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6/12/24, 3:00 PM PRINT Name: .................................................

Addition BINGO (addition sums 2 to 12)

10 10 3 5 8
10 6 6 5 5
5 11 ★ 2 6
8 2 10 8 2
2 10 11 12 11

1) Teacher or parent rolls 2 dice. 🎲 Kids should add the numbers together.

2) If the result of the addition matches any of the numbers in the table, mark that box
with a star or cross it out.

3) The aim of the game is to get five marked fields in a row (horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally). The central square is counted as marked.

4) The first player who has five stars calls out "BINGO!" and is declared the winner. 1/1

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