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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level V

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 25 1 03 Pt 4 Act 5 Part A figs 2-3 REVIEW: Join parallel structures with the coordinating
conjunctions 'and' to indicate addition; 'or' to indicate
choice/alternative; 'but' to show contrast; and introduction of 'not'
to express contradiction.

G 25 1 04 Pt 4 Act 4 Part B figs 4-5; C REVIEW: Use the correlative conjunctions 'both … and' and 'not
only … but also' to indicate addition; 'either … or' to indicate
choice/alternative; and 'neither … nor' to indicate negative
choice/addition between parallel structures.

G 25 1 05 Pt 1 Act 1 Part C fig 4 Use the subordinating conjunctions 'where/wherever' and the
adverbial compounds 'anywhere/everywhere' (+ optional 'that') to
introduce an adverb clause of place.

G 25 2 03 Pt 1 Act 4 Part B figs 1-2 Use the adverbial connectives of addition 'also', 'besides,'
'furthermore,' 'in addition,' 'moreover.'

G 25 2 04 Pt 2 Act 1 Part B figs 4-6 REVIEW: Use adverbs of time: 'already' (midsentence position in
questions/affirmative statements); 'still' (midsentence position in
questions/statements); 'yet' and 'anymore' (end position in
questions/negative statements).

G 25 2 05 Omitted Omitted REVIEW: Use the indefinite articles 'a' or 'an' to signal an
unspecified count noun; the definite article 'the' to signal (a)
particular noun(s); and introduction to use of the null article with
certain plural count nouns and certain noncount nouns.

G 25 3 03 Pt 3 Act 2 Part A fig 3 Use 'be about to' to express the immediate future.

G 25 3 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 2-3 Use an 'of'-construction to indicate possession, origin, apposition,
partition, material, and contents.

G 25 3 05 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 1 Join two independent clauses by using the coordinating
conjunctions 'so' to express result; 'yet' to express contrast, and
'nor' to express negative addition.

G 25 4 03 Pt 2 Act 2 Part B figs 5-6 Use 'always' with the present progressive to express a frequently
repeated action.

G 25 4 04 Pt 3 Act 2 Part C figs 1-2 Form nouns by adding the derivational suffix '-al' to verbs to
express 'the act or process of' (e.g., arrive / arrival).

G 25 4 05 Omitted Part C fig 3 Use a 'that' noun clause ('that' optional) as the subject of a
sentence following an anticipatory-'it' construction ('It' + verb
expressing emotional reaction + direct object), e.g., 'It amazes me
that you never complete your work on time.'

G 26 1 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part C figs 4-6 REVIEW: Use the present/ past progressive and present/past
perfect progressive to express a durative action or event.

G 26 1 05 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 3 Form nouns by adding the derivational suffix '-y' to verbs to
express 'an act or action of.'

G 26 2 03 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 13 Use the simple past tense to express an activity/situation that
began and ended at a particular time in the past, and the present
perfect to express an activity/situation in the indefinite past or one
that began in the past and continues to the present.

G 26 2 04 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 4-5 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffix '-ous' to nouns to
express 'like or full of'.

G 26 2 05 Pt 3 Act 2 Part C figs 10-11 Indicate time using prepositions of time.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level V

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 26 3 03 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C figs 1-2 Reduce an adverb clause of contrast/concession to a modifying
phrase by omitting the subject of the clause and the BE form of
the verb.

G 26 3 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C figs 3-4 Use adverbial connectives (‘however, even so, nevertheless,
nonetheless, on the other hand, regardless of that’) to express

G 26 3 05 Pt 3 Act 2 Part C fig 5 Use ‘in spite of/despite/regardless of’ + a WH-noun clause; and ‘in
spite of/despite/regardless of’ + ‘the fact’ + 'that' noun clause (‘that’
optional) to express contrast.

G 26 4 03 Pt 3 Act 2 Part C figs 3-4 Use the simple past tense to express an activity/situation that
began and ended at a particular time in the past, and the past
progressive to express a durative action/event in the past.

G 26 4 04 Pt 1 Act 1 Part C figs 1-2 Use a descriptive adjective in the appositive position in modifying
‘some-/any-/no-/every-‘ compounds.

G 26 4 05 Pt 2 Act 1 Part B figs 5-6 Use ' never/ seldom/hardly ever/scarcely ever/rarely (+ optional
‘ever’)' before the verb and after BE in affirmative sentences to
express infrequency.

G 26 4 06 Pt 2 Act 1 Part C figs 5-6 Use the intensifiers ‘barely/hardly/scarcely’ in affirmative


G 27 1 03 Pt 2 Act 2 Part A fig 7 Use ‘will’ to express present/future willingness; ‘won't’ to express
present/future refusal; and ‘wouldn't’ to express past refusal.

G 27 1 04 Pt 3 Act 1 Part C figs 3-4 Use a present participle or gerund as a noun modifier before a
noun headword, using the appropriate stress patterns (^+/ for
participle + noun; /+\ for gerund + noun)

G 27 1 05 Pt 3 Act 1 Part C figs 5-6 Use the 'verb + ing' structure as an object complement after ‘have’
+ ‘fun/a good time/trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time’;
‘spend/waste’ + expression of time; and ‘sit/stand/lie’ + expression
of place.

G 27 1 06 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 7-8 Use the subordinating conjunction ‘as’ to introduce an adverb
clause of manner.

G 27 2 03 Pt 1 Act 2 part A figs 4-5 Use BE/linking verb followed by ‘the same (as)/similar (to)/alike/
different (from)’ to express similarities and differences.

G 27 2 04 Pt 3 Act 5 Part B figs 6-7 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes ‘-ic/-ical’ to
nouns to express ‘of, like, or connected with’.

G 27 2 05 Pt 2 Act 2 Part B fig 10 Use adverbial connectives to express summation.

G 27 2 06 L4 Pt 1 Ac L3 Part A figs 6-7 Use the reciprocal pronouns ‘each other’ and ‘one another’ to
indicate a reciprocal relationship.

G 27 3 03 Pt 2 Act 5 Part A figs 3-4 Use ‘be to’ to express necessity/obligation and future.

G 27 3 04 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 3-4 Embed a question as a noun clause (subject or direct object
position) using ‘'if'/whether’ to introduce an embedded yes/no
question, and a question-word to introduce an embedded question-
word question.

G 27 3 05 Pt 1 Act 1 Part B figs 5-6 Use the -ever words

ver’) to express the idea of ‘any.’

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level V

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 27 4 03 Pt 3 Act 2 Part A figs 4-5 Use the conjunctions ‘'if'/in the event (that)/in case/unless/'if'…not’
to introduce an adverb clause of condition and to express

G 27 4 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part C fig 2 Use the conjunctions ‘'if'/provided (that)/providing

(that)/unless/'if'…not’ to introduce an adverb clause of condition to
express condition/provisionality.

G 27 4 06 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C fig 1 REVIEW: Use the conjunctions ‘because/since/now (that)’ to

introduce an adverb clause of cause/reason.

G 28 1 03 Pt 3 Act 2 Part B figs 4-5 MODAL REVIEW: Use the following modal auxiliaries to denote
present or future time: ‘can’ to express ability; ‘may/might’ to
express possibility; ‘should/ought to’ to express advisability;
‘should/ought to’ to express expectation; ‘must’ to express
probability; ‘must/have to’ to express necessity; ‘must not’ to
express prohibition; ‘not have to’ to express lack of necessity;
‘can/may’ to express permission; and ‘could/would/will’ to make a
polite request.

G 28 1 04 Pt 2 Act 2 part B figs 4-5 Reduce an infinitive phrase after verbs that take infinitive objects
or after adjectives following BE.

G 28 1 05 Pt 2 Act 2 Part A figs 6-7 Use an adverb or noun phrase + ‘a(n)’ + time word as an adverbial
expressing frequency.

G 28 1 06 Pt 3 Act 3 part C figs 6-7 Form concrete nouns by adding the derivational suffix ‘-ist’ to
various stems to express ‘one who practices or believes in.’

G 28 2 03 Pt 1 Act 2 Part C fig 1 Use adverbial connectives to indicate a time sequence/series of


G 28 2 04 Pt 3 Act 5 Part B fig 5 Form verbs by adding the derivational suffix ‘-ize’ to
nouns/adjectives to express ‘make or cause to be.’

G 28 2 05 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C figs 2-5 Use the future perfect to indicate an activity that will be completed
prior to another event in the future.

G 28 2 06 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C figs 2-5 Use the future perfect progressive to indicate the duration of an
activity that will be in progress prior to another event in the future
and review the future progressive

G 28 3 03 Pt 3 Act 2 Part A figs 5-6 REVIEW: Use the conjunction ‘'if'’ to introduce present real and
present/past unreal conditional clauses.

G 28 3 04 Pt 1 Act 2 Part A figs 3-4 REVIEW: Form nouns by adding the derivational suffixes ‘-er/-or/-
ion/-tion/-sion/-ment/-ance/-ence/-al/-y’ to verbs and ‘-ity/-ness/-ist’
to adjectives and other nouns.

G 28 3 05 Pt 3 Act 1 Part C fig 3 Use a nonrestrictive adjective clause to add information to

statements using commas and the relative pronouns 'who, which,
whom, where' and 'when' in order to describe a noun in either the
subject position or object position.

G 28 4 03 Pt 2 Act 2 Part A figs 4-5 REVIEW: Use negative statements, full and contracted forms, to
express negation.

G 28 4 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 3-4 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffix ‘-like’ to nouns to
express ‘resembling or characteristic of.’

G 28 4 05 Pt 3 Act 1 Part B figs 5-6 Reduce an adverb clause of reason/result introduced by 'because'
to a present/perfect participial phrase.

G 29 1 03 Pt 1 Act 1 Part A figs 2-3 REVIEW: Use ‘have/make/get’ in active and passive causative

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level V

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 29 1 04 Pt 1 Act 4 Part C figs 1-2 Use adverbials denoting a definite time, duration, and frequency to
express time.

G 29 1 05 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 3-4 REVIEW: Form verbs by adding the derivational suffixes ‘-en’ to
adjectives and ‘-ify/-ize’ to nouns and adjectives.

G 29 2 03 Pt 2 Act 4 Part A figs 4-5 Use the verb ‘go’ followed by a gerund.

G 29 2 04 Pt 1 Act 3 Part B figs 3-5 Use an adjective-preposition combination (after the verb BE) when
a noun/gerund functions as the object.

G 29 2 05 Pt 3 Act 3 Part C figs 1-3 Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes ‘-al/-ial’ to
nouns to express ‘of, relating to, or characterized by’.

G 29 3 03 Pt 1 Act 2 Part A figs 5-6 REVIEW: Use a noun/pronoun as a direct object followed by a to-

G 29 3 04 Pt 2 Act 3 Part B figs 4-7 REVIEW: Report a statement, yes/no question, or question-word
question (main verb in simple past tense) using the formal
sequence of tenses in the noun clause.

G 29 4 03 Pt 2 Act 1 Part A figs 3-5 Form adverbs by adding the derivational suffix ‘-ly’ to adjectives to
express ‘in a manner or to an extent.’

G 29 4 04 pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 5-6 Use ‘by’ to denote means and ‘with/without’ to denote instrument
to express how something is done.

G 29 4 05 Pt 2 Act 2 Part C figs 1-3 MODAL REVIEW: Use the following modal auxiliaries to denote
past time: ‘could have’ to express unfulfilled/missed opportunity;
‘could have/may have/might have’ to express possibility; ‘should
have/ought to have’ to express advisability; and ‘must have’ to
express probability/deduction.

G 30 1 03 Pt 3 Act 1 Part A figs 3-4 Transform a sentence with a to-infinitive/gerund subject into an
equivalent sentence using the to-infinitive/gerund subject in an
anticipatory-‘it’ construction.

G 30 1 04 Pt 3 Act 2 Part B figs 3-5 Use adverbs/adverbial phrases of time, place, and manner at the
end of sentences in this sequence: manner, place, time.

G 30 1 05 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 6-7 Transform a sentence with a ‘that’ noun clause (‘that’ optional) as
the subject in an anticipatory-‘it’ construction into an equivalent
sentence using the 'that' noun clause as the subject in a pre-verb

G 30 1 06 Pt 2 Act 1 Part A figs 7-8 Use a 'that' noun clause (‘that’ optional) as a complement following

G 30 2 03 Pt 1 Act 1 Part A figs 3-4 Use ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘where,’ ‘which,’ or ‘how’ followed by a to-
infinitive as the direct object after a verb.

G 30 2 04 Pt 2 Act 1 Part B figs 5-6 Use the reduction ‘but not’ and the phrase ‘rather than’ to indicate

G 30 2 05 Pt 3 Act 1 Part C figs 1-2 Reduce a nonrestrictive adjective clause to a nonrestrictive

appositive in the medial or final position.

G 30 3 03 Pt 3 Act 1 Part A fig 4 Make a suggestion starting with ‘Shall I’ or ‘Shall we’ in a yes/no

G 30 3 04 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 5-6 REVIEW: Form adjectives by adding the derivational suffixes ‘-y/-
ly/-ful/-less/-eRN/-ous/-ic/-ical/-ish/-like/-al/-ar/-ary’ to nouns; ‘-ent/-
ant’ to verbs; ‘-able/-ible/-ive/-tive/-ative’ to verbs and nouns; and ‘-
ward’ to various stems.

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Grammar Objectives in ALC Level V

Type No Ltr Bk Lsn Obj CBT LLA / HW Objective Text
G 30 3 05 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 7-8 Select the singular or plural verb form for a sentence with an
indefinite adjective/pronoun subject or a compound subject."

G 30 4 03 Pt 2 Act 2 Part A figs 5-6 Use a perfect active/passive gerund or infinitive to indicate an
action or state occurring before another action or state.

G 30 4 04 Pt 1 Act 1 Part B figs 6-7 Use ‘the’ + descriptive adjective in a noun position to refer to
people and ideas that have the adjectival quality.

G 30 4 05 Pt 1 Act 2 Part B figs 8-9 REVIEW: Use the correct pronoun and possessive adjective
agreement with nouns and indefinite pronouns.

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