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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Camarines Sur

Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur


I. Objectives:

By the end of the discussion, the student will be able to:

1. Identify the common electrical wire splices and joints.
2. Describe the uses and steps in making the common wire splices and joints.
3. Demonstrate how to make common splices and joints.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: “Common Wire Splices and Joints”
Material: PowerPoint Presentation (PPT), electrical tools, instructional materials, wires
monitor, laptop.
Value: Value the importance of common wire splices and joints for electrical wiring
Strategies: 4’s Approach

III. Procedures:

Teachers Activity Student`s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities


"Good afternoon, class" "Good afternoon, ma`am."


“Okay, let us put ourselves in the presence of our


“Please lead the prayer, Joanalyn.”

“Let us pray, In the name of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.”

“Dear Lord, we come to you in the spirit of

learning, humility, and love. We are grateful for
this opportunity to learn from each other and
grow closer in our faith. We ask that you bless
our time together as we explore the teaching we
will learn and understand. In Jesus name, Amen.
In the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy
Spirit. “
"Okay, before you may sit, kindly pick up the
pieces of dirt under your chairs and please arrange
your seats."

Checking of Attendance:

“Do we have an absent to today, Secretary kindly

check the attendance. Thank you.”
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

"Okay class, who may recall our last discussion?

“Ma’am it’s all about the tools use in electrical


“Very good class for still remembering our

discussion yesterday.”

“Okay class I have here on the screen some

unfamiliar words that will help us better
understand our discussion later.”

(Flash the screen.) Word toolbox

 Joints - is the tying together of two single

wire conductors so that the union will be
good both mechanically and electrically.
 Splices- is the interlaying of the strands of
two strands of two stranded conductors so
that the union will be good both
mechanically and electrically.
 Conductors - is define as materials that
allow electricity to flow through them
 Insulators - are materials that hinder the
free flow of electrons from one particle of
the element to another.

“Okay class, here are the objectives of our topic

for today. Identify the common electrical wire
splices and joints. Describe the uses and steps in
making the common wire splices and joints.
Demonstrate how to make common splices and
joints in wiring installation.”

Part I. Short Activity

“Before we proceed, I have an energizer. Please

all stand”
“If I say jump you will clap. And if say clap you
will jump. If I say move to the left, you will
move to the right. And If I say move to the right
you will move to the left.”

“Are you alive now class? Now let us proceed to

our discussion.”
“ Yes, ma’am.”
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

Part II. Lesson Proper


“Before we proceed, I prepared here a video.

Watch it because later, and activity will follow.”

Understand class?
“Yes, ma’am.”
(Play the video)

“Okay class, what did you find on the video you

watch? “Ma’am about the common wire splices and

“Very good, now let us find out if you can still

recall the kinds of splices and joints you watch.”


“Please count off, 1-3 and group yourselves

according to your number. And each group will
choose a leader to represent and will go in front
and pick a picture on the table and the rest of your
classmates will guess the name of that pictures of
common wire splices and joints.”

“Understand class.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I hope you are now familiar with the splices and


“So now class, let us now discuss the common

uses and steps in making the wire splices and

“Okay, who can read the first common wire

splices and joints?
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

“Is it clear now class the common wires splices

and joints. Any question, clarification?”

“None, ma’am”


“Since we are done discussing the common wire

splices and joints.”

“Now, for your last activity go with your

designated places and groups. And what you are
going to do is to make at least two common wires
splices and joints. The tools and materials are here
on the table. The leader will the one who get this.
I will give you 20 minutes to finish the activity”

“Class, your performance will be judged using the


“Understand Class?”

“Yes, ma’am”
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

(The rubrics)

Accuracy - 40%
Workmanship - 25%
Proper handling of tools - 15%
Speed - 20%
Total---------------------- ----100%

“Accuracy- the ability to follow the procedures /

direction with precision.
Workmanship- the art, skill, and finality of work.
Proper handling of tools – the ability to apply the
proper handling of tools for a given task.
Speed – efficiency of work.”
“Okay you may now start the activity. Good


“Okay class, I know that you have learned

something from our discussion.”

“As a BTVTED students it is important to acquire

knowledge and skills in wire splices and joints
and should be familiar with the actual application
of all splices and joints. It will serve as your tools
in performing actual wiring installation.”

IV. Evaluation (10 Pts.)

Direction: Identify the common wire splices and joints. Write your answer in the answer sheet.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Camarines Sur
Governor Mariano E. Villafuerte Community College Libmanan
Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

V. Assignment: Reflection

 What is the importance/benefits of learning common wire splices and joints. Does it affect us in
our everyday lives? Write it on a short bond paper.

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