Rhu Dr. Letter To Dr. Naveen

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Trust Rheumatology Arthritis & CTD Clinic (!~ CC )
TRACC CTD: Connective Tissue Diseases
iE!d, :w~1$o!O. 2~e .:503, zSorltJAcb -_
#1182, 22 .:) ~~d~. dedeffea ~~ec,r :woe" :tJ~e.d, o~ .:±l~ ~e.:50 !~~ .:±lo~.dd 7o.
& KIMS, Banashankarr 2nd Stage, Bengaluru 5600
#1182, 22nd A Cross, Near Devegowda Petrol Bunk, Near Srihari Kalyana Mantapa
For Appointments: Call (8am - 7pm) +91 9620061010 I 9~00602020 I P~: 080 2671 3322
E-mail: traccarthritisdoctor@gmail.com I Website: www.tracc.m
Dr. S. Nagaraj
MBBS, DNB (Paed), Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Rheumatology (Bombay)
Fellowship in Pediatric Rheumatology (Bombay), KMC Reg. No. 63522
Rheum atologis t ( Arthritis and Connective tissue diseases specialist)

DrNaveen MA
Sr Consul tant- Neurosurgery & Minima lly Invasive Spine Surgery
Head of the Departm ent, Departm ent of Neurosurgery
Gleneagesl Healthcare India Pvt Ltd
Uttarah alli Main Road, Kengeri
Bengaluru - 560060.

s Dear Sir,
- under care of Orthope dic
Thank you for referrin g Mrs Shailaja Sogi with Chronic Inflamm atory Arthritis
DMARD therapy with weekly
surgeons & Physicians over last 15-16 years and receiving combin ation
uine 200mg per day. She is
Methotr exate 25mg/w eek, Tofaciti nib 5mg per day and Hydroxy chloroq
old medical records in today's
probabl y not taking Folic acid supplem ents (patient not carrying
consult ation). She has not consulted any Rheumatologist till date.

d liver enzymes (More

In view of the recent diagnosis of Kochs and starting of AKT, she has had elevate
. She may need Gastro consult as
than 10 times the normal levels). I have modifie d her DMARD therapy
her for Kochs) and advise, Sir
well Sir. Kindly commu nicate with her treating Physician (who is treating
(you may share my number 9886504455).

Rheumato/ogist consultation, Sir.

I have counseled her, her son and daughte r regarding need for regular
I shall review her after 3-4 weeks.

Wa regards Sir

Dr Na araj S

TRACC - Banashankari 2 Stage
Sagar Hospitals, Banashankari and Jayanagar
Columbia Asia Referral (Manipal) Hospital, Yashwantpur

9900602020, 9620061010 (Clinic)

080-26713322 (Clinic)

MZd-'id C!l~t;)o:b~drf om~ lS~Qrl~~-! :ITftM@~ ~di ~C)~ ."d~o:bd om~ ~oc:b~d Video Consultation Available
s be ond rescribed eriod without consultin your doctor
Please do not continue medicine
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/ CM>:I, -t' ttaou, t>~rt M~~.
t3.!l ~oO;;j ~~urt 61 U~Uo:$,~,t
Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout l,tt:d M ~~ . mdrll.i~ M~~ .:!J~ CM>3 3~d 3dt3~t,
Psoriatic arthritis, Scleroderma, Takayasu ~eritis Joint pains • Joint Swelling & Stiffness • Back pain • Neck pain
. b d • · 11· Sh Id ·
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Post-viral Please bring this prescription
(Chikungunya) arthtiris, osteoarthritis, • ?enera 11se? o y pain • Kne~ pain &_swe mg ~ ou er pain
during next visit
Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia Pam & Swelling of Hands & Wrists • Pain & Swelling of Feet

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