had
increased and she writhed almost nervously.
“Trust me, baby. I’ve got you. You’re beautiful and
“Even down there?”
He barely heard her whispered words.
He grinned and inched closer. “Especially down here.”
He licked his lips and spread her more, exposing her sex to
his view. She was wet and pink. “So sexy.”
“Are you going to examine me? I really haven’t had sex
before. I’ve heard some husbands check to make certain a
woman isn’t lying about that. Not that you’re marrying me
or anything.” Her voice came out a little high-pitched and
she spoke quickly. “I’m not expecting that from you, nor will
I demand that you marry me. I don’t want you worri―”
His Hailey liked to babble when she was nervous. That
adorable quirk made him want her even more.
He lowered his mouth and captured her clit. He had a
little experience with oral sex. Some clones wanted to try
such things. Two had asked him to go down on them in the
past. He felt grateful to both of them when Hailey’s words
cut off abruptly and she gasped. Her entire body jerked
under him, and he tightened his hold on her thighs when
she tried to slam them closed.
He played with her, testing what she liked best as he
licked and sucked on the little nub above her slit. Her moans
and the way she dug her fingers into his hair were great
indicators. He really liked it when she panted his name. Too
soon, her body tensed under him and she tried to wiggle
away. He refused to let her, relishing when she cried out his
name and came hard.
He released her inner thighs and crawled over her. A bit
of smugness filled him as her eyes opened. The brown
seemed even lighter in color than normal when she was
“So fucking beautiful,” he rasped, before kissing her.
She welcomed his mouth. He cupped one of her breasts
and lightly pinched the beaded nipple. She moaned against
his tongue and her shaky legs lifted, wrapping loosely
around his hips. He slowly built her passion back up until
she was rubbing her pussy against him.
He reached down as he lifted his hips and cupped the
underside of his dick, using the crown to feel for the right
spot. She was so wet…he knew she was ready for him. He
did worry about how small that little slit of hers felt, but he
lined them up and pushed his hips forward just enough to
press the tip against her opening.
Hailey pulled her mouth from his and dug her fingernails
into his shoulders. He opened his eyes and held her gaze,
freezing in place. He waited to see if she’d change her mind.
She pulled her legs up higher, until her bent knees were
almost to his ribs.
He’d take that for permission.
“I’m going to be gentle as possible, baby.”
She nodded and eased her grip with her fingernails.
He pushed forward and clenched his teeth as he felt a
little resistance. She was tight. Incredibly so. He pressed
again and her body gave, taking him. He entered her a bit
farther, releasing his shaft and bracing his body above her
slightly. He lunged for her mouth and kissed her.
Blade suddenly knew real torture. His body urged him to
thrust into her deep, wanting to fuck Hailey hard and fast.
His balls were screaming for release of the pressure that
had already built there. He focused on her reactions instead,
making sure to go slow and gentle as he breached her
deeper. So far, she hadn’t flinched or stopped kissing him
She was so hot, tight, and wet. He withdrew a little and
pushed back in. She wiggled under him, and he groaned
against her tongue. He thrust deeper. He felt her tense, and
he froze.
Hailey broke the kiss. “Don’t stop. It’s a bit
uncomfortable but it doesn’t hurt. You feel huge…but I want
He opened his eyes and gazed into hers, smiling slightly.
“Here we go…”
He pulled out, then pushed into her deeper still. His
reluctance to cause her any pain helped keep him from
Her body jerked a little but she didn’t seem to be
hurting. He began to thrust slowly, letting her take more of
him each time, until he was fully seated inside her. He
paused there for long seconds to let her adjust to his size.
Then he took her mouth, kissing her again. When he felt her
pussy clench around him, he began to rock his hips.
Hailey moaned against him and adjusted her legs,
digging her heels into his ass. He picked up the pace and
knew she was enjoying having him inside her by her sounds
and movements. He shifted his hips a bit, testing her. He
knew he’d found the right angle when she clawed at his skin
—then he stopped holding back.
Blade felt it when she climaxed, and he let her inner
muscles milk him into oblivion.
Then he rolled, taking Hailey with him, before he
collapsed into a happy puddle of satisfaction.
Chapter Six

Blade felt certain that he’d changed course enough

times that none of the pirates would be able to follow the
Morgan. He’d plotted it out before they left the Nornor
Sector. They’d assume he’d fly in a straight line toward his
next location. Right now, if he guessed right, they’d believe
he was visiting Kellerton Station.
It was tempting to contact Big again, but he resisted.
He’d gotten lucky the last time. His fellow clone had been
too shocked to hear from him to really dig for answers about
what exactly had happened to him, and who he was
bringing home with him.
He had a feeling Big wouldn’t be pleased about Hailey. It
wasn’t because she was a human. Big wouldn’t like her
visiting the base, only to be returned to her colony at some
point. It risked them all if she guessed the secret location
and told someone. Their only home would be blown to hell if
the authorities heard about free clones.
A slight ache began in his chest, thinking about giving
Hailey up. Everything had changed the day before, when
she’d asked him to kiss her and he’d carried her to bed.
They’d made love, rested, and then he’d tugged her into
the shower. He found her shyness very appealing and sexy.
She’d blushed when he’d crouched down to soap her body,
wanting to touch every inch of her. He’d wanted to make
love to her again but she had admitted to a bit of soreness.
It had been her first time, and she wasn’t a clone. They
healed faster. He’d prepared dinner for her but he’d stopped
to kiss her often. She was addictive. They both seemed to
enjoy spending time together.
She’d allowed him to sleep with her, as well. To feel her
cuddled in his arms, her head resting on his chest, had been
even more addictive. Hailey felt so right, snuggled against
him. He hadn’t drifted asleep quickly, like she had. Instead,
he’d just enjoyed the contentment of having her close.
He didn’t want to let her go.
“I’m fucked,” he sighed.
She’d mentioned how she didn’t expect him to marry
her, but he wished he could become her husband. He’d
share vows with her in a heartbeat. There wasn’t anything
he’d enjoy more.
But Hailey would never agree to stay with him.
Everything she’d said assured him that her parents meant
too much for her to give them up. And it would be suicide
for him to attempt to live on her colony. The port authorities
would kill him the second they realized what he was. Which
would be when they ordered him to place one of his hands
on a scanner as he stepped off a shuttle. He hadn’t been
imprinted with data chips under the skin the way humans
It was a hell of a problem.
“So fucked.” He punched part of the console with his
“What’s wrong? More pirates going to attack us? What
are long-range sensors telling you?”
He twisted his head, staring at the focus of his thoughts.
Hailey visually scanned the windows at the front of the
cockpit. He spotted a flash of fear and stood, opening his
arms. He just wanted to touch her. Hold her. He pulled her
against his chest, wrapping his arms around her.
“Everything is fine. I’m sorry if I scared you. I was
thinking about something else.”
She hugged him around his waist. “A cookie for your
He smiled and stared down at her, his eyebrows arching.
“I’ve never heard that saying before.”
“It’s a Prospect thing.” She grinned. “Sweets are what
we bargain with to get family and friends to tell us
something we want to know, or to do us a favor. I don’t think
we actually have cookies in the kitchen. I haven’t seen any,
but I could hydrate a pie. I’m trying to bribe you into telling
me what upset you. You punched the controls and cursed.”
He debated over being completely honest or not.
“You can tell me anything.”
“I don’t think you want the truth…”
That he was falling in love with her. Hell, maybe he
already had. It wasn’t just the sex. Hailey was sweet, kind,
and he liked everything about her.
She frowned. “We’re partners, remember? In this
together. Is something wrong with the ship? Did an alert go
out to the authorities about the Morgan? What is it?”
Guilt surfaced. “It’s none of those things. We’re safe,
and I’m certain we’ve lost the pirates. I’m avoiding all the
common flight lanes to reach where we’re going, and it’s
remote. I feel secure right now that we’ll make it there
without running into more trouble.”
“Then what is it?”
He released her, backing up before pulling her onto his
lap as he took a seat again. She settled on him to get
comfortable. He liked that she didn’t protest. “I promised to
return you to your parents.”
Emotion he couldn’t read filled her eyes. Her body
He quickly explained before she might come to the
wrong conclusion. “I will get you back to them. It’s just that
it’s going to make me sad when I do. You probably don’t
want to hear this, Hailey…but I have feelings for you. And
it’s more than just physical. I realized how much it’s going to
hurt when I can’t be with you anymore.”
“Oh.” She sighed and buried her face into his shoulder.
Her hands slid up and she hugged him around his neck.
He tilted his head, pressing it against hers. “I’ll deal with
it when the time comes. I’d never keep you with me against
your will.” He swallowed. “Even if I wish that I could.”
“Oh, Blade. I know.” Her word came out muffled against
his shirt. “I have feelings for you, too, but I’m all my parents
have. They’d be devastated if I didn’t go home. Did I tell you
that they wanted to have more children but couldn’t?”
“There was an accident at the mine right after I was
born. It was a cave-in, and my dad was trapped. You know
how I told you childbearing women can’t work there? Well, it
turns out that if a man has any open wounds and is exposed
for a long period to the gasses found in the mines, they can
become sterile, too. Dad and his crew were down there for
three and a half days before they were able to dig them out.
Three out of his sixteen member crew were cut up pretty
bad by falling rocks. Him included.”
He stroked her back. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too. It made my parents kind of cling to me, I guess.
I can’t tell you how many times they’ve said I was
everything to them. It’s why I never put my foot down about
them inviting men to dinner. I hated them interfering in my
life like that, but I know they just wanted me to find a loving
husband.” She rubbed her face against his chest. “To have
what they have. Plus, they really want grandchildren.”
He flinched. Children were something he could never
give Hailey.
She must have felt it, because she lifted her head. She
studied his eyes, then paled. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “I’m sterile. It’s a fact of life.
Your parents would never want you to be with me, even if it
were possible for me to move to Prospect. Which it isn’t.”
Tears filled her eyes.
“Don’t cry, baby. I’ll be grateful for the time that we
have together. You’re a blessing to me. I never thought I’d
feel this way about anyone.”
“Me either.” Tears slipped down her cheeks.
He reached up to wipe them away. “We’ll make the best
of whatever time we have. Let’s just live every day as
though it’s our last. I will get you home to your parents. Big
will help me figure out the safest way to do so. He’s pretty
smart. We can also reach out to the others. Between the six
of us, we’ll come up with a plan. Do you want to hear about
the other clones?”
“Yes. Please.”
She didn’t protest him changing the subject, which is
exactly what he was doing. “Big and I worked in security
“You told me that he’s taller than you, and you were
born in the same year.”
“Produced,” he gently corrected. “Yes. We’re probably
the most like brothers because we shared many shifts
together, and he slept on the bunk above mine in the
dorms. I could always talk to him about anything without
any fear that he’d betray me.”
“Clones betray each other?”
“Not generally, but some can get frightened enough to
go to an officer to report us if we’re too verbal about our
resentments. If a clone were to cause any type of rebellion,
all clones associated with him or her are killed.”
She appeared horrified at the idea.
“It’s to dissuade us from even considering such a thing.
Humans see rebellion as a disease, or at least the ones in
charge at Clone World did. They didn’t want it to spread. So
in theory, a clone could tell an officer if they believed
another clone was considering causing trouble. To report it
would ensure Clone World wasn’t…infected and wiped out.”
“That’s awful.”
“Yes. I never worried about Big, though. We shared our
unhappiness and resentments. We got close to Freak—who
now goes by the name Free—after we accidently witnessed
something that would have gotten him killed. We didn’t
report it.”
“What did he do?”
“He had feelings for a human. A very important one.
She’s related to the owner of Clone World. They were
holding hands, and he hugged her.”
“That’s a death offense? Was he harassing her? Did she
not like him back?”
“It was obvious their feelings were mutual. That was the
problem. It’s one thing for a human working there to have
consensual sex with a clone maybe once, but anything more
is considered dangerous. It’s against the law there for a
human and a clone to form emotional bonds to each other.”
He wanted to tell her that was the very human who’d
helped them escape, but he’d already shared too much.
“Anyway, we’d keep watch to give them some stolen
“That was sweet of you.”
“Free desperately wanted to escape so he could be with
her. He pulled in a friend of his who he trusted, to help plot
our getaway. Figures worked with him, and they were as
tight as brothers. He goes by Fig now. That still left us
needing two more clones.”
“It’s better if you don’t know all the details…but suffice
to say, we had to have six clones to make the plan work. We
instantly thought of Ram. Months before, something
happened with him that we were able to cover up. He owed
us for saving his life.”
“Can I ask?”
“It’s not a good story.”
“I’d like to hear it anyway.”
He nodded and settled more comfortably in the pilot’s
seat. “Ram was a maintenance worker. They’re highly skilled
at fixing anything from mechanical engines to replacing a
leaking pipe under a guest sink. He was called to one of the
cottages because the trash compactor stopped functioning.
He got there, but before he entered, he heard a woman
sobbing and pleading to be let go. He overrode the lock with
his access key and rushed inside. The human guest had
scheduled a massage, and he had a female clone pinned on
the floor. He was tearing at her clothing to sexually assault
her. The man pulled a knife and said he’d slit her throat if
Ram didn’t leave.”
Blade paused, watching Hailey’s face. She stared up at
him in shock.
He sighed. “I told you it’s not a good story. Ram refused
to leave, so the idiot released her and tried to kill him. Ram
looks like you’d imagine someone with that title might. He
tackled the human to take him down and ripped the knife
out of his hand. Unfortunately, the human struck his head
on a table on the way down. The masseuse ran to get help.
It was Big and I who’d responded… Are you certain you want
to hear the rest? You might not like me much afterward.”
“Tell me.”
“We staged it to look like an accident. The guest spilled
oil from the massage table, slipped on it, and unfortunately
hit his head. They would have killed Ram for defending
another clone and for accidentally killing a human intent on
stabbing him to death.”
He closed his mouth, waiting to see how she’d react,
hoping she didn’t hate him. In his experience, humans
tended to stick together.
He couldn’t help but frown. “That’s all you have to say?”
She nodded. “That man sounded like a horrible person.
We get some of them on Prospect too, you know. We call it
neighbor justice.”
His eyebrows shot up.
“You’ve told me some of your secrets about Clone
World. So, I’ll share one of the biggest ones about Prospect.
An off-worlder moved in with a local widow about eight
years ago. He liked to beat her. I’m talking broken bones.
She tried to have him arrested and demanded he move out.
But he was a commander at the port, so port authority
wouldn’t do anything. We’re just considered a bunch of
nobodies on a crappy mining world. My parents and the
others hid her from him, to keep her safe, but he sent out
port guards to search for her. It’s a small place, so of course
they eventually found her. He had her arrested and taken
back to her house…where he beat her again.”
“She’s human?”
Hailey nodded. “Of course. We all are on Prospect.
Anyway, we all realized there was no way to legally keep her
safe from him. He was an authority figure, and he was using
his position in the worst way.” She hesitated, suddenly
unable to meet his eyes.
“What happened? I won’t judge.”
She nodded and met his gaze again. “They held a secret
meeting. My parents let me attend, even though I was only
sixteen at the time. Dad thought it was important that I
knew our community would stick together and protect their
own. Neighbor justice. He couldn’t ever hurt her again, since
he was dead.”
“The authorities never caught on?”
She shook her head. “He was served really strong liquor,
instead of the watered down stuff the bar normally sells.
Over a dozen witnesses swore he was downing shots like
crazy to account for the amount of alcohol in his system, if
they checked. Then they said he got mad because there was
a line at the bathroom. He walked out the back door to take
a leak and fell to his death. The bar is built at the edge of a
cliff. The authorities basically ruled it an accident; a case of
stupidity while really drunk.”
“I take it that wasn’t the truth?”
“He had some help going out that back door and
walking too close to the edge.”
Blade nodded.
“Are you horrified?”
“No. It doesn’t sound like your people had much choice
if they wanted to save that widow from possibly being
murdered by her abuser.”
She nodded. “So, back on topic. You only told me about
four of your fellow clones. Who makes up your six?”
“Rod. He was a close friend of Ram’s and they worked
together. He really wanted off Clone World, because many of
the female guests liked to harass him.”
“He makes the rest of us appear unattractive.”
Her mouth dropped open. “No way.”
He chuckled. “I’m secure with my appearance, but Rod
is better looking than I am.” His humor faded fast. “I hope
he’s not there when we arrive.”
“Why? Do you not get along with him?”
“No. I just don’t want you to be tempted to dump me to
be with him.”
She gasped and then lightly punched his arm. “Never.”
He grinned. “It’s a real worry. If I were into men, even I’d
want him.”
She snuggled closer. “Maybe I should worry about him
tempting you then.”
He hugged her tight and inhaled her wonderful scent. “I
only want you, Hailey. I’m very drawn to all your body
There was a sudden beep. She stiffened in his arms, but
Blade just leaned forward, glancing at the small screen.
“We’re almost home. I need to let Big know we’re about
to show up on his sensors, so he’ll know it’s us. I couldn’t
tell him the name of our shuttle or give him a description. It
wouldn’t be smart to do so.”
Hailey tried to climb off his lap but he held her there.
He adjusted her on his lap to free up his hands and sent
a ping. Within seconds, Big responded by opening a signal.
“Dad, it’s your sharpest son. I’m going to be home real
“I’m glad to hear it.” Relief sounded in Big’s voice. “I
wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t contacted me.”
“That should change at any minute.”
“Is the girl still with you?”
“She’s right here and can hear you.”
Silence met that announcement from Blade.
He sighed. Big was probably surprised he’d call with
someone able to hear them speak. “She’s gotten to know
me well and is looking forward to meeting you, Dad. It’s
“You told her about our family?”
“I did, Dad. It’s all good.”
“I see you.” Big paused. “Nice…”
Blade grinned, trying to imagine the other clone’s face
while he was reading what the sensors had picked up. The
Morgan was one of the best luxury shuttles. “Yeah. It is.”
“I’m going to really want to hear everything when you
get home.”
“We’ll sit down and have a long talk. I’ll get you all
caught up.”
“Just be careful coming in.”
Big’s warning made Blade tense. “Did you remodel?”
“Just a little, but it should be fine.”
Hailey glanced at him, frowning.
“It’s okay,” Blade whispered before he raised his voice
to be heard by Big. “I’ll be careful.”
“Any surprises expected?”
Big wanted to know if there was a chance he was
“Highly doubtful.”
“Good. See you soon.” Big cut the connection.
Hailey frowned again, staring at the windows. “I don’t
see anything out there. Is it a black ship?”
“Go belt in. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Big warned me
for a reason, but I don’t see what he’s talking about yet.”
She got off his lap and took the other seat, a confused
look on her face.
Blade slowed their speed before turning to address her.
“I’m going to be honest with you, Hailey. You’re not staying
with me forever, so it’s best if you don’t know where we are.
I’d already tinted the windows before you stepped into the
cockpit. There’s something in front of us that you can’t see.
I’m using sensors to fly by.”
She turned her head but he’d already looked away,
focused on flying toward the crater that opened into the old
mining base. He immediately saw what Big had warned him
about. He let out a laugh.
“Big implemented some safety features since the last
time I was here.” He slowed even more, seeing the large
chucks of asteroid rocks on the sensors, floating in the
crater opening. He had to carefully steer past them, going
over a huge one, then diving down before changing course
to avoid the next. He rounded it and went deeper into the
“So, you don’t trust me?”
He couldn’t take his focus off the sensors. “I do. It’s not
just my life at risk, though. It doesn’t feel right showing you
where we are without Big’s permission first. It’s his home
more so than mine. He’s the one who’s remained here.”
Blade maneuvered around another large asteroids and
saw the open docking bay door. It was the largest one the
station boasted. He drove in and landed. As soon as he got
confirmation that the metal shuttle feet had magnetically
locked to the deck, he cut the thrusters and began to shut
the engines down. It would take about five minutes for the
bay to be repressurized and oxygenated.
He stood and stared down at Hailey, hating to see the
hurt in her eyes. He crouched next to her seat and cupped
her face. “I do trust you. It’s just that this secret isn’t mine
to share. Please believe me.”
Some of the hurt left her eyes, and she gave a little nod.
“Are you certain your Big isn’t going to dislike me because
I’m human?”
“Big is a good guy. He won’t care…but he might be a
little worried when I have to tell him that you’ll be returning
to your colony. Trust comes hard for us because so many
humans don’t see clones the way they do other people.
We’re used to being treated badly.”
“I see you, Blade. You’re an amazing man.”
“Thank you, baby.”
He released her face and reached for her belts,
unstrapping her. “Would you mind waiting onboard while I
talk to Big? You can come with me if you want; I just know
he’s going to want a detailed account of my time with the
pirates. I’ll be honest, some things I don’t want you to hear.
Pirates are terrible people. I’m just planning on exiting once
the bay can support life, and talking to him here. Then I can
come get you to meet him.”
She studied him, peering deeply into his eyes. “Which
would make you feel more comfortable?”
“Me talking to Big alone at first.”
“Okay. Then I’ll wait. I should probably brush my hair
and dress nicer. I want my first impression to be a good
He chuckled, straightening and then pulling her to her
feet. “You’re beautiful. Don’t try to look even better for
some other guy. I’ll get jealous.”
She smiled. “Would you?”
“Definitely. I won’t be long.”
“Are you bringing him onboard? I should probably clean
up the living space a little. We were making out this morning
on the couch.”
“Good plan. I’ll bring him there when we’re done.”
He hesitated. “Don’t be nervous. Big is a good guy. I
would never let anyone hurt you. Trust that.”
“I do.”
He nodded. “I’m going to the cargo hold now. That’s
where he’ll head once he can enter the bay. The panel there
will tell me when it’s safe to unseal the door and lower the
ramp.” He brushed a kiss over her mouth. “You’re perfect as
you are. No changing clothes.”
That got a laugh out of her. “I heard you.”
“Good.” He walked way. “Mine.”
He turned and grinned, pointing at her. “Mine. Hear that,
too.” Then he spun, quickly leaving the cockpit to head for
the lift.
His humor died quickly. Hailey was his…but only for a
limited time. One day soon, he’d have to let her go.
It just might kill him inside when that day came.
Chapter Seven

The light on the panel flashed green and Blade tapped

in the code. The doors began to unseal and the ramp motor
whirred to life. He stepped closer to the opening, spotting
the tall clone striding toward him from the other side of the
bay. The sight made him smile. It had been too long since
he’d seen his best friend.
Big grinned back and lifted his arm, waving.
As soon as the ramp touched the bay floor, Blade
rushed down and hurried to greet his friend. They both
spread their arms wide and hugged when they came
together. Human men might find it awkward to show
displays of affection, but not clones. It was so rare for
anyone to care enough to want to touch them.
“I thought you were dead, damn it.” Big squeezed him
“I damn near did die, many times. Let’s just say I’ll
never consider pirates a part of my family.”
They released each other but stayed close. Big
appraised him from head to foot. “You’re in one piece.”
“I’ve still got all my fingers and toes. They didn’t steal
any body parts. Just my time.”
“What in the hell happened?” Big glanced toward the
shuttle behind him.
“One of my engines overheated on my shuttle and it
blew up. The damage was extensive and even knocked out
the secondary systems. I was working to repair
communications first, to reach out for help, but pirates
happened to find me at the worst time. They caught me
completely unaware. One minute I was replacing fried wires,
and the next I had weapons pointed at me. The only reason
they didn’t float me was because I admitted I was a clone, in
hopes that it would give me more time to escape. I thought
they’d want to turn me in to the authorities for a reward.
Instead, they kept me.” Blade shrugged. “Free labor.”
“Damn. You couldn’t sneak a call out to us in all that
“Even if I could have, the odds were too great for any of
you to attempt to rescue me. They already had one clone. I
didn’t want to add to their numbers. I was kept at an old
way station where over two hundred pirates live.”
“I would have come for you.”
Blade nodded, feeling emotion strong enough that he
had to swallow before he spoke. “I know. That’s why I didn’t
try to contact you until I was safely away.”
“How did you do it? Did you take the woman with you
when you got away from the pirates?”
“Her name is Hailey. She’s human, if you hadn’t guessed
by what I didn’t say. I asked her to stay inside while we
spoke. She’s the reason I’m home. The pirate crew that kept
me went after that luxury shuttle. It flew into their hunting
territory, and the pilot didn’t try to fight us off in any way.
We docked with it and entered. You remember the maker of
these models, don’t you?”
“Varlius. Top of the line.”
“Exactly. I knew something was serious wrong on the
shuttle before we even boarded. The computer would have
alerted them about our approach. It was my job to take care
of the crew. The pirates sent me to do so—with a weapon
that wouldn’t hold a charge. I found four dead humans who
had overdosed on drugs, but the captain’s cabin had been
sealed. There was no response when I tried to reach
whoever was inside.”
“They don’t seal from the outside. Only from the inside.”
Blade nodded. “I knew someone had to be in there, but I
figured they might have overdosed, too. So I ran the
override codes. Hailey was locked in there. Those four dead
assholes had snatched her from a colony planet. She’s a
beautiful woman…”
Big grimaced. “I can imagine their motive.”
“She sealed herself in the captain’s cabin before they
could hurt her. She’d been in there for two weeks when I
found her, with a broken thumb. She broke it to escape the
handcuffs they’d put her in. I rendered aid, and now her
injury is almost completely healed.”
“A Varlius med kit onboard?”
Blade nodded. “I killed the pirate crew with me, since I
couldn’t let them find her, and I had an undamaged ride to
get away with. All the other ships they targeted while I was
part of their crew put up a good fight, and were disabled by
the time I got a chance to enter them.”
“You told her that you’re a clone?”
“Yes. She knows you’re one, too.”
Big crossed his arms.
“Hailey is a sweetheart. She’s a teacher on a small
mining colony. I’m the first and only clone she’s ever met.
She took it surprisingly well. You’ll like her, Big. Give her a
“Are you a couple?”
“For now.”
Big’s mouth pressed together, showing his displeasure.
“What does that mean? You’re only with her for temporary
sex? And you brought her here? What were you thinking?”
His own temper rose. “I don’t think of her as temporary
anything. I’d love for her to stay with me forever if it were
possible. She was kidnapped from her home and has
parents she’s very close to on her planet. I promised to find
a way to get her back to them.” His anger faded as fast as it
rose. “It’s going to break my heart to let her go…but better
mine than hers. That’s what would happen if I kept her away
from them. She’d also grow to hate me.”
Big’s features softened, and he dropped his hands to his
sides. “You love her.”
“I do.”
“Does she know?”
“I haven’t told her that exactly.”
“Maybe she’ll stay if you do.”
Blade felt a jab to his heart. “You haven’t seen her talk
about her mother and father. I can’t make her chose
between them and me. It would be cruel.”
“I need you to make it possible for her to contact them,
to let them know she’s alive. I couldn’t risk it on the
“Her planet’s transmission system would read the
computer signatures on that shuttle. And you didn’t
reprogram it.”
“I contacted you right after I got away from the pirates.”
“That’s going to be a complicated job that takes weeks.”
“Unless Fig or Free are here. Are they?”
“No. It’s just me.” Big paused. “And another clone.” A
grin spread across his face. “Also the love of my life.”
Blade frowned in confusion.
“I hit a transport for plasma and met with a repair robot
—and behind it stood Gemma. My disabling the transport
and docking with it had triggered her stasis unit to open.”
“How desperate were you for plasma to attack a
protected transport?”
“That’s the thing. It didn’t have an escort.”
“JDJ Clone Corp doesn’t ship clones without extra
“They do if she’s an illegally created clone with a mind
that wasn’t blanked.”
Blade’s mouth dropped open. He was too astounded to
talk. At least at first. Then worry hit. Unblanked clones were
illegal for a reason. “Shit!”
“Gemma is a strong woman. She’s sane, Blade. I’ll tell
you all about her later. She’s looking forward to meeting
you. I asked her to stay back while we spoke, in case you
freaked out when I let you know about her origins. I also
wasn’t sure if it was safe since you were bringing a human
here. Gemma woke thinking it was 2020. I’m the only
person she’s ever seen. I didn’t want to subject her to
prejudice. Telling her about how clones are treated was hard
“Hailey isn’t like that.”
“Good. I’d like to meet her to make sure first, before I let
Gemma anywhere near her. No offense. I consider Gemma
my wife, and I’ll do anything to protect her. She’s been
through a lot.”
“She’s adjusting?” It seemed like an incredible feat to
Blade. The first dozen clones woken with the memories of
their source bodies intact had turned out so horrible, Earth
passed a law against ever doing it again. All twelve had lost
their perfectly replicated minds.
Big smiled. “Yeah. I make damn sure of it. As I said,
Gemma is my life now. I love her like you can’t imagine.”
“I think I can.” He thought about Hailey. They’d just had
a few days together, but he already wanted her to stay with
Big probably guessed his thoughts and reached out,
clasping his arm. “Tell her that you love her. It can make a
huge difference. It did with Gemma. I let her know from the
start that I belong to her, and I’ll be with her for the rest of
our lives.”
He just nodded. Big didn’t understand. He’d not only be
taking Hailey from her family if he managed to talk her into
staying, but she’d be giving up having children. She could
have them with someone else if he returned her to her
“Introduce me to your human.”
“Promise me that you’ll be polite. She doesn’t know
where we are. I blanked out the main windows as we flew
“I appreciate that.” Big hesitated. “She’ll figure out
where we are if you let her enter the station.”
“I trust her.”
“I don’t.”
“I figured that’s how you’d feel.”
Big’s face filled with regret.
“I know. You don’t have to say it. Only one human saw
us as worthy of saving from the fate we were handed on
Clone World. Hailey is a stranger to you, but you’ll learn how
special she is. Just give her a chance.”
“You love her. So of course I will.”
Blade took a deep breath. “Come on.” He turned, going
up the ramp and entering the Morgan with Big on his heels.
“This is a really nice model,” a deep male voice said
that didn’t belong to Blade.
Hailey shot to her feet from the chair she’d been sitting
in, her gaze locked on the opening to the corridor that led to
the lift. She was about to meet another clone. Her hands
trembled a little as she smoothed down the skirt she wore,
and she took a few calming breathes.
Smile? Not smile? She wasn’t sure.
Blade came in first, followed by a man slightly taller
than him. They both had the same build. Large and
muscular. The new guy wore jeans and a T-shirt. He had
bright blue eyes and longer, curly black hair. All clones must
be handsome, since he was pretty equal in hotness.
“Hailey, this is Big.” Blade came to her side and put his
arm around her.
“Hi,” she blurted. “It’s so nice to meet you.” Her right
hand twitched, and she was unsure if she should offer to
shake. Clones might not use that greeting. She regretted not
asking Blade.
“Hello.” Big smiled. “I’m glad to meet you, since you’re
the reason I got my best friend back.”
She frowned. “He rescued me. Not the other way
around.” She turned her head, giving Blade a questioning
look. Too late, she worried that he might have lied to his
friend. If so, she’d just exposed him.
Blade smiled. “He means that finding you and this
shuttle got me away from the pirates and a ride home.”
“Oh. Right.” She turned her attention back to Big. She
felt nervous again, unsure what to say. Her mother would
tell her to fall back on manners. So that’s what she did.
“Would you like something to eat or drink, Mr. Big? The
kitchen is well stocked. I could list off the meal choices we
A smile spread across Big’s face.
Blade chuckled from beside her.
She peered up at him again. “What’s funny?”
“No one has ever called us ‘mister’ before. It’s cute,
baby. Big is fine, but thank you for offering to feed him.”
She flushed, feeling a little embarrassed. “Sorry.”
“Never apologize.” Blade winked at her.
“I was telling Blade that I met the love of my life while
he was gone. Her name is Gemma. I think the two of you
would get along well, Hailey. Would you like to meet her?”
“There’s another woman here?” That news excited her.
“Yes. I’d love to!”
Big cleared his throat. “She’s a clone. Is that going to be
a problem?”
“I told you it wouldn’t be,” Blade snapped. “Stop it.”
“I just need to be sure.”
She glanced between them, worried. Blade looked like
he wanted to hit something. He even took a threatening
step toward his friend.
Hailey reacted by grabbing his arm. “What’s going on?”
“He’s afraid that you’ll be mean to Gemma because
she’s a clone.” Blade didn’t look back at her, but he did halt
in his tracks, allowing her to keep ahold of him. “I told you
that she’s not like that. Don’t you trust me anymore?”
“You’ve been gone for a long time. I’m not trying to be a
dick, but I told you about Gemma’s tenuous state. I’m doing
everything I can to make certain she suffers no setbacks.
The last thing she needs is a verbal slap to the face about
her new life.”
Hailey suddenly remembered how Blade had expected
that she’d want to kill him, just because he was a clone.
“Both of you stop it.” She moved to get between them,
probably not the smartest thing to do, considering they
were much larger than her, but it was better than them
getting into a fight. Especially over her.
She gave her back to Blade, facing Big. “Look, you don’t
know me yet, but I would never purposely hurt someone
else’s feelings. I see three people in this room. Keyword
being people. I don’t care if someone was born or grown.”
She paused, noticing that Big’s gaze softened as he studied
her. “I see you as a person,” she stressed. “I would really
like to meet Gemma. I was grabbed by men and taken by
force from my home. I miss my mom and my friends. Talking
to another woman would be really nice after everything that
I’ve been through. Again, keyword being woman. I’m going
to see her as a person, too.”
Blade pressed against her back and wrapped his arms
around her waist. He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “I
told you that my Hailey is special. Are we done with this
overprotective streak of yours, Big? I’d like to meet Gemma,
Big stepped forward and held out his hand. “Will you
accept my apology, Hailey? I didn’t mean to be an
overprotective ass. Gemma has been through some tough
stuff, as well.”
Hailey immediately shook his hand. “Totally
understandable, and we’re good.”
Everyone seemed to calm at that point, and she felt
things hadn’t gone too bad. Her worst fear had been that
Big would hate her for being human. Instead, he just
seemed leery. After everything that Blade had told her, she
could understand that.
Big blocked the corridor and met her gaze once again.
“There’s one more thing we need to discuss before you
leave this shuttle.”
“Okay.” She waited, noticing that Blade’s hold on her
tightened and his body felt tense again.
“You seem okay with us being clones, but other humans
aren’t. We’re hated and feared. The fact that we dared to
free ourselves, to no longer wish to be slaves, somehow
makes humans believe we’re a serious threat. We just want
to live in peace.”
She nodded. “Peace is good. I’m all for that. Some
people are idiots. I’m not. Promise.”
“The authorities or a hit squad would be hired by Clone
World to come wipe us out if they find out that we’re still
alive, and where we’re located. They’d slaughter us just
because we’re breathing and no longer under their control. I
need you to swear that you’ll never reveal our location or
anything about us, including that you ever met us.”
She offered her hand to him again. “I swear. Shake on
it? On my planet, that’s as solid as it gets.”
He reached out and took her hand again, gently
clasping it. “Thank you.”
“I’m sorry that people have been so terrible to you. It
isn’t fair or right. I really mean that, Big. Blade is the best
man I’ve ever met in my life. I would never do or say
anything to hurt him.”
Big let her go and smiled. “It’s really good to meet you,
She hoped meeting Gemma went smoother.
Blade took her hand and all three of them left the
shuttle. The hangar, she saw first thing, was completely
enclosed. It probably meant they weren’t on a planet.
Otherwise it would likely be like the port on her own planet.
An open field for shuttles and transports to land.
The next clue was the sheer size of the enclosed room.
The Morgan wasn’t a small shuttle. It had dwarfed all the
other privately owned shuttles that visited Prospect.
Wherever they were, it probably wasn’t another ship. A
She remembered Blade mentioning where the pirates
had kept him. There were supposedly a lot of those way
stations abandoned from the old days, when space travel
had taken a lot longer. They were used for refueling and
resupplying ships, otherwise everyone would have died. As
technology advanced, they were no longer needed. A
voyage that had taken months turned into a matter of
weeks. Then days.
They exited into a tall, wide corridor. Shop signs caught
her eye. Beneath them were stores with open doors. A
glance inside them showed empty shelves and racks.
It was even bit stranger when the corridor widened and
even more shops were revealed. Big led them past the
shops to a lift. She clutched Blade’s hand a little tighter. It
wasn’t like the lift on the Morgan, which could probably hold
three people, max. The one she stepped into could
accommodate about twenty.
“Are you well, Hailey?”
She forced a smile at Blade. “Yeah. Just a little
Big frowned. “Why? You’re safe here.”
“This is my first time on whatever this is. Not that I’m
asking for hints. I’m not. It’s just that before I was
kidnapped, I’d never left my planet. Now I’ve been on a
shuttle, and this…” She took a deep breath. “It’s so big, and
there are no windows. That’s unsettling for me. We have
windows in every room of our house except in our cellar,
where we store food. It’s under the house and completely
enclosed to help keep everything cold.”
“Baby, it’s okay.” Blade tugged her against his side,
releasing her hand to put his arm around her waist. “Are you
suffering from claustrophobia?”
“No. Everything is too spacious to feel closed in. It’s
The lift doors opened and Big stepped out into another
wide corridor. “You might want to activate all the monitors in
your cabin, to give her views. Gemma and I had the one
next door to ours prepared for you. It belonged to someone
of importance and has most of the same features as our
“Thank you.” Blade led her out of the lift.
Big stopped in the hall, watching her. “How much do you
know about robots and androids? We have an abundance of
both here.” He glanced at Blade. “They scared Gemma at
first. We can deactivated them if it will make you more
Hailey appreciated that Big seemed concerned for her.
“I’m good with both. We have a lot of robots transporting
goods to and from work sites on my planet. I know they
have good safety sensors. There’s never been an accident
where one of them rolled into someone or anything.”
“Good.” Big turned and strode forward.
This corridor wasn’t like other. There were no shops, but
large doors were spaced out on both sides. The walls
weren’t metal, either. They were a pale gray.
Big placed his hand on a pad at a set of double doors,
and one side opened.
He went in first. “Welcome home.”
It was a spacious open living room with nice furnishings.
A kitchen sat to the right, with a long island and stools. A
pretty woman slipped off one. She looked to be about
twenty, with shoulder-length blonde hair and pale blue eyes.
Big went immediately to her side and they held hands.
“Gemma, I’d like you to meet Blade and Hailey.” He
“It’s so good to finally meet you, Blade. I’ve heard a lot
about you.” She turned her attention to Hailey. “I hope you
don’t mind that I was waiting in your home. Big said it would
be alright. I ordered your silver lady to stay in the closet.”
“Silver lady?” Hailey asked, confused.
“It’s an android that lives in your kitchen.” Gemma
lowered her voice to a whisper. “Apparently, they’re all
called Magna. If you say their name, they roll out of the
closet in there, ready to ask you what you want to eat.
They’re great cooks, but super freaky.”
“We have an android that cooks?” Hailey thought that
was pretty cool, actually.
Gemma nodded. “Wild, right? It also cleans the kitchen
and does dishes.”
Big cleared his throat. “Hailey knows about those
“I don’t have an android at home,” Hailey admitted.
“We’re a pretty poor colony. The mining company has them,
but not regular people. I’m used to doing all the chores with
my mom.”
Blade gave Gemma a nod of his head. “I’m very glad
you came into Big’s life, Gemma. I’ve never seen him this
happy before.”
“Thanks. It wasn’t like I planned any of this, but…”
Gemma shot Big a loving look. “It’s turning out pretty great
for me. All because of my sexy pirate. I’m so lucky that he
stole me and brought me here.”
“Pirate?” Hailey spun away from Blade, alarmed. “I
thought you weren’t really a pirate, just forced to just stay
with them? Did you lie to me? If he’s one—”
Blade reached for her and lightly gripped both of her
hands. “I’ve never lied to you. Those pirates did force me to
work with them. And they attack people. We only steal clone
plasma, because we need it to survive. The transports we
go after are completely automated and all sent by JDJ Clone
She studied his features. He seemed sincere.
“Baby, I’ve told you the truth.”
“Big took me off a spaceship that had this stupid robot
in charge. There was no one else on it. Just me,” Gemma
added. “And he was super surprised that I was there. But I’m
illegal, so that’s why I was hidden away with a bunch of
blood bags in crates.”
“Plasma,” Big corrected.
Hailey relaxed and let Blade pull her into his arms. She
buried her face in his chest. “I’m sorry. I know I can trust
you. I do.”
He hugged her. “It’s fine. You’ve been through a lot.”
“It’s not fine,” she murmured into his shirt. “I just
panicked a little because if you had lied, you might have not
meant what you said about my parents.”
“Your parents?”
Hailey turned her head and opened her eyes to look at
Gemma. “Blade promised to let me call them so they know
I’m alive, and to find a safe way to get me home to them.”
Gemma appeared stunned. “Your parents think you’re
She nodded. “I was grabbed off the street and
kidnapped on my way home from school.”
“How old are you?” Gemma released Big and rushed
forward, pausing a couple feet away.
“Twenty-six. I’m a schoolteacher.”
“You look like an adult, but the school thing confused
me.” Gemma lifted her chin to stare up at Blade. “Did you
let her call them?”
“It wasn’t possible until we got here.”
Gemma turned on her. “How long ago was it that you
were kidnapped?”
Hailey had to think about it. “Um, about seventeen days
“Fuck!” Gemma spun and marched back to Big. “I’m a
parent. I’d be going batshit crazy if my kid disappeared for
that long. Why are we standing here talking? Get that young
woman to your version of a phone!”
“Gemma—” Big began, trying to calm her.
“No. You have all this futuristic shit.” Gemma put her
hands on his chest and pushed. “Put it to use. We need to
let her parents know that she’s alive and well. You have no
idea what it’s like to worry yourself sick when you don’t
know where your kid is or what’s happening to them. I do.
She needs to call them, Big. Right fucking now!”
“Alright. Don’t cry.” Big cupped her cheek and used his
other hand to brush Gemma’s hair back. “I’ll take them to
another shuttle Fig and Free rigged, in case we ever needed
to contact somewhere that required authorizations. Its
computer signature will say she’s using a communications
center on a planet in the Prigger Sector. They’re going to
trace her signal, though. We’ll have to keep it short.”
“Don’t tell me about it. Do it,” Gemma pleaded. She
glanced at Hailey, tears in her eyes. “Her parents need to
Big leaned down and kissed her. Then he straightened
and jerked his head. “Let’s go.”
Blade followed, hauling Hailey after him. They left the
nice cabin and went back into the corridor.
“I’m so confused,” Hailey admitted. “She looks younger
than I am. And I thought clones were sterile?”
“It’s complicated.” Blade met her gaze when they
stopped to use the lift. “But Gemma used to be human.”
Chapter Eight

Hailey stared at the little screen in front of her. They

were on a tiny shuttle with only one seat. Blade crouched in
the space next to her, and she knew Big hovered in the
cramped space behind the cockpit.
“You need to remember everything I’ve said to you. It is
very important. And keep it short.”
She nodded. “Not too much information. No names.”
“They’ll believe you’re on Zelba if they trace the signal,”
Big stated. “We have a relay there, so the transmission will
bounce to Zelba and then to your planet. It’s an emergency
setup, and it’ll be blown if the authorities go there searching
for you.”
“I understand. Can we open communications now?” She
just wanted to talk to her parents.
Blade reached over and tapped into one of the pads on
the curved console. Hailey’s heart pounded as she watched
it light up to indicate the transmission was live. Long
seconds passed before a familiar voice came from the
“Dad!” Tears blinded her. “It’s Hailey.” She wished she
could see him, but video wasn’t possible.
“Hailey?! Klista, get in here! Hailey, is that you really
you? Where are you, pumpkin?”
“It’s me, Dad. I was kidnapped, but I got away. I’m
coming home. It just might take a little while, but I’m not
“Hailey?” Her mom’s sobs tore her up even more.
Blade reached out and took her hand. He leaned closer.
“Ask them,” he whispered.
“I love you guys so much,” she said quickly, knowing
she couldn’t linger over the call. “I need you to trust me and
listen. I don’t have much time to talk to you. Don’t contact
the authorities or tell anyone that I contacted you. I’m okay
though, and I’m going to get back to you. I don’t know how
long it will take, but I’m safe where I am.”
“Where are you? We’ll come get you.” Her mom sobbed
“Did some off-worlder take you?” Her dad sounded mad.
“I’ll gather everyone and we’ll get you, pumpkin. Just tell me
where you’re hiding. We can keep you safe.”
“I’m not where you can get to me. I’m far away.” She
wasn’t supposed to mention the Morgan. “I got to see
space, Dad.” She choked up. “I love you guys so much, but I
promise I’m safe and okay.”
Her father gasped loudly. “You’re not on Prospect?”
“What?” Her mom sounded panicked. “You’re out in
space alone?”
Blade squeezed her hand and she met his eyes. He
nodded. It was his way of giving her permission to assure
them she had someone with her.
“I’m not alone. I was saved by a wonderful man. He’s
keeping me safe. He’s just like Stone Stern.”
Blade paled, gazing at her with alarm.
“Fictional character,” she whispered softly. “He’s a hero.
Mom read me the books as a kid. Trust me.” She raised her
voice. “Did you hear me? I’m safe and fine. I don’t want you
two worried about me. I’m going to come home as soon as
possible. I just needed you to know that I’m okay.”
“Who is this man? Is he the bastard who took you?”
Her dad was furious. She needed to calm him before he
made assumptions. “No, he didn’t take me. He rescued me.
I told him about neighbor justice; that’s how much I trust
him. He won’t let anything happen to me. I need to go now.
This transmission can’t be traced. Do not contact the
authorities or anyone at the port. And don’t trust any off-
“They did something to you,” her dad shouted. “I knew
it! They wouldn’t lift a finger to help us search for you when
you didn’t come home. We found your bag on the ground on
your route to work. We almost had to cause a riot to get
authorities to even issue an official alert for you!”
Blade motioned toward the screen. It hurt her to have to
say goodbye, but she knew it was time.
“I love you guys so much. I have to go, but I’m going to
make my way home to you when I can. I’m okay, I’m safe,
and my hero is taking care of me.”
“We love you, pumpkin!” her mom cried. “So much.”
“Can this man hear me?”
“Yes, Dad. He can.”
“You take care of my daughter, or I’ll kill you. Don’t you
hurt her!”
Hailey cringed. “Dad, don’t threaten him. He’s amazing,
and he’d never do anything bad to me. Ask Mom about
Stone Stern. He’s just like him. It’s a Puffin promise. I have
to go.”
“Not yet!” Her mom sounded desperate.
“I love you guys so much!”
Blade reached out and ended the signal. The light went
out, and Hailey turned, throwing herself into his arms. It was
her turn to sob. Her parents knew she was alive, though. It
had been so hard to hear how upset they were. She missed
them terribly.
“I’ll get you back to them,” Blade swore softly in her ear
as he held her.
She nodded.
“What does Puffin promise mean?”
“Old man Puffin is known for always being brutally
honest. He always tells it straight, even if it hurts someone’s
feelings. He couldn’t tell a lie to save his life. When
someone really means something, it’s a Puffin promise. It’s
become a saying with everyone on the colony.”
“I understand.” He rubbed her back. “Tell me about this
Stone Stern.”
That made her laugh. “I told you. He’s a fictional
character. It’s a book series my mom read to me growing
up. A friend of hers wrote seven of them. She lives on
Prospect.” Hailey eased backed into the seat, sniffling. His
questions helped her gain control of her emotions. “Stone
was this handsome miner who saved different people in
every story.”
“Tell me more about him.”
She highly doubted Blade really wanted to hear, but
they both knew why he urged her to go on. It made her
appreciate that he was so sensitive to her state of mind.
“Stone was just this great person who always helped
everyone, and all the women he rescued wanted to marry
him.” She paused, realizing what she’d said. “Because Stone
was such a good guy. That’s what I mean. My mom will
understand what I was trying to say. You’re a hero, like
A hand towel was suddenly shoved at them over the
back of the seat, and Hailey turned her head. Big held it out
to her. She took it.
“To blow your nose with. Gemma cries sometimes, too.
You should both go back to your cabin and eat something. It
helps.” He addressed Blade. “We’ll speak later. Take care of
her. I’m going to let Gemma know that Hailey got to speak
to her parents. That will make her feel better.” He fled,
leaving them alone.
Hailey blew her nose and smiled at Blade. “He’s a nice
guy, too, isn’t he?”
“I could eat,” she admitted. “I’m curious about the silver
lady. Will she really cook for us and clean up after?”
He grinned. “That’s what Magna is programed to do.
Those kinds of perks are some of the things I missed about
this place.”
“You had one before?”
“Yes.” He rose to his feet and helped her to stand,
backing away from the cockpit to let her out of the narrow
space. “You won’t be doing any chores while we’re here. We
have robots in the nicer cabins that do everything from
laundry, to changing the bedding, to keeping surfaces
“And cooking.” She felt lighter inside, now that she’d
talked to her parents. The ache lessened in her chest. “Was
this place once some fancy resort? It sounds like a vacation
He stiffened and stopped moving.
“Sorry. Forget I asked. It’s just that those sound like
amenities for a resort. I’m not trying to gain clues to figure
out where we are.”
“I know.” He offered his hand to her and smiled. “We
can pretend it’s a resort.”
“I’m all for that. I could use a vacation after everything
that’s happened. You could, too. We’re quite the couple,
aren’t we? Both of us got kidnapped. Me by bad men and
you by pirates. You had it worse, though. I was only trapped
in that captain’s cabin for two weeks.” She clasped his
hand, ready to return to their temporary home.

Hailey watched Magna put away the last clean dish. The
meal the android had prepared was delicious. She could
understand why Gemma called it a silver lady. The body of it
resembled a human, if they had metal skin. But instead of
real legs, both lower limbs seemed fused together, with
wheels for feet. She felt spoiled from being waited on and
not having to lift a finger to enjoy a good dinner.
Blade had left minutes before to spend some time with
Big. He’d offered to take her with him, but she didn’t want
to intrude on him catching up with his friend. Friends were
precious. She didn’t have that many on Prospect. Her
closest childhood friends had gotten married shortly after
school. They had children and busy lives. That left no time
for hanging out with her.
A chime made her startle. She turned her head, visually
hunting for the source. The cabin was way nicer than
anything she’d ever seen before. The house she’d been
raised in was basic, without any fancy features.
The chime sounded again. Hailey stood, not certain
where it came from. “Magna?”
The android rolled to the other side of the counter and
placed her silver hands on the surface. “What may I prepare
for you?”
The chime came again.
“What is that noise?”
The android just stared at her.
The front door suddenly slid open, and Hailey turned.
“That was fast.”
It wasn’t Blade returning, though. Gemma leaned in a
little and smiled. “Hi. Am I interrupting? You didn’t answer
the door. I figured you might be busy, but then I wondered if
maybe you’re as clueless as I am about all the bells and
whistles that this place comes with.”
“Bells and whistles? I didn’t realize that was the door
telling me someone was outside. Come in.”
The blonde entered, the door sealing at her back. “Sorry
to barge in, but Big said he was meeting Blade in the control
room.” She paused, staring at Magna. “They still creep me
out a little,” she whispered.
Hailey looked at the android “Thank you, Magna. You
can retire now.”
The android spun and a long cabinet slid open. She
rolled inside and it sealed behind her. Hailey faced Gemma
again. “I’m not used to such fancy robots. The ones on my
planet have square heads, two arms, and their bodies are
box-shaped with big rollers for legs. They pull trailers with
supplies secured to them. Sometimes they work together in
pairs to haul heavy equipment.”
“That sounds worse than what I’ve seen here.”
“Work robots aren’t harmful. They’ve got reliable
sensors. No one has ever been injured by one. Do you want
to have a seat? Are you thirsty or hungry?”
“I’m good.” Gemma walked to one of the chairs in the
living room and plopped down.
Hailey sat across from her on the couch. She had so
many questions but didn’t want to be rude. The short
explanation Blade had given her about Gemma was that she
was the exact cloned copy of a woman who’d once lived on
Earth. Right down to every memory. She couldn’t even
imagine what that would be like.
“What kind of teacher are you?”
“So, English teacher?”
“Basically. We just call it reading because if you can do
that well, the rest falls in line.”
“Things have sure changed since my day.”
Hailey nodded, trying to avoid anything that would
trigger the other woman to get upset. “Thank you for
pushing the guys into letting me contact my parents.”
“Big said it went well. I’m so glad. I raised two boys, and
I don’t care how old you are, your parents are always going
to be concerned about you.”
Hailey shifted in her seat and folded her hands on her
lap. Gemma didn’t look old enough for that to be possible. It
was strange. Not that she’d admit it. “My parents will be
happier when I’m home.”
Gemma sat forward a little. “I saw you with Blade. More
accurately, I saw the way he looks at you.”
Hailey bit her lip, not certain what the other woman was
trying to get at.
“I might be the new owner of a banging clone body, but
up here, I’m still the person I used to be.” Gemma tapped
her temple before sitting back again. “I’m a mom with some
years on me. That means I’ve got a bit of wisdom and
“I probably shouldn’t use such an obviously outdated
saying, since you’re not familiar with it. In my time, it was
used to describe women with attractive bodies, who men
wanted to have sex with. Anyway, the point is, Big shared
what he knew about you and Blade. I’m not going to be
nosy by asking for intimate details, but I know what it’s like
to be torn away from the life I had, only to have a sexy clone
man suddenly in my life. We have that in common, don’t
“Yes, I suppose.”
“Only the people who matter to you are still alive.
Everyone I know is long gone.”
That struck Hailey as curious. And since Gemma was
bringing it up… “Weren’t you cloned right after you died?”
“No. That body-stealing company had me in frozen
storage for a really long time. The old me died a hundred
and twenty-one years ago. I woke up as a clone shortly
before you met Blade. Mind blowing, right?”
“That’s crazy.”
Gemma smiled. “It is.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
“I felt sorry for myself at first, but not anymore. The
alternative is that I would have stayed dead. I got a second
chance at life with a much younger, healthier body. I’ve
decided to be extremely grateful. Best of all, I got Big.” She
winked. “He’s like the motherload of man lotto winnings.”
Hailey could tell that Gemma was from another time,
even if she hadn’t told her. She didn’t understand some of
the sayings she used, but she could get the gist. “I’m happy
for you. Big seems like a really nice guy, and he’s protective
of you.”
“I’m crazy in love with him. I fell fast and hard. Big is
irresistible. He’s the total package. Sexy, caring, listens to
me, and he’s great in bed. Men like Big love deep and
strong. If I were younger, I might not have seen that as fast
as I did. The more you live, the more you learn. Try to see
the total package, Hailey.”
“What does that mean?”
“Blade might not have been someone you planned to
meet, but you did. He’s another total package. The way he
looks at you?” She reached up and tapped her chest. “You
own that boy’s heart. Love happens fast when you find the
right person. Don’t be blind to what’s right in front of you.
He’s in love with you. Grab that man and don’t let go. He’s a
“I think Blade has feelings for me, but he’s not in love. I
just met him a few days ago.”
“He’s already admitted it to Big. I shouldn’t tell you that
but…life is short, Hailey. At least, it is unless they turn you
into a clone with your memories intact. I’d hate for you to
go back to where you came from, only to realize when it’s
too late that you fell in love with him, too. I lived fifty-six
years without meeting the right guy who made me happy.
Grab ahold of Blade. He looks at you the same way Big looks
at me. It’s rare and precious. Is it possible that you’re falling
in love with him, too? Be honest with yourself.”
She lowered her gaze, staring at the rug on the floor,
contemplating. Blade mattered to her. She had feelings…but
did she love him? “I’m not sure.”
“Is there someone special at home? Some man that you
have feeling for?”
Hailey lifted her gaze. “No.” That, she was certain of.
“Does Blade make you feel things you’ve never felt
She nodded. “I gave him my virginity.” She blushed and
averted her gaze.
“Were you saving it for marriage?”
Hailey looked up to find Gemma just looked curious, not
judgmental. “It’s expected to wait to have sex with your
husband for the first time. My mom is going to be upset
when I tell her.” She swallowed. “But I really wanted him.”
“Was it just physical because he’s so good-looking, or do
you feel really drawn to his personality?”
“He’s not like any guy I’ve ever met. It was both.”
Gemma scooted to the edge of her seat. “How are you
going to feel when you go back to your old life and never
see him again? I’d think about that, if I were you. Do you
have any idea at all?”
Hailey didn’t like the idea. She’d miss Blade and
suspected it would really hurt. No man had ever made her
feel the way he did. Even if they’d only been together for a
few days. He was her Stone Stern, and if he were her suitor
at home, she’d agree to marry him if he asked.
Especially if he was in love with her.
“Did he really tell Big that he loves me?”
“Yes. Please don’t share that I blabbed, but us women
need to watch out for each other. Men aren’t always good
about sharing their feelings. That hot hunk loves you. And I
didn’t need Big to tell me that. I saw it in the way Blade
looked at you.”
An ache started in her chest. “I can’t stay! I’m all my
parents have. They’d be devastated if they lost me.”
Gemma nodded in sympathy. “You’re a good daughter.”
Silence stretched between them for a few minutes.
She looked at Gemma.
“You make me feel so torn right now. The mom in me
wants to tell you that you should go home to your family. I
know how deeply a parent loves a child and how badly it
would hurt to lose you. But I also have to tell you that the
one thing I wanted most was for my kids to be happy. If you
were one of my kids in this exact situation, where you had
to pick me or the person you’d fallen in love with, it would
break my heart but I’d tell you to stay with Blade.
“That’s also coming from the woman who finally found
real love with a great guy. I lost my parents when I was in
my early forties. They didn’t have the peace of mind of
knowing that I’d found true love. I was a divorced mom of
two, struggling on my own while they were alive. We were
close. My dad died first, and my mom a year later. She
admitted to worrying about how I’d get along after she was
gone. I hated that for both of us.”
Gemma sighed, then stood. “You’re in a really tough
spot. I’m sorry for that. I asked Big if it was possible for
Blade to go home with you, and he said it wasn’t. I don’t
know your parents, but maybe you should figure out if Blade
is someone who could make you happy for the rest of your
life. If so, maybe you can ask your parents what will give
them the greatest peace of mind. Having you with them, or
knowing you’re with a man you love. Either way, I’m here
anytime you want to talk. I’m going to leave now, though,
because I think I’ve said enough.” She smiled.
“Thank you. I have a lot to think about.”
“I got the impression getting you home will be
complicated, but these guys are smart and determined. You
have a little time to figure things out, but I wanted you to
have all the information to make the best decision that you
can. It’s all you can do in life.” Hailey stood, but Gemma
waved her back down. “I can see myself out.”
Once she was gone, Hailey curled up on the couch and
replayed everything that Gemma had said. She wasn’t
certain that she was in love with Blade, but she did care for
him deeply. She had a suspicion she was getting there fast.
Chapter Nine

Blade walked in a few hours later. He came straight to

her after one look at her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Everything.”
“I’m sorry that I was gone for so long. Big wanted to
show me all the repairs he’s made in my absence. He also
had a lot of questions for me about my time living with
She got off the couch and put her arms around him. He
didn’t hesitate to hug her back.
He lowered his chin to the top of her head. “I’m sorry.
I’ve been thoughtless. This is a new place for you, and I left
you alone for too long.”
“No. You didn’t.”
“What’s wrong? Are you tired? We can go to bed. Would
you mind if I shared a bed with you? I know you’re tender,
so I won’t do more than hold you.”
She inhaled his scent. He smelled really good. The feel
of his arms around her and his firm body pressed against
hers felt right.
It was tempting to ask him if he was in love with her.
She didn’t, though. If he said yes, it would only make things
tougher. There was no denying that felt cowardly.
“Baby?” He pulled away. “I’ll take the other bedroom. I
apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable. That wasn’t my
“No.” She stared up into his dark blue eyes. “I want to
be with you tonight. Sleep with me.”
He smiled. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. And I’m also not feeling sore anymore. Will you
kiss me?”
“Always.” He dipped his head, and his lips met her
waiting ones.
This is right. She felt it to the core of her soul. No one
had ever made her need the way Blade did. But she’d didn’t
want to think anymore. Just feel. Her breasts began to ache
and she throbbed between her legs.
She broke the kiss and grabbed his hand, leading him to
the bedroom. The cabin had two. They’d explored the place
before dinner, and she went right to the master and
released him, taking off her clothes.
Blade stripped fast. “You’re so beautiful.”
“So are you.”
He chuckled. “I’m glad you find me attractive.”
“You’re that and so much more.”
His humor faded as he grabbed her, kissing her again.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to climb
his taller frame. He helped by lifting her, then she was
barely aware of him walking them closer to the bed. He
stopped when they reached it and gently lowered her.
Hailey felt frustrated when they stopped kissing. “Don’t
“I don’t plan to. On your back, baby. I want to taste
She practically threw herself on the bed and rolled to
the center before stretching out. Blade stood before her,
naked, his cock hard. She licked her lips. She wanted to
taste him, too.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he groaned, climbing on the
bed after her. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
“Tell me.”
“I’ll show you. Spread your legs.”
She parted them and drew her knees up, preparing to
wrap her legs around his waist when he climbed over her.
He didn’t. Blade’s large hands cupped the back of her thighs
instead, and pushed them farther apart. His eyes met hers.
“This is how much I want you.”
He lowered his head between her thighs and his hot
breath fanned over her clit. She sucked in a sharp breath as
his tongue laved the sensitive flesh. He licked, flattened his
tongue against it, then rubbed against her fast.
Hailey threw her head back and cried out. Her eyes
shut, her breath choppy. Raw pleasure coursed through her.
He was merciless as she thrashed under him. She climaxed
hard enough to scream his name.
Hailey’s entire body slumped in the aftermath. Blade
climbed up her then and pinned her beneath him. He
hooked one of her legs and lifted it to his hip, using his arm
under her knee to secure it there. His other arm braced his
weight on their opposite side.
“That’s how you make me feel when you’re naked and
looking at me with desire. Out of control. And I don’t want
you to ever stop.”
He released her and reached between them, slowly
rubbing the crown of his cock against her. She lifted her legs
and wrapped them around his waist. She ran her hands over
his chest, loving the feel of his hot, firm skin, exploring to
the tops of his shoulders and then outward to his arms.
He entered her slow.
Hailey moaned and dug her fingernails into him. She
lifted her hips, wanting more of him. Blade gave it to her by
thrusting deeper into her pussy, making her take all of him
at once. It was pleasure with a bite of pain.
“I was made for you.” He started to roll his hips slowly,
making sure every motion dragged his pelvis against her
She moaned his name and lifted her head, wanting his
mouth. He gave it to her, kissing her ardently. He kept the
pace steady, building the pleasure until it overtook them
The second climax washed through her. Blade pounded
into her then, hard and fast, drawing her pleasure out until
he filled her with his semen.
He rolled them over, holding her tight. “We’re too good
She clung to him. “Why do you say that?”
“We get each other off fast. I don’t know if that’s good
or not, but I don’t care. Whatever we are, it’s perfect. What
do you think?”
“I’m new at this. Was that fast?”
He chuckled and adjusted their bodies more comfortably
on the bed. He was strong enough to move her without
effort. “We’ll have to do it a lot more, since I don’t have that
much experience, either.”
“You’re really good at it. Maybe too good.”
“I did read a lot of books about sex. The Do’s and Don’ts
of Her Pleasure was one of my favorites. It had photos and
diagrams. What we just did was in chapter six. I used to
patrol in the guest library to snatch a few books and take
them back to my bunk to read while I was off shift.”
“That must have been a great chapter. I liked what you
did so much. We don’t have books that cover sex in our
“Our library book budget comes from the school.”
“How do you learn about sex, then?”
“Mothers have talks with their daughters. Fathers speak
to their sons.” She suddenly laughed. “She didn’t tell me
about oral sex. I learned about that from my friend Susan, in
our last year of school. She had an off-worlder boyfriend
who’d done that to her, to get her to have sex with him. I
thought it was gross. It’s really, really not.”
“No, it’s not.”
She wiggled closer to him and peered into his eyes. He
did look at her like he had feelings for her. There was a
tenderness there. It made her long for something she
couldn’t have—and a piece of her heart cracked.
That was the exact second she had her answer. She felt
it bone deep, too. There was no doubt.
“What’s wrong? You suddenly look sad.”
Tears flooded her eyes. “I’m a bad person.”
He rolled them back over, pinning her under him again.
“No, you’re not. Please don’t say you regret what we just
He used his elbows to hold his weight, freeing his hands
to tenderly brush her hair away from her face. He leaned in
close. “You are not a bad person. Why would you even say
“I look at you and want to be selfish.”
“Why does life have to be so unfair sometimes?”
“I don’t know. What’s wrong, Hailey? Talk to me.”
“I don’t want to say goodbye to you.” She choked up. “I
want to hear more about those chapters you read, and try
all that stuff with you. But we’re not going to have that kind
of time together. I want us to, though. I love you, Blade. I’ve
fallen in love with you…and that makes me a bad person.”
“Baby, I love you, too. There’s nothing bad about it. It’s
“I look at you and I want to be selfish so badly, by
asking if you’d consider making me your wife. But it would
kill my parents. What kind of daughter would abandon
them? I asked you to kiss me, and now here we are. This is
all my fault. I don’t even deserve you. I know you’d come
home with me if you were able to, giving up everything. I
should be able to do the same. Instead, I’m torn.”
He lowered his forehead until it rested against hers,
then closed his eyes.
“I’ve hurt you, haven’t I? I should have kept silent. I’m
He lifted his head and opened his eyes. “I want to be
selfish, too. If that makes you bad, I’m worse.”
“That’s not true. You’re amazing.”
“You feel bad because to be with me, you’d have to
leave your parents. But being with me actually means
having to give up your home, your family, and motherhood
—yet I still want to beg you to stay. I would marry you in an
instant, Hailey. I want to keep you here with me. I’d do
anything and everything to make it up to you every day,
because I’d know you’d lost so much to be with me. It
wouldn’t be possible, but I’d try my best.”
Hot tears slipped down her face.
His eyes teared up, too. “I’m glad you asked me to kiss
you. I wouldn’t change anything. We found love, baby. I
never thought I would. Every minute we have is precious,
and it will be enough to last me for the rest of my life. It has
to be.” He rapidly blinked. “You’re perfect, and I love
everything about you. That’s why I’m going to let you go
He rolled them again and held her tightly. “It’s going to
be okay. We have some time together. We’ll make the most
of it.”
She cried as he held her. He kept assuring it was going
to be okay…but she knew it wasn’t.

Blade felt gutted as he gently eased out from under
Hailey. She’d fallen asleep, having exhausted herself with
her tears. He wanted to rage and scream. If he’d been born
instead of produced, he could give her everything she
deserved. A man who could father her children and live on
her home world.
He dressed quietly and fled the bedroom, bypassing the
living room and exiting their cabin. He paced the hallway,
just trying to expel his anger without breaking his fists by
pounding them bloody into a wall. Hailey didn’t need that
guilt on top of everything else. He needed to at least
pretend to have his shit together while she was with him.
He finally wore himself down enough to lean his back
against the corridor wall and sink down into a crouch. His
head sagged, and he let some of his pain seep out with his
The door near him swished open, and he whipped his
head toward it. It wasn’t Big who stepped out. Gemma
carried an empty cloth sack as she walked toward the lift.
“What are you doing?”
She squeaked and spun. Then she grabbed her chest.
“You almost gave me a heart attack.” She walked toward
him and dropped her hand.
“Clones don’t have heart issues.”
She stopped and really looked at him. “You look like
your puppy just died. Things are going bad, huh?”
“Hailey said she loves me.”
She bent and put the sack on the floor, before sitting on
it. “This upsets you?”
“I can’t keep her. I’ll destroy her life if I do.”
“Did she say that?”
“She just cried herself to sleep in my arms. I’m sending
her home even if she asks to stay. I have to do what’s best
for her.”
Gemma crossed her legs. “Mistake number one. Never
make choices for a woman.”
He glowered at her. “She’ll never forgive herself if she
has to abandon her parents to be with me. Not only that,
but I can’t even give her babies to replace her family. That’s
another thing I’d take away from her. She’ll find someone
else to love, and he’ll let her keep her family. He’ll…” He
had a hard time saying it because it hurt. “They’ll have
children together. That will help her heal from this pain.”
“You’re breaking my heart, Blade.”
He looked away from her. “I want to kill him with my
bare hands, and she hasn’t even met him yet.”
They both remained silent for long minutes. He figured
she was being polite by not leaving him alone. He cleared
his throat. “Where were you going with a sack?”
“I like how the material feels. It’s soft. I found it in one of
the closets. I’m going to ask the tailor robot if there’s more
of it, and if I can have some pants made. The ones I have
are a bit stiff.” Gemma cocked her head. “There’s got to be
a solution for you. We just need to figure it out.”
“There isn’t one. Her planet is a mining colony. They
have port authorities who police all incoming and outgoing
traffic, to prevent theft of the minerals they harvest. Anyone
who lands there will be scanned. They’d kill me.”
“There’s no way to sneak around that?”
He shook his head. “They’ll be able to track anything
that enters the planet. A ship that veers off course to their
landing port will just be shot down.”
“So going there is out.”
“Does Hailey have any other family besides her
“Not that she’s mentioned.”
Gemma seemed to be thinking.
“It’s hopeless.”
“Never say never. If we can’t get you there, is it possible
to pay someone who can pass a hand scan to go there and
kidnap her parents?”
He gawked at her.
“What? You just spent a lot of time with pirates. Don’t
judge me for a drastic suggestion. I’m thinking outside the
box. I also may have spent way too much time watching
television in my old life. Think it about it, though. You could
have them kidnapped and brought here. As a parent, I
would forgive that, under the circumstances. Be with my
kid, or never see my child again. No-brainer. God knows this
place is big enough, and you could lock down parts of the
station to prevent them from escaping if they ever tried it.”
“I’m not stealing her parents!”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
“Nothing solves the fact that I’m sterile. She would be
giving up the opportunity to ever experience motherhood.”
Gemma snorted and waved a hand. “That’s the easiest
thing to fix.”
He gawked at her again. “There’s no way to make our
sperm live.”
“I didn’t say the baby would be biologically yours. You
could get sperm from someone else.”
“I’m not allowing some human to have sex with Hailey.”
“She doesn’t have to. One of my friends’ nieces got
pregnant by asking a friend of hers to jackoff into a cup, and
she inseminated herself. It took two tries, but it worked. Just
find some human you can pay to give up his goods, then
you can try that. They’re called sperm donors. That’s how
some people do it if they can’t afford expensive medical
procedures and they aren’t having fertility problems. Do you
really care if the baby is biologically yours? I would have
adopted if I wasn’t able to have kids. It wouldn’t have
mattered to me. I would have loved the hell out of it just as
if it were my own.”
He frowned. “I think we should find Big. Where is he?”
“Programing robots in another cabin, to have it ready in
case Fig comes home.”
“Let’s go find him. You shouldn’t be alone.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Why not?”
“Some of your suggestions were unstable.”
She got off the floor and grabbed her sack. “I’m not
nuts. I just think outside the box. You should try it sometime.
At least I’m giving you possible solutions to your problems.
What are you doing, besides sulking in the hallway? What’s
that going to do for you? Nothing. Now, I’m going to go talk
to a robot.”
He watched her walk away and enter the lift. He hoped
her mental stability wasn’t failing. It would destroy Big if
that happened. He reentered his cabin and checked on
Hailey. She slept peacefully in the bed.
He leaned against the wall, memorizing everything
about her. One day soon, she’d be gone. Pain clawed at his
heart at the thought. He truly and deeply loved Hailey.
Losing her was going to kill him.
There’s got to be a solution. Gemma’s words haunted
him. Think outside the box…
Twenty minutes later, he had an idea. It wasn’t as bad
as kidnapping Hailey’s parents, but it was a close second. It
would be risky, but he had everything to lose if he didn’t at
least try.
He rushed out of their cabin.
Chapter Ten

Blade’s hands stroked the hair from her face. She
opened her eyes. They felt a little swollen, and she quickly
remembered why. He sat at the edge of the bed, leaning
over her. She gave him a small smile.
“Wake up, beautiful.
She let him help her sit up. He offered her a glass of
fruit juice. It was cold and delicious. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. We need to talk.”
She nodded. “I’m so sorry that I fell apart last night.”
“Shush.” He scooted closer.
She studied his face. “You look tired. Did you not sleep
“I haven’t slept at all. I contacted Rod. It took hours for
him to respond to my pings, but he finally did.”
“Rod? Oh. One of your six from Clone World.” She took
another sip of juice. “Why?”
“I needed to see if he could do me a few favors. While
we all avoid stations and colonies, he’s been known to visit
the ones without port authorities. He’s skilled at passing for
being a human as long as there are no scanners.”
“That sounds dangerous.”
“It is.”
“Why would he do that?”
“We’re not certain, but he does. Rod even takes jobs
from some humans. That’s why I thought of him. Not only
does he travel to places where we don’t go, but he’s got
funds. I told him what I might need, and he’s agreed to
provide both things to me.”
She wasn’t awake enough to follow along. “Both what
“Secure transportation and funding. When dealing with
humans, funds are a requirement.”
She reached over and placed the glass on the
nightstand. “You’re sending me away? It that what you’re
saying? Rod knows someone who can get me safely back to
Prospect, and he has money to pay them?” Don’t cry. Don’t
cry, she silently chanted. “So soon? I thought it would be a
while. I’m sorry for what I said last night.” She grabbed
ahold of his shirt. “I’m not ready to go!”
He covered her hand with his. “No, baby. It’s not that.”
The relief that hit her was strong.
“I had this idea last night. It’s Gemma’s fault, really. She
said I could hire someone to kidnap your parents off
Prospect and bring them to you.”
“I told Big he needs to keep a close watch on her. She
might be struggling with her mental stability. I would never
hire pirates to steal your parents. It did get me thinking,
though.” He smiled, and it lit up his face.
She smiled back, unable to help it. “What is it?”
“I love you, Hailey. You’re worth taking risks for, and I
would do anything for you. There’s something you need to
hear. You’re so amazing…and I had faith that I wasn’t the
only one who felt that way.”
He reached into his pants pocket and withdrew a small
recorder. He tapped it on.
“I don’t have a lot of time because transmissions can be
traced, but I need to speak to you. It’s about Hailey.”
It was Blade’s voice. She gripped his shirt tighter.
“Is she alright?”
Shock jolted through her. That was her dad speaking.
“Yes, sir. Physically, she’s perfect. I am in love with your
daughter, and she’s in love with me. I work in a remote
location, the caretaker for a classified site. I would like to
marry Hailey. Last night, I held her while she cried herself to
sleep because her heart is split between us. I’m a
contracted employee who’s locked into this job for at least
thirty years. I can’t change that, or I would. That’s why I’m
contacting you.”
She heard him take a deep, audible breath before he
continued. “Hailey said you’ve always wanted to take a trip.
I don’t know how you feel about leaving Prospect to move
somewhere else…but there’s plenty of room here. You can
retire from the mines, and your wife from teaching. I’ll take
care of you both. You won’t want for food or nice living
conditions. There’s only a handful of people living here, but
the most important one will be your daughter. Will you
consider it?”
“What’s your name?” That was Hailey’s mom.
“That’s classified, but your daughter told me all about
Stone Stern, and she says I’m like him. I found Hailey in a
bad situation and brought her home with me, where I knew
she’d be safe. Please let me be her hero once more. Agree
to move here, so we can keep her heart in one piece by
bringing our family together. I have funds available to send
to you. It’ll be more than enough for you to pack your
belongings and take a transport to Kellerton Station. Nice
accommodations will be reserved for you in your name,
along with a large storage locker for your things, until one of
my coworkers can pick you up and bring you to Hailey.
“Please consider it. I never want to see her cry again
like she did last night, and if she leaves me to be with you,
you’ll be the ones holding her at night, listening to her sobs.
Silence followed.
Hailey felt tears slipping down her face. “Oh, Blade…”
She buried her face in his chest. “Thank you for trying.” She
sniffed. “They have friends there, and it’s all they’ve ever
known. Dad talks about going into space but he just wanted
to take a vacation.”
“I had to reach out to them and try. I sent Rod a coded
message, asking him if Kellerton Station was a place he
could get in and out of to pick up two people, if they said
yes. He said he could. They have no port authorities. Pirates
go there often. He also said he could easily transfer funds to
your parents, and he has more than enough to pay for their
traveling expenses.”
“That was so nice of him.”
“I told him how much you mean to me. He demanded
answers after I asked him to transport two humans to our
home. He even demanded to speak to Big first, to make
sure I’d cleared it with him.”
“Big agreed to let my parents come here? He’s so
protective of Gemma.”
“She was there when I asked. He might want to shield
her, but she doesn’t seem to need it. When he pointed out
that humans could be cruel to clones, she laughed and told
him her old job had her handling hundreds of nasty-
mouthed humans every day.”
“I still don’t want to go home right now.” She tugged on
his shirt. “My parents can wait a few weeks. We deserve
that time together. Right? This is our vacation.”
He leaned in and kissed her. “Oh, we deserve a lot more
than that.”
“I can’t stay months. That would just make it harder.”
She teared up again. “It’s going to be tough to say goodbye,
no matter what.”
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s not over.”
“It is. My parents disconnected without even bothering
to answer you.”
He suddenly smiled. “Did they?”
She glanced at his hand holding the recorder, and he
waved it. Then he winked at her and his smile widened.
“Wait for it. The signal was still live. Big would be angry if he
knew I stayed on a few minutes longer than planned, but we
can find another emergency relay station on another planet
if the signal is tracked. I’ll do―”
“Stone?” That was her father.
She jerked her head up, staring at the recorder.
“Yes, sir?”
“Do you really love our daughter? Do you treat her
“She’s everything to me, and I would do anything and
everything to protect her from all harm.” Blade’s voice was
steeped in sincerity.
“My wife says if you’re Stone to our Hailey, then we’re
coming. Our pumpkin is our priority. We can get other jobs
and friends, but we only have one daughter. What do we
need to do again?”
“Funds will be transferred into your name. Use them to
buy tickets and freight space for your belongings on a
transport heading to Kellerton Station. You want to check in
at Bill’s Hotel. My coworker will meet you there and bring
you to us. Thank you.” Blade’s voice cracked. “She’s going
to be so happy.”
“That’s all that matters. We’re packing. You tell our
daughter we’re coming.”
“Thank you, sir. I’ll get right on sending you those funds.
You should see them within hours.”
Blade tapped the recorder and tossed it on the bed.
“You heard him. They’re coming. We don’t have to ever be
“Blade!” She yanked him closer and kissed him. “I love
you so much. Thank you!”
“I hope you can still say that once they’ve arrive. How
do you think they’re going to take it when they find out I’m
a clone?”
“I doubt they’d even know unless you told them. They’re
going to insist that we get married. Is that okay?”
“I want to be your husband, and you to be my wife. It
won’t be legal because I’m not data-imprinted, but we could
have a ceremony. It will be real in every other way. Will you
marry me?”
“Yes! A million times yes!”
“I’ll have a nice cabin prepared for them with a Magna.”
“My mom is going to love that.” She hesitated. “We
should tell my parents that you’re a clone. I’ve always been
honest with them, and I’m sure that once they get to know
you, they won’t care. You’re a million times better than
anyone they ever invited to dinner. It will also prevent them
from harassing us about getting pregnant. It’s best to just
break it to them fast.”
“About that…”
She waited.
“Gemma mentioned something, and I asked Rod if he
knew of any decent humans who were healthy, and possibly
shared any physical traits with me.” He reached up and
touched his black hair. “I explained what I needed, and why.
He said it shouldn’t be a problem to obtain and freeze for
transport. Have you heard of a sperm donor?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“I refuse to remove the option of you becoming a
mother just because you’re with me. It would be an honor
for me to be a father to any baby you carry, if you choose to
have one. Or as many as you wish.”
She felt overcome with emotion, and she threw herself
at him. “You are my hero!”
Blade hugged her tight. “You inspire me, baby. We’re
going to be happy and get everything we want. I’ll make
sure of it.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
About the Author

NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

I'm a full-time wife, mother, and author. I've been

lucky enough to have spent over two decades with
the love of my life and look forward to many, many
more years with Mr. Laurann. I'm addicted to iced
coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two), and trying
to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part

about writing is the fact that real life is always
uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have
no control over, but when writing you can make sure
there's always a happy ending. I love that about
being an author. My favorite part is when I sit down at
my computer desk, put on my headphones to listen
to loud music to block out everything around me, so I
can create worlds in front of me.

For the most up to date information, please visit my


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