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Title: Cleaning the surroundings in our barangay

Purpose: Some children or people in our barangay are stubborn, they kept throwing

Dirt’s and they are hard header so our barangay officials conducted a general assembly

Meeting for cleaning our barangay to avoid dirty water in the “canals”

Activities Date Persons Involved Materials Cost

1.The barangay July 4 2024 1 or 2 persons in none 0

officials will conduct every household
general assembly
2. 1 of the barangay July 5 2024 The barangay official Microphone 0
officials will
assigned to
announce the
activity in the
3. Cleaning all the July 7 2024 The persons “Sako”, “Pala” 0
canals and picking involved in every “kumpay”,
up all the dirt’s household, ”sanggap”
4. Checking out all July 8 2024 Barangay officials, Phones, Camera’s, 0
the work and taking and the SK chairman
pictures for report

Prepared By: Submitted To:

Higie Sigang Julius Jay B. Daskeo

Approved By: Approved By:

SK chairman Barangay Captain

Ana Buteng Jose Gaudan

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