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Asking, Inquiring, Requesting



Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

04 2 F-04-2 Act 4 Part C figs 6-7 Ask for and give information about past actions/conditions.

04 3 F-04-3 Acts 3 & 4 Part C figs 5-6 Ask and answer questions regarding one's own or someone else's
ability/inability to perform an action, using a verb given as a cue.
04 4 F-04-4 Act 2 Part B fig 4 Ask and respond to questions related to buying and selling
06 3 F-06-3 Act 5 Part D fig 5 Indicate a location and ask for and give directions for getting from
one place to another.
06 4 F-06-4 Act 4 Part B figs 4-5 Ask for and give reasons in conversations for actions/behavior.

09 3 F-09-3 P 1-4 A 2 Part A figs 7-8; D 3 Ask for and give advice, and give suggestions.

10 4 F-10-4 P 1-4 A 2 Part D figs 1-2 Ask and answer informal questions about family, job or profession,
and weather.
11 2 F-11-2 P 1-4 A 2 Part C figs 5-6 Ask for and give information about safe driving practices.

12 4 F-12-4 P 1-4 A 2 Part D fig 1 Ask about and narrate past routines or patterns of activities.

13 3 F-13-3 Pt C Act 5 Part C figs 2-7 Ask and respond to questions relating to the buying and selling of
clothes and accessories in a role-play between a customer and a
clothes store clerk.
13 4 F-13-4 Pt 2 Act 4 Part B fig 4 Ask for and give information relating to linear measurement.

14 2 F-14-2 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 1-3 Ask for and give descriptions of places.

15 1 F-15-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Omitted Ask for and give information about basic training.

17 2 F-17-2 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 4-6 Ask for and give information relating to the renting of apartments
and houses.
17 3 F-17-3 Pt 2 Act 4 Omitted Ask for and give information relating to military customs and
20 1 F-20-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 4-5 Ask about and express quantity.

20 2 F-20-2 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 3-4 Ask for and give additional information and comments.

20 4 F-20-4 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D fig 2 Ask about and express reason and purpose.

21 1 F-21-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part B fig 5 Ask for and make comparisons and evaluations.

21 4 F-21-4 Pt 1 Act 4 Part D figs 1-2 Ask for and give recommendations and suggestions.

23 3 F-23-3 Pt 2 Act 5 Part B fig 3; C 5-7 Ask for and give locations and directions.

24 1 F-24-1 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 1-2 Ask for and give factual information.

26 1 F-26-1 Pt 2 Act 2 Part B fig 6 Ask for and give opinions.

26 2 F-26-2 Pt 2 Acts 3- Part C figs 6-7 Ask for and give clarification.

28 2 F-28-2 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 6-7 Ask for and give sequenced instructions for doing something.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Asking, Inquiring, Requesting



Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

28 4 F-28-4 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C fig 3 Ask for and give information.

29 4 F-29-4 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 4 Ask for and give information on how something is done in regard to
manner, means, and instrument.
30 2 F-30-2 Pt 2 Act 1 Part C fig 4 Ask for and give information.


Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

02 2 F-02-2 Act 3 Part C figs 8-9 Inquire about the ownership of objects, using appropriate
questions (whose / possessive adjectives / possessive proper
nouns), and respond to such inquiries with statements clarifying
07 4 F-07-4 P 1-4 A 2 Omitted Describe and inquire about the purpose of specific objects and
09 2 F-09-2 P 1-4 A 2 Part D fig 4 Inquire about and respond to inquiries in a simulated traffic
12 1 F-12-1 P 1-4 A 2 Part C fig 1 Inquire about and express the effect of specified conditions on
future actions or situations.
12 2 F-12-2 P 1-4 A 2 Part B fig 4 Inquire about and express opinions.

13 1 F-13-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part C figs 1-5 Inquire about and express certainty and uncertainty.

14 1 F-14-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part C figs 2-4 Inquire about and report the identification of people according to
name and military rank.
14 4 F-14-4 Pt 2 Act 4 Part C fig 1 Inquire about, clarify, and report what someone else has said.

15 3 F-15-3 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D fig 3 Inquire about and express present and unfulfilled past intention
about travel plans.

15 4 F-15-4 Pt 3 Act 4 Omitted Inquire about and describe medical problems and symptoms in a
simulated military clinic or hospital situation.
16 3 F-16-3 Pt 2 Act 5 Part D figs 4-5 Inquire about and express preferences.

16 4 F-16-4 Pt 3 Act 4 Omitted Inquire about and express capability and incapability

18 1 F-18-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 1-3 Inquire about and report what someone has said.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Asking, Inquiring, Requesting

FUNCTION KEYWORD: inquire (cont.)

Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

18 3 F-18-3 Pt 2 Act 4 Part C figs 5-6; D 7 Inquire about and express agreement and disagreement.

22 3 F-22-3 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 3-6 Inquire about and express the purposes of tools, devices, and
24 2 F-24-2 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 8-9 Inquire about and express concern and fear.

24 3 F-24-3 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D figs 3-4 Inquire about and express actions, events, and conditions in the
24 4 F-24-4 Pt 2 Act 4 Part D fig 1 Inquire about and make observations.

26 4 F-26-4 Pt 3 Act 1 Part C figs 7-8 Inquire about and describe a trip.

27 3 F-27-3 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C fig 5 Inquire about and express whether one is obligated or not
obligated to do something.
27 4 F-27-4 Pt 3 Act 2 Part B fig 7 Inquire about and express condition (eventuality and provisionality).

29 1 F-29-1 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 3-5 Inquire about and express frequency.

29 2 F-29-2 Pt 1 Act 2 Part A fig 7 Inquire about and express likes and dislikes.

29 3 F-29-3 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 5-7 Inquire about and report what someone else has said.


Bk Ln Obj CBT LLA/HW Objective Text

03 2 F-03-2 Act 1 & 2 Part D fig 2 Request information and respond to questions eliciting specific
information concerning schedules.
08 3 F-08-3 P 1-4 A 2 Part B fig 1 Request and offer assistance on how to use the telephone.

08 4 F-08-4 P 1-4 A 2 Part A fig 4; C 4-5 Request or respond to a request to speak to a particular person on
the telephone and conduct a simulated telephone conversation.
10 1 F-10-1 P 1-4 A 2 Part C figs 5-8 Request and give instructions on how to use a vending machine.

10 3 F-10-3 P 1-4 A 2 Part C figs 3-4 Make and respond to polite requests of a general nature.

13 2 F-13-2 Pt 2 Act 5 Part B figs 4-9 Request and give / deny permission.

16 2 F-16-2 Pt 2 Act 5 Part B figs 6-7 Request and give information relating to military customs and
22 1 F-22-1 Pt 2 Act 4 Part B fig 5 Request and offer assistance.


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