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In the last few months, almost a year we have been living in a world that we weren`t

use to.
Everything is different, the people, the streets everything and some things are our
fault. The truth is that we were irresponsible, we underestimate the virus and thought that
it would never cached us and that it was just like a flu, but lots of people died and many
are still dying. In Portugal we start quarantine in March a lot later compared with another
country’s all over the world. We students had online classes until June. For me it was kind
of good, I had lots of time to think, and just time to myself. I watched lots of series and also
work out a lot. For being honest the only thing that I missed were my practices. I missed
them so much and only there I realized how much they were important to me.
Then we had the summer and in my opinion for that time people were tired of the
virus so we started to care less, we start having dinners with friends, we went on vacations
including me I went to Setubal, Portalegre and to a summer camp with my friends.
After summer, school started and it was and it is weird. People wear masks and we are
always social distance. Now, in the present, Portugal is in a bad situation we are with the
second vacancy of the virus. We have never had this much of cases and deaths per day. But
in this last few days the government was put some measures and it looks like it’s getting
During this months I got mature and I enjoyed my summer in a safe way and I’m just
trying to live my life as before but obviously with some differences.
To end I think that the pandemic is not going away any time soon. We should all
continue our job to the society and I hope you all continue safe.

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