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DSE-B1 (Hons)

SEM 5 (2023-24)

Tutorial Topics

Full Marks: 15

Attempt any one:

Do not exceed 800 words:

1. Conventional trappings of Love, Disguise and Mistaken Identity in

Elizabethan Romantic Comedy. Substantiate your answer with examples
from your own reading.
2. The practitioners of modern short story displayed a deep-seated mistrust
towards narratives presented in traditional short stories which classified
heterogeneous experiences under a single rubric – Do you agree? In the
light of the given statement, critically examine the salient traits of a
modernist short story. (with examples) 5+10
3. Catharsis does not merely imply emotional relief but involves the
transmutation of lower forms of emotions into higher and more refined
forms – Discuss.

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