Prepositions - Kinds and Types

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### Prepositions: Definition and Types

**Prepositions** are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in
a sentence. They often indicate relationships of direction, place, time, cause, manner, and possession.

### Types of Prepositions

1. **Prepositions of Place**: Indicate location.

- *in*, *on*, *at*, *by*, *next to*, *between*, *among*, *under*, *over*

- Example: The book is *on* the table.

2. **Prepositions of Time**: Indicate when something happens.

- *at*, *on*, *in*, *before*, *after*, *during*, *since*, *for*, *by*

- Example: We will meet *at* 3 PM.

3. **Prepositions of Direction/Movement**: Indicate direction or movement.

- *to*, *towards*, *into*, *through*, *across*, *over*, *up*, *down*

- Example: She walked *to* the store.

4. **Prepositions of Manner**: Indicate how something is done.

- *by*, *with*, *like*, *as*

- Example: He solved the problem *with* ease.

5. **Prepositions of Agent or Instrument**: Indicate who or what causes or performs an action.

- *by*, *with*

- Example: The letter was written *by* her.

6. **Prepositions of Possession**: Indicate ownership.

- *of*

- Example: The key *of* the house is missing.

### Prepositional Phrases

A **prepositional phrase** is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or
pronoun, which is called the object of the preposition.

#### Examples of Prepositional Phrases

1. **Prepositional Phrase of Place**

- *In the garden*

- Example: The children are playing *in the garden*.

2. **Prepositional Phrase of Time**

- *At midnight*

- Example: The fireworks will start *at midnight*.

3. **Prepositional Phrase of Direction**

- *To the market*

- Example: She went *to the market*.

4. **Prepositional Phrase of Manner**

- *With a smile*
- Example: He greeted us *with a smile*.

5. **Prepositional Phrase of Agent**

- *By the author*

- Example: The book was written *by the author*.

6. **Prepositional Phrase of Possession**

- *Of the company*

- Example: She is the CEO *of the company*.

### Summary of Common Prepositions and Examples

1. **Place**: in, on, at

- *She is *in* the room.*

- *The cat is *on* the roof.*

- *He is waiting *at* the bus stop.*

2. **Time**: at, on, in

- *The meeting is *at* noon.*

- *His birthday is *on* Monday.*

- *We will go *in* the evening.*

3. **Direction**: to, into, through

- *They moved *to* a new city.*

- *She walked *into* the room.*

- *The river flows *through* the valley.*

4. **Manner**: by, with

- *He traveled *by* train.*

- *She cut the paper *with* scissors.*

5. **Possession**: of

- *The color *of* the sky is beautiful.*

Understanding prepositions and their types helps clarify the relationships between different elements of
a sentence, enhancing both writing and comprehension skills.

Prepositions can be categorized based on their function and usage in sentences. Here are the kinds of

### 1. Simple Prepositions

Simple prepositions are single-word prepositions.

- Examples: *at*, *by*, *for*, *in*, *of*, *on*, *to*, *with*

- **Example Sentences**:

- She is *at* the park.

- He went *to* the store.

### 2. Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are formed by prefixing a preposition to a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.

- Examples: *about*, *above*, *across*, *along*, *among*, *around*, *before*, *behind*, *below*,
*beneath*, *beside*, *between*, *beyond*, *inside*, *outside*, *underneath*, *within*

- **Example Sentences**:

- The keys are *inside* the drawer.

- He sat *between* his friends.

### 3. Phrasal Prepositions

Phrasal prepositions (or prepositional phrases) are groups of words that function as a single preposition.

- Examples: *according to*, *along with*, *because of*, *in front of*, *in spite of*, *on account of*,
*out of*

- **Example Sentences**:

- He succeeded *because of* his hard work.

- She stood *in front of* the mirror.

### 4. Double Prepositions

Double prepositions are formed by combining two simple prepositions.

- Examples: *into*, *onto*, *upon*, *out of*, *from within*

- **Example Sentences**:

- She jumped *into* the pool.

- He took the book *out of* the bag.

### 5. Participle Prepositions

Participle prepositions are present or past participles used as prepositions.

- Examples: *considering*, *during*, *concerning*, *pending*, *regarding*, *notwithstanding*

- **Example Sentences**:

- *Considering* the weather, we decided to stay home.

- The policy is *regarding* student behavior.

### 6. Disguised Prepositions

Disguised prepositions are those in which the word has combined with another word, often abbreviated.

- Examples: *a* (short for *on*), *o' (short for *of*)

- **Example Sentences**:

- It costs ten dollars *a* yard. (means *per* yard)

- He is going *a-fishing*. (means *on* fishing)

### 7. Detached Prepositions

Detached prepositions are prepositions that are placed at the end of the sentence, often seen in
questions and relative clauses.

- **Example Sentences**:

- What are you talking *about*?

- This is the book I was referring *to*.

### Summary of Kinds of Prepositions with Examples

1. **Simple Prepositions**:

- *He is sitting *on* the chair.*

2. **Compound Prepositions**:

- *She walked *across* the street.*

3. **Phrasal Prepositions**:

- *We canceled the picnic *because of* the rain.*

4. **Double Prepositions**:

- *The cat jumped *onto* the table.*

5. **Participle Prepositions**:

- *He was arrested *during* the night.*

6. **Disguised Prepositions**:

- *He goes there *a* lot.* (meaning *often*)

7. **Detached Prepositions**:

- *This is the place I was dreaming *of**.

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