Grammar Level IV

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level IV

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 19 1 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figts 5-6 Add ‘s to singular nouns, irregular plural nouns not ending in “s”,
and ‘ to plural nouns ending in “s” to indicate

G 19 1 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B fig 3 REVIEW: Use possessive adjectives 'my, your, his, her, its, our,
their' and possessive pronouns 'mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs'
to express ownership.

G 19 1 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C fig 7 ; D 3, Use inseparable phrasal verbs and phrasal prepositional verbs in
yes/no and question word questions and affirmative/negative
statements and answers.

G 19 2 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A figs 5-7 Use 'may have', 'might have', and 'could have' to express
possibility about a past action or condition; use 'must have' to
express a deduction about a past action or condition; and use
'could not have' to express logical impossibility about a past

G 19 2 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 3-6; D Use the indefinite adjectives/pronouns 'few 'and 'little' to express
the absence of nearly all quantity.

G 19 2 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D fig 8 Use 'have' or 'make' + (pro)noun + bare infinitive and 'get' +
(pro)noun + to-infinitive in affirmative and negative statements,
yes/no, and information questions to express the active
causative. (I had the barber cut my hair yesterday.)

G 19 3 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5 Use an 'if'-clause, both before and after the main clause in
affirmative and negative statements and questions, plus a main
clause containing the modal 'would have' (for 95% past
possibility), 'might have' (for 50% past possibility), or 'could have'
(for past option or ability) to express a past hypothetical or
counterfactual condition.

G 19 3 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 2-3 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffix '–able' or '–ible' to
nouns or verbs to express the act of showing or having.

G 19 3 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 6-8 Use a past participle after a direct object following the verbs 'have'
and 'get' to express the passive causative. (I had/got my hair cut.)

G 19 4 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-4 Use 'wish' followed by a 'that' noun clause containing a past
perfect subjunctive verb to express regret about a past situation.

G 19 4 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 4-6 REVIEW: Use the intensifiers 'too' (expressing an excessive
degree) and 'very' (expressing a great degree) before adjectives or

G 19 4 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 4-5 Use say or tell + a past tense noun clause introduced by that (with
appropriate pronoun and/or possessive adjective changes) to
report present, present progressive, or future statements with or
without a modal.

G 19 4 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D fig 5 REVIEW: Use ask + a past tense noun clause introduced by 'if' or
whether (with appropriate pronoun and/ or possessive adjective
changes) to report present, present progressive, or future yes/no
questions with or without a modal.

G 19 4 07 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D fig 5 REVIEW: Use ask + a past tense noun clause introduced by a
question word (with appropriate pronoun and?/or possessive
adjective changes) to report present, present progressive, or future
information questions with or without a modal.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level IV

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 20 1 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 6-7 REVIEW: Use the indefinite adjective quantifiers 'many,' 'several,'
'a few,' and 'few' with count nouns; 'much,' 'a little,' and 'little' with
noncount nouns; 'some,' 'any,' 'more,' 'most,' 'enough,' 'a great
deal of,' 'a good deal of,' 'a lot of,' 'lots of,' 'plenty of,' and 'all' with
both count and noncount nouns to express quantity or amount.

G 20 1 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 5-6 REVIEW: Use 'how many/how much' to inquire about quantity or

G 20 1 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 7-8 REVIEW: Use a unit noun followed by a partitive 'of' and a
count/noncount noun to express quantity or amount.

G 20 1 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 2-3 Use the partitive 'of' after pronoun quantifiers and numbers to
express quantity or amount.

G 20 2 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-5 Use the present progressive passive to indicate a present durative
action or event.

G 20 2 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 6-8 Use the past progressive passive to indicate a past durative action
or event.

G 20 2 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use 'who else/whom else/what else' as interrogative and indefinite
pronouns to express addition or other than the persons/things
mentioned or implied; and use 'where else/when else/how
else/why else' as interrogative and indefinite adverbs to express a
different or additional time, place, or manner.

G 20 3 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 3-4 Use a passive to-infinitive or a reduced form (past participle) after
a direct object following the volitional verbs 'expect,' 'like,' 'need,'
and 'want.'

G 20 3 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A C figs 7-9 Use a passive to-infinitive as a direct object after a verb.

G 20 3 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 6-7 Use 'said' / 'told' and a past perfect 'that' noun clause ('that'
optional) to report simple past statements. Use 'asked' and a past
perfect noun clause introduced by 'if,' 'whether,' or a question-word
to report yes/no and information questions.

G 20 3 06 Pt 2 Act 3 part D figs 1-3 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes '-ive' and '-tive'
to verbs or nouns to express 'having a tendency, character, or
quality of.'

G 20 4 03 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5 REVIEW: Use the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of
the adjective/pronoun quantifiers 'little',' few,' 'less,' 'fewer,' 'the
least,' 'the fewest,' 'much,' 'many,' 'more,' and 'the most' to denote
degrees of quantity or amount.

G 20 4 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use the conjunction 'so ('that')' to introduce an adverb clause of

G 20 4 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C fig 1 Use 'as many/much' (+ optional noun) + 'as' to express equality or
inequality of amount (nouns) or degree (verbs).

G 20 4 06 Pt 3 Act 4 Part D fig 1 Use the positive, comparative, and superlative form of the adverbs
'much,' 'more,' 'the most,' 'little,' 'less,' and 'the least' to express
varying degrees.

G 21 1 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Part A fig 6; D 1- REVIEW: Use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
and adverbs to make comparisons and evaluations.

G 21 1 04 Pt 1 Act 3 L2 Part B fig 7 REVIEW: Ask questions with 'How' + adjective / adverb, and
answer with adverbs of degree.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level IV

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 21 1 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4 & 6 REVIEW: Use 'said/told' and a past perfect progressive 'that' noun
clause ('that' optional) to report past progressive statements;
'asked' and a past perfect progressive noun clause introduced by
'if/whether' to report past progressive yes/no questions; and
'asked' plus a past perfect progressive noun clause introduced by
a question-word to report past progressive question-word

G 21 2 03 Pt 1 Act 4 Part B figs 1-6 Use the conjunctions 'so … (that)' and 'such … (that)' to introduce
an adverb clause of result in affirmative statements.

G 21 2 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 8-11 Use the adverbial connectives 'therefore / thus / as a result /
consequently' to express effects or results.

G 21 2 06 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-3 Form nouns by adding the derivational suffixes '-ity / -ility' to
adjectives to express 'the quality of' or 'an example of.'

G 21 2 07 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use the present perfect passive (full and contracted forms) to
indicate an indefinite past action or event.

G 21 3 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Pt A figs 5-6;B 3- REVIEW: Use a restrictive adjective clause with 'that,' 'which,' or
'who' as subject relative pronouns; 'who,' 'whom,' 'which,' or 'that'
as object relative pronouns; and 'where' or 'when' as relative
adverbs to modify a noun/pronoun.

G 21 3 04 Omitted Part C fig 2 Use the relative adjective 'whose' in a restrictive adjective clause
to show possession.

G 21 3 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 REVIEW: Use a present gerund as the subject of a sentence,
following an anticipatory 'it' (It + BE + noun/adjective) and a non-
referential 'there' (There + BE). (to redo?)

G 21 3 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Use the past perfect passive (full and contracted forms) to indicate
an action or event occurring before another action or event in the

G 21 4 03 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A fig 4 Reduce a relative clause to a to-infinitive phrase with an optional
'for' plus a noun or pronoun.

G 21 4 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use a present active to-infinitive or a gerund as a subject

complement after BE.

G 21 4 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C fig 2 Use a present subjunctive 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) as the
object of verbs of influencing or requesting.

G 22 1 03 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A fig 5 REVIEW: Use the simple present tense to express general
statements of fact or a habitual action, and the present
progressive to express an event/action in progress.

G 22 1 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 4-6 REVIEW: Use yes/no questions to seek information.

G 22 2 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 1-2 Use a noun or noun phrase as an object complement after verbs
of choosing (optionally expanded with 'to be' or 'as').

G 22 2 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B fig 1 Reduce an adjective clause to an adjective phrase.

G 22 2 05 Pt 2 Act 4 Part C figs 1-2 Reduce an adjective clause to a prepositional phrase.

G 22 2 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Place modifiers in correct sequence before a noun.

G 22 3 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 3-4 REVIEW: Use a 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) as a direct

G 22 3 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B fig 3 Use DO (present and past forms) to show emphasis and contrast.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level IV

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 22 3 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 2-3 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes '-ful' and '-less'
to nouns to express 'full of/characterized by' and 'without'

G 22 4 03 Pt 3 Act 3 Part A fig 4 REVIEW: Use 'can' to express possibility; 'was/were going to' to
express past intention; 'be unable to' to express incapability; and
'had better' to express advisability.

G 22 4 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B Use the GET passive to refer to an action that happens to
something or someone.

G 22 4 05 Pt 2 Aact Part D figs 1-2 Use 'said/told' and a past perfect 'that' noun clause ('that' optional)
to report present perfect statements; use 'asked' and a past
perfect noun clause introduced by 'if'/whether to report yes/no
questions; and use 'asked' plus a past perfect noun clause
introduced by a question word to report information questions.

G 23 1 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 4, 6-8 Use a present/past participle as a noun modifier before a noun
headword with primary stress on the noun headword.

G 23 1 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C Part C figs REVIEW: Use affirmative question-word questions to seek

G 23 1 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 5-6 Use a present/past participle as an object complement after the
verbs 'catch/discover/find/keep/leave'.

G 23 2 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part A figs 4-5 REVIEW: Use the second person imperative, with and without a
subject, to give commands and instructions/directions.

G 23 2 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part B figs 6-7 Use the conjunctions 'when/whenever/while/after/

before/until/as/now (that)/since/as soon as' to introduce an adverb
clause of time to express an action relative in time to another

G 23 2 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use a present gerund as a noun modifier before the noun
headword with primary stress on the gerund.

G 23 3 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use prepositions of place and direction to indicate place and

G 23 3 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffix '-ern' to nouns to
express 'occurring or situated in the direction of.”

G 23 3 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Form adjectives and adverbs by adding the derivational suffix
'–ward(s)' to various stems to express 'in a spatial or temporal

G 23 3 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Use 'said/told' and a past perfect progressive 'that' noun clause
('that' optional) to report statements; 'asked' plus past perfect
progressive noun clause introduced by 'if'/whether to report yes/no
questions; and 'asked' plus a past perfect progressive noun clause
introduced by a question word to report question-word questions.

G 23 4 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 3-6 Use 'should/ought to' to express expectancy about a present/future
action or condition; use 'should have' to express expectancy about
a past action or condition.

G 23 4 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Review: Use adverbs of degree to amplify and lessen the meaning
of adjectives/adverbs.

G 23 4 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Form nouns by adding the derivational suffixes '-ance/-ence' to
verbs to express 'the act of, condition of, or quality of.'

G 24 1 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 5-6 REVIEW: Use a present active affirmative/negative gerund as a
direct object of a verb.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level IV

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 24 1 04 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 Use verbs containing the derivational suffix '-ify' to express 'to
make or become.'

G 24 1 05 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 Reduce an adverb clause of time to a modifying phrase by
omitting the subject of the clause and the BE form of the verb, or
by omitting the subject of the clause and changing the verb to the
'–ing' form.

G 24 2 03 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 6-7 REVIEW: Use a present active affirmative/negative gerund/gerund
phrase as a subject of a sentence (both pre-verb; and post-verb in
an anticipatory-it construction) and as an object of a preposition.

G 24 2 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 6-7 REVIEW: Use affirmative/negative tag-questions with rising
intonation in seeking confirmation and with falling intonation in
seeking agreement.

G 24 2 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part D figs 6-7 Use a 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) after an anticipatory-it +
adjective of importance construction.

G 24 3 03 Pt 2 Act 3 Part D figs 1-2 REVIEW: Use 'will,' 'be going to,' simple present, and present
progressive to express a future action/condition/intention.

G 24 3 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-3 REVIEW: Use an affirmative/negative to-infinitive/to-infinitive

phrase as the direct object of a verb.

G 24 3 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 4-5 After hearing or reading a past perfect (progressive) statement,
yes/no question, or question-word question in direct speech, use
'said/told' plus an affirmative/negative past perfect (progressive)
'that' noun clause ('that' optional) to report statements; 'asked' plus
a past perfect (progressive) noun clause introduced by 'if'/'whether'
to report yes/no questions; or 'asked' plus a past perfect
(progressive) noun clause introduced by a question-word to report
question-word questions.

G 24 4 03 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 REVIEW: Use the indefinite pronouns

'something/someone/somebody' in questions and affirmative
statements; 'anything/anyone/anybody' in questions and
affirmative/negative statements; and 'nothing/no one/nobody' in
affirmative statements.

G 24 4 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 1-2 Use the indefinite adverbs 'somewhere/ someplace' in questions
and affirmative statements; 'anywhere/ anyplace' in questions and
affirmative/negative statements; and 'nowhere/no place' in
affirmative statements.

G 24 4 05 Pt 2 Act 5 Part C figs 5-6 Use a bare infinitive/present participle as an object complement
after verbs of perception.

G 24 4 06 Pt 3 Act 3 Part D figs 2-3 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes '-ent/-ant' to
verbs to express 'that has, shows, or does'.

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