Oral Presentacion - Pandemia

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I am tired of having to spend all days closed at home, I am tired of socialize with the

same 6 people for months now, I am tired of the irresponsibility of people, which is in
my opinion what returned us to where we are now. Climate changes, thousands of
deaths per day, racist accusations and now that girl that was rapped and killed by a
police officer... I really don’t now what’s happening to the world.

In my mind I had this though that when the clock its midnight on December 31 2020,
covid would just disappeared and we were just going to return to our normal lives but
of course that I was wrong.

And then when I thought that we were being more responsable and being more
careful we went back to quarantine all over again and for much longer … We have
online classes and for being honest and don’t learn anything. I really hope this ends
soon or at least the process of vaccination is faster just because I want to be able to be
for example with my grandparents without any concerns.

To end I really hope that now that we are going out of quarantine people will be
careful and I hope you all continue safe.

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