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CSAT APTITUDE TEST– (4302) – 2024

Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200




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4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
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Directions for the following 3 (three) items: Passage – 2
Read the following three passages and answer the items In 1945, the United Nations (UN) was primarily
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items designed as a tool to manage interstate relations as the
should be based on the passages only.
world reeled from the horrors of two world wars. While
Passage – 1
today’s world is in many ways safer, the nature of the
Social influence can also be defined as the process by
threat has evolved considerably. New, more complex,
which individuals make real changes to their feelings
and more sophisticated threats require imaginative and
and behaviours because of interaction with others who
are perceived to be similar, desirable, or expert. People bold responses and strengthened collaboration between

adjust their beliefs concerning others to whom they feel states, as well as the private sector and civil society.
similar by psychological principles such as balance. 2. With reference to the above passage, which of
Additionally, individuals may change an opinion under the following inferences can be drawn?
the influence of another who is perceived to be an 1. The United Nations has not been successful
expert in the matter at hand. For French and Raven, in managing interstate relations.
agents of change included not just individuals and
2. Given their complex nature, multi-
groups, but also norms and roles. They viewed social
stakeholder approach is required to address
influence as the outcome of the exertion of social power
the contemporary threats.
from one of five bases: reward power, coercive power,
Select the correct answer using the code given
legitimate power, expert power, or referent power.
1. Which of the following statements reflects the below.

most logical, rational, and crucial message (a) 1 only

conveyed by the author of the passage? (b) 2 only
(a) Social influence can cause people to (c) Both 1 and 2
change their beliefs and behaviours based (d) Neither 1 nor 2
on their perception of others.
Passage – 3
(b) The pervasive exertion of social influence
Communication is built upon a foundation of emotional
is invariably correlated with the
intelligence. Leaders with a high level of emotional
manifestation of advantageous
intelligence will naturally find it easier to engage in
(c) The exertion of social influence appears to active listening, maintain an appropriate tone, and use

be contingent upon a high degree of positive body language in the workplace.

physical proximity. Understanding and managing one’s own emotions is
(d) The efficacy of social influence hinges only part of emotional intelligence. The other part —
upon the recipient's conscious recognition equally important for effective communication — is
of persuasive cues. empathy for others.

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3. What is the author’s view on communication? 6. For school annual day function, Seema was
(a) Active listening is the most critical aspect given the task to decorate the hall. She started
of effective communication. alone and completed 3/5th part of the decoration
work in just one week. Then Sarita joined her
(b) Effective communication relies solely on
and they both working together finished the
maintaining appropriate tone and body
decoration in 3 days. In how many days could
Sarita alone complete the decoration work?
(c) Delivering bad news to others should be (a) 35 days
avoided by a leader. (b) 71 days
(d) Understand one’s own emotions helps in (c) 21 days
communicating effectively with others. (d) 25 days

7. In a group of 6 people, four children and two

4. Which of the following meaning of arithmetical
adults, four children have an average weight of
signs will yield the value ‘zero’ for the
40 kg. Weight of two adults - A and B is in the
expression given below?
ratio of 4:3. Average weight of all six people is
175 + 800 × 10 ÷ (1/5) + 159 – 90 × 18 + 5 50 kg. What is the weight of A?
(a) ‘+’ means ‘-‘, ‘-‘ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘ ÷’, (a) 60 kg
‘÷’ means ‘ +’ (b) 70 kg
(b) ‘+’ means ‘ב, ‘ב means ‘-’, ‘-’ means ‘ ÷’, (c) 80 kg
‘÷’ means ‘ +’ (d) 90 kg

(c) ‘+’ means ‘-‘, ‘ב means ‘÷’, ‘÷’ means ‘

8. For the Diwali function in a society, a group
×’, ‘-’ means ‘ +’
consists of people of certain ages in such a way
(d) None of these
that each person has a 6-month difference in
their ages. If the youngest person is just 12
5. A three-digit number is such that the square of years old and the sum of the ages of all the
the number at the unit’s place when added to people is 450 years, then find out the total
the number at the hundred’s place gives the number of people who attended the function.
smallest two digit number. Which of the (a) 75
(b) 25
following statements are true?
(c) 55
(a) All the numbers that satisfy the condition
(d) None of these
form an Arithmetic Progression.
(b) There is only one number that satisfies the 9. Choose the option which is different from the
condition. others.
(c) There is no number which can satisfy the (a) 12, 15, 17, 19
condition. (b) 18, 21, 31, 41
(d) There are exactly two numbers which (c) 11, 14, 27, 83
(d) 10, 17, 31, 53
satisfy the condition.

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10. If 8@9@10 = 9, 5@10@15 = 3, then what is 12. Based on the above passage, the following
the value of 17@12@14? assumptions have been made:
(a) 10
1. With increased adoption of electric
(b) 11
vehicles, the emission of greenhouse gases
(c) 6
(d) 7 has already started declining.
2. It is not possible to control the warming of
11. A vessel of capacity 126 litre is full of water. If earth due to greenhouse gases emission.
9 litre of the water is taken out and replaced by
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
the same amount of spirit and further 7 litre of
the mixture is taken out and replaced by the
same amount of spirit then find the amount of (a) 1 only
spirit in the mixture at the end of the 2nd (b) 2 only
process (in litre)? (c) Both 1 and 2
(a) 15.5
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(b) 15
Passage – 2
(c) 14.5
(d) 14 Sustainable infrastructure systems are those that are
planned, designed, constructed, operated, and
Directions for the following 3 (three) items: decommissioned in a manner that ensures economic,
Read the following three passages and answer the items
social, environmental (including climate resilience),
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
and institutional sustainability over the entire
should be based on the passages only.
Passage – 1 infrastructure life cycle. Sustainable infrastructure can
As Earth’s climate changes, it is impacting extreme include built infrastructure, natural infrastructure, or
weather across the planet. Human actions since the hybrid infrastructure that contains elements of both. To
Industrial Revolution, primarily the burning of fossil
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
fuels, have caused greenhouse gases to rapidly rise in
and net zero emissions by 2050, significant investment
the atmosphere. As carbon dioxide, methane, and other
gases increase, they act as a blanket, trapping heat and in sustainable and resilient infrastructure is required.
warming the planet. In response, Earth’s air, and ocean The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
temperatures rise. According to the Intergovernmental Development (OECD) estimates that USD 6.9 trillion
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s Sixth Assessment
per year is needed up to 2050 for investment in
Report released in 2021, the human-caused rise in
infrastructure to meet development goals and create a
greenhouse gases has increased the frequency and
intensity of extreme weather events. NASA’s satellite low-carbon, climate-resilient future. Launched in 2018,
missions, including the upcoming Earth System the Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership (SIP) is a
Observatory, provide vital data for monitoring and platform to promote and support integrated approaches
responding to extreme weather events.
to sustainable infrastructure planning and development.

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13. Based on the above passage, the following 14. Which of the following statements can be
assumptions have been made: inferred from the above passage?

1. Current infrastructure systems are not at all 1. Embracing an ecological worldview will

sustainable. lead people to spend more time in nature.

2. We won't reach our shared climate goals 2. Human-centered (or "anthropocentric")

unless we invest in infrastructure that view is less ethical than the nature-centered

supports a healthy planet. (or "non-anthropocentric") perspective.

Which of the assumptions given above is/are Choose the correct answer using the codes

correct? given below.

(a) 1 only (a) 1 only

(b) 2 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Passage – 3
15. Neha was teaching binary number system in
Environmental ethics is a branch of applied philosophy
her class. She asked her students to find the
that studies the conceptual foundations of
binary number of the sum of first ten natural
environmental values as well as more concrete issues
numbers. The correct answer would have been:
surrounding societal attitudes, actions, and policies to
(a) (110111)2
protect and sustain biodiversity and ecological systems.
(b) (100111)2
As we will see, there are many different environmental
(c) (110001)2
ethics one could hold, running the gamut from human-
(d) (101011)2
centered (or "anthropocentric") views to more nature-
centered (or "non-anthropocentric") perspectives. Non-
16. ABCD is a rectangle in which two distinct
anthropocentrists argue for the promotion of nature's
points on AD and BC each, and three distinct
intrinsic, rather than instrumental or use value to
points on AB and CD each are chosen. How
humans. For some ethicists and scientists, this attitude
many distinct triangles can be drawn using any
of respecting species and ecosystems for their own sake
three points as vertices out of these 10 points?
is a consequence of embracing an ecological
(a) 195
worldview; it flows out of an understanding of the
(b) 120
structure and function of ecological and evolutionary
(c) 252
systems and processes. (d) 118

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17. Sachin rode his bicycle Northward, then turned 21. The price of a necklace varies directly as the
left and rode 1 Km and again turned left and number of pearls in it. Also, it varies directly as
rode 2 Km. He found himself 1 km west of his
the square root of radius of a pearl. The price of
starting point. How far did he ride northward
initially? a necklace was Rs 300, when it had 200 pearls
(a) 1 km each of radius 4 cm. Find the radius of a pearl
(b) 2 km in a necklace having 180 pearls and costing Rs.
(c) 3 km
(d) 5 km
(a) 3 cm
18. What is the unit digit in the expression (321)216 (b) 4 cm
– (216)115? (c) 16 cm
(a) 1
(d) 9 cm
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 0 Directions for the following 2 (two) items:
Read the following two passages and answer the items
19. If a number is divided by 72, we get 5 as
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
remainder. If the cube of that number is divided
by 9, what will be the remainder? should be based on the passages only.
(a) 1 Passage – 1
(b) 8 Traditional Indian thinking is mainly spiritualistic with
(c) 6
a firm belief that man has a soul within him as his real
(d) 2
being. This ‘soul’ aspect of a human person puts before
20. In the following Venn diagram, rectangle him a goal higher than any other goal to which our
represents urban couples, triangle represents
natural physical inclinations lead. The epics teach
children, circle represents rural couples and
ethical ideals and thoughts of the Hindu system. The
square represents educated people.
much-celebrated text of the Bhagavad Gita focuses on
moral actions coupled with attaining Brahmajnana. Gita
emphasizes both Karma Yoga (rightful actions) and
Gnana Yoga (rightful thoughts) for the attainment of
the Supreme Bliss. Besides all the scriptural texts, the

Which one of the following is correct? philosophical schools of Vedic and Vedantic traditions
(a) All the urban couples are educated. have focused well on ethical concepts and conduct
(b) Some rural couples are educated. based on their metaphysical and epistemological
(c) All urban couples have children.
(d) All rural couples have children.

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22. Which of the following is the most crucial 23. Based on the above passage, the following
message conveyed by the author of the assumptions have been made:
passage? 1. There is a benefit of having a single and
(a) Bhagavad Gita does not prescribe a single common term for ecological infrastructure
path to spiritual liberation (moksha) or concepts.
Supreme Bliss. 2. Healthy ecosystems provide essential
(b) Traditional Indian thought motivates goods and services like those provided by
individuals to pursue ethical conduct as one traditional infrastructure.
of the pathways towards a transcendent Which of the assumptions given above is/are
purpose that surpasses earthly desires. correct?
(c) Vedantic philosophies believe ethical (a) 1 only
principles are grounded in their (b) 2 only
understanding of reality. (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Traditional Indian thinking discourages (d) Neither 1 nor 2

people from pursuing their natural physical

24. In a family there were x people. The
expenditure on pulses per month in this family
Passage – 2
is directly proportional to 10 times the square
We found that although the term ‘ecological
of the number of people in the family. If the
infrastructure’ was the most used until 2004, ‘green
elder daughter left the family after her
infrastructure’ became the dominant one after that. We
marriage, there was a decrease in consumption
suggest that green infrastructure should be the term
of pulses by 50 kg per month. What is the value
adopted to facilitate communication between scientists,
of x?
conservationists, and decision-makers. We also suggest
(a) 6
a general concept for green infrastructure aligned with
(b) 7
the major global conventions alongside a set of design
(c) 8
principles. Human prosperity requires infrastructure,
(d) None of these
which is usually defined as all elements of interrelated
systems that provide goods and services essential to
25. Two taps can fill a tank in 8.33 minutes and
enabling, sustaining, or enhancing societal living
12.5 minutes respectively and a third tap can
conditions. Since the 1980s, both scientists and
take out 162 litres of water from the tank in 1
conservationists have suggested that ecosystems should
min. When the tank was full, all the three taps
also be considered as a type of infrastructure. The
were opened simultaneously. It caused the
rationale for this proposal is that healthy ecosystems, in entire tank to get emptied in 4 minutes. What is
addition to maintaining biodiversity, provide goods and the capacity of that tank?
services to humans, some of which are consumed (a) 360 litres
directly, whereas others become valuable to society (b) 380 litres
only after interacting with the human-made (c) 420 litres
infrastructure. (d) None of the above

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26. Find the greatest number by which 1135, 900 30. Shardul has a sum of money invested at a 4.6%
and 618 can be divided, leaving the same per annum interest rate for 2 years. If he had
remainder each time. invested the same sum at a 3.2% per annum
(a) 37
interest rate for the same time period, he would
(b) 47
(c) 57 receive Rs. 196 less. Find the sum he invested.
(d) 67 (a) Rs. 6870
(b) Rs. 7000
27. The ratio of density of 3 kinds of ethanol E1, E2 (c) Rs. 8700
and E3 is 9:7:5. The density of E1 is 27 gm/cc (d) Rs. 9200
and E1, E2, E3 are mixed in the ratio of 6:5:4 by
weight. If a litre of E3 costs Rs 60, then find the
cost of E3 in 675 kg mixture of E1, E2 and E3. 31. There are eight persons in a family. A is the
(a) Rs. 600 father-in-law of D, who is the sister of E. F is
(b) Rs. 720 the brother of G. H is the daughter of C, who is
(c) Rs. 620 the elder son of B. D is the aunt of G. C is the
(d) Rs. 700 husband of E’s sister.
What is the relation between H and F and how
28. Two freight trains, one from Delhi to Mumbai
(X) and the other from Mumbai to Delhi (Y), many male members are there in the family?
start simultaneously. After they meet, the trains (a) Cousins, Can’t be determined
reach their destinations after 25 hours and 36 (b) Mother and Son, 4 male members
hours respectively. If the speed of the train X is (c) Married couple, Can’t be determined
72 km/h, then the speed of the train Y is: (d) Mother-in-law and Son-in-law, 5 male
(a) 86.4 km/h
(b) 60 km/h
(c) 50 km/h
(d) 103.68 km/h 32. Jupiter tailors is making a dress. For this dress
they need 1 meter of black fabric, 1.5 meters of
29. Ram, a detective sends encoded messages to his red fabric and 0.5 meter of white fabric. Black
office every day. He uses a code where in the fabric costs Rs. 950 per meter, red fabric costs
alphabets occurring at the odd places are
Rs. 775 per meter and white fabric costs Rs.700
replaced by alphabets that occur just before
them and the alphabets in the even places are per meter. If they buy just enough fabric to
replaced by alphabets that come immediately make that dress and also pay 5% GST on the
after them. In this system, the word bill, then what will be the approximate amount
‘SUCCESS’ is encoded as ‘RVBDDTR’. What spent by them?
shall be the code for RIGHT in this system? (a) Rs. 2162
(b) Rs. 2485
(c) SJFIS (c) Rs. 2285
(d) None of the above (d) Rs. 2585

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Directions for the following 2 (two) items: Passage – 2
Read the following two passages and answer the items Liberalism, also known as pluralism, projects a
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items different image of world politics as compared to
should be based on the passages only. Realism. However, much like Realism, it too has a
Passage – 1 rather long tradition. There are many strands of
In the Indian context, art forms like music, dance, liberalism but some of the common themes that run
architecture, painting etc., are found mentioned in the through liberal thinking are that human beings are
earliest available works like the Vedas, Puranas, perfectible, that democracy is necessary for that
Itihasas etc. Thus, it is tedious to place historically the perfectibility to develop, and that ideas do matter.
advent of art forms, but we have in 100 years, (18th- Liberals reject the Realist notion that war is the natural
19th century AD) located and arranged one of the condition of world politics. They also question the idea
earliest treatises dealing specifically with the art form that the state is the main actor on the world political
and the mechanism of art experience known as stage, although they do not deny that it is important. In
Natyashastra attributed to Sage Bharata. The available relations between states, liberals stress the possibilities
commentary on the Natyashastra is that of for cooperation, and the key issue becomes devising
Abhinavagupta (10th-11th cent. AD). The commentary international settings in which cooperation can be best
is known as Natyaveda-vivritti and most popularly as achieved.
Abhinavabharati. 34. On the basis of the above passage, the
33. Based on the above passage, the following following assumptions have been made:
assumptions have been made: 1. Liberals hold the belief that individuals
1. The essence or importance of an artistic have the capacity to enhance and establish
expression is intricately subservient to its a more favourable global environment
recognition in historical writings. through democracy.
2. The Natyashastra stands as the paramount 2. Liberals perceive the possibility of
treatise on the various art forms originating harmonious collaboration among nations
from India. via international institutions.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are Which of the assumptions given above is/are
correct? correct?
(a) 1 only (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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35. The figure given below represents a field with 37. If (-2) and (-3) are the roots of a quadratic

the measurements given in meters. equation x2 + px + 6 = 0, and another quadratic

equation x2 + px + k = 0 has equal roots, then
find the value of k.
(a) 5/2
(b) 6
(c) 25/4
(d) 4

38. In the following question, a series of letters and

Calculate the area of the field.
numbers is given, the terms of which follow
(a) 470 m
certain definite pattern. However, some terms
(b) 350 m in the series are missing.
(c) 525 m 4, 5, D, _, 9, _, I, J, _, 12, K, _, 8, _, H, I
(d) 455 m2 Which of the following terms will complete the
above series?
36. Raju takes the train from Delhi to Ahmedabad. (a) E, 10, 11, L, 9

After travailing 200 km the train stops at an (b) F, 8, 11, L, 7

isolated place due to some technical fault. After (c) C, 8, 9, K, 13

repair the train completes its remaining journey (d) F, 7, 10, J, 9

at 2/3 of its previous speed and reaches

39. Consider the following matrix.
Ahmedabad 4 hours late. If the train had
1 2 3 ?
broken-down 500 km further, the train would
2 4 4 1
have reached Ahmedabad station only 2 hours
3 6 5 3
late. What was the speed of the train before the
36 144 144 81
Find the missing term in the above matrix.
(a) 65 km/hour
(a) 5
(b) 125 km/hour
(b) 4
(c) 120 km/hour
(c) 2
(d) 85 km/hour
(d) 6

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40. The following pie chart showcases the 41. What is the profession of Q?
distribution of Rs. 60,000 invested by Suman in (a) Sportsperson
diverse sectors of stock market. (b) Politician
(c) Actor

Food Agricultur (d) None of these

Processing e sector
sector 12%
21% 42. What is the profession of S?
sector (a) Teacher
(b) Musician
sector (c) Politician
(d) None of these
Electronic sector 43. Which of the following is a/are couple(s)?
sector 21%
17% (a) PS only
(b) QR only
What is the average amount she invested in (c) Both PR and QS
housing sector, energy sector and
(d) Both PS and QR
manufacturing sector?
(a) Rs. 12600
44. Three different views of a dice are given below:
(b) Rs. 15600
(c) Rs. 13000
(d) Rs. 10000

Direction for the following 3 (three) Questions: Which symbol is opposite to the symbol ‘₹’?
Read the information given below carefully and answer (a) $
the 3 (three) items that follow. (b) ×
P, Q, R, S, W and V are members of a family. They are (c) #
singer, teacher, musician, actor, sportsperson and
(d) θ
politician, not necessarily in that order. P, the singer is
married to the lady teacher. The politician is married to
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
the sportsperson. V, the actor is the son of Q and
Read the following three passages and answer the items
brother of W. R, the sportsperson is the daughter-in-law
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
of S. W is the unmarried musician. S is the grandmother
of V. There are two married couples in the family. should be based on the passages only.

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Passage – 1 Passage – 2
Across the globe, women and girls are particularly There is a vast arena of livelihood choices that can

vulnerable in times of war. During conflict, existing produce happiness, which has not only been
marginalised by the fast-food model of education but
inequalities are magnified, infrastructure and social
also effectively stigmatised. This means that young
relations are broken down, and human rights are at risk.
people with an interest in, say, urban design,
Due to a combination of factors, women bear the brunt filmmaking or journalism, face familial and social
of the secondary and lasting effects of war and conflict. pressure to pursue careers for which they might not be
Additionally, women are often raped by parties in suited. Failures at examinations that require capacity for
conflict situations as systemic rape has historically been rote learning are, subsequently, experienced as failing

used as a tactic of war. Even though women remain the one’s family as well as marks of personal inadequacy.
46. Which one of the following statements best
minority of combatants and perpetrators of war, they
reflects the central idea of the passage given
increasingly suffer the most harm. While the current
efforts of the United Nations and other international (a) The pursuit of happiness is totally divorced
actors are important, more protections and mitigating from the present educational model.
measures are necessary to prevent the disproportionate (b) There should be a match between
effects of war and conflict from falling on women and livelihood choices and familial

children during future conflicts. expectations.

(c) Failing an examination should not be
45. Which of the following statements can be
considered a mark of personal delinquency.
inferred from the above passage?
(d) Livelihood choices should be based on the
1. War exacerbates existing gender interest as well as suitability of an
inequalities, making women and girls even individual.
more vulnerable. Passage – 3
2. The ongoing initiatives aimed at Studies and surveys have flagged a distinct shift in
India's disease burden. Non-communicable diseases
safeguarding women and children in times
such as diabetes, strokes and heart ailments claim more
of conflict fall short of providing adequate
lives in the country compared to infectious diseases.
Experts have also underlined the links between these
Choose the correct answer using the codes lifestyle-related diseases and obesity. WHO defines
given below. obesity as an "abnormal or excessive accumulation of
(a) 1 only fat that poses health risks." Like in most parts of the
(b) 2 only world, in India, the problem stems from an increase in
sedentary lifestyles, improving living standards and
(c) Both 1 and 2
access to processed foods.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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47. Based on the above passage, the following 50. Consider the following Statements and the
assumptions have been made. Conclusions:
1. There is a decline in the number of deaths P+Q means P is not smaller than Q.
caused due to infectious diseases in the P-Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal
country. to Q.
2. Indians are spending less on cereals and P×Q means P is neither greater than nor equal
pulses, and more on beverages, to Q.
refreshments and processed food. P÷Q means P is not greater than Q.
Which of the assumptions given above is/are P%Q means P is neither greater than nor
correct? smaller than Q.
(a) 1 only Statements:
(b) 2 only A×B, B÷C, C%D
(c) Both 1 and 2 Conclusions:
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (I) A×C
(II) B÷D
48. A couple invites five people for a party. At the (III) A–C
party all the members shake hands with each Which one of the above conclusions is/are
other. There is no handshake between the host correct in respect of the given statements?
couple. What is the total number of handshakes (a) Only (III) is true
in the party? (b) Only (II) is true
(a) 10 (c) Only (I) is true
(b) 24 (d) Only (I) and (II) are true
(c) 9
(d) 20 51. In a group of 6 dancers, there are two couples.
One of the couple dances Salsa and the other
49. Tanmay, Sonu, Pinku and Goli won a lottery. dances Ballerina. The other two are Kathak
The lottery amount is distributed amongst them dancer and Bharatanatyam dancer.
in the ratio 4:8:10:12. If the amount received by Bharatanatyam dancer’s wife is a poet and the
Pinku is Rs. 2260 more than that received by Kathak dancer is a spinster. How many female
Sonu, then what is the total amount received by members are there in this group of 6 dancers?
Tanmay and Goli? (a) More than 4
(a) Rs. 19020 (b) Less than 3
(b) Rs. 22608 (c) The number of female dancers is equal to
(c) Rs. 31640 the number of male dancers.
(d) Rs. 18080 (d) None of these

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52. If each vowel of the word Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
‘DETERMINATION’ is replaced by its next
letter in English alphabet and each consonant is Read the following two passages and answer the items
replaced by a letter that is two places before in that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
English alphabet, then what should be the sum
of the positional values of the 4th and 6th should be based on the passages only.
alphabet in the resulting word (consider the Passage – 1
value of A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ……Z = 26)?
(a) 20 Modern medicine practitioners are being urged to be
(b) 15
more open to working with the traditional or alternative
(c) 17
(d) 26 systems of medicine and to move towards integrated

53. In the following question, various terms of an medicine for the larger good of the patients. While it is
alphabet series are given with one term missing appealing in principle, it would be good to examine the
as shown by (?).
B, DE, HIJ, ?, VWXYZ practical issues involved. The technical challenge is that
Choose the missing term out of the given
AYUSH is a heterogenous group and each of these
(a) NOPQ therapeutic disciplines must be dealt with separately
(b) MNOP
(c) PQRS and would need a different decision. For
(d) LMNO pharmacological aspects, it might be easy to integrate
54. Consider the following figure series. once the evidence is generated. It is the prescription of
medicines which will remain a bone of contention. Can
a 'dosha' based management, proposed by Ayurveda,
Select a figure from the following alternatives work with the standard management protocols being
which would continue the above series.
(a) pushed in modern medicine?
55. Consider the following statements:
1. Heterogeneity in the traditional system.
(b) 2. Lack of surgical procedures in the
traditional system of medicine.
Based on the passage, which of the reasons
(c) mentioned above are the challenges in moving
towards an integrated system of medicine?
(a) 1 only
(d) (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

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56. Which of the following options is incorrect 58. If a = 5d/3, b + c = d, and c = 4d, and a, b, c
about the inference that can be drawn from the and d are natural numbers, then which of the
passage? following is definitely true?
(a) The modern and traditional medicinal
(a) (a + c) < (b + d)
systems are difficult to integrate.
(b) (a + b) > (c + d)
(b) More research into alternative medicines
(c) (a + d) > (2b + c)
could help in better decision-making and
(d) (a + d) < (b + c)
(c) Prescription of medicine in an integrated
system would be easier. 59. Raju wants to complete the 3rd floor of his
(d) An integrated system of medicine would be house by the date of his sister’s marriage.
beneficial for the society at large. Ram’s house is 120 meters away from Raju’s
Passage – 2 house. An angle of elevation of 30 degrees is
The world is on the verge of a fourth mass coral
made from the bottom of Ram’s house to the
bleaching event that could see wide swathes of tropical
top of the 2nd floor of Raju’s house. After the
reefs die, including parts of Australia's Great Barrier
3rd floor is completed, the angle of elevation
Reef, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) has said. Triggered by heat from the same point to the top of the 3rd floor

stress, coral bleaching occurs when corals expel the of Raju’s house is 60 degrees. Find out the
colourful algae living in their tissues. Coral bleaching height of the 3rd floor.
can be devastating for the ocean ecosystem, as well as (a) 18√5 meters
fisheries and tourism-based economies that depend on (b) 80√3 meters
healthy, colourful reefs to attract scuba divers and (c) 40√3 meters
(d) 25√3 meters
57. According to the author, which among the
following is/are not the reason/reasons for coral
60. A group of six members meet for a party. In the
1. Release of polluted industrial and party hall there are six numbered chairs. The

residential waste into the oceans. secretary of the group sits on chair number 1
2. Global Warming. and the other members are free to sit on any of
3. Rising tourism-based economies. the chairs. In how many different ways can the
Select the correct answer using the code given members be seated?
below: (a) 24
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 120
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 720
(c) 2 only
(d) 240
(d) 2 and 3 only

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61. Consider the following statements: 64. Mahesh and Suresh are ranked 7th and 11th
(1) Mohan is older than Shayam but younger respectively from the top of their class. If the
than Sita. number of students in the class is 31, then what
(2) Sona and Mona are twins. will be the sum of the ranks of Mahesh and
(3) Sita is older than Mona but younger than
Suresh from the bottom of the class?
(a) 44
(4) Raju is the eldest.
(b) 46
(5) Shyam is older than Sona.
(c) 48
How many statements given above are required (d) None of the above.
to determine the youngest person?
(a) Only two
Directions for the following 4 (four) items:
(b) Only three
Read the following four passages and answer the items
(c) All five
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(d) Only four
should be based on the passages only.

Passage – 1
62. How many triangles are there in the following
figure? To create districts that are clusters of growth, a one-

size-fits-all policy does not work. The key to effective

administration is realising that India is composed of

many Indias, and a top-down approach alone will not

(a) Less than 20
work. While top-down policies can act as enablers, the
(b) More than 28
critical thrust should be on tailored responses. This
(c) In between 20 and 25
requires coordination across all levels of government,
(d) 27
agency and autonomy at the local level and a pervasive

presence of account-based accountability. Moreover, a

63. If the interior angle of a regular polygon is 3
times its exterior angle, then find the number of significant gap in the effective implementation of

diagonals in the polygon. programmes has been the limited availability of timely

(a) 25 and high-quality data at the district level. This

(b) 15 limitation severely hampers policymaking, particularly
(c) 20 in identifying the segments of the population that need
(d) 12 immediate, government assistance.

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65. Regarding the proper implementation of Passage – 3
policies, which of the following statements best Indian women spend twice as much time as men do on
reflects the solutions that are implied by the unpaid caregiving activities. Forty-eight per cent of
passage? urban women reported household duties and childcare
1. Increased autonomy for local government. as a bottleneck to their economic participation.
2. Transparency through citizen charter. Frontline care workers (ASHAs, and Anganwadi

Select the correct answer using the code given workers) remain overburdened, underpaid, and
unprotected. Most domestic workers face abuse and low
pay. Moreover, the modern economy forces women to
(a) 1 only
face harsh trade-offs between care and career. Men -
(b) 2 only
across castes and faiths - rarely face this binary.
(c) Both 1 and 2
67. Which one of the following best reflects the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
most logical, rational, and practical message
Passage – 2
conveyed by the author of the passage?
On social media, there’s no escaping bountiful advice
(a) There is a need to bring legislation for the
on everything from bringing up babies to making protection of domestic workers.
meaningful connections, from investments to health and (b) There is a need to decrease the burden on
beauty solutions. In this age of DIY fixes, where frontline care workers.
everyone is an expert, and no one is quite one, whom (c) Men should replace women in household
does one trust? The proliferation of wellness mentors, chores.
herbalists, deep-breathing coaches, and policy gurus (d) None of the above
showcases the expertise crisis. If the packaging is self- Passage – 4
assured, glib, and available over the counter, it’s easier Nearly three hundred years after the word budget was
to accept it at face value than seek out the real experts first used in its present sense, the policy document
— the doctors and the economists, the psychologists unveiled today firmly steps away from crowd-pleasing
and the data scientists, people who have had to undergo antics towards envisioning a developed India in its
rigorous training to earn their expertise. Amrit Kaal period, by enabling every Indian to align
66. Which one of the following best reflects the with the ambitious, yet achievable goal through action-
oriented collaborative works in unison. The building
crux of the passage?
blocks to strengthen the myriad pillars of the Indian
(a) The real experts do not use social media to
Economy through the last few years have propelled the
get in touch with their audience.
nation to reach a ’tipping point’ on date, ready to take
(b) There is an information overload and
off on a trajectory of incrementally high growth across
proliferation of inauthentic content on
services, manufacturing, new age Agriculture and
social media.
embedded niche areas as the robust digital platforms
(c) There is a need to impart rigorous training
across identity/ mobile/financial services, 2Fs
to doctors, economists, psychologists, and (financialisation and formalisation), infrastructure,
data scientists. investments, consumption, credit saturation of masses
(d) None of the above and classes as also new age sunrise.

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68. Based on the above passage, the following 71. In the following figure, the angles ao and bo are
assumptions have been made: shown. The side CD of ∆ACD is produced to
1. The recently promulgated budget E, where BC and BD are bisectors of respective
emphasizes long-term progress over the angles.
garnering of transient public approbation.
2. India stands on the precipice of a
momentous upsurge in economic growth,
characterized by a confluence of favourable
Which of the assumptions given above is/are
Which one of the following options is correct?
(a) 1 only
(a) ao = 2bo
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) ao - bo = 90o
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) ao + 2bo = 90o
(d) 2ao = bo
69. Seven students – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
appeared for a test. No two students scored the 72. Mr. Modi is to meet Prime ministers of 6
same number of marks. V scores more than P. countries to discuss about the challenges to the
P scores more than Q. Either R scores the max
world climate. In how many ways can they sit
and T scores the least or S scores the max and
around a round table so that the Prime minister
U or Q scores the least. If V is ranked fifth in
of Australia and Prime minister of England
the test, then which of the following statements
are true? always sit together?
(a) R is ranked second. (a) 210
(b) R is ranked fifth. (b) 360
(c) S is first. (c) 120
(d) T is ranked third. (d) 240

70. Five employees of a bank – A, B, C, D and E, 73. The ratio of the ages of Mohan and Sohan, five
apply for a leave, not necessarily in the given
years ago was 9:7, whereas at the same time,
order, on a particular day. The manager uses a
the ratio of the ages of Mohan and Rohan was
policy according to which the person who
6:2. Five years hence the ratio of the ages of
applies for the leave first of all is accepted
while the remaining are rejected. What is the Mohan and Sohan will become 11:9. What is
probability that A’s application is accepted? the sum of the present ages of all the three?
(a) 1 (a) 105 years
(b) 1/5 (b) 110 years
(c) 1/2 (c) 125 years
(d) Either 1 or 0 (d) 120 years

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74. Ram starts running at a speed of 2 Passage – 1

metres/second on a circular ground which has a The concept of natural resources refers to naturally
occurring living and non-living elements of the Earth
periphery of 400 metres. Shyam starts running
system, including plants, fish, and fungi, but also water,
on the same circular path 2.5 minutes after Ram
soil, and minerals. Natural resources make up a dense
and with a speed double than that of Ram, from
web of interdependence, forming ecosystems that also
the same point and in the same direction. What include humans. As such, the distribution of resources
will be Shyam’s position with respect to Ram shapes the face of our planet and the local

after Shyam completes one round? distinctiveness of our environments. People have
formed different types of cultural, spiritual, and
(a) 200 metres behind Ram
subsistence-based relationships with the natural
(b) 100 metres behind Ram
environment, adopting value systems that go beyond
(c) 100 metres ahead of Ram economic framings. Natural resources are often viewed
(d) 200 metres ahead of Ram as key assets driving development and wealth creation.
Over time and with progressive industrialization,

75. Raj’s wife enquired him the day on which his resource use increased. In some cases, exploitation
levels came to exceed resources’ natural regeneration
new shop will get inaugurated. Raj replied,
“My shop will open 1095 days after my
76. Which of the following statements reflects the
brother’s birthday this month”. If Raj’s most logical, rational, and crucial message
brother’s birthday is on Monday, then on which conveyed by the author of the passage?

day will Raj open his shop? (a) Natural resources are essential for the
planet and all living beings, but
(a) Monday
conspicuous consumption can disrupt their
(b) Thursday
natural balance.
(c) Wednesday
(b) Human beings living in artificial set up of
(d) Saturday cities are not a part of natural resources.
(c) At the current rate of consumption,

Directions for the following 3 (three) items: management of resources is not quite
Read the following three passages and answer the items
(d) There is a need to inculcate awareness
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
about the inherent value of natural
should be based on the passages only.
resources among people.

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Passage – 2 Passage – 3
Female labour force participation varies with income
The end of the Cold War sparked a debate over ideas of
per capita. When household income is higher and there
security in IR between ‘narrowers’ and ‘wideners’. The is more social protection, women can withdraw from
narrowers were concerned with the security of the state the market to work in their households and care for
children. At advanced-economy income levels, labour
and often focused on analyzing the military and force participation rebounds because of better
political stability between the United States and the education, lower fertility, access to labour-saving
household technology, and the availability of market-
Soviet Union. Dissatisfied with this, wideners sought to
based household services. Variations in the gender gap
include other types of threats that were not military and are significant even among OECD countries. For
that affected people rather than states. Whether one instance, the gender gap in the Japanese labour market
stands at 25 percentage points, compared with just over
agrees with the wideners or the narrowers, the end of 10 percentage points on average in the major advanced
the Cold War indicated that security was an essentially economies and only 6 percentage points in Sweden.
78. Consider the following assumptions:
contested concept – ‘a concept that generates debates
1. Women's labour force participation is
that cannot be resolved by reference to empirical influenced by the need for childcare and
household work.
evidence because the concept contains a clear
2. The rates of men's engagement in the
ideological or moral element and defies precise, workforce remain consistent across various
generally accepted definition’. economies.
Which of these assumptions is/are correct based
77. Which of the following statements can be
on the above passage?
inferred from the above passage? (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
1. The paradigm of security in the field of
(c) Both 1 and 2
International Relations (IR) was influenced (d) Neither 1 nor 2
by the dynamics of the Cold War. 79. In a building there are 24 cylindrical pillars.
2. The debate between the proponents of a The radius of each pillar is 7 centimetres and
height is 4 metres. What will be the total base
restricted viewpoint and the advocates of a area covered by bases of all the pillars taken
broad perspective has been conclusively together?
(a) 0.0154 square metres
(b) 0.01254 square metres
Choose the correct answer using the codes (c) 0.3696 square metres
given below. (d) 0.1078 square metres

(a) 1 only 80. Find the next term in the following series.
8, 24, 12, 36, 18, 54, ?
(b) 2 only (a) 27
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 108
(c) 66
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 72
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APTITUDE TEST–Test (4302) – 2024

1 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage starts with a direct definition of social influence emphasizing changes
in feelings and behaviours due to interaction with others. It elaborates on different factors that influence
people, including similarity, desirability, and expertise of the influencing person. The concept of social
power is introduced through the works of French and Raven, highlighting various ways people can be
influenced (reward, coercion, legitimacy, expertise, or reference). Overall, the passage emphasizes the
power of social influence in shaping our thoughts and actions through interactions with others. Hence,
option (a) is correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage focuses on how social influence can cause people to change their
beliefs and behaviours, but it does not say whether this change is always positive. Social influence can be
used to persuade people to adopt harmful behaviours as well. Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The passage talks about social influence happening through interaction with
others, but the passage does not specify that this interaction needs to be in physical proximity or face-
to-face. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: The passage describes social influence leading to changes in thoughts and
behaviours, but whether or not the person being influenced is consciously aware of this process is not
discussed in the passage. Hence, option (d) is not correct.

2 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage has noted that the UN was designed to manage interstate
relations and it also notes, “…today’s world is in many ways safer.” Therefore, while new threats have
emerged it cannot be inferred that the UN has not been successful in managing interstate relations. If
today’s world is safer, it might be possible due to the efforts of the UN. Hence, this answer option is
Statement 2 is correct. The last line of the passage talks about the collaboration between states, private
sector and civil society – the different stakeholders in addressing the emerging threats. Hence, this
answer option is correct.

3 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage notes, “…leaders with a high level of emotional intelligence will
naturally find it easier to engage in active listening…” According to the author there is a relationship
between emotional intelligence and active listening. However, to say that active listening is the most
critical aspect of effective communication would be rather extreme. Hence, this answer option is
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage notes that qualities such as maintaining appropriate tone and body
language come easier to highly emotionally intelligent leaders. However, it does not suggest that
emotional intelligence itself relies solely on these qualities. There could be other determining factors
also. Hence, this answer option is incorrect.
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Option (c) is incorrect. The passage notes, “…the other part — equally important for effective
communication — is empathy for others.” However, empathy for others does not mean that a leader
should not deliver bad news to others. Just that, the leader should be cautious about the time and
manner of delivering such unpleasant news. Hence, this answer option is incorrect.
Option (d) is correct. The passage states, “…communication is built upon a foundation of emotional
intelligence.” It also notes, “…understanding and managing one’s own emotions is only part of emotional
intelligence.” Since understanding one’s own emotions is a part of emotional intelligence, it follows that
understanding one’s own emotions helps in communicating effectively with others. Hence, option (d) is

4 (c)
By hit and trial method, on checking option (c), we get:
175 + 800 × 10 ÷ (1/5) + 159 – 90 × 18 + 5
= 175 – 800 ÷ 10 × (1/5) - 159 + 90 ÷ 18 – 5
= 175 – 80 × (1/5) – 159 + 5 – 5
= 175 – 16 –159 = 175 – 175 = 0
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

5 (a)
Smallest 2-digit number possible is 10.
10 = (9+1), (8+2), (7+3), (6+4), (5+5)
9 = 32 and 4 = 22
So, Number at unit’s place = 3 or 2
Number at hundred’s place = 1 or 6
Possible numbers = 103, 113, 123, ....,193 or 602, 612, 622,….. 692. In both cases it’s an arithmetic
progression with a difference of 10.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

6 (c)
3/5th decoration work is done by Seema in 7 days.
∴ Complete decoration work can be done by Seema in (7 × 5)/3 = 35/3 days
So, 1 day work of Seema = 3/35
Remaining part of work = 1 – 3/5 = 2/5
According to the question,
2/5th work is done by Seema and Sarita together in 3 days.
∴ Complete work can be done by Seema and Sarita in (3 × 5)/2 = 15/2 days
1 day work of Seema and Sarita = 2/15
Hence, Sarita’s 1 day work = {(2/15) – (3/35)} = {(14 – 9)/105} = 5/105 = 1/21
Hence, Sarita alone can complete the decoration in 21 days.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

7 (c)
Average weight of six people = 50 kg.
Hence, total weight of six people = 50 × 6 = 300 kg.
Average weight of four children = 40 kg.
So, total weight of four children = 40 × 4 = 160 kg.
Weight of two adults = 300 – 160 = 140 kg.
Now, it’s given that the weight of A and B is in the ratio of 4:3.
Hence, weight of A = 140 × [4/(4 + 3)] = 140 × (4/7) = 80 kg.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
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8 (b)
The ages of the people are 12 years, 12.5 years, 13 years and so on.
These form an arithmetic progression (AP) series as the difference between two consecutive numbers is
the same (i.e. 6 months).
The sum of the terms of an arithmetic series can be calculated using the formula,
Sn = (n/2) {2a + (n – 1)d}
Here, a is the first term, n is the number of terms in the sequence, d is the common difference.
Sn = 450, a = 12, d = 1/2
So, 450 = (n/2) {2×12 + (n –1)(1/2)}
Or 450×2 = n{24 + (n – 1)/2}
Or 450×2 = n{(48 + n – 1)/2}
Or 450×2×2 = n(47 + n)
Or 1800 = n2 + 47n
Or n2 + 47n – 1800 = 0
Or n2 + 72n – 25n – 1800 = 0
Or n(n + 72) – 25(n + 72) = 0
Or (n + 72) (n – 25) = 0
Or n = 25 people (∵ n ≠ -72)
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

9 (d)
We can see that two numbers in options (a), (b), and (c) are prime numbers and rest are non-prime.
However, in option (d) three numbers 31, 17, 53 are prime numbers. So, this group is different from
the others.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

10 (d)
Here, we are just adding up the numbers and then summing up the digits of the resultant number.
8 + 9 + 10 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
5 + 10 + 15 = 30 = 3 + 0 = 3
17 + 12 + 14 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

11 (a)
Final quantity = Initial quantity(1-(first replacement quantity)/(total quantity))(1-(second replacement
quantity)/(total quantity))………upto n times,
where n = number of process.
So, Final quantity of water in the mixture = 126(1-9/126)(1-7/126) = 110.5 litre.
Hence, the final quantity of spirit in the mixture = 126 – 110.5 = 15.5 litre.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

12 (d)
Assumption 1 is invalid: The passage talks about global warming; the role of greenhouse gases; and the
efforts to address this issue. There is no mention of electric vehicles and their impact on greenhouse gas
emission. This answer option is completely beyond the scope of the passage. Hence, assumption 1 is
Assumption 2 is invalid: This is an extreme statement not supported by the passage. Hence, assumption
2 is invalid.
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13 (b)
Assumption 1 is not correct: The passage only defines sustainable infrastructure systems by emphasizing
aspects like economic viability, social equity, environmental impact (including climate change), and long-
term institutional support. This does not imply that the current infrastructure systems do not conform to
the abovementioned parameters of sustainability at all. The context of current infrastructure not being
sustainable is not covered in the passage; only future needs are mentioned. Hence, assumption 1 is not
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage highlights “To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
and net zero emissions by 2050, significant investment in sustainable and resilient infrastructure is
required.” This suggests that the current infrastructure investments might not be sufficient to address
these global challenges, and a shift towards sustainable approaches is imperative. Hence, assumption 2
is correct.

14 (d)
Inference 1 is not correct: Refer to the line: “…this attitude of respecting species and ecosystems for their
own sake is a consequence of embracing an ecological worldview.” The author only says that embracing
ecological worldview leads to a sense of respect for ecosystem and species. This can happen even while
staying indoors. Therefore, we cannot conclusively say that such people spend more time in nature.
Hence, inference 1 is not correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect: The passage does mention the two perspectives: Human-centered (or
"anthropocentric") and nature-centered (or "non-anthropocentric"). However, there is no comparative
analysis of which one of the two is more ethical environmentally. Hence, inference 2 is incorrect.

15 (a)
The sum of first 10 natural number = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10) = 55
Now converting 55 into binary number:

So, the binary version of (55)10 is (110111)2.

Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

16 (d)
The rectangle described in the question has been drawn below:

Number of distinct triangles that can be drawn using 10 points = 10C3 = (10×9×8)/(3×2×1) = 120
But there are two sets of three colinear points.

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So, the number of triangles that we can draw = 120 – 2 × 3C3 = 120 – 2 = 118
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

17 (b)
Diagram given below shows the path traversed by Sachin.

Let A be the starting point. Clearly, the boy rode 2 km northward initially.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

18 (b)
The unit digit of the resultant number will depend only on the unit digits of the given numbers (321) and
(216), i.e. 1 and 6.
We know that any power of a number whose unit digit is 1, 5, or 6, will result in a number having unit
digit 1, 5, and 6 respectively.
So, Unit digit of [(321)216 – (216)115] = Unit digit of [(1)216 – (6)115] = 1 – 6 = –5
Unit digit can never be negative, so we should add 10.
Unit digit of the given expression = –5 + 10 = 5
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

19 (b)
Let the number be N.
According to the question,
N = 72Q + 5 (where Q is Quotient)
So, N3 = (72Q + 5)3 = (723 × Q3) + 125 + 3×72Q×5(72Q + 5)
Or N3 = 9 {81 × 83 × Q3 + 3×8Q×5(72Q + 5)} + 9×13 + 8
So, when the cube of the number is divided by 9, the remainder will be 8.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
20 (b)
For option (a) to be true, the rectangle should completely lie inside the square. This is not true; hence
option (a) is incorrect.
For option (b) to be true, there should be a region common between the circle and the square. Such
region is (5, 7). Hence option (b) is correct.
For option (c) to be true, the rectangle should completely lie inside the triangle. This is not true; hence
option (c) is incorrect.
For option (d) to be true, the circle should lie completely inside the triangle. This is not true; hence
option (d) is incorrect.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
21 (c)
Let p, n and r be the price of the necklace, number of pearls and radius of a pearl respectively.
So, p ∝ n√r
or p = kn√r (k=constant)

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Now, 300 = k × 200 ×√4
or k = 3/4.
540 = (3/4)×180×√r
or r = 16 cm
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

22 (b)
Option (a) is not correct: The statement is correct in the context of the passage. However, it cannot be
considered as the most crucial message of the passage. The given statement focuses only on aspects of
the Gita, whereas the passage focuses on broader aspect of traditional Indian thoughts. The example of
the Bhagavad Gita is quoted to lend credence to the arguments about traditional Indian thoughts.
Hence, option (a) is not correct.
Option (b) is correct: The most crucial message of the passage is the concept of achieving a higher
purpose beyond earthly desires. It is because of the following arguments mentioned in the passage:
Soul and Higher Goal: The passage highlights the belief in a soul (atman) as the true essence of a person.
This spiritual core motivates one to pursue a goal beyond immediate physical desires and worldly
Ethical Living and Spiritual Attainment: Epics and the Bhagavad Gita are presented as guiding forces
towards ethical living. The Gita emphasizes both karma (action) and jnana (knowledge) as paths to
achieve "Brahmajnana" (knowledge of the ultimate reality) and ultimately, supreme bliss.
Philosophy for Ethical Conduct: The passage mentions philosophical schools within the Vedic tradition
that tackle ethics and conduct based on their understanding of reality and knowledge. This reinforces
the connection between philosophical inquiry and leading a moral life.
Overall, the passage emphasizes that traditional Indian thinking views life as a journey towards a higher
purpose beyond material satisfaction. It promotes ethical conduct and spiritual growth as crucial aspects
of human existence. Hence, option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is not correct: The statement may or may not be correct, however, it cannot be considered as
the most crucial message of the passage. The given statement focuses only on Vedantic philosophies and
misses the core theme - the purpose of human existence based on traditional Indian thought. Hence,
option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: While the passage mentions a higher goal beyond physical desires, it does not
suggest complete suppression of those desires. It focuses on the concept of a soul and achieving spiritual
goals alongside ethical conduct. There's no mention of complete asceticism or rejecting all physical
aspects of life. Hence, option (d) is not correct.

23 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct: The passage argues for the adoption of "green infrastructure" as the preferred
term. This suggests an assumption that clear and consistent terminology is important for communication
between scientists, conservationists, and decision-makers. If everyone uses the same term, it is likely to
aid understanding and collaboration on these issues. Hence, assumption 1 is correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage compares traditional human-made infrastructure to ecological
infrastructure. The line “Since the 1980s, both scientists and conservationists have suggested that
ecosystems should also be considered as a type of infrastructure. The rationale for this proposal is that
healthy ecosystems, in addition to maintaining biodiversity, provide goods and services to humans…”
highlights that since the 1980s, some scientists and conservationists believe ecosystems deserve similar
recognition for providing essential benefits to society. This suggests an assumption that ecosystems fulfil
a role analogous to traditional infrastructure, providing necessary goods and services. Hence,
assumption 2 is correct.

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24 (d)
Expenditure=10 (number of family members)2
So E1=10(x)2
And E2=10(x-1)2
Now, E1-E2 = 50
Or 10(x2-(x-1)2) = 50
Or x2-(x2+1-2x) = 5
Or 2x-1 = 5
Or x = 3
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

25 (a)
Part of the tank filled by first tap in 1 min = 1/8.33 = 3/25
Part of the tank filled by second tap in 1 min = 1/12.5 = 2/25
Let the tank can be emptied by the third tap in x minutes.
According to the question,
(1/x) – (3/25 + 2/25) = 1/4 (since tank emptied in 4 min)
Or 1/x = 1/4 + 3/25 + 2/25
Or 1/x = 45/100
Or 1/x = 9/20
Or x = 20/9
Hence, the tank can be emptied in 20/9 minutes by the third tap alone.
So, Capacity of tank = (20/9) × 162 = 20×18 = 360 litres
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
26 (b)
If a, b and c is divided by a number which leaves the same remainder in each case, then such greatest
number should be HCF of (a – b), (b – c) and (a – c), where a>b>c.
Now, here a = 1135, b = 900, c = 618
And 1135 – 900 = 235
1135 – 618 = 517
900 – 618 = 282
HCF of 235, 517 and 282 will be the required answer.
235 = 5×47
517 = 11×47
282 = 2×3×47
Thus, HCF of 235, 517 and 282 is 47.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

27 (b)
Let the densities of E1, E2& E3 be 9k, 7k & 5k respectively,
Then, 9k=27
Or k=3.
So the density of E3 = 5k = 15 gm/cc.
Now, the weight of E3 in 675 kg of mixture
= (4/(6+5+4)) × 675
= (4/15) × 675
=180 kg.
Since, Volume = Weight/Density

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So, the Volume of E3 = (180 kg)/(15 gm/cc) =(180×1000 gm)/(15 gm/cc) =12000 cc =12 litre.
Hence the cost of 12 litre E3 ethanol = 12× 60 = Rs 720.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer

28 (b)
If two trains starting at the same time from points A and B are coming towards each other and after
crossing they take ‘a’ and ‘b’ hours in reaching B and A respectively then the ratio of their speeds,
A’s speed: B’s speed = √(b ): √a (Formula)
So, (X's speed)/(Y's speed) = √(36/25)
= 6/5
⇒ 72/(Y's speed) = 6/5
⇒ Y’s speed = 60 km/h.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

29 (d)
The alphabets occurring at the odd places are replaced by alphabets that occur just before them and the
alphabets in the even places are replaced by alphabets that come immediately after them.
R → odd place → encoded as Q
I → even place → encoded as J
G → odd place → encoded as F
H → even place → encoded as I
T → odd place → encoded as S
Encoded word is ‘QJFIS’
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
30 (b)
Let the sum be Rs. x.
We know that, Simple Interest = Principal×Rate×Time/100
Amount = Simple Interest + Principal
If the money is invested at 4.6% per annum for 2 years, then:
Amount = x + (x×4.6×2)/100
If the money is invested at 3.2% per annum for 2 years, then:
Amount = x + (x×3.2×2)/100
According to the question,
[x + (x×4.6×2)/100] – [x + (x×3.2×2)/100] = 196
Or 9.2x – 6.4x = 19600
Or 2.8x = 19600
Or x = 7000
Thus, the sum was Rs. 7000.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

31 (a)
On drawing the family tree according to the question, we get:

H is the cousin of F.
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E’s and G’s genders are not known. So, the data is insufficient to determine the number of male
members in the family.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

32 (d)
In order to figure out how much each piece of fabric costs, we need to multiply the price by the length of
fabric needed.
Expenditure on black fabric = 950 x 1 = Rs.950
Expenditure on red fabric = 775 x 1.5 = Rs. 1162.5
Expenditure on white fabric = 700 x 0.5 = Rs. 350
Total bill of fabric = Rs. (950 + 1162.50 + 350) = Rs.2462.50
Total bill of fabric including 5% GST on bill = Rs. (2462.50 x 105/100) = Rs. 2585.625
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

33 (d)
Assumption 1 is not correct: The passage does talk about finding references to art forms in Vedas,
Puranas, or Natyshastra. But it does not say that the importance of these art forms or expressions is
dependent on and subordinate to their mention in historical texts. Hence, assumption 1 is not correct.
Assumption 2 is not correct: The passage focuses on the Natyashastra because it is a specific text on art
and aesthetics, and that it is one of the earliest treatises dealing specifically with the art form and the
mechanism of art experience. But the passage does not claim it as the only one or the most important
(paramount) one. Further, the passage mentions “In the Indian context, art forms like music, dance,
architecture, painting etc., are found mentioned in the earliest available works like the Vedas, Puranas,
Itihasas etc.”, proving that Natyashastra is not the only important text. Hence, assumption 2 is not

34 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct: The passage highlights that Liberals view humans as "perfectible", meaning
capable of improvement. It further connects this idea to democracy being necessary for such
improvement, as seen in the lines “…democracy is necessary for that perfectibility to develop, and that
ideas do matter.” This clearly suggests that liberals believe democratic structures allow for progress and
positive change in human behaviour and societies. Hence, assumption 1 is correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage contrasts Liberalism with Realism, which views war as a natural
state. Liberals, on the other hand, emphasize "cooperation" and creating "international settings" for
cooperation. This suggests a fair assumption that Liberals believe well-designed international
organizations can facilitate peaceful and productive interactions. Hence, assumption 2 is correct.

35 (a)

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By the above diagram,
Area of ∆AGH = (1/2)×HI×AG = (1/2)×5×(10 + 10) = (1/2)×5×20 = 50 m2
Area of ∆AIB = (1/2)×AI×IB = (1/2)×10×15 = 75 m2
Area of ∆FDE = (1/2)×FD×FE = (1/2)×15×10 = 75 m2
Area of rectangle BCGI = IB×IG = 15×10 = 150 m2
Area of rectangle GCDF = GC×GF = 15×8 = 120 m2

Therefore, the total area of the field = Area of ∆AGH + Area of ∆AIB + Area of ∆FDE + Area of rectangle
BCGI + Area of rectangle GCDF
= 50 + 75 + 75 + 150 + 120 = 470 m2
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

36 (b)
Suppose the original speed of the train is x km/hour.

After 200 km, the speed of the train is 2/3x and the train got late by 4 hours.
If the train broken down 500 km further, then train is late by 2 hours.

Difference between the times in the two cases = 4 – 2 = 2 hours

According to the question,

[500/(2/3)x] – (500/x) = 2
Or 750 – 500 = 2x
Or x = 125 km/hour
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

37 (c)
Putting x = -2 in the quadratic equation x2 + px + 6 = 0,
(-2)2 + p×(-2) + 6 = 0
Or 4 - 2p + 6 =0
Or 10 - 2p = 0
Or 2p = 10
Or p = 5
Putting the value of p in the quadratic equation x2 + px + k = 0
x2 + 5x + k = 0
Since roots are equal, D = 0
Or b2- 4ac = 0
Or (5)2 – 4×1×(k) = 0
Or 25 - 4k = 0
Or k = 25/4

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Putting x = -3 in the quadratic equation x2 + px + 6 = 0,
(-3)2 + p×(-3) + 6 = 0
Or 9 - 3p + 6 = 0
Or 15 - 3p = 0
Or 3p = 15
Or p = 5
Putting the value of p in quadratic equation x2 + px + k = 0
x2 + 5x + k = 0
Since roots are equal, D = 0
Or b2- 4ac = 0
Or (5)2 – 4×1×(k) = 0
Or 25 - 4k = 0
Or k = 25/4
So, the value of k is 25/4.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

38 (a)
The series can be divided into groups of 4 terms each; each group comprising of two numbers followed
by two letters, as shown below:
4, 5, D, _/ 9, _, I, J/ _, 12, K, _, /8, _, H, I
Clearly, the first number and the second number in each group represents the position of the
subsequent letters in the English alphabet.
Thus, we get:
4, 5, D, E/ 9, 10, I, J/ 11, 12, K, L, /8, 9, H, I
Thus, the missing terms are E, 10, 11, L, 9.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
39 (a)
In the first column:
(1 + 2 + 3)2 = 36
In the second column:
(2 + 4 + 6)2 = 144
In the third column:
(3 + 4 + 5)2 = 144
Similarly, in the fourth column:
(? + 1 + 3)2 = 81
Or ? + 1 + 3 = 9
Or ? = 9 – 4 = 5
Hence, 5 is the missing term.
So, option (a) is the right answer.

40 (d)
Money invested in housing sector = 60000 × (15/100) = Rs. 9000
Money invested in energy sector = 60000 × (14/100) = Rs. 8400
Money invested in manufacturing sector = 60000 × (21/100) = Rs. 12600
So, the average amount invested in housing sector, energy sector and manufacturing sector = (9000 +
8400 + 12600)/3 = 30000/3 = Rs. 10000
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

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Explanation for Questions 41-43:
(A) ‘+’ and ‘-‘ signs represents male and female genders respectively.
(B) ‘?’ mark indicates that something is not known.

41 (b)
Q is the politician.

42 (a)
S is the teacher.

43 (d)
P (singer) is married to S (teacher).
Q (politician) is married to R (sportsperson).

44 (c)
The symbol ‘∈’ is common in dice B and C.
Moving clockwise from ‘∈’, we get:

Hence, ‘#’ is opposite to ‘₹’.

So, option (c) is the right answer.

45 (c)
Inference 1 is correct: The passage states that "existing inequalities are magnified" during conflict. This
suggests that the social and economic disadvantages women face in peacetime are worsened by war.
This increased vulnerability can translate into greater risks of violence, displacement, and difficulty
accessing necessities for women. Hence, inference 1 is correct.
Inference 2 is correct: The passage acknowledges the existing efforts by the UN and others but
emphasizes the need for "more protection and mitigating measures." This suggests that current actions
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are insufficient in preventing the disproportionate harm suffered by women and children in wartime
situations. Hence, inference 2 is correct.

46 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions,” There is a vast arena of livelihood choices that
can also produce happiness, which has not only been marginalised by the fast-food model of
education but also effectively stigmatised.” The present educational model has done damage to
the pursuit of happiness; however, it would be extreme to say that this pursuit of happiness is
totally divorced from the present educational model. The author cautiously uses the word
‘marginalised,’ and not ‘replaced’ or ‘eliminated’. Hence option (a) is incorrect.
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “This means that young people with an interest
in, say, urban design, filmmaking or journalism, face familial and social pressure to pursue
careers for which they might not be suited”. It implies that familial and social pressures should
not dictate livelihood choices. Hence option (b) is incorrect.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Failures at examinations that require capacity
for rote learning are, subsequently, experienced as failing one’s family as well as marks of
personal inadequacy.” It implies that failures at examinations in society are considered as a
mark of personal inadequacy which should not happen. This option could be one of the rational
inferences of the passage but not the central idea because the core theme is livelihood choices
and happiness. Hence option (c) is incorrect.
Option (d) is correct. The passage mentions, “There is a vast arena of livelihood choices that can
also produce happiness, which has not only been marginalised by the fast-food model of
education but also effectively stigmatised. This means that young people with an interest in, say,
urban design, filmmaking or journalism, face familial and social pressure to pursue careers for
which they might not be suited.” It implies that livelihood choices which are not as per interest
or suitability might result in an unhappy life. Thus, livelihood choices should take interest or
suitability into account. Hence option (d) is correct.
47 (d)
Assumption (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Studies and surveys have flagged a distinct
shift in India's disease burden. Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, strokes and heart
ailments claim more lives in the country compared to infectious diseases.” It implies that the
proportion of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases is more than that by infectious
diseases. However, this answer option talks about the decline in absolute number of deaths
caused by infectious diseases, which is not covered in the passage. Hence, assumption (a) is
Assumption (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Like in most parts of the world, in India too
the problem stems from an increase in sedentary lifestyles, improving living standards and
access to processed foods.” It implies that there is an increased access to processed food. But it
does not necessarily mean that the spending on staple food has decreased. Hence, assumption
(b) is incorrect.

48 (d)
Total number of people in the party = 5 guests + 2 hosts = 7 people.
Total number of handshakes = 7C2 = 21
The host couple does not shake hands with each other.
So, total number of handshakes = 21 – 1 = 20.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

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49 (d)
Let the total sum distributed amongst them be Rs. x.
Amount received by Pinku = 10x/(4 + 8 + 10 + 12) = 10x/34
Amount received by Sonu = 8x/(4 + 8 + 10 + 12) = 8x/34
According to the question,
(10x/34) – (8x/34) = 2260
Or {(10/34) – (8/34)}x = 2260
Or x = (2260 ×34)/2 = 38420
So, the total sum distributed amongst them is Rs. 38420.
Total amount received by Tanmay and Goli = {(4 + 12)/34} × 38420 = Rs. 18080
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

50 (d)
Given expression: A×B, B÷C, C%D
On combining, we get: A×B÷C%D
On applying the given conditions, we get:
A<B≤C=D ………………..(i)
On checking the conclusions,
(I) A×C or A<C. This is true as A<B≤C.
(II) B÷D or B≤D. This is also true as B≤C=D.
(III) A – C or A > C. This is not true as A<B≤C.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

51 (c)
There are two couples, which means two males and two females. Kathak dancer is a spinster, which
means she is a female. Bharatanatyam dancer’s wife is a poet, which means he is a male. So, there are
three female and three male dancers in the group.
So, the number of female dancers is equal to the number of male dancers.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

52 (c)

The sum of 4th letter F (6) and 6th letter K (11) = 6 + 11 = 17

Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

53 (a)
Each term consists of consecutive letters in order. The number of letters in the terms goes on increasing
by one at each step.
Also, there is a gap of one letter between the last letter of the first term and the first letter of the second
term; a gap of two letters between the last letter of the second term and the first letter of the third
term; and so on. So, there should be a gap of three letters between the last letter of the third term and
the first letter of the desired term.
So, going by this logic, ? should be replaced by NOPQ.
Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

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54 (a)
The elements interchange their positions in the following sequence:

And in each step (*) position is replaced with a new element.

Hence, option (a) is the right answer.

55 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage mentions, “The technical challenge is that AYUSH is a
heterogenous group and each of these therapeutic disciplines must be dealt with separately and
would need a different decision.” It implies that heterogeneity of the traditional system is a
challenge in integration. Hence statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage does not mention anything about the lack of surgical
procedures in the alternative system. Hence statement 2 is incorrect.

56 (c)
Inference (a) is correct. The passage mentions, “While it is appealing in principle, it would be
good to examine the practical issues involved” and “It is the prescription of medicines which will
remain a bone of contention.” It implies that there are challenges in integrating modern and
alternative systems of medicine. But the question is about the incorrect statement. Hence,
option (a) is not the right answer.
Inference (b) is correct. The passage mentions, “For pharmacological aspects, it might be easy
to integrate once the evidence is generated.” It implies that more research into alternative
medicine could generate evidence and help in better integration by removing apprehensions.
But the question is about the incorrect statement. Hence, option (b) is not the right answer.
Inference (c) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “It is the prescription of medicines which will
remain a bone of contention. Can a 'dosha' based management, proposed by Ayurveda, work
with the standard management protocols being pushed in modern medicine?” It implies that the
prescription of medicine will be a difficult task. The question is about the incorrect statement.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.
Inference (d) is correct. The passage mentions, “Modern medicine practitioners are being urged
to be more open to working with the traditional or alternative systems of medicine and to move
towards an integrated medicine for the larger good of the patients.” It implies that the
integrated system would be beneficial for the patients and society at large. But the question is
about the incorrect statement. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

57 (b)
Reason 1 is incorrect. The passage does not mention pollution being the reason behind increased coral
bleaching events. Although it may be correct otherwise, it is not mentioned in the passage. Hence,
reason 1 is incorrect.
Reason 2 is correct. The passage mentions, “Triggered by heat stress, coral bleaching occurs when corals
expel the colourful algae living in their tissues.” It implies that coral bleaching occurs due to rising
temperatures, for which global warming is a plausible reason. Hence reason 2 is correct.
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Reason 3 is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Coral bleaching can be devastating for the ocean
ecosystem, as well as fisheries and tourism-based economies that depend on healthy, colourful reefs to
attract scuba divers and snorkelers.” It implies that tourism will be negatively impacted due to coral
bleaching. The passage does not mention tourism as a cause for the problem. Hence, reason 3 is

58 (c)
Let’s check all the options one by one.
Checking option (a):
(a + c) < (b + d)
Or (5d/3 + 4d) < (d – c) + d
Or 17d/3 < 2d – c
Or 17d/3 + c < 2d
Or 17d/3 + 4d < 2d
Or 29d/3 < 2d
So, this option is wrong.
Checking option (b):
(a + b) > (c + d)
Or 5d/3 + (d – c) > 4d + d
Or (8d/3) – c > 5d
Or 2.6d – c > 5d
Or 2.6d > 5d + c
Or 2.6d > 5d + 4d
Or 2.6d > 9d
So, this option is also wrong.
Checking option (c):
(a + d) > (2b + c)
Or 5d/3 + d > 2(d – c) + 4d
Or 8d/3 > 2d – 2c + 4d
Or 2.6d > 6d - 2c
Or 2.6d > 6d - 2×4d
Or 2.6d > -2d
So, this option is true.
Checking option (d):
(a + d) < (b + c)
Or 5d/3 + d < (d – c) + c
Or 8d/3 < d
Or 2.6d < d
This option is also wrong.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

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59 (b)
Let the 3rd floor be x meters high.

Here, point A denotes Ram’s house and point B denotes the bottom of Raju’s house.
In ∆ABD,
tan 60o = (h + x)/120
Or √3 = (h + x)/120
Or (h + x) = 120√3 …..(i)
In ∆ABC,
tan30o = h/120
Or 1/√3 = h/120
Or h = 120/√3 = (120×√3)/3 = 40√3 …..(ii)
On putting the value of h in equation (i), we get:
40√3 + x = 120√3
Or x = 120√3 - 40√3 = 80√3 meters
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

60 (b)
Secretary sits on chair number 1.
So, one chair and one person can be seated in only 1 way.
The remaining 5 persons can sit on any of the 5 chairs.
Five people can be seated in 5 chairs in 5! ways = 120 ways
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

61 (d)
The people we need to consider are Mohan, Shayam, Sona, Mona, Sita and Raju.
Using statement 1, we get:
Sita > Mohan > Shayam
Using statements 2 and 5, we get:
Sita > Mohan > Shayam > Sona = Mona
Using statement 4, we get:
Raju > Sita > Mohan > Shayam > Sona = Mona
So, Sona and Mona are youngest and to find this out we need to use four statements.
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

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62 (c)
Given diagram:

The simplest triangles are: ACO, AOG, BGO, BEF, BIF, OID, IDF, OHD, COH, BOI, i.e. 10 in number.
The triangles composed of two components each are: AOB, COD, BDF, BOD, ODF, BOF, i.e. 6 in number.
The triangles composed of more than two components each are: ABC, ADB, BCD, BCF, BCE, BDE, COF, i.e.
7 in number.
So, there are 10 + 6 + 7 = 23 triangles in the given figure.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

63 (c)
Let exterior angle of the regular polygon be x.
So, interior angle of the regular polygon will be 3x.
Now, Interior angle + exterior angle = 180o
Or 3x + x = 180o
Or 4x = 180o
Or x = 45o
So, Interior angle = 3x = 3×45o = 135o
And, Exterior angle = 45o
The number of the sides in the regular polygon = 360o/exterior angle = 360/45o = 8
It means that the polygon is octagonal.
The number of diagonals in an octagon = n(n - 3)/2 = {8(8 - 3)/2} = 20
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

64 (b)
Total number of students in the class = 31
Rank of Mahesh from top = 7th
Number of students behind Mahesh = 31 – 7 = 24
Rank of Mahesh from bottom = 25th
Rank of Suresh = 11th
Number of students behind Suresh = 31 – 11 = 20
Rank of Suresh from the bottom = 21st
Sum of ranks of Mahesh and Suresh from the bottom = 25 + 21 = 46
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

65 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage mentions, “This requires coordination across all levels of
government, agency and autonomy at the local level and a pervasive presence of account-based
accountability.” It implies that there is a need to increase autonomy at the local level, and hence
statement 1 is correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage mentions, “This requires coordination across all levels of
government, agency and autonomy at the local level and a pervasive presence of account-based
accountability.” There is no mention of the need to increase transparency. The passage mentions

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accountability, and not transparency. Also, citizen charter has not been mentioned or alluded to. Hence,
statement 2 is incorrect.

66 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “If the packaging is self-assured, glib and available over
the counter, it’s easier to accept it at face value than seek out the real experts — the doctors and the
economists, the psychologists and the data scientists, people who have had to undergo rigorous training
to earn their expertise.” The author says that there is an expertise crisis on social media. That means that
social media influencers generally lack the core expertise, but present their content in well-packaged
form. This does not mean that the real experts do not use social media at all. We cannot make such
sweeping generalisation based on the context of the passage. Hence option (a) is incorrect.
Option (b) is correct. The passage mentions, “On social media, there’s no escaping bountiful advice on
everything from bringing up babies to making meaningful connections, from investments to health and
beauty solutions. In this age of DIY fixes, where everyone is an expert, and no one is quite one, whom
does one trust?” It implies that there is a plethora of advice available on social media, and no guarantee
of its authenticity. Hence option (b) is correct.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage mentions, there are “…real experts — the doctors and the
economists, the psychologists and the data scientists”, who already undergo rigorous training, but
people are not willing to take the efforts to consult them. There is no mention of the need to impart
training to them. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.
67 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Most domestic workers face abuse and low pay.” It
implies the problems faced by domestic workers. However, this is not the central message of the
passage because the context of legislation is not mentioned in the passage. Hence, option (a) is
Option (b) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Frontline care workers (ASHAs, Anganwadi workers)
remain overburdened, underpaid and unprotected.” It implies the problems faced by frontline workers.
However, this option is limited in domain, and narrow in context, restricted only to a specific section of
women - frontline workers. This is a peripheral argument, which is not the central message of the
passage. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage mentions, “Moreover, the modern economy forces women to face
harsh trade-offs between care and career. Men- across castes and faiths- rarely face this binary.”
Replacing men with women in household chores would merely shift the burden on the other gender. It
has nowhere been implied by the passage. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.
68 (c)
Assumption 1 is correct: The passage mentions a shift away from "crowd-pleasing antics" towards
"envisioning a developed India." This implies the budget focuses on long-term goals, rather than policies
intended to be immediately popular. Hence, assumption 1 is correct.
Assumption 2 is correct: The passage uses terms like "tipping point" and "trajectory of incrementally
high growth" suggesting India is poised for a period of rapid economic advancement. It mentions various
sectors like services, manufacturing, and agriculture contributing to this growth. Hence, assumption 2 is

69 (c)
As given in the question
V>P (1)
P>Q (2)
Combining the two
V>P>Q (3)
V is fifth. So, P is sixth and Q is seventh.
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Either R scores the max and T scores the least or S scores the max and U or Q scores the least.
T has not scored the least.
So, S scored the max and Q scored the least.
Hence, option (c) is the right answer.

70 (b)
The person who applies first, gets the leave sanctioned.
Probability of A getting leave sanctioned = 1/5
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.

71 (d)

∠CBD = ao and ∠CAD = bo

Let ∠ACD = C, ∠ADC = D
Since BC and BD are bisectors, then:
∠ACB = ∠BCD = C/2 …..(i)
And ∠ADB = ∠BDE = (π - ∠ADC)/2 = (π – D)/2 …..(ii)

Now in ∆BCD,
ao + ∠BCD + ∠BDC = π
Or ao + C/2 + (∠ADC + ∠ADB) = π
Or ao + C/2 + {D + (π – D)/2} = π
Or ao + C/2 + (D + π)/2 = π
Or 2ao + C + D + π = 2π
Or 2ao + C + D = π
Or 2ao = π – (C + D) ……….(iii)

In ∆ACD,
bo + C + D = π
Or bo = π – (C + D) ……….(iv)

From equations (iii) and (iv), we get:

2ao = bo
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

72 (d)
Let’s consider the P.M. of Australia and P.M England as one entity. So, we have 6 entities.
∴ We have to arrange 6 persons around a table. This can be done in (6 - 1)! Ways, i.e. 5! ways.
P.M. of Australia and P.M. of England can interchange their places in 2! ways.
So, the total number of ways = 5!×2! = (5×4×3×2 ×1) × (2×1) = 240
Hence, option (d) is the right answer.

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73 (b)
Let the ages of Mohan, Sohan and Rohan, 5 years ago be x, y and z respectively.
Ratio of the ages of Mohan and Sohan, five years ago was 9:7.
(x/y) = 9/7
Or x = 9y/7 …(i)
Ratio of the ages of Mohan and Rohan was 6:2.
(x/z) = 6/2
Or z = x/3 …..(ii)

Five years hence, the ratio of the ages of Mohan and Sohan will be 11:9.
So, (x + 5 + 5)/(y + 5 + 5) = 11/9
Or (x + 10)/(y + 10) = 11/9
Or 9x + 90 = 11y + 110
Or 9x = 11y + 20 ……(iii)

Putting the value of x from equation (i) in equation (iii), we get:

Or 9(9y/7) = 11y + 20
Or 81y = 77y + 140
Or 4y = 140
Or y = 35
Age of Sohan 5 years ago = y = 35 years
Hence, present age of Sohan = 35 + 5 = 40 years
Age of Mohan 5 years ago = x = 9y/7 = 9×35/7 = 45 years
Hence, present age of Mohan = 45 + 5 = 50 years
Age of Rohan 5 years ago = z = x/3 = 45/3 = 15 years
Hence, present age of Rohan = 15 + 5 = 20 years
Then, the sum of the present ages of all the three = 40 + 50 + 20 = 110 years
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
74 (b)
Ram’s speed = 2 metres/second
Shyam’s speed = 4 metres/second
Distance covered by Ram in 2.5 minutes (150 seconds) = 150 × 2 = 300 metres.
Time taken by Shyam to complete one round = 400/4 = 100 seconds
Distance covered by Ram in 100 seconds = 2 × 100 = 200 metres.
It means Ram has covered total distance of 500 metres (i.e. 200 + 300), i.e. Ram completes one round
and then goes further 100 metres ahead by the time Shyam completes one round.
Therefore, after completion of one round, Shyam will be 100 metres behind Ram.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
75 (b)
On dividing 1095 days with 7, we get 3 as remainder.
Hence, Raj will open his shop 3 days after Monday, i.e. on Thursday.
Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
76 (a)
Option (a) is correct: The passage conveys the above message in the following way.
It defines natural resources as elements crucial to ecosystems, including humans.
It highlights the dependence of environments and cultures on these resources.
It acknowledges the economic importance of resources.
It points out the strain caused by unsustainable resource use exceeding natural regeneration.

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In simpler terms, the passage is saying that we need to use natural resources responsibly to ensure
they're there for the future. Hence, option (a) is correct.
Option (b) is not correct: The passage says, “Natural resources make up a dense web of
interdependence, forming ecosystems that also include humans.” The author categorically says that
human beings ar e an inalienable part of natural resources. City dwellers are also included therein.
Hence, option (b) is not correct.
Option (c) is not correct: Refer to the last line of the passage: “In some cases, exploitation levels came to
exceed resources’ natural regeneration rates.” Even if it is happening in fewer cases, it does not mean
that resource management is not quite required. It is always advisable to ensure responsible
consumption before it is too late. Hence, option (c) is not correct.
Option (d) is not correct: This answer option assumes that this awareness is not currently present among
people. Refer to the line: “People have formed different types of cultural, spiritual, and subsistence-
based relationships with the natural environment…” This forging of bond with natural environment is
not possible without having that sense of awareness. Hence, option (d) is not correct.
77 (a)
Inference 1 is correct: The passage clearly states that the end of the Cold War sparked a debate about
security, implying that the Cold War era had a significant influence on how security was understood in
IR. This debate between ‘narrowers’ and ‘wideners’ likely emerged due to the specific security concerns
of that period. Hence, inference 1 is correct.
Inference 2 is not correct: While the passage mentions the Cold War sparking the debate, it doesn't say
that the debate is over. It simply highlights the existence of two contrasting viewpoints on security
framework, and the lack of a universally accepted definition. The passage doesn't suggest that one side
necessarily won the debate or that there's a clear consensus in place. Hence, inference 2 is not correct.
78 (a)
Assumption 1 is correct: The passage suggests, “When household income is higher and there is more
social protection, women can withdraw from the market to work in their households and care for
children.” This implies that childcare and housework are significant factors influencing women's
participation in the workforce. Hence, assumption 1 is correct.
Assumption 2 is not correct: The passage focuses only on female labour force participation and the
factors affecting it across different income levels. It doesn't provide any information or make
assumptions about how male participation rates vary. While the gender gap is mentioned, it's used in
the context of female participation, not assuming anything about the male side of the equation. Hence,
assumption 2 is not correct.
79 (c)
Radius of the base of each pillar = 7 centimetres = 0.07 metres
Base of a cylinder is circular and Area of circle = πr2
So, Base area covered by one cylindrical pillar = (22/7) × 0.07 × 0.07 = 0.0154 square metres
Base area covered by 24 cylindrical pillars = 24 × 0.0154 = 0.3696 square metres
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
80 (a)

Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

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